Aquarius horoscope for the month of April. Work horoscope and financial well-being

The financial horoscope for April 2018 for Aquarius says that you should not expect money to come to you on its own. It is worth saying that people who want to live without denying themselves anything must work hard to achieve what they want. It is these people who will be able to save enough money to invest it in something worthwhile or spend it on a big purchase. However, you don’t need to part with your money right away. It is best to give yourself time to think things through and choose those areas that are most in need of funding.

Astronomically, in 2018 the planets will be in an unusual position. The friendly interweaving of energies will create favorable conditions for financial success for all signs at once. The main thing is to understand in time exactly at what moment you need to grab the bird of happiness by the tail! In more detailed description each sign, you can find recommendations on which signals to pay attention to. Here you will find. By the way, this year it is profitable to sell real estate, cars, and any product in general, since the financial year 2018 will contribute to this. Money horoscope for April 2018 for Aquarius, see below.

Money horoscope for April 2018 - Aquarius

Financial horoscope for April 2018 for Aquarius

Aquarians feel like they work too much and don't get paid enough. Maybe so. But, oddly enough, Aquarius themselves are to blame for this. In April they will try to do many things and be successful everywhere. But is this good idea, when it is difficult to show the quality of your work, because there is not so much time in the day for everything that Aquarius has planned. The financial horoscope for April 2018 warns absent-minded representatives of the sign that if they do not change their behavior and pull themselves together, the consequences for their wallet will be disappointing. Life will teach a lesson to those individuals who try to achieve success by choosing the easy path. Aquarians have enough strength to cope with all problems without choosing workarounds. Show everyone what potential you have. The financial horoscope for April 2018 promises that Aquarius will have enough enthusiasm to find a new permanent source of additional income. If you look at the situation from the other side, you can quickly expand your horizons and boundaries of influence. If Aquarius wants change, then they must understand that everything is in their hands. Need to more money? Take action.

How can an Aquarius get the maximum profit from the financial horoscope for 2018?

The stars advise you to cheer up a little. Try to more closely control what is happening. Perhaps the situation will be maximally conducive to career growth, but you will need to declare yourself at the right time. For example, Aquarius may hear some dialogue in which they will discuss something in which Aquarius is a professional. And here we need to take the initiative. Join the dialogue and tell about yourself, which will lead to a promotion in your career, or they will be hired for a good position in another organization. Also, there are a number mandatory conditions, which will help Aquarius succeed more than ever in 2018, because cash flows will be the strongest: Do not drink alcohol on Sunday Do not quarrel with relatives (especially parents). Do not speed, as in 2018 the big race for money puts the lives of drivers at risk. You cannot overeat, otherwise the chakras through which the energy of the cosmos passes will be inactive and the energy cash flows will pass by. It is recommended to wear clothes in yellow shades, giving a signal to fate that Aquarius is ready to meet success.

The month of April will bring Aquarius a successful resolution of all accumulated problems. As the horoscope for April 2017 advises, Aquarius must maintain restraint. There is no need to rush, the circumstances of the month will play into your hands. Aquarians will be incredibly confident and full of energy. This will awaken in the representatives of the sign the desire to go on a journey. Whether it is related to work issues or for leisure purposes, it does not matter; do not miss this opportunity to unwind and get pleasant impressions.

The month will bring Aquarius many new interesting acquaintances and meetings. The people around you will push you to decisive action. Listen carefully to the advice of older generations. The period will bring the opportunity to resolve all unresolved issues, set priorities and chart a new course of movement.

You should not make rash decisions in the first half of the month; you should not rush to sign important documents and start a business.


The Aquarius horoscope for April 2017 promises that no health problems are expected. You will have to be careful when traveling and driving; now the likelihood of road accidents is increasing.

Add variety to your diet. Don’t forget about vitamins, don’t exhaust your body with strict diets, and don’t cut calories. Proper balanced nutrition will be much healthier.


In the professional sphere, the month will be quite successful. Circumstances will develop in the most favorable way to resolve problems, this will help strengthen your reputation. Now you can make new connections, because you make a great impression on people. Avoid getting into arguments with colleagues.

