Aquarium in front of the front door feng shui. feng shui aquarium

At first glance, such a question seems stupid, they say, why install it correctly. I'll put it in the corner by the window, and let it stand.

It would seem that setting up an aquarium is simple task. However, neglecting the correct installation of an aquarium in an apartment leads to sad consequences for both the aquarium and the apartment.

Why is proper aquarium setup so important? Why can't an aquarium be placed anywhere, anywhere?

If you absolutely do not care where and how your aquarium is installed, since you bought it at the request of the children, then the damage that a broken aquarium will cause to your apartment will not leave you indifferent. And you will be the one to blame, not your children.

Where to put the aquarium in the apartment

Do not install near a window

A window-mounted aquarium is exposed to direct sun rays. If you have ever kept aquaria, you know how easy and fast algae can grow under these conditions and how difficult it is to get rid of them.

One of the reasons for the defeat of the aquarium by algae is a direct sunlight.

If you are not a fan of green glass in the aquarium and green flowering water, then do not install the aquarium by the window. On top of that, direct sunlight heats up the aquarium water, which cools down quickly once the sun goes down. Such temperature fluctuations adversely affect aquarium fish.

Fish do not like temperature fluctuations, because they are cold-blooded. During the summer, the sun can heat up an aquarium to over 34 degrees Celsius, which is deadly for many species. aquarium fish.

Do not put next to the door

The fish will get scared every time the door slams. For a person, this is a quiet sound, but for fish it is a deafening roar due to the acoustics of the water, floor and walls. I have seen how, frightened by a sharp sound, the fish began to rush around the aquarium, crashing into stones, driftwood and decorations.

A slamming door will keep aquarium fish under constant stress, which will not positively affect their health and longevity.

Do not place under an air conditioner or near a heater

These devices will periodically raise or lower the temperature of the aquarium water. Fish also need a stable water temperature.

Do not put the aquarium in the places of your constant movement

Constant flickering and walking past the aquarium will frighten aquarium fish, which again will affect their health and appearance.

Don't put on the floor

A floor-mounted aquarium is very easy to break. Someday you just kick as you pass by, or your child parks a car with full swing into the glass of an aquarium.

If you decide that the aquarium can be placed on a chest of drawers or nightstand, then make sure that your chest of drawers can support the weight of the aquarium. The weight of a 100-liter aquarium, including water, soil, plants and decorations, is 110-130 kg.

The surface on which you set up the aquarium must be level. An uneven surface, if it does not break your aquarium right away, then in the long run it will inevitably happen.

The installed aquarium should stand exactly in the directions front - back, left - right. A slight bias, on either side, will force aquarium water press everything with a mass on this side, which leads to the extrusion of the corresponding glass.

Brand aquariums are designed for skewed installation, but homemade or non-name tanks may have glasses too thin for skewed installation.

It is best to install a large aquarium in the corner of the wall. This installation creates less pressure on the floor, compared to installation in the center of the apartment. This moment can be important in the case of a room with a thin or defective interfloor overlap.

Where to put an aquarium in the apartment

Install near a power outlet

It will be easier for you to connect aquarium equipment: lighting, filter, heater and so on. Sockets should not be located below the aquarium. In the event of a leak or spillage of water from the aquarium, you risk getting a short circuit and burned electrical wiring in the apartment.

By the way, a 200-liter aquarium is about half a bath of water in terms of volume.

Set up an aquarium with easy access to water

Aquariums require regular water changes and it is very inconvenient to walk with buckets of water through the apartment if you install an aquarium in a back room. Proximity to the bathroom simplifies the solution of many aquarium problems: from water changes to washing filters and soil.

Leave space

There should be enough space around the aquarium so that it can be serviced. Otherwise, aquarium maintenance will be performed as infrequently as possible due to the associated inconvenience, and you will have an ordinary home swamp instead of a beautiful aquarium.

Set up in a quiet place

Fish don't like noise. Therefore, try to install your aquarium away from the TV, computer speakers, music center and other loud sound sources.

feng shui installation

And this is a whole art and not everyone can do it, if only because the subtle Chinese energies do not penetrate the distance of the expanses of Russia.


In fact, the first step in setting up an aquarium is setting it up properly. This is especially true for large aquariums, as the location of the aquarium is expected to be permanent.

You have an exciting task to find a compromise between the installation of an aquarium and your interests in the space of the apartment.

