Poe noblewoman how to open. Names for wedding salons. What to call it. Ways to construct names of wedding salons

“I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman,” I remembered the other day lines from Pushkin. Maybe there were nobles in my family, but I don’t know about it?

Well, why not the noblewoman Dubrovskaya?

“Every tenth Belarusian is a nobleman”

After reading the title of the article on the Internet, I immediately realized that it was about me. Studying archives is, of course, the right option, but it is time-consuming and expensive. To begin with, I decide to go to those who were lucky enough to get to the roots - to one of the societies of the heirs of the gentry and nobility.

- Madam Dubrovskaya!- they greet me in an office in the center of Minsk, hung with family records, pompous portraits and coats of arms. – We are glad to welcome you. A person with such a surname is definitely a nobleman. We will show your coat of arms and try to find information about your ancestors. And if you want, right today you can formalize your origin: we issue a reconstruction of the gentry’s charter and family coat of arms.

Noticing the surprise on my face that getting a title of nobility turns out to be easier than a steamed turnip, the hereditary nobles try to dispel my doubts:

– To understand where your family comes from, we will do a search on the Nobles encyclopedic dictionaries, in which there are more than 20 thousand names - business cards family and their coats of arms, then according to the armorials, where it is described in detail who held what positions, and only then according to our archive.

The interlocutor opens a Talmud of two thousand pages. Stumbling upon my last name, he stops searching:

– We found a mention that in the 16th century, a zemstvo clerk, Dubrovsky, lived in the Minsk region, married to Princess Lyubetskaya. Looks like he's your ancestor. Most likely, your family was given the Sas coat of arms. The crescent moon depicted on it symbolizes hope, great praise, success and loyalty, and was borrowed from the Saracens during the Crusades. The six-pointed star represents the desire for a goal, freedom, inspiration, ambition; it was probably inherited from the Saxons. The arrow speaks of military readiness.

There were no commoners among the Dubrovskys

Having tried on the title of nobility for a moment, I wonder if I have a chance to establish a connection with an eminent family, because it would be a shame to spend my entire salary trying to get to the bottom of my peasant ancestors. The hereditary nobles assure that my belonging to a titled family is obvious, because the surname Dubrovsky was not given to commoners:

– We can say with confidence that your family is of noble origin - a peasant could not get a surname like yours. We have information that after the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Dubrovsky gentry were re-registered as Russian nobility, retaining their family coats of arms. As a result of this “disassembly of the gentry”, more than half of the Belarusian representatives of the noble class turned into burghers and peasants. The gentry was finally liquidated after October Revolution 1917: people destroyed documents proving they belonged to the nobility and changed their surnames. One of the heirs to the title recalled how in the 1970s, his parents burned the family archive of the nobility - the head of the family took a leadership position and feared for his career.


Evgeny Glinsky, presenter researcher National Historical Archives:

– A sonorous surname is not yet a basis for being considered a member of a noble family, because your ancestors could turn out to be anyone, even ordinary peasants. Indeed, the noble family of the Dubrovskys existed, but among the representatives of this family there were both burghers and peasants. There are organizations that establish similarities with titled namesakes and provide an opportunity to stroke your vanity. In this case, there is no talk of scientific research. For me, buying a noble charter or a family coat of arms is like going to the store for new jeans. No one can prohibit you from doing this, no one will accuse you of illegality. But such a document has neither historical nor legal value. There are no classes in our state. Everyone is equal before our law. Even if you are a hereditary noblewoman, they will not give you serfs, they will not allocate estates in the Minsk province.

If you have seriously decided to take up the issue of finding your roots, then you should, of course, start by interviewing relatives. Your task is to collect maximum quantity information: where and when they were born, whether they were in government or military service, whether they were literate, what religion they followed, because information about the birth, death, and marriage of Catholics was recorded in churches metric books, and Orthodox - in church ones. After this, make a request to the registry office at the grandfather’s place of residence to obtain information about birth, death and marriage, exact last names, first names, patronymics. When you have this data, come to the National Historical Archives. We are experiencing a genealogical boom - the number of people wanting to know about their ancestors is growing every year. You can try to do this yourself by writing an application, or you can contact the department that deals with genealogical inquiries. The first option is free, the second is paid. The deposit is about 280 rubles. If there is less than five printed pages of information, you will not have to pay anything extra; if more, you will be issued an additional invoice.

