What photo do you need for a passport. Key photo requirements for an old-style passport. Artistic design of a passport photo

One of the mandatory items in the list of documents for a foreign passport is a photograph. Capturing yourself in a picture is not difficult these days. But with images on official documents problems can arise - there are too many different standards. Let's get acquainted with the requirements for a photo for a passport in force in 2019.

General requirements

What photos are needed for a passport? The picture must be of good quality, without blackouts and other defects, on matte paper. The use of editing programs is strictly prohibited. You can make black and white or color images from the front, with or without an oval. The background must be white. Ready pictures can be used if no more than six months have passed since the moment of shooting.

All these photo requirements are not relevant in 2019 for both old and new documents. To obtain a biometric passport, you need to take a picture in the office of the migration department using special equipment. But you still have to bring paper pictures - they will be needed for.

How to dress

When choosing what to take pictures on, consider a few recommendations. Dress code can be casual or business. It is desirable that the color scheme be monophonic, but not white.

What clothes are not allowed to be photographed for a new sample passport? It is unacceptable to wear overalls, uniforms, as well as caps, caps and other headgear before the photo session. Such photographs will simply not be accepted and will be returned along with a package of documents. Only one exception has been made - for those who are forbidden by religion to walk with their heads uncovered.

Requirements for a person

The image should be in the center of the picture, the gaze should be straight. No facial expressions: no need to smile, squint your eyes. It is strictly forbidden to put on make-up, wear wigs, do crazy hairstyles that cover half the face. For women, light daytime makeup will be appropriate, no more.

If you wear glasses

Despite the fact that lenses have been used for vision correction for a long time, many people still prefer glasses. Do I need to take a passport photo with glasses? If you wear them only from time to time or put them on only during work, then it is better to take a picture without them. Only those who really wear them all the time should be photographed for a passport with glasses. Glasses and frames should not cover or distort the outlines of the face, the eyes should be clearly visible. Sunglasses or tinted glasses should not be worn in front of the camera.

What is unacceptable

If you bring the employee of the migration department incorrectly, he will be forced to officially refuse to accept them, you will have to come again, fill out a new application. It will be especially insulting to lose time because of such a trifle as a photograph. So remember, what in no case should be the parameters of the photo on the passport.

Suitable for family album only:

  • frames on glossy paper;
  • with "red" eyes;
  • with open mouth or smile;
  • in uniform;
  • if the gaze is directed to the side;
  • photos taken for an internal passport or for;
  • any photo where you do not look like yourself.
  • Photographing children

    Everyone needs a personal document to visit foreign countries, regardless of age.

    Learn more about .

    Biometric passports serve for ten years, but are not recommended for very young children. The child will grow up, change beyond recognition, and you will have to change the document much earlier than it ends. After all, just pasting a new image will not work.

    Another complex issue- how to photograph a child for a passport in the office of the migration department. Is it worth testing the patience of an inspector who receives several dozen people a day?

    An old-style passport photo for a child under 14 years of age must meet all the above standards: a closed mouth, a direct look and no facial expressions.

    Not all salon workers know how to photograph a newborn for a passport. Only those specialists who have experience working with such capricious clients will do. The main difficulty is that you need to catch the moment when the child will hold his head correctly and look into the lens. Of course, it will have to be supported, but important point: the photo on the passport for the baby should not show the parents or their body parts.

    Photo on biometric passport

    What is a disadvantage for young children turns into an advantage for adults. It is very convenient to have a document with a ten-year validity period.

    Now about whether you need a photo for a new passport. Of course, it is impossible to make you a passport without your portrait. The document itself will use an image that is made by an employee of the migration department using special equipment.

    A photo on a biometric passport allows you to "count" the personal parameter of your body - the distance between the pupils, which makes it impossible to use someone else's document based on a simple portrait resemblance.

    But for gluing into the questionnaire and a personal file, paper photographs are quite suitable. Knowing their purpose, it is easy to calculate how many photos you need for a new passport - only two.

    All of the above General requirements to the photo for a new passport in 2019 remain relevant. The format of the photo for a new passport is 3.5x4.5 cm.

    Photo on a regular passport

    A regular document is good not only for babies. A paper passport is quite suitable for those who rarely travel abroad, who are going to get married next year and change their last name, as well as in emergency cases. If there is a good reason, it can be issued within three days.

    The requirements for a photo for an old-style international passport in 2019 are slightly different from the requirements for a biometric document. The only difference is that there should be a blurry oval at the bottom of the image. The dimensions of the photo on the international passport of the old sample also coincide - 35x45 mm.

    How many photos do you need for an old-style passport? You only need four images. You do not need to paste them into the questionnaire yourself.

