Samburskaya Nastasya with a 16-year-old correspondence. Actress Nastasya Samburskaya seduced a minor. How Olga Buzova’s hands “floated”: the star was accused of photoshop

01.10.2015 The actress sued the young man ParenNiNo All photos

In the capital's get-together, the novel of the star of the Univer series Nastasya Samburskaya is being vigorously discussed. Everything would be fine, if not for one thing! The new lover of the actress - Nikita - was only 16 years old. The young man is the son of the ex-deputy of the City Duma Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail Veselkin. The lovers broke up and are now meeting in court.

Nikita Veselkin told reporters about the affair with the star. The young man even shared with reporters an intimate correspondence with the actress. “Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, and we only met on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia,” Nikita said.

The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress shared her creative plans with a new friend and unambiguously hinted at her sympathy. She herself invited Nikita to "sleep." “On the fourth or fifth day of our acquaintance, we slept in her old apartment. It can be seen that she had not had sex for a long time, she herself told me that she had not had sex for six months. She even in a fit of passion asked: "Hit me." In the rest - everything is like everyone else. There was sex, and there was. I, in general, no longer needed a relationship, I got what I wanted from her, and it seemed to her that we still had a relationship, and she began to demand that I settle the issue with her driver's license, ”added the interlocutor.

Once Samburskaya invited Nikita to come to the dacha, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend threw the actress’ boyfriend to the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving.

However, as Nastasya's brother Peter Ploskov told the website correspondent, Samburskaya did not drive at all. “Nikita was driving. He was drunk. We have already filed a lawsuit against him,” Piotr said.

The brother of the actress confirmed that Nikita and Nastasya knew each other, but he did not tell what relationship they had. “One gets the feeling that Nikita himself set everything up. This is some kind of planned action. But it is not clear why Nikita needs this. He has decent parents,” added Peter Ploskov.

Nikita Veselkin is the son of Mikhail Veselkin, ex-deputy of the Nizhny Novgorod City Duma of the III convocation, who was a member of the commission on budget, financial and tax policy. Now former politician is CEO Charitable Foundation of St. Barnabas of Gersimansky. The foundation has offices in Moscow and Vyksa. According to unofficial data, Mikhail Veselkin has shares in several large restaurants in Moscow.

IN charitable foundation Rev. Barnabas of Gersimansky, the website correspondent was confirmed that Mikhail Veselkin is the general director of the fund. However, they refused to comment on his son's romance with the actress.

By the way, on Youtube you can find a video of Nikita Veselkin reading the news of the Lomonosov School.

Nikita, with whom 28-year-old actress Nastasya Samburskaya was in intimate relationships, leads a life typical representative golden youth: expensive cars and holidays in hotels Cote d'Azur. The young man, who was barely 16 years old, spoke about his acquaintance with the artist and their closeness.


“Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, and we only met on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia,” Super quotes Nikita.

According to him, on the fourth or fifth day of their acquaintance, they slept. " It can be seen that she had not had sex for a long time, she herself told me that she had not had sex for six months. She even in a fit of passion asked: "Hit me." The rest - everything is like everyone else. There was sex and there was,” says yesterday’s student.

He stated that he received what he wanted from Samburskaya. "A she thought we were still in a relationship, and she began to demand that I settle the issue with her driver's license. She didn’t just ask for a favor, but she was hysterical, as if I owed her something,” 16-year-old Nikita Veselkin opened up.

The fact that Nastasya Samburskaya had an intimate relationship with a 16-year-old guy became known by accident. After all the chosen one of the actress initially stated that he was 19 years old. Age upset Samburskaya, but not enough to stop communication. Correspondence with a student of the cadet corps lasted several days: the star of "Univer" told him about his creative plans and clearly hinted at sympathy.

During one of the nightly online dialogues, she invited a guy out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend threw the young man to the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow in Nastasya's car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving. Thanks to this, she found out that her chosen one was only 16 years old. By that time, Samburskaya and the cadet were already far from friendly relations.

I got into a sex scandal with the corruption of an underage cadet Nikita Veselkin, with whom recently.

As it became known, the 16-year-old companion of Samburskaya, with whom she was caught drunk by traffic cops, is the son of a former deputy of the Nizhny Novgorod Duma, Mikhail Veselkin.

28-year-old Nastasya Samburskaya had an intimate relationship with a youngster. Nikita willingly shared the details of his entertainment with the star of "Univer".

"Samburskaya wrote to me on July 25, and we only met on August 19, when I arrived. Because when she wrote to me, I was not in Russia", - quotes Nikita Super.

After a few days of dating, they slept together. Moreover, as it turned out, Nastasya loves sado-masochistic games.

“It can be seen that she hadn’t had sex for a long time, she herself told me that she hadn’t had it for six months. She even asked in a fit of passion: “Hit me.” Otherwise, everything is like everyone else. There was sex and there was "- said the cadet.

Nastasya Samburskaya has extensive experience in seducing men - she starred for magazine Maxim

Nikita said that he received everything he wanted from Samburskaya.

