Who is a homunculus? How to make a homunculus: from an egg, without a seed, according to the old method

An artificially created person, a creature grown outside the womb. The question of how to create a homunculus has always worried the ancient alchemists. Some of them even claimed to have succeeded. Arguing about this, alchemists often turned to dark forces. This gave rise to a lot of myths and legends.

How to make a homunculus: is it possible or not?

The peak of the popularity of the idea of ​​artificial people came in the era of the discovery of spermatozoa. It was about four hundred years ago. At that time, science was less developed than now, and spermatozoa were endowed by scientists with all sorts of properties that were not inherent in them. For example, according to one of the theories, it was believed that inside the spermatozoa there are other spermatozoa, and in those - more and more. That they are something like fractals. Medieval scholars thought that if spermatozoa were fed with blood, then a person would grow out of them.

The figure below shows how medieval scientists imagined people inside the sperm.

When alchemists promulgated such ideas, it created fear and hatred for scientists among the common people.

To this day, to grow a man from a sperm outside female body failed. The thing is that it is extremely difficult to artificially recreate the conditions of the mother's womb. Despite the fact that science has stepped far forward, there are people who believe in the success of creating an artificial person.

Experiments on the creation of homunculi

Modern inquisitive people are still looking in old books for information about who a homunculus is, they read the texts of descriptions of the experiments of alchemists. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about this. Now, having learned who a homunculus is, let's consider the experiments with which our ancestors tried to create it.

One of the Spanish scientists, who lived in the XIII century, according to the records, managed to produce such a creature into the world. Many scientists of that time tried to repeat his experiment. It was believed that the secret of success lies in the correct selection of starting materials, which then need to be heated to optimal temperature. Under all conditions, life was born in the flask. There were legends that homunculi can live only in certain specific conditions, and they feed on human blood. With the implementation of all recommendations, the growth of the homunculus up to 30 cm in length was predicted over a period of 40 days. Many of the experiments of those days required magnets and horse manure as starting materials and tools.


The alchemist and physician from Switzerland, Paracelsus, who lived at the beginning of the 16th century, was a recognized specialist in the creation artificial people. He made notes about who the homunculus was and how to conduct an experiment on its creation, however, so that the records would not go to the one who should not, he encrypted them.

The recipe was still deciphered:

  1. First you need to place the sperm in a glass flask. The flask is corked and buried in manure for 40 days.
  2. After the allotted time, the flask is taken out and magnetized. How exactly magnetization takes place is not known for certain. The homunculus at this time takes on the signs of a person.
  3. In the third stage, when making magical rite the flask was opened and it was as if the birth of an artificial man took place.
  4. From that moment on, they began to feed him with human blood. All this time, the flask had to be heated to the temperature of the human body.
  5. After 40 weeks, if everything was done correctly, a real baby of a small size was obtained from a demonic creature.

Paracelsus and his colleagues believed that the homunculi knew the secrets of the creation of the world from childhood, and they share these secrets with those who created them.

We make a homunculus at home

To conduct an experiment on growing a homunculus, we need sperm and a bird's egg. The egg will replace the nutrient medium of the female egg, it contains enough various substances for the development of the body.

Before making a homunculus, in addition to the indicated ingredients, take:

  • Syringe.
  • Dense fabric.
  • Alcohol for disinfection.

The order of the experiment:

Some believe that homunculi do not have a specific gender. This is not true. These creatures have gender characteristics.

These artificially obtained organisms have an underdeveloped nervous system and muscles.

Homunculi are not susceptible to light.

The first famous history The homunculus was born in 1534.

Fairy tales in which, perhaps, homunculi are mentioned: "Thumbelina", "A boy with a finger", "Kotigoroshko".

AT famous work Goethe "Faust" Mephistopheles in the laboratory creates a homunculus.

Whether to repeat these eccentric experiments is up to you.

Science has made great progress over the past century. But the scientific community faces numerous ethical issues, such as the creation of life artificially. For some, this is a logical continuation. scientific development. For others, this is an area in which people should not interfere.

