Exercises with a 20 kg kettlebell for men. Kettlebell lifting. For a beginner

Unfairly now forgotten exercises with kettlebells on the shoulders, arms and chest allow you to add variety to your workouts in the gym, thereby increasing their effectiveness. If desired, you can build a full-fledged training program with this simple equipment.

From our article you will learn about the features of kettlebell lifting, the rules for choosing equipment and the best exercises with a kettlebell for the muscles of the upper body. And also, as a small bonus, we will tell you how to increase your strength in working with a kettlebell using sports nutrition.

Pros and cons of kettlebell lifting

  1. Versatility. With kettlebells you can do exercises on your shoulders, arms, chest, back and any other muscle groups.
  2. Minimum inventory. This is a definite plus for home workouts. For a beginner to get a full workout, 1 piece of equipment will be enough to start with. This saves not only the budget, but also space in the apartment, since unlike barbells and exercise machines, weights do not require much space for storage.
  3. Simultaneous development of strength and endurance. When training in the gym, we increase either one or the other, varying the weights and the number of repetitions. Kettlebell lifting involves long-term exercise with fairly heavy equipment weight, which has a positive effect on both strength and endurance.
  4. Cardiovascular health. This benefit is also explained by the duration of strength training, during which the heart is subjected to positive stress.
  5. Development of coordination.
  6. Integration with other sports. To improve their skills, representatives of various martial arts, track and field athletes and other athletes turn to kettlebells.

With all the advantages, kettlebell lifting also has its disadvantages:

  1. Inability to gain impressive muscle mass. A champion weightlifter in terms of volume will lose to an ordinary amateur athlete from the gym. This sport is for those who are interested in the functionality of the body, and not just appearance.
  2. Injury hazard. Incorrect technique when exercising with a kettlebell can very easily lead to injury. However, the risk is not much higher than when using free weights in the gym.

Thus, the advantages of kettlebell lifting significantly outweigh its disadvantages. Classes with kettlebells are ideal for those who do not strive for huge muscles, but want to become strong and resilient. However, you will still have more sporty look than the average untrained person. And the intensity of exercise will help in short term get rid of excess weight, which makes kettlebell lifting attractive for women. In addition, here ladies definitely should not be afraid to “swing”, since the possibility of gaining muscle mass is limited.

In kettlebell lifting, 3 types of equipment are used:

  • 16 kg;
  • 24 kg;
  • 32 kg.

But for fitness training, more varied equipment is produced in increments of 1-2 kg, so a suitable weight can be selected for any initial physical data.

For exercises on the arms and shoulders, you can get by with a 16 kg kettlebell. For the stronger pectoral muscles You will need a heavier piece of equipment, especially if you are not a beginner and at the same time work out in the gym. Such people can be guided by the working weight in the bench press. If it is less than 100 kg, take a 16 kg weight. If you bench press more than a hundred, you will need a shell of 24 kg, and possibly 32 kg. For women's training, 8 kg weights are suitable, but with very bad physical fitness you can start with 4 kg.

In addition to the familiar standard round-shaped weights used by professionals, you can find prefabricated and bulk equipment in sports stores. The first ones consist of several separate plates, by changing the number of which you can vary the weight of the projectile. This type of kettlebell is the most economical, as it allows you to increase the load without purchasing additional equipment. But you should pay special attention to the quality of such a projectile so that it does not crumble over your head.

Bulk weights are hollow from the inside and filled with sand. Their weight can also be changed, but not everyone wants to constantly weigh and pour sand.

Vary modern shells and in form. They can be square, disc-shaped and even in the shape of a human head. It is also possible to have two handles at once. But if you need a universal apparatus with which you can do all types of exercises, then preference should be given to the classic core with a bow. Moreover, the weight should be made of metal, not plastic, since in the latter case the center of gravity shifts.

Before purchasing, be sure to try lifting the projectile up to evaluate the convenience of the bow. When sagging down, the weight should be located on the forearm. If it stops at the wrist, you need to select a projectile with a greater distance from the core to the bow. In non-professional equipment, the arms may vary in thickness. If it is too thick, the projectile will not grip properly and the risk of injury will increase. For example, when performing exercises with kettlebells on the shoulders, an incorrect grip can lead to damage to the shoulder joint.

After selecting the equipment, you can begin to study the technology. Let's look at the most effective exercises with kettlebells on the shoulders, arms and chest.

