The manifestation of sympathy in men. Non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy

Look for the truth in your eyes

Realize that another person likes you, perhaps by looking more closely into his clear eyes. If these eyes are really clear, then you can safely write down your interlocutor as one of your admirers. In this chapter, we will tell you how to look at the look that you are beautiful to another person.

There are hidden and open forms of manifestation of sympathy. The hidden form is used when a person is afraid of being deceived in you, afraid that he will not achieve reciprocity from you. But, ignoring his horror, he tries to communicate with you, tries to be with you and watch you. Often, if a person hides his sympathy, then he observes the object of adoration furtively, imperceptibly. If your eyes cross at some point, he immediately looks away.

If a person openly shows sympathy for you, then in his eyes it is possible to read interest, respect, a question: How do you feel about me? Along with this, the eyes of a person are widely open, the pupils, in most cases, are dilated. There is no hostility or other negative feelings in his gaze.

Men's and women's views of sympathy are very different from each other. Ladies are more creative. It was the female representatives who gave rise to the art of shooting eyes. It is the woman who, in most cases, is the first to start an innocent game of staring, which, if successful, turns into a whirlwind romance. Let's figure out how ladies and men send visual signals of sympathy to each other.

Male signals of attraction. In order to find out from a man’s gaze whether you are beautiful to him, pay attention to where he is watching. The man, expressing sympathy, examines the object from head to toe. To begin with, he notes for himself your non-specialized attractiveness, later he falls lower, holding his gaze on the chest and hips, if you are the owner of forms worthy of his attention. If a man begins to show interest in you, this is expressed in the expansion of his pupils and increased eye contact.

Attraction female gazes. The girls are watching otherwise. They are characterized by a sidelong glance, furtively. If, along with this, they are seen with the eyes of the object of their sighs, then, in most cases, they avert their eyes and blush. For girls, keeping their eyes on a man is considered not very decent, so they try to follow the object of their dreams secretly until he sees. A woman begins to examine her potential boyfriend from the bottom up, this is different from men. This direction has a double meaning. On the one hand, she gathers courage in order to look into the eyes of the man she likes, otherwise, for a lady, the most desirable moment is the moment when two eyes meet.

Sympathy is hidden in gestures

Gestures of sympathy are very diverse and entertaining. Each person has his own set of gestures, thanks to which he attracts the attention of the person he likes.

We have already emphasized that male and female gestures of sympathy differ sharply from each other. Of course, female non-verbal signals a large number of more varied and exciting than men's. There are also universal gestures that are used by both sexes in order to express or, on the contrary, hide their sympathy.

If, for example, a person doubts the reciprocity of his chosen one, then his gestures are characterized by caution. If by chance or intentionally a person touches his secret admirer, he, for his part, will instantly withdraw his hand, as if burned. This does not happen by chance: hiding his sympathy and affection, a person is afraid of contact with the one he likes, because he is afraid that he will not cope with his instincts and will betray himself with his head.

Men in most cases express sympathy in the following way. To begin with, they try to attract the interest of the lady they like, they begin to preen in her presence: they smooth their hair, straighten their tie, cufflinks, shirt, pull up the collar, jacket, brush off a non-existent speck of dust from their shoulder or dandruff.

A man can use the following eloquent gesture: put huge fingers behind the belt in the abdomen in order to focus on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis genitals; stand with your hands on your hips, turning your body towards the lady, pointing the toe of the foot in her direction.

A woman is trying to demonstrate to a man that she liked him through the following gestures and postures. She can touch her hair without any circumstance, fix her clothes or make-up in the presence of a person she likes. One of the catchy gestures of sympathy is the following gesture: the lady turns her wrists towards the man in order to demonstrate her smooth and tender skin (for example, while smoking, she holds a cigarette at neck or shoulder level, exposing her wrist towards the man she is interested in). During the walk, the lady can shake her hips quite frankly in order to demonstrate her charms.

If the meeting with a man takes place in an informal setting, for example, in a bar or at a disco, then the lady can resort to very frank gestures. She tries to sit down so that her legs are visible to her chosen one. During the conversation, she shakes her shoe on her toes, puts her foot on her foot so that they line up on the same line directed at the object of interest of the lady. If the man is not too far away from the lady, then the latter can slowly intertwine her legs in front of the man’s eyes and, in addition, slowly return them to the opposite position, gently stroke her thighs with her hand, quite often, along with this, the lady speaks in a low voice.