The pillar noblewoman Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova, who will forever remain in people's memory as Saltychikha, can be called the first famous serial killer in Russia. In the middle of the 18th century, this sophisticated sadist tortured to death several dozen (according to other estimates, more than a hundred) of her serfs, mainly young girls and women.

Unlike her bloody followers, Saltychikha mocked defenseless victims completely openly, without fear of punishment. She had influential patrons whom she paid generously to cover up her crimes.

Ivanova from a noble family

Ivanova – maiden name Saltychikha. Her father Nikolai Avtonomovich Ivanov was a pillar nobleman, and her grandfather once held a high post under Peter I. Daria Saltykova’s husband Gleb Alekseevich served as captain of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. The Saltykovs had two sons, Fedor and Nikolai.

It is noteworthy that Saltychikha, whom Empress Catherine II eventually imprisoned in a monastery dungeon for committing atrocities, life sentence, eventually outlived all members of her family - her husband and both sons.

Many historians believe that, most likely, it was after her husband’s funeral that the 26-year-old widow went crazy and began beating her servants to death.

Where and what did she do

Saltychikha had a house in Moscow on the corner of Bolshaya Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Most. Ironically, there are now buildings there that are under the jurisdiction of the FSB. Plus, after the death of her husband, the landowner inherited estates in a number of Russian provinces. Saltychikha owned a total of almost 600 serfs.

On the site of the estate where the sadist most often tortured her victims, there is now Trinity Park, not far from the Moscow Ring Road, in the Teply Stan area.

Before the master Gleb Alekseevich died, Daria Saltykova kept herself in control and was not noticed to have any particular tendency to assault. Moreover, Saltychikha was distinguished by her piety.

According to the testimony of the serfs, Saltychikha’s phase shift occurred approximately six months after her husband’s funeral. She began to beat her peasants, most often with logs and mostly women and young girls, for the slightest offense, finding fault with every little thing. Then, on the orders of the sadistic lady, the offender was flogged, often to death. Gradually, Saltychikha’s tortures became more and more sophisticated. Possessing remarkable strength, she tore out the hair of her victims, burned their ears with hair tongs, doused them with boiling water...

She wanted to kill the grandfather of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev

The grandfather of the famous Russian poet, land surveyor Nikolai Tyutchev, was the lover of this vixen. And then he decided to get rid of her and marry the girl he liked. Saltychikha ordered her serfs to set fire to the girl’s house, but they did not do this out of fear. Then the sadist sent peasant “killers” to kill the young Tyutchev couple. But instead of taking the sin on their souls, the serfs warned Tyutchev himself about the intentions of his former mistress.

Why did she go unpunished?

Saltychikha freely committed atrocities during the reign of three (!) royal persons - Elizaveta Petrovna, Peter III and Catherine II. They complained about her fanaticism to everyone, but the result of these appeals turned out to be disastrous only for the martyrs themselves - they were flogged and exiled to Siberia. Among the relatives of the representative of the dignitary noble family Daria Saltykova was the Governor General of Moscow and Field Marshal. In addition, Saltychikha generously gave gifts to everyone on whom the decision on complaints against her depended.

Long investigation

In relation to the influential tormentor, it was necessary to show royal will, which is what Catherine II did when she ascended the throne. In 1762, she became acquainted with the complaints of the Saltychikha serfs Savely Martynov and Ermolai Ilyin, whose wives were killed by the landowner (Ilyin had three in a row), and considered it appropriate to begin a public trial of Daria Saltykova.

The Moscow Justice College conducted the investigation for six years. They found out which of the officials Saltychikha bribed, and revealed many cases of dubious deaths of serfs. It was established that during Saltykova’s atrocities, the office of the Moscow civil governor, the police chief and the Detective Order received 21 complaints filed against the tormentor by peasants. All appeals were returned to the sadist, who then brutally dealt with their authors.

The arrested Saltychikha did not confess to anything, even under the threat of torture. The investigation and trial, which lasted three years, proved the “undoubted guilt” of Daria Saltykova, namely: the murder of 38 serfs. She was “remained under suspicion” over the deaths of 26 other people.

The Empress wrote the verdict personally

Throughout September 1768, Catherine II drew up a verdict regarding Saltychikha: she rewrote it several times. In October, the Empress sent a completed decree to the Senate, which described in detail both the punishment itself and the details of its implementation.

