Agibalova official Instagram. Instagram of Irina Aleksandovna Agibalova. Fresh photos. Photo from Instagram

Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova is a participant in the “Dom-2” project, the mother of other participants in the “TV set”: Margarita Agibalova and Olga Gadzhienko.

Early years. Personal life

The first member of the reality family in Russia, Irina Agibalova, bore the last name Tarasenko as a girl. Her father was Russian by nationality and worked as the head of the Construction Mechanization Department (CMD), and her mother had German roots.

Irina has older sister Galina, who now lives with her mother in the city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory, and works as the head of the neurological department of the city hospital.

From 1971 to 1981, Irina studied at the school named after Nikolai Ostrovsky. Borodulikha, Semipalatinsk region. In 1981 she entered pedagogical institute them. N.K. Krupskaya in Semipalatinsk and successfully graduated from it in 1986.

In the summer of 1985, Irina met her future husband, Yuri Vasilievich Agibalaov, in a military camp. After 2 weeks of dating, they submitted an application to the registry office and a month later, on September 14, 1985, they got married.

During this period, Irina worked in local school biology teacher. She was born on November 25, 1986 eldest daughter Olga. In 1990, their second daughter Margarita was born.

In 1994, the Agibalov family moved from the military town of Chagan to the town of Shchelkovo-3 near Moscow, to Yuri’s parents. At her new place of residence, Irina got a job at school No. 14, where she held the post of deputy director for educational work until 1997. In 1998, the family moved to Reutov near Moscow, and in 1999 to Yuzhnoye Butovo.

In 1999, Irina divorced Yuri and married a colleague, in December of the same year she gave birth to a son from him. This marriage broke up a year later. From 2002 to 2008, Agibalova worked in a wholesale company trading ferrous metals at Pharmservice LLC.

In 2007, Irina and Yuri decided to live together again and, having sold apartments in Reutov and Butovo, bought a house in Pavlovsky Posad, where they live amicably and happily to this day. On December 29, 2016, Yuri officially adopted Oleg and now he bears his last name and patronymic.


Russia learned about the existence of Irina Agibalova thanks to the well-known television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, where the woman came on April 1, 2010.

However, Irina Aleksandrovna had a relationship with the television project “Dom-2” even before this. When youngest daughter Margarita Agibalova came to the project for the first time, her mother also began to appear on air.

Irina Agibalova really liked Margarita’s participant and boyfriend Andrei Cherkasov - she was not averse to seeing him as a son-in-law. However, contrary to her mother’s wishes, Rita became the wife of Evgeniy Kuzin. The young couple confronted their parents with the fact of pregnancy and signed their names.

Irina Agibalova became a grandmother on December 15, 2009 - a son, Mitya, was born into the Kuzin family. And on April 1, 2010, the woman, already as a full-fledged participant in the reality show, returned to the project along with Rita and Zhenya, who had previously lived in Pavlovsky Posad with their newborn.

The grandmother, according to the young family, was needed by them on the Dom-2 project to help care for and raise their little son. By the way, although Irina Alexandrovna came to the show under the pretext of caring for her grandson Mitya, she still did not keep track of the little boy. The baby got sick in kindergarten ARVI. Mitya’s mother and grandmother did not receive complete treatment and the disease developed into chronic adenoiditis. However, the family blames incompetent doctors for this turn of events, who made an incorrect diagnosis and carried out useless treatment.

Irina Aleksandrovna actively participated not only in the fate of little Mitya Kuzin, but also in the life of the television project. The mother-in-law began to comment on the actions of her son-in-law, often condemning him for his irresponsibility towards own family. Often the statements were harsh, and in them one could easily trace attempts to manipulate Rita in order to push her towards a divorce.

Irina Agibalova on Periscope (12.12.2016)

My mother pays just as much attention to the life of her eldest daughter, Olga Agibalova, who then came to the Dom-2 project. Irina Aleksandrovna was interested in her daughter’s dates with Sergei Ermakov and contributed in every possible way to their romance. But Agibalova Sr. tried to separate Olga from Andrei Kadetov. Because of such close attention to her person from her mother, Olga even suffered a nervous breakdown, so strong that she had to resort to the help of a psychologist.

Irina Agibalova has a complex and contradictory relationship with the Dom-2 team. At first they were afraid to say a word against the woman, but every day more and more arrogant and arrogant jabs at the participants sounded from Irina Alexandrovna’s lips. Gradually they began to answer her in kind.

Irina Agibalova runs a culinary blog

Conflicts between Irina Agibalova and the Kolisnichenko sisters were vivid. The girls came to the project and began to try to build relationships with different guys. As a result, the woman accused the twins of being easily accessible. The girls were not taken aback and also answered tactlessly.