    A photo for a passport for 5 years can be done at any studio, it will take quite a bit of time. It is only necessary to coordinate all the nuances with the photographer in advance.

    Issuing a passport online

    Get a certain service without leaving home -. True, even those who have chosen a new passport for themselves and submitted documents electronically will need to come to the migration department to take a picture.

    A regular photo for public services for a passport online will also be needed. It will need to be digitally uploaded along with the rest of the documents.

    The requirements for an electronic passport photo are as follows:

    • the file extension must be only JPEG;
    • resolution - no more than 450 pixels per inch;
    • size 200-300 Kb;
    • the size of the image when printing must correspond to the already familiar standard 35x45 mm.

    Of course, these are only the characteristics of the file being sent, the image itself must meet all the above requirements.

    How to take a photo for a passport for a public service website? You can use the services of a studio, but do not print the picture on paper, but write it on electronic media, for example, on a flash card. If you have a paper photo, you can scan it and adjust the file settings to the required ones.

    Taking a picture ourselves

    How to take a photo for a passport for public services at home? To do this, you will need a camera with a good resolution, a white background, lighting, and skills in a graphics editor. This equipment is enough to create a file to send over the Internet. You can print a picture at home if you have a color printer and high-quality photo paper. And if not, throw it on a flash drive and take it to any studio.


    For the background you will need a piece of white fabric or whatman paper. Hang it on the wall or window. To avoid unnecessary shadows in the image, the lighting must be even. The easiest way to achieve this effect is to combine natural light from a window with a camera flash. In this case, the window should be directly in front of you or behind you. Light from the side will create shadows.


    Position yourself about half a meter from the background and two to three meters from the camera. The lens must be at face level. It is advisable to mount the camera on a tripod or any other fixed stand. Here it is desirable to have an assistant. Someone has to focus the camera on your face and press the button.


    The captured file is ready for editing. The main task is to make the background white and fit the image to the dimensions we need. For those who do not have the skills to work in Photoshop, other programs specially designed for non-professionals can help to take a photo for a passport on their own. With a little practice, you can quite save on trips to the salons.

    What are the prices

    How much does an old passport photo cost? The price depends on the photo studio and the size of your locality, is approximately in the range from 100 to 250 rubles. More accurate figures can be found on the Internet or by visiting the nearest studio.

    The price of a passport photo may increase if you wish to use additional services, for example, you want to be in a business suit in the picture. By the way, services for printing ready-made photographs from electronic media cost almost the same as creating a picture from scratch.

    How much does a new passport photo cost? Paper portraits for the old and new passports are no different, so their cost will be the same. Although you only need two copies, you will have to pay for a complete set of four to six pieces.

    And for a special photo that is taken at the migration service, you do not need to pay anything. Apparently, the cost of its manufacture is paid by the state duty for the document.

    Examples of good shots

    Here you can see the correct photo sample for an old-style international passport.

It is easy to issue documents for leaving the country today. Taking a photo for a passport is one of the most important things on the way to a cherished trip. There are a number of requirements and features of the image that you should know so that you do not have to redo it several times.

The photo must be the correct size to pass the verification. Consider all the main proportions that it must correspond to:

  • The entire image must fit into a rectangle with sides of 45 and 35 mm.
  • The face occupies approximately 29 - 34 mm from the entire space.
  • The eyes are located on the central horizontal line, if you connect the pupils, you should get a straight line parallel to the top and bottom of the image.
  • The central vertical line runs through the center of the nose.
  • There should be 2 mm between the top of the head and the top edge of the photo.

The requirements for a passport photo seem complicated, but in fact they are easy to fulfill.

General shooting rules

The photo must be taken according to the rules. Inattentive attitude and small, at first glance, shortcomings can serve as a reason for refusal.

  • The face should be turned straight forward, and the shoulders too.
  • Head coverings are only allowed for those who wear them for religious reasons. This refers to a strict ban on being in society without a covered head. The headdress should not hide the oval of the face and create shadows. You cannot wear a hat as an ornament.
  • Of particular note are the glasses. If you wear glasses in everyday life, they may also be present in the photo, but you will have to try to get a good picture. The first thing to avoid is glare on the glass. The eyes should be clearly visible through the lenses. The frame should not cover the eyes and it is better not to use too wide models. If dark or colored lenses are inserted into the glasses, you cannot take pictures with them.
  • There are no strict requirements for clothing, but there are a few simple recommendations. An everyday option in calm, soft colors is ideal, but white and very light colors should be avoided, they will merge with the background. The form is not suitable for shooting on a foreign passport, only for official pictures.
  • The background in the cabin should be light blue or light gray, other colors will not work.
  • It is important to set the right light. It should fall directly on the face, but not dazzle. The main purpose is to avoid shadows on the face and on the background canvas.
  • We hide emotions deep inside, we need a calm state, without tension. Eyes looking directly into the lens, photos with a look to the side are not accepted.
  • The color scheme of the picture is prohibited from being too dark or too light, only natural colors.
  • The hair is neatly removed, does not cover the face or parts of it, if you are used to wearing bangs with one eye closed, you still have to remove it.

