Secret hour when the sky is open. It's time for the gates of heaven to open

There is no clear answer when exactly the heavens open, but on these holidays there really is a special magic. After all, they are filled with God's blessing, the joy of all who honor them, and this creates a certain atmosphere in which people are spiritually closer than ever to the Almighty.

Christmas is one of my favorites Christian holidays. All Orthodox people rejoice in the birth of the son of God - Jesus Christ. Epiphany or Epiphany is also a big holiday. On this day, after the liturgy, a great consecration of water is performed. Both water consecrated at temples and water from a river hole have the same power.

Heaven Opens at Christmas or Epiphany: Wish Fulfillment on Christmas Eve

Few people know that the night of January 6-7 is perfect couple in order to ask heaven to fulfill their desires.

As with all rituals, there are certain rules that must be followed. Clairvoyant, psychic and white magician Natalia Razumovskaya, who successfully demonstrated her abilities on the show "Battle of Psychics", told the secrets of a seemingly simple matter.

The magician said that for the fulfillment of desires, on Christmas night, when the hands show the twelfth hour, it is necessary to go outside, raise your hands to heaven with open palms and say your desires. At the moment when one day is over, and another is just beginning, Christmas magic happens and the chance to ask heaven to fulfill dreams falls only once a year.

Heaven opens at Christmas or at Epiphany: the desire must be sincere and grateful

The heavenly office does not like being asked for money. So if you really need financial assistance, it is necessary to formulate the request correctly. To increase your income, or rather ask the universe new job with a big salary.

It is also necessary to take into account that it is necessary to formulate desires in the present tense. It is necessary to talk about the secret as if you already have it, and end the request with words of gratitude. For example, if the desire concerns the search for a soul mate, you need to say this: “This year I will meet a man, we will have love, and we are thinking about a wedding, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live harmoniously and happily, I bring you, God, my gratitude.” Negative statements should not be present in desire, they should be replaced with positive ones.

A person who makes a wish must give something to the sky in return for its fulfillment. It will be best to keep strict post a few days before Christmas or take communion. It will also not be superfluous from pure heart donate money, food, clothes, or something else useful to those in need.

Heaven opens at Christmas or at Epiphany: you need to ask the higher powers for something correctly

The important point is that you need to think about your request well and in advance, and of course make efforts to fulfill it. When pronouncing your desire, you need to say: “I want”, and if the request does not concern yourself, but one of your friends or relatives, then you need to say: “give, help”.

And the main rule of Christmas night is that in the uttered wishes one cannot ask for the deterioration of the health of others or crave punishment for anyone. It is also forbidden to go against the will of other people, for example, to force an indifferent person to love oneself.

If you still break this rule and ask for Higher powers something like that, then the wish will not come true. Also, the desire will not work if there is a conscience grave sins, or even ancestral curses.

Heaven opens at Christmas or Epiphany: the sacrament of Christmas Eve

The Baptism of the Lord is the final big winter holiday for all Orthodox Christians. On the night of January 19, as well as on the night of Christmas, the sky will open. During this period, all requests, prayers and desires in heaven will be heard.

Look into the night sky Epiphany Christmas Eve which precedes the holiday. There are rules: before asking heaven for something, you need to put a bowl of water on the table and say: “at night the water will sway itself” - this is a kind of sign. That is, you need to watch the bowl, and if at midnight the water still sways, then you can safely transgress to the very request. First, you also have to pray, opening your heart to God.

On the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, there are especially many evil spirits. To protect yourself and your family, you need to draw a cross with coal or chalk on the doors of the house and buildings in the yard.

Heaven opens at Christmas or at Epiphany: prayer cleanses the soul and brings it closer to God

Well, whether it's Epiphany or Christmas Eve, certain rules must be followed. Desires must come from a pure heart and not harm others. You also need to cleanse the soul with prayer, and thank heaven for everything they have given earlier.

Prayer will not bring God closer to us, but us to Him. Thinking about the Creator, spiritual life will always be cheerful and renewed. The heart will be filled with joy and a sense of the presence of God. Prayer is the breath of the soul.

