Composition-reasoning on the theme of a good person. Why are people so cruel? Why do kind people become cruel

Why does it happen that sincere, gentle and kind-hearted people suffer, and no one pays attention to them? Do cunning, greedy, evil people prosper and enjoy universal respect?

You don't have to believe in fate. It is not necessary to believe that people suffer because of their past bad deeds, because of karma. In fact good people, lovely people, virtuous people are forced to suffer. It is impossible to have everything in life. If you have kindness, enjoy it; if you have virtue, enjoy it; if you have a good disposition, enjoy it.

Why be jealous of cunning people who become prime ministers or evil people who become rich?

Bad people are destined to win in the fight against good people if it is a fight for money, for power, prestige and respect.

But if there is a struggle for inner silence, for peace, peace, equanimity, silence, meditation, divinity, then bad people will not achieve anything in it. And I don't see any problem with that.

According to the logic of things, good people should not suffer, bad people should suffer. However, in life, the opposite happens: good people suffer, and bad people rise to prominence and enjoy life.

The reality is simple: kindness has nothing to do with money. Kindness earns something more valuable, it earns peace of mind.

A virtuous person may not have a palace, but he will be happier living in his hut than a king living in a palace. A virtuous person cannot have a palace, but he can gain bliss. A cunning person will be able to get the palace, but in doing so he will lose peace of mind, he will lose contact with himself.

Thus, in my opinion, everything is very simple. If you want inner peace and inner wealth, be good, virtuous, sweet and do not envy those poor people who are cunning and earn money, who go to any crimes and achieve a high position and honor.

Do you want both? Do you want both money and meditation? You are asking too much. Will have something to leave and cunning people! They try very hard. And they suffer a lot inside. Perhaps you are suffering from outside world they suffer inside - and this is a much greater suffering than yours.

Life is simple mathematics. You get what you deserve. Just do not ask for something that is not related to your qualities, and no problem. Then you won't see it the way you do now - the virtuous suffer. No, no virtuous person suffers. A virtuous person enjoys and experiences bliss from every moment. And if he suffers, then he is not virtuous, he is just a coward. Deep down he is cunning, but not fearless. He wants the same thing as a cunning person, but he lacks neither the courage nor the intelligence to be cunning. Cunning is an art.

Cunning people should get what they know how to handle. Bad people should get what they know how to handle. But good people should not envy them, for they possess the true treasure of their being. They should look at these unfortunate cunning politicians and fabulously rich people and, seeing their inner poverty, their inner darkness, their inner hell, sympathize with them, and not perceive them as rivals!

According to OSHO

What is kindness? Kindness is something that no one can do without in life. And we all should try to do as many good deeds as possible, because it is not for nothing that they say that everything in this life comes back like a boomerang.

But what kind of person can be called kind? First of all, such a person should be responsive, try to help those who need it, but at the same time, you should not let yourself be used. A kind person should also be polite, diplomatic, be able to negotiate and express his decisions without offending the people around him. A kind person, as a rule, has a sense of delicacy, he will not climb into the soul of another, pry or ask something. However, kindness should be spread wisely, so it doesn’t hurt for a good person to be smart at the same time.

Kindness is not inherent in every person, but this is a quality that you need to strive for, because a kind person will be treated accordingly. A kind person is characterized by openness, generosity, the ability to make friends and be faithful. He knows how to stand up for weaker people: the elderly, women, children, protect animals that are in danger. The most important thing is that all good things should be done disinterestedly, a person does not need to expect the same in return, and it is worth doing good deeds from a pure heart.

Absolutely everyone should strive to become a kind person. To do this, you need to improve, notice your own shortcomings and eliminate them. A good person is always surrounded by people like him. He has many friends and acquaintances, they are pleased to communicate with each other.

Kind people have always been valued by society, because you can rely on them in everything, you can trust such people with your most intimate secrets and mysteries. Kindness should always be in fashion for each of us. This is what we must teach the next generation.

