Spider bites. How to help the victim? What does a karakurt spider look like? Karakurt bite: what is dangerous, first aid, symptoms and treatment features

Spiders are amazing creatures that many people mistakenly think of as insects. In fact, these creatures are united in separate class– arachnids.

It must be said that many people do not like and are even afraid of spiders. The reason for this attitude is possible bites.

As a rule, spiders prefer warm and dry secluded places to live. In an apartment, spiders can settle in a corner behind drainpipe or in the far corner of the mezzanine. But there is still a risk of getting bitten poisonous spider more among summer residents and lovers of outdoor recreation.

A little about insects

To date, 40,000 species of spiders are known.

Spiders have lived on our planet for at least 400 million years, so they can safely be considered one of the oldest creatures on earth. Today, about 40,000 species of spiders are known, however, most of them do not pose any danger to humans.

Every spider is a priori poisonous, because these creatures are predators, and their poison is a necessary condition for successful hunting. In addition, poisonous glands are a formidable weapon of defense.

Important! The bite of a poisonous spider can be either deadly or simply unpleasant. It all depends on the amount and nature of the poison.

Spider venom can be divided into two groups; it has neurotoxic and hemolytic effects.

Most spiders produce neurotoxins. This type of poison affects nervous system and paralyzes the victim. Bite little spider harmless because its fangs are too small or fragile to pierce the skin of a person or animal. The bite of such a spider is fatal to a fly, but does not cause any harm to a person.

But there are also spiders whose bite can create serious problems harm your health and even lead to death. Among the spiders living in our latitudes, the most dangerous are karakurts and brown recluse spiders. We advise you to stay away from them and purchase a similar device so that spiders do not crawl into your home.

More more information You can watch the video about these insects.

Symptoms of a bite

How to distinguish a spider bite from an insect bite or a simple scratch? To do this, you need to know what sensations a bite causes and what it looks like:

  1. The moment of the bite itself may not be felt at all or may feel like a prick with a sharp needle.
  2. At the site of damage, a small white swollen spot appears, along the edge of which there may be a bright red or pink rim.
  3. After 5 - 20 minutes, the poison begins to act, and the characteristic symptoms of a spider bite appear.
  4. The patient begins to feel muscle pain, and sometimes cramps occur.
  5. The patient's face turns red, possibly causing swelling.
  6. Tachycardia and stomach cramps may occur.
  7. A rash may appear all over the body, causing severe itching.
Important! The symptoms caused by a bite may vary depending on what type of spider caused the damage.


The bite of this spider is very dangerous.

The female karakurt bears the poetic name “black widow”. The female received this name because after mating she devours the male, who is significantly smaller than her.

A karakurt bite is very dangerous and can lead to death. The wound from the bite is hardly noticeable, and the moment of the bite does not cause any particular pain. The poison begins to act some time after injection.

First, local symptoms appear - sharp pain at the site of the bite, redness, piloerection (“goosebumps” on the skin). Then general signs of the action of the poison begin to appear; patients experience:

  • excited state, anxiety;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache or dizziness;
  • nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypersalivation (salivation);
  • the appearance of an erythematous itchy rash throughout the body;
  • swelling of the eyelids, as well as of the hands and feet;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.
  • the appearance of painful muscle spasms in the abdomen and torso;
  • general weakness.

The severity of symptoms may vary, depending on the body’s defenses. The hardest bites from karakurt are experienced by the elderly, people weakened by any diseases, and children.

As a rule, manifestations of damage from karakurt poison last 1-3 days, after which they begin to subside. However, paresthesia, periodic convulsions, weakness and anxiety may persist for several months.


The venom of the tarantula spider is not fatal.

Many people believe that a tarantula bite is fatal, however, this is not true. Of course, the bite of this spider causes severe pain, however, serious consequences, as a rule, are observed only in severely weakened people.

Tarantula is a steppe inhabitant that lives in burrows. He leads night look life, during the day the tarantula practically does not appear on the surface.

