Rare outing: Amanda Seyfried on a walk with her husband and daughter. star trek amanda seyfried our world sucks

The reason for the meeting was the film "Dangerous Business", which is released in Russian cinemas on April 19. In it, Amanda played Sunny, a gullible girl who finds herself involuntarily drawn into a drug-related crime story. At the center of the plot of Nash Edgerton's action comedy is the formula of a certain chemical. This development of a large pharmaceutical corporation is of great interest to drug traffickers. By chance, the formula falls into the hands of a humble corporate employee, Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo). Caught in the middle of an international drug showdown, Harold fakes his own kidnapping in order to extract ransom money from the management. He did not take into account that not only his risky boss Elaine Markinson (Charlize Theron) would show interest in the loss, but also Mexican drug lords, hired assassins, US intelligence agencies. And they prefer Harold dead to alive. The only person who is ready to help the "wise guy" is Sunny.

I'm not so trusting anymore

- Amanda, what attracted you to the film "Dangerous Business" so much that you decided to star in it? After all, you were offered not the most important role.

I agreed to participate even before I read the script. Because the film was directed by Nash Edgerton. We have been friends for a year since 2015. I met him and his brother Joel (the actor played one of the main roles in Dangerous Business. - Approx. "TN") in Santa Fe, where each of us worked on his own film project. And somehow they found mutual language. So when I was told that Nash was shooting a new picture, I immediately answered: “Ha, I'm in!”

- Agreed, not even knowing what kind of project?

That's right, and fortunately, the role turned out to be right for me. It seems that Sunny was written off from me. At least Nash thinks so! (Laughs.)

With Harry Treadaway (Miles) in Dangerous Business. Photo: Volga Film Company

- Looks like it worked? You once admitted that you like characters who are more optimistic than yourself...

You take a little bit from every character you play, otherwise it's impossible. And the charm of Sunny is in her gullibility and cheerfulness. She is a very pure person, which, of course, cannot but create problems for her. However, I find this particular aspect of Sunny to be beautiful. I would really like my daughter to be as open to the world and people as my heroine, so that she, like Sunny, would be alien to cynicism. After all, in this case, the world plays with completely different colors for you. I used to be more trusting too. Understanding what is good and what is bad comes with age.

- So you are more of a pessimist today?

I just became less trusting. But definitely an optimist! (Laughs.)

- "Dangerous Business" is your second work with Charlize Theron ...

Yes, we starred with her in the film "A Million Ways to Lose Your Head." And it was very fun experience because Charlize was playing good girl, the heroine, and I will tear off the real one. (Laughs) In Dangerous Business, we switched places: I became good, and she became that little thing.

- And in "Dangerous Business" you have a lot of joint scenes with British actor Harry Treadaway.

Oh don't go on! Harry was a real bastard! I'm kidding, if so. (Laughs) Harry himself is so good - we had a great time together on set. The bastard turned out to be his character Miles - Sunny's boyfriend. My heroine, despite her actions young man sees only the best in him. Yes, deep down he is a kind person, and you understand why Sunny fell in love with him. But the audience sees what a dirty game he is playing. They say about people like Miles: "A person who always needs something." First, he needs to feel needed. Secondly, Miles needs someone to keep him feeling that sooner or later he will get out of all this shit. He missed a lot of things in this life, so he is constantly in search. So Miles and Sunny are the perfect couple.

Amanda and her husband, actor Thomas Sadoski, bought a farm, planted a vegetable garden, bred livestock. Here, in the rural pastoral, they live according to a simple formula - "happiness loves silence." Photo: instagram.com

- To the main character of the film, Harold, your Sunny also treats with sincere kindness. Perhaps the only one of them all.

Sunny is very kind heart like mine. She tries to find the good in every person. She sees how Harold suffers, and sincerely wants to understand the reason for his experiences. Sunny is ready to make contact with those people who can help him. But no one wants to get involved with him.

Seven suitcases for a baby

- The action of the film "Dangerous Business" takes place in Mexico. Did the shooting take place there?

Mexico City and Veracruz. Mexico City is a fantastic place. I have long dreamed of going there, so for me the trip there was a delightful adventure. Unlike filming in Veracruz. In that small town, located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, such a fry! And the water in the ocean is even hotter than the air, which is not very cool. But we have to admit: the city itself is very beautiful.