Short essay grade 4

The more good people there are in the world, the better life will be for all of us. Kindness is a very important quality that should be inherent in all people. Without it, in a continuous world of evil, it will be impossible to survive.

What does it mean to be a good person? Such a person is characterized by openness, generosity, the ability to enter into someone else's position. Also, a kind person should be polite and courteous to others, be able to speak calmly and diplomatically.

Becoming a kind person is a top priority for every member of the human race. In people with good heart there are always many friends and they are universally respected.

4th grade, 6th grade.

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Throughout life, a person is constantly surrounded by other people with whom he has to communicate and encounter in one way or another. These are colleagues, classmates, classmates, friends, employees of shops and other institutions, acquaintances of acquaintances, even just passers-by. However, not all of them, unfortunately, are friendly. And even kind people sometimes they can get angry.

Why are people evil? Why can they treat life, people with aggression? What makes them do this, because we are all brought up in similar conditions, in the same traditions, instilling love for our neighbor.

Reasons for anger

Anger is a vivid and pronounced feeling of dissatisfaction with someone or something. Not infrequently, anger can develop into, that is, a person is able to proceed to actions that will be aimed at causing harm to an object or others that are the cause of anger.

Reasons for anger:

1. Disappointment, dissatisfaction with life. This should also include frustration - such emotional condition, which is caused by the inability to meet needs, unjustified expectations.

2. Envy.

3. Jealousy.

4. Life upheavals (loss, personal misfortune, etc.)

5. Psychological illnesses.

7. Stress and fatigue.

8. Psychological trauma.

9. Depression.

10. Tendency to impulsive actions, increased emotionality.

11. A person just wants to be like that.

13. Lack of a favorite thing.

This list contains reasons that depend both on the internal state of people and on external factors.

properties of anger

1. In the above list, there are reasons that depend both on the internal state of people and on external factors.

2. In addition, anger has the ability to accumulate. In the same time various reasons anger can overlap. And this can lead to serious mental distress, including health problems.

3. Anger in some situations is a protective reaction of a person to the current situation, or a signal for a person that warns that something is going wrong.

4. It is necessary to understand that people are not always evil. The most evil people in a different setting and situation are able to be kind and pleasant in communication.

5. A person is not always to blame for being evil. Sometimes it is life itself, the trials and its environment that makes it so.

6. Evil in the other direction. For some, simple attention is enough to awaken kindness in them. For example, a person is angry because of resentment or loneliness. For others, you will need specialized help from psychologists, or appropriate medication.

7. Anger is a destructive feeling, it accumulates. Therefore, it should be expressed constructively, in a peaceful way. This will help you deal with the problem.

How to behave to a person with evil people

1. When communicating with such a person, you should remember that he is in this moment is in an affective state. He is at odds with himself, so it is difficult for him to control himself.

2. Don't provoke evil people Because it is not always possible to resolve the conflict through negotiations.

3. If the anger is directed specifically at you, then it is advisable to leave, and continue the conversation only after the time has elapsed, when the person calms down.

4. If you notice that it is around you that people have become angrier, then evaluate your behavior, try not to incite aggression in those around you. Perhaps you set a negative tone for the situation, put pressure on people, causing anger.

"He who does good to a friend does good to himself." "Giving - you receive." "It's time to give when you don't have much." These and a million more quotes about kindness teach us to be compassionate, generous, honest, understanding. Real. Human.

No matter how many fairy tales are written and films shot - with different endings, good still triumphs over evil. And in life too. We believe in it. Today is World Spontaneous Kindness Day, reminding us of the importance of being human. Be, not seem to be. The 14th Dalai Lama says to do good deeds and not just think about it. Taking action is what matters.

We chose facts about kindness from different books. Read, think about and, most importantly, embody good intentions. We think this is the most important thing in life.

1. Kindness changes the world

All that we have done only for ourselves dies with us.