When a tarantula bites, a person experiences severe pain and itching at the site of the lesion. The tarantula venom itself is not fatal, however, it is possible to develop a severe allergic reaction, including the development of anaphylactic shock.

At the site of the bite, limited swelling forms, possibly the formation of a small rash around the lesion. The bite may be accompanied by severe hyperemia, general weakness, dizziness, and paresthesia.
Important! Fatal outcome from tarantula bites is very rare and is not caused by the direct action of the poison, but by a severe allergic reaction.

Recluse spider

The bite of a recluse spider is very dangerous.

This type of spider is extremely poisonous. The recluse spider is small in size and has a characteristic pattern on its back, the contours of which resemble a violin. A spider bite does not cause pain and the moment of the bite itself may go unnoticed by humans.

However, after about a day, the effect of the poison begins, which during this time manages to spread throughout the body. The patient experiences severe swelling at the site of the bite, which quickly increases, taking on the appearance of a tumor. After some time, the surface of the tumor begins to ulcerate, and soft tissue necrosis is observed.

An ulcer formed at the site of the bite does not heal for a long time and is difficult to treat. Necrotic processes affect the deep layers of the skin. In addition, there are general symptoms that resemble symptoms of the flu. Sometimes the kidneys and heart are involved in the process, in which case serious complications can develop, leading to death.

Cross spider

If one individual of this spider bites, then there is no threat to life.

The cross spider is a very common species of arthropod; it is found almost everywhere. The spider got its name because of the characteristic pattern on its body.

The poison of the cross contains hemolysin, this substance destroys red blood cells. However, the amount of this poison in one individual is small, so the bite of the cross does not pose a serious threat to humans. However, the bite can cause great discomfort in the form of pain, burning, dizziness and aching joints.

The poison of the cross is completely removed from the body within a day, but the bite site itself may remain painful and swollen for several days.

House spider

House spiders are represented by several species, the black spider being the most common. This arthropod can live both indoors and in window frames, in walls, especially log walls, on tree trunks, etc.

House spider bites are rare, as it takes a lot of effort to infuriate the spider enough to provoke such a reaction. But even if a spider bites a person, there will not be much danger. Of course, vinegar is quite painful, but, as a rule, there are no general symptoms. As a rule, pain and swelling come within 1-2 days without special treatment.

What to do if bitten by an arthropod?

When bitten by a regular house spider, the first thing to do is apply ice.

First aid measures for spider bites depend on the type of arthropod that caused the injury. If it is an ordinary house spider, then it is enough to apply ice to the damaged area. Then the affected area can be lubricated with Finistil-gel or “Star” balm.

If bitten by poisonous spiders, medical attention must be provided. If the damage was caused by karakurt, it is necessary to administer a specific serum that neutralizes the poison.

Before the victim is taken to the hospital, it is necessary to fix the limb using a splint made from available material. The area located slightly above the bite should be tied with a tourniquet. It is beneficial for the patient to drink plenty of fluids. A lotion of a strong solution of potassium permanganate should be applied to the site of the bite. If signs of an allergic reaction appear, you must take antihistamines.

Further treatment

Treatment for a spider bite begins with debridement of the wound. In case of severe pain, the use of analgesics is necessary. Antihistamine therapy continues.

If signs of renal or heart failure are detected, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Detoxification of the body is carried out by drip administration of saline and glucose solution, this is necessary to maintain electrolyte balance.

For recluse spider bites, you may need surgery, which consists in removing necrotic tissue. It is necessary to carry out the operation after the area of ​​necrosis is completely identified. This happens only a few weeks after the bite. Until then, regular sanitation of the ulcer and application of bandages is carried out.

Prevention measures

Prevention of spider bites involves avoiding close contact with these arthropods; this device will help you with this. Most often, spider bites occur during outdoor recreation, so you should follow certain rules:

  1. When spending the night outdoors, you should use protective canopies to enclose sleeping areas.
  2. Before going to bed, it is recommended to carefully inspect your sleeping bag and tent.
  3. Before putting on clothes or shoes while outdoor recreation, they should be carefully inspected and shaken out.

