Statuses about miracles in life. What is a miracle and are there miracles in modern life? Statuses about miracles

I read this story on another site, posted by a girl

If only 2 years ago someone had told me a similar story, I wouldn’t have believed it! A healthy dose of cynicism and doubt would make one argue and look for elements of fiction, or even outright lies, in the story. And if it didn't happen to me sister, I probably wouldn’t have believed it either!
And now, actually, the story!
This story began on New Year's Day, on January 1, 2009, the whole family was visiting my older sister Kati. At that time she had two children - the eldest Sashenka (now she is 7 years old) and Maksimka (4 years old). As usual, we had a good time at the festive table. My sister taught me and our mother to drink tequila))) we drank, got drunk and went home. February 7 is my daughter’s birthday, Katyukha and her children arrived. I see that she has gained a little weight, and our girl is thin, loud, and she immediately lost an extra couple of kilos. I ask - Katya, what are you doing? She answers - yes, it’s winter, I eat without measure, so I decided - I need to lose weight, I’m working on my abs, I don’t eat after 18.00, I’ll be back to normal by spring. We talked and forgot.
On February 25, we met Katyukha on a sad occasion - at her aunt’s funeral. I look, and Katka is really big belly. Well, this was not the event to find out what was going on. The next day at lunch break I ran to her. I ask - Katya, what are you doing, such a belly has grown in 2 weeks! Maybe you're pregnant?
She sits, all upset - Yulia, what a pregnancy, I carried two and gave birth, shouldn’t I know how this happens? but here my back doesn’t hurt, my breasts haven’t enlarged, my periods are like clockwork, and I only cauterized the erosion in the fall, there was nothing. And if it were, the child would already be moving! And it’s as quiet as a tank!
In general, she decided to go to the doctor. And to which one? By the way, on the female side we often have all sorts of bad things - my grandmother and aunt had breast cancer, my mother had fibroids... in general, heredity sucks. Suspicion of cancer. Well, what else could grow in your stomach in 3 weeks? It wasn’t there and BAM – it is! tumor? We hoped that it was at least benign. In short, the only way out is ultrasound. Before this, a difficult conversation with my sister. I am her daughter’s godmother, she is mine. Here's Katyukha to me, almost through tears - Yulia, don't abandon my children...
Can you even imagine how we all felt at this time? A young woman, 29 years old, was about to die, two small children, a husband, a dog, a cat...
In general, Katya went for an ultrasound with her mother-in-law and children. But my mother and I can’t find a place for ourselves at home.
Then Katka tells me - I’m lying on the couch, the doctor is moving over my stomach, and I look at the monitor and don’t believe it, although I can already see what’s there! and then the doctor says, “Girl, what a tumor this is! You’re 32 weeks pregnant, and it’s not moving, but the fetus is just big, it’s a boy!” Katyukha almost passed out right on the same couch. She went out into the corridor, sobbing. At first she said not to tell anyone, she might have to do something, interrupt it, there might be deviations or deformities... after all, she drank alcohol, and medications, and carried weights, and the same erosion... in general, in complete shock, we went to the Maternity Center and childhood for an extended ultrasound. The result is that the baby is absolutely healthy - the brain is in place, the heart is normal, all the fingers are present... Katya is in shock, my mother and I are crying with happiness! The deadline is April 8. By the way, Katyukha herself was born on April 3, Maksik on the 6th, and Sashulya on the 19th)))) we are waiting for an Aries again!
On March 15 in the morning I called my sister - how are you? she says, her stomach hurts a lot, maybe I’m giving birth, but it seems early. It was probably 10:30 somewhere. At 12.30 her mother-in-law calls - we have a boy! Nikita! Emergency birth, while the ambulance arrived, full dilatation, pushing, we barely got to the maternity hospital, we were going to stop and deliver the baby on the side of the road! Five minutes in the delivery room and here he is – Nikitos!)))) Weight 3900, height 54 cm!
For another six months, Katya’s husband’s ICQ status was “shocked”)))).
That’s how our little boy, my godson, didn’t ask anyone, wanted to be born and was born! Our miracle is wonderful!

