Open bank of tasks GIA English. The connection between the OGE exam model and the Unified State Exam KIM. Open fipi task bank

Demo version of the OGE 2019 in English and other foreign languages, FIPI

Official demo versions of the OGE 2019 to foreign languages, approved

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in ENGLISH in 2019

Explanations for the demo version of the examination paper

When reviewing the 2019 demo version ( oral part) it should be kept in mind that the tasks included in the demo version do not reflect all the content elements that will be tested using the CMM options in 2019. A complete list of content elements that can be controlled on the 2019 exam is given in the content element codifier and requirements for the level of training of students to conduct the basic state exam By English language, posted on the website:

The demo version is intended to enable any examination participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the examination paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in the demo version of the examination paper, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

Changes in the 2019 OGE in English and other foreign languages:

there are no changes in structure and content.

This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the English language exam.

Oral part The examination work consists of two speaking tasks: a thematic monologue statement and a combined dialogue. Oral response time is 6 minutes per student.

Written part The exam paper in English consists of four sections, including 33 tasks.

2 hours (120 minutes) are allotted to complete the tasks of the written part of the examination.

In section 1 (listening tasks) you are asked to listen to several texts and complete 8 tasks to understand the listened texts. Recommended time to complete tasks this section-30 minutes.

Section 2 (reading tasks) contains 9 tasks for reading comprehension. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary) consists of 15 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Answers to tasks 3-8 and 10-17 are written as one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this number in the answer field in the text of the work.

Answers to tasks 1, 2, 9, 18-32 are written as a sequence of numbers or words (phrases) in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in sections 1-3, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

In section 4 (writing task) there is 1 task asking you to write a personal letter. The task is completed on a separate sheet. The recommended time to complete the task is 30 minutes.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2019 main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– to assess the level of language training in a foreign language of graduates of IX grades of general education institutions for the purpose of their state final certification. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

The OGE is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

  1. Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in foreign languages ​​(order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval Federal component state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).
  2. Sample programs in foreign languages ​​// New state standards in foreign languages, grades 2-11 (Education in documents and comments. M.: AST: Astrel, 2004). When developing CMMs, the following are also taken into account:
    Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. MSLU, 2003.
  3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

The main goal of foreign language education in a basic school is the formation of communicative competence of students, understood as the ability and willingness of students to communicate in a foreign language within the limits determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This goal implies the formation and development of students’ communicative skills in speaking, reading, understanding sound/oral speech by ear and writing in a foreign language.

To determine the level of development of communicative competence among graduates of basic school in the examination work of the OGE two parts are provided (written and oral) and are used various types tasks aimed at testing communication and language skills.

Students' completion of the set of presented tasks allows one to assess the compliance of the level of their foreign language training, achieved by the end of their studies in basic school, with the level determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This level guarantees the possibility of successfully continuing education in secondary school.

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

Examination work for the OGE and KIM Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​have common objects of control (communication skills of graduates in listening, reading, writing and speaking, lexical and grammatical skills) and some common elements of content.

To test the communication skills and language skills of students in exam papers Graduates of grades IX and XI use the same types of tasks (for example, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer, tasks to choose and write down the number of one answer out of three proposed), and unified approaches to assessing productive and receptive types of speech activity are implemented.

At the same time, the OGE and the Unified State Exam differ in the purposes of their conduct, and the KIM OGE and Unified State Exam differ in some tested content elements, the number and level of difficulty of tasks, and the duration of the exam, which is due to the different content and conditions of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary and secondary schools.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The examination paper consists of two parts:

  • written (sections 1-4, including tasks on listening, reading, writing, as well as tasks to control the lexical and grammatical skills of graduates);
  • oral (section 5, containing speaking tasks).

The KIM in foreign languages ​​includes tasks of various forms:

  • 14 tasks with the answer recorded in the form of one number: 6 tasks to test graduates’ auditing skills (section 1 “Listening tasks”) and 8 tasks to test graduates’ reading skills (section 2 “Reading tasks”);
  • 18 tasks with a short answer: 2 tasks to test auditing skills, 1 task to test reading skills and 15 tasks to test the lexical and grammatical skills of 9th grade graduates. The answer to tasks with a short answer is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number or sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters or a word/phrase written without spaces and separators).
  • 3 tasks with a detailed answer: writing a personal letter in section 4 “Writing task”; thematic monologue statement and combined dialogue (section 5 “Speaking tasks”).