Saltychikha was deprived of her noble title. For an hour she had to stand on the scaffold, chained to a post, with a sign above her head that read: “Tormentor and murderer.” Until the end of her life, Daria Saltykova was imprisoned in an underground prison, without light and human communication. Saltychikha's accomplices were sent to hard labor.

Snarled and in captivity

At first, Saltychikha sat in the “penitential” cell of the Moscow Ivanovo Monastery. After 11 years, she was transferred to a stone annex with a window and the curious were allowed to communicate with the prisoner. According to eyewitnesses, Daria Saltykova remained an evil fury even in captivity: she swore at those staring, spat at them through the window and tried to reach them with a stick.

Saltychikha spent 33 years in prison. She was buried in the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery, the grave has been preserved.

I often die, what should I do?

Answer: Check your resistance to the elements, if they are less than 50% - it’s a problem, fix it, look for equipment (rings, amulets, boots, gloves, helmets) where there will be missing resistances. By level 60 you should preferably have 75% resistance. Also, all of the above equipment slots should have the maximum possible numbers for you + to your maximum life. For 60+ levels the normal numbers are 40-50 to the maximum life on most items from the list above. If you find items with +70-80 to maximum life, this is a great option, it will give you a lot of survivability, strive for such items.

How to buy an item from other players?

Answer: ru.pathofexile.com/trade/search - Russian official trading platform.

poe.trade is an older, unofficial, but also reliable and proven trading platform in English.

Search required item, the site gives you a prepared message with a price and an offer to buy from another player at his proposed price, click copy message, open the game, paste the copied text into the chat, you are invited to the group, you are teleported to the hideout of the player-seller, your currency is exchanged on their subject and everything is ready.

Why can’t this stone be upgraded above level x?

If this is indicated in the build, then it is necessary. Most often this can be found in combination with Casting a spell when receiving damage + Call for immortality. In this particular case, casting an enchantment can only automatically use enchantments that require certain level character. In order for this level to increase, you need to pump up the stone, but at the same time pumping it up and minimum quantity the damage required to trigger the Call to Immortality will increase. We have no benefit from a pumped-up Call to Immortality, because most often we do not use stamina charges. Therefore, there is no benefit to pumping up Spellcasting when receiving damage. This way, we will have the Call to Immortality trigger more often, and we won’t lose an ounce of benefit from its effect.

How are stamina charges generated in the build for Call to Immortality to work?

We don't need any stamina charges for Call to Immortality to work. He just works longer with them. However, spending extra resources on generating charges will do more harm to the character than it will provide benefits by increasing the duration of the Summon.

Auras/Messengers took most of my mana, I don’t have enough of it to use skills.

So turn off Aura/Herald until you can use the skills perfectly. All builds provide a mechanic for replenishing mana in comfortable amounts, even with almost completely reserved mana. If you don’t have enough of it, it means your level/equipment/bundles of stones do not yet correspond to the type that the build assumes. In this case, you need to disable mana reservation and farm your levels/equipment/links so that everything works as it should.

Also, if you simply have problems with mana, use mana flasks until the build’s mana restoration mechanism works well on its own in your build.

IMPORTANT! Vaal of aura.

If you see some kind of Vaal aura in the list of skill stones, and in the details about skill stones there is no mention of regular version stone, but it is written only about Baal, which means there is NO NEED TO TURN ON THE ORDINARY AURA! Various Vaal Hastes and Vaal Graces are used only for their Vaal version, as a short-term booster.

I'm level x! I don’t have enough attributes for stones, what should I do?

Look for them on your equipment and in the talent tree you can upgrade +30 to the desired attribute. Amulets have built-in modifiers for certain attributes; you can even purchase them from the vendor.

Which bandits should I kill?

The section “Robber Squabbles Quest” is what you are looking for. It says about bandits. The quest in the game to kill them is called... oddly enough, “Robber Squabbles”, that’s why the section in the build is named that way.

Bloody Frenzy and Damage at full health are not compatible! Why do we need Damage with full health, if the game shows that we always have less than full health!

Just because the game shows it that way doesn't mean it's true. The game gets a lot of things wrong. And it has been repeatedly proven experimentally that with a life lich and the debuff from Bloody Frenzy, the Damage stone works at full health and increases the damage of the skill we need. That is, the life lich covers the Bloody Frenzy debuff, even if the numbers on your red sphere are incomplete.