Shoulder exercises

You can pump up your shoulders with kettlebells using the following exercises:

We take a stable position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. We bend our arms at the elbows and turn them forward, palms facing each other. The weights hang freely, located between the shoulder and forearm. Keep your back straight, shoulder blades pulled together. As you exhale, press the projectile upward until your arm is completely straightened, after which you smoothly return it back and repeat the movement with your second arm. The weight should move strictly above the shoulder, without tilting the body to the side. This is one of best exercises on the shoulders, promoting their growth and improving strength indicators. The main load here falls on the front and middle deltas.

We stand in a half-squat, hold the weight with both hands, extending them perpendicular to the floor. Straightening your legs, at the same time raise the projectile up to neck level. The arms remain straight. This exercise targets the front deltoids. Over time, it can be modified by performing the takeaway with each hand alternately, thereby increasing the load.

Lifting a kettlebell behind your back. We hold the weight behind our back with both hands, palms facing away from the body. As you exhale, we lift the projectile up as far as the flexibility of the joints allows, and while inhaling, we lower it back down. The backs of the palms slide along the back, without tearing them away from the body. This exercise works the rear delts well.

To increase the volume of your shoulders, all exercises must be performed 12-15 times in 3 approaches. Before starting the workout, warm up for 10-15 minutes is required.

Arm exercises

Performing arm exercises with a kettlebell is less convenient than with dumbbells. But they can be used for home workouts, as well as if progress in the gym has stopped.

  1. Option #1. The exercise is performed standing, with the body slightly tilted forward. The back is straight, the free arm is pulled back, the arm with the weight is extended perpendicular to the floor. As you exhale, slowly bend your elbow, pulling the projectile towards your chest. As you inhale, we lower it back, but do not straighten the arm completely so that the load does not leave the biceps.
  2. Option #2. We stand straight, legs slightly bent. We hold the weight with both hands, palms located on the sides of the handle. As you exhale, lift the projectile to your chest, and as you inhale, lower it back. The elbows remain motionless. If you hold the kettlebell bottom up in this exercise, the load will be transferred to the brachialis, a muscle located under the biceps, the increase of which will make them visually larger.

We perform the exercises in 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Option No. 2 can be done as a superset - first 12 repetitions with a straight kettlebell, then 12 repetitions with an inverted one. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes.

  1. Option #1. This is similar to the French press with a dumbbell. In a standing position, place the weight behind your head. We hold it with both hands, palms located on the sides of the arch. Elbows are fixed, looking to the sides. Taking a deep breath, we slowly lower the projectile down, then lift it back up and only inhale at the top point.
  2. Option #2. We lie down on a bench or on the floor, lift the weight above us, holding it with both hands by the handle. The palms are positioned in such a way that thumbs looked down. We smoothly lower the projectile to the neck and lift it back up. We do not straighten our elbows completely.

The number of repetitions, as in the case of biceps, is 12 in 3 sets.

Chest exercises

You can increase the volume of your pectoral muscles with the following exercises:

We lie down on the floor, bend our arms with weights at the elbows and spread them apart. We hold the projectile with a direct grip. As you exhale, press the weights upward, but do not straighten your elbows completely. As you inhale, return them to their place. The weights should move over your shoulders.

We lie down on a bench, lift the weight above our heads, holding it by the handle with both hands with an underhand grip. As you inhale, gently lower the projectile behind your head without bending your arms. As you inhale, lift to the starting position. We do not spread our elbows so that the load does not transfer to the back muscles.

In chest exercises, we select the weight in such a way as to do 10-12 repetitions in 3 sets.

Classic kettlebell exercises

Classic complexes with kettlebells include the following exercises that involve the muscles of the upper body:

In a standing position, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, toes turned to the sides. This is the basic stance in kettlebell lifting. We take the weight with one hand, then lean forward a little and bend our knees slightly. We move our free hand behind our back, and with the other, swinging the weight back between our legs, we push it up. The projectile moves by inertia and is fixed in a position where the arm and body form one straight line. In this position, he lingers for 1 second, after which he lowers down on a straight arm. When moving down, the body moves forward slightly again. Breathing – inhale when swinging, exhale when fixing.

We take a basic stance. Squatting down a little, lift the weight with a straight grip and throw it over your chest. We tilt the body slightly back. Then, standing on your toes, we begin to push the weight up. During the push, we lower ourselves back onto our heels and do a small squat. Only when the arm with the projectile is completely straight, do we straighten our legs. The final point of the exercise is to lower the weight back onto your chest. Breathing - inhale before pushing, exhale when fixing.