Everything we have done for others and the world remains forever.

Albert Pike

Tal Ben-Shahar, a positive psychologist and author of What You Choose, writes about what many of us are afraid to think about. The fact that many events in the world around us do not depend on the efforts of individuals, and yet we greatly underestimate our ability to change the world for the better.

In the movie Pay It Forward, a schoolteacher asks students to give a talk about how each of them could change the world for the better. One of them, Trevor, decides to make three good deed, volunteer to help randomly selected people three times, and then ask them - instead of gratitude - to help someone else three times and that they ask for the same instead of gratitude, and so on.

If every person helped by someone in turn helps three other people, then in twenty-one "steps" all people on Earth will receive someone's help. The film is about how Trevor's good deeds create a positive impact that spreads like circles on water. This influence deeply affects the lives of people whom Trevor himself has never even seen.

In our "global village" social ties are strong and every action moves in circles through time and space. That's why it's important not to stop doing good.

Feeling helpless in the face global problems is rooted in our belief that the contribution of the individual is a drop in the ocean. But if you find a way to do something good and "infect" other people with it - even very few - you can cause significant changes.

Change the world for the better. Repay others for what has been done for you and inspire them to do the same.

2. Doing good makes us happier

Without kindness, true joy is impossible.

Thomas Carlyle

Generosity and generosity are wonderful human qualities. They are very beneficial for physical and mental health. The ability to share time, energy or money with people increases the feeling of happiness and reduces the risk of depression, stress levels and has a beneficial effect on relationships with others.

It turns out that we naturally feel happier when we are generous. When we give something to someone, our altruism activates the parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, communication with others, and trust.

People who are actively involved in philanthropic activities increase self-esteem and strengthen faith in own forces. Simply put, we are happy - .

Showing kindness activates the production of endorphins in the brain. These biological reactions create a euphoric feeling of peace and happiness in a generous and generous person.

3. Being kind means being a strong person.

The great thinker of the twentieth century, Stephen Covey, calls courage the father of all virtues. Courage and respect help us become a complete, whole person. For the formation of a personality, considerable life experience is required, you have to go around the built building many times and in different ways until you notice where it sank and where it sagged as a result of past mistakes, and only in this way gradually come to the integration of the internal character.

That's why for building strong character patience is required. People who start small and work on themselves every day, mindful of high principles, will certainly begin to spread their influence until they become examples of real character and, as a result, mentors and teachers for others.

There is always time for a good deed,

Such people become catalysts for change and Transitional Persons who are able to break the cycles of negative behavior in their families, organizations or communities.

4. Kindness is an act of giving

Generosity, in material or spiritually, changes a person. For the most part, we tend to give, especially when it is convenient for us or socially approved. That's the way a person is. If you look at it, we constantly give something away - time or energy. But when you spend time with your kids, staring at the TV, surfing the Internet on your tablet, or constantly thinking about problems at work, this is not a real act of giving.

The most valuable gifts have nothing to do with money. They are associated with deeply personal and emotional manifestations. human soul: understanding, moral support, spiritual intimacy and kindness.

It is very important to give and love when you cannot demand the same in return. That's why giving is so difficult, but so important for personal growth -

It's easy to be a giver when all you have to do is take money out of your wallet. Whether business to put time and sincere forces in someone or something. Giving a soul is much more difficult than giving money. But generosity changes everything around when it comes from the depths of the soul. And this is the most important thing.

5. Kindness is the path to excellence

The desire to help others also helps the person himself. This is a natural consequence of uncommonness. To embark on the path of "otherness" to others, you need the ability to share experience. How can it be purchased? Doing good deeds again. Don't be afraid to get attached to something that will give you motivation and motivation. You can train with someone, attend painting classes, help animal shelters, or go on a charity mission to African countries. Over time, you will understand what you have acquired new experience, you can pass it on to others and become an outstanding person, unlike anyone else - yourself.

Kindness changes people