Gurevich pipeline fittings. Gurevich D.F. Pipe fittings. Reference Guide

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General technical data and standards related to pipeline fittings are provided. Dans brief description, basic technical specifications, overall and connecting dimensions of structures produced serially by reinforcement factories. Recommendations for choosing fittings are given.

The book is intended for engineering and technical workers of design and construction organizations, design bureaus, employees of operational and repair services of enterprises in various industries.

  • Table of contents
  • Preface
  • Introduction

Section 1. Automatically controlled valves with drive (indirect action)

  • Chapter 1. Automatic cranes
  • Electric cranes
  • Piston driven valves
  • Chapter 2. Automatic shut-off valves
  • Purpose, main types, scope
  • Motorized shut-off valves
  • Solenoid operated shut-off valves (solenoid valves)
  • Piston Actuated Shut-Off Valves
  • Diaphragm Actuated Shut-Off Valves
  • Chapter 3. Automatic valves
  • Purpose, main types, scope
  • Motorized valves
  • Rising stem valves
  • Valves with non-rising stem
  • Piston Actuated Gate Valves
  • Chapter 4. Automatic dampers
  • Device, purpose, scope
  • Motorized dampers
  • Piston-actuated dampers
  • Diaphragm-actuated dampers
  • Chapter 5. Automatic control valves
  • Operating principle and classification
  • Regulatory bodies of pipeline fittings
  • Double seat control valves
  • Single seat control valves
  • Control valves with cable control from a remote actuator
  • Control gate valves
  • Ball control valves
  • Diaphragm control valves
  • Hose control valves
  • Chapter 6. Mixing valves
  • Device and purpose
  • Mixing valves with MIM and EIM
  • Chapter 7. Solenoid Actuated Control Valves
  • Purpose, main types, scope
  • Direct acting control valves
  • Distribution valves operating using the energy of the working fluid

Section 2. Automatically acting valves

  • Chapter 8. Direct acting pressure regulators
  • Purpose and classification
  • Double seat pressure regulators
  • Single seat pressure regulators
  • Chapter 9. Level Controls
  • Device and purpose
  • Water level regulators in power plants
  • Chapter 10. Direct acting safety valves
  • Requirements for safety valves
  • Selecting the type of safety valves depending on the parameters of the protected system
  • Serial designs of low lift safety valves
  • Serial designs of full lift safety valves
  • Chapter 11. Indirectly acting safety valves
  • Operating principle, classification
  • Serial impulse safety devices
  • Pilot-controlled impulse safety devices
  • Commercially available indirect acting safety valves with electrical control
  • Chapter 12. Check and shut-off valves
  • Purpose and classification
  • Check lift valves
  • Check valves
  • Shut-off valves
  • Chapter 13. Steam traps
  • Device and purpose
  • Float steam traps
  • Thermostatic (thermostatic) steam traps
  • Nozzle steam traps
  • Thermodynamic steam traps
  • Chapter 14. Hydraulic characteristics of fittings
  • Hydraulic characteristics of shut-off valves
  • Hydraulic characteristics of control valves
  • Cavitation characteristics of fittings
  • Hydrodynamic forces in fittings
  • Hydraulic characteristics of check valves
  • Hydraulic characteristics of shut-off valves

Section 3. Valve actuators

  • Chapter 15. Electric motor drives
  • Classification, scope
  • Drive structure
  • Control of electric motor drives of valves
  • Typical control circuit for electric motor drives with a double-acting electromechanical clutch and mechanical interlocking of the clutch switch contacts
  • Electric motors
  • Gearboxes for electric motor drives
  • Limiting force devices
  • Manual overrides for drive control
  • Limit and torque switches
  • Serially produced electric motor drives
  • Part-turn electric drives with rocker-screw gearboxes
  • Selecting an electric drive to control valves
  • Chapter 16. Electromagnetic valve actuators
  • Purpose, classification and scope of application
  • Block electromagnetic drives
  • Built-in sealed electromagnetic drives
  • Chapter 17. Piston pneumatic and hydraulic drives
  • Device and purpose
  • Double acting piston linear actuators with forward movement output rod
  • Double-acting piston drives with locking of the extreme positions of the piston
  • Double acting piston actuators with rotational movement output shaft
  • Single acting piston actuators
  • Integrated piston drives
  • Bellows drives
  • Rotary vane drives
  • Chapter 18. Diaphragm pneumatic and hydraulic actuators
  • Schematic diagrams of the operation of membrane actuators
  • Diaphragm-spring actuators
  • Diaphragm lever-weight drives
  • Positioners (position relays)
  • Application
  • References
  • Subject index

