Petrenko got married. Details of the wedding of Igor Petrenko and Christina Brodskaya. Former Dynamo player Ognjen Vukojevic marries former Miss Croatia

There are many attractive, handsome and courageous actors in Russian cinema. They have many fans. What do those women look like who were able to charm these noteworthy handsome men.

Dmitry Pchela

The actor first saw his beloved in one of the graduation projects of his friends. A girl named Ekaterina Ryabova Dmitry really liked. He found her through social media and met. Five years ago, the couple had a daughter, Sonya. Dmitry and Ekaterina live in civil marriage.

Danila Kozlovsky

The star of the painting "Duhless" broke more than one girl's heart. His last four years belong to Olga Zueva. The girl has become famous model in the United States. In addition, she starred in several films and even acted as a director. Young people live in a civil marriage, no children.

Igor Petrenko

In 2016, Petrenko married for the third time. His chosen one, actress Kristina Brodskaya, is thirteen years younger than her husband. Four years before the wedding, Christina gave Igor a daughter. The couple now have three daughters. From a previous marriage to Ekaterina Klimova, Petrenko has two sons.

Yaroslav Boyko

Charismatic Yaroslav Boyko has been married to dancer Ramuna Khodorkaite for twenty-one years. The marriage produced two children. However, in the life of the spouses, everything was far from cloudless. In the early 2000s, Yaroslav had an affair on the side with his partner in the film "Insight" Evgenia Dobrovolskaya. The couple even had a son. But this relationship soon ended. Boyko returned to his wife.

Anton Makarsky

Anton and Victoria Makarsky will celebrate their 20th anniversary this year life together. The actors met while working in the musical. For a very long time, the couple could not have children.

Only after thirteen years did they have a daughter, Masha, and three years later, a son, Vanya.

Dmitry Miller

The actor has known his wife Julia Dellos for twenty-one years. But they decided to legalize their relationship only eleven years ago. They also could not have children for a long time. Only in 2014, Julia was able to give birth to twins Alice and Marianne from Dmitry.

Anton Khabarov

Anton and his wife Elena Stepucheva were introduced to the theater institute, where both studied.

Khabarov really liked his classmate. But he was in no hurry to courtship. On the contrary, he first became a friend, and only then won her heart. They have been married for twelve years. They are raising two children.

Vladimir Yaglych

Vladimir has been dating Antonina Paperna, daughter of Olga Sumskaya, for the last four years. Young people are in no hurry to get married, although in 2017 Papernaya gave birth to a daughter, Eva, from Yaglych.

Petr Fedorov

Despite the fact that Peter and his beloved Anastasia Ivanova have been together for the sixteenth year, they do not intend to get married and have children yet.

Igor Petrenko does not like to advertise his personal life, however, media representatives managed to find out at once about two joyful events that happened in the life of an actor: firstly, Petrenko and Kristina Brodskaya officially legalized their relationship, and secondly, the couple is expecting a second common child.

Painting in the registry office and wedding in the church

According to the Russian press, having learned about the upcoming replenishment, Igor Petrenko hastened to take Christina Brodskaya as a legal spouse - the registration of the marriage of the actors took place in one of the Kaliningrad registry offices, where only relatives and closest friends of the couple were invited.

A day later, Petrenko and Brodskaya got married. The sacrament was attended by about 40 guests, for whom a banquet was organized after the ceremony in the church.

Second common child

Currently, 39-year-old Igor Petrenko and 25-year-old Christina Brodskaya (the St. Petersburg actress will turn 26 in December) are raising their daughter Sophia-Caroline, who was born in December 2014.

Petrenko also has two sons - 10-year-old Matvey and 8-year-old Korney, born in marriage to Ekaterina Klimova. According to media reports, the boys attended their father's wedding.

Recall that for the sake of Petrenko, Brodskaya broke up with her then boyfriend, actor Artem Krylov, a few years ago. Igor and Kristina hid their relationship for two years, living in a civil marriage.

At the entrance exams to the Shchepkinskoye school, Igor Petrenko met his future wife - Irina Leonova. From that day on, they practically did not part, and in 2000, immediately after graduation, they got married. To make money on Honeymoon, young people even got jobs as waiters. However, family happiness did not last long, and soon rumors began to reach Irina about Igor's novels on the side.