- How do you feel about the need to move around the world? Are you bored at home?

You know what's funny: right after the birth of my daughter, I had to go to Croatia to shoot the sequel to Mamma MIA!. I then thought: "This is going to be hell." After all, my husband worked and could not keep us company. I flew with a six-month-old baby in my arms to an island where there is not even a hospital. I had to carry everything I needed with me - literally every little thing. I packed seven suitcases! Oh, how difficult it was! But I got an experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Yes, I love home comforts. But how nice it is sometimes to live a little in a different place! Sometimes I hear something like: “There is a possibility that you will have to go to Japan next month.” I answer: “15 hours of flight?! Uuuu... Come on, all of you!” (Laughs) But once I get to my destination, I feel the excitement of changing places. And so it always is with me. When it comes to travel, I'm heavy on my feet.

With her husband, daughter and beloved dog Finn. Photo: Legion Media

Although last week for the first time in for a long time flew alone. (Whispering) And it was amazing! Well, it was not a trip in its purest form: I went to New York to give an acting master class with my husband's sister. For a couple of days, but without a stroller, a dog, without suitcases - with only one backpack. Just delight!

- You flew to Croatia when your daughter was six months old. So she's almost a year old now?

Well, it will soon be a year. It seems that I blabbed a little: I had never told anyone about my daughter before. Therefore, no one knows anything about her.

Our world is such a mess!

- After filming Mamma MIA! didn't you have this feeling: that's it, I can't stand another ABBA song? Haven't you said to yourself: I'd rather go shoot in something more aesthetic, for example, with David Lynch?

Something similar actually happened. I did two Mamma MIA! movies and it was a lot of fun. The second time is even worse than the first. "Mamma MIA!" - an international hit. If an actor takes part in such large-scale projects, he can then afford to go on the stage of the theater or star in a small independent film. I mean the financial component of an acting career. I was lucky: for the sake of freedom of action, I did not have to star in some superhero blockbuster based on comics. (Seyfried swore at the time that she would never star in a superhero film. - Approx. "TN".) Thanks to "Mamma MIA!" my life took a different path.

- Returning to Dangerous Business, what do you think this film can teach?

In my opinion, the main idea of ​​our work can be formulated as follows: “Be yourself. Don't try to be what you are not. Accept all the good and bad in yourself, all your oddities - if people consider them to be so. This is what I am already trying to convey to my daughter. (Laughs.)

In Croatia, to shoot the sequel to the film "Mamma MIA", Amanda flew with her 6-month-old daughter. Photo: Legion Media

In general, every film should contain hidden message. That is why I love comedies, because the key ideas in them come to the viewer not in the forehead, but through humor, unobtrusively. Sometimes just laughing is enough. Our world is such a mess right now! (Laughs.) When current situation the only thing left to do is to make comedies - let people laugh. Or cry. Or maybe both. That is what my job is.

Amanda Michelle Seyfried

A family:
husband - Thomas Sadoski, actor; daughter (1 year old), the actress does not disclose her name.

starred in more than 50 films and TV series, including: "Mean Girls", "Mamma MIA!", "Jennifer's Body", "Time", "Les Miserables"

Her men

Jesse Marchant (2005-2007)

Photo: facebook.com

Amanda saw the Canadian musician at the bus stop. Their romance continued until Seyfried began filming Mamma MIA!.

Dominic Cooper (2007-2010)

Cooper partnered with Amanda in Mamma MIA! The game of love on the screen has grown into real feelings. And then Cooper cheated on her with Lindsay Lohan.

Ryan Phillip (2010-2011)

Photo: Global Look Press

FROM ex-husband Reese Witherspoon Amanda dated for three months. Until actress Alexis Knapp announced that… she was expecting a baby from Ryan Phillip.

Josh Hartnett (2012)

The relationship with the Pearl Harbor star lasted less than a year. And then Hartnett went to actress Tamsin Egerton, who later bore him two children.

Justin Long (2013-2015)

Photo: Global Look Press

Almost two years of relationship is a serious time for Amanda and for Justin, who previously dated actresses Drew Barrymore and Kirsten Dunst.

Thomas Sadoski (2015 - present)

The star of the series "News Service" managed to take Amanda down the aisle. It happened on March 12, 2017. The only witness at the wedding was the actress's favorite dog, Finn.