Many have heard about ancient art Feng Shui, according to which each thing carries its own energy and each thing has its own specific place in order to release this energy. This teaching is already hundreds of years old, and this fact alone makes us treat it, if not with enthusiasm and zeal, then at least with respect.
What does modern man need to be happy?

You can make a long list, but financial well-being will definitely be among the first items. Yes, money is not the main thing, but it is easier and more fun to live with it. What attracts money to the house, according to this ancient teaching? According to the sages, it is water that is the source financial well-being. Based on this, the feng shui aquarium - The best way attract money to your family. But, as in any art, here, before you buy and install an aquarium, you need to take into account many nuances.

How to choose an aquarium and how many fish should be?

Let's start with the aquarium, what should it be? If we talk about the shape, then it is best to choose round or rectangular, and the size is chosen based on financial opportunities and the number of planned inhabitants.

Another predictable question is: what kind of feng shui fish should swim in an aquarium? It would be best to purchase eight gold-colored fish and one, in contrast to them, black. This, in fact, is the answer to the question about the number of fish in the aquarium according to Feng Shui. True, here it is necessary to take into account the size of the fish habitat. It is clear that for such a number of fish, you need a spacious aquarium, but if finances or the amount of free space do not allow you to purchase such a fish house, then the number of fish can be reduced to three. According to this philosophy, the number of feng shui fish should be odd.

Where to place an aquarium in the house according to feng shui

You can place an aquarium to attract good luck to the house near the door, but in no case opposite it. In such a case, luck and wealth can flow from it.

An interesting option may be the location of the aquarium mascot in the corner. This should symbolize some secret happiness that should be in the house.

Be sure to make sure that the feng shui aquarium is in order. When working with an aquarium, teach that its inhabitants are not figurines made of wood or stone, but living beings. Therefore, the water must always be clean and constantly circulate, for which a compressor or aerator can help you.

It is best to place the aquarium in the eastern or southeastern part of the house.. Below is a list of the correspondence of the elements prevailing in human energy to the cardinal points and colors for the aquarium stand:

1. Tree - north, green;

2. Earth - southwest, blue;

3. Metal - north, white;

4. Water - north or east, white or green;

Aquarium is desirable to place in the living room. But you should not put it on the so-called "point of love", turning the front side out of the house. Otherwise, family members will be prone to forbidden love affairs.


When choosing the size, it is necessary to focus on the convenience of future residents and the beauty of the interior. After all, the goals that are pursued by installing an aquarium in an apartment can be achieved if the fish are comfortable. In addition, this item also carries an aesthetic load. In families with children, the aquarium helps to properly educate attitudes towards the outside world and living beings. Caring for the condition of this glass dwelling marine life helps to discipline and accustom children to duties.

The fish hiding in the corners will not bring satisfaction either to the people watching them, or benefit in Feng Shui. The size should harmoniously fit into the interior, attract attention and give a feeling of fullness of life.

When choosing an aquarium in a pet store, you should consult with a consultant. Not all fish get along equally well with each other. Predators that destroy other fish are a threat family well-being in the dwelling where such an aquarium is installed. You can not explain to the seller the purpose for which this item is purchased. It is enough to make a request, recommend the volume and respectable residents.

Feng Shui Aquarium Location Taboo

Feng Shui experts believe that you can not put an aquarium between two doors. After all, too fast circulation of Qi flows from one door to another can take good luck out of the house.

You don’t need to put an aquarium in the bedroom, because there monetary happiness will not be able to act, and you can’t place the talisman under the ceiling beam, because it can threaten the integrity of the talisman and as a resultits functionality.

Also, in order to avoid financial losses, you should not put an aquarium in the bedroom..

If the aquarium is located in a classroom, do not place it in a place where it will especially attract the attention of children. Otherwise, children will stop listening and will not be able to learn.

Aquarium in the kitchen negatively affects the course of pregnancy.

Do not place the aquarium where a sharp corner of the wall or other sharp objects will point at it.

Talisman activation

An aquarium in which the water is rotten or old and musty will not bring a good effect on the well-being of your home.

You can further enhance the effect of the talisman on your home. In this case, it is worth placing one talisman inside another, or simply putting a shell, a castle, a coral, a model of a pirate treasure ship inside the aquarium. Also place a three-toed toad on the edge of the aquarium so that it is activated and the aquarium itself begins to work even better.