On September 1, 2011, Irina Aleksandrovna became the winner of the audience vote in the “Burdard of the Year” nomination. When the woman was given a frame with a diploma, she immediately threw it over herself into the crowd of participants. The glass frame almost hit Ilya Gazhienko, Irina Agibalova’s future son-in-law and Olga’s husband. The young man dodged. Irina Aleksandrovna herself believes that she does not deserve such a title and does not agree with the choice of television viewers.

Olga Agibalova-Gadzhienko and her husband left the project in the spring due to the birth of their son Kirill. On June 14, 2013, they officially ceased to be participants in the television program. Since the concept of the show was based on family relationships, then they also decided to refuse Irina’s further participation in the filming.

Irina Agibalova now

Now Irina runs a very popular blog about beauty, clothing, weight loss, cosmetology - in a word, about what worries modern girls and women. She became an active user social networks, lost weight, changed her image and actively shares with her fans by posting photos. The woman also regularly appears as a guest on the Doma-2 talk show.

Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova is a former participant in the “Dom-2” project, the mother of other participants in the “TV project”: Margarita Agibalova and Olga Gadzhienko. Irina Alexandrovna also has a son, Oleg. Russia learned about the existence of Irina Agibalova thanks to the television project “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, where the woman came on April 1, 2010. In total, Irina Aleksandrovna spent more than three years on the TV show “Dom-2” and left the show in the summer of 2013.

Irina Agibalova

Since then, many people remember the woman and are very actively interested in her life. On social networks, such as Instagram, Irina Agibalova regularly updates photos and videos that show moments from her personal life. On Irina’s page you can find many photographs where she is with all her children. Although all her children are already adults, and some have their own families, this does not prevent everyone from getting together for any reason.
Irina Agibalova's Instagram contains photographs from which fans can find out how Irina takes care of herself. Irina Aleksandrovna visits beauty salons where she gets a manicure. Agibalova’s Instagram also contains photographs in which Irina describes body and hair care.

A post shared by Irina Agibalova(@agibalova_irina) on Sep 20, 2017 at 10:03am PDT

Today, Irina Aleksandrovna successfully runs a very popular blog about beauty, clothing, weight loss, cosmetology - in a word, about what worries modern girls and women. She became an active user of social networks, lost weight, changed her image and actively shares with her fans by posting photos. Irina Agibalova has a bunch of photos and videos on Instagram on this topic. The woman actively shares her culinary masterpieces with everyone.

View this post on Instagram
Scrolling through Agibalova’s Instagram, you can also see photos of her pet.

Irina Agibalova famous for, that at a certain time she appeared on the house 2 project and became a participant in it. Despite her relatively mature age and the presence of adult daughters, the woman quite smartly participated in various showdowns, moreover, she quite often became their instigator. All this is reflected on Instagram Irina Agibalova, the woman’s official website.

The main purpose of Irina’s arrival was to help her daughter. After some time, Rita left the project, but her mother did not follow her. As the heroine herself says, the main purpose of refusing to leave the project is the reluctance to fully accept real fact and come to terms with her inherent role as a famous TV grandma.

Like all modern stars, as well ordinary people, Irina runs her page in instagram, It’s just not as popular as with other network users. On at the moment A little more than 50 thousand people are interested in Agibalova’s life, the average number of likes does not exceed a thousand. Despite this, the account owner is not upset, but continues to publish her photos and recipes.

Quite often, Irina posts photos with Dr. Scherer on Instagram. She talks about the high positive effect she receives from the cosmetic procedures she performs.

  1. Physical exercises in the gym.
  2. Results achieved in the process of fitness.
  3. Culinary secrets.
  4. Low-calorie and quite appetizing dishes.

All this makes Irina Agibalova’s Instagram profile as diverse as possible. As the owner of the page notes, her number of subscribers is constantly increasing.

Agibalova Irina Aleksandrovna new photos

Studying Irina’s new photos, it can be noted that the woman pays close attention to her family’s publications and culinary masterpieces. Ordinary home photos are being published more and more often. Subscribers can quite often meet Agibalova’s husband, her daughters, and also her grandson Mitya.

Agibalova irina does not neglect the periodic publication of advertising posts. To increase their popularity, women are approached by a variety of stores that advertise cosmetic care products and fashionable clothes. All this allows subscribers to always receive up-to-date information about the owner of the content, her family and various new products.

Many netizens are attracted by the fact that a woman pays a lot of close attention to her already attractive appearance.

According to some statistics, Irina’s contacts with plastic clinics several years ago resulted in some cosmetic problems. At the same time, the idea of ​​looking good and young did not leave the woman, and Agibalova’s Instagram proves this.

Official Instagram account of Irina Agibalova

Irina came to the show simply to help her grandmother, daughter Rita, and grandson, whom she gave birth to while participating in the project. At the very beginning, she was positioned as an invited guest. All this could very often be seen on her Instagram page, making the woman more and more popular.