Miracles, miraculous healings... and what the Bible really says about it all.

Tanya was only six days old, and she was again taken to a London hospital, one of the best in the world.

The baby weighed no more than three kilos, and she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. The doctors took the necessary pictures, but they had nothing to reassure the parents. It was impossible to stop the bleeding; it was impossible to perform surgery on such a small baby.

“Even if the bleeding stops,” the doctors told the desperate parents. - “most likely the child will be in a “vegetable” state until his death. She will remain disabled for the rest of her life. She will never learn to read or write.”

The doctors had nothing else to offer the parents, so they advised them to just pray.

Tanya's parents turned out to be non-believers. Luckily, there was a nurse nearby who offered to pray for Tanya. The next day, having taken another head shot, the doctors could not believe what had happened. There were no pathologies in the image. The brain was absolutely healthy.

“The doctors told my parents: “In our profession we call this a miracle,” Tanya will later say.

So, Tanya not only grew up, but despite predictions that she would not be able to write or read, she received an academic degree in the specialty “ English literature” and now makes a living as a writer in a small British town.

This miracle also had an effect on the girl’s parents. They began to search for God to answer the nurse's prayers. Six months after the events described above, they believed in Christ.

“All my childhood I felt that God was nearby, that he was answering prayers, that it was thanks to His intervention that I was alive,” says Tanya.

A miracle is when something or someone outside of space and time interferes with space and time. This definition of a miracle was given by Erik Metahas, author of the acclaimed book “Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Change Your Life.”

In 2010, 80 percent of US residents said in a sociological survey that they believe in miracles. Not 80 percent of Christians, but 80 percent different people, religious and not so much.

Metahas, looking at these facts, said: “It’s cool to think about all this. What should we do with all this? It seems to me that this is a strong apologetic argument for God, and it is worth talking about with very wide audience. Belief in miracles - this conversation is possible not only in a religious context. It's about the truth, about what it can give us modern science, about observation."

Evidence of miracles

For Metajas, the proof of miracles begins at the very beginning, with the creation of the universe and life as we know it. “For the life support of the planet, it is necessary to meet 200 conditions,” he writes in the book “Miracles.” - “And on earth all these conditions are met. The atmosphere has a specific, definite structure. The speed of rotation of the earth around its axis and around the sun is optimal. Jupiter is at such a distance from the Earth that it is optimal for protecting the Earth from asteroids that would otherwise crash into the Earth constantly. The size of the Earth's satellite, the Moon, is also unusual. And the positioning of the Moon gives us the opportunity to observe eclipses.”

“If you remove miracles from the Gospel, it will seem to be cut off at the knees. Without miracles we would have a wise but rather weak Jesus. It would be gospel without any power." - Mark Batterson.

"When we look at scientific facts, they are so improbable that any improbable miracle seems plausible,” he says.

And the whole Bible is filled with miracles, stories of the deliverance of Daniel from the lion’s den, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace.

In the Gospels, Jesus turns water into wine, raises Lazarus, walks on water, and restores sight to the blind. And then He says to His disciples: “He who believes in me will do the same things that I do and even more.”

But despite thousands of years, despite the evidence of the Universe and Scripture pointing to the existence of miracles, despite the fact that 80% of Americans believe in miracles, Mark Batterson says: “Miracles are exactly the kind of issue that can divide the Kingdom into theological camps.” "

Batterson is the pastor of a church in the US capital and the author of the book Tomb Thief: How God Makes the Impossible Possible. "There are those who believe in miracles and those who believe in all these new age ideas," Metajas says.

There are also those who reject miracles because it does not fit into their paradigms - they explain the miracle on the Red Sea as a tsunami, and Jesus' walking on the waters as an early spring ice. The founder of the United States and President Thomas Jefferson is also famous for cutting out all references to Jesus Christ from the four Gospels, and calling the resulting narrative “The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.”

But Batterson says, “If you take away the miracles from the gospel, it’s as if it were cut off at the knees. Without miracles we would have a wise but rather weak Jesus. That would be the Gospel without any power.