Not in all cases does a spider bite pose a danger to human health and life. Possible consequences depend on the type of insect and the individual reactions of the victim’s body to the enzymes that the spider injects during the bite. To reduce the risk of severe consequences, you need to know the basic rules of first aid and treatment principles.

Why is a spider bite dangerous?

If you are bitten by a spider that is not poisonous to humans, in most cases it will not have any adverse effect on the victim. However, for some people this can have fatal consequences. Even a bite non-venomous spider may provoke a local allergic reaction. People prone to allergic reactions may develop anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and fatal outcome for several hours as a result of swelling of the upper respiratory tract.

The damage to a victim from a poisonous spider bite can be no less pronounced. The consequences depend on the characteristics and amount of the substance injected by one or another type of insect. The greatest danger comes from the bites of large individuals, since the amount of poison they produce is often sufficient to harm a child or adult. However, there are exceptions.

All types of enzymes secreted by the poisonous glands with which the spider stings the victim, depending on the nature of the effect on the human body, can be divided into 2 large categories. The first includes those that have a neurotoxic effect, affecting the peripheral and central nervous systems. The second includes poisons that have a hemolytic effect. In this case, the rapid spread of poison throughout circulatory system causes the destruction of red blood cells.

Clinical signs of bites from different individuals

The enzymatic composition of the poison, which is produced by the domestic tarantula spider, cannot cause significant harm to humans. In this case, swelling and redness are possible only in the area of ​​the bite. Karakurt (black widow) is a relatively small spider, but its bite can cause pain, general deterioration and a local allergic reaction. Signs of severe intoxication of the body may persist for several days.

A tarantula bite causes intense pain, numbness of the limbs and heart rhythm disturbances. The venom of this spider often causes severe allergic reactions. For children and people with weakened bodies, a bite from this arthropod can be fatal.

The cross is relatively common in Russia and the CIS countries. Spiders often coexist with people, spinning large webs even in apartment buildings, but they attack only in rare cases. The crosstail can bite only if the person poses a danger. The poison of the cross is hemolytic and leads to disruption of oxygen delivery to all tissues of the human body. This causes the condition to worsen. Adverse effects may persist for 24 hours and then subside. Even large individuals of this type of spider cannot produce enough venom to be lethal.

The bite of the recluse spider (brown and brown) poses a mortal danger to humans. These arthropods are small in size. People's limbs are often affected - bites in most cases occur on them. Without targeted treatment, tissue necrosis begins after a spider bite in the affected area of ​​the arm or leg. The general condition also worsens due to increasing intoxication. Without the timely help of doctors, there is a high probability of death even for adults driving healthy image life.


When bitten by a poisonous spider, symptoms increase rapidly.

Often the bite is not felt, but may resemble a needle prick. In most cases, within 10–15 minutes the first manifestations appear in the form of a white or red spot on the skin. After 1–2 hours, pronounced symptoms of an arthropod attack appear. The severity of the manifestations depends on the type of spider and the type of venom. The following signs may indicate a bite from a poisonous arthropod:

  • red spots on the skin;
  • aches and pains in muscles;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • convulsions;
  • blisters and wounds at the bite sites;
  • foci of erosion and necrosis;
  • soft tissue swelling;
  • hives;
  • increased sweating;
  • Strong headache;
  • itching and burning;
  • numbness and tingling of the limbs;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • stomach ache;
  • muscle spasms;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • dyspnea.

With critical damage to the central nervous system, a person begins to lose consciousness. Severe salivation is observed, and breathing may stop. In severe cases, the patient falls into a coma. The condition is aggravated due to increasing intoxication of the body, which can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • general weakness;
  • chills;
  • cyanosis of the skin.

In some cases, the patient’s condition deteriorates so much within 24 hours that existing disorders begin to pose a threat to life.

First aid for bites

When bitten by poisonous spiders, it is necessary to provide first aid to the person as quickly as possible. Wash the affected area with soap and cold running water. To prevent damage to the skin and tissue, you need to immobilize the limb. The bite site can be treated with the following antiseptic agents:

  • ethanol;
  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

To reduce the risk of spreading toxins, it is recommended to tighten the limb with an elastic bandage above the area of ​​injury.

