Gun translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences. Large new English-Russian dictionary

- (gn), n. 1. A weapon which throws or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Gun fu- is the style of sophisticated close quarters gunplay seen in Hong Kong action cinema n. 1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is discharged by the force of an ... English World dictionary

Gun- (englisch für Schusswaffe) beziehungsweise GUN steht für Gun (Schiff), Frachtdampfschiff aus Schweden mit 1.198 BRT Gun (Japan), ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit in Japan GUN, Videospiel von Activision The Gun, britische Hardrockband Ende der 60er... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Gun- Gun: The Gun (band) English rock band. Gun (band) Scottish rock band. Gun (game) computer game in Western style. Gun (TV series) (English) 1997 US television series. Gun single by Russian pop group Serebro with... ... Wikipedia

gun- NOUN 1) a weapon including a metal tube from which bullets or shells are propelled by explosive force. 2) a device for discharging something (e.g. grease) in a required direction. 3) N. Amer. a gunman: a hired gun. VERB (gunned, gunning)… …English terms dictionary

GUN- o Gun puede referirse a: GUN, un videojuego de 2005 desarrollado por Neversoft y distribuido por Activision; GUN Records, una discográfica alemana. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste... ... Wikipedia Español

gunþjō- *gunþjō germ., stark. Femininum (ō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight(Neutrum); Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., as., ahd.; Quelle: Personenname (4. Jh.); …Germanisches Wörterbuch

GUN- Entwickler Neversoft Publisher ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Gun- 〈 n. 15 oder f. 10; umg.〉 Spritze zum Injizieren von Rauschmitteln * * * Gun , das od. der; s, s (Jargon): Spritze, mit der Rauschgift … Universal-Lexikon

gunþa-- *gunþa, *gunþaz germ.?, stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Kampf, Kämpfer; ne. fight (Neutrum), fighter; Hinweis: s. *gunþjō; Quelle: Personenname; Etymologie: s. ing. *gʷhenə …Germanisches Wörterbuch


  • This Gun Is for Hire: Corporate Design, Robert Klanten. This Gun Is for Hire is a guidebook that provides insight into the ongoing challenge of translating personal design approaches into viable - and paid - commercial projects. The book... Buy for RUB 3,771
  • Gun-running and the Indian north-west frontier, Keppel Arnold. The book is a reprint edition. Despite the fact that serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, some pages may contain...


gun (gʌn)


1) weapon, cannon

2) machine gun

3) firearms, gun; ist. musket;

double-barreled gun;

smoothbore gun;

sporting gun; hunting rifle;

starting gun sport. starting gun

4) decomposition revolver

5) shooter, hunter"

6) American bandit, killer, armed with a revolver, etc.

7) gun shot

8) metal. gun

9) attr. gun; gun big ( or great) gun coll. important person, “big shot”;

to blow great guns roar ( about the storm);

to stick ( or to stand) to one's guns do not give up positions, do not retreat; remain true to your convictions to the end; insist on your own;

a) sport. start prematurely ( before the signal);

b) start, do something. before the appointed time; get ahead of events;