And there are no options. I appreciate various theological reflections, but the God of the Bible is great and exalted. His thoughts are higher than ours. His ways are higher than ours. He can do things that we cannot even imagine.

Metahas writes: “Christians must take and critically examine all references to miracles, from healings to gold teeth, examine and adhere to the truth, as written in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5. We need to keep a close eye on the truth. And if these miracles are true, we will not be able to ignore it.”

When miracles happen

Wil Hart of Hart Ministries is one of the 80% of Americans who believe that miracles are not just stories from an old book, they still happen today.

He witnessed how miracles changed the course of not only his own life, but also the lives of many other people. He saw entire villages in Mozambique converted to Christ after the deaf villagers were healed.

And Hart says: “Salvation is the greatest miracle. We care about souls. Miracles are very cool. But they all point to Jesus. Jesus performed miracles to demonstrate his divinity.”

“Look to Christ,” Batterson says. - “and you will see miracles!

Come to him with humble boldness or bold humility. Take the risk of appearing stupid. Ultimately, God doesn't answer 100% of the prayers you don't say.

And if you want to see the sick healed, you should pray for them.”

Fear can prevent Christians from praying these bold prayers. But in 2 Timothy we read that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and prudence. If your faith is small, start small and let it grow.

When a miracle doesn't come

For Tanya Marlow it was some kind of “déjà vu”. In 2007, she was given a new diagnosis - “syndrome chronic fatigue" One day of that ill-fated year, she climbed the mountain, and the next day she could not even get out of bed. Mobility in life was over after that day. She was not able to walk even 200 meters. She had to change seats wheelchair and reduce her time at the Christian mission where she taught biblical theology, with full time to hourly.

Health deteriorated further in 2010, after the birth of my son. Since then, she rarely got out of bed, could not hold a conversation for more than half an hour, and could not even raise her own child. The doctors again declared their helplessness - they were unable to cure it.

And again they advised only to pray. “The situation was similar,” says Tanya. - “only the miracle didn’t come.”

Tanya is still waiting for a miracle.

No, she does not claim her right to a miracle. But the more she hears about miraculous healings from fatigue syndrome, the more she prays, the more other people advise her to pray, the more often she asks the question: “Why hasn’t God healed me yet?”

“And it was interesting for me to observe the reaction of Christians to chronic fatigue syndrome,” says Tanya.

There is a whole ritual, a set constant questions who ask me: “Do you have faith? Or maybe you have some unrepentant sin in your life?”

If we cannot blame God when a sick person does not receive healing, we sometimes lose our vigilance, even the most well-meaning Christians among us, begin to blame the sick person himself.

“I would, of course, like to hear more stories not only about dancing paralytics praising God for healing, but also stories about people like me, like Jacob, who wrestled with God and was maimed” - Tanya Marlow.

“When a miracle doesn’t come,” says Tanya. - “it becomes difficult to fit all this into our theology: Think for yourself, what kind of testimonies are told on Sunday from the altar? What stories do we tell each other? Because it seems to me that these stories are only about repentance or healing, followed by another “and they lived happily.”

“I would certainly like to hear more stories of not only paralytics dancing and praising God for healing, but also stories of people like me, like Jacob, who wrestled with God and got maimed.” As fate would have it, the wonderful Hart is going through exactly this right now. His wife received in 2013 terrible diagnosis- lymphoma.

And his prayers for healing are still not answered. According to Hart, he is very angry about this. But that doesn't change anything. After all, God does not change. He's not mathematical formula or a magic spell. He doesn't answer prayers when they're lined up in the right order words in a sentence.

“He is love. He is the heart. He is God not because he can give me anything. He is God because he is God,” says Hart.

“His thoughts are still higher than our thoughts. His ways are still higher than ours. And His will is His glory,” Hart says. - “Sometimes his glory is revealed through a miracle, and sometimes through suffering. Sometimes “no” is just “not now.”

“There is a mystery to all this,” says Marlow. “We are in too much of a hurry to find an explanation, to fill the void.