Did you smile? So you like

A smile is not always a 100% indicator of sympathy. A smile is probably an indicator that a person needs something from you: he tries to please you, and then apply his influence. How to distinguish a smile of genuine sympathy from other types of smiles?

A smile that expresses sympathy is forbidden to be confused with anything. It is invariably symmetrical: both corners of the mouth are equally raised upwards. Sympathy can be expressed both by an open (with bared teeth) and a more restrained closed smile. If a person shows you his teeth, then he allows you to understand that he feels completely normal in your company, he has nothing to hide. If the smile is sincere, then the person's gaze is sincere, bright, radiating a smile.

If you see asymmetry in a smile (one corner of the mouth is lower than the other, or one corner is lowered, the other is raised), then this may be an indicator of the insincerity of your interlocutor. If the eyes of your companion do not laugh, while a smile shines on his face, it means that he has some kind of selfish intentions, he wants to fool you.

The fact that a person treats you well, sympathizes with you, is indicated not only by a smile, but also by laughter. If a person laughs in your presence, then he treats you kindly, does not hesitate to expose his emotions in front of you, to be open. The openness of a person is an indicator of sympathy.

A smile can have an ironic temperament. This is, in most cases, a twisted smile, while when the head is tilted to the side, one eye may be squinted. Such a smile is also an indicator of sympathy. This is a good irony, the person treats you well, but now, perhaps, you look comical. An ironic smile should not be confused with a sarcastic smile, this is an indicator that your interlocutor does not respect you, but openly laughs at you. Such a smile will differ in greater curvature, a person may have a squint that is not characteristic of him. It is necessary to distinguish an open smile from a smile-grin, which is an indicator of hidden aggression and negativity. Its distinguishing feature: a person exposes all teeth, including the lower jaw.

There is another danger: your interlocutor can copy your smile without experiencing, along with this, the emotion of sincere sympathy for you. This can be easily found out. If your companion smiles only when you do it, then he is simply trying to mislead you in order to apply your good mood in order to achieve their own selfish goals.

Do not forget that the lack of a smile is not an indicator of a lack of sympathy for you. If your interlocutor looks at you sullenly, never smiling, then do not rush to immediately accuse him of antipathy, perhaps that he is simply hiding his sincere attitude towards you, or he is just such an unsmiling person.

And he says, he sings

It can be easy to find out whether your interlocutor likes you or not, if you carefully listen to how he speaks. Often a genuine attitude towards a person betrays a voice.

The ladies have developed a certain standard for expressing sympathy through the voice. If she likes a man, she changes her natural, simple voice, begins to speak lower, from time to time, moreover with a hoarseness. This is an indicator of sexual attraction to a partner. The pace of her speech is slow enough for a man to be able to perceive the data, in addition to this, this is some kind of signal that she sends to the male libido, a kind of verbal swoon: Pay attention to how beautiful I am. Often, melodious intonations appear in the voice of the lady, she speaks, as if singing. If a woman is embarrassed to express her true attitude towards a man, she is afraid of being rejected, then completely different intonations are characteristic of her voice: her voice can tremble, the pace of speech will be very rapid, during the conversation she will be tormented by involuntary spasms in the throat, which in itself an indicator of great excitement. In addition, a woman may try (in vain) to control her voice.

The men express their desire to conquer the couple's girl otherwise. Their voice, in a conversation with a girl they like, is similar to the call of a male in a battle for a female, no matter how cynical it may sound. Animal instincts wake up in a man, this is manifested in his voice. They give an unusual cry, which testifies: This is my prey. With all potential rivals, he is sharp enough, perhaps, moreover, uncouth in handling. As for the conversation with the one to whom he is going to give his heart, then we have the right to compare the voice of a man with a song. He begins to use his most catchy voice abilities, tries to demonstrate himself in all its glory. If he owns an instrument and can sing well, then in without fail looking for an opportunity to showcase his talent. His voice becomes gentle, soft, velvety, similar to the sounds of an unprecedented, outlandish instrument, very affectionate and melodic sounding.

For some young people, excessive shyness prevents them from meeting a pretty girl. However, any representative of the fair sex will be able to understand that a man likes her. If a woman is attractive to a man, then this is very noticeable.

To recognize the sympathy of a man, you need to look closely at him. You need to pay attention to his gestures, reaction, behavior. Sight young man betrays his hidden thoughts. A woman should be able to understand the signals of sympathy that a young man gives her.