Weylon x1 Blood Mage Rank 3


Master Ignacio x1 Murderer Rank 4 Trial of the Ravens.
Thug x1 Murderer Rank 3
Thug x1 Robber Rank 3
Captain of the Loghain Guard
(Loghain Guard Captain)
x1 Warrior Rank 3 Optional quest battle Crime wave.
Loghain Soldier (Wisp Wraith) x4 Warrior Rank 2, 3
Leader of the Bloody Oars
(Crimson Oars Leader)
x1 Animal Rank 3 Optional quest battle Bloody Oars.
Blood Oar Mercenary
(Crimson Oars Mercenary)
x2 Warrior Rank 2, 3
Blood Oar Mercenary
(Crimson Oars Mercenary)
x1 Robber Rank 2

After expelling the demon in Redcliffe Castle (during the quest Earl of Redcliffe) Erlessa Isolde or Bann Tegan will offer to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes to heal Erl. Genitivi's brother knows about the urn.

In the Genitivi house (Denerim, shopping district), Veylon will advise you to look for it in the tavern on Lake Calenhad. You don't have to search - it's a trap. The notebook will show the true direction of the search Genitivi Research right here in the chest. A new location will appear on the world map - the village of Vault.

If you wish, you can come to Genitivi's house in Denerim before visiting Redcliffe. Talking to Waylon itself starts the quest.

In the church, shelters must be taken away Cultist's Medallion at the abbot and talk to Genitivi in ​​the right aisle (behind the secret door). You will be transported to the Ruined Temple. After passing the temple and the following Cave location, you need to talk with Kolgrim.

You can agree to Kolgrim's proposal (the real choice can be made later). After passing through the Mountaintop to the Trial location, you need to complete the quest Test of Faith, which will open access to the urn of sacred ashes. Desecrating the ashes and talking to Kolgrim at the top of the mountain will unlock the specialization Ripper.

If Andraste's ashes are desecrated with dragon blood, Wynn will leave the party forever, even if she was in the camp. The only way To avoid this, go through the Vault before joining Wynne in the Mage Tower. Leliana can become hostile if the ashes are desecrated in her presence, but if she becomes more selfish after completing a personal quest Leliana's Past, you can convince her to maintain peaceful relations.

755 XP if you refuse Kolgrim's offer in the temple;
Cavalier's Mace, if you rob Kolgrim;
two-handed ax Blade of Faith, if you kill Kolgrim;
the ability to summon a high dragon and take possession of its treasures if you kill Kolgrim;
opening a specialization Ripper;
750 XP upon leaving the Trial;
the dweomer rune of the master, if you ask for a reward from Genitivi in ​​his house (if the ashes were not desecrated and Genitivi remained alive).

Alistair's personal quest. At good relations(approval more than 25) you can ask Alistair about his family (it’s most convenient to do this when you first visit the village of Redcliffe). Later, in the Denerim Trade Quarter, Alistair recognizes the door of the house where his sister lives (the house next to the forge). If desired, after meeting with his sister, you can convince Alistair that “everyone lives for themselves” - this will accordingly change the style of his remarks and behavior.

250 XP for completing the quest.

The slicker Couldry in the Denerim Trade Quarter offers 8 “tips” for a fee - 4 for someone who knows how to steal, 4 - for someone who knows how to pick locks.

1. Steal Wallet with gems at the lady's maid. A maid in a green dress will appear in the center of the location.

2. Steal Ser Nancyn's Ornamented Sword at Nancy's in the shop "Curiosities of Thedas". Possible theft through dialogue and in the usual way, that is, you can get two swords.

3. Steal Silversmith's Key at Master Tilver's. The master with guards will appear in the north of the location. You can approach either by convincing the guard, or using invisibility, or by walking between the houses (past the magician's contact), or using the help of a messenger boy standing nearby. Theft is possible through dialogue and in the usual way, that is, you can get two keys. The key (one is enough) opens two chests in the center of the location.

4. Steal Crown of Tairn Loghain from the seneschal in the “Bitten Nobleman” tavern. You can use invisibility, or the help of a waitress (all options are suitable - get you drunk, etc.). You don't need to steal the crown, but try to talk to the seneschal.