Advice from experienced people will be very useful for you and will help you cope with problems.

The main task of Aquarius in April is to actively work on current tasks without losing the intended course. The first fruits of hard work will not keep you waiting and will motivate representatives of the sign to even greater achievements.


The horoscope for Aquarius for April 2017 recommends focusing on your job duties, not paying attention to financial difficulties. Patience and hard work will definitely bear fruit by the middle of the month. This situation will push Aquarius to even more active actions and searching for new sources of income. Such searches will be crowned with success.

Difficulties may arise for representatives of businesses related to transport, trade, finance, and beauty.

The second half of the month will bring professional development. Business trips and advanced training courses are likely, followed by an increase in financial well-being. You can even save money. The end of the month is favorable for opening deposits.


IN family relationships For Aquarius, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible. After reading love horoscope as of April 2017, Aquarius should try not to go too far, not to put pressure on the partner and not to try to change him. Take a better look at transforming your home. The month is good for getting rid of unnecessary junk and making minor cosmetic repairs. Let your renovated home be open to friends and family members, to good traditions. This will help strengthen relationships and maintain harmony in them.

Free Aquarians will be overwhelmed by a wave of romance, or even promiscuous relationships. Moreover, there is a chance that such a connection will develop into something more. Rely on the voice of your heart.

Aquarius - man

Meetings, trips, projects, business trips - the Aquarius man in April cannot be called a homebody. The month promises to be productive and successful in your career. You have enough experience, knowledge and assertiveness, but do not dismiss the help of trusted colleagues and experienced people.

As advised family signs Horoscope for April 2017, Aquarius - a man should pay more attention to his family. But don’t lock yourself within four walls either. Active sports will give you the energy you need. Beware of stress and overwork at work, rest often.

Avoid conflicts in your team. Now you are respected and popular, maintain your reputation.

Aquarius - woman

In April, the Aquarius woman will have a journey that will bring with it a variety of acquaintances, quite possibly even a meeting with the man of her dreams. Its consequences will be unpredictable, it could be like light novel, and serious relationships!

There is no point in lending money now. Approach your work responsibilities conscientiously and become part of the team. This strategy will help you achieve excellent results and establish yourself well.

In April 2018, Aquarius will experience interesting meetings and new acquaintances. If you are single, a new relationship may be born based on similarities of thought and common intellectual interests.

Since the Sun, the ruler of your partner’s house of Aquarius, remains in your house of communications until April 20, 2018, communication will play a special role in the relationship. Conversations on various topics, exchange of opinions and ideas makes love affair deeper, evokes desire and gives an unforgettable experience.

The planet of love and harmony Venus until April 24, 2018 is located in the family sector, its influence in a positive way will affect family relationships. Venus promises peace and tranquility in your home. This is a good time to receive guests and hold family celebrations.

If your relationship is in the formative phase, you can talk to your loved one about starting a family or decide to live together. Those who already have a significant other can discuss building a house, buying real estate, renovating or other things that will make life more comfortable and enjoyable.

Aquarius career and financial horoscope for April 2018

Jupiter is a great benefactor of the Zodiac, located in the career sector, which predisposes to professional success And money luck in April 2018. This is one of those times of year when Jupiter's promises come true, bringing achievements that you can be proud of.

This month is characterized by the relationship between work and family or personal relationships. Relatives or a lover can help resolve work issues. if you have family business, things will develop successfully.

In addition, the Sun and Mercury maximize your intellectual potential, help you work with information and bring amazing ideas. The time is favorable for study, interviews, negotiations, and travel.

Just remember that not everyone will be happy about your success, and some will try to get in your way. Be more attentive to your surroundings in order to notice ill-wishers in time and fight them back.

In terms of finances, the month is not bad. Neptune in the house of money in Aquarius forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in the house of career, so there is an opportunity to make good money. However, you should not expect profit from risky transactions and financial adventures; instead of benefits, they will only bring disappointment. The stars advise you to rely only on the money that comes through honest work.