These are general requirements for a photo for a passport, valid for any sample document. But some rules apply only to certain types of passports.

old passport

You will need 3 photos for an old-style passport. Of these, 2 photographs for questionnaires and one is pasted into the document itself. This type of passport will have to be changed every 5 years, so any changes in the owner's appearance are reflected in the photo as much as possible.

All general rules apply to the snapshot. It is allowed to use both the color version and the black and white version, but the color version is still preferable. Print only on matte paper. The gloss effect will be created thanks to the laminating film on the page with personal data.

For a passport photo for a period of 5 years, a blurry white oval should go below. If the picture is taken independently, then these requirements must be taken into account.

Biometric passport

A photo for a new passport must also meet all the requirements. They are the same. The passport is issued for a period of 10 years, but you should not show much concern about the picture. For this option, only 2 photographs are needed, they will be pasted into the application. They will not be stuck on the passport itself.

There are no such strict requirements for the photo for the profile, therefore, if there are still small flaws, it is not so scary. For the passport itself, a biometric snapshot is taken right at the FMS department. Often, when applying personally, a photo is not required at all, one of the options made on the spot is inserted into the questionnaire and printed out along with the application.

It will not be possible to take a biometric photo in advance, so the uniform and other accessories: glasses, a hat, must comply with the shooting rules. Also, do not put too much makeup on your face on this day.

A biometric photo for a passport for 10 years is made on the spot. The reason for this is the general enthusiasm for retouching. A slightly corrected shape of the nose, a corrected second chin, rubbing of wrinkles and correction of the eyes lead to a discrepancy between reality and the picture. At the border control, the data is checked by a digital machine, and the desire to look better will lead to a U-turn home.

The only difference is that you will need 3 photos to get an old passport, and two to get a new one.

Online application

Applying for an international passport through the portal of public services is gaining more and more popularity. To do this, you need to upload a digital image. For images in electronic form, there are requirements for the image format:

  • The picture must be encoded in JPEG format, if you have a different one, you will have to reformat it, you can do this in Photoshop.
  • The resolution must be at least 450 dpi, in editors this is usually indicated in pixels per inch.
  • The file should not take more than 300 KB.
  • Color format: 8 bits for color and 8 bits for monochrome black and white.

All other requirements for the appearance of the image are preserved. On the website of the public service, the photo is inserted at the final step of filling out the questionnaire. You may also be asked to carry an additional printed version when submitting the original documents.

An old foreign passport requires the submission of four photos. At the same time, two photos are pasted into the questionnaire (not independently when filling out, this will be done by the inspector) on the passport, and the remaining two are transferred separately.

The requirements (parameters) in the Russian Federation and some rules with criteria for a photo for an old-style international passport are as follows:

  • the size of the photo must be strictly 3.5x4.5 centimeters;
  • paper - only matte;
  • the photograph is taken strictly in full face;
  • the background must be light.

The presence of color in a photo does not matter: you can apply for a passport in color or black and white. But for that to make the passport look better, it is advisable to use color photographs. For a new sample passport, which is biometric, two photographs will be enough.

The requirements for them are not so strict, since it determines a person not entirely by his appearance, but by his biometric data. Despite the introduction of these passports, old samples still continue to be used, albeit in much smaller quantities.

Reference! Making an old-style passport is much easier and faster than a biometric one, and therefore it is made most often in emergency cases when documents are needed urgently.

Filing electronically

A foreign passport of Russia of a new sample can be obtained by sending all the necessary documents directly from your own computer, through the website of the state. gosuslugi.ru services. The same goes for photographs. Next, we will figure out which photo to upload to the questionnaire when applying for a passport and how to do it.

  • photo size should not exceed 300 Kb;
  • the file being sent must be with the JPEG extension, and only that;
  • photo resolution must be within 450 pixels per inch;
  • the size of the image itself (when printed) must correspond to a standard photograph - 3.5x4.5 centimeters.

Almost every PC user can take a photo and process it to meet these requirements. For those who find this task difficult, you can contact the photo studio. Then dump the result onto electronic media from your home computer and send it along with the rest of the documents. Upload a photo to the state portal. services will not be difficult:

Attention! If for some reason the passport photo is rejected (in the case when it was taken manually), then you can re-photograph and upload at any time new version possibly in a different format.

