Does Guzeeva divorce her husband. Such different men of Larisa Guzeeva. Lalisa's personal life

She blabbed that she and her daughter Olga now live separately from Igor Bukharov, the third husband of the star. “My daughter is 16 years old. I came home very late from work yesterday. At home, only chickens did not walk and snakes did not crawl. It was a nightmare. I already cried! I think it's a shame. 16 years old girl. Even though she doesn't allow herself to. I just want her to hear. I say: “Well, why is that? Why was it so necessary to meet me from work? I don't treat you like that." "That's dad, that's him." I call, I say: “Igor, why were you ... (well, we already live separately now) Why did you come, litter, eat something? Why didn't they clean up after themselves?" “I told Lele to remove it.” That's how kids are!" - the presenter let slip in a conversation with the hero of the program.

The information that Guzeeva broke up with her husband caused a storm of emotions among her fans. Fans of the artist immediately began to wonder what caused this decision. Many began to feel sorry for the actress: the third marriage, and again discord. However, judging by the photographs of Larisa Guzeeva, she is not very sad about this. So, for example, today the star published a picture in which she appeared in the image femme fatale surrounded by actors Mikhail Vladimirov and Jean Daniel. “My dear Mishechka Vladimirov and Janusik Daniel! It's a pleasure to work with them!" - touchingly signed a photo of Guzeev.

The subscribers of the TV presenter were delighted with her unexpected image. " Vamp Woman!!! Simply divine!!!", « Oh my god Larissa!!! You can go blind from your beauty, especially in this photo. My eyes nearly popped out in surprise! Stay as cool for another million years!!!”, “ Larisa, how gorgeous you are. Smart, playful, daring... and so beautiful... Queen!», « Larisa is getting more and more beautiful every year. I can look at her for hours and admire! - bombarded the artist with compliments in the comments.

Larisa Guzeeva after the announcement of the break with her husband appeared in a new image

Recall that in September last year, Larisa Guzeeva told in the Smak program about how she almost divorced Igor Bukharov. The reason for the showdown was the correspondence of the husband of the TV presenter in social networks with the girls. In December last year, Larisa Andreevna, albeit ironically, warned her other half from television screens all over the country: she feels that the matter is unclean. “I am seeing my husband off for the fifth business trip in a row ... Igor, if anything - then just this (a fragment of the release of “Let's Get Married!” with a story about my suspicions. - Note. ed.) is included in the program of Andryusha Malakhov ... Like, I felt all this in advance - your business trips! - the host of the show “Let's get married!” turned to her husband from the screen.

Igor Bukharov is the third husband of Larisa Guzeeva. They met when she was 18 and he was 17, were friends for many years, and got married when both were 40 years old. The first husband of Larisa Guzeeva was an assistant cameraman for the film " Rivals”, on the set of which they met in 1984. The marriage lasted seven years. All years family life Larisa Guzeeva struggled with her husband's addiction to drugs, but to no avail. In 1991 they divorced. He later died of an overdose. The second husband of Larisa Guzeeva was a Georgian actor Kakha Tolordava. They met in 1991 in Tbilisi on the set of the film “ Chosen One» director Mikhail Kalatozishvili. Larisa Guzeeva soon became pregnant. She continued to act in the film even on recent months pregnancy. Larisa Guzeeva first became a mother at the age of 32. She gave birth to a son, George, in 1991. The marriage of Larisa Guzeeva and Kakha Tolordava was registered a few days before the birth of the child. But soon the actress filed for divorce. The third time Guzeeva married in 1999 - Igor Bukharov. She gave birth to her second child, daughter Olga, at 41.

Larisa Guzeeva announced that she and her husband no longer live together

Larisa Guzeeva has been the host of the program for several years "Let's get married!", in whose studio she, along with her colleagues Roza Syabitova and Vasilisa Volodina, helps the heroes find a mate. The celebrity regularly talks about family life, about the relationship between a man and a woman, and gives advice that millions of fans across the country like.

During the last edition of the show, Larisa made an unexpected statement. She spoke about her personal life and problems with her husband Igor Bukharov whom she suspects of cheating. According to the TV presenter, her husband in recent times began to actively take care of himself - he lost 27 kilograms and spends a lot of time at the mirror, admiring his slim body and rejuvenated appearance. As it turned out, the man speaks to star wife unpleasant remarks and reproaches.