Specific tips on how to make a wish on Christmas night so that it comes true

On the night of Christmas from 6 to 7 January opens informational portal, a direct link to the universe. No wonder people say that at Christmas "the heavens open". The one who asks heaven for the most secret will surely receive the realization of what he wants. Why then do many Christmas wishes not come true? Because you need to be able to think and ask heaven on this night. Main advice- Christmas wishes don't have to be about material things. On the night before Christmas, they ask for love, for harmony in the family, for children, for the happiness or health of someone close. Although, it is also possible to make material desires, if the realization of this desires will go for the benefit of your spiritual development.

For example, if you have a loved one, but you have nowhere to live, because you don’t have your own housing, then ask heaven for your housing in order to build your own houses in your house. happy relationship and love. But for example, if you already have a car or an apartment, but you want a new one, simply because you are tired of the old one, then such mercantile desires are not made for Christmas.

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 at night on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the wording of the desire must be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense. Formulate in the present, as if you already have what you want, and at the end - gratitude. Here is an example of the desire “This year I meet a man, love breaks out between us, and we are thinking about a wedding, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live in happiness and harmony, thank you God.” That is, the desire must be formulated in the present tense and in a positive form, without negative statements. For example, "we do not quarrel" should be replaced with the statement "our relationship is full of mutual understanding and harmony."

Each person is an integral part of Nature (matter and all elemental forces), a link in the chain of his Family (the collective soul of ancestors), a part of the collective superconsciousness (personified in the faces of Gods and spirits).

And only the ego, like a kind of shell, separates the microcosm of man from the macrocosm of the world, thereby depriving him of energy, internal strength, integrity and harmony.

At present, a special time of the year is coming - the natural forces of spring are awakening, the energy of life begins to manifest itself everywhere: buds appear on trees, insects come to life, come out of hibernation animals… The same awakening must take place in the body, psyche, soul, consciousness of every person.

But many modern people live cut off from nature, and the process of spring energy awakening may not occur, not to mention the spiritual awakening...

In the subconscious of a person in the spring, his birth canals should also awaken, because each of us is a continuation of our ancestors: parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, etc., as well as a reflection of natural forces, the energies of the area, home, etc., personified in subconscious in the form of certain spirits.

The worldview of a person who feels his unity with the world, nature, ancestors, has always been based on the appeal of people to Gods, ancestors, forces of nature, spirits, etc.

And the most important day, on which the inner forces of a person awakened, allowing the most productive to spend the whole year (in unity with the universe), is the day on which the energy of spring begins to awaken - the energy of a new cycle of life.

On this day, the ritual of the Opening of the Heavenly Gates is performed, through which the Light Deities descend to earth, awakening the forces of fertility and a new cycle of life. The ritual is also performed in order to help each person feel in his soul the awakening of new forces and unity with the natural cycles.

A person attuned to the energy of nature directly feels the awakening of her life in his soul in the form of light spirits, spirits of the family, spirits of the area, etc.

On this day, the connection with the spiritual world is the strongest and most accessible. Light Spirits listen to people's requests and bestow prosperity.

Ritual fire, personifying the fire of the new summer and the Highest Spiritual Fire, with the help of which all the worlds were created, cleanses from the sins of the past period and gives new strength.

The rite of purification and well-being will allow you to get rid of all the negativity of the past period and lay health and success in all matters of the new period of life. It is on this day that you can change the course of fate in better side.

After the opening of the Heavenly Gates and the alignment of the subconscious with the new cycle of life, one can conduct tribal rites, commemorate the ancestors, ask for their help and support, and also attract helper spirits to help in the affairs. To the question of how expedient it is to use this force for harmonization and improvements your life, the answer is obvious: your ancestors live in you, in your subconscious in the form of "ancestral spirits", and the goal of their life is your survival and your well-being, their main motive is to help the living.

Appeals to the Gods, ancestors, forces of nature and home rituals have always been an important part of the life of every person living in harmony with the outside world, ancestors (clan), nature, and this brought health and harmony in all spheres of life.