Artificial creation of life, such as genetic engineering and cloning - modern ideas. However, the idea of ​​artificial creation of life existed in antiquity. In the Middle Ages they did alchemists. In alchemy, there was the idea of ​​creation homunculus which means in Latin "small man".

The first mention of the homunculus occurs in texts on alchemy of the 16th century, but the idea itself is even older. The concept of creating small but fully formed men existed in early middle ages(400-1000). It is partly based on Aristotle's idea that sperm plays more important role in producing offspring than an ovum.

The first description of the creation of a homunculus is contained in Arabic text"The Book of the Cow". To create a homunculus, human seed, cow or sheep, animal blood were needed. A cow or sheep was artificially inseminated, the genitals of the fertilized animal were smeared with the blood of another animal, and the pregnant female was fed exclusively on the blood of an animal.

The pregnant animal was supposed to give birth to a formless substance, which then had to be put into a powder of sunstone, magnet, sulfur, ferrous sulfate and white willow sap. When human skin began to form around the vial, it had to be placed in a large vessel or lead container for three days. After that, he must be fed with the blood of his decapitated mother (cow), and after that a full-fledged homunculus is formed.

The Book of the Cow contains various ways creation of homunculi. Instead of a cow and a sheep, a female monkey was also used, and the powder is made from other components. The incubation period of the embryo in the vessel increases to 40 days. All three types of homunculi had special abilities.

One homunculus could make it appear in the sky on the last day of the month full moon, allowed a person to turn into a cow, a sheep or a monkey, walk on water or know about events that occur at a great distance.

Another type of homunculus gave a person the ability to see demons and spirits and communicate with them. A third variety of homunculi caused rain and created very poisonous snakes.

Engraving depicting Faust and the homunculus

The 16th century alchemist Philip von Hohenheim, known as Paracelsus, described in his work De Natura Rerum various recipes to create homunculi. In one of the recipes, a horse was used as a surrogate mother of a homunculus, which was fertilized with human seed. After 40 days, a little man was born.

From the point of view of Paracelsus, the homunculus should not be used for magical purposes, but "carefully and carefully trained until he grows up and begins to show independent thinking." Paracelsus also claimed that the creation of the homunculus was one of the greatest secrets revealed by a mortal God.

From the point of view of modern scientists, the recipes in The Book of the Cow and De Natura Rerum are mere fantasies. However, from the point of view of other people, these texts should not be taken literally. This may be a symbolic description of the process of spiritual development, containing secret messages. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​creating a homunculus, that is, an artificially created life, is still alive today.

"A moment's pleasure is often the cause of long suffering." Christoph Wieland

Hello. Today will be very unusual topic, non-standard, I would say for my blog. In Runet, mass insanity has gone very far, one strange idea is the creation of a certain creature called "homunculus".

Of course, this applies more to a younger audience, that is, to teenagers, of course, you can understand at this age you want to know this world in all its glory, both from a negative and positive point of view.

Let's take a closer look at what and how this very homunculus is created, and then I will tell you why you can’t joke with such things, I’ll tell you how this very homunculus is created, this topic is very interesting, but very dangerous, looking ahead, I’ll say that the homunculus is created mainly from chicken eggs, of course, someone else uses eggs, but first things first.

Million views experiment succeeded

Recently, in YouTube, there is no place in the West where people usually like to indulge in all sorts of devilry, and here in the Russian segment of YouTube, a very strange video was released, where a certain young man conducts experiments in his apartment to create a certain creature called a homunculus. To do this, use chicken eggs. Having read books on black magic, I probably read this black rite on some black rite forum.

I don’t know why he decided on such outright demonism, either to become famous, or to prove to himself and possibly the audience that he is a super cool black magician.

Using the knowledge that describes the description of this black rite, he did the unthinkable in the eyes of all people, in the eyes of the entire public, as I said above, to kindle interest among today's youth, who have nothing to shy away from - to tickle their sensual and other receptors .

Taking advantage of the general interest, he recorded all this action on a video camera, which he later laid out, this inherently black rite of black magic, for everyone to see.