to go great guns colloquial act quickly and successfully


1) shoot

2) military. fire artillery fire

translation from English into Russian in other dictionaries

Translation GUN- New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan


1. (gʌn) n

1. weapon, cannon

heavy ~ - heavy machine gun; large caliber gun

light ~ - light gun; light / light / machine gun

large-caliber (small-caliber) ~ - large-caliber (small-caliber) weapon

the big ~s - heavy artillery

~s in pair - twin guns

recoilless ~ - recoilless rifle

self-propelled ~ - self-propelled gun

anti-tank (antiaircraft) ~ - anti-tank (anti-aircraft) gun

railway ~, ~ on railway mounting - a gun on a railway platform

coastal defense ~ - coastal artillery gun

~ number - gun crew number

~ emplacement - gun firing position

~ motor carriage - self-propelled artillery installation

the report of a ~ - the sound of a gunshot, gunshot

~ of position - heavy field gun

~ in position - firing position of the gun

to serve the ~ - serve the weapon

to charge a ~ - charge the gun

to fire a ~ - shoot from a cannon / gun /

to bring ~s into play - open fire from guns

to blow from a ~ - tie to the barrel of a gun and shoot

2. 1) firearms; gun; carbine

double-barreled ~ - double-barreled shotgun

starting /starter"s/ ~ - sport. starting gun

harpoon ~ - underwater gun, speargun

~ oil - gun oil

~ flint - ist. gun flint

2) ist. musket

3) Amer. decomposition revolver, pistol

3. machine gun

Lewis ~ - Lewis system machine gun

~ ring - Av. machine gun turret; turret installation

4. gun shot; firework

a salute of twenty ~s - salute with twenty gun salvoes

~for~ - mor. exchange of fireworks the same number shots

morning (evening) ~ - mor. a) a cannon shot when raising (lowering) the flag; b) time of raising (lowering) the flag

5. 1) decomposition shooter; hunter

a party of six ~s - a group of six shooters

2) artilleryman

6. sl. thief(-pickpocket)

7. joking pipe

8. dial , simple bottle ( angry)

9. metal gun

10. those. grease gun ( etc. grease ~)

cement ~ - cement gun; shotcrete machine

11. 1) physical gun

light gas ~ - photon cannon

2) Thu. gun

holding (reading, writing) ~ - supporting (reading, writing) cannon ( in the memory tube)

3) physical electron gun, electron spotlight ( etc. electron ~, cathode-ray ~)

12. those. pneumatic hammer

13. horn failed hole

14. specialist. spray

~ fodder - cannon fodder

a big /a great/ ~ - important person, large figure, “big shot”

great ~s! - damn it!, here they are!, like that!

son of a ~ - swindler, scoundrel

as sure as a ~ - a) for sure, undoubtedly; ≅ true, as two and two are four; b) inevitably

to blow great ~s - roar, play out ( about the storm)

to go great ~s - a) go to the beat of drums; b) be in full full dress uniform; c) achieve success; ≅ to be on the crest of success, to be on horseback

to carry too many ~s for smb. - use heavy artillery against smb.

to fire off a ~ - a) make a sharp remark; b) burst into speech; c) put forward an indisputable argument

to jump /to beat/ the ~ - a) start prematurely; b) get ahead of events

to cut the ~ - relieve gas, slow down

to give her the ~ - a) drive with might and main ( car); b) mor. give full speed

to stick to one "s ~s - a) do not give up positions, hold firm; remain completely true to your convictions / principles /; b) insist on your own, maintain character

when ~s speak it is too late to argue - when the guns start talking, it’s too late to argue

2. (gʌn) v

1. fire ( artillery fire)

2. to fight, to wage war

3. decomposition

1) shoot

to ~ for /after/ game - shoot game

2) hunt

to go ~ning - to hunt, go hunting

3) (for) hunt for someone; try to kill or destroy

they are ~ning for me - they are hunting for me

4) (for) persistently strive, try to get

he is ~ ning for a raise - he is trying his best to get a raise

5. sl. give full throttle ( etc.~ away)

he ~ned into the road - he jumped out / brought the car / onto the road at full / huge / speed

the men jumped into the car and he ~ned it away - the men jumped into the car, and he rushed away

translation of words containing
from English into Russian in other dictionaries (first 3 words)

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan
English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Mueller

- (gn), n. 1. A weapon which throws or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Gun fu- is the style of sophisticated close quarters gunplay seen in Hong Kong action cinema n. 1. a weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is discharged by the force of an ... English World dictionary

Gun- (englisch für Schusswaffe) beziehungsweise GUN steht für Gun (Schiff), Frachtdampfschiff aus Schweden mit 1.198 BRT Gun (Japan), ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit in Japan GUN, Videospiel von Activision The Gun, britische Hardrockband Ende der 60er... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Gun- Gun: The Gun (band) English rock band. Gun (band) Scottish rock band. Gun (game) computer game in Western style. Gun (TV series) (English) 1997 US television series. Gun single by Russian pop group Serebro with... ... Wikipedia

gun- NOUN 1) a weapon including a metal tube from which bullets or shells are propelled by explosive force. 2) a device for discharging something (e.g. grease) in a required direction. 3) N. Amer. a gunman: a hired gun. VERB (gunned, gunning)… …English terms dictionary