Demo version of the OGE 2018 in English and other foreign languages, FIPI

Official demo versions of the OGE 2018 in foreign languages, approved

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in ENGLISH in 2018

Explanations for the demo version of the examination paper

When reviewing the 2018 demo version (oral portion), please be aware that the tasks included in the demo version do not reflect all content elements that will be tested using the CMM options in 2018. Complete list of content elements that can be monitored at the 2018 exam, is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in English, posted on the website:

The demo version is intended to enable any examination participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the examination paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in the demo version of the examination paper, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

Changes in the 2018 OGE in English and other foreign languages:

there are no changes in structure and content.

This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the English language exam.

Oral part The examination work consists of two speaking tasks: a thematic monologue statement and a combined dialogue. Oral response time is 6 minutes per student.

Written part The exam paper in English consists of four sections, including 33 tasks.

2 hours (120 minutes) are allotted to complete the tasks of the written part of the examination.

In section 1 (listening tasks) you are asked to listen to several texts and complete 8 tasks to understand the listened texts. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Section 2 (reading tasks) contains 9 tasks for reading comprehension. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary) consists of 15 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Answers to tasks 3-8 and 10-17 are written as one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this number in the answer field in the text of the work.

Answers to tasks 1, 2, 9, 18-32 are written as a sequence of numbers or words (phrases) in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in sections 1-3, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

In section 4 (writing task) there is 1 task asking you to write a personal letter. The task is completed on a separate sheet. The recommended time to complete the task is 30 minutes.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 20186 main state exam

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– to assess the level of language training in a foreign language of graduates of IX grades of general education institutions for the purpose of their state final certification. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

The OGE is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

  1. Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in foreign languages ​​(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the Federal component of state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).
  2. Sample programs in foreign languages ​​// New state standards in foreign languages, grades 2-11 (Education in documents and comments. M.: AST: Astrel, 2004). When developing CMMs, the following are also taken into account:
    Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. MSLU, 2003.
  3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

The main goal of foreign language education in a basic school is the formation of communicative competence of students, understood as the ability and willingness of students to communicate in a foreign language within the limits determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This goal implies the formation and development of students’ communicative skills in speaking, reading, understanding sound/oral speech by ear and writing in a foreign language.

To determine the level of development of communicative competence among graduates of basic school, the OGE examination paper provides for two parts (written and oral) and uses various types of tasks aimed at testing communication skills and language skills.

Students' completion of the set of presented tasks allows one to assess the compliance of the level of their foreign language training, achieved by the end of their studies in basic school, with the level determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This level guarantees the possibility of successfully continuing education in secondary school.

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

Examination work for the OGE and KIM Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​have common objects of control (communication skills of graduates in listening, reading, writing and speaking, lexical and grammatical skills) and some common elements of content.

To test the communication skills and language skills of students in the examination papers of graduates of grades IX and XI, the same types of tasks are used (for example, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer, tasks to choose from and recording the number of one answer out of three proposed), and also uniform approaches to assessing productive and receptive types of speech activity.

At the same time, the OGE and the Unified State Exam differ in the purposes of their conduct, and the KIM OGE and Unified State Exam differ in some tested content elements, the number and level of difficulty of tasks, and the duration of the exam, which is due to the different content and conditions of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary and secondary schools.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The examination paper consists of two parts:

  • written (sections 1-4, including tasks on listening, reading, writing, as well as tasks to control the lexical and grammatical skills of graduates);
  • oral (section 5, containing speaking tasks).

The KIM in foreign languages ​​includes tasks of various forms:

  • 14 tasks with the answer recorded in the form of one number: 6 tasks to test graduates’ auditing skills (section 1 “Listening tasks”) and 8 tasks to test graduates’ reading skills (section 2 “Reading tasks”);
  • 18 tasks with a short answer: 2 tasks to test auditing skills, 1 task to test reading skills and 15 tasks to test the lexical and grammatical skills of 9th grade graduates. The answer to tasks with a short answer is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number or sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters or a word/phrase written without spaces and separators).
  • 3 tasks with a detailed answer: writing a personal letter in section 4 “Writing task”; thematic monologue statement and combined dialogue (section 5 “Speaking tasks”).


