Modern problems of science and education. Types of pedagogical support and support for individual education


1 FGKOU VPO "Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya"

2 Ryazan branch of FGKOU VPO "Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V. Ya. Kikot"

The article analyzes the existing characteristics of pedagogical support for students in the context of various pedagogical paradigms and approaches; its existential, meaning-life-oriented specificity is updated. Based on a comparative analysis, it is proved that full-fledged pedagogical support for students is carried out exclusively in the context of the humanistic pedagogical paradigm, its rational-ethical-existential aspect. While the authoritarian and liberal pedagogical approaches ignore the emotional factor in the process of interaction of a teacher, educator, teacher with wards, neglecting their individual originality, experiences. The authors presented a classification of the levels of pedagogical support, these are: fundamental, ideological, directional, procedural, methodical. It is shown that "pedagogical support" is a systemic phenomenon, covering the areas of psychology, medicine, and social work. A comparison of the achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogy related to the issue of pedagogical support revealed the specific and general that specialists from various countries implement in their practice. different levels education. It is proved that Russian pedagogy has made a significant contribution to science in the field of pedagogical support, and therefore it should be actively integrated into the world scientific space, overcoming imitation.

pedagogy of meaningful life orientations.

pedagogical approach

pedagogical assistance

pedagogical support

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Despite the fact that the concept of "pedagogical support" in domestic science, theory and practice began to function relatively recently, since the mid-1990s. of the last century (within the framework of the concept of pedagogical support and care, created by O.S. Gazman in collaboration with N.N. Mikhailova, S.M. Yusfin and others, who focused the attention of teachers on the problem of creating the conditions necessary for the self-realization of the individuality of each person) , it, without exaggeration, can be defined as one of the central in pedagogy, the education system. The direction of pedagogical activity, its style, the peculiarities of the organization of the pedagogical process and the connections established in it between the teacher and the student, the students themselves depend on the interpretation of its essence a priori. Let us first clarify exactly how we interpret pedagogy itself, because its understanding in modern scientific knowledge is very diverse. Following V.A. Slastenin, we are talking about pedagogy as a science that studies the essence, patterns, trends and prospects of the pedagogical process (education, i.e. education and training) as a factor and human development<в период детства - авт.>(according to V.A. Slastenin - “throughout his whole life”, which conflicts with the semantics of the concept itself: the term “pedagogy” is derived from the Greek word “paidagogos” (“paid” - a child, “gogos” - I lead). Childhood is understood by us (here) in a broad sense as a period of life of the younger generation and as a period of lack of independence of a person, his personal development, formation and formation with the active assistance of adults, covering at least the age from 1 year to 18 (22-23 years in the case of studying in university), including pre-preschool, preschool childhood, junior, middle and senior school, student ages.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the content of the concept of "accompaniment" is revealed through the verb "accompany": i.e. to follow alongside, along with someone, being near, leading somewhere or following someone. IN AND. Dal, in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, reveals the meaning of the verb “accompany” as follows: accompany, accompany, go along with someone for seeing off, be escorted, follow. Which, by the way, corresponds to several verbs in German: begleiten, folgen, eskortieren, as well as in English: accompany, escort, companion, convoy. Despite the fact that the central idea of ​​"accompaniment" is a common path in space and time of at least two subjects, the question of the degree of their activity and mutual influence remains open. How dynamic is their relationship? Are the relations themselves closer to parity, or do they clearly show the positions of the leader and the follower, the escort and the escort? What is the significance of worldview, ideology in the existing interaction? In connection with these issues, provisions, there is an understanding that pedagogical support is a hierarchical phenomenon, in which several levels are revealed:

1) a fundamental (above-paradigm) level, initially present in the pedagogical process as a sign of pedagogical interaction, where the teacher and pupil, teacher and student, mentor and ward, etc. function;

2) the ideological (paradigm) level, which reveals the specifics of goals, values, relationships, the content of education and training;

3) direction (functional) level, which reveals the specifics of the activities of subjects, taking into account various parameters;

4) procedural (technological) level, which ensures the implementation of the task structure of pedagogical activity;

5) methodological (essential) level, where methods, forms of pedagogical activity related to a specific pedagogical situation are specified.