Decorative elements in the aquarium should imitate natural environment fish habitats - aquatic plants and stones. Don't put strange, unnatural objects in the aquarium.

Interesting Fact About Aquarium Fish and Feng Shui

Did you know that according to Feng Shui, fish that die in an aquarium take negativity and bad luck from their owner's life with them. Yes, according to this Eastern teaching, even death brings not only the bitterness of loss, but also something good. Of course, one can be skeptical about this, but one can learn to see at least something good, even in the bad.

In addition to this approach to death, Feng Shui teaches tolerance and a sense of proportion. In order for the action to bear fruit, one should not strive to do as much as possible, one must listen to one's inner voice, feel the line and not violate it. If you know the measure, everything will benefit. This means that a large aquarium with many fish is not necessarily worse than a small one with only one fish. More doesn't mean better.

This is such a mysterious teaching - Feng Shui.


A medium-sized aquarium with goldfish installed in the southeast area of ​​​​the apartment can be an ideal money supply aggregator. He will strengthen all efforts aimed at earning money and improving the well-being of the family many times over.

Symbol for goldfish according to Feng Shui, has the additional meaning of "gold in abundance."

The goldfish attracts Qi energy, which is fundamental in the teachings of Feng Shui. Its concentration gives rise to all living things and is as necessary as breathing. This is what it means in Chinese.

Attracting Qi energy to your home the main task that these little goldfish can handle. Cheerful and contented beings contribute to the accumulation and free circulation of beneficial energy. In a family where fish are properly and carefully cared for, warm harmonious relationships develop. All family members are not left with luck in business and personal life.


Maintain cleanliness and order in the aquarium must be carefully. No matter how tired the owner is, and no matter how busy he is, the priority should be given to the health and mood of the fish.

  • Water must be clean and clear.
  • The walls of the aquarium should always be kept clean inside and out.
  • The fish need to have enough food.
  • Ensure that sufficient oxygen is maintained.
  • Plants in the aquarium should be kept in an exemplary manner. The placement of poisonous plants is unacceptable.
  • Protect the fish from other inhabitants of the house. Cats and dogs should not have access to water, and even more so to its inhabitants.
  • Do not cover the walls of the aquarium with reflective surfaces. This harms the inhabitants and incorrectly reflects the Qi energy.

For the attentive owner of the living aquarium world, the condition of the fish will tell a lot.

If proper feeding and compliance with all necessary procedures are not violated, then the fish play and behave in a natural way.

With all this, the fish may suddenly die. Feng Shui explains such an event in terms of energy replacement. It is possible that the owner of the aquarium or his loved ones were in danger. The little tenant averted trouble from the owners, taking upon himself the directed blow of fate.

The fish must be buried with honors. To an adult, this may seem stupid. But isn't a creature that has protected its owner from misfortune worthy of a good attitude towards itself? This is how it is with dogs and cats. Fish are no worse than fluffy pets.

After the death of a pet, the aquarium should be processed in accordance with the instructions and think about making some changes in your life.

The behavior of fish can indicate an ill-wisher. When guests approach the aquarium to admire its inhabitants, you can notice that the fish begin to behave unusually. These creatures are able to sense negative energy.

Corner Aquarium "Feng Shui"

The aquarium, as you know, is an artificial environment for home maintenance various creatures that naturally live in water - fish, mollusks, corals, algae. It allows you to observe the life of aquatic inhabitants, adding beauty and energy to your home.

But why is the aquarium of interest from the point of view of Feng Shui?

But these are the most simple rules, and relying only on them, one cannot definitely say where the aquarium should be. To do this, take into account many various nuances from the point of view of Feng Shui, and then, after analyzing them, draw a final conclusion. In this case, there may not be suitable places in the apartment at all. And in such cases, lovers of "homemade water world"it is better to get by with a small indoor aquarium, because for its placement it is much less demanding on various feng shui restrictions.

Is the number of fish in an aquarium important in feng shui?

Some Chinese masters recommend keeping nine fish in the aquarium - eight gold and one black. It is believed that goldfish symbolize wealth and prosperity, and black - protection. But this is more connected not with feng shui, but with internal traditions, national culture, religion.

Water sources, according to ancient Chinese teaching, can both become a source of prosperity and spoil the karma of the owners of the house. An aquarium should be used with caution in an apartment. Let's figure out in which areas of the room it is necessary to install it for the arrival of positive energy.