Irina Leonova. Photo:

In 2001, on the set of the Moscow Windows series, the actor met Ekaterina Klimova, but at that time they were both able to cope with the surging feeling and each return to their family. What did not happen when fate brought them together for the second time - in the picture " Best City Earth." About how they tried to save their families, Igor later frankly admitted in an interview: “I realized that this was serious. But there was still a sense of responsibility towards the family. In addition, I understood that Katya was not free. You could say it was 12 months of internal struggle. Then I still could not stand it and called. As a result, in early 2004, Petrenko and Leonova divorced. Shortly thereafter, Irina became the wife of actor Yevgeny Tsyganov, in a marriage with whom she gave birth to seven children.

Ten years of love and jealousy

Ekaterina Klimova also left her husband - an influential businessman Ilya Khoroshilov, her father eldest daughter Lisa (born in 2002). Officially, Igor and Ekaterina got married on December 31, 2004. For almost ten years they were considered the most beautiful couple of Russian cinema, they were regularly compared with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. The couple starred in films together, raised three children - daughter Elizabeth (from Klimova's first marriage) and two common sons - Matvey and Korney (boys were born in 2006 and 2008). But in early 2013, there were rumors that the couple was on the verge of a divorce due to cheating and serious problems Igor with alcohol. In March of this year, Petrenko's friend, actor Andrei Panin, died. Igor was very upset by the death of a friend and fell into depression. And soon Catherine was credited with a fleeting romance with a graduate of the Star Factory and the lead singer of the Chelsea group Roman Arkhipov. In America, the paparazzi filmed a couple kissing during the filming of Catherine in the film "Love in big city 3".

But then, unexpectedly, Petrenko took all the blame for the situation on himself. Here is what he said then: “I was preparing for the arrival of Katya from Las Vegas, put our apartment in order, bought new furniture. And then by chance I saw this video on the Internet. Honestly, I wanted to destroy everything around. What I, in fact, did ... I myself am to blame for what happened. Completely. Believe me, she is a holy woman. Better than her, probably, there is no mother and wife in this world.

Igor Petrenkowith Ekaterina Klimova (2014year). A photo:east news

The couple took a break and went to different houses, Ekaterina and her children went out of town, and Igor stayed in a Moscow apartment. Nearly whole year they denied the information about their separation, but they could not save the family. The actor was very upset by the gap and even transferred this dramatic story to the screen. As a director, he shot the video "Broken Flowers" for the group "Tokyo", where the most a beautiful couple Russian cinema last time filmed together. Here is how Petrenko explained it: “I came up with the script myself, filmed it myself and played it myself. And Katya also starred. Who else should I shoot? In addition to being my wife, Katya is also a wonderful actress. I really wanted to make this video with her. Coincidentally, this story is about us too ... A song about love that is not incipient, but about long-standing relationships, ups and downs, some problems that a couple experiences after living together for a certain number of years. When everyday life begins to dull the euphoria of the beginning of love, the bottom of any ship is covered with shells, which must be cleaned periodically, you must fight for love and throw firewood into the fire of love if it dies out. It is very important not to lose at least some spark and rekindle the flame from it. Sometimes it happens that letting go is also a struggle. Because sometimes fighting and keeping close is just drinking each other's blood. It happens that people love, but they understand that they need to let go.

In the summer of 2014, Petrenko and Klimova officially divorced. Ekaterina did not remain alone for long, on June 5, 2015, she officially married actor Gelu Meskhi, with whom she had lived in a civil marriage for some time. And on October 2, 2015, their common daughter named Bella.

Happiness loves silence

But Petrenko was ahead ex-spouse, his daughter, Sofia-Carolina, was born on December 24, 2014. The young St. Petersburg actress Christina Brodskaya, who is 13 years younger than him, made the actor the father of many children. “There were two options from which it was impossible to choose. I wanted to call Carolina, and Igor - Sofia. In the end, we found a compromise, ”this is how the young mother explained the choice. unusual name for baby.

Christina Brodskaya andIgor Petrenko. A photo:east news

The actor met the young beauty back in 2012 in St. Petersburg during the filming of the Sherlock Holmes series, but he announced the seriousness of his relationship only at the beginning of 2014. At that time, Brodskaya was the bride of actor Artem Krylov, they planned to get married in the very near future. But in the end, the guy was resigned, and Christina very soon gave Petrenko an heiress. Together with the baby, she accompanied her beloved everywhere, the family spent the summer of 2015 in the Crimea, where Igor starred in the film "Viking".

