Fortune telling on playing cards training. How to learn to guess on ordinary cards

In childhood, girls are very fond of guessing. Firstly, this process always looks very interesting and mystical. And secondly, everyone wants to know what will happen in the future. At the same time, they often wonder how about Everyday life, as well as about romantic relationship and important events. Women want to get advice or a special sign, resorting to divination. Of course, the cards cannot tell you the right thing to do or what to do, but many girls believe that they suggest a solution in difficult situations. You can learn how to learn to read tarot cards or ordinary playing cards. The main thing is to master the basic layouts and understand how the result should be interpreted. A few tips:

  • it is not recommended to use the decks that you took to play;
  • it is best to buy several new ones with multi-colored shirts to use for separate layouts;
  • keep fortune-telling decks in a place where other people will not take them;
  • are also advised to treat them with respect, so they should be kept in separate place;
  • do not use them very often, but only in really important cases.
If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on ordinary cards, then before starting, formulate a question that interests you. Fortune-telling for another person, look at his photo or imagine his face.

Learn to guess on simple cards - step by step instructions

1. First you need to master the basic layouts. Below are a few of them. 2. Then shuffle the deck and do the divination itself. 3. Look carefully at the result, depending on fortune telling, pay attention to certain groups of cards. 4. Using the descriptions for each individual one, decipher the meaning. Fan layout This option is best suited for questions about career, fate or love. 1. You need to think about the person and determine the right card for him. If you are guessing for a boyfriend or husband, just imagine the king of the red suit. 2. Now take the deck, mix it thoroughly. 3. Then you should fan out the first three cards in front of you. 4. Place the next three under the first. 5. Lay out such triples until you get the hidden card. 6. As soon as you see your "king", lay another row below him. 7. Now you need to correctly interpret the result. The cards located near the one you have made indicate the present. The ones on top are the future, and the ones on the bottom show you the past.
Layout "15"
  • think of a person;
  • shuffle the deck well;
  • then take 15 any cards and lay them out in front of you;
  • you need to make 5 equal piles;
  • the first stack shows the present tense;
  • the second determines the personal life of the conceived person, his family condition;
  • the third denotes relationships with friends;
  • the fourth will show the main dreams and goals in his life;
  • the fifth will demonstrate the future, perhaps there will be some advice or warnings;
  • now you need to take a close look at the result by putting a value on each of the stacks.
You can learn to read cards for free, video and step by step instructions will help you to quickly deal with this task. Do everything carefully, following each step. Once you have mastered the basic unfolding options, move on to labeling the results. You need to interpret them according to suit and order.

Card meanings

The suit "worms" is considered love, and "cross" - business. In addition, each card has its own meaning. Sixes basically mean the road, sevens - conversations, eights - meetings, nines - love, tens - goals and dreams. Volts most often show problems or various chores, ladies - lovers or married women, kings - married or divorced men, ace demonstrates home or important business and news. At the same time, for the “baptize” suit, most of these values ​​\u200b\u200bare associated precisely with business life, that is, sixes are not just a road, but a business trip. At the same time, sevens and eights determine business meetings, and tens determine profits. Queens and kings are business partners or colleagues, and an ace is some business. "Tambourines" mean more joyful options - a close road, love, important news. But "Peak", on the contrary, demonstrates bad situations - a long journey, disappointment, enemies and failure. You can also see a more detailed value for each specific suit. Now you know how to make basic layouts and interpret the cards that have fallen. When a friend comes to you with the words: “I want to learn how to read cards,” you can easily teach her using these step-by-step instructions.

Video: how to learn to read cards

They say that in order to guess on the cards, you need a special talent - “connection with subtle world". This is partly true, in fortune-telling you always need to rely on your intuition, otherwise you can’t figure it out with interpretations. But the appeal to a regular deck of 36 cards is very simple. There are even special fortune-telling designed for non-specialists: you mentally ask a question, pull out one card from the deck and look at its value.