Amanda Seyfried is a popular American film actress and singer, best known for her roles in Les Misérables and Dear John.

Amanda Seyfried was born in 1985 in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Her parents were directly related to medicine. Father Jack Seyfried was a pharmacist in one of the city's pharmacies, and mother Ann Sander worked as a private psychotherapist. The family also brought up the eldest daughter Jennifer, who also chose creative way and organized her own rock band "Love City".

Amanda Seyfried studied at general education school William Allen, and at the same time studied at the theater studio and attended a private vocal tutor who taught the girl the basics of opera singing. At the age of 11, young Seyfried began her modeling career. She signed a contract with international agency"Image" and participated in advertising for girls' clothes of various brands that are members of the "Limited Too" alliance. After some time, Amanda began to cooperate with the Bethlehem's Pro agency.

After she appeared on several covers romance novels writer Francine Pascal, she was invited by the New York agency "Wilhelmina", in which the girl worked until the end of her modeling career in 2002.


At the age of 15, Amanda first appears on the television screen in the soap opera As the World Turns, in which she starred in 27 episodes as Lucinda Mary Mantgomery. After that, the actress took part in 13 more television projects. In some, she appeared in only one episode as a guest star, such as Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, House M.D., and C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation.

The most famous television series with the participation of Amanda Seyfried was the serial drama film "Big Love", in which she plays the girl Sarah - eldest daughter Mormon Henrickson family, around which the plot of the series is twisted. A total of 5 seasons were filmed, and Amanda participated in the first 4, as well as in the final episode of the latter.

It should also be noted the youth detective series "Veronica Mars", which was very popular in America. Seyfried auditioned for the role of the young detective Veronica, but in the end she got a different character - best friend main character Lily Kane. According to the original script, Amanda was supposed to have a short episode, but after seeing the performance of the actress, the creator of the picture, Rob Thomas, expanded her airtime. As a result, she starred in 11 episodes of the television picture.


On the big screen, Amanda Seyfried made her debut in 2004 in the youth comedy Mean Girls, which tells about the life of high school students. The actress played Regina George, one of the most popular girls in school.

This role attracted the attention of the audience to the aspiring film actress, and they watched her with interest in other roles that she played in the following films. But the real popularity came to Amanda Seyfried after the release of the film adaptation of the musical "Mamma Mia!", Based on the songs of the popular disco group "Abba". The film, which tells about the girl Sophie Sheridan, who is getting ready for the wedding, played by Amanda, turned out to be very light and romantic.

An additional highlight of the picture was the performance of the songs by the actors themselves. The released soundtrack with 17 songs from the film topped the charts in more than 20 countries. Amanda Seyfried sang 8 songs, including the #1 hit Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)", which was additionally filmed a video clip.

The next big success in acting career Amanda Seyfried was the film adaptation of the melodramatic novel Dear John. The actress plays the role of Savannah Lynn Curtis, the sweetheart of a young soldier, John Tyree, who marries another man. He played the role of John.

For a great dramatic performance, Amanda was nominated for Teen Choice Awards and MTV Movie Awards. Interestingly, the original title of the novel and the movie "Dear John" is a play on words. In addition to the fact that this is the name of the main character, this phrase is a set expression that means a letter from a girl about ending a relationship.

In 2011, the actress played the main female role in the fantastic blockbuster "Time", where the actress's partner on the set was popular singer. The film was based on the idea that in the future, time will become the main currency of people, which allows the rich to live forever, and the poor not to live to 30 years.

The most famous film with the participation of Amanda Seyfried is the British dramatic musical Les Misérables, based on the novel of the same name. The actress conveys the image of the famous girl Cosette, who is considered a French symbol of oppressed children, but has already grown up in grown woman. As in the musical "Mamma Mia!", Seyfird again acted as a singer, for which she specially studied with a vocal teacher before filming, since in this picture the musical parts were more complex. In the musical, she performed both solo and collective numbers. The film "Les Misérables" won an Oscar, and Amanda won the "Satellite" award, as best actress.

In addition to two musicals, the actress used her vocal abilities in the soundtracks for films such as Little Red Riding Hood, Dear John and Third Extra 2.