“He comes up to me and says: “Why are you so blooming? In the summer it was normal. Why are you so pissed off again?!" - Guzeeva admitted in the studio "Let's get married!". This behavior of her husband is very disturbing to the actress and suggests a possible divorce. But, despite the experiences, Larisa admitted that she did not intend to suffer for a long time from parting with her husband. “Igor, goodbye! I won't hold on!" - a celebrity publicly addressed Bukharov.

A month ago, rumors spread that Larisa Guzeeva was breaking up with her husband, with whom she had been married for 20 years. They even wrote that the TV presenter had already moved out of the common apartment and temporarily moved with her daughter to her son’s apartment, it only remained to prepare the divorce papers ...

However, the host of "Let's get married!" did not hurry to confirm the information. On the contrary, she tried in every possible way to prove the opposite: she even connected her husband as a culinary expert in new project on Channel One "TiliTeleTesto", where she herself is the host. Look, they say, viewers, how we communicate with each other, and draw your own conclusions.

Yes, it's a good move. However, it does not give an absolute guarantee that, being a couple on the screen, Larisa and Igor continue to remain behind the scenes. There are cases when spouses tried to hide their divorce from the public until the last, and then it turned out that they had not lived together for 8 years, as, for example, it was with Yegor Konchalovsky and Lyubov Tolkalina.

Finally, Guzeeva's husband, Igor Bukharov, dotted the i's. He told in such colors what his beloved wife feeds him at home, that there was no doubt: in this pair, even after 20 years, an idyll reigns.

"Larisa has amazing gift, which is inherent in great chefs - she knows how to add taste in her head. What gastronomic countries like France and Italy produce today, Larisa does at home on her own, Igor praises his wife in an interview with TV Program. - And then, I have a very large culinary library. AT last time there was a story - I made meatballs in sauce, I tried it and ask: “What is the recipe? Where did you get it? She told me: "Well, there you have a book of 1958." I say: “Lara, do you understand that no one cooks like this today? To make the main white sauce, no one overcooks flour. Everything is relieved. Both tomato and sour cream are put already without the so-called flour frying. Larisa replies: “But I took the book and made it. It says: bring the flour to the taste of a roasted nut. “Yes,” I say, “it’s brilliant.”

Igor also spoke about how he and Larisa have changed each other over the years they have lived together. As it turned out, not for the better.

“I spoiled Larisa’s joy from going to restaurants, and she told me everything related to cinema,” says Bukharov. - I used to watch movies and did not understand how it was done. Movies for me were either good or not so good. With Larisa, each joint viewing turns into a thorough analysis: the light is not right, the actor reacted the wrong way, here - the wrong editing. Everything is the same with me in restaurants (Igor is the president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia. - Approx. WDay). Now she says: “I used to know that there is white wine, red wine and port wine. Now I'm into wine. And in products.

Note: all verbs are in the present tense, which once again confirms that the spouses live together and continue to put up with each other's character traits.

The husband left for Bulgaria, and she meets with an imposing gentleman

- I'm not tired. I don't want to go on vacation. I love the cold summer, - in early June she confessed to the readers of her “Instagram"actress and host of the program "Let's get married!" on Channel One Larisa Guzeeva. And although since then it has become much warmer in Moscow, the TV personality is in no hurry to fly away from Russia. Why - our journalist tried to find out.

Although in the program "Let's get married!" Guzeeva every day she gives her heroes accurate and witty advice on how to find love and find long-awaited happiness, the actress rarely talks about her own personal life. But recently, Larisa Andreevna, who will turn 60 in less than a year, seemed to break through.

She confessed that in 20 extra years relationship with her husband Igor Bukharov deep crises have occurred. The couple even parted ways for a while to cool down and reunite again. Guzeeva categorically appointed her betrothed as the main culprit of these discords: they say that he subscribed to “young chicks” in social networks. And thus, they say, they almost destroyed their marriage, where, by the way, their beautiful daughter Olya, who is now 18, was born.

Previously, the TV star rested in Ravda with her Igor

The actress, according to her, was infuriated when she saw an unknown beauty from her husband on the laptop screen, and she threw such a stormy scandal, after which they miraculously did not divorce. Nevertheless, both had enough intelligence and experience to reconcile and bring the relationship to new level. Now they leave each other compliments on social networks and seem to be insanely longing when circumstances force them to part.

Now, by the way, the couple has just such a period of separation. Guzeeva, after filming and other important matters, spends the night in their 270-meter townhouse worth about 60 million rubles. in the north-west of Moscow, in the Kurkino district.

