Meditation on money and cash flow. Meditations for good luck and wealth

Each of us has our own cash flow. This is the energy of money striving towards us. With this energy, we can learn to manage it, increase the speed and improve the quality of the flow. And this means that we are an influx of money into our lives. But, there is a condition, namely: we ourselves must be able to withstand it. In other words, if you want to manage cash flow, prepare yourself for this. Powerful meditation on money video will be a good helper in this matter.

Videos cash flow meditation

Strong meditation on the flow of money energy should be done regularly, because it is a universal guide to the world of money energy. Listening to calm, relaxing music and doing meditation on money on your own - this is where cash flow management begins.

Assume a comfortable posture for money meditation, close your eyes and begin to slowly sink into the world of meditation, to a place that you visualize for yourself, where you will be safe, where you will be pleased. You can use money meditation videos. You are standing in a beautiful and peaceful place, in the middle of a wide plain, or high in the mountains, or on a warm sea ​​sand, and the waves, running, touch your toes. You are calm and happy. Find this state in yourself and merge with it together. Become him.

Money Meditation - Video Help for Beginners

Now you should see how you, your whole body is pierced by a stream of light. This energy pours out on you, fills your whole being, and you feel how this filling is happening, how the light envelops you in a stole - warm and cool at the same time, and you experience infinitely pleasant sensations.

In your meditation, the cash flow should have color. You can make it whatever you like, because you create it yourself. Make the flow of energy white as clouds, or silvery, shimmering. You can make it sky blue, or colors sea ​​water, or a shade of May greens. But, know that the purer, fresher and more perfect the color, the purer your energy. And now you are no longer just standing in the rays of light, you are bathing in this amazingly clean, vibrating stream. But, this is not to complete the meditation on money video - continue.

Modern meditation on money - listen and see money rain

Allow the energy to flow through your entire body, warming it and at the same time giving a feeling of slight coolness. Now take a closer look - the flow is not uniform. See the golden or silver threads? Threads that sparkle like streams of rain in sunlight? This is what you are looking for, what you are doing money meditations for - threads of cash flow.

Touch them, pass them through your fingers, wrap them around your hands. Now a pile of money falls on you. The real money. Banknotes and coins, silver and gold, old and new, rubles, dollars, euros. Clear cash flow, increase it. Money rustles, jingles, you feel the sliding touches of banknotes and hitting coins on your shoulders. Money pours into your hands, you bathe in money. Fix and learn at any moment when you want to enter into it - into the state of possession, into the state of joy and peace.

How often, in order to go to the intended goal, we do not have enough determination. How often do we retreat due to certain circumstances, give in to difficulties, or simply agree to the conditions or requests of others, and begin to act to the detriment of our interests. As a result, we lose time and energy, but we don’t get closer, or even move away from it, we don’t realize ourselves in a profession, or in some other aspects of life. To achieve the desired result, self-meditation on the goal will help you. If you need to feel happiness and independence material security and stability, practice beautiful meditations to attract wealth.

Online meditation on the goal - the practical benefits of classes

To decide what you really need, where you want to go, and where you end up, practice independent online goal meditation. Will it the main objective life, or some small, achievable goal, it is important that it be yours, and that you go to it without sacrificing something of your own for the sake of your interests. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary, but there are often situations when they are only harmful.

Free wealth meditation - get caught up in the money whirlwind

There is an interesting money meditation, or modern meditation on attracting wealth, which involves activating the imagination, awakening the practitioner's ability to visualize. Take a comfortable relaxed position, close your eyes. Imagine a whole cash flow, a whole pile of banknotes. Multi-colored money rain, downpour, whirlwind. Banknotes shower you, penetrate under your clothes, fall behind your collar, you are in the center of a money whirlwind. And you know that all this money is yours, belongs to you, was, is and will be in your life, and will not go anywhere. A powerful wealth meditation will help you maintain your money energy and expand your cash flow.

The Flow of Abundance - An Effective Meditation to Attract Wealth

It is not necessary that meditation for money be based on the imagination of real objects related to the material component of life and the world of money. It is not at all necessary, when doing independent wealth meditation, to visualize bundles of banknotes, expensive cars and mansions. Imagine an infinite space - the universe, the great universe. From there, from the center of the universe, a golden ray falls on you,. Absorb the energy of abundance, the powerful energy of gold and turquoise, silver and purple.

Feel the pleasant warmth and pleasure of possession with your body. Hold this state in yourself for as long as you can. You can repeat free meditations to attract wealth to yourself often, even daily, there are no restrictions in this matter. And changes in your life will certainly come, and they will come very soon, you will even be surprised by this.