Petrenko and Brodskaya signed and got married in Kaliningrad on September 19, 2016. The secret wedding was attended only by the parents and closest friends of the newlyweds, as well as the sons of Petrenko. And already on January 30, 2017, the actor became a father four times - his wife gave him another daughter. The news of the addition to the family was first reported by Christina's father, actor David Brodsky. He wrote on his page on the social network that at the age of 45 he became a grandfather for the second time. He later posted a photo of both girls sleeping in his arms. Name youngest daughter The parents are still keeping it a secret.

Now Igor Petrenko is trying not to talk about his family, but simply enjoy quiet happiness and love. He admits that this was very lacking in the past marriage, when their entire personal life with Klimova took place in front of the media. And here is how Brodskaya explains their closeness: “You have no idea how much I want to shout to the whole world about how happy I am! But Igor and I are of the opinion that true happiness loves silence. Therefore, for now, we only share it with each other, sorry.”

“Family life is work. First a chance is given, and then it all depends on you. Love is a constant “construction site”, you need to throw firewood into this firebox all the time,” Petrenko sums up.

Igor Petrenko andChristina Brodskaya with children(2017). A photo:east news

First, the boy was born in German city Postdam and had every chance to live there all his life. But fate decreed otherwise. When Igor was three years old, his family moved to Moscow, where he lives to this day.

The boy grew up as an ordinary child, since his family was far from the world of art, nothing foreshadowed that in the future he would become an actor. Moreover, at the age of 15, Igor almost went to prison for a crime.

The fact is that he was a witness to how his friend shot a man. And it happened when friends decided to return money debt from that person. There was a trial, and it was decided to let Igor go home and give him 8 years of probation. It was the second gift of fate.

Igor decided that when he graduated from school, he would become a military man. But the boy had a grandmother who tried her best to instill in him a sense of beauty. She regularly took him to performances in the theater and to premieres in cinemas. After graduation, the guy changed his mind and decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School.

While still a student, Igor began to participate in theatrical performances, but after graduating from the theater school he devoted all his time to cinema. I must say that here he achieved great success and gained popularity among the audience. But besides the audience, girls also fell in love with a charming young man, and with some of them he even tried to build family relationships.

Irina Leonova

Igor Petrenko also met Irina while studying. The relationship of young people developed very rapidly and after a while they decided to formalize their relationship. They were so in love with each other that they thought they would be together for the rest of their lives.

But together they lived only 4 years. After disagreements began in the family, it was decided to get a divorce so as not to torment each other.

Familiar couples said that the reason for the disagreement was the lack of common children. Igor and Irina lived together for 4 years, but the girl was never able to get pregnant. It was said that Petrenko had many affairs on the side, and Irina could no longer tolerate his infidelity.

After breaking up with Igor, Irina got married again. This time, the actor became her husband. She met him on the set of the series, and soon the couple began to live together. During their married life, they had seven children. But this marriage also failed. Being pregnant with her seventh child, Irina found out that her husband was dating a young actress.

After this news, the actress immediately filed for divorce and broke up with Yevgeny Tsyganov. Now Irina lives on her own and brings up seven children. Despite the difficulties and problems with work, the woman does not lose optimism and believes in the best.

Ekaterina Klimova

The actress has always been popular among men. Her first adult relationship began at the age of 15. Then she began dating Ilya Khoroshilov. As soon as the farewell school waltz sounded, the young people decided to start a family. They got married, and soon their daughter Lisa was born.

Despite the birth of a child, Catherine was not going to become a housewife. She graduated from the Shchukin School and made her film debut quite successfully.

Every year the popularity of the actress grew. Along with this, the number of quarrels in the family also increased. But the girl did not even think of getting a divorce, picking up the child and leaving wherever her eyes look.

Everything changed after filming in the TV series "Moscow Windows", where they played together with Igor Petrenko. The girl had known him since the days of his studies at theater university , but during the filming, the young people became very close. Sympathy arose between them and they began to secretly meet.

But Catherine at one point decided to end the relationship. The reason for this was that she and Igor were not free. Their next meeting took place a year later. Igor was already divorced, and Catherine's marriage was on the verge. They phoned, met and no longer parted.