A cold compress should be applied to the bite site. After providing first aid, you should call an ambulance.


After a bite, you should seek qualified medical attention. medical care, because severe intoxication is associated with a high risk of death. If there is a suspicion of a bite from a poisonous arthropod, the patient is admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment.

If the spider species is identified, an antidote can be administered. To stabilize the condition and remove toxins, complex detoxification therapy is carried out. To reduce allergic reactions, antihistamines are prescribed. The following tools are often used:

  1. Suprastin.
  2. Tavegil.
  3. Claritin.
  4. Diphenhydramine.
  5. Cetrin.
  6. Loratadine.

Drugs are prescribed to eliminate existing symptomatic manifestations. For severe headaches and muscle pain and inflammation, antispasmodics, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Frequently used means:

  1. Spasmalgon.
  2. Spazgan.
  3. Maxigan.
  4. Analgin.
  5. Nimesil.
  6. Nurofen.
  7. Nimesulide.
  8. Diclofenac.
  9. Ibufen.

If there is a sharp increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed. At the onset of the necrotic process, it is required surgical intervention, aimed at cleansing the existing wound.

Consequences and complications

Spider bites can have extremely serious consequences. Children and elderly people with weakened immune systems may develop the following complications:

  • residual neurological disorders;
  • paralysis;
  • disorders of urination and defecation;
  • gangrene;
  • chronic pain;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • hemolysis;
  • cerebral edema;
  • loxoscelism.

Increasing intoxication can cause multiple organ failure. Violations increase the risk of death.

Preventive measures

To prevent bites, you need to avoid contact with poisonous spiders. It is necessary to teach children that they cannot handle arthropods. Your home should be regularly cleaned in your living area to prevent dangerous insects from entering.

When staying in the forest, field and other places where it is possible to meet with poisonous insects, need to use special means protection, including insect repellent sprays and closed clothing. If you are planning an overnight stay in nature, you need to stock up on canopies.

Spiders are mostly poisonous. Their main diet consists of small insects and some animals. The spider puts the victim to sleep by injecting a special toxin into its body. This poison is also dangerous for humans.

Small spiders that live near people and often build their webs right in apartments (on window sills, in corners, etc.) are completely harmless. Some of their representatives can only be seen with a magnifying glass. These arachnids do not attack humans and do not pose a danger to them.

Poisonous spiders, whose body produces a specific liquid that has a toxic effect on any animal, live mainly in tropical forests, far from human settlements. On the territory of Russia and neighboring countries there are two main types of poisonous spiders - tarantulas and karakurts.

Tarantula bite: symptoms

The size of the tarantula is relatively small - on average 3.5 cm. This representative of the arachnids does not weave a web; its main habitat is small holes dug in the ground, in which the insect waits for its prey - usually a butterfly or cricket. Individual tarantulas reaching big size, can also hunt small birds and rodents.

The greatest danger to humans is represented by females, whose poison is superior in toxicity to that of males and very young individuals. When attacked, the tarantula bites through the victim's skin and injects a deadly paralyzing substance into it, then drags the paralyzed insect or animal into a hole. A collision between a person and a spider can occur outside the city; these arthropods rarely settle near human habitation.

A tarantula bites quite painfully; the sensation of its bite can be compared to the bite of a wasp or hornet. Its poison does not pose any particular danger to the human body. To date, there has not been a single case of a human being bitten by this spider, which would have resulted in death for the latter.

A few minutes after the tarantula attack occurs, significant swelling and sharp pain occur at the site of the bite, requiring the introduction of an anesthetic into the body. The victim may also experience symptoms of general intoxication of the body: headache, lack of appetite, nausea, lethargy, which quickly pass without any specific treatment. In children and people with weakened immune systems, these symptoms may persist for several days.