“And it seemed to her that we were still in a relationship, and she began to demand that I settle the issue with her driver’s license. She no longer just asked for a favor, but was completely hysterical, as if I owed her something”, - 16-year-old Nikita Veselkin is indignant.

Samburskaya assures that Nikita misled her by introducing himself as a 19-year-old. Correspondence with a student of the cadet corps lasted several days. The star of "Univer" told him about his creative plans and unequivocally hinted at sympathy.

During one of the nightly online dialogues, she invited a guy out of town, where she was relaxing with friends. A friend threw the young man to the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow in Nastasya's car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic cops for drunk driving.

It was during the police proceedings that she learned that her chosen one was only 16 years old. But it was too late: by that time, Samburskaya and the cadet were no longer on friendly terms.

Victim of Nastasya Samburskaya 16-year-old cadet Nikita Veselkin

Nastasya Samburskaya commented on this situation on her Instagram:

"The public is indignant. Come on, come on, more dirt! The court will deal with everyone, it is useless to be rude and yell at the whole Ivanovskaya in such cases. We filed complaints with the prosecutor's office and the SSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will not work to accuse me of all mortal sins", - wrote the actress.

About the personal life of the star of the sitcom “Univer. New hostel" Nastasya Samburskaya 2.5 million of her Instagram followers argue daily. The actress, who happily tells fans on the Web about everything except heart matters, only intrigues readers with appeals like: “I don’t understand why everyone thinks I’m lonely? If I didn’t post a photo with a man for two years, this does not mean that I didn’t have a man for two years. ” As it turned out, admirers of the artist's talent hardly guess about the methods of finding the Samburskaya boyfriend of her dreams. The celebrity gets acquainted with the candidates she is interested in herself - with the help of the Direct function on Instagram, which has replaced Tinder for many.

At the end of July, Nastasya became interested in the account of another young man- a selfie of an athletic blonde c brown eyes interspersed with photos in expensive cars and at luxury resorts. “Hi, I hope you don’t … [moron],” the 28-year-old star wrote to the unfamiliar handsome man in Direct, after which she asked how old he was. When the guy replied that he was nineteen, the couple continued to communicate and very quickly switched to dirty correspondence in Whats Up. At the disposal of SUPER got a part of the virtual communication between the actress and her chosen one, who actually turned out to be a 16-year-old student of the capital's cadet corps named Nikita.

The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress told the guy about her creative plans and explicitly hinted at her sympathy.

I want to sleep with you. Will you come? - Nastasya wrote to Nikita.

During the next night correspondence, Samburskaya invited the handsome man out of town, where she rested with friends. A friend threw the actress’ boyfriend to the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving. By the way, thanks to this situation, the TV star found out that her new chosen one was only 16 years old. During the meeting of the actress and her lawyer with Nikita, the following dialogue took place between them:

Advocate: And now, in Russian, what happened there when you were stopped. Well, it's simple in a nutshell.

Nikita: They stop, they say, we saw you, you moved. They did not believe me in any way that I was driving. But I have rights, in a good way, should not be, to be honest.

Samburskaya: How old are you?

Nikita: 16.

Samburskaya: Seriously?

Nikita: Yes.

Samburskaya:… that's what we don't know about! And I think that you are so stupid.

However, by that time, Nastasya and the 16-year-old cadet had far from friendly relations. SUPER also had a telephone conversation between Nastasya and Nikita after a meeting with a lawyer. As it turned out, Samburskaya's messages with subtext, judging by the conversation, nevertheless ended in a sexual relationship between the actress and her chosen one:

Samburskaya: Ale.

Nikita: Ale, listen, one more important question. Does your brother or lawyer know we were sleeping?

Samburskaya: Yes.

Nikita: I know?

Samburskaya: Yes Yes.

Nikita: In general, everything turns out wrong, we seemed to have some kind of relationship.

Samburskaya: Everything is going very wrong, Nikit. You lied to me.

Nikita: How did I deceive you?

Samburskaya: You deceived me from the very beginning by saying you were 19 years old.

Nikita: Otherwise, there would be nothing. I also had my own interests.

Samburskaya: You are a child, and I have nothing to talk about with you. You are a child who is still ... brazenly lying.

Nikita: I had my own interest, I still wanted to ... there, with the actress ... You understand.

Samburskaya: Well, did you do everything? Liked?

Nikita: And you?

Samburskaya: Well, that's all, goodbye. I don't really.

Nikita: What are you lying? We had an hour and a half, you yourself said!

Samburskaya: Yes, at least twenty hours, Nikit, goodbye, I have nothing to talk about with you.

Not so long ago, all of Russia learned about the intimate relationship between 28-year-old Nastasya Samburskaya and a 16-year-old boy. Then we heard many different opinions about the same story. But how did all this really happen?

Few people know that the 28-year-old sitcom star "Univer. New hostel" Nastasya Samburskaya, everywhere and everywhere flaunting the fact that she does not drink alcohol and does not smoke, on August 23, 2015 she was detained for driving while intoxicated. Traffic police officers stopped the car driven by Anastasia Terekhova (the real name of the actress on the passport) and recorded the star's offense. In the car, Samburskaya was with her friend named Nikita.