Identification of the fundamental (above paradigm) level makes it possible to overcome the usual stereotype of “tying” the definition of “pedagogical support” to the humanistic pedagogical paradigm. Not at all. Pedagogical support is implemented in any type of relationship between a teacher and a pupil, a student, from authoritarian to liberal, regardless of the professional, personal, worldview positions of a specialist. This level corresponds to the metaphor: "The formal presence of an adult professional responsible for the implementation of the educational process, in interaction with the student."

At the ideological (paradigm) level, where the specifics of goals, values, relationships, the content of education and training are revealed, the entire stylistic arsenal of interaction between the teacher and the wards is unfolded. Turning to attitude as a basic classification characteristic of the pedagogical paradigm, we will present through it the paradigms traditionally distinguished in modern Russian pedagogy: autocratic (authoritarian) and humanistic (M.V. Boguslavsky, G.B. Kornetov). The autocratic pedagogical paradigm in the education system of developed countries today is distinguished by its focus on high educational results of students, their discipline, educational and professional self-realization, the cognitive sphere of the individual, refusal to meet the child's needs for love, reflection. A clear confirmation of this is the use until recently in educational institutions of a number of developed countries of physical punishment: in Canada it was abolished only in 1972, in public schools in England - in 1984, in Scotland - in 2000, in Northern Ireland - in 2003. For comparison: in our country, a ban on physical punishment of schoolchildren was imposed in 1864 on the basis of the “Decree on the Exclusion from Corporal Punishment of Students in Secondary Educational Institutions” (!). In this regard, pedagogical support in this paradigm appears as formally responsible, limited to the learning process without concern for the development of a humanely oriented personality, not associated with the possibility of providing assistance to students in difficult life situations. AT this case a metaphor is realized: “The teacher follows the ward, leads him, directs, controls, evaluates, approves or punishes, helps or not (depending on own desire or external circumstances), cares about the level of his training and the implementation of formally approved behavior, but does not empathize, does not sympathize.

The humanistic (phenomenological) pedagogical paradigm is focused on treating a person as the main phenomenon of culture, as a subject of education, provides a personally developing content of education, a democratic context of the educational process, but is not as unambiguous as the previous one. Within the framework of secular education, it is represented by at least two directions: liberal and rational-ethical-existential.

The liberal branch is associated with the impossibility or unwillingness of the teacher to delve deep into the problems of the child's development and ignoring absolutely all of his needs. In this, paradoxically, the liberal paradigm adjoins the autocratic one with its indifference to the existential side of the personality of the ward, disregard for his emotions, feelings, experiences, his past, present and future. Pedagogical support is characterized as totally irresponsible. Realized pedagogical metaphor: "Let the child do what he wants and how he wants, so long as I am not tired and / or not punished."

And only in the rational-ethical-existential direction of the humanistic pedagogical paradigm, the teacher is aimed at satisfying all the basic needs of the individual, perceives it in the aggregate of cognitive, need-motivational, emotional-volitional, activity-applied, moral-moral, relational-communicative, existential-existential spheres, provides optimal conditions for reflective, creative activity. Pedagogical support in this case is associated with the necessary timely and appropriate assistance to the ward, as well as with his support in the passage and construction of a humanely oriented life path.