5. Take valuables from Lady Sophie's room in the Bitten Nobleman tavern. You need to open the lock on the door and take any item.

6. Pick up Silver bars from three chests in a warehouse in the south of the location.

7. Take the treasures from Bann Franderel's Estate (a new location, Bann's Estate of the Western Hills, will appear on the city map). Instead of treasure, there will be an ambush in the estate, but this is a prerequisite for the next stage of the quest.

8. Pick up Tears of Andraste from the Estate of Banna Franderel. This quest is given after the Landsmeet. You need to once again enter the estate and take the bottle from the chest in the treasury. Previously, access to the treasury from the wine warehouse was blocked by a closet.


A quest for those interested from R. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). Need to collect twelve love letters. Letter Locations: Dalish Camp, Brecilian Ruins (upper level), Orzammar (Charter's Hideout and Royal Palace), Lake Calenhad (tavern), Mage's Tower (senior mages' quarters), Denerim (Earl Eamon's estate, "The Pearl", forge), village Redcliffe (mill), Redcliffe Castle (cellar), Village of Refuge (house).

125 XP and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

The first quest for those interested from K. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to bring fifteen servings Animal poison. Varathorn has an unlimited supply in the Dalish Camp.

95 silver coins for completing the quest.

The second quest for those interested from K. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). Need to bring ten Garnets(precious stones). Stones have to be collected as the game progresses.

200 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from K. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to take four “bags” to the so-called Transfers(hides). Their location: Denerim Trade District, tavern on Lake Calenhad, pass in the Frosty Mountains, Redcliffe village. The last pouch will explode when placed.

175 XP and 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.

The fourth quest for those interested from K. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to discredit D. To do this, you need to talk with Gorim and sister Theohilda in the Trade Quarter and with the manager in Curiosities of Thedas. Then - meet with the guard's contact in the Trade Quarter (near the exit to the city map). Next on the city map will happen chance meeting with assistant D. (location Dilapidated Lane), who has a map Path to Shelter. A new mark will appear on the city map - Vault D. In the shelter you need to defeat D. and his guards.

250 XP and 10 gold coins for completing the quest.

The first quest for those interested from D. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). Three need to be hidden Body bag at the landfill in the Denerim Trade District (next to the temple). The bags are located in the Trade Quarter (near the temple), in the Trade Warehouse (entrance from the Trade Quarter), in the “Pearl”.

125 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

The second quest for those interested from D. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to shoot from a bow in the indicated place in Western Brecilian (at point 6) (a crossbow is not suitable). Then - defeat the mercenaries and take folded letter.

175 XP and 4 gold coins for completing the quest.

The third quest for those interested from D. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). It is necessary to destroy three false witnesses: on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (“Wonders of Thedas”), in the Frosty Mountains of Orzammar.

6 gold coins for completing the quest.

The fourth quest for those interested from D. (quests in this series are given in the Denerim tavern). You need to kill K. On the city map there will be a random meeting with K.'s assistant (location Dilapidated Lane), who has a map Path to Shelter. A new mark will appear on the city map - K’s Vault. In the shelter you need to defeat K. and his guards.

250 XP and 10 gold coins for completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be picked up in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). It is necessary to take away the stolen Guild supplies from three deserters - in the Frosty Mountains, on Lake Calenhad, in Denerim (Port Backyards).

ring Frost Strike from a deserter in the Frosty Mountains;
175 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken in Lothering, Redcliffe or Denerim). Need to give three Letters of recruitment- in Lothering (church), in the village of Redcliffe (house), in Denerim (Elfinage).

Please note that Lothering becomes unavailable after completing any of these quests: Nature of the Beast, Perfect, Broken Circle, Urn of Sacred Ashes.


Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken in Denerim). You need to bring twenty healing poultices. Any poultice will be transferred, starting with the smaller ones.

175 XP, 3 gold and 98 silver coins for completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken in Denerim). There are four funeral tributes to be given to widows. They are located in Redcliffe (church), Lake Calenhad (tavern), Denerim (Shopping District and Dirty Alley).

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing the quest.

Blackstone Volunteers quest (can be taken in Denerim). The quest is given after completing the other five volunteer quests. You need to talk to Relnor Hawkwind in the Trade Quarter and make a decision: either kill him or kill his son Taoran Hawkwind (random encounter on the world map, location Taoran's Camp).