For people, Christ is first of all a man who was able to pass the great trials of fate and at the same time always remained cheerful and good-natured towards others.

The Baptism of the Lord is a rite that helped Jesus merge with the "sacred heaven" and opened for people the other, bright side of the world. Since then, it has become a whole tradition, and to this day, people turn to God precisely through

icon images

When Heaven opens for Baptism, all believers turn not only to but also to the scriptures and blessed pictures. After all, God's light from heaven is shed only on those people who honor the memory of Jesus, referring to his image on the icons.

Of the earlier images that were presented in the holy temples, is the image of Christ on the Rabbinical mosaics. The Savior is presented here naked, with long hair, a beard, and hands down. He is immersed to the waist in water, and the sky opens from above, through which the Holy Spirit descends.

In the eleventh century, frescoes also depicted Christ in the nude. The icon shows that when Heaven opens for the Baptism of the Savior, divine radiance pours from above, and angels descend.

Also on many images there are apostles who were faithful helpers Jesus.

In our time, the priests note that these icons are endowed with extraordinary power and can help in difficult times if prayers are read in front of them. This applies to all days of the year, not just holy holidays.

Modern rites

In Russia, on Epiphany, it is customary to swim in the "Jordanian hole" or in ordinary fresh water. Mostly during this period it is very cold, but this does not stop people, and they plunge into the source for at least a few seconds, where the holy reigns over them, open sky. Fathers from different churches come to Epiphany and pre-bless the ice hole for the best healing effect.

In ancient times, "open" sinners, those who resorted to divination or witchcraft, participated in such rites. It was believed that with such a purification, all the evil spirits that freely walked the Earth would leave.

Prohibited actions

As previously stated, fortune-telling on such a holiday is prohibited by the church, since the periods on holy days are considered borderline. In these turning points evil spirits are quite actively trying to break through to the Earth, and the open Heaven at Baptism helps her in this. She can take the form of an angel and infiltrate life ordinary people. Therefore, if you still want to tell fortunes, then during the period of strict holy holidays this should not be done.

The Christmas holiday is one of the most important of the year. It symbolizes the birth of a new life and the unification of the world into a single whole.

It was believed that on this day the gates between heaven and earth open, and everything that happens has its own meaning and meaning. special meaning: new thoughts come, people whom I forgot about meet or call back, and on the night of January 6 to 7, prophetic dreams are dreamed.

The most cherished wishes come true on Christmas.

Many people know that on the night of the Nativity of Christ Angels fly over the earth, but not everyone knows that they fulfill even the most cherished desires, you just have to ask them. But these very desires must be sincere, coming from a pure and spiritually rich heart.

From January 7, waking up in the morning, say out loud your cherished desire. It can be not only pronounced, but also visualized. Repeat the ritual daily for 40 days called PEACE. On the 40th day, feed the birds bread crumbs.


On Christmas Day (January 7th), at 3:00 a.m. when the sky opens, go outside, look up into the sky, and ask Heaven for help and for the fulfillment of a wish. Each person can ask only for himself, while requests and desires should not harm other people.

“The Savior was born, light was shed on the earth.
I will also be saved (name) through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This ritual helps to find spiritual and physical forces, as well as recover from various kinds of diseases.
So that money flows all year

This plot is read on the evening of the first day of Christmas, when the first Christmas star appears in the sky.

Write a plot on paper, go to the window that faces east, look at the evening sky and the stars and read this plot:

“Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you yourself know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas strangled himself, the world rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise Your Christmas! hour, at the same time my Lord Jesus Christ was born for me, endured crucifixion and suffered death.O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the hour of my death, receive Thy servant, in the wandering of being, by the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, as if blessed Thou art forever and ever. Amen."

After that, burn the paper with the written plot and put 3 five-ruble coins in the ashes. In the morning, you need to take them out of the ashes and rub the remaining ashes into the coins thoroughly. Put them in your wallet and wear them throughout the year.
Christmas conspiracy for wealth

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

As a son of God, he is merciful and patient with everyone.

How He forgives everyone on earth,

He loves everyone, pities, blesses,

So fate would have been merciful and supportive to me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."