Personal life

Amanda Seyfried had several star novels, mainly with partners in joint films. She met with Mika Alberti, with whom she played together in the TV series All My Children, with a partner in the crime drama Alpha Dog, with another star of the musical Mamma Mia!

Later in her different time were short-term romantic relationship with actors and At the end of 2013, Amanda began an affair with famous actor. This relationship was long enough, but in September 2015 the couple broke up.

Surprisingly, but famous actress suffers from one of the social psychological fears. She has a pathological fear of the open stage, which is why she cannot perform in the theater. Amanda Seyfried admitted this in an interview.

Glossy magazines published photos of the actress on the covers of publications, and also called one of the most attractive women. In 2011, People magazine ranked Amanda Seyfried number one on their list of the 25 Most Famous Beauty.

At the same time, the actress does not hide the fact that she is on a diet and constantly trains. Amanda told reporters about the obligatory yoga, fitness and Pilates in the actress's schedule. The slender figure of Amanda (the weight of the actress is 49 kg with a height of 161 cm) is not a natural gift, but the result of tedious training. The actress honestly talks about her own diets. Amanda does not want the image of actresses who do not deny themselves anything, but look perfect, to be fixed in the press. Also, the artist is against photo correction on the covers of magazines. Therefore, Amanda stopped striving to get on the covers of gloss and shares photos in her own “ Instagram ».

Amanda Seyfried now

March 12, 2017 Amanda Seyfried for actor Thomas Sadoski. The actors met for two years before deciding to take this crucial step. And already on March 24, the acting couple announced that Seyfried.

The birth of a child was overshadowed by the scandal that unfolded around Amanda Seyfried. Also in March, hackers stole and published in open access private photos Amanda Seyfried and . And if the photographs of Watson capture the moments of trying on a swimsuit, then the pictures of Seyfred are more frank. In the leaked files, there were shots with a naked celebrity, as well as intimate photos Amanda but not with current husband Thomas, and with ex-boyfriend Justin Long.

At the request of the representatives of the actress, the sites were promptly removed. scandalous photos. Today, it is problematic to find frames from a selection of hackers on the Web, but the photos remained on the computers of users who managed to download the photos, and periodically reappear on the Web.

Seyfried did not comment on the situation, but, according to the press, the scandal did not unsettle Amanda. In April 2017, the actress first appeared after the birth of a child and, as journalists noted, she was glowing with happiness.

In 2017, Amanda Seyfried played Rebecca "Becky" Burnett in the sequel to the cult series Twin Peaks, a sequel to the 1990 television series of the same name. The original Twin Peaks ended with an open ending, and the killer was never found in the detective series, which made it possible to film a sequel 27 years later.

Also in 2017, Amanda Seyfried played the role of the writer Ann, who is writing a biography of businesswoman Harriet in the tragicomedy " The last word».

In addition, three films starring the actress will be released in 2017: the comedy The Clapper, the fantasy thriller Anon, and the drama The First Reformed Church.

In 2018, Amanda Seyfried will return as Sophie in the sequel musical Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! and will also appear in the action comedy Gringo. Also today, the actress is starring in the comedy "Young Americans", crime movie"The Girl Who Cheated the Ivy League", the comedy "A Wonderful Evening", the drama "Three Little Words" and the comedy "He's Perfect".


  • 2004 - Mean Girls
  • 2008 - Mamma Mia!
  • 2009 - Jennifer's body
  • 2009 - Chloe
  • 2010 - Letters to Juliet
  • 2010 - Dear John
  • 2011 - Little Red Riding Hood
  • 2011 - Time
  • 2012 - Les Misérables
  • 2013 - Lovelace
  • 2014 - While we are young
  • 2014 - A Million Ways to Lose Your Head
  • 2015 - Third extra 2
  • 2017 - Twin Peaks
  • 2017 - Last word

March 05, 2016 Comments on Hollywood's fatal heartbreaker Amanda Seyfried and all her boyfriends. disabled

Fatal Hollywood heartbreaker Amanda Seyfried, and all her boyfriends.

Her favorite director is David Lynch. Somehow she admitted in an interview that in lynch films she is attracted not only by the atmosphere of madness, the talented presentation of the material, but also by the fatal heartbreaker beauties. It looks like Amanda just recognizes herself in them.

How many times did Amanda Michelle Seyfried turn on all sorts of guys!