In 2016, the oral part of the OGE (GIA) in English will include three tasks:

Task 1- reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.
Task 2- conditional dialogue-questioning. You need to answer six questions heard in the audio recording.
Task 3- a monologue statement on a specific topic based on a plan. The plan is the questions in the assignment. Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

Total time answer from one OGE participant, including preparation time - 15 minutes. Unlike the GIA format of previous years, when students communicated directly with the teacher-examiner, starting from 2016, students also complete this part on the computer. Tasks appear on the screen as the previous one is completed. So, first you will be shown the text from task 1, the preparation time will be counted down, after which the recording will immediately start. Once your answer is completed (automatically), the next task begins.

I will dwell on the tasks in more detail.

Task No. 1 - reading aloud a short text

You will have 1.5 minutes to prepare and you must have time to read the text in 2 minutes. The maximum number of points for this task is only 2, and you will receive them if your speech is easily understood by experts, there are no unreasonable pauses in it, and you make no more than 5 phonetic errors, two of which may even distort the meaning of the text.

To practice this skill, the advice is simple - long live the good old reading aloud!

Task No. 2 - conditional dialogue-questioning

This task presents 6 logically related questions in the form of a public opinion poll.

For example, the demo version 2016 contains the following questions on the topic of sports:

How old are you?

How many times a week do you do sports?

What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Why do you think it is importanat to keep fit?

What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Interestingly, here each question is worth 1 point. And you will not receive it if the answer to the question is not given at all, if the answer does not correspond to the question, if the answer is given in the form of a word or phrase (attention to lovers of monosyllabic answers!), if the answer contains errors that prevent its understanding.

So, 6 questions for which you can get a maximum of 6 points. The time limit for each answer is 60 seconds.

Task No. 3 - monologue based on the text of the task

Here you have only 1.5 minutes to prepare, and your monologue should last at least 2 minutes.

In general, it is this task in the speaking section of the State Academic Examination in English that has undergone the least changes in 2016.

You still need to speak coherently on all three criteria presented in the task.

For example, this is what we are asked to talk about in the demo version of the task:

Remeber to say:

why people like taking pictures

why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past

what the best photo you have ever taken is

This subsection of the oral part is assessed according to three criteria: solution of a communicative task (here it is extremely important to talk in detail about all three aspects mentioned in the task, and not ignore the questions why?/why?), organization of the statement (the statement must be logically structured and combined into a single whole with the help of connectives, there must be an introductory and final phrase) and linguistic design (it is required to demonstrate a varied vocabulary and various grammatical structures corresponding to the A2 (pre-intermediate) language level for the State Academic Examination).

As before, with a zero for solving a communicative task, 0 points out of 7 possible for this oral part task are assigned. And it’s not at all difficult to earn this zero; it’s enough, for example, to ignore two keys in a support task, that is, answer only one question out of three proposed.

It is interesting that in the new format (the format of the oral part of the 2015-2016 academic year), those taking the exam will talk to a computer and, naturally, this part of the exam will be audio and video recorded for subsequent evaluation by experts.

However, for successful completion The oral part of the State Academic Examination in English requires practice, experience and self-confidence!

Good day everyone!

We continue to prepare for the OGE exam.

Today we will perform reading assignments (Section 2) from the Demo version of the OGE 2017, presented on the FIPI website.

As always, first we get acquainted with the format of the tasks and useful tips that will help you successfully complete these tasks.

Assignment Format

Task 9– test to establish correspondence between headings and text

Maximum score – 7 points

Tasks 10 – 17– a test to establish the correspondence of the given statements to the text read ( True/ False/ Not stated)

Maximum score – 8 points

Maximum score for correctly completing all tasks in Section 2 (Reading) – 15 points

Basic reading strategies to help you manage your time during the exam.

- when reading texts, try to catch main idea text

- highlight (underline) keywords

- do not panic if you encounter unfamiliar words; learn to ignore vocabulary that is new to you, focusing on the main content of the presented text

— when reading, pay attention to the organization of the text: first and last sentences of a paragraph, because most often it is from them that you can choose a title that matches the text

- after reading the paragraph, try to formulate its main content in one sentence or phrase

In tasks of this type, you need to connect headings (or questions / or statements to the text) with the text.