I think God can heal, and sometimes he doesn't, and that's rare. Still, it’s not for nothing that we call this a miracle, and not something normal.”

Metahas writes: “In the time of Moses or Jesus everything was exactly the same. Miracles didn't happen all the time. That’s why people were so impressed when they happened.”

We can learn the same lesson for ourselves today, whether miracles happen in our lives or not. “When I was a child, I knew that God heals and works miracles, that He can do anything, that He is a great God,” Marlowe says. - “and this whole current experience, when I need healing, I passionately ask for healing and do not receive it, this experience has taught me, as an adult, to believe that He is a great God.”

“I don’t know what God will decide. I don’t know why He first healed and then didn’t heal. I don't know why some people receive healing and others don't. I don't know why He does this. But that is why He is God.

So I guess I'll say it. Hurray, He is my God. And my God is great. It's almost like being in a Sunday school lesson. And I’m still trying to learn this lesson.”

We all, one way or another, believe in miracles. Especially on New Year's Eve J

We bring to your attention aphorisms and quotes about miracles and miracles famous people of this world:

1. There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein.

2. When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Dalai Lama.

3. Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they occur.

Denis Diderot

4. Let's accept life as it comes. It rains, but there are also miracles.

Evgeny Shvarts.

5. The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.

Gilbert Chesterton.

6. If a person’s soul thirsts for a miracle, give him this miracle. He will have a new soul - and you will have a new one.

Alexander Green.

7. True miracles are not noisy, and the most important events are very simple.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

8. If you are always in a hurry, you may miss a miracle.

Lewis Carroll.

9. We are so similar: we value the same, love the same and believe in the same miracles.

Dmitry Nagiev.

10. I believe in miracles that are associated with great passions. If a person is very passionate and has great strength, he is capable of miracles.

Renata Litvinova.

11. Nothing is more characteristic of a miracle than the inability to explain its nature by natural causes.

J. Buffon.

12. The miraculous disappears as soon as it is explored.

F. Voltaire.

13. I know for sure that the Lord does not make mistakes. He does miracles. And I am one of these miracles. You too.

Nick Vujnich (“Life without Borders”)

14. Here it is - a miracle. In every breath. Mixed with the evening scent of freshness and cut grass, with the aroma of roses. It is in every leisurely movement of smiling old men. In the gentle singing of birds hidden in the leaves of trees. You remember every moment with special poignancy, because this is the moment of your happiness, your victory.

There it is - faith. It seems to you that the whole globe is spinning just with your belief in what is about to happen. This is a moment of divine power. When you don't think about falling. He's gone. Because there is only this moment of taking off into the heavens.

Jordie Rivers ("The Dandelion Era")

15. People - interesting creatures. In the world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom.

Terry Pratchett

16. Oh miracles, miracles! They happen everywhere. And they depend on the circumstances. If I take a photograph of you, it will be a rather boring courtesy. If I go into the South American jungle and photograph a wild man, he will think it is a miracle and may even be afraid that I have stolen part of his soul. But the dog simply doesn’t know what it looks like, and therefore won’t react to its picture. A miracle is something for which people cannot find an explanation.

Robertson Davies ("The Fifth Character")

17. True miracles should not happen suddenly, as in the tales of Scheherazade. In order for a real miracle to happen, it can take a long time, as much as it takes to grow a crystal, change your worldview, wait for the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The main thing is to be careful so as not to miss anything.

Ken Kesey ("Sailor's Song")

18. Miracles happen in life! They just don't happen by magic. People make them themselves, for example, for those they love.

...... I am 100% sure that every person, one way or another, believes or wants to believe in miracles, it’s just that some admit it, while others do not. And then, a miracle is not necessarily something global. This has nothing to do with tricks or demonstrations of all sorts of “psychics”. This is the smile of a person passing by, this is the look of a child, this is a call from a friend whom you have not seen for half your life. In fact, each of us is able to perform a small miracle both for ourselves and for those around us, for example, by providing timely support to someone or even simply by giving a kind word...