And what is the most terrible and saddest thing, he managed to create a certain creature, remotely of course similar to a homunculus, which would fulfill the wishes of the owner, as medieval alchemists write in ancient manuscripts as a mammoth barn.

In addition, this person who filmed this video also offered to try this experience, that there is nothing complicated and shameful in this. AT this moment when this article was written, the views on YouTube exceeded 4,600,000, our people are curious, besides, teenagers especially suffer from this, and a mass hobby for the creation of small monsters, called a homunculus, began. Whether it turns out or not to create this homunculus is not important here. Something else is important here, I will talk about it in part 2.

Is there a homunculus? Let's figure it out! Trying to deal with such things is unlikely to end well for those people who participated in or attempted to create a homunculus.

For a long time I thought about uploading a video of a homunculus, from which mass hysteria among young people began, because this is such a heresy that it’s even scary to upload this video to your blog. Therefore, I decided not to post it, who wants to watch it, you can just type the word homunculus, where the topmost video is in the search results ..

What is a homunculus and does it really exist

To do this, let's touch on the history of occurrence and who coined this term. In no time time immemorial in the 16th century in Europe there lived such a doctor and an alchemist called him Paracelsus, who is familiar and fond of different esoteric oh, they know this person.

So in one of his many works, he wrote how to make a homunculus at home, in his writings, of course, different chemical tools are used, but according to him, simple ingredients could be used, this egg, sperm of a man, a syringe and parchment, I think any paper will do. Of course, at that time, the syringe may not have been invented yet and another method was used to put the sperm into the egg.

Further text from the author of this video. Sperm is poured through a syringe into the egg, according to the author, any egg can be used, from quail to ostrich. It is necessary to carefully drain the protein, for this all the protein is pumped out with the same syringe, and then pumped male seed, then sealed with paper or tape,

Fits in warm place, to do this, wrap it in clothes and in a closet or near a radiator, and it remains to languish from 5 to 2 weeks. In the writings of Paracelsus, it was necessary to place in horse dung, the ideal temperature comparable to that of a chicken hen.

When to hatch or need to help this creature out of the egg: you need to feed it with human blood until it gets stronger, as the author claims, as long as the homunculus lives, the owner will bathe in happiness. Which is complete nonsense, I think. To create a homunculus, there are several ways, but how? I also probably won't post it on my blog.

I do not have the task of how to create, or how to grow a homunculus? What would then show a photo or video of a homunculus for all to see. No, I wrote this article so that you who catch fire and who for the first time learn about the terrible experiences of modern youth. Stop this damn thing. This is not nonsense and not a fairy tale, someone might say so.

A terrible danger, a homunculus from an egg or what kind of monster you create.

Of course, a person is capable of a lot, if you look at it, then a person is capable of everything, it depends on energy, on the power of thought and other factors that I think should not be listed, about this

Using its seed, as you know, it also has tremendous power, I don’t even need to talk about it. Those teenagers who appeal and conduct experiments, unconsciously and it doesn’t matter if they managed to create this very homunculus, or didn’t succeed, it doesn’t matter, with all their actions they create energy monsters that are capable of much.

Teenagers are distinguished by a large amount of energy, besides, sexual overwhelms, and in order to recreate some kind of essence for a teenager, one does not need to put a lot of energy, sincere curiosity is enough, when a person shows interest, he emits energy on an object that interests him.

No wonder perverts of all stripes reach out to children to take advantage of their energy. Thus, by investing your energy, even if unconsciously, an energy substance is created on the subtle mental plane, which begins to live of its own accord, moreover, if this experiment drags on, the incubation, incubation of this homunculus, which gives more and more energy, what would be already influence its owner.

He will not grant wishes, as they say and the authors of videos and books on esotericism tell, he will pump energy, who created him, even if a teenager or an adult has forgotten about the created monster, then the monster will not go anywhere! In addition, the creation of an energy monster was created with the help of a male seed, and a male seed is an unmanifested spirit, who knows what I mean.