Health issues will require more attention as the position of Saturn and Mars in the twelfth house of Aquarius means some risks. The influence of the planets can be expressed in the exacerbation of existing diseases or the emergence of new ones, as well as in a feeling of fatigue. This will be especially noticeable in the first ten days of April.

Gradually, your health will improve, and in the second half of the month you will feel a surge of strength. Will bring many health benefits wellness treatments, physical activity. Aesthetic experiences, music and art will help balance the flow of vital energy.

Learn something new, draw, make something with your own hands!

April will be a real test for Aquarius, but after passing it, he will again learn how good life can be. As the horoscope for April 2018 predicts, Aquarius may be preparing to travel to unpredictable, unexplored places. The trip will be quite successful and will bring a lot of interesting, useful experience and unforgettable impressions.

This month Aquarius will meet people who will become true friends for him. Be tactful in communication; if the interlocutor is more knowledgeable on a certain topic, do not interrupt or argue with him.

Don't put your dreams on the back burner. To make the implementation of your goals most effective, make a list of actions and confidently move towards the top.

The second half of April will be devoted to home and family, issues related to the future of the family.

It is likely that in the life of the representatives of the sign there will be some kind of secret, carefully protected from prying eyes. Watch what you say and to whom; unintentionally dropped words in a conversation can reveal you.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29.

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30.


Aquarius will greet April 2018 with an active good health. But traumatic situations and accidents cannot be ruled out. So be careful on the roads and in in public places, as well as when handling piercing and cutting objects. Particular care must be taken in the first half of the month.

It is not recommended to carry out this month complex operations. Daily walking to work instead of the usual commute will have a positive effect on health and well-being. public transport. No need to be lazy, walk more, play sports, lead an active lifestyle.


The Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 predicts a high leap in career for representatives of the sign. But provided that you are careful and take into account the unfavorable time of the month (before April 15). This sign will deal with a lot of information. Be careful when signing documents. It is not recommended to take unnecessary risks, as you can ruin your reputation and lose the respect of your colleagues.

The month foreshadows a promotion. But you should be careful: the enemies are not asleep, and someone will definitely want to take revenge.

Career growth will noticeably accelerate if Aquarius adheres to the team principle this month. If there is no such opportunity at work, you can discuss work problems with a close friend.


No deviations from the norm are expected for Aquarius this month. Money will flow in at the usual pace, no significant waste is expected.

If financial problems arise, there will be as much money as needed. If necessary financial aid will certainly come from completely unexpected sources.

After the 7th, income will increase, bonuses, additional profits or sudden luck of a monetary nature are possible.


As the love horoscope for April 2018 recommends, Aquarius should spend more time at home; this month the family nest will be filled with special comfort and atmosphere.

Family Aquarians should be more compliant and compromise more often. Share all household responsibilities with your spouse, otherwise the grievances accumulated from fatigue will begin to undermine the relationship.

Many representatives of the sign will have problems with relatives. In one scenario, they will need your help and support, in the other, a quarrel is likely.

For single Aquarius, it's time to think about their future. In general, this year is the most favorable for the sign of Aquarius in finding a soul mate, so you should think about family. If Aquarius meets a person with whom he decides to connect his fate, he should tell him the seriousness of his intentions. But restrain your temperament, do not limit the freedom of your chosen one.

New love adventures await Aquarius who are not yet burdened with relationships. They will be overwhelmed by the feeling. Aquarians will be extremely gentle and caring.

Aquarius - man

As the horoscope for April 2018 recommends, an Aquarius man should take care of the housework. Now all the problems will come out, everything that requires repair.

Single Aquarius - a man should take a break and think about his future. Think about your future career development and the steps you need to take to achieve this.

Should be given Special attention your parents. Communication with the older generation will now be especially warm and mutually beneficial.

Aquarius - woman

As the horoscope for April 2018 advises, an Aquarius woman should pay more attention to her family. Share your daily household responsibilities with your spouse. You can allow yourself to laze around a little, but don’t get carried away. If you overdo it, your significant other will be offended for a long time.

