Biography of Irina Agibalova. Irina Agibalova - unsuccessful plastic surgery, before and after photos How much did Rita Agibalova weigh before losing weight

Former member of "House-2" Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova shared her experience. While still on the project, the famous TV grandmother had plastic surgery, wanting to look younger. However surgical intervention went unsuccessfully, Irina Alexandrovna had problems. Today Agibalova spoke in detail about what she had experienced then.

“Two and a half years ago, I decided to have plastic surgery for a circular facelift. What for? Don't know! Most likely, the psychological state at that time prompted me to take this rash step! Now that I have gone through all the circles of hell, I would not go for it!!! - Irina Alexandrovna assures. - Before deciding to the most complicated operation, you need to carefully study everything, re-read forums, special sites, learn everything about the doctor, but it’s better if he is recommended by those who have already been to him !!! But what happened, what happened!

“I made up my mind and the operation was carried out exactly one week before the New Year,” continues Agibalova. “The result didn’t just upset me. I was shocked! The doctor did not tell me that there was a disorder with the right eyebrow, and forced me to bandage my forehead tightly, which immediately led to severe swelling of the lower part of the face and, as a result, to lymphostasis. Then the doctor suggested that I have a second operation 10 days after the first one to correct my right eyebrow. I agreed, what was there to do? And again unsuccessfully. The next suggestion from the doctor - to inject Botox so that he keeps his eyebrow down, scared me, and I just ran away from that clinic, which I am infinitely happy about!

Of course, the adventures of Irina Alexandrovna did not end there. To remedy the situation, she needed immediate advice from an experienced specialist. Fortunately, she was lucky.

“Thank you very much to my producer Mikhailovsky Alexei Nikolaevich! When he saw me, he immediately turned to specialists and gave the task to find a doctor who would help me! And found! It was the clinic "Doctor Plastic" headed by its founder and head Ilya Vyacheslavovich Sergeev. I am extremely grateful for his help! - Irina Alexandrovna notes. – The first thing the doctors of this clinic did was to send me for an examination to the best neurologist in Moscow. There I was given a disappointing diagnosis: postoperative paresis of the ear nerve and contusion of the right frontal nerve, which led to the descent right eyebrow and the absence of facial expressions in the upper right part of the face. And if I let Botox inject, the nerve would simply die! I will not write about how many drugs I took! But in the clinic of Dr. Sergeev, patronage of me was transferred to the beautician Tsyganova Olga Anatolyevna, who took a huge part in the rehabilitation program and became my savior angel from deformity!

The ex-participant of the popular TV project illustrated her shocking revelations with a collage, which clearly shows how she looked after an unsuccessful plastic surgery. Many admirers of Irina Aleksandrovna, her story made her feel respect for the suffering she experienced. In addition, fans noted that today Agibalova looks so young and fresh that many of her peers can envy her. In autumn, Irina Aleksandrovna, mother of three children and grandmother of three grandchildren, will celebrate her 50th birthday.

Agibalova was born on November 1, 1964 on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. Her childhood was quite difficult: her mother left the family, and the girl had to take full care of younger brother. In 1985, she got married, and a year after that she received a diploma in higher education, having graduated from the Semipalatinsk pedagogical institute majoring in biology.

In marriage, she had three children: two daughters and a son.

All-Russian fame came to Irina when she decided to participate in Dom-2 in order to support her daughter Margarita, who was already a participant in the show.

How Irina Agibalova lost weight

No less fans are worried about the star's weight loss story. To their delight, the star is not used to hiding this side of her life and honestly talks about her surgeons and the operations performed. In order to achieve the perfect result before and after, Irina Agibalova went through bandaging - an operation that sutured the size of the stomach. This procedure allows you to reduce appetite and lose weight faster. Thus, the celebrity was able to short term lose 30 kilos. In order to correct her figure, Irina also underwent a course of LPG massage. In the photo before and after, you can see how dramatically the body of Irina Agibalova has changed.

It is not surprising that with an updated figure, Irina began to share pictures in a bikini with her fans on Instagram more and more often.

Strong weight loss and age became the causes of celebrity breast ptosis. But this was not a problem for her. Knowing all the pros and cons of breast surgery, Agibalova decided to have a lift and got a neat and toned bust.

Participant name: Agibalova Irina Aleksandrovna

Age (birthday): 01.10.1964

City: s. Borodulikha, Kazakhstan; Moscow

Family: married, three children

Height and weight: 167 cm

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Irina Alexandrovna was born in the village of Borodulikha, in the family of a tractor driver. Mom left her husband and two children. Irina was a support and support for her father. She helped with the household and raised her younger brother.

Having matured, Irina gets acquainted with a soldier who was assigned to their village and falls in love with him without memory. Later he takes her with him near Semipalatinsk. But their love was not real. A little later, she meets her husband Yuri Agibalov.

July 14, 1985 they play a wedding. A year after her marriage, Irina enters the institute and receives Teacher Education. She and her husband have a daughter, Olga, and after 4 years youngest daughter Margarita.