If you don't have enough money, money seems to be flowing out of your hands, and debts are growing, you should resort to meditation.

In addition, think about it - is it possible that a negative attitude prevents monetary energy from penetrating into your life? Do you think that all rich people are bad, that money is evil? If yes, then you personally push them away.

Understand that money is not evil, that with its help you can do a lot of good and light, to do charity work. Love them. And start meditating.


Nowadays, on the Internet you can find many audio meditations for money. Before listening to them, one must properly prepare for meditation. Do the following:

  • Find a private area where no one will disturb you, turn off the phones and close the doors. You must feel secure in this place.
  • Create the right atmosphere - turn off bright lights, light candles or a table lamp, fill the room with pleasant relaxing aromas using an aroma lamp or Indian incense.
  • Sit or lie down as comfortably as possible, relax the whole body, every muscle in it. Breathe deeply.
  • Get rid of unnecessary thoughts, imagine how they float by without touching your consciousness. Feel a pleasant emptiness in your head.

Only after such preparation can you enable audio meditation and dive into it. In addition, you can find a lot of suitable music for meditation and relaxation on the Internet. It will help you tune in the right way and immerse yourself in the right state at any moment.

It is good to combine meditation with visualization, imagine or look at pictures of money or at the bills themselves. But remember that, in addition to spiritual practices, you will also need active actions, but with the help of meditation you will direct the energy of money in the right direction.

Meditations for money

In order to attract money into your life, you can regularly perform simple meditations combined with visualization. For example, you can imagine that you are sitting at an expensive table made of good tree that is filled with money. These are rubles, and euros, and dollars, and even gold coins.

Enjoy it, feel it it's your money that you can now afford to live the life you have always dreamed of. Feel confident and joyful.

Another way is to imagine that you are a millionaire and go to the bank to add another 100,000 rubles to your account. You enter a luxurious bank building with columns, confidence and wealth emanates from you, everyone smiles at you.

You deposit the amount into the account and look at the check, which says a large amount that you want to get in real life. You feel good and joyful from the fact that you have it, you feel confidence and peace.

You can also imagine how every month get your desired salary and hold it, physically feel it.

Another good way- meditate on a picture that evokes a feeling of abundance. Look at her for a long time, and then close your eyes and try to prolong and maintain the sensations. Feel very rich and confident.

Another option is to regularly imagine a cave in which gold, stones, money, jewelry are stored. All this is yours, and it all emanates the energy of money. You can always come and take what you need. The main thing is to experience positive emotions and a sense of stability and abundance.

How to attract money

This meditation will help you attract money and opportunities to get them. Remember that you can only start it while in good mood when your mind is calm and you do not feel irritation.

Take the largest denomination of the currency in which you would like to receive money, it is better if it is the most popular currency in your country. If you do not have the largest denomination of the existing ones, take what you have - this is not critical.

Now retire with her, find a place where no one will bother you. Relax into a comfortable position, look at the bill and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply and imagine it in every detail, with watermarks, drawings, numbers and inscriptions. Now imagine that you already have two bills, imagine this as clearly as possible. Then there are more and more of them - three, four, ten, one hundred ...

Your the wallet is full them, all the caches are full of bundles of money. Be calm, take it for granted, feel confident and joyful. Imagine what you will spend this money on, starting with the little things, enjoy this feeling. Now open your eyes and try to maintain that calm confidence for as long as possible.

In this way you will change the vibrations and attract money energy into your life. Soon you'll get a way earn this day gi or else they will come in another way. If you have been in need of money for a long time, do this exercise regularly and start with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount of imaginary money.

Money energy

Cash flow is energy, which can be attracted into your life through energy practices. Initially, it was high frequency, but because of the negativity associated with money in the minds of many, it became low frequency, but this does not mean that money is something bad.

If you feel a lack of them, it is possible that your energy vibrations are not compatible with the vibrations of the cash flow, and this can be corrected. First, get rid of negative attitudes and understand that money is just energy, and turning it for good or evil is the prerogative of a person.

Then start setting up on the wave of money. This can be done in several ways.

When you receive money - no matter how big or small - always mentally say: "I raise you to the level of my vibration." So you invoke the energy of money into your life. In addition, there is another reliable way to tune into this energy and attract abundance and wealth into your space.

Find something that symbolizes prosperity for you - large denomination banknote, a rich necklace or luxury item, and tune in to its energy waves. Imagine how your biofield opens, stretches and captures this object, enveloping it.