Lovers can get into a secret adventure, traveling far from home. It will be unpredictable, but will end happily. Perhaps even a wedding.

If you have never had measles or chickenpox, be careful.

We present to your attention the Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 (♒) - health, work and finances, love and family. Can we expect that the plans will be fulfilled? Will luck and success accompany you during this month? Our astrological forecast will tell you about all this and much more!

The stars have aligned well, and your heavenly patrons- Saturn and Uranus are ready to open the door to a world of brilliant prospects and almost limitless possibilities! The Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 states that this is a favorable time for travel and promising acquaintances for representatives of your zodiac sign. You will get a chance to learn new skills that will be useful in later life and, perhaps, will help you get a more prestigious profession.

But between everyday activities, one should not forget about innocent entertainment. Moreover, in April you will have a suitable reason for this - April Fool's Day, which falls on the 1st of the month. You don’t even have to prepare a few jokes and pranks in advance, because your improvisation abilities are well developed. This quality is generally inherent in all representatives of the Air element, and Aquarius in particular.

However, excessive emotionality can serve you badly. In accordance with the horoscope for the Aquarius zodiac sign for April 2018, you should carefully control yourself when communicating with colleagues and superiors. Excessive temper or, on the contrary, excessive frankness is contraindicated for you now. Try to keep your distance and not get too close to the people you work with.

Lucky numbers for Aquarius in April 2018: 8, 12, 15, 23, 27, 29.

Unlucky numbers for Aquarius in April 2018: 4, 14, 24.

Love horoscope and family life

Aquarius, unencumbered family ties , if you are dating a representative of the opposite sex, then you should be prepared for a showdown. Particular caution should be exercised on the 14th and 24th, when Mars enters an unfavorable aspect with Saturn. These days, any accidentally thrown rude word can become a reason for a scandal. However, if a quarrel does occur, it will certainly not be protracted!

The Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 advises not to demand more from your partner than he is capable of giving. By accepting your loved one as he is, you will form a stronger foundation for the further development of the relationship. And attempts to remake your beloved man (or woman) to suit yourself will not lead to anything good.

Family Aquarius- in April you will be possessed by the desire for freedom, which is unlikely to please your soulmate. As a compromise solution, try to get yourself interesting hobby, corresponding to the impulses of your creative and romantic nature. As the horoscope for Aquarius for April 2018 shows, this month you will have a chance to unwind, change your surroundings, and experience a renewal of feelings.

This month you should pay more attention to raising your growing offspring and household chores. If you give preference to career issues, then your loved ones may decide that work is more important to you than anything else. So remember to strike a healthy balance! In addition, the Aquarius horoscope for April 2018 warns you against excessive exertion - find time to rest so as not to exhaust your energy too quickly.

Money, work, career prospects

The stars predict that in April many Aquarians will hit a substantial jackpot! Yours financial success They may well become the envy of others, so don’t forget to buy a solid safe, get an alarm system and a feisty guard dog. Well, speaking seriously, it’s enough just not to talk about your achievements so as not to attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

Aquarius employees, representatives of your zodiac sign now have good prospects for career growth. As the horoscope for Aquarius for April 2018 says, you now need to be on your guard so as not to miss your chance. It is likely that it will not be your immediate boss who will pay attention to you, but someone from higher management. The stars also say that a number of serious changes and transformations are possible in your work.

Aquarius entrepreneurs, this month you will not be able to afford even the slightest delay! Any delay will cost you lost profits or lost customers who may be lured away by more enterprising competitors. However, if you are alert and make every effort, you can make a good amount of money within a month! This money is enough for further development business and a well-deserved vacation in an exotic country.

Aquarius health horoscope for April 2018

The first thing you need to do this month is to saturate your body with vitamins. If fresh vegetables and fruits are in short supply, then a multivitamin complex from the pharmacy will do. You can also take immune-boosting medications. But from taking antibiotics and other potent medical supplies It is advisable to abstain if possible - there is a danger of an allergic reaction.