Number of texts – 7

Number of titles – 8

  • Start this task by reading the headings and try to guess what the text might be about.
  • When you are sure that you fully understand the headings, move on to reading the texts. During the first reading no need to immediately select headings for texts, since the information in the texts may differ slightly and there is a high probability of making a mistake.
  • On your second reading, begin to match passages of text with headings (or statements, or questions).
  • If the headings are close in meaning, you need to choose the most suitable one, i.e. most accurately reflecting the content of the passage read.
  • After you have finished the task, make sure that the title you did not use does not match any of the texts.

In this task, you need to determine whether a given sentence agrees with the information you read in the text.

1) First, read the text completely and try to understand its content as accurately as possible. Determine whether the sequence of events presented in the text corresponds to the statements given.

2) Then find the place in the text that corresponds to each statement. Please note that this will not be a complete match, but a transfer of information in other words. For this, it is very useful to know a synonymous series of words. For example, to like doing smth = to enjoy doing smth = to be interested in smth = to be keen on smth = to be fond of smth

3) It is very important to learn to distinguish the absence of information in the text ( Not stated ) from its inconsistency ( False ).

- you choose the answer True , if this information appears in the text, but at the same time different vocabulary used

- you choose False , if it is stated in the text, but the statement has opposite meaning of the text

- you choose Not Stated , if the text says so not clearly stated although the statement does not contradict the general content of the text

5) You need to learn to feel the difference between the facts that you read in the text and your own conclusions (inferences) that you made based on the content of the exam text.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the advice to “ignore unfamiliar vocabulary,” I still believe that it is necessary to learn new words while preparing for an exam, especially if the word occurs frequently and is key to understanding the content of the text. Good vocabulary will help you succeed in more than just reading assignments. You can also write an excellent letter (read the article) and easily cope with .

Demo version of OGE 2017 FIPI

Section 2 (Reading Assignments)

Task 9

Read the texts and establish correspondence between the texts and theirheadings: for each text marked with letters A–G, selectthe corresponding heading, indicated by numbers 1–8. Useevery digit just once. The assignment contains one extra header .

  1. The scientific explanation
  2. The real shape
  3. A lucky sign
  4. Some tips
  5. Places without rainbows
  6. A personal vision
  7. A bridge between worlds
  8. Impossible to catch

A.Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the same! In addition, everyone sees colors differently according to the light and how their eyes interpret it.

B. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colors is seen in the sky. It takes the shape of a multicolored arc.

C. Many cultures see the rainbow as a road, a connection between earth and heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.

D. We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped. The funny thing is that it"sactually a circle. The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of the airplane in the centre.

E. In many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good. Legends say that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you"ll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better, and there is hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good fortune. If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will enjoy a very happy life together.

F.You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow that your eye sees moves as well and it will always 'move away' at the same speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try , a rainbow will always be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.

G. To see a rainbow you have to remember some points. First, you should be standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you. The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset. Rainbows are often seen near waterfalls and fountains.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


rainbow - rainbow

arch-shaped /ɑːtʃ/ – in the shape of an arc

arc /ɑːk/ – arc

horizon /həˈraɪzən/ – horizon

cloud – cloud

sunrise - sunrise

sunset - sunset

waterfall - waterfall

fountain - fountain

phenomenon /fɪˈnɒmɪnən/ – phenomen phenomenon a(pl.) phenomena

© 2017 Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science of the Russian Federation

English language. Grade 9 Used with answer sheets

Tasks 10 – 17

Read the text. Determine which of the following statements 10–17 correspond to the content of the text (1 – True) which ones do not correspond (2 – False) and what is not said in the text, that is, based on the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 – Not stated). In the answer field, write down one number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

The Best Job in the World

Have you ever heard of the Great Barrier Reef? It is the world's largest coral reef system along the eastern coast of Australia. In February 2009 an extraordinary position was advertised by the Australian Tourism Office. The advertisement ran that the Great Barrier Reef needed a caretaker for half a year. It was for a special person who would look after the Reef.

The job offered a large salary, free accommodation in a luxury villa, and transportation there and around the islands. All expenses would be paid: the winner wouldn't need to spend any extra money on anything.

The job's duties were pretty simple. You could only dream of such requirements. First, the person had to speak English and swim well. Second, on the island his responsibility included writing a weekly Internet blog. That's right, weekly, not even daily! The job description also required the successful applicant to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical climate and lifestyle. A real dream!