Oleg Roy

19. Some say that miracles do not happen. What about books? They are real. Run your fingers across the page. Squeeze the cover in your hands. You can even try a cardboard corner on a tooth, like a coin. No scam! Magic lives there. Time stops there. You don't have to die there. So don’t listen to some - each of us has encountered a miracle... on the other side of the book.

Nadeja Yaminska (“Book Harmony”)

20. Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

Grace McClean ("The Fairest Land in the World")

21. We are all in a hurry for miracles,

But there is nothing more wonderful

Than that earth under the heavens,

Where is the roof of your house?

Yuri Antonov

22. No matter how much we laugh at miracles, while we are strong, healthy and prosperous, but if life is so wedged, so flattened that only a miracle can save us, we believe in this only, exceptional miracle!

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

23. Life is a miracle, but it doesn’t create miracles.

Erich Maria Remarque

24. Do not forget that miracles do not belong to you, but you belong to them. Even when we're talking about about the miracles that you yourself perform.

Max Fry ("Obsessions")

...Miracles happen not to the chosen few, but to just anyone. A miracle cannot be begged from fate, but it is also impossible to get away from it.

There is a place for miracles in the lives of each of us, and sometimes these miracles happen in reality. Sometimes we find information that in such and such a year, in such and such a place and with such and such a person, an unheard of miracle happened and often many of us do not believe in it, since we, being adults, believe that miracles It doesn’t happen, but it’s very in vain. It is logical that we do not believe in what is not visible with our own eyes, but you should believe at least 10 times truly amazing stories that are waiting for you next.

Saint Clelia Barbieri

Clelia Barbieri was born in Italy in 1874. She helped found the women's monastic congregation "Little Sisters of the Sorrowful Virgin Mary" and at 23 years old she was a very influential person. Unfortunately, she soon died of leukemia. However, before her death, Clelia told her followers: “Be brave, I am going to heaven, but I will always be with you, I will never leave you.” A year after her death, while the sisters were singing, a high voice filled the church, merging with their voices. Since then, her voice has always echoed them in prayers. They say that Clelia's voice can still be heard within the walls of her church.

Martin de Porres

Martin de Porres was a simple person, who worked like all the other poor and sick people of Peru. During his lifetime, many miracles were attributed to him: levitation, magical healing and the ability to be in two places at the same time. For example, in 1956, a cobblestone fell on a man’s leg and crushed the bone. He developed gangrene and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Doctors were going to amputate the leg, but one woman prayed over it all night. The next day, when the bandages were removed, the leg was unrecognizable. Amputation was no longer necessary.

Michael Crow's Heart Failure

At 23, Michael Crow suffered from a condition called acute myocarditis. His heart was functioning at only 10 percent, and this was harming his entire body. A transplant was necessary, otherwise he would not survive. However, doctors categorically ruled out the possibility of a transplant, considering it too risky. An hour after the doctors' decision, blood pressure his heart rose, and a little later the left chamber of his heart started working on its own. An MRI scan showed that there was not a single scar on the heart. Now the young man has already been discharged from the hospital and is completely healthy.

19 year coma

In 2007, Jan Grzebski woke up from a 19-year coma to find that Poland was no longer under communist rule and that everyone now had mobile phone. But the most amazing thing is that he was able to survive such a long coma, because the doctors said that he would live no more than a few years. Ian credits his wife for caring for him all these years and moving his body for several hours a day, thanks to which he avoided bedsores.

Miracle in Lanciano

In the 7th century AD, a monk in the Italian town of Lanciano doubted the doctrine of transubstantiation (the Catholic teaching that the wine and bread of believers are the blood and body of the Lord). One day, when he was reading the words of transubstantiation, the wine and bread actually turned into blood and meat. He told other monks about this, then this blood and meat were placed in a special container and are still a relic among Catholics.

Mysterious voice

In 2005, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck lost control and her car fell into the river, leaving the road. In the back seat was the young woman's one-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Lynn died instantly, and the girl hung upside down above ice water, but was still alive. She spent 12 hours like this. Four police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident claim that they heard a distant voice asking for help. Finding the little girl, they rescued her. No one understands how she could survive such an accident.