These exercises with kettlebells involve not only the chest, shoulders and arms, but also the muscles of the back and legs. The movements are complex, so you need to start performing them with minimal weights until the technique is perfected. Ideally, classes should be supervised by a qualified trainer. If he is absent, ask at least one of your friends to monitor your movements from the side. As for the number of repetitions, the more the better. Professionals perform over 100 similar movements in 10 minutes.

For a beginning athlete it is sometimes difficult even to for a long time hold the weight in your hands. The problem lies in weak hands and forearms. In this case, you need to first prepare for exercises with a kettlebell with the help of additional arm training.

The forearms receive indirect load during any flexion and extension of the arms - in exercises with dumbbells and weights on the shoulders, biceps, triceps. But if you can’t hold the weight in your hands for a long time, it makes sense to train them separately. Static loads are good for this purpose, when you simply try to hold the projectile in your hands for some time. You can use the same weight or a barbell plate. After the selected weight can be maintained for 20 seconds, the load can be increased by another 5 kg.

At the same time, it is necessary to train your grip strength. The best tool This is what wrist expanders are for. The workout should include 6 sets of 10 repetitions. One repetition consists of squeezing the expander for 10 seconds.

As with any other form of training, success in kettlebell training largely depends on proper nutrition. In addition to carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein necessary for building muscle mass. The easiest way to compensate for its deficiency is with the help of sports supplements - protein and amino acids. Unlike conventional food products, they contain protein in its pure form and in the most easily digestible form.

If you lack the strength and endurance to do kettlebell lifting, you should pay attention to creatine. This is a natural substance ( carboxylic acid), obtained from animal products. Creatine is already present in our muscles in a concentration of 3-4 g per 1 kg. But by taking the supplement, this concentration can be increased to 5 g per 1 kg of weight, thereby increasing endurance and explosive muscle strength.

Tkachenko Sergey- master of sports in bodybuilding | more details >>

Master of Sports of Ukraine in bodybuilding, coach. Finalist of the IFBB European Championship Moldova, Chisinau 2013. Champion of Ukraine in the category up to 70 kg. 2011. Multiple winner of the Ukrainian championships in bodybuilding and bench press. Senior moderator of our site.

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Date: 2018-07-08 Views: 13 538 Grade: 4.0

Tired of barbells and dumbbells? Pay attention to the weights! I found 15 effective exercises, which not only diversify the training, but also pump up all muscle groups. By the way, it is wrong to think that training with kettlebells is only suitable for men. Women do it well too. The main thing is to choose the right weight (more on this later).

The peculiarity of training with a kettlebell is that here we focus more on movements rather than on muscles. Those. During the training we develop qualities such as endurance, flexibility, coordination. Moreover, you can practice both at home and conduct training in the gym: everything will be effective.

Kettlebell training is often used in the following areas:

  • Crossfit
  • High Intensity Interval Training
  • Cardio training

All of these areas are dynamic, which means that kettlebell lifting is suitable for those who want to accelerate muscle growth, get rid of excess fat and simply improve body contour. But for building muscle mass, a training program with kettlebells is not suitable: here it is better to give preference to a barbell or dumbbells.

Pros and cons of training with kettlebells

Any sports equipment has its pros and cons. Kettlebell is no exception.

Let's start with the advantages, there are still more of them:

1. The training program combines strength and cardio exercise, which means that less training volume gives greater results.

2. The apparatus allows you to work all the muscles.

3. A kettlebell is a durable piece of equipment that will last a long time.

4. With the help of the projectile you can develop endurance and pump up the heart muscle.

5. The result of the training is a muscular body with a minimal percentage of fat and elastic muscles.

6. During the training, the spine is stabilized by strengthening the muscle corset.

7. The kettlebell makes joints strong and resistant to injury by strengthening ligaments and joints during training.

8. The kettlebell can also be used perfectly in team sports - exercises with it develop speed, agility, and coordination.

Now the fly in the ointment:

1. Exercises with kettlebells can lead to back injuries, especially for those who have just started training and distribute the load incorrectly.

2. The kettlebell is not suitable for building muscle mass.

3. The projectile is sold at a certain weight, which cannot be adjusted, unlike the same barbell.

4. A kettlebell made of high-quality material can be expensive.

Important! If you have problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system, or recent injuries, then it is better to hold off on training or consult a specialist.