It is in the rational-ethical-existential direction of the humanistic paradigm that the connection between pedagogy and psychology, psychotherapy, social work, correctional pedagogy, valueology, and so on is manifested. So, one should not ignore the fact that the very phenomenon of “accompanying an individual, a group” is psychological in nature, interpreted in a broad sense as helping a person in individual development, socialization at the time of a difficult life situation. In this case, “pedagogical support” is synonymous with facilitation (from the English facilitate - to help, facilitate, contribute), which underlies client-centered psychotherapy discovered by K. Rogers. It uses empathy, understanding, attention, unconditional acceptance, tolerance, sympathy on the part of the psychologist for the client. The ideas of positive psychology (A. Maslow, M. Seligman, etc.), which are focused not on diseases and pathologies, but on the positive aspects of human life: positive emotions and a subjective feeling of happiness (enjoyment, satisfaction with life, feeling closeness, constructive thoughts about yourself and your future, optimism, self-confidence, etc.), positive traits of a person’s character (wisdom, love, spirituality, honesty, courage, kindness, creativity, sense of reality, search for meaning, forgiveness, humor , generosity, altruism, empathy, etc.), social structures that contribute to the happiness and development of people (democracy, a healthy family, free means mass media, healthy workplace environment, healthy local social communities) . In turn, existential psychology (L. Binswanger, R. May, etc.) orients a person to his own strengths, to the need to be aware of himself, to be responsible, overcoming fear, anxiety, which a consultant can help to a large extent (I. Yalom and others). .). In the logotherapeutic direction (V. Frankl), the psychotherapist's support of a personality is spoken of as helping a person in choosing actual values, concretizing creative aspirations, in self-realization at the level of love, work, which makes it possible to overcome the existential vacuum, revealing new meanings of life.

In the presented context, the term “pedagogical support” is adjacent to the concept of “pedagogical support”. In the "Explanatory Dictionary" S.I. Ozhegov we read: "Support - help, assistance"; comes from the verb "support", which has several meanings:

Holding, do not let fall;

Provide assistance, assistance;

Having expressed consent, approving, speaking in defense of someone;

Don't let anything stop, break something."

According to O.S. Gazman, “the semantic and pedagogical meaning of the concept of support lies in the fact that it is possible to support only that which helps what is already available (but at an insufficient level), i.e. the development of "selfhood", the independence of a person is supported.

Based on the point of view of S.L. Rubinshtein on relationships as the leading form of human connection with the world, in the anthropological approach - V.I. Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev and others - it is indicated that the leading way of interaction between people, including in the educational process, is the transfer of attitude towards another person as a value. The main means of relations - proved M.M. Bakhtin and others - dialogue. In this regard, T.V. Chernikova speaks of psychological support as building relationships “between the subjects of the educational process, taking into account the maintenance of positively oriented life meanings, values ​​and behaviors”, as a fact of providing necessary for a person help. The unit of implementation of psychological support is determined by the resolution of the task of restoring a person's basic trust in the world on the basis of strengthening his emotional-volitional balance, awareness, and adequate social behavior. Moreover, it is important to consider psychological support as an element of co-existence, co-existence - "a dyadic community of coexistence, which is a space for spiritual development and coexistence of common human meanings." The structure of co-existence is three-component: co-knowledge, co-experience (compassion, co-participation), co-action.

Comparative analysis scientific sources shows that four distinctive areas of pedagogical support can be distinguished in the education system, in which aspects prevail:

1) psychological;

2) medical and psychological;

3) socio-pedagogical;

4) actually pedagogical.

Yes, in foreign literature(Western Europe, USA) “pedagogical support” is primarily a psychological phenomenon, interpreted in a broad sense as assistance in the individual development of a person, in his difficult life situation (K. Wahlstrom, K. McLaughlin, P. Zwaal, D. Romane and others .) .

The humanistic approach in Western European education retains pronounced psychological foundations. In the United States, pedagogical support is identical to school counseling, the psychological and pedagogical activity of an advisory service in the education system; in England it is a variety of activities in various fields: tutoring, assistance in a situation of choice, guardianship, pastoral care, a course of personal and social education. In Australia, the emphasis is on coaching - helping and assisting the individual in positive change; in Holland - a system of psychological and pedagogical assistance and support for the child in the educational process, in choosing a professional path. Despite the variety of designated activities, in general, an emphasis is placed on the auxiliary essence of the work of psychologists, on the assistance of the individual, primarily in a difficult life situation.

In the domestic system of school education was formed and successfully developed at the end of the XX-beginning of the XXI centuries. the socio-psychological service of schools, which implemented (partially implements at the present time) the concept of psychological support for the personality of a student in the interaction of a school psychologist and a social pedagogue, employees of a particular educational organization in collaboration with parents.