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Section one. general technical data and standards

Chapter 1. Terminology and classification
1.1. Basic terms
1.2. Types of reinforcement and their design varieties

Chapter 2. Basic operational parameters of fittings
2.1. Conditional, working and test pressures
2.2. Legend and marking of fittings

Chapter 3. Basic installation parameters of fittings
3.1. Nominal diameters of passages
3.2. Construction lengths
3.3. Dimensions of connecting elements

Chapter 4. Materials used for reinforcement parts
4.1. Cast iron
4.2. Steel
4.3. Non-ferrous metals and alloys
4.4. Non-metallic structural materials
4.5. Alloys for surfacing O-rings
4.6. Padding materials
4.7. Padding materials
4.8. Lubricants

Section two. industrial fittings for general technical purposes

Chapter 5. General information
5.1. Purpose of fittings
5.2. Characteristics of fittings for general technical purposes

Chapter 6. Shut-off valves
6.1. Types of shut-off valves
6.2. Cranes
6.3. Shut-off valves
6.4. Dampers
6.5. Valves

Chapter 7. Control valves
7.1. Types of control valves
7.2. Control valves
7 3. Pressure regulators
7.4. Mixing valves

Chapter 8. Safety valves
8.1. Types of safety valves
8.2. Low Lift Safety Valves
8.3. Full lift safety valves

Chapter 9. Protective fittings
9.1. Types of protective fittings
9.2. Lift check valves
9.3. Rotary check valves
9.4. Shut-off (safety) valves

Chapter 10. Phase separating fittings
10.1. Types of steam traps
10.2. Brief technical characteristics of steam traps

Chapter 11. Actuators for controlling pipeline fittings
11.1. Drive types
11.2. Electric drives
11.3. Pneumatic actuators

Section three. industrial fittings for special working conditions

Chapter 12. General information
12.1. Purpose of fittings for special operating conditions
12.2. Characteristics of fittings for special operating conditions

Chapter 13. Shut-off valves for corrosive and aggressive media
13.1. Types of shut-off valves for corrosive and aggressive environments
13.2. Cranes
13.3. Valves
13.4. Valves
13.5. Hose valves and valves

Chapter 14. Control valves for corrosive and aggressive media
14.1. Designs of control valves for corrosive and aggressive environments
14.2. Diaphragm control valves
14.3. Double seat control valves
14.4. Control valves

Chapter 15. Energy fittings
15.1. Energy shut-off valves
15.2. Regulating energy fittings
15.3. Safety energy fittings
15.4. Protective energy fittings
15.5. Phase separating fittings
15.6. Electric drives for energy valves

Chapter 16. Valves for petroleum products
16.1. Shut-off valves
16.2. Safety fittings
16.3. Protective fittings

Chapter 17. Valves for high pressures
17.1. Types of fittings for high pressures
17.2. Shut-off valves
17.3. Control valves
17.4. Protective fittings

Chapter 18. Fittings for special environments
18.1. Steam heated valves for viscous media
18.2. Shut-off valves for ammonia, freon and toxic media

Section four. selection of pipeline fittings

Chapter 19. Design Selection
19.1. Selecting the type of fittings
19.2. Selection of construction materials

Chapter 20. Selection of shut-off valves
20.1. Selecting the type of shut-off valve
20.2. Power characteristics of shut-off valves

Chapter 21. Selection of control valves
21.1. Selecting the type of control valve
21.2. Throughput characteristics
21.3. Control Valve Sizing

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