GUN- o Gun puede referirse a: GUN, un videojuego de 2005 desarrollado por Neversoft y distribuido por Activision; GUN Records, una discográfica alemana. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste... ... Wikipedia Español

gunþjō- *gunþjō germ., stark. Femininum (ō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight(Neutrum); Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., as., ahd.; Quelle: Personenname (4. Jh.); …Germanisches Wörterbuch

GUN- Entwickler Neversoft Publisher ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Gun- 〈 n. 15 oder f. 10; umg.〉 Spritze zum Injizieren von Rauschmitteln * * * Gun , das od. der; s, s (Jargon): Spritze, mit der Rauschgift … Universal-Lexikon

gunþa-- *gunþa, *gunþaz germ.?, stark. Maskulinum (a): nhd. Kampf, Kämpfer; ne. fight (Neutrum), fighter; Hinweis: s. *gunþjō; Quelle: Personenname; Etymologie: s. ing. *gʷhenə …Germanisches Wörterbuch


  • This Gun Is for Hire: Corporate Design, Robert Klanten. This Gun Is for Hire is a guidebook that provides insight into the ongoing challenge of translating personal design approaches into viable - and paid - commercial projects. The book... Buy for RUB 3,771
  • Gun-running and the Indian north-west frontier, Keppel Arnold. The book is a reprint edition. Despite the fact that serious work has been done to restore the original quality of the publication, some pages may contain...

English-Russian translation of GUN

1. gʌn n 1. gun, cannon

heavy gun - heavy machine gun; large caliber gun

light gun - light gun; light / light / machine gun

large-caliber small-caliber gun - large-caliber small-caliber gun

the big guns - heavy artillery

guns in pairlang id=2] - twin guns

recoilless gun - recoilless gun

self-propelled gun - self-propelled gun

anti-tank antiaircraft gun - anti-tank anti-aircraft gun

railway gun, gun on railway mounting - a gun on a railway platform

coastal defense gun - coastal artillery weapon

gun number - gun crew number

gun emplacement - gun firing position

gun motor carriage - self-propelled artillery unit

the report of a gun - the sound of a shot, the shot of a gun

gun of position - heavy field gun

gun in position - firing position of the gun

to serve the gun - serve the gun

to charge a gun - charge a gun

to fire a gun - shoot from a cannon / gun /

to bring guns into play - open fire from guns

to blow from a gun - tie to the barrel of a gun and shoot

2. 1> firearms; gun; carbine

double-barreled gun

starting /starter"s/ gun - sports starting pistol

harpoon gun - underwater gun, speargun

gun oil - gun oil

gun flint - source gun flint 2> source. musket 3> amer. decomposition revolver, pistol

3. machine gun

Lewis gun - Lewis machine gun

gun ring - av. machine gun turret; turret installation

4. gun shot; firework

a salute of twenty guns - salute with twenty gun salvos

gun for gun - pestilence. exchanging fireworks with the same number of shots

morning evening gun - pestilence. a) a cannon shot when raising and lowering the flag; b) time of raising the flag and lowering it

5. 1> decom. shooter; hunter

a party of six guns - a group of six shooters 2> artilleryman

6. sl. thief(-pickpocket)

7. joke. pipe

8. dial. , simple bottle (evil)

9. metal. gun

10. tech. grease gun

cement gun - cement gun; shotcrete machine

11. 1> physical. gun

light gas gun - photon gun 2> wt. gun

holding reading, writing gun - supporting reading, writing gun (in a memory tube) 3> physical. electron gun, electronic searchlight (also electron gun, cathode-ray gun)

12. tech. pneumatic hammer

13. horn failed hole

14. special spray

gun fodder - cannon fodder

a big /a great/ gun - important person, large figure, “big shot”

great guns! - damn it!, here they are!, like that!

son of a gun - swindler, scoundrel

as sure as a gun - a) for sure, undoubtedly; as true as two and two are four; b) inevitably

to blow great guns - roar, get wild (about a storm)

to go great guns - a) go to the beat of drums; b) be in full dress uniform; c) achieve success; to be on the crest of success, to be on horseback

to carry too many guns for smb. - use heavy artillery against smb.