Feel that you have become one with this object, imagine that it is all surrounded by a golden glow. Now close your eyes and inhale deeply, imagining that this radiance enters you along with the air, not through the nostrils, but through the center on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Exhale, mentally move the radiance to the region of the heart, imagine how it becomes brighter, grows, glows with gold. Breathe like this for some time until you feel waves of energy- they can manifest themselves as a pleasant warmth, tingling, or, conversely, a chill.

Now you can finish your meditation. If you do it often and regularly, the energy of abundance will come into your life.

money and success

To attract into your life money and success you can do the following meditation. Take a bill in your hand, close your eyes and relax, sitting in a comfortable position with a straight back. Breathe deeply and imagine that all tension and negativity go away with the exhalations, and you inhale cool clean air.

Imagine that the sun is shining directly above you, that it directs its rays at you and warms you. Imagine how golden ray enters your solar plexus and fills this area with light.

Hold this light in yourself for some time by applying a bill to the solar plexus. Imagine that she, too, is filled with the energy of the sun, absorbs it from you.

Imagine the moment when you spend this money, and in return a huge flow of energy of money and success is sent to you. Now come out of meditation and open your eyes. The faster you spend the charged bill, the better.

Another exercise to attract success and money is called " Warm cash flow". Take warm water in the bathroom, add aromatic oils, salt, foam, place candles around and turn on calm music that is suitable for meditation.

Slowly immerse yourself in warm water, relax, breathe in pleasant aromas. Try to throw all worries and worries out of your head, let thoughts leave your head, leaving only a ringing emptiness. Close your eyes, breathe deeply.

Imagine how liquid is pouring down on you from above. golden energy of money and success how this flow fills you and washes over, how everything inside you is filled with golden light. Feel your feelings at the same time - you should be calm and good. You will be imbued with a feeling of joy and pleasure, peace and confidence.

Put together a large and index fingers and say: “I thank the Lord and accept from him at this moment the most comfortable and ideal financial condition , staying in which, I will feel bliss and well-being throughout my life!”

You must say these words with great confidence. Now start counting from one hundred to one, after finishing the count, count from one to five and say three times with happiness in your voice: “It works!” This practice can attract great things into your life. money flow and luck especially if you do it regularly.

Even minor financial difficulties should not be ignored, otherwise you may end up with a broken trough. With the help of effective meditation on money, you can attract money luck and get rich.

Many people believe that meditation techniques are meant to bring about calmness and energy. But in fact, even our ancestors used meditation to attract good luck, happiness, love and even money.

AT recent times people will increasingly lack money. If you want to increase your income, use the most strong meditation. With its help, you can gain wealth and forever change your life for the better.

First you need to properly prepare for meditation. Site site experts advise already at this stage to get rid of negative thoughts and emotionsthat can distract you from the process itself. To do this, you can take a shower, go for a walk or just indulge in dreams of a rich life.

By the way, visualization is a very important element of meditation. If you want the result to be noticeable in the near future, imagine yourself rich and successful person and think about what you would spend your finances on. Despite the fact that now these are just dreams, they can soon become much more real.

It is best to meditate in silence, but many people prefer to meditate with music on. To prevent unnecessary noise from distracting you, try to choose compositions without words or give preference to the sounds of nature.

Now it is time to start the meditation itself. To do this, you need to choose the most comfortable position in which you can relax as much as possible and focus on the process itself. Try to keep your shoulders turned, do not slouch. You can lie on your back so that it is straight.

After that, close your eyes and imagine that in front of you is a chest filled with banknotes and gold coins. Try to feel the emotions that you experienced while looking at these untold riches.

Then mentally try to pick up a handful of money. It is important to concentrate on this moment so that you get the feeling that you are really holding a huge amount in your hands. To do this, you can even extend your arms forward.

At the next stage, you need to imagine that there is a large bag in front of you, into which you transfer money from the chest. As soon as you can mentally fill the bag with treasures, tie it tightly and assure yourself that this money is now yours.

Don't come out of meditation too quickly. Try to remember every sensation that you experienced during the process itself. If the meditation was performed correctly, then after its completion you will be in a good mood for a long time.

As the experience of many people shows, money should be kept only in safe places, inaccessible to strangers. However, it is very important that the cache had strong energy and helped to attract money luck. In this regard, we invite you to find out about the strongest places in the house, where your money will not only be safe, but also multiply several times over. We wish you wealth and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Try to get in touch with money. Make an agreement with them. Say, "I promise that I will treat you with care, value you, and save you." Money will surely love and understand you. Respond to them sincerely.

"My magnet is cash flow"

Imagine that you are a huge magnet that attracts not only metal, but also banknotes. Imagine being rained down on coins and finances. Attract "precipitation" with your whole body. Manage everything so that the rain does not just fall, but also bends, changing direction.