Having created a homunculus, he starts at first, albeit weakly, but begins to pump energy from its creator, and every day more and more energy will leave, since the seed was used, then, accordingly, it will pump energy from the sexual chakra, what can this lead to? Impotence, sexual disorders, prostatitis, not only the reproductive system, but the whole organism as a whole can suffer.

Can hit on the head - schizophrenia, epilepsy and others mental disorders. The ending can be different, it all depends on the invested energy of the person who invested in this monster. That is, curiosity and interest - the more interest there was when creating a homunculus, the more sad consequences in the future ..

Therefore, homunculi, it’s true or fiction, it doesn’t matter here, everything is decided by energy, besides, the desire of that person to create an entity, they create it, only not at the physical level, but at the energy level, which is doubly dangerous.

How to get rid of a homunculus

  1. Of course, you need to repent of what you have done, repentance is the most powerful tool when a person was mistaken, because we are all not without sin.
  2. Try to get everything out of your head everything connected with homunculi and other devilry.
  3. It is better to throw away and burn all books that are somehow connected with all black magic, remove from bookmarks all sites related to all kinds of black magic, so you cut off connections with the world of dark forces.
  4. To say the words aloud - That you completely renounce the homunculus, that you cut off all connection with this entity, to say that you no longer belong to me and I will no longer consciously and unconsciously energize. Try to find such words and say them several times so that the essence understands that you will no longer feed it. Thus, it will cease to exist.
  5. If you feel that energy is being drained, turn to God with the Our Father prayer, since the Christian egregor has great power, then I think he can help you.
  6. Of course, work on yourself with your thoughts, because it is possible for entities, the subtle astral world, to settle in, which can also harm or completely take over the consciousness and soul of a person. Because with any use of black and other magic, various demonic creatures are invited, which fulfill the will of a person in order to subsequently take possession of the soul.

Conclusion - is it worth making a homunculus.

I tried to outline everything related to the homunculus, of course it's up to you to decide whether it is worth creating them? Or not, but everything that I wrote and the consequences with the dark world lies entirely with you, but I wrote an article for those people who feel that they cannot understand what is happening to them, those who have already tried to create these very homunculi, is it connected these experiments with the creation of all sorts of homunculi, or something else.

For all questions write in the comments.

Alchemists tried to achieve such high goals that modern scientists do not dare to dream about it. In the same list with the philosopher's stone and the transformation of lead into gold was the creation of homunculi - creatures similar to humans, but not born, but grown artificially.

Although the concept of "homunculus" was widespread as early as the 12th century, this topic really became popular only a century later, when Arnaldus de Villanova, a doctor from Spain, created the theory of "manufacturing" people and, according to rumors, conducted a number of successful experiments, which others had done before. haven't been able to yet. For a long time it was believed that he was the only one who was able to achieve a result, but three centuries after the death of Arnaldus, Paracelsus supported his idea and even offered his cultivation of an artificial person.

It was assumed that the homunculus would be not just an artificially grown body or a kind of soulless robot. Alchemists believed that this consciousness would have both feelings and reason, and in general it would become much like a person.

How alchemists tried to create a homunculus

There were several different methods for creating homunculi, but almost all of them were based on the same idea: the spermatozoon should become the basis for this creature, because it is he who eventually turns into a person in the womb of his mother. The process of carrying a child to alchemists in the Middle Ages seemed akin to the process of growing a homunculus, only they wanted to do without the "standard" methods. Moreover, it was assumed that the spermatozoon is a little man, only a tiny one, and in the mother's womb it only increases in size, nothing more.

One of the most popular recipes for growing a homunculus belongs to Paracelsus. He suggested taking human sperm, warming it up in a special way, magnetizing it, burying it in horse manure, and also performing a number of other manipulations, the essence of which was not clear even at the time this method was developed. Next, it was necessary to keep a test tube with a homunculus in special conditions, from time to time feeding the little man so that he would grow and develop. It was supposed to be fed with human blood. According to Paracelsus, the result in this case could be achieved in the shortest time: 40 days were enough for the homunculus to “ripen”. At this point, the growth of the creature should have reached about 30.5 cm.