Choose the weight wisely

A few words about the weight of the projectile. As a rule, for men it will be 16-32 kg, for women - 8-16 kg. But everything is individual. To find an acceptable weight, you need to try to do five repetitions of one exercise. Was the set easy? Let's add a couple more kilos. Are you exhausted after the fourth or fifth try? So, we reduce the weight.

So, the weight has been found, but you shouldn’t relax. If it is suitable for one exercise, then it is not for another. Therefore, it is better to experiment with each element separately in order to ultimately choose the optimal weight. And one more thing: focus on the number of repetitions of one exercise 10-15 times. This is exactly what effective training requires. Can you do more? Great! Just don't overdo it!

Well, that's it. Now comes the fun part. As they say, let's move from theory to practice. Let's start, perhaps, with a list of exercises with kettlebells with a description of their technique. And we’ll finish with developed training programs with kettlebells for different purposes.

1. Kettlebell swings

In this exercise, the weight can be lifted either above your head or just above your shoulders. To do this you need:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take the weight with both hands, bend forward slightly and place the weight between your legs.
  3. Swing the kettlebell to the desired level.
  4. Lower the projectile, placing it between your legs again.

Important! Make sure that your back is not rounded, and that the movement begins not from the arms, but from the hips.

2. Swing a kettlebell with one hand

We do the same thing, using each hand in turn, which will allow us to work the target muscles even more effectively.

3. Bent-over Kettlebell Row

An excellent element for pumping the back, performed as follows:

  1. We take two weights and, with slightly bent knees and a straight back, lean forward.
  2. We pull the projectile to the chest, end point this will be the stomach area.
  3. Lower the weights to the starting position.

Important! We make sure that the elbows are close to the body; we pull the weights not with the muscles of the arms, but with the help of the back.

4. Eight

Want to pump up your core muscles? Then feel free to include the element in your program! In addition to the core muscles, the legs and arms work here. The essence of the element is to describe a figure eight around the legs with the projectile, for which you need:

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and take the weight in your right hand.
  2. Bend slightly forward with your knees bent and your back straight, bring the projectile between your legs a little further than your torso.
  3. Reach back with your other hand and take the weight from your right.
  4. Move the limb with the projectile forward and bring it back between your legs.
  5. With your right hand from behind, grab the kettlebell again.

The exercise perfectly develops coordination of movements, and it looks very impressive.

5. Deep squat with a kettlebell

Three elements for effective pumping of legs and buttocks. The additional load in the form of weights allows you to acquire the desired shape much faster.

To perform the exercise:

  1. We stand up straight, holding the projectile with both hands in front of our chest.
  2. We do a deep squat, moving our pelvis back and keeping our back straight.

Important! We make sure that the elbows are not separated, and at the lowest point the hip joint is below the knees.

6. Jump Squats

This element additionally trains explosive strength. The execution technique looks like this:

  1. With your feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight and pull the weight forward, holding it with both hands.
  2. Do a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor
  3. Jump up from a squat.

7. Lunges with lifting the projectile

This is where the shoulder girdle comes into play. To do:

  1. We stand up straight and hold the weight at shoulder level in a bent arm, palm facing the body.
  2. We lunge forward while simultaneously raising our arm with the weight above our head.
  3. We return to the starting position, lowering the weight.
  4. Repeat for the other leg.

8. Kettlebell Crunches

Despite the fact that the element perfectly trains the core muscles, it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the spinal column. People with weak abs should also wait a bit with this element. The work progress is as follows:

  1. We sit on the floor, pressing the weight with both hands to the body.
  2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, off the floor.
  3. We make turns with the body in different directions.

Important! We make sure that the back remains straight and do not lower the legs.

9. Mill

In addition to the strength part, the element perfectly stretches the muscles. To perform it, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift the weight with one hand above your head. We tilt to the side, leaving the arm with the projectile extended. We try to reach the foot.

10. Lifting a kettlebell with one hand from a lying position

We lie on our backs, bending our knees and placing our feet on the floor. Holding the projectile in a bent hand, squeeze it upward.

Important! In the starting position, the shoulder should lie on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the palm is turned towards it. Make sure that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is maintained at 90 degrees. When pressing upward, the elbow must be turned to the side, and the wrist should be facing the legs. At the lowest point, the projectile should be above the chin.