Church cures cancer

At 57, Greg Thomas learned he had cancer. last stage. He lost his job and was ready to say goodbye to his family, with no hope of getting out. One day he was walking his dog and came across an abandoned church. Not knowing what to do with himself, he decided to restore this church and asked the city for financial assistance in exchange for him rebuilding the temple himself. After the church was restored, it turned out that the disease had subsided.

Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have occurred throughout world history; in 1531, she appeared to the Mexican peasant Juan Diego. The Mother of God told him to ask the bishop to build a temple. Diego went to the bishop, but he did not believe him and demanded proof. Then the Virgin Mary told Diego to pick roses from a barren hill and put them in his cloak. Having done so, he took these roses to the bishop, and, unfolding his cloak, he saw there an image of the Virgin Mary. This portrait has survived to this day in excellent condition.

Saint Joseph of Copertino

Saint Joseph of Copertino liked to levitate. They say he defied gravity more than seventy times and had to restrain himself to stay on the ground. Today he is considered the patron saint of aviators.

Incorruptible bodies

Catholics and Greek Orthodox believe that the bodies of some saints do not decompose, or that their decomposition is slowed by divine intervention. Embalmed or mummified bodies cannot be considered incorruptible; those that achieve this status are often put on display.

They expect a miracle from doctors and teachers, and when a miracle happens, no one is surprised. Maybe that’s why miracles happen less and less in these areas?

Well, no miracle happened! So now... Don't trust wizards?

She is a small miracle. We may not be together, but every new year I will make a wish for her to always be happy.

A miracle comes when you least expect it.

Let there be MIRACLES in life... and always a streak of LOVE, GOOD LUCK, SWEET DREAMS, and no other streaks!

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

We live in hell, and every moment we live is a miracle.

They told you... miracles don't happen? Don't believe it! They just didn't see them...

Be realistic. Plan a miracle!

“Are there miracles in the world?” - they asked, according to legend, Blessed Augustine, Bishop Aurelius Augustine. The answer came immediately: “They do. The sunrise is a true miracle."

If a miracle is destined, then it will happen. Believe it or not)

What are you waiting for? you woke up. you are alive. you are breathing. isn't it a miracle?

Children's love can work wonders...

Thank you for the fact that there are miracles in the world, and they should not be subjected to chemical analysis.

Disappointment is the bitter companion of any miracle...

But we must always remember that the devil also works miracles...

“I live without expecting a miracle, But my veins swell with shame, - Every time I want from here, To escape somewhere.”

There is no miracle. It fills the mind with expectations and treacherously does not happen.

Miracles always happen despite everything. The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

And they also say that miracles don’t happen! Then why do new jeans, a fashionable handbag or boots looming on the horizon so often suddenly turn into a children's jacket or a new toy?)))

In bad situations, a person hopes for a miracle. But being disappointed in him, he begins to act on his own. All you need is motivation.

While I'm waiting for a miracle, it is already learning to walk and speak its first words.

You can live as if miracles don't happen, and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

Never interfere with someone who sincerely believes in miracles...

Childhood ends when small miracles stop happening in a person’s life...

Romance is the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary...

Opportunity is given to those who dream... Miracle is given to those who believe...

There are people who every now and then bring something wonderful into the treasury of the day. I wish everyone to meet such people as often as possible! ;)

One MIRACLE in New Year's Eve still happens all the time... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!))

If you don’t believe in a miracle, then it won’t happen...

There are miracles! you just need to believe! never give up and go towards your happiness, despite all life's obstacles!

Dreams make a person do miracles!!!

All the miracles you seek in life are actually deep inside you...

Miracles - they exist, they just happen very rarely... That's why they are called miracles.

- You are simply MIRACLE!!! - You are also a miracle, only with the ending “-vische”

Believe in miracles and life will sparkle with the flame of love...

Until what? strange creature Human. His whole life is a complete miracle, but it’s precisely in miracles that he doesn’t believe.

Do you want to meet a Miracle!?! Create yourself so that It... rushes towards.

It can be called a miracle when people, for some unknown reason, by some joke of fate, meet and then love each other all their lives...