Karakurt bite: symptoms

Karakurt poison is much more toxic than poison tarantula and 15 times stronger than poison rattlesnake. The bite of this spider is considered fatal, but the victim can be saved if he is provided with qualified medical assistance within 48 hours from the moment the toxin enters the body.

It is believed that karakurts do not attack people first. You can only get a bite if you unknowingly touch the spider. It should be noted that it does not look as scary as a tarantula, so it may seem harmless at first glance. The average body size of the karakurt is 1.2 cm. Females are also the most dangerous, especially in spring-summer period. The habitats of this spider are various ravines and wastelands.

The karakurt bites almost painlessly. The first symptoms of a bite appear 2-3 hours after the poison enters the blood. This is usually significant swelling of the skin at the site of the bite, its redness and soreness. As the toxin spreads throughout the person's body, pain can affect different parts of the body, joints and muscles. In the first hours after the bite, the victim also experiences severe dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure and body temperature, swelling of the face and limbs, increased sweating, and shortness of breath. Some symptoms associated with the entry of karakurt poison into the human blood (impaired heart function, pulmonary edema) lead to rapid death.

Spider bite: treatment

When a poisonous spider bites, a specific immune serum is injected into the victim’s body, which can neutralize dangerous toxin. The resulting wound is treated with a disinfectant. The venom of some arthropods, for example, the recluse spider, quickly leads to necrosis or tissue death at the site of the bite. If you encounter this dangerous insects You must immediately contact a specialist. As an auxiliary treatment for spider bites, painkillers, antihistamines, muscle relaxants,

Absolutely all spiders are poisonous. With the help of poison, they obtain food for themselves, and, if necessary, defend themselves. The venom secreted by the spider's glands can be hemolytic and neurotoxic (paralyzing the nervous system). Small spiders often pose no danger, but large ones can cause serious trouble with their bite.

The karakurt spider and the brown recluse spider are deadly dangerous to humans. Karakurts, tarantulas, and brown hermits do not live in our latitudes, but if you are going to visit exotic southern countries you need to know what the consequences of a spider bite can be.

What does the bite site of dangerous arthropods look like?

  1. The tarantula bite first looks like a spherical spot, then it turns into a blister with red edges, after a while the blister bursts and an ulcer appears.
  2. The symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite are similar to a tarantula bite, but they do not appear immediately. At the site of the bite, a blister appears with a border of bluish-purple, white and red. When the blister bursts, an ulcer forms.
  3. Karakurt leaves virtually no traces after its bite. A very small red spot may appear at the site of the bite, which will disappear very quickly.

What does a bite site from non-dangerous spiders look like?

True, the sensations can be very unpleasant and painful.

  1. Swelling and redness remain at the site of the cross bite for several days.
  2. At the site of “acquaintance” with the black house spider, a small swelling develops.

Possible symptoms

  • Symptoms after bites from house spiders or cross spiders can include nausea, dizziness, fever, and aching joints. But all these unpleasant sensations disappear within a day or two days.

More serious consequences appear after bites of karakurt, tarantula, brown recluse. The venom of these individuals can be very dangerous, which, if it enters the bloodstream, can be fatal.

  • A karakurt bite is very dangerous; its symptoms appear after a few hours or within an hour. The person experiences severe pain in the affected area, sweating, anxiety, headache, nausea, dizziness, swelling of the eyelids and limbs. There is also general weakness, difficulty breathing, cramps, and abdominal pain.
  • A tarantula bite is not fatal; its symptoms include general weakness, headache, local swelling and rash. Fatal outcome can only be caused by an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.
  • Signs of a hermit bite appear on the second day, which poses a particular danger, since the poison has time to spread throughout the body. In the first moments after a bite, a person does not experience pain or discomfort. Then severe itching appears, and at the site of the bite the tumor turns into an ulcer, which is difficult to treat. Necrosis develops on the affected tissues. The general condition of the patient is characterized by typical flu symptoms: aching joints, cough, runny nose, heat. With severe intoxication, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is disrupted, which leads to death.