Criteria for biometrics

To obtain a biometric passport, which is valid for ten years, two photographs must be submitted, this is the question of how many photographs are needed for a new passport.

The requirements for photographs of a new passport are the same as the requirements for a photo for an old passport, but they are more democratic. The size of the photo remains the same - 3.5x4.5 centimeters. Facial features should be very well visible, and it should be depicted specifically in full face.

The photo clearly illustrates the size requirements:

You can submit both color and black-and-white photos, but they must be printed on matte paper. A biometric passport can only be made using special equipment. Therefore, for its registration, you will definitely have to visit the office of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to carry out the necessary procedure.

At the same time, you can submit the remaining documents if it is not possible to send them electronically. Since there will always be many who want to issue a passport for themselves, it is advisable to sign up for photography in advance, and the recording takes place using the public services website.

Various features and nuances

If a person has not been photographed for a long time (or even once) for such a document as a passport, then a lot of questions arise in his head. For example, what is the best way to dress, do you need a haircut or a shave? This is especially true for those who take their photo on their own, because incomprehensible moments on the technical part of photography may well be added to these questions.

Interesting, but there are questions even on the angle. How can you guess the angle for the photo should be such that the face looks directly into the camera lens- so you can see the maximum number of its details, and the facial expression should be made serious. The oval of the face in the passport must be in the center of the photo.

The photo shows a good and bad angle:

As described earlier, the photo can be black and white (mainly for old passports, valid for five years), or color (preferably for new passports). If the photo is printed at home, then you need to use only matte photo paper.

Clothes, hairstyle and other details

The choice of clothes when photographing is not particularly important for ordinary citizens. Feel free to dress however you like this photo will represent a person for many years, so you should think carefully about what you need to be photographed and what clothes are better. But there are, of course, limitations.

For those who serve in state structures It is forbidden to be photographed in uniform. When submitting documents to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs you need to take pictures only in business form.

An example of suitable and unsuitable images for a foreign passport:

Regarding glasses and hats, a few points are also worth mentioning. Headwear and sunglasses are not allowed when photographing. Exception for persons who always wear a head covering based on religious beliefs.

The same applies to people with poor eyesight, who are often interested in whether it is possible to be photographed with glasses - in the photo for a passport you can wear ordinary lens (corrective) glasses, but on condition that you can clearly see your eyes behind them without glare from the flash, and the frame does not cover the pupils.

Men often ask about whether it is possible to be photographed on a Russian passport with a beard and the answer to this question will not be easy. Yes, although the hair on the lower part of the face is not considered a limitation, it can still change a person beyond recognition. Often this happens when a man was photographed with a beard, and after a certain period of time he shaved cleanly.

When checking documents, law enforcement officers may not recognize the person in the photo, and subject him to a more thorough check. To prevent such curious cases from happening, before taking pictures, it is advisable to be sure exactly what image is planned to be maintained for the next 5-10 years. This is how long the expiration date of the photo is - a new photo will only go for a new passport.

Important! A passport can also be issued in official purposes and photo restrictions are exactly the same as for a regular passport - no service uniform, headgear or glasses.

How to do it yourself?

To, you will need:

  1. High resolution camera.
  2. White background with good lighting.
  3. You also need to be able to minimally process photos in electronic form.
  4. You can use a white cloth or large paper as a background.
  5. Light sources (all) must be in front or behind, otherwise unnecessary and unnecessary shadows will appear on the background.
  6. The camera should be placed at the height of the face, at a distance of 2-3 meters from it.

The best option would be to have a tripod, as well as an assistant - who will correct the position of the face and facial expressions, and directly take a picture by focusing the camera on the face. Of course, you can get by with a timer, but the number of rejected photos will increase markedly.

After selection the best photo it remains to edit it in the photo editor. You can use regular Photoshop, but if you don’t have enough skills for this, you can find many simpler and more adapted editors on the Internet for this situation.

Of the tasks, it is necessary to highlight the fit of the photo to the required dimensions, and make the background as light as possible.

You can print the photo on your home printer (if you good quality press), and it is possible in specialized studios. Of course, you can not bother with all these issues and immediately take a picture in the studio, avoiding many possible mistakes and paying the right amount.

But if you need frequent photographing for documents, having learned this simple art, you can save a lot of money in the future.

In this video, a specialist demonstrates how to take a photo for a passport at home, having a camera and Photoshop:


A photo for a foreign passport is an important moment of its registration. Without a high-quality photograph that meets all requirements, a passport will not be issued. The easiest way to take a picture is in special studios that know exactly how to do it right.

But if you have a good camera and a photo printer at home, then you can take a photo for a foreigner yourself. The main thing for this is to have the necessary knowledge and skill, which will allow you to avoid mistakes and achieve quality.