Sometimes it seems that popular Hollywood actress collects boyfriends.

Even on the set of the television series All My Children, Amanda Seyfried had an affair with her partner in the film, Mika Albert. Their relationship didn't last long.

A little later, the actress began dating actor Emil Hirsch, who starred with her in the movie Alpha Dog.

After Hirsch, blonde "beast" breaks musician Jess Marchant's heart

Since 2009, Amanda Seyfried began a relationship with Dominic Cooper, a partner in the filming of the film Mamma Mia!. The couple had a difficult relationship: they either parted, then started dating again, and so on for more than three years.

For a long time, the press discussed the star's romance with actor Ryan Phillippe. But this relationship lasted only three months.

After Ryan Phillippe, Amanda switched to Alexander Sarsgard. Literally from the first minutes, charming him.

And at the end of 2011, Seyfried began dating French real estate agent Andrew Joblon.

Amanda Seyfried has been dating 33-year-old actor Josh Hartnett since January 2012. Heartthrob Hartnett had an impressive list of wins, which includes Scarlett Johansson, whom the actor dated for several years after they met on the set of Brian De Palma's The Black Dahlia. And it seemed that Amanda had met her ideal. But it was not there.

It was in the same year that Amanda broke up with Hartnet, and Desmond Harrington became her "victim".

There were persistent rumors about her affair with James Franco, and with one of the famous bodybuilders. She was also seen in the arms of an unfamiliar press, a man.

In 2013, Amanda decided to settle down and started dating Justin Long. Seyfried and Long moved in together in a New York apartment worth nearly $2 million. In the mornings, they made green smoothies for themselves, which they both adored, walked Amanda's dog Finn together, and in the evenings watched their favorite reality show.

It seemed that this idyll would never end. There were even rumors that they were going to get married. The tabloids vied with each other about her pregnancy, and the upcoming wedding. But, after two years of a very bright, and at the same time difficult relationship, Amanda decided to leave Justin.

American actress and singer, former model Amanda Seyfried began to appear regularly on the screen from the age of fifteen. On her account, there are many both main and secondary roles in popular films and TV shows.


Amanda Michelle Seyfried was born in Pennsylvania. Her father, Jack Seyfried, worked as a pharmacist, and her mother was successfully engaged in psychotherapeutic practice. Amanda youngest child in family. She has elder sister Jennifer, who also chose a public profession and was able to organize a rock band. Relatives of the actress on the paternal side have German roots.

Girl with early age showed interest in acting skills, regularly visited the theater studio. In addition, Amanda studied with a vocal coach who taught her opera singing. In an interview, she calls her childhood unremarkable and rather boring. The purposeful girl spent little time in games with her peers, concentrating on her studies.

Career in the modeling business

Amanda started modeling as a child - at the age of 11 she signed a contract with a successful international agency. The girl demonstrated products fashion brands. After her photographs were used to illustrate the covers of several of Francine Pascal's novels, Amanda began working with a New York agency.

In parallel with work, the girl did not forget about self-development and took care of her future career. She continued her vocal studies, which allowed her to take part in two Broadway productions. Modeling career Amanda Seyfried graduated at 17, deciding to focus on television. In 2003, she entered Fordham University, but never received an education due to constant employment on the set.

TV work

Amanda's debut in a television project was the shooting of the series "As the World Turns", in which she received a role at the age of 15. Later, she starred in several more series as the main or secondary heroine, as well as a guest star. The bright miniature actress was especially remembered by many viewers for the role of the charismatic girl Sarah from the Mormon family in the serial film Big Love. She appeared on a regular basis in four seasons out of five, and in the last one appeared in the final episode.

Shooting in films

Amanda was able to get her first film role in 2004. She auditioned for one of the leading roles in the comedy "Mean Girls", but ended up playing Karen - a sweet, but rather stupid and naive friend of one of the main characters. Funny, dynamic and instructive story about the confrontation of several schoolgirls liked the audience different ages, attracted the attention of agents to Seyfried and allowed her to gain the necessary filming experience in the film.

After that, the actress did not know the lack of roles, she played in such films as "Nine Lives", "Jennifer's Body", "Dear John". Especially significant and important for her career and life, she considers the film adaptation famous musical"Mamma Mia!", In which she played a girl striving in front of own wedding find her father, whose name she does not know. Great importance for Amanda, it also has the fact that in this picture she starred with Meryl Streep. After that, she considers Meryl her favorite actress and in many ways - an example to follow.