Based on this popularity, Irina gradually began to emerge from the status of a TV grandmother and became a full-fledged participant in the project. Literally a few months later, the girl was included in the standard voting ballot for the project; her name could be found by visiting the official website, where she is designated as Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova. The woman became a full-fledged participant in the notorious television show. This can be seen on official page insta, based on her colorful photos and videos.

While at House-2, the woman quickly joined the overall active life of the project. Here, due to her age and experience, she took great pleasure in distributing a variety of useful and empty advice to nearby participants.

As practice has shown and as seen in the video, thanks to such “advice” and recommendations, her daughter’s marriage broke up. As many project participants said, the mother simply disliked her daughter’s husband and official son-in-law, and new photos began to appear where he was not around.

Photo from Instagram

Irina left the project after some time, leaving on her own initiative. Her popularity has not decreased; users continue to actively follow Irina’s life. At the moment, photos from Agibalov’s Instagram are full of information about how she nurses her grandchildren, how she actively communicates with her many fans. Photos appear almost every day, and many of them are quite informative, which significantly fuels users’ interest in the owner of the profile.

Irina Agibalova is the most famous TV grandmother in Russia, the star of “House-2”, born on November 1, 1964 in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan).

Life before "Home"

Irina’s life was not boring even before the project. She was always active and was never afraid of change. After graduation high school Irina entered the pedagogical institute with a degree in chemistry and biology, which she successfully completed and got a job in a regular high school.

By this time, she had already managed to get married and even give birth to her eldest daughter, Olga. Husband Yuri is a military engineer who served in long-range aviation in those years. Actually, the service of a guy from the Moscow region brought him to distant Semipalatinsk, where he met his fate. But in 1998, shortly after the birth of their second daughter, the family decided to move to Yuri’s parents in Shchelkovo.

In my youth

At first, Irina still got a job at school. But the teacher’s salary was not enough to provide for the growing children, and soon Irina began to build a business career. Having changed several positions, in 2008 she became director of Pharmacia LLC. Yuri gets a job design bureau and does successful career in Moscow.


The Dom-2 project came to the Abigalov family in 2007. Or rather, Irina’s eldest daughter Olga then came to his site, who liked Andrei Cherkasov, and she decided to try to build a relationship with him. After some time, I “pulled up” to frontal place youngest, Margarita.

With daughters

The whole country was shocked when the sisters began to compete for one guy. No one still knows whether it was a publicity stunt or whether both really managed to fall in love with the local macho, but this love triangle made all its participants super popular. By the way, Olga Cherkasova could not be retained, and she flew out of the project.

Rita, on the other hand, was not very compliant and often quarreled with Cherkasov about this. As a result, she also soon left the project, but returned after some time. Then another participant drew attention to her, and Rita again became part of the love triangle.

As a result, she found herself pregnant from her new lover Evgeniy Kuzin. The couple got married live on air, and in December 2009 they had a son.

Irina's exit

It was very difficult for Margarita to work live on air with her baby. And then Irina appears on the perimeter, who mainly takes care of her grandson. At the same time, she is not too fond of her son-in-law, since she has always given preference to the more courageous and independent Cherkasov.

Naturally, she constantly interferes in the life of the young family, making it so unbearable that Margarita soon leaves the project.

Irina herself, who has already become, albeit scandalously famous, the star of the show, is in no hurry to leave the set. In addition, the stylists managed to do a great job on her, she lost overweight, noticeably younger and learned many TV tricks.

True, during this time she quarreled with almost all the residents of “House-2”, but Irina herself did not care at all. She sincerely believed that she was educating young people, sharing her life experience with them, and this was precisely her main mission on the project.

Soon her eldest daughter Olga returned to Dom-2, and Irina herself left the project in 2013, but did not disappear from television screens. She constantly appears on the project's talk show, as well as various programs on cooking, fashion and other women's topics.

She really likes her new look and lifestyle and has no plans to change anytime soon. On the contrary, she has repeatedly stated her desire to participate in other projects, but so far she has not succeeded.

Personal life

She divorced her first husband Yuri in 1999. The scandals began when Irina went into business and practically stopped being at home and caring for her family. Yuri, accustomed to his wife taking care of the house, allegedly could not come to terms with her desire to self-actualize.

However, Irina did not remain alone for long, and in the same year she again married the director of the company where she worked and even managed to give birth to his son. This gives reason to think about the real reason The divorce was still caused by Irina’s affair on the side, which the legal spouse found out about.

The marriage with the father of the third child lasted less than a year. Already in 2000, an official divorce followed, and ex-spouse disappeared from the life of Irina and their joint son. But Yuri appeared again and began to support Irina.

With husband Yuri

A few years later they got back together, remarried, and Yuri adopted a boy so that they could have a normal life. full-fledged family, in which they still live happily.