Meditate "To Attract Money"

Relax completely. Turn on calm and pleasant music. Feel oneness with the infinity of the universe. Imagine that a golden ray descends on you, which descends from distant heavens. Imagine that a turquoise cloud is flying towards you. You bathe in its lightness…. You are drenched in it.... Your aura is gradually turning into shades of turquoise…. Thank the Universe for all that it has given you. Repeat this meditation several times a week (you can repeat it twice).

Money meditation "Uncle Scrooge"

Imagine that you are in Scrooge's vault. Imagine that you dive into the golden sea with the same pleasure with which he does it. Let go of all your emotions, overcome all barriers. Believe that all the money that is in Uncle Scrooge's vault has legally become yours. Imagine what exactly you will spend them on. Your ideas should be as close to reality as possible.

Meditation for money "Beautiful door"

Choose any place where extraordinary silence reigns. Place an easy chair or a comfortable chair on it. Close your eyes. Take two pairs of very deep breaths. Release tension in your body. Take your mind off all thoughts. Count to ten (in reverse order). Repeat the count until you feel complete relaxation. Imagine a place where you managed to cool off and relax. Imagine that you see a beautiful door in front of you. Imagine there is a very large amount of money behind that door. Love this door! Illuminate her with the bright light of your beautiful smile. Imagine that you are heading towards it, that it swings open in front of you. Place your favorite banknote on your lap. Make sure that it lies still (do not drop it on the floor). Visualize a large ball of light (for forty seconds). Increase its brightness (mentally). Imagine that the ball sinks into the head (slowly) and gradually sinks down. Wait until it takes the place of the solar plexus. Imagine that a beam came out from there, which illuminates a large banknote. Imagine that it (the bill) begins to glow and is intensely charged with energy. Extinguish the light beam, but continue to hold the luminous ball in your imagination. Raise it up and turn off the light. Imagine that you are walking out the “smart” door. Don't close it. Open your eyes. Spend (exchange) the bill within twenty hours.

"Money channel and luck". Meditate on money.

Walk around the city. Stop at some active place (active places: store, hypermarket, subway, factory entrance). Record all your feelings, feel the atmosphere. It was, so to speak, training. Go through the places where money can be found (in the same way). Direct a bottle filled with cool water to the money channel. Imagine that money passes through water and is charged with it. Drink this liquid in very small sips. It can be added to tea or coffee.

Method for Meditation - "The Magic of Breathing"

Believe that you will soon have the amount of money you need. Drive away doubts from yourself if they begin to overcome you. Take a picture that shows money. Focus on it properly. Watch your breath. It should be calm and even. Close your eyes. Think about money. Open your eyes. Take a huge breath and close your eyes again. Now imagine how your life is filled with money. Take air into your lungs. Hold your breath. Breathe out without thinking about anything at all.

Meditation "Emerald Candle"

Wait for the full moon. Take a long candle (bright green). Put it in a candlestick. Light it up. Look into the very center of the flame. Close your eyes and slowly calm down. Adjust your breathing. Build a luminous atmosphere of energy in your thoughts. Think about finances and how nice it is for you to see and spend them. Grasp the candle with your palms and say the following: “Big money is for me! They won't harm me. With the help of money I can make happy those who are dear to me. Repeat the words until the whole body is completely relaxed. Take a walk outside.

Meditate "Paradise in a warm bath"

Fill your favorite tub with water. Add sea ​​salt and aromatic oils. Light small candles and turn on the most pleasant music (that you have available). Enter the bath and lie in it for seventeen minutes. Relax, pushing away any fussy thoughts. Close your eyes and smile broadly. Imagine that a stream of money (gold) is pouring directly on you. Put two fingers (index and thumb) together. In a confident voice, say these words: “Everything that is happening to me now, I gratefully accept from the Lord. I know that the profit will go with me through my whole life. Count to one hundred. Say (in your mind) three times the word "it turns out." Get out of the bathroom and do your other scheduled activities.

There are many other money meditations out there. For example, frame 25, activation of the money tree and others. Everything depends not only on the rules of meditation, but also on your great desire to have what you want. You can watch and listen to various video materials as much as you like, download and use some money programs, but it may be all in vain - you need to wish sincerely, then the door will open and your wishes will come true!

What to do to make money meditation work?

Any meditation will definitely work, the main thing is:

  1. Do not throw money on the floor or drop it.
  2. Throw away old checks (don't keep them in your wallet).
  3. Sprinkle a little dry cinnamon or dry mint wherever you put your money.
  4. Keep three Chinese coins in your wallet pocket.
  5. Remove everything from your wallet that has nothing to do with finance at all.

Do not miss. . .

How is it done -

How to quickly attract