First aid for spider and bee bites (video)

What to do

The consequences of bites from cross spiders and black house spiders go away on their own within 2–3 days. Toxins that enter the body are eliminated without leaving a trace. But to reduce discomfort, it is recommended to apply cold compresses or ice to the damaged area.

  • Everyone who is going to countries where these arachnids live should know what to do if they are bitten by a karakurt spider, a hermit, or a tarantula. First aid for their bites should be provided immediately. It consists primarily of immobilizing the affected limb. The leg or arm should be pulled with a tourniquet above the puncture site and given an elevated state. After this, call an ambulance.
  • Treatment for arachnid bites depends on the type of venom and symptoms. Victims of karakurt and brown recluse are given serum; in other cases, detoxification is carried out using drips. medications(saline solutions and glucose).
  • If intoxication of the body is accompanied by cardiac or renal failure, then cardiac drugs, respiratory analeptics, and glucocorticosteroids are administered. Ulcers with necrotic lesions are freed from necrotic tissue, sanitized and bandaged.

Timely correct treatment allows you to completely get rid of intoxication from the body after a spider bite; rehabilitation after adequate therapy is not required. But if the body is severely weakened, the immune system is strengthened with vitamin therapy.

For many of us, spiders cause a truly strong, inexplicable fear, and approximately 4-6% of the population of our planet suffer from arachnophobia - a fear of spiders to such an extent that it significantly interferes with life.

And this is no accident: spiders - ancient inhabitants Earth, their age is hundreds of millions of years, and the number of species currently living on the planet is estimated at 3-4 tens of thousands of species, all of them poisonous to one degree or another. Venom is an integral part of their way of life, because all spiders are hunters who kill their prey with a special substance that is released when they bite. There is only 1 species of spider in the world, whose diet consists of plant leaves, all the rest are predators, and sometimes they do not even disdain each other.

Spiders are everywhere - in forests, meadows, steppes and gardens, and even in houses and garages, so the chance of a person being bitten through carelessness is always great - no one is immune from this. You can minimize the risk of attacks from animals, hymenoptera (bees and wasps), and even snakes, but spiders are creatures guided solely by instinct and are therefore almost always unpredictable.

One thing is certain: if in relation to its victims (the creatures on which the spider feeds) its bite is an aggression, an attack, then in relation to a person, spider bites are almost always defensive, according to the principle “the best defense is an attack.” A person gets a bite when he accidentally disturbs a spider or steps on it. However, very few of them are able to bite through human skin: it is thick enough for spider fangs, because they are intended to attack mainly insects. Only a few large spiders pose a danger, and that’s what we’ll talk about today.

Why is spider venom dangerous?

The main principle is this: the further south, the more types spiders, and the more dangerous they are. Although all spiders are poisonous, the strength of their poison is very different, and therefore it makes sense to pay attention only to those whose bites are painful or fraught with dangerous complications. The fact is that when bitten, the problem is not only the poison itself, but also an allergic reaction to it, which is observed in some people, as well as infection in the wound.

What consequences does a dangerous bite have for the body?

  • First of all, this is a hemolytic effect (effect on the blood), the consequence of which is the death of the affected tissues - areas where the poison has penetrated (necrosis).
  • Secondly, many poisons act as neurotoxins, that is, they affect the nervous system and disrupt neuromuscular mechanisms. This is the most common method of action among spiders on the victim, designed to paralyze it.

Symptoms and consequences

Symptoms of bites vary quite significantly depending on the type of spider that attacked. However, it is possible to identify a number of general signs by which you can determine that it was a spider that bit you, and not someone else: the fact is that people sometimes do not notice the spider bite itself, because it is not always painful, as with the sting of wasps and bees - symptoms begin to appear only after a while, usually within the first 20 minutes, sometimes within 24 hours.