There is an opinion that body language is much more eloquent than all words. A woman should look at an unfamiliar man and pay attention to how he behaves when she appears. If a man this woman I like it, at a meeting he will begin to straighten his clothes, hairstyle. By such movements, one can guess that the woman is attractive to him. In order to attract attention to himself, a young man will change his behavior, a woman needs to pay attention to how a man behaves when she disappears from his field of vision, whether he is looking for her with his eyes, whether he is trying to catch her gaze.

If a man looks at a woman intently, then this indicates that he likes her, and if he looks away, then this means his embarrassment. A look is the very first sign of sympathy. If a young man likes a girl, he will do everything possible to catch her eye as often as possible. You also need to pay attention to his eyebrows. If a young man raises his eyebrows during a conversation with a girl, then this indicates that he likes the girl.

During the conversation, the girl should carefully look at the face of the young man. The expression on his face can give away his feelings that he is experiencing. If his nostrils are dilated, his lips are slightly parted, and his facial expression is friendly, then all this indicates his sympathy. If a young man is nervous, breathes deeply, his eyes are running, it means that he feels some emotions towards the girl.

You can understand male sympathy if he began to be interested in a woman's hobby, her interests. If a girl likes, then the young man will notice any changes in her appearance, he will compliment her, notice and praise the new haircut.

There is another method that allows you to understand whether a young man likes a girl or not. You just need to go on a date with him once, and then give him your phone number. If a man does not call for a long time, then this is evidence that the girl did not like him. If he calls her back immediately after the date, then we can conclude that the fair sex is not indifferent to him.

In order for a girl to understand what a man feels for her, she must make him jealous. To do this, she can talk about the merits of other guys, if a man starts to interrupt the conversation, gets nervous, then this indicates that he likes the girl. If a woman is interesting to a man, then he will not allow her to admire other members of the stronger sex.

When a young man likes a girl, he will invite her to the cinema, on dates. Only beloved girls are given gifts, spend free time with them. A young man will always be happy to help a pretty woman if this or that situation happens in her life.

When the relationship has just begun, the girl should pay her attention to whether the young man changes his life for her or not. You can determine this by appearance maybe the guy changed his image, clothes, hairstyle. You also need to pay attention to how often he communicates with friends. If a girl is of interest to a young man, then he will compliment her, give flowers for no reason.

Some men are very shy and afraid to confess their sympathy. Or they are too masculine and believe that the manifestation of emotions makes them weak in the eyes of women. They carefully hide their feelings and do not signal them to the girl they like. She learns about sympathy quite by accident, from mutual friends or acquaintances. If a girl takes the initiative , a man in love happy to respond to it. And if not, then it remains lonely, suffering in the soul.

Hidden sympathy is very easy to confuse with simple friendly participation. Girls often get into trouble when they find out that a good male friend is actually head over heels in love with them.

Signs of male sympathy- these are not always active compliments and an invitation to a date. Very often, timid looks and attempts can speak of feelings. When a man tries to please, he tries to determine what the chosen one is fond of, what can attract her. In addition, the representative of the stronger sex tends to be around more often. He offers his help in all situations, tries to protect the girl from domestic difficulties and hardships. All these are signs that a girl is very attractive to a man and he wants to build a long-term relationship with her.

Often girls expect passionate confessions and chivalrous deeds from men. And they can not overcome embarrassment and just give flowers. Don't be disappointed. Every person is different, and if he is timid, it does not mean that he is bad.

Why do guys hide affection

Sometimes men do not talk about their sympathy even when it is obvious. In this case, the task of the girl is not to rush him with recognition. You need to behave openly, not to hide your location, but at the same time not to put pressure on a man. He will be grateful for it. Gradually, the man will get used to the fact that the girl is always there, she does not reject him, moreover, she likes him. His feelings will grow and strengthen every day, and the hour when he decides to voice them will come very soon. A slightly nervous and thoughtful behavior is an indicator that a man is ready to confess his love to a girl. And these words will be sincere, unlike those that almost all guys pronounce with ease in the first days of dating. The girl may no longer puzzle over whether her relationship with her lover is serious or not. She does not need to pass a compatibility test, find out from mutual friends the secrets of her chosen one. After a confession made for so long, she can be sure that the man takes their relationship with the utmost seriousness and, most likely, the next step will be a marriage proposal.