The family then moves to Kaluga region in the city of Obninsk. Where a turning point happens in the Agibalov family. Irina gets a prison term for not helping a familiar grandmother, who had previously rewritten the apartment to Irina Alexandrovna.

She is released on parole from prison. And a third child appears in their family - a long-awaited boy.

After the birth of the Agibalovs, they moved to Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region. Being a very domineering woman, Irina Alexandrovna more than once brought her husband to the point that Yuri packed his things and left the family, while eldest daughter Olga followed her father.

The country recognized Irina Aleksandrovna thanks to her daughter, who came to the House 2 project. As support, Irina Aleksandrovna began to appear at her daughter's house. And later she became the first adult participant.

Margarita Agibalova's mother really wanted to become her son-in-law, who had been caring for her daughter for a long time. But, Rita, not listening to her mother, chooses an ordinary boy.

Later, Rita and Zhenya decide to get married and have a child. But my mother turned out to be right, and very quickly Zhenya left the family. Many believe that Irina Alexandrovna herself contributed to this, because she constantly climbed into their family.

Meanwhile, the eldest daughter comes to the project and the mother tries to make sure that the daughter does not repeat the mistakes of her sister. Due to constant attention, Olga even gets a nervous breakdown and falls into a deep depression. But she is saved future husband, which simply distracts Olga from the experience.

Irina Alexandrovna causes an ambivalent and contradictory attitude among the participants and spectators of House 2. Some consider her very wise and the right woman. Others claim that this is a vile and insidious woman who ruins the lives of her children.

But, one way or another, Irina Alexandrovna has been on a TV show for a very long time and makes more enemies for herself, the Kolisnichenko sisters became the most serious, who more than once plotted against adult woman. But they were unable to get her out.

While on the project Irina Alexandrovna wins the Burdock of the Year contest, with which the woman does not agree and was very offended that the audience considered her the most unpleasant character on House 2. She also participates in the show "Intuition".

Then, Irina Alexandrovna seriously begins to monitor her appearance. She lost a lot of weight and underwent plastic surgery, which completely transformed the woman.

At the casting, a huge queue lined up for her. Many dreamed of building a relationship with a mature woman. But when her daughters decide to leave the TV show, Irina Alexandrovna was simply kicked out by both the participants and the audience of the project.

As a result, the woman follows her daughters. Now, the transformed Agibalova maintains a popular women's blog, where she shares her life experience and the secrets of youth. It also helps in the upbringing of grandchildren.

Runs a Youtube channel with recipes, link in the questionnaire.

Irina's photo

Irina Agibalova leads Instagram, which is no less popular than other members of House 2. Irina Alexandrovna has almost 500 thousand subscribers.

The star of the reality show "Dom-2" Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova, who is respectfully called the "grandmother" of the project, like any woman, is very scrupulous about her own appearance. It is difficult for her to refuse the presence of natural beauty and charm, but age is gradually making its own adjustments here. Therefore, at the end of 2011, 47-year-old Irina decided on a very radical plastic surgery -.

Not surprisingly, this event received appropriate coverage within the "House". Since the condition of the face of the star was very unsatisfactory, to which Agibalova turned for help, he proposed a rather radical rejuvenation option - performing several operations at the same time:

  • Endoscopic
  • Subperiosteal lifting of the middle zone of the face

Such an impressive "arsenal" in combination with the experience of the surgeon allowed the best way to solve the task, which is eloquently evidenced by the photo of Irina Agibalova before and after the operation.

Unsuccessful plastic surgery Irina Agibalova

It is worth noting that facial plastic surgery was the first operation in Irina's life - at least that's what she told her fans. In addition, Agibalova said that she had never injected herself, but she did rejuvenating ones several times.

On the December airs of Doma-2, Irina Aleksandrovna attended a consultation, at which she and Blokhin discussed the details of the future facelift and took several photographs. Herself Plastic surgery was held by Agibalova just before the New Year - December 28th.

And just a week later, Irina Aleksandrovna reappeared on the TV screen, visiting the project with a short visit. The cameras recorded her "new" face in a surgical bandage and with characteristic postoperative hematomas.

It was too early to evaluate the transformations in the appearance of the star at that time - as a rule, preliminary conclusions about the results of a facelift are made 2-4 weeks after the operation. But already in mid-January, after the next broadcasts, the fans agreed that Agibalova really began to look noticeably younger than her age.

However, at the end of the month, when even postoperative edema had not subsided, and it was still very far from the final assessment of the results, a number of media outlets reported that Irina Agibalova had serious complications: her face had lost its symmetry, it showed pronounced problems with facial expressions and unaesthetic scars.

Photo by Irina Agibalova before and after plastic surgery

It was at this moment that the very further participation of Irina Aleksandrovna in Dom-2 came into question. TV people simply refused to let her out on the site in this form.

The frustrated star immediately went for a consultation to another clinic (""). The result was disappointing: Agibalova was diagnosed with nerve damage, in particular, paresis of the frontal nerve, damage to the facial nerves and partial loss of ear sensitivity, as well as complex scarring with the formation of fibrous tissues.