350 XP and 4 gold coins if you kill Relnor;
350 XP, 4 gold coins and Free Scout Helm, if you kill Taoran;
3 gold coins if Taoran is released for ransom.

If you talk to Master Ignacio in the Denerim Trade Quarter, he will later invite you through a messenger to a meeting at the Bitten Nobleman tavern and offer a number of tasks.

2. Kill the Kadan-Fe mercenaries. A new location, Kadan-Fe Shelter, will appear on the world map.

3. Kill Ambassador Heinley. The ambassador with security is in Royal Palace Orzammar, in the rooms of Prince Trian.

4. Kill Captain Chase. A new location, Ransom Place, will appear on the Denerim map.

After completing the quest, merchant Cesar will have an additional assortment at the Denerim market. If you kill Master Ignacio after completing the quest, trading with Cesar will become impossible.

Crossbow with improved grip And Rough Gut Gauntlets for the first three tasks;
gloves Finders of Red Jenny for completing the quest.

Sergeant Kilown in the Denerim Trade Quarter asks to expel the mercenaries from the Bitten Nobleman tavern. At the same time, the customer wants “there to be a brawl.” After defeating the leader, the remaining mercenaries will surrender.

100 XP and 3 gold coins for completing the quest.

Noblewoman is a unique class in its action, relative to the others, but from a conceptual point of view, absolutely on the contrary, the Noblewoman has absolutely nothing unique about herself. Quite the contrary. She is the focal point of the talent tree, and her single Ascension class offers a choice of any of the other Ascension classes' talents.

The noblewoman is a kind of chimera, mega hybrid , which combines many variations of all other classes, and you are free to choose from them the path that suits you.

Pros of Noblewoman:

  • You can combine unique bonuses different classes Ascents. For example, Necromancer + Champion, if you so choose. This moment has a really great benefit when from some Ascension class you need only part of the talents, some small key and very important strengthening, and as an additional class you choose something else, perhaps also extremely necessary for proper operation build.
  • Placement in the center of the tree gives quick access to any class segments without spending unnecessary talents.
  • Suitable for doubting players, since completely changing the style of play for a character of the Noble class is as easy as shelling pears, simply by spending a certain number of spheres of Repentance on talents you don’t need or Ascension talents.
  • Can gain access to starting points for leveling up any class. At the right time, this can save a significant amount of talent.

Cons of Noblewoman:

  • Confusing for new players. In order to understand the potential of what you are sculpting from a Noblewoman, you first need to thoroughly find out everything about other classes, decide for yourself whether this all-hybrid is worth taking, and then combine the talents of different subclasses.
  • Maybe everything, but worse than the prototypes. The Noblewoman has weakened versions of the bonuses of each Ascendancy class, without receiving the full bonus that those receive. Therefore, the flexibility of selection and mixing comes at the cost of the quality of the ingredients being mixed, otherwise there would be no balance.
  • Why choose a class that eventually gains access to another class's starting point when you could start with that other class right away?
  • It is not the most popular class now and there are reasons for that. The flexibility of choice that the Noblewoman offers is not so much needed now, because basically everyone follows the same narrow path, boosting only one thing. Of course, this does not mean that the Noblewoman does not have her own, unique place in all this, however, what she experiences is not better times- That's for sure.

Noblewoman Ascension Class:


Ascended - This is the Ascension class that collects the powers of all other classes.

For which builds to choose Noblewoman

This question does not have the same simple answer as questions about other classes. For everything and... at the same time, for little. A noblewoman can be anything, but for every role there is someone better than her. In certain cases, of course, it is possible to do everything vice versa, but this requires a lot of experience in the game and then it is quite possible to make something out of the mixed powers of the Noblewoman that is superior to the powers of some other class.

For beginners, I would absolutely not recommend Noblewoman. You can hardly do anything more worthwhile than you could do in a class specifically created for a specific role. In addition, the Noblewoman is available only after hitting the Finger of the Lord, although this is only the third act; for a beginner, going through the first three acts, then re-creating the character for dubious bonuses is not the best idea.

However, if you are still very interested in this class for some reason special reasons and you want to play as a long-haired blonde, in torn clothes, all I can offer is this, but to do something yourself you will have to look for a lot additional materials, browse Gamepedia, and after you figure out a bunch of other Ascension classes, you can already start creating your own build for the Noblewoman.