So, common features spider bites can be considered:

  • the appearance of a small, no larger than a coin, white spot at the site of the bite (in the area of ​​injection of poison) with red or pink edges;
  • the formation of a blister from a spot, framed by a swollen and reddened area in the shape of a large circle (when a recluse spider bites, the central area has a bluish tint, the first ring around it is white, and the outer one is red);
  • swelling and redness can be observed not only in the bite area, but also on the face;
  • the bite site often goes numb and becomes dense (for example, with a karakurt bite);
  • the bite itself is single, on bigger spider is not technically capable, so if there are several bites, then it was either someone else, or there were more than one spiders (however, this is impossible not to notice, and you will know for sure that it was spiders who suffered);
  • the pain increases gradually, and does not burn immediately, as with Hymenoptera bites;
  • another local reaction is a burning sensation in the bite area;
  • itching appears as a reaction to the poison, often it spreads throughout the body, and a rash may also be observed;
  • Another common reaction to a toxin in the body can be considered the appearance of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and stool;
  • General depression is often observed: drowsiness, weakness, body aches;
  • fever, chills, sweating and increased saliva production are also often noted;
  • urine color may change to pinkish or red;
  • hemolytic poisons affect blood and pressure: it falls or rises;
  • when bitten by a spider, whose venom has a neurotoxic effect, spasms, muscle pain and cramps are observed;
  • Fainting or dizziness are also possible.

What spiders look like: determining the type of offender

In order to properly provide first aid and treatment, you need to know what kind of spider bit the victim. Even if you didn’t have time to notice the “attacker,” knowledge of the symptoms and the ability to distinguish can help in a difficult situation.

House spider bite

These spiders got their name because they always settle near a human home, or directly inside. They look like small gray, black or brown creatures that bite extremely rarely - unless you notice and crush it. This happens, for example, at night, when spiders are active and people are sleeping - in a dream you can try to drive away a creature traveling on you and get a bite in response.

The bite itself may be painful, but not for long (no more than a day) and not very intense. Other than minor swelling, none of these general symptoms are usually observed (unless the person is allergic to the toxin). What to do if you are bitten by a spider living at home? Best help Ice or a cold compress will be applied to the affected area.

Crusader bite

These spiders are very common in our country, and at least once in their life everyone, even a convinced resident of a metropolis who does not leave it for a minute, has encountered it. The spider got its name because of the light cross on its back.

It only bites a random person who has shown carelessness towards the spider (you can stumble upon it, for example, while picking mushrooms, walking in the forest, working in the garden). These spiders grow throughout the summer and can reach impressive sizes by September.

Is the cross spider dangerous for humans? Only partly: spider venom (it belongs to the hemolytic category) is slightly toxic to humans. The bite will be slightly painful, accompanied only by a burning sensation, aching, and headache, which will disappear within a day. If you have allergies, you will definitely need the help of a doctor!

Tarantula bite

Although the spider has a very unpleasant appearance, however mortal danger has no idea. In addition to the poison, the small hairs that the spider sheds on the victim after a bite also have an irritating and allergenic effect: they cause pain and an itchy rash on the skin, and other allergic symptoms may also appear.

The tarantula lives in depressions in the steppe and desert and is active exclusively at night. It feeds only on insects, so the intensity of its poison is designed for them, and in humans it can only cause pain, redness and burning as a local reaction. Within 3-4 days everything goes away, but allergy sufferers may experience serious complications, so they should immediately consult a doctor.

Tarantula bite

This spider is one of the subspecies of the tarantula, the most threatening in appearance: shaggy, with long legs, large size. Interestingly, this is a long-lived spider; females can live up to 40 years, and they live in burrows they dig in the ground. In terms of the intensity of its impact, its poison is comparable to the poison of wasps and bees, and therefore tragic cases are possible only if there is an allergy to the bite or its infection. Usually the symptoms are standard: pain, swelling and redness.

Although the tarantula scares many people with its “appearance,” there are quite a few people who keep these spiders in the house as exotic pets. It's funny that house spiders get used to their owners and even bite them without injecting poison, “dry” - and then only when they show carelessness or clumsiness when handling the spider.

Recluse spider: is its bite dangerous?