To get a detailed answer to your question or predict the future, you need fortune-telling with layouts. There are a great many layouts, and in some of them they will not be the same as usual. Guessing on the cards is according to the rules that are more suitable for your temperament. Consult the handbook, practice as often as possible, and you will select your most suitable layout, learn the meanings by heart.

But guessing on Tarot cards is worth it on your own, unless you are going to devote part of your life to them. Some of the Tarot decks are even able to independently influence the fate of their owner, and in order to interpret their meanings, one must get acquainted with astrology, runes, medicinal plants, mythology, etc. But this deck can say even more than you would like to know.

Never ask cards the same question in a row if their answer did not satisfy you the first time. It is better to repeat fortune-telling the next day.

14.06.2014, 20:23



Before starting divination on playing cards, the main thing to do is to learn the meaning of each card, which we will talk about right now. And so, the cards from the playing deck have the following meaning, if you take each of them separately:

The value of playing cards in divination

Suit of WORMS (suit of love):
6 worms - a pleasant, hazard-free trip, most likely of a recreational nature or earlier in the day;
7 worms - a good meeting, a date with a nice person, a call from an old friend or a love message; sometimes - meaningless conversation;
8 worms - a pleasant conversation, maybe compliments; fortune-telling on playing cards implies several more options for interpreting this card, for example - a little money received, despite the fact that a lot of effort was expended;
9 worms - a joyful love date, love as such; paired with kings, volts or ladies - a person in love with you;
10 worms - your hope; or interest directed from someone to you;
Jack of hearts - minor problems, burdensome chores;
Lady of worms - for a woman - a friend, for a man - a lover, if the alignment is not for love or relationships - the mother of the questioner (s);
The King of Hearts is either a married or divorced man.
Ace of hearts - a happy home, warm family hearth, gathering with the whole family, happiness in the family circle.

Suit of DIAMONDS (suit of money):
6 diamonds - fortune-telling on playing cards always interprets this card in the same way - the road you will go on in the near future;
7 diamonds - money meeting or date, main theme which will have some monetary interest.
8 diamonds - a kind of serious conversation, a conversation that does not allow jokes and frivolity conversation;
9 diamonds - the love of a person who previously or in this moment was not (is not) married;
10 diamonds - aspirations, interests, hopes;
Jack of diamonds - important chores, problems to be solved;
Lady of diamonds - a young friend, a young beloved, when divining on the king of hearts - a lover or in love with him adult woman; if a certain monetary interest is specified, then fortune-telling on playing cards says that this is - rich woman, or a faithful business partner; sometimes - a faithful wife-mistress;
king of diamonds - unmarried man, or the son of a woman or man on whom fortune-telling is carried out.
Ace of diamonds - money, and big, serious money interests, sometimes - new money projects.

Suit of CLUBS (suit of business and affairs):
6 clubs - business trip, business trip;
7 clubs - negotiations, business meetings, serious conversations about business;
8 clubs - talk about work, business;
9 clubs - friendship, unrequited love, nevertheless, bringing joy;
10 clubs - a serious profit, income received as a result of hard work, sure earnings;
Jack of clubs - colleagues, worries, chores at work;
Lady of clubs - a woman who is not in love with you - for a man, for a woman - a relative, less often for both - a colleague;
King of clubs - boss, senior colleague, sometimes (look at neighboring cards or based on the essence of the matter) father, father-in-law, older brother, father-in-law;
The ace of clubs is more of a business, superbly done, promising significant profit, work.

Spade suit (problem suit):
6 peak - a trip at night or a very long road; sometimes fortune-telling on playing cards makes it clear with the help of this card that a very dangerous journey awaits you;
7 peak - tears, resentment, sadness; or experiences;
8 peak - look at the context - or a drink that leads to a hangover, or a very difficult, unpleasant conversation; sometimes - the danger that you have brought upon yourself;
9 peak - peak down - illness, up - intimacy, sometimes promising trouble if it is treason or casual sex;
10 peak - disappointments, losses, empty dreams;
Jack of spades - always just empty chores; but in combination with 10 spades - an unexpected profit;
Queen of Spades - treason, jealousy, envious woman, false accusation, meanness, stab in the back; in general - a sign of unexpected trouble, for which, despite your efforts, you will never be able to prepare;
The king of spades is a person who is not indifferent to your fate, a strong personality, a patron, an unexpected garbage dump; when fortune-telling for marriage - a man-friend, not a man-lover;
Ace of spades - if the tip is turned up - or a state house or a drinking bout; if the tip is turned down - big trouble, trouble, blow.