11. Deadlift with a kettlebell

We continue training the buttocks, thighs and core muscles. Technique:

  1. Standard starting position - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, weights in both hands.
  2. We tilt the body and lower the weight to the floor, while moving the pelvis back.
  3. For the greatest effect, when returning back, you need to tense your abs and buttocks. The back remains straight.

12. Lifting the kettlebell onto the shoulder

A very difficult element, so use light weight at first. Technique:

  1. We place the projectile between the legs and lean towards it with a straight back.
  2. We grab the weight with one hand.
  3. We place the projectile between the legs and behind the body.
  4. In the swing, we raise the hand with the weight to shoulder level, while directing the palm towards the body.
  5. We lower the projectile so that it passes between the spread legs and bring it up again.

Important! Make sure that the elbow is close to the body and the wrist continues the line of the chest without any bends.

13. Raising weights to the top

We take two weights and throw them over our shoulders. We squeeze the shells up, making sure that at the top point they are located behind the hand. To do this, you need to turn your palms forward.

14. Kettlebell push-ups

We do regular push-ups, but place our hands on weights. You can complicate the element by adding alternate lifting of the arms with the apparatus at the waist.

15. Kettlebell plank + arm raise

Typically, the training ends with a bar that can consolidate the result, keeping all muscle groups in good shape. Let's complicate the element with weights. To do this, place your hands in a plank position on weights. Next, we alternately raise our hands with the apparatus. Make sure your hips stay in place.

Ready set of exercises

If you don’t have time to visit the gym, you can get by at home. Fortunately, a kettlebell is a piece of equipment that can be used anywhere. So, the program for the week.

  1. Mill
  2. Deep squat with a kettlebell
  3. Raising a kettlebell to the shoulder
  4. Kettlebell Lunges
  5. Kettlebell Bench Press
  6. Kettlebell push-ups
  7. Kettlebell crunches
  8. Deadlift with kettlebell
  9. Bent-over kettlebell row
  10. Kettlebell plank

As you can see, the program is designed in such a way that all muscle groups alternately participate in the training. To begin with, we do one circuit (one approach from each exercise) with repetitions of 5 times. Next, we increase the load according to how we feel.

Three sessions a week are enough to see results. There is no need for more: between training sessions there should be at least a day of rest.

Circuit training program with kettlebells

And finally, we will analyze several ready-made training complexes for different purposes. Let's start with circuit training, which involves performing several elements in a circle.

Select a few exercises from the list above that include squats, swings, bends and twists. You can start with a minimum, gradually increasing the number of exercises. The essence of the program is to repeat several elements cyclically at the fastest possible pace, taking a short rest only between circles. Three laps are enough to get started.

The purpose of the training is to train endurance and fight excess weight.

Crossfit with kettlebell

Do you want to have an excellent cardiovascular system, be resilient and strong? Then this is the place for you! CrossFit involves large number approaches without rest with high speed. Any elements related to swings, lunges, jerks, and squats are suitable for the program. The only condition is excellent health, otherwise the training may result in a hospital bed.

A few words at the end

Kettlebells are a fairly simple, but incredibly effective exercise that works all muscle groups and helps you achieve excellent results. And in order for the training to bring only benefits, do not forget about the warm-up before it and the cool-down after, select the weight wisely, keep your back straight and watch the position of your hands.

You can order a training or nutrition program for yourself from me, the author of the article.

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Many people have good old weights gathering dust on their balconies, undeservedly forgotten. But with their help you can pump up almost your entire body at home. Basic exercises with kettlebells were shown to us by the world champion and record holder in kettlebell lifting, Ivan Denisov.

In November in Moscow, Denisov will hold a kettlebell lifting tournament as part of the international sports nutrition exhibition and sports festival SN PRO 2016. In addition, the festival will host 8 more strength tournaments, including competitions in bodybuilding, extreme strength, weightlifting and powerlifting.

What muscles do kettlebells develop?

Despite the fact that the weights are in the hands, what works most when working with them is not the arms, but the legs and back. Moreover, training with kettlebells develops both strength and endurance. In general, as in weightlifting, almost all muscle groups are involved in working with kettlebells, so about the general physical development don't worry.


One of the two classic kettlebell movements, performed first in competitions.

Starting position: arms bent at the elbows, shoulders pulled forward, and elbows resting on the body or pelvic bones. The weights lie on the base of the palm at shoulder level - this position of the weights will allow you to strain your forearm less and, accordingly, spend less energy. In addition, the weight will not dangle in the air.