They don't train for miracles.

Miracles happen. But they happen at a moment in life when you are not able to accept this miracle, because in anticipation of it you managed to “make a miracle” earlier...

Believe in a miracle!!! And it will definitely happen!!!

If you wait a long time for a miracle, but it doesn’t happen, change magic wand.

Don’t give up, because you risk doing it a minute before a miracle happens.

Children see miracles because they believe in them.

Amazing holiday " New Year"! Even adults begin to make wishes and believe in miracles!

Everyone has their own eighth wonder of the world.

Miracles happen, the main thing is to believe in them... So YOU ​​- yes, exactly - YOU are also someone's MIRACLE...

There is nothing more monstrous than what we can inspire ourselves.

Get out of the house more often. The likelihood of miracles and adventures increases from this.

Miracles are created by the souls and hands of real people)))

If you are always in a hurry, you may miss the miracle.

Life is a strange game, sometimes YES, sometimes NO. Then again YES. But sometimes... miracles happen in her...

Don't give up on Hope!!! She can work miracles!

Everything becomes visible when it is brought into the light, and whatever is presented to the light becomes light itself.

Miracles don't believe in me.

How charming and beautiful a pregnant woman is...)))))

The woman is still a miracle of heaven!!! "After all, she inspires a man to do beautiful things... Beloved and unique, she gives oxygen...))))))

Miracles are not expected - they are accomplished by obsessed and talented people.

We believe in miracles so much, we are so mired in dullness.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens.

Only wizards make us truly happy. The rest are just pathetic magicians.

Try to see the miracle in everything.

A woman with makeup is a work of art, a woman without makeup is a miracle of nature.

Euthanasia. Grants the right to death, depriving the right to a miracle.

Faith works miracles. Based on the principle of reciprocity.

Everyone expects a miracle from me! I have to disappoint: I am not a sorceress, but a person of flesh and blood...

We keep waiting for miracles and don’t savor the simple joys of life...

There are miracles in our lives, but most often they happen to those who deserve them.

I'm waiting for miracles. I can’t wait and do something weird myself. So be careful!

An unbeliever will not see a miracle.

After you work long and hard, the most unexpected miracles happen with amazing ease.))))

You don't need to want a big miracle. A big miracle is already a MONSTER!

Don’t expect miracles from life, create miracles yourself and life itself will be filled with unique miracles...

I completely stopped believing in miracles! But tonight the snow began to fly in big flakes... I scolded myself and ran to catch it with my palms...

A complete being knows without studying, sees without looking, and achieves without doing.

It’s so easy to get the holiday feeling from children, because children are the holiday!

What about teleportation and levitation? If only someone could invent a washing powder energy concentrator!

Miracles don’t happen... But what a line there is for them!

Miracles are not for believing or not believing in them... Miracles are for HAPPENING when you no longer believe in them!!

Let miracles become the norm in your life!

Money is such a magical thing that even when it is there, it is not there.

Believe in miracles. It, of course, will not come true, and you will die. And no one will give a fuck about you. And you will rot in your grave. What am I talking about? Oh, yes. Believe in miracles.

Waiting for you is like waiting for a miracle...

Success in love takes away no less strength than failure.

I don't believe in coincidences or accidents. But I believe in miracles.

A beautiful miracle made with your own hands!

Every moment, from an uncountable number of particles, life recreates us. There's no reason not to be happy, right?

Each of us is a miracle, only each in his own way.

The springs contain healing powers. Cold, clear water brings health, strength, relieves troubles. Springs are a mystery of nature.

Life consists of big and small miracles. Nothing is boring because everything is constantly changing.

Yes indeed!!! You can't wait to see these wizards!!! It's time to take the magic wand into your own hands and create Miracles!)))

The human soul is bottomless, like a rabbit hole... And there, who knows, perhaps a personal wonderland!)))

Miracles are so afraid of words that they can go away forever...

Well, how can you not believe in Miracles when your beloved Man periodically turns into a Goat...

Even the most complicated story can have an ending and unite two destinies together. You just need a little patience and faith in miracles.

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