Among other significant roles of Amanda Seyfried - shooting in the fantastic blockbuster "Time", where her partner was famous singer Justin Timberlake. In the picture, the audience is presented with a future where wealth allows you to buy everything, even an unlimited life span, and the poor cannot afford to live to adulthood. A year after that, she starred in another musical - Les Misérables, where she performed complex musical parts, both collective and solo. The shooting schedule of the actress remains very busy, every year 3-5 films with her participation are released.

Experience as a singer

During the filming of Mamma Mia! the actress got the opportunity to demonstrate her vocal abilities. She performed 8 songs out of 17 that sounded in this picture, a video clip was later shot for one of them. After that, the audience predicted the girl's career as a singer, and journalists repeatedly asked about her intentions to perform on stage in the future. But Amanda's opinion is unchanged.

In all interviews, Seyfried makes it clear that she is an actress and does not plan to do something else. She claims that she will be glad to have the opportunity to sing again sometime, but only within the framework of the role. She had such an opportunity while participating in the musical Les Misérables, as well as recording soundtracks for several films.

The famous actress, loved by audiences on all continents, has suffered from stage fright since childhood. She admits that this is why she does not play in the theater, but prefers cinema, where she does not need to feel attention to herself. a large number people and there is always the opportunity to shoot the scene again. Life public person did not help the actress cope with this problem and she decided not to fight it, but to enjoy ordinary life. In addition, Amanda has panic attacks.

The actress prefers jeans to evening dresses and designer outfits and wears them with pleasure. Everyday life. She boasts an entire collection of classic and trendy styles in a variety of styles and is always on the lookout for fashion brands to find stylish jeans for her wardrobe.

Another important point in the life of Amanda Seyfried is the constant adherence to a strict diet, which is hard for her. The actress is inclined to be overweight, but strives to keep perfect figure. Her menu for the most part consists of vegetables and unsweetened fruits, most products do not pass heat treatment. In addition, she does not neglect training. Constant yoga, Pilates and fitness are one of the components of Amanda's life.

Personal life

Amanda Seyfried has never lacked fans, including successful and famous ones. During the filming of the TV series "All My Children" she began an affair with a partner in this picture - Mika Alberti. She later dated Emile Hirsch, Justin Long, and Josh Hartnett. In 2012, the actress was in a relationship with Dexter star Desmond Harrington.

From 2017 to present time Amanda Seyfried is married to actor Thomas Sadoski, who divorced his wife for her sake. They signed secretly, thus avoiding the obsessive attention of the paparazzi. In March 2017, shortly after the wedding star couple daughter was born. Amanda quickly recovered from the delivery and returned to her usual busy schedule. She not only does not refuse interesting roles, but sometimes she takes her daughter to the set.


  • 1999-2001 How the world turns
  • 2002-2003 All my children
  • 2004 Mean Girls
  • 2004 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  • 2004-2006 Veronica Mars
  • 2005 Nine Lives
  • 2005 Dr. House
  • 2005 American Weapons
  • 2006 Wild Fire
  • 2006 C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation
  • 2006 Alpha Dog
  • 2006 Gypsies, vagabonds and thieves
  • 2006-2011 Big Love
  • 2008 Solstice
  • 2008 Mamma Mia!
  • 2009 Boogie Woogie
  • 2009 Jennifer's body
  • 2009 Chloe
  • 2010 Dear John
  • 2010 Letters to Juliet
  • 2011 Little Red Riding Hood
  • 2011 Bag of hammers
  • 2011 Time
  • 2011 End of love
  • 2012 Les Misérables
  • 2012 Survival game
  • 2013 Lovelace
  • 2013 Big wedding
  • 2013 Epic
  • 2013 Pete and the goats
  • 2014 A Million Ways to Lose Your Head
  • 2014 Dog food
  • 2014 While we are young
  • 2015 Third extra 2
  • 2015 Fathers and daughters
  • 2015 Peng: Journey to Neverland
  • 2015 Let it snow
  • 2015 Love the Coopers
  • 2017 Last Wordruen
  • 2017 Anon
  • 2017 Twin Peaks
  • 2018 Dangerous business

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