Duchess of Cambridge vk. The whole truth about Kate Middleton's third pregnancy: why Prince William didn't want another child. Not a closed school

The Duchess of Cambridge in London, March 7, 2018

Birth of a baby - a big joy and a serious test, especially when we're talking about about members of the royal family. Immediately after the official announcement of Kate's pregnancy appeared in September last year, many royal observers began to speculate that this time the Duchess would not go to a professional hospital, but, on the contrary, would seriously consider the possibility of giving birth at home.

Why? The thing is, since Prince George and Princess Charlotte were born at St. Mary's Hospital in London, Her Ladyship is well aware of how exhausting it can be to appear for the first time with a baby in front of a crowd of journalists, photographers and fans, not to mention the waste of time and energy on to get yourself in order. After the birth of George, the Duchess of Cambridge neglected her hair and makeup, as a result of which she received not the most successful photographs in the press. For the second time, Catherine took into account her past mistakes and appeared before reporters in heels and with perfect hair (read also: “The harsh style lessons that Kate Middleton learned in her marriage to Prince William”). In addition, crowds of people and a regime of enhanced security significantly disrupt the usual operating hours of the hospital.

The Duchess leaving the hospital in 2013...

...and in 2015

As columnists recalled, many members of the royal family traditionally prefer home births. In particular, all the heirs of Elizabeth II were born in Buckingham Palace.

However, now the Duchess is still inclined to give birth in a special institution. According to the press, a special ward has already been prepared in the Lindo wing of St. Mary's Hospital, a team of doctors and nurses has undergone special instructions, and everyone is “just waiting for the baby to arrive.” As specified, the Duchess had extremely positive impressions after giving birth to her son and daughter in this establishment. “This is her number one choice. She knows the medical team and believes she will be in good hands,” the insider said.

Today, the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day in a big way and members of the royal family join the celebrations. The traditional parade of the First Battalion of the Irish Guards took place in London Hounslow with the shamrock being presented to the officers personally by the Duchess of Cambridge.

350 soldiers entered the parade square in front of the cavalry barracks, led by the battalion's mascot, an Irish wolfhound named Donnell. Her Ladyship, with a sweet smile, handed the officers bouquets of shamrocks, which were passed further along the ranks. The parade ended with a march and salute, which was received by Prince William.

Usually, when appearing at the annual parade, Duchess Catherine chooses outfits in shades of dark green, or brown and green. This time she was almost head to toe in emerald green - a Catherine Walker coat, a Gina Foster Meribel hat of the same color, earrings from her favorite brand Kiki McDonough, and Tod’s shoes. It's not much warmer in London today than in Moscow, so Kate warmed up with a Troy London faux fur collar and cuffs.

By the way, we have already seen this coat and this hat on Katherine earlier. Kate basked in emerald green Catherine Walker during the royal couple's visit to Stockholm in January 2018. And the hat has already witnessed the distribution of shamrock bouquets on March 17, 2014.

Catherine of Cambridge on St. Day Patrick in 2014

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge during their visit to Sweden, January 30, 2018

The tradition of presenting shamrocks to members of the Royal Family of the Irish Guard dates back to 1902, initiated by Queen Alexandra, the grandmother of the current Queen. Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) observed it until her death, with the exception of the war years. And after the death of the dowager queen, she took over the mission royal princess Anna.

The Duchess of Cambridge took over the honor of presenting the shamrocks in 2012, replacing Princess Anne. And here, as they say, “I took up the tug...” In 2016, Her Ladyship skipped the ceremony, preferring to spend time with the children - Prince William handed out bouquets. Kate’s “truancy” became the topic of heated discussion in the press, the duchess was accused of neglecting her representative duties, the guards were very disappointed and even Elizabeth II, according to some sources, was very dissatisfied. Kate learned her lesson perfectly, and now even the 8th month of pregnancy was not a reason to miss the event.

We are used to the fact that members of the royal family always look perfect in public. Take, for example, the Duchess of Cambridge, who always appears in public in elegant outfits appropriate for the place and event, and with a dazzling smile!

But Kate is a living person like us. She has her problems too Bad mood or even simple fatigue. Unfortunately, she has to hide it, as paparazzi follow her every move.

Today we have made a selection of priceless shots of the beautiful duchess. Kate, we love you anyway!

“When will we go home?”

"It's going to be a very long day."

"We spend too much time together."

“What’s for dinner today?”

“Oh, someone’s going to get it now...”

“William, are we sure we need a third?”

“I wonder what’s on TV now?”

“What are you saying?”

“It's time to relax. I can afford it!"

“And what did she put on herself?”

"We're losing, Wil, do something!"

Oh that look...

“Where-where will I sit?”

“Not this!”

“One more sip and you’ll carry me home, William.”

Even this sweet duchess’s facial expressions are impeccable! We think the queen is infinitely pleased with her grandson's choice.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge may be members of the royal family, but for their children, they are just dad and mom. Therefore, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are being raised as ordinary children. The twenty-first century dictates its terms and William and Kate are trying to be modern parents. Here are 12 points they follow as they try to raise George and Charlotte with the times.

“Yes” to gadgets

No matter how this was greeted by the public, who condemn such early contact of children with technology, even The Royal Family uses gadgets as a distraction.

Prince William admitted in one of his interviews that their children watch a lot of children's entertainment and educational programs. Prince George used to be crazy about Peppa Pig, but now he's switched to Fireman Sam.

Moreover, like all children, the prince and princess expect that mom and dad will also be interested in the ups and downs of cartoon characters, and are offended if dad doesn’t know who Chloe Peppa Pig is.

Joint work

Duchess Catherine has a BA in Art History, so it's no surprise that she wants to pass on her love of art to her children. Kate works a lot with children and there are even rumors that she sews clothes for little Charlotte herself.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte, under the guidance of their mother, made gifts for their great-grandmother the Queen on her 91st birthday.

Sometimes these activities end up with rubbish scattered everywhere and glue and paint splattered, but Kate and William don't seem to mind.

Katherine often cooks goodies with her children. So, at a meeting at a school in Luton, students gave her a gift chocolate cake. Kate liked the gift and commented:

“When I try to make this at home with George, chocolate and treacle end up everywhere but in the cake.”

Culture for children

William and Kate and their children often go to the Natural History Museum in London and try to visit all the new exhibitions. Prince George especially likes sculptures.

Yes, the future king has been visiting museums since childhood, but don’t worry - he’s just like a child! He is more interested in the pigeons in the square in front of the museum than in any of the exhibits inside.

Their home is open to everyone

The Duke and Duchess are always friendly to fans, they live in the center of London, not in the countryside, their children go to regular school and kindergarten.

To become more open to people themselves and to convey the idea of ​​​​this openness to society, William, Kate and Harry are the creators and leaders of the mental health program.

Prince William commented on the launch of this program:

“Catherine and I want our children to grow up to be as open and friendly as possible, so that they can openly talk about their feelings and experiences and not think that it is shameful.”

Okay, Google!

Like any young mother, Katherine knew nothing about motherhood. And like all modern young mothers, she certainly turned to the World Wide Web to find out answers to questions that arose.

“Why doesn’t the child sleep at night?”

“How to warm up a bottle?”

All these questions worried the young mother just like millions of women who became mothers, each at one time.

Duchess Kate admitted that she communicated on the forum with other mothers using a pseudonym.

Not a closed school

Everyone, absolutely all the heirs to the throne went to closed schools, boarding houses for boys or girls with accommodation. But not Prince George or Princess Charlotte!