Some fortune tellers believe that before conducting serious fortune-telling on playing cards, one should learn all their possible combinations so as not to be mistaken later. But personally, I do not share this opinion. And now I am the witch Olga on the pages of my website http: // site - I will tell you one secret:

The fact is that maps are just a tool that allows you to look into the future. And when you have been guessing for as many years as I have, you will understand that this is indeed the case. And that often, you need to believe not the cards, but those pictures from the future that stand before you, or your emotions, or your feelings or premonitions. It is exactly what you think, see and feel during fortune-telling that is the main information on which the prediction is based or with the help of which the answer to the question of interest is given. The cards themselves are secondary. And if you do not understand this, you will never become a real fortuneteller or fortune teller!!!

It is very difficult to give an example. But I, witch Olga, will try to do it. So, when fortune-telling, you can only get a peak suit that promises nothing but problems and troubles. But at the same time, in your soul, you will feel that such an alignment has nothing to do with you. The joy or excitement that you feel at this moment is not false. In fact, they say to an experienced fortuneteller: all the bad things are left behind, and in front of her is a picture of the bad that is almost over. There are only positive developments ahead. And so you just need to be a little patient. Wait until the cycles of life change, all the bad ends, and only the good begins.

Although sometimes the opposite happens. Therefore, when conducting fortune-telling on playing cards for yourself or someone else, never forget not only to carefully study the layout, but also evaluate your own feelings, which you can not only believe, but, as you understand now, you need to.

As for the combination of different cards, I can only say one thing about this: the best way to read them is to interpret the meaning of each card literally, displaying a grand total. Suppose you are dealt three cards:

7 of hearts - Jack of spades - 10 clubs

Each of them, as you now know, means:
- a date or a pleasant meeting;
- empty chores;
- the profit received as a result of hard work.

Now let's look at what question was asked in order to correctly interpret the resulting layout:
If it concerned business, a matter that seemed easy to you will require from you not only perseverance and a huge expenditure of effort, but also faith in yourself, because at some stage it will seem to you that there will be no results.
If the question was about love, you will meet your beloved (beloved), but the meeting will disappoint both you and him. But you still have a chance to be together. Only for this you will have to show all your virtues - benevolence, care, patience, wit, sexuality, without which you will not have to count on creating a strong relationship.
If you asked a question about health, then the answer in this scenario will be this - despite the fact that some will tell you that everything is fine with you, while others will scare you that the disease is incurable, you can recover. But only on condition says given divination on playing cards, if you decide to take your treatment into your own hands, treat it with all the responsibility that you are capable of.

So always think wider than the traditional interpretations of a few cards that have fallen to you. And then you will be able to give the most accurate answers to all questions during fortune-telling.

How to work with cards

To begin with, understand a very simple rule - the more "playing" the deck is, the less accurate the predictions that you can get with it will be. A fortune-telling deck can be arbitrarily shabby and oily - this is one thing. But if she was played for years or used (as a rare example, but still) for other purposes, like some erotic cards or cards with porn pictures, it is impossible to guess with such a deck.

Choosing “your” deck, as I recommend to everyone who decides to master tarot divination, is also almost pointless. No, you should definitely like the cards. And the size and the fact that they are depicted. But you will not get much benefit from the choice. Except for one thing - you will be easier to tune in to the deck you like, which means that you can give predictions much more accurate and full-fledged.

Several times I was asked: is it possible to use modern plastic cards for divination. I answer - it's better not to. After all, plastic is a dead material, and paper or cardboard is a living one. Paper feels human energy better, and therefore it is much easier to work with paper maps. Also, do not take a poker deck, remove deuces and other extra cards from it and guess. If you decide to seriously master fortune-telling on playing cards, then be kind enough to immediately get used to working with a normal deck.