Within the first 2 days of the contest, the tourism office received more than seven thousand online applications. All told , 34,000 people of all different nationalities applied. Each made and presented a 60-second video summary. They had to be creative and they were. In the end 16 people were chosen, who flew to Australia for the final selection. The candidates were interviewed and the winner was Ben Southall from the UK.

Ben greatly enjoyed the dream job he had got. He realized that people knew very little about planet earth and its treasures. Living in big cities, they forgot how important the flora and fauna of this world were. Every time Ben went outdoors, he could discover something new. “Every time I dived or went underwater, I forgot about all the troubles above water and concentrated on living in the moment. “It was a good way to clean the mind and build respect for the natural world,” Ben said.

Ben's life on the island was not just fun. It was very busy, busier than most people imagined, and certainly busier than Ben himself had imagined. He worked seven days a week and up to 19 hours a day. The Best Job included traveling to over 60 islands of the Reef almost every day. It was not just looking after the Reef Ben had a lot of meetings, press conferences and interviews. He was getting a lot of attention all the time and he couldn't get away from it. That was probably the hardest part of the job.

Moreover, any adventure has a certain degree of risk. Swimming and diving on the Great Barrier Reef was not different. Ben had to deal with whales, sharks and other huge sea creatures. Surprisingly the most dangerous thing was a small jellyfish about the size of a little finger. It"s considered to be extremely poisonous and Ben was stung by it. He had to spend a couple of days in hospital but luckily recovered after a course of antibiotics.

Ben often says that the project has taught him a few valuable lessons. Working with the Internet is one of those jobs you can do 24 hours a day. Ben realized it was hard to separate life and work, but this he had to do. He also said: “I"ve learned that we get one life on earth so we have to use it. There"ll always be other countries to visit, other people to meet and other adventures to meet. This is what I wish to do. I "m planning to go to Asia in a few years time."

10. The Australian Tourism Office employs a new caretaker twice a year.


11. There was no Internet on the islands of the Great Barrier Reef.


12. People from different countries applied for the job.


13. Ben Southall was a good swimmer.


14. While working as a caretaker Ben Southall had lots of free time.


15. To do his job Ben Southall had to communicate with journalists.

Greetings, my dear readers.

I know that Russian-speaking schoolchildren are terribly afraid of taking oral exams. And the oral part of the OGE in English seems completely impossible (not to mention). But believe me, proper and timely preparation is all you need to ensure you get a perfect score on the test. Therefore, today we will have a complete analysis of the oral part, as well as examples of tasks with answers.

What is it and what has changed in recent years

The oral part of the test only takes 6 minutes! But in 6 minutes you have to show everything you can do. You will be tested on everything: your pronunciation and speed of speech, your ability to understand questions and give a quick and clear answer to them, your ability to conduct an unprepared speech for 2 minutes.

Since 2016, the structure of the oral part has changed radically. You will have to cope with not two, but three tasks: you will need to read the text out loud, answer dialogue questions, and also make a monologue based on the picture (and, perhaps, without it this year!). Everything seems completely different from what it was just 3-4 years ago.

What does it consist of and how does it work?

The oral part consists, as I already said, of 3 parts, which in total take 15 minutes, of which 6 minutes go directly to the answer, and the rest to preparation.

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  • Part 1 - reading a passage of text.

The task seems easy, right? Especially when you consider that you are given 1.5 minutes to read in advance. And after that - another 2 minutes to read out loud. You must read clearly, understandably, with correct pronunciation of sounds and correct intonation. And you only have 5 chances to make a mistake. After this, the points are reduced (that is, you will receive 1 or 0 points from 2 possible!).

Let's look at an example(click on the picture to enlarge).

First of all, pay attention to reading long and short sounds. I underlined the words with long and short [i] in red.

d i different, l i ved, h i dden, - here the percussive sounds are read as short

p eo ple, bel ie ved,n ee ded, - but here they read like long

I have highlighted in blue the words that have a short and a long [u]

r oo m, t oo ls - the sound here is long

c oul d, p u t - here it is short

I have highlighted in green the words where you can notice the sound [a], but again they will differ in longitude:

d ar k - long sound

h u nters - short sound

A very important point here is the correct pronunciation of interdental sounds (words in the text are underlined in yellow), which children so often like to replace with Russian [v, f] or.

sympa th etic, th ey - clamp your tongue between your teeth and go!