The press, greedy for sensations, hastened to blame the incident, illustrating the event with photographs of Agibalova taken just a few days after the plastic surgery. Absolutely planned moments of the recovery period appeared as a “complication”, obvious to any specialist, but very shocking to a person unfamiliar with the features of such complex surgical interventions.

It cannot be said that this is a common practice, but such complications happen, and not so rarely - that is why Agibalova was initially recommended a set of "sparing" plastic surgeries that provide a similar effect (,). However, the choice was made in favor of a more traumatic one.

To calm the star, she was assigned a set of rehabilitation measures - and ultrasonic massage, physiotherapy, drug treatment and . And at the end of February 2012, at a consultation, which included leading specialists from the clinic "", incl. its leader, as well as one of the leading European experts in the field plastic surgery Professor Ulf Samuelsson, it was once again confirmed that Agibalova's plastic surgery was successful.

Of course, it was too early to talk about a full recovery at that moment, so the course of rehabilitation cosmetic procedures was continued. And after six months, the results of Irina Agibalova’s “unsuccessful” plastic surgery are better than any words to illustrate her photo.

Irina Alexandrovna after a complex of anti-aging measures: plastics,

As the practice of show business development in the countries of the former Soviet Union, already after six months of constant presence on the screens, the "star" has a desire to improve his appearance. It's about and about losing weight, and about the style of clothing, the manner of speaking, and, of course, about plastic surgery.

Watching Dom-2 fresh episodes, you can see how reality show participants change their appearance in an effort to become a pi star:

During the passage of the reality show Dom-2, more than fifteen participants upgraded their appearance using the services of plastic surgeons. This number is only those who agreed to advertise this event. And how many of those who decided to keep their "artificial" improvements a secret?...

As a rule, surgical intervention concerns breast augmentation and liposuction, but there is also a correction of certain parts of the face: ears, chin, nose, and so on. Below you can see photos "before" and "after" plastic surgery of rating participants and hosts of the Dom-2 project.

1. Daria Pynzar made a breast augmentation. After giving birth, like any nursing mother, her breasts increased by a couple of sizes, which the girl really liked and soon she decided to have plastic surgery so that her breast size remained unchanged. It is worth noting that her husband Sergei Pynzar was not against it at all.

2. Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova - complex facelift. The elder Agibalova began to look noticeably better. Reading reviews about yourself in social networks, she decided it was time for her to put herself in order.

3. Margarita Agibalova - breast lift. After pregnancy, Rita needed only a breast lift. At least, on the airs of the project, she reported that she did not increase her breast size ...

4. Evgenia Feofilaktova - breast augmentation, cheiloplasty. From the first day of her stay at Dom-2, Zhenya tried to show herself as the most beautiful girl project. She soon realized that in order to really live up to this title, a number of improvements needed to be made.

5. Vlad Kadoni - penis enlargement. Vlad most likely took this step in order to attract attention to himself, because on the air the organizers of Dom-2 showed how the doctor tried to dissuade him from the operation, saying that his “sizes” were more than normal.

6. Nelli Ermolaeva - otoplasty. Nellie is very creative person. She understood that after the project she would continue her career and she needed to change the shape of her ears, which she always hid with her hair.

7. Elena Bushina - rhinoplasty. During her stay on the project, Lena was very embarrassed by the shape of her nose, and after seeing the results of her colleagues, she also resorted to the services of plastic surgeons.

8. Inna Volovicheva - body shaping, breast lift. Inna is probably the most prominent member of Dom-2. She managed to change her appearance so that now she earns a lot of money on this, telling everyone about the secrets of her weight loss...

9. Alena Vodonaeva - breast augmentation. Alena from the very beginning television career She knew that she needed to look good in order to achieve results. new chest Vodonaeva had a lot of influence on her development in show business.

10. Svetlana Davydova - lipofilling. Perhaps Sveta had the most unsuccessful trip to plastic surgeon. The pleasant appearance of Davydova changed for the worse: huge lips and protruding cheekbones made her face rough and asymmetrical.

11. Anastasia Kovaleva - breast augmentation. Nastya was a very bright member of Dom-2, who was among the most beautiful participants in the reality show. When, on the air of Dom-2, the participants talked about the fact that the girl had enlarged her breasts, her fans were never surprised.

12. Erika Kisheva - sex change operation. Erika - outstanding personality not only at Dom-2, but throughout Russia. The girl was once a man who was engaged in intimate services in order to earn money for all the plastic surgeries and become a girl.

14. Ksenia Borodina - breast augmentation. There was no official statement that she had a breast augmentation. But judging by appearance, many experts who are also her fans claim that there was plastic surgery.

15. Ksenia Sobchak - rhinoplasty, chin plastic. Ksyusha changed the shape of her nose even before the project, but she took up her chin already being the host of House-2. There is no confirmation that she did plastic surgery, since the girl turned to expensive European clinics.

There are a lot of rumors around the reality show Dom-2 all the time. The last of them say that the organizers of the project decided to ban the plastic surgery of the participants. Most likely, this is due to the fact that fans want to see on the screens of people similar to them, and not to the "ordinary" stars of show business.