Now the artist's lawyer Maxim Blinov he is trying with all his might to prove in court that Nastasya's friend was the driver of the car that day. According to Blinov, the young man, when meeting Samburskaya, lied about his age - a 16-year-old boy said that he was nineteen. For this reason alone, the drunk actress allowed the guy to drive her car and take her home from the suburbs. According to the lawyer, a friend of his client was afraid of punishment for driving without a license and framed Samburskaya for the article, telling the patrol that she was driving.

However, Nikita himself adheres to a completely different point of view. According to him, tipsy Samburskaya herself got behind the wheel. When a patrolman slowed down the artist’s car at one of the traffic police posts, Samburskaya did not stop, but drove much further. During the time that the traffic police officer was walking towards the celebrity's car, Nastasya and the 16-year-old guy changed places, imagining that it was Nikita who was driving.

The day before, another hearing was held in the case of Terekhova, to which neither the actress nor her friend appeared. A rehearing has been scheduled for October 15. If the star of Russian comedies is found guilty, she faces the deprivation of a driver's license for up to a year and a half.

Recall that this is not the first time that a propagandist healthy lifestyle life Nastasya Samburskaya was caught drinking and smoking. Last summer, the actress was caught smoking“rolling cigarettes” in the company of rapper ST in Jurmala.

About the personal life of the star of the sitcom “Univer. New hostel"Nastasya Samburskaya2.5 million of her Instagram followers argue daily. The actress, who happily tells fans on the Web about everything except heart matters, only intrigues readers with appeals like: “I don’t understand why everyone thinks I’m lonely? If I didn’t post a photo with a man for two years, this does not mean that I didn’t have a man for two years. ” As it turned out, admirers of the artist's talent hardly guess about the methods of finding the Samburskaya boyfriend of her dreams. The celebrity gets acquainted with the candidates she is interested in herself - with the help of the Direct function on Instagram, which has replaced Tinder for many.

Nastasya Samburskaya was the first to write to the guy she liked

At the end of July, Nastasya became interested in the account of another young man - selfies of an athletically built blond with brown eyes were interspersed with photos in expensive cars and at elite resorts. “Hi, I hope you don’t… [moron],” the 28-year-old star wrote to an unfamiliar handsome man in Direct, after which she asked how old he was. When the guy replied that he was nineteen, the couple continued to communicate and very quickly switched to dirty correspondence in Whats Up. At the disposal of SUPER got a part of the virtual communication between the actress and her chosen one, who actually turned out to be a 16-year-old student of the capital's cadet corps named Nikita.The correspondence between the young man and Samburskaya lasted several days. Through messages, the actress told the guy about her creative plans and explicitly hinted at her sympathy.

- I want to sleep with you. Will you come? - Nastasya wrote to Nikita.

Nastasya Samburskaya and her young chosen one Nikita

During the next night correspondence, Samburskaya invited the handsome man to the countryside, where she rested with friends. A friend threw the actress’ boyfriend to the dacha, and the couple returned to Moscow together in Nastasya’s car. It was then that the actress was detained by traffic police for drunk driving. . By the way, thanks to this situation, the TV star found out that her new chosen one was only 16 years old. During the meeting of the actress and her lawyer with Nikita, the following dialogue took place between them:

Advocate: And now, in Russian, what happened there when you were stopped. Well, it's simple in a nutshell.

Nikita: They stop, they say, we saw you, you moved. They did not believe me in any way that I was driving. But I shouldn't have rights in a good way, to be honest.

Samburskaya: How old are you?

Nikita: 16.

Samburskaya: Seriously?

Nikita: Yes.

However, by that time, Nastasya and the 16-year-old cadet were no longer on friendly terms. SUPER also had a telephone conversation between Nastasya and Nikita after a meeting with a lawyer. As it turned out, the messages of the actress with subtext, judging by the conversation, nevertheless ended in a sexual connection between Samburskaya and her chosen one:

Samburskaya: Ale.

Nikita: Hello, listen, one more important question. Does your brother or lawyer know we were sleeping?

Samburskaya: Yes.

Nikita: I know?

Samburskaya: Yes Yes.

Nikita: In general, everything turns out wrong, we seemed to have some kind of relationship.

Samburskaya: Everything gets very wrong, Nikit, you deceived me.

Nikita: How did I deceive you?

Samburskaya: You cashed me in right from the start by saying you were 19.

Nikita: Otherwise, there would be nothing. I also had my own interests.

Samburskaya: You are a child and I have nothing to talk about with you. You are a child who is still... brazenly lying.

Nikita: I had my own interest, I still wanted to be there, with an actress ... You understand yourself.

Samburskaya: Well, did you do everything? Liked?

Nikita: And you?

Samburskaya: Well, that's all, goodbye, I'm not very good.

Nikita: What are you lying, we had an hour and a half, you yourself said.

Samburskaya: Yes, at least twenty hours, Nikit, goodbye, I have nothing to talk about with you.

You can see their photos and correspondence here.