From this position, the first squat is performed, in which the pelvis moves slightly forward, after which the weights are immediately pushed upward.

To catch the weights at the top point, we do another squat and take the weights onto straight arms.

We straighten our legs and fix the weights, after which we simply drop them back onto our chest, sitting down a little to absorb the shock.


The snatch is performed in turn, first with one hand, then with the other. You can only change your hand once in a competition.

Starting position: the weight hangs between your legs at arm's length. There is no need to grab the weight with your entire palm; your forearm should be relaxed. The hand acts as a tension cable on which the weight hangs.

From this position we begin to swing from foot to foot, like a pendulum: when the body goes forward, the weight goes back, and vice versa.

Having swung the weight, we throw it up and, turning it over in the air, catch it with an outstretched arm with a slight drop.

We fix the weight on an outstretched arm, and then drop it down, pushing it slightly forward and at that moment pulling the arm out from under it.

Auxiliary exercises

Jumping with a barbell- put the barbell on your shoulders and imitate pushing out the weights, sitting up slightly and jumping up with an impulse movement. Make sure that the bar does not come off your shoulders during the exercise - this can be dangerous. Ivan Denisov performs 100 repetitions with a barbell weighing 100 kg.

Deadlift- a classic exercise for the back and hamstrings, which weightlifters perform repeatedly to increase explosive power.

Detonation- an auxiliary exercise that involves performing a jerk at the bottom of the amplitude. This is done up to head level and again helps increase explosive power.

Kettlebell lifting has been popular in our country for a long time. Thanks to the simplicity and high efficiency exercises, the kettlebell is used to train athletes in the most different types sports Another advantage of this projectile is the ability to use it at home. All this contributes to the growing popularity of the kettlebell as a simple and reliable exercise machine.

Benefits of Using Kettlebells to Gain Mass

For some reason, it is believed that weights are not used for gaining mass. But, in fact, this is not entirely true. When working with weights, you can gain muscle mass, but for this you need to correctly organize the training process. Only then can a certain effect be achieved.

Unlike other types of load, there is a combination of dynamic load and power load. This creates an excellent balance between muscle growth and burning excess fat tissue. Since all exercises are performed dynamically, you can use a kettlebell for weight loss.

If you look from the side of the mass, then there is large number exercises with kettlebells that are isolating. This allows you to effectively develop muscle fibers, and accordingly increase their volume. This effect is usually enhanced proper nutrition, which speeds up this process. But, it should be remembered that weights alone are not enough for maximum effect. They should be used as additional or diluent, including in the usual training system.

What muscles work?

To understand how to swing with kettlebells, you need to understand how the muscles work during such training. This approach will help you understand all the features and nuances of the training process, and will also facilitate the selection of exercises.

When working with kettlebells, all major muscle groups are worked, so with the help of such exercises you can work out almost the entire body. Due to this feature, exercises with kettlebells are often included in the general physical training. Moreover, it should be noted that when using basic exercises, the muscles of the whole body work evenly. This way it is possible to achieve smooth muscle development.

When working with a kettlebell, stabilizing muscles come into play, which are usually not involved when training with a barbell or on machines. Kettlebell lifting promotes active development muscles of the core, lower back, neck, small areas of the thigh muscles responsible for stabilization under load.

Here are the muscles that work when training with weights, we list them in the order of their involvement in the movement:

  1. leg muscles (adductors and quadriceps);
  2. back of the body (hips, buttocks, lower back, back);
  3. bark (stabilizers, abs);
  4. shoulder girdle.

Also, during the training process, tendons are actively involved, so it is very effective to use a kettlebell to increase grip strength. With some types of exercise, the body receives a good cardio load, which increases endurance.

Features of training

When working with weights, it is extremely important to keep a clear training diary, this will allow you to monitor the load and results. It is impossible to do without a diary; the results and indicators during training change very quickly. Moreover, they can either increase or decrease with overtraining.

Thanks to the optimal weight, you can use long sets, which helps to increase strength indicators, as well as significant development of endurance. Also, with prolonged training, blood supply to muscles and joints increases, significantly reducing the risk of injury.

You can work out anywhere. To train with a kettlebell, you don’t need a gym; you can even work with it in your apartment, if you don’t plan to drop it or throw it at the ceiling. You can take the kettlebell with you into the yard and train outdoors; thanks to its light weight and dimensions, there will be no problems with carrying it. This feature allows you to use weights as a replacement for training in the gym when it is not possible to go there.