And a separate note deserves cards of different colors - not with a white, familiar background, but with black, red, green and gold. I, an experienced witch Olga, recommend choosing such cards only to people who are well versed in matters of human energy and perfectly understand that with a red deck (I’ll call it that) it’s best to guess for health, with yellow for a state of mind, with green for love . And with gold - I bet you are already mistaken - on your Guardian Angel. Although such fortune-telling, I’ll say right away, is best for advanced fortune-tellers, and not for all sorts of amateurs.

Cards should not only be stored in a special case, but also hidden from someone else's touch. They should only know the dress of the mistress or owner, and it is his owner's energy that should set them up. Cards that have passed through the wrong hands, like a receiver that is out of tune. You never know who turned which handle, in which direction, and with what force.

The exception is cards on which you are guessing for others. Everyone to whom you decide to guess is simply obliged to hold them in your hand before fortune-telling. The deck will be filled with his energy, and you will be able to predict the fate prepared for him. But for novice soothsayers and fortune tellers, I recommend using a separate, best of all new deck for each new client. Let the person hold it and charge it. You will do a divination. And then either give the cards to the one to whom they were guessing - as a keepsake or as a souvenir. Or throw it away.

And you can throw it away in different ways. If the cards predicted good, then this good must be removed and transferred to the one to whom it was predicted. And if it’s bad, then you should pronounce a special conspiracy to throw out the cards along with all the bad things that they predicted. But I will teach you next time.

How to conduct fortune telling on playing cards

Playing cards allow fortune-telling in a variety of different layouts. But experienced witches and fortune-tellers use them only at the very beginning of their careers, when the fate of fortune-telling. Then each fortune teller almost always comes up with her own layouts, realizing that it is they that allow her to answer questions in the best and most accurate way. It is too early for you to create such layouts. So let's start with the most basic ones.

Fortune telling on 1-well card.

Used to answer simple questions or partially clarify the situation. For example, to answer the questions: “How will it all end?”, “What will all this lead to?”, “What should I do?”, “What should I expect?”. You take a deck, carefully shuffle it. Then say aloud an important question for you, and pull out one card. Its meaning will be the answer sent to you.

But just at once I will warn you to ask the same question again and again. You will receive an exact answer only at the very first divination. And the rest of the time it will be just random cards drawn at random, and nothing for you, absolutely meaningless.

Fortune telling on 3 cards.

It allows you to know the past, future and present. It is also carried out as the first one (and in general, all fortune-telling begins with the fact that you shuffle the cards). Then the first card is drawn - "past", then the second - "present", and only after that the third card, which, as you already understood, means "future".

A simple guess at attitude.

A lady is selected from the deck, which fully corresponds to you with her description. Then - the king - the man you are guessing at. (If fortune-telling is carried out by a man, then everything is done the other way around). Your card is placed on the left, the card of the one with whom you are guessing is on the right. Then next to the left card, shirts up, lay out a column of 3 cards. Then the same 3 cards are laid out with the card of the person you are guessing at.

The cards are turned over one at a time, starting from the bottom. And they mean:
- your bottom card - what you really experience;
- his bottom card - what he really experiences;
- your middle card - what you need to do in order for the relationship to succeed;
- his average card - what actions you should expect from him;
- your top card - what you will get from your relationship with him;
- his top card - how everything will end in the end.

Classic "grandmother's" fortune-telling.

The cards are shuffled, and then laid out one by one in 7 piles of 3 cards each, and each time, putting a card (face down), you should say what it means. And each stack of 3 cards means: “what was”, “what will be”, “for the mind”, “for the soul”, “for the heart”, “what to expect”, “what not to expect”, “how to calm down the heart ". When all the cards are on the table (there will be 21 of them), the first pile “what happened” is turned over and the combination that fell out in it is studied. Then the second. Etc.