The size and shape of the aquarium

An aquarium and fish are a source of Qi energy, which is so necessary for our home and body. It is important to choose the right type of tank and inhabitants of the underwater world.

The aquarium must match the dimensions and shape of the installation room. If it is very large and clutters up a lot of space, then such a talisman will bring in family life contention and block the financial flows in the house. Powerful flows of energy of the elements of water will wash away all sources of income.

In addition, the aquarium must be correct geometric shape: square, rectangle, circle. Correct symmetrical lines will send a positive charge into space.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to keep an odd number of fish. Golden ones bring wealth to the house, you can have 4 of them, the other four are of the usual shade, and choose one black, which will neutralize the negative energy in the house.

Location of the aquarium

Where the water source will be located is determined by the direction of the light:

  1. The element of wood is located in the East, so the aquarium in this place is conducive to maintaining family ties. Ideally, if this sector is in the living room. The southeast also belongs to the tree zone and it contains the zone of wealth and good luck in money matters. Success will be brought by a toad with a gold coin in its mouth next to a water source.
  2. The northern part of the house or apartment is filled with the energy of water. It needs to install an aquarium for those who want to succeed in advancing through career ladder. This sign favorably affects the location of the tank with fish in the working area.

Where not to put an aquarium

The presence of water opposite the entrance to the house adversely affects. You can not put the aquarium in the opening between two doors: this is how the disordered movement of energy is formed due to the frequent opening of doors in different directions. If, nevertheless, it is decided to put a tank in this place, then it is necessary to install it towards the door so that the energy is directed inside the room, and not outside.

The aquarium is not placed under overhanging beams and ledges. Fish in such a place will get sick.

Water does not combine with the element of Fire, especially if this sector is in the kitchen. Even if this room is located in the north, the heat of the stove can be a bad feng shui sign.

With special care, a stand for an aquarium is selected. If it is installed in the north, then it is impossible for the design to be done in a fiery color - red.

The most important thing is regular care of water and fish. Water must remain clean, otherwise problems will begin in money matters. Only such a Feng Shui aquarium in an apartment will bring prosperity to the family.

The presence of an aquarium in the house according to Feng Shui makes it possible to generate monetary luck in it, because both fish and water symbolize wealth and abundance. But keep in mind that the size of the aquarium must match the size of the room. Excess water can bring home not wealth, but big problems.

The location of the aquarium in Feng Shui is also of no small importance. An aquarium with fish is required to activate the wealth zone (southeast sector). Failure to comply with some rules for handling an aquarium can turn into trouble.

Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui?

It's good when the fish live in a common room.

An aquarium located along the door will bring luck and prosperity to the house, but if it is located outside the door, the flow of qi will pass by.

An aquarium in the corner will attract "secret happiness" and solitude to the owner. Finding aquarium fish near the aisle has positive influence for all residents, especially for the head of the family.

Where not to keep an aquarium with fish?

It is bad if the aquarium is located opposite front door, money will "leak" from the house.

It is not advisable to put the aquarium between the doors. Since the flow of qi moves continuously from door to door, which means that prosperity will constantly leave the house.

Fish should not live under the ceiling beam. She, like a sword, is raised over the well-being of the home.

An aquarium in the kitchen, and opposite the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, does more harm than good. Since the kitchen is a symbol of the hearth, and the combination of fire and water gives strong resistance and conflict, which leads to financial problems.

Aquarium in the bedroom feng shui is not welcome. It is believed that the presence of an aquarium in the bedroom has a very adverse effect on the health of the people who sleep there.

What kind of fish should you choose?

It is better to purchase, it is they who are associated with wealth among the Taoists. The Chinese advise keeping nine fish at home: eight gold (red) and one black.

Red fish symbolize the development and prosperity of the house, while black provides protection. When troubles knock on the house, the black fish takes on all the negativity. And if she dies, this is a sign that all the inhabitants of the house have avoided negative events.

Anyone who is not limited in funds can get a "dragon" fish arowana. This is one of the main symbols of Feng Shui. According to legend, when the arowana changes color from silver to red, its owner will receive incredible wealth.

And remember the main thing for the fish must be carefully! How better care the more favorable money luck. If the fish do not receive due attention, luck can be very offended and leave.