to fire off a gun - a) make a sharp remark; b) burst into speech; c) put forward an indisputable argument

to jump /to beat/ the gun - a) start prematurely; b) get ahead of events

to cut the gun - release the gas, slow down

to give her the gun - a) drive (a car) with all its might; b) pestilence. give full speed

to stick to one's guns - a) do not give up positions, hold firm; remain completely true to your convictions / principles /; b) insist on your own, maintain your character

when guns speak it is too late to argue - when the guns speak, it’s too late to argue

2. gʌn v 1. bombard (with artillery fire)

2. to fight, to wage war

3. decomposition 1> shoot

to gun for /after/ game - shoot game 2> hunt

to go gunning - hunt, go hunting 3> (for) hunt for someone; try to kill or destroy

they are gunning for me - they are hunting for me 4> (for) persistently strive, try to get

he is gun ning for a raise - he is trying his best to get a raise

5. sl. give full throttle (also: gun away)

he gunned into the road - he jumped out / brought the car / onto the road at full speed

the men jumped into the car and he gunned it away - the men jumped into the car, and he rushed away

New big English-Russian dictionary. Large new English-Russian dictionary. 2012

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  • Large new English-Russian dictionary

More meanings of the word and translation of GUN from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "GUN" in dictionaries.

  • GUN — I Weapon consisting essentially of a metal tube from which a missile or projectile is shot by the force of …
    English Dictionary Britannica
  • GUN — I. ˈgən noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English gonne, gunne, probably irregular from Gonnilda, Gunnilda, Gunilda, feminine proper name …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • GUN - gun 1 - gunless, adj. /gun/, n. , v. , gunned, gunning. n. 1. a weapon consisting…
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • GUN - /gʌn; NAmE / noun, verb ■ noun 1. [C] a weapon that is used for firing ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • GUN - I. gun 1 S2 W2 /ɡʌn/ BrE AmE noun [Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Perhaps from Gunnilda, a...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • GUN - n. & v. --n. 1 any kind of weapon consisting of a metal tube and often held in the hand …
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • GUN - n. & v. n. 1 any kind of weapon consisting of a metal tube and often held in the hand …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • GUN - n. & v. --n. 1. any kind of weapon consisting of a metal tube and often held in the hand…
    Oxford English vocab
  • GUN - (guns, gunning, gunned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A gun...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • GUN — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a gun permit ▪ More than 300,000 civilians, in a country of 6 million, …
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  • GUN - n. 25B6; noun FIREARM, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, automatic, handgun, machine gun; weapon; informal shooter N. Amer. informal piece, shooting...
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  • GUN - gun.ogg 1. gʌn n 1. gun, cannon heavy gun - heavy machine gun; large-caliber weapon light gun - light cannon; ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • GUN - 1) horn. failed hole 2) (borehole) perforator 3) core sampler, soil carrier (apparatus for taking rock samples from the borehole wall) ...
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  • GUN - 1) horn. failed hole 2) (borehole) perforator 3) core sampler, soil carrier (apparatus for taking rock samples from the borehole wall) 4) seismic (marine) source 5) injector; ...
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • GUN - 1) firearm 2) pistol || pistol 3) gun || cannon 4) gun || rifle 5) syringe 6) metal welding gun 7) builds. cement gun 8) pistol sprayer 9) ...
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  • GUN - gun noun 1) a gun, a gun to load (unload) a gun - to load (unload) a gun, a gun to man a gun - to become...
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  • GUN - 1. noun 1) gun, gun to load (unload) a gun - load (unload) a gun, gun to man a gun - ...
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  • GUN - 1. noun 1) gun, gun to load (unload) a gun - load (unload) a gun, gun to man a gun - stand at the gun to...
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    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation 2
  • GUN - 1) syringe 2) spray gun 3) gun 4) welding gun; welding torch 5) welding pliers. - air gun - air-jet gun - bolt gun - cold air gun - coolant ...
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  • GUN - (n.) A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles by …
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  • GUN - (v. i.) To practice fowling or small hunting game; -- chiefly in participial form; as, to go gunning.
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  • GUN - (n.) Violent blasts of wind.
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  • GUN - (n.) A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing ...
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  • GUN - (n.) A piece of heavy ordnance; in a restricted sense, a cannon.
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