Since all muscle groups are involved during exercise, the consequence is an acceleration of metabolism, which has a positive effect on fat burning. If your goal is to lose weight, then weights will help you speed up this process, without losing any functional indicators.

A set of exercises for beginners

If you look at it, exercises with weights at home are the best option for beginners. These are fairly simple activities that do not require special physical indicators, they are also easy to learn and use at home.

But not all exercises with kettlebells are suitable for beginners. It’s better to start with simple options that will prepare your muscles for more complex movements. Below we list the most simple and effective exercises.


This is the simplest and basic exercise. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, then move your pelvis back, lean forward and grab the handle of the weight with both hands. Slowly straighten up. In this case, you do not need to lift your heels off the floor, bend your back, or bend back in the last phase of the movement.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the barbell with both hands. Starting from the bottom position, swing up and down. During the upper phase, bend your back; during the lower phase, place the weight slightly behind your feet.

Kettlebell Squat

Take the weight by the handle, rest it on your chest, it is better to place your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a deep squat. At the same time, the knees should not go beyond the plane of the heels, and the back should not bend.

Kettlebell press

The correct kettlebell jerk allows you to work your entire body. Stand straight with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Take the weight and jerk it up to chest level. Next, press the weight up, and when moving back, lower the weight only to chest level.

Snatch and jerk

Place the weight in front of you, 20 cm from your feet. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over with your back straight and grab the projectile with both hands. Lift it up and place it behind your heels. Next, sharply raise the weight to waist level, after which the projectile is lifted upward, while straightening up and fixing the weight at the top with your outstretched arms. When moving backwards, try to minimize the range of motion of the kettlebell. Return to the starting position.

These are the basic exercises that are recommended for beginners. If you are an experienced athlete, but have simply not worked with this apparatus before, then the question of how to lift a kettlebell will not seem difficult for you. In this case, you can try the push with two weights. The exercise is performed similarly to the kettlebell press, but with two implements.

Kettlebell training program

Exercises with kettlebells are very variable, especially when it comes to loads. As a rule, athletes perfectly feel the maximum load and work out all muscles well; this works even for beginners.

In programs for weightlifters, the principle of the maximum possible number of repetitions is used. The sets indicate the number of approaches for each exercise, and that’s it. The rest is regulated by the athlete himself. But, there is one rule. The first set should be done at 70% of the maximum possible number of repetitions. This will warm up the muscles and avoid injury.

It is optimal to do exercises with a kettlebell through training, combining them with a horizontal bar and parallel bars. This will allow you to achieve maximum performance. Before your workout, be sure to work for about five minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike.

Let's give rough plan workout. All exercises are performed in four approaches.

  • Kettlebell chest raises.
  • Squats with kettlebells.
  • Kettlebell chest raises.
  • Kettlebell push.
  • Kettlebell snatch.
  • Lunges with a kettlebell.
  • Bent-overs with a kettlebell.

This simple training program with kettlebells will allow you to significantly increase your strength.

As an option, consider another program that is designed for beginners. Here the training takes place in a circle, that is, all the exercises of the complex are performed, after which everything is repeated. It is recommended to carry out at least three circles. Also note that you need to give yourself enough rest between sets, this is about 1-2 minutes. It is better to rest for five minutes between circles.

Here is a list of exercises.

  • Single kettlebell press.
  • Alternating standing press.
  • Simultaneous press of two weights.
  • Deep squats.
  • Lunges.

When performing the first circuit, it makes sense to perform 5-15 repetitions, depending on your training. Then everything is done to 90% capacity.

Safety precautions

If you work out on the street, then pay attention to the site. It should not have any tilt, otherwise the load on the back and knees will increase. Also, the coating should not slip.

Pay attention to unlearning correct technique movements. Most injuries occur due to improper execution of the exercise. Learn the movements without load at the very beginning, and monitor their compliance during training. Also, be sure to pay attention to warming up, carefully prepare your muscles for the load.

Shoes should be non-slippery, this will allow you to remain stable. Clothing should be light and not restrict movement. Thus, you will eliminate one of the risk-forming factors during training.

Kettlebells provide a varied load on the human body, so they can be considered a universal exercise machine. With the right training program, you can evenly load your entire body. Also, exercises with kettlebells can effectively increase strength.