In yellow frames I placed phrases in which I want to show differences in intonation. In the first case, we see a special question - and in these types of questions the intonation should be descending, in other words, it should fall. Listen

The second phrase is an introductory construction, which, firstly, must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a pause, and secondly, read with rising intonation. Listen.

Hope you can hear the difference! Observe, my dears, and those evaluating your answer will be very happy to give you the highest score!

  • Part 2 - answers to questions.

The task of this part is a dialogue where you have to answer 6 questions. This part of the test is designed to test how quickly, correctly and competently a student can use foreign speech.

For each answer to a question you can get 1 point each. If you answer too briefly where open answers are required, or make a lot of mistakes, you will not receive your point for the answer.

What I can advise you is to learn a couple of cliches for those answers where you need to express your opinion or give advice. For example:

In my opinion … - In my opinion…

From my point of view…- Cmypointsvision

I reckon … - I think …

I advise ... - I advise...

Youd better do ... - You better do...

You should do....You should do...

In addition, it is important to answer clearly, without going into the wilds, and to follow grammatical rules!

So, an example of a task in question-answer format:

How old are you?

I'm 15 years old.

What's your hobby and why are you interested in it?

- My hobby is swimming. I"m interested in it because I adore swimming — it makes me cheerful and confident.

How much time a week do you spend on your hobby?

- As a rule, I spend on it about 4 hours a week.

What hobbies are the most popular with teenagers nowadays?

- From my point of view the most popular hobbies with teenagers now are computer games and some extreme sports like snowboarding.

Why do you think people take up hobbies?

- In my opinion people take up hobbies in order to find new friends, to get some new skills and just to feel happier.

What would you advise a person who wants to start a hobby?

You should find a hobby which will give you pleasure. If I were you I would go to the nearest sports club and find out what they offer...

  • Part 3 - monologue based on the picture.

You will be given 1.5 minutes to prepare this task and 2 minutes to complete it. You will have a picture before your eyes ( but it is needed only for support, and not for description! ), and the questions that need to be answered. This task is difficult, I’ll be honest, but it’s also worth a whole lot. 7 points.

Note: in 2018 it is planned to remove the picture and leave only questions.

Let's see an example:

-Why people like traveling.

-What way of traveling you prefer and why.

-Whether you prefer to be a package tourist or to be a backpacking traveler. Why.

My answer would be:

“And now I am going to talk about travelling.

People may travel for different reasons. For one group of people it may be the chance to spend their vacation at a completely different place from the one they are used to. For others it may be the way of living - their lifestyle.

Personally I prefer sight-seeing type of travelling. As I am keen on history I cannot stand the idea of ​​not visiting all the historical places in Europe or Asia. What is more, I prefer traveling by bus as it allows me to spend a lot of time on the road and think about everything I need. Besides, it is much cheaper than traveling by plane.

According to this I may conclude that I am an absolutely backpacking traveler. The idea that you can spend one day in one city and move to another part of the country the following day appeals to me very much.

In the end I would like to say, that traveling broadens our minds and gives us an amazing experience we will never forget. Besides, you will be left with unforgettable memories. What could be better?"

How to prepare

Preparing for an oral exam is difficult. But finding a trainer for it will not be so difficult. I can recommend you the following helpers:

  • "English language. OGE. Oral part." Author - Radislav Milrud.
  • "OGE-2016. English language". Author - Yu.A. Veselova.
  • Publishing house books MacMillan, dedicated to this exam .

Recently, I have been purchasing most of the manuals and textbooks for myself and my students online. There you can always buy profitably and get it quickly. My favorite stores:

The training tasks in these textbooks are selected specifically for the level, and their number is enough for you to practice. What’s also important is that you can buy them in any bookstore (including online stores).

It’s even easier and, in my opinion, more interesting to use online simulator OGE (GIA) from LinguaLeo. There you can also find other high-quality and really effective English language courses, which I recommend to everyone!

Don’t forget, my dears, that I constantly share new tips on how to improve your English and how to better prepare for the exam. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and be the first to receive information on how to succeed on the test. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

In the meantime, I say goodbye.