Now this gray-haired man is next to Larisa

And Bukharov, together with his mother-in-law Albina Andreevna, flew to the family apartments in Bulgaria. As we already wrote, in the Emerald Beach Resort and Spa complex in the resort village of Ravda, a couple some time ago bought an apartment of 165 square meters for 220 thousand euros. m.

Bukharov now treats his mother-in-law very tenderly, surrounded her with care, gives flowers. He leads by the hand to the beach, and she affectionately calls him Igorek, - the Bulgarian neighbors of Larisa and Igor told us.

We learned from neighbors that management company elite residential complex in the spring there were serious financial difficulties due to local corruption and due to the fact that many apartment owners do not pay utility bills on time. And now many stars, including Lolita, Nadezhda Babkina, Boris Moiseev, Philip Kirkorov, and at the same time our heroine Larisa Guzeeva, cannot truly enjoy their vacation there. Recently, for example, there was no electricity or hot water in the complex for a whole month.

Now the light has been given, but there is still no water, - they reported to us from Bulgaria. - Therefore, many install boilers.

Maybe that's why Guzeeva, accustomed to comfort, is in no hurry to join her mother and husband. Now the former Bulgarian "paradise", where she spent every summer, is more like their old Moscow kopeck piece in a residential area in the north of the capital. The actress and her family have been living in it since 1997, and then she decided that one day either her daughter or her son George (he is 26) from marriage with a Georgian screenwriter will be able to move there. Kakha Tolordava.

However, perhaps this secret nest may still be useful to Larisa Andreevna herself. Recently, in the same area, in a restaurant near the house with a kopeck piece, the star was seen accompanied by a certain imposing gentleman. He also appeared at the townhouse in Kurkino. What things unite them, no one knows. The same man, by the way, trying not to shine in front of the cameras, accompanied Guzeeva at the funeral of the film director Stanislav Govorukhin June 16th.

And when Larisa said goodbye to the late master and, leaving the ceremony, smoked a few cigarettes in the company of Galina Polskikh and Larisa Udovichenko, and then disappeared, it was with her friend that everyone began to cope - where exactly?

She felt bad and went home, - the gentleman justified himself, who soon began to call someone and promised in an enthusiastic voice that he, too, would soon rush.

Russian TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva for the first time commented on the breakup with her husband Igor. The actress admitted that the crisis in her relationship with her husband has not yet been overcome, but the worst has already been left behind.

Popular TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva in the program "Let's get married!" helps single people find family happiness. But as it became known, the family of the star itself cracked.


As it turned out, last winter Larisa Guzeeva and her husband Igor Bukharov, who have been married for twenty years, were close to breaking up. The couple has not yet fully overcome a serious crisis in relations. Larisa Guzeeva frankly spoke about what was happening in her family in the Ideal Renovation program, warning that Igor Bukharov would not be with her when, after the refurbishment, she entered her renovated house. The couple still live separately, meeting on the set of the new show of the First Channel "TiliTeleTesto".

“Igor and I survived a very difficult winter,” admitted Larisa Guzeeva. - Everything that I said earlier about our separation is true. There is no smoke without fire. Igor and I have been together for 20 years, anything can happen. Our brains turned on, we decided not to make the country laugh. What happened to us can be experienced, and we survived. But the family crisis has not yet been overcome. Igor will not be with me the day I enter the house after the renovation. Until there is. We try our best with Igor on the project, because our fans do not have to suffer with us. Thank you all for your participation. Thank God, we figured everything out, there will be no divorce.”

Recall that Larisa Guzeeva first spoke about the fact that she and her husband had problems on the Smak program in September last year. The star admitted that recently she has been forced to follow Igor Bukharov. Larisa Guzeeva found evidence of her husband's infidelity

“I check my husband’s phone, see who his subscribers are. And one day I found such rubbish there! I immediately went to Igor: “What is this girl doing with you?” And he began to tell me that he accidentally poked at her, that he would immediately delete it. But we had such a scandal, it almost came to a divorce!” - said Larisa Guzeeva.

This recognition then struck many. But the main sensation was ahead, in February in the program "Let's get married!" The presenter admitted that she and her husband live separately.

After that program, Larisa Guzeeva's microblog subscribers bombarded her with questions and requests to tell the truth about what was happening in their relationship with Igor Bukharov. However, the TV presenter and actress decided to tell the truth only after she realized that she would be able to save her family.