More complex layouts that allow more or less accurate fortune-telling on playing cards can be found on the Web. I will finish by promising you that in the very near future on my love-shops website, I will definitely continue the topic of fortune-telling on playing cards. And when, thanks to my help, you master this magical art perfectly, we will deal with you with an analysis of how to guess on tarot cards.
witch Olga

The first question that immediately arises on the topic of the article is: why study? Fortune telling is a very complex and responsible occupation, and it is not given to every first one. In reality, the point here is not the ability to feel the cards and not the psychological mood - fortune-telling is initially associated with something occult, otherworldly, and this connection must be established very carefully, with knowledge of the matter. This introduction is as a warning to all those lovers of “teasing” fate who are happy to guess every day. You can't - any gypsy will tell you about it.

But if you really really really wanted to learn to guess, then you need to start with a simple examination of the cards. Yes, in fact, there are many fortune-telling layouts, and there is even literature that describes how and in what position this or that card will be interpreted. However, the essence of fortune-telling is not to look at reference books, but to independently understand and intuitively capture what the cards want to tell us now.

Now for the meanings. Indeed, in the existing literature you can find a lot of values, and they will differ from each other. Here we will give the interpretations that the gypsies used from time immemorial - and they are the best fortunetellers.

So: peaks - basically, negative meaning: ace - a blow, failure, in a straight position - a feast, a party, a king - a man with black hair, not too well located for a fortuneteller. Queen of Spades- a nuisance, generally some kind of great misfortune or unfavorable attitude of a woman. Further, the suit is interpreted traditionally: jack - communication with the opposite sex, business relationships, ten - professional relationships, nine - personal life, eight - conversations, seven - a date, six - road. Here the most important thing is to understand whether the dropped card concerns a person who is hiding under, for example, the king of spades, or these are just unfavorable signals in a particular activity.

To better understand the fortune-telling layout, you can guess all the main figures by suit. The meanings of the lower cards are traditional, but the king and queen can be interpreted as specific individuals. Usually, people with blond hair are guessed at a diamond or heart suit, with dark hair - at a club. In addition, the lady of diamonds means traditionally young unmarried girl, and the king of hearts - beloved.

Certainly, special meaning have aces. The ace of clubs is a government house, the tambourine is a home, and the ace of hearts is great love, even passion.

Now about the most important thing. All meanings can be interpreted in different ways, only having a common direction. The main thing is the relative position of the cards. So, if the six of tambourines is between the lady who personifies you and the king of hearts, then expect him soon on your doorstep - an early path will lead him to his beloved. And if a dozen is tucked between these two cards, then the forecast becomes less favorable, since professional problems for men can serve as a very significant obstacle to personal relationships and so on.

The layout is carried out as follows: a card is laid out in the center of the table, personifying the person on whom the alignment is made. Under it, one card is wound up - these are secret thoughts, two more are on it - this is what is on the mind and on the heart. One at a time, cards are laid out up, down, right and left, plus one more between each direction. In total, three cards are obtained on the main sides - they are the main ones for interpreting predictions, all the rest are help in understanding the meanings of the cards correctly. What is above is dreams and desires (what is in the head - fortunetellers say), to the right of the main figure is the past, below is the present, to the left is the future. The fulfillment of a wish is judged by the ratio of cards that fell on the main figure, plus the layout of the future.

It's just a technique. Now about the state of mind. You need to guess in a calm environment, without rushing. A question must always be repeated in the head, the answer to which is the purpose of fortune-telling. Having laid out the cards, you should not just briefly mechanically read their values. The cards say a lot to those who can hear, so you need to peer into them, study and understand everything that is shown in this layout. Auxiliary cards can indicate certain conditions or warn. In general, the more subtleties, the more often the fortune-telling layout is practiced. And further. There is a rule: you can’t guess twice a day for one person, and even more so for yourself. Frequent resorting to layouts is a “guessing” of fate.

Do you know how to read cards correctly? This ancient and very effective method, which allows you to get answers to any questions. However, in order to always receive honest answers from higher powers, you first need to learn how to guess correctly on the cards.