He Brown with a beautiful violin pattern on the back. This species is not aggressive; it bites only when a person’s actions threaten it: they step on it, they wave their arms and legs near its home, etc. And he chooses a secluded habitat: under a closet, in the cracks of walls and floors, under various boxes, etc. – so it’s really easy to miss.

Despite its small size and not the most formidable appearance, this particular spider has a dangerous hemolytic poison that destroys red blood cells - erythrocytes. At first, you won’t even notice the bite, or you will feel mild discomfort such as a burning sensation and the formation of a small blister. However, within half a day, much more serious reasons for concern appear: the pain becomes severe, accompanied by itching, fever and muscle pain (like the flu), as well as nausea and vomiting. The bite site itself hardens and thickens; subsequent necrosis at the site of the blister and the appearance of ulcers that are difficult to heal are also possible.

Recorded cases of death were explained by disruption of the heart and kidneys. Due to the severe consequences, recluse spider bites require immediate assistance and often hospital treatment.

Karakurt bite

This is one of those spiders whose bite is also especially dangerous. It lives in the south of our country - small, black with a white mark on its abdomen. Like almost all other spiders, it bites only when there is danger to it (for example, when it is stepped on). The moment of the bite itself is not painful; after it, a small spot forms on the skin. However, after literally 10-15 minutes, a person begins to feel severe pain, not only in the bite area, but also in the stomach, chest and lower back. Of the above symptoms, when bitten by a karakurt, almost all are observed: headache, dizziness, weakness, heart rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath (up to respiratory arrest), and nausea with vomiting.

The danger lies in the high toxicity of the neurotoxin poison, which provokes general intoxication, which can even cause human death. Therefore, the answer to the question “What to do if you are bitten by a spider?” there is only one: immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital.

Black widow bite

This is the terrifying name of a female karakurt - a black spider, the young of which have red spots on the abdomen. They larger than males and more aggressive, and even within its own species: after mating, it simply devours the male, hence the name.

The bite itself black widow more painful than that of a male karakurt, and feels like a noticeable prick, a couple of hours after which very serious consequences develop: in addition to everything listed in the description of a karakurt bite, a complex syndrome caused by a neurotoxin also develops: a person becomes excited, breaks into a sweat, jumps pressure, salivation increases, itching spreads to the entire body, the eyelids and limbs swell and become heavy, the temperature rises, muscle spasms occur throughout the body, pain similar to the symptom of appendicitis may be observed, and breathing becomes difficult. As for the site of the bite, the soft tissues simply atrophy and gangrene occurs when infected. In a word, in terms of consequences, the bite of a black widow is one of the most dangerous bites spiders, which can even result in death (although this is rare - in small children, weakened or elderly people). However, if you have time to administer the serum in the first hours after the bite, the consequences can be minimized - the only trouble is that it is not always available in hospitals.

What to do if bitten: first aid

What to do if you are bitten by a spider, how to help the victim and alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication as much as possible?

  • First, the wound needs to be washed clean water and treat with an antiseptic, because, in addition to the toxin, it can be infected, and then the consequences will be caused not only by the poison, but also by contamination of the wound.
  • Secondly, carefully examine the site of the bite and observe the dynamics of what is happening in order to determine from the symptoms who exactly bitten and assess the degree of danger.
  • If the spider does not escape, take a photo of it from a distance to show the doctor.
  • If there is difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness (as well as if a child or pregnant woman is injured), an ambulance should be called immediately, but if the symptoms are serious, but not yet threatening, just get to the doctor as quickly as possible.
  • Anesthetize the bite site with ice or a cold compress from a clean running water so as not to infect the wound; the same remedy (cold) will slow down the absorption of the toxin.
  • We take any antihistamine (anti-allergen): Suprastin, Zodak, etc.
  • Move as little as possible so as not to intensify the spread of poison throughout the body.
  • Above the bite that hit the limb, you can apply an elastic bandage or a not too tight bandage; It would also be good to give the limb a high position.
  • Drink more so that the toxin is eliminated faster in the urine.
  • Do not scratch the bite to avoid infection.

All further actions in accordance with the symptoms will be carried out by doctors.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!