Interesting Notes:

Young people began to live together, although Catherine was still married to Ilya Khoroshilov. The husband tried his best to save the marriage. He persuaded Catherine to stay. When this did not help, he began to threaten Igor Petrenko with reprisal. But this did not work on the lovers. They decided to be together.

Ekaterina and Igor played the wedding on the eve of the new 2006. There was no such thing as a wedding. The couple simply signed with the registry office and went to celebrate the holiday. In marriage, they had two children - the boys Matvey and Roots.

Igor and Ekaterina were considered an exemplary couple. Together they were able to survive a lot, even Catherine's passion for a young singer. But still, in 2014, information appeared that the couple had filed for divorce.

Christina Brodskaya

The next wife of Igor Petrenko was the young actress Christina Brodskaya. Young woman younger actor for as much as 13 years, but this did not stop them from falling in love with each other.

They say that the romance of the two actors began when Petrenko was married. Yes, and Christina was in a relationship with Artem Krylov.

In 2013, information appeared among the actors that the girl was expecting a baby. After the birth of the child, it became known that Igor Petrenko became his father.

The actor had a long-awaited daughter, who was named Sophia-Carolina. The birth of a child forced the partners to decide with whom they should be next.

They chose the option of being together and broke with their former relationship. In 2016, the couple formalized their relationship officially. The celebration took place in Kaliningrad. Igor and Kristina decided to modestly sign without attracting the attention of journalists. The wedding was attended only by close friends and sons of Petrenko.

What awaits in the future for this couple can only guess. But perhaps for Igor, the third attempt to find happiness will be the last.

Being a famous and sought-after actor, Igor Petrenko rarely gives interviews and is extremely reluctant to talk about his personal life. Despite this, he regularly becomes the hero of gossip columns and investigative journalism. Such a keen interest in his person is another proof of the popularity of the actor.

student love

With his first wife, an actress Irina Leonova, Petrenko met at the entrance exams to the theater school. Shchepkin. According to Petrenko himself, it was love at first sight. Started student romance continued throughout the four years of study. Only on the eve of the release, the couple decided to register their relationship officially. Despite the fact that the relationship has already passed the test of time, family life Petrenko and Leonova did not work out. Igor began to act a lot. There was simply not enough time for family. After unsuccessful attempts to save the marriage, the couple decided to divorce. At the time of the break, Igor Petrenko already had a relationship with another actress: Ekaterina Klimova.

Love affair at work

Petrenko met Klimova in 2001 on the set of the Moscow Windows series. Igor and Ekaterina played a married couple. Sympathy between the young actors arose immediately, but the relationship did not start at the same moment, but only two years later, on the set of the continuation of the series, which was called "The Best City on Earth". Started love affair at work it was getting harder and harder to hide.

Considering that both Klimova and Petrenko were not free at that moment, their relationship, feelings turned out to be painful for both. Igor was the first to decide on a divorce. Catherine did not dare to divorce for a long time, not wanting to leave her daughter Lisa without a father. But in the end, according to Klimova, the double life exhausted the actress, and she broke up with her daughter's father, although her relatives dissuaded her in every possible way. On December 31, 2004, Igor and Ekaterina got married. Petrenko became the second father for Klimova's daughter from her first marriage and father for two joint sons: Matvey and Korney. For almost ten years, Igor and Ekaterina were perceived as an exemplary couple with many children. Therefore, many simply did not believe in the rumors that Petrenko's second marriage had cracked. They wrote that the reason for the quarrel was the compromising photographs of Klimova from filming in America, which got on the Internet. The actress herself assures that she and Petrenko became strangers long before this scandal.

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko with their son. 2010 Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Igor, in one of his interviews, also made it clear that it was not this story that ruined their marriage at all. The crisis in relations began a long time ago. The actor admitted that on this basis he even began to abuse alcohol, disrupted filming and fell into depression. July 10, 2014 star couple divorced the marriage. A new period began in the life of both actors.

New love

Petrenko was a bachelor for a short time. In December 2014, the actor married for the third time. New chosen one Igor became a St. Petersburg actress and model Christina Brodskaya who was 24 years old at the time. The wedding, and then the wedding took place in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. About when and where the couple met, almost nothing is known. The only thing that could not be hidden from the views of colleagues and fans was Christina's pregnancy. December 24 of the same 2014 new sweetheart Petrenko gave him his first daughter. And in January last year - the second. Recently, Christina and Igor appeared before reporters in the company of two sons and the eldest daughter of the actor.