Basic rules for fortune telling on cards

People have always wanted to look into the future to get answers to their most secret questions. That is why they invented various methods divination. Today, one of the most common, popular and effective methods predicting any events is considered divination on the cards.

How to guess on the cards? To begin with, all beginners should be given advice - do not turn such a complex and painstaking ritual into a simple game. Magic doesn't like being mistaken for a trick or mere entertainment. If you take the divination process lightly, you will never receive truthful answers.

Second tip - never start serious divination for fate, love, for the future, and so on until you master the simplest layouts, for example, one or three cards.

The key to getting an honest answer is to have faith that you can connect with higher powers. If you are a skeptic and do not fully believe in what you are doing, then this will not bring a positive result.

Remember, every beginner needs to purchase their own deck of ordinary playing cards. However, do not think that the magical attribute will immediately begin to give unmistakable answers and willingly work with you. The deck will begin to gain strength over time, it will become saturated with your energy, your magical power.

Only if you are in constant contact with a magical attribute, often hold it in your hands, carry it with you, work with it, then the usual playing deck will become a real tool for predicting the future and getting answers to any questions. Having bought a deck, be sure to sort through it, hold each card in your hands, feel them.

The formulation of the question is a very important point and cannot be omitted. In any fortune-telling lessons on the cards, they focus on the fact that one should communicate with a magical attribute.

The more he knows about you, the better he will understand. It doesn’t matter what question you ask and about whom (yourself or another person), you need to build it as clearly as possible. A laconic short question will have the same clear answer.

There is one more piece of advice for a beginner - in order to guess on fortune-telling cards, you do not need to immediately take on the study of several layouts. Take for example 1 the easiest way to tell fortunes on cards and see how accurate your predictions and answers will be.

Some fortunetellers believe that if the combination is not completely clear, you cannot understand the combination of cards, then it is forbidden to ask this question again. You need to give yourself time to understand what the higher powers wanted to show you. If you ask this question to the cards again, they will think that you do not trust them.

Absolutely in any deck there should be a card- significator. You, as the owner of this magical attribute, must definitely choose a card that will symbolize you.

Significator card is an important condition for divination

In addition, when guessing at any other person in most layouts, you will also have to choose a significator for this person. Most often, a card denoting a person is located in the center of the working surface.

In most cases, all the images that lie above the significator are a reflection of his plans, thoughts, and often describe future events. At the bottom are images that tell about the situation in which the individual is currently involved.

On the left side are cards that indicate either the past or what is disappearing from a person’s life. On the right side, these are usually the causes of ongoing or non-occurring events or the consequences of some actions.

Professional fortune-tellers sometimes say that it is impossible to say exactly what kind of fortune-telling you need to take cards with your right, left hand, towards yourself or from yourself, whether it is worth sticking to a specific scheme or you can lay out the cards one by one.

Understanding what to do in each case will come with experience. The more you work, the sooner your intuition will wake up, which will suggest what techniques should be used for a particular person.

Keep a fortune-telling diary to understand how much true divination

If you are just getting acquainted with the world of magic and starting your journey as a fortuneteller, then remember that any of your actions should be recorded. You should have your own diary in which you mark all your activities with cards, the results of divination, indicate how accurate the prediction turned out to be, and so on.

This will allow you to see the dynamics of your development. Analyze each card, write down the feelings it evokes, thoughts on what it might mean. It makes no sense to record the entire sessions on video, although, perhaps, after watching the video of your work, you will notice some errors.

In any case, it does not matter whether you record your sessions in a diary or on video, such information is necessary. Because it will allow you to analyze your work. After analyzing the experience, you will see your mistakes, understand what you need to work on.

In order for contact with higher forces not to bring negative results, before you start working, be sure to relax, understand why you are doing this, get rid of unnecessary thoughts, it is best to take a shower and wash off all the energy that you have accumulated during day. Sincerely desire to create, to enlighten. In this case, the doors to a truly wonderful world will open before you.

Learning to guess on the cards is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Try first of all to understand the attribute, to feel it. The stronger the connection between you, the more likely it is that he will willingly make contact with you and begin to give only truthful answers to any questions asked.