M.R. Bityanova, based on the results of scientific research by I.V. Dubrovina, F.E. Vasilyuk et al., developed a theoretical model called the “accompanying paradigm”, emphasizing its activity orientation, focusing not on the object, but on the work of the psychologist with the object, in particular with the student. In this case, “nothing can be changed in his inner world apart from his own will, his own desire; the psychologist does not influence him with his specific methods and techniques, but interacts with him, offering various ways to solve certain problems or problems. In addition, the purpose of the work is not to "look" into his inner world, to find out how it works, his relationship with the world and himself, but to organize cooperation with the child, aimed at his self-knowledge, finding ways self-government by the inner world and the system of relations". And further: “Support is a system professional activity psychologist, aimed at creating social psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the child in situations of school interaction ". M.R. Bityanova substantiated three leading principles of effective support:

1) following the natural development of the child at a given age and socio-cultural stage of ontogenesis (reliance on those personal achievements that the child really has, which are in the logic of his development, and not artificially set goals and tasks from the outside, acceptance of the unconditional value of the inner world of each student );

2) creation of conditions for independent creative development by children of the system of relations with the world and themselves, as well as for each child to make personally significant life choices;

3) the secondary nature of psychological support in relation to the social and "educational environment of the child's life.

Despite the seeming inconsistency between the penultimate and last provisions, the author convinces, in reality they reflect the dialectic of a person’s personal development, his relationship with society, when the external and internal are inextricably interconnected, and psychology is focused both on the state of the individual and on the specifics of influences on her surrounding world.

Speaking about support as a process, as a holistic activity of practical school psychologist, M.R. Bityanova singled out three obligatory interconnected components in it:

1. Systematic monitoring of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and its dynamics mental development in the process of schooling through pedagogical and psychological diagnostics.

2. Creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning based on individual and group programs for the psychological development of the child, flexible schemes that can change and transform depending on the needs.

3. Creation of special socio-psychological conditions for helping children with problems in psychological development and learning.

From the 50s. 20th century in developed countries (Germany, Canada, Norway, USA, Japan, etc.), complex psychological support for children and their families with various medical diagnoses is intensively developing: autism, Down syndrome, hearing impaired, etc. (K. Gilberg, E. Ritvo, T Sigiyama and others), in which educational and developmental, therapeutic technologies are updated. Social and pedagogical support of such children is based on the principle of integration, due to which a child with disabilities has the opportunity to choose general education and specialized schools, classes, groups. “At the same time, priority is given to teaching a child with disabilities in a general education institution.”

In Russia, until recently, a variable differentiated system of social and pedagogical support for children with disabilities has been intensively developed, ensuring their education at all stages of their maturation (K.S. Lebedinskaya, V.I. Lubovsky, L.M. Shipitsyna, etc.). AT last years a search is being made for ways to integrate a child with disabilities not into correctional institutions, but into general educational institutions, taking into account the development of a special area - inclusive education. Pre-school educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education are the most successful in this, while schools are not yet distinguished by full-fledged resource provision.

Work with children with special needs in Germany takes place in line with the socio-phenomenological, interactive, ecological, ecological-phenomenological approaches (K.F. Graumann, E.V. Kleber, etc.), which, having specific features, are united by a common view pedagogical support - it is interpreted as pedagogical assistance to the child, assistance in the development of a person. The child himself is evaluated not as a passive, submissive being, but as a person who has a positive attitude towards his own characteristics, able to integrate into the social environment. “Pedagogical support is focused not on the obstacles, problems of special children, but primarily on their potential and individual life needs. The main principles of the organization of pedagogical activity are the focus on the social integration of children, axiological pluralism, a holistic understanding of the personality of a special child as self-regulating, autonomous system» . In general, in working with "special" children, two areas of professional support for the child and his family can be distinguished: psychological, medical, socio-pedagogical (Western European version) and pedagogical proper with medical and socio-psychological support (Russian version). In each of them, strengths and weaknesses naturally stand out.

Pedagogical support of children maladjusted in society, broadcasting deviant, delinquent types of behavior, in need of socialization, resocialization, in foreign practice is organized through social work, in the domestic education system - thanks to social pedagogy in conjunction with social work. The fundamental prerequisites for "understanding" or "cultural-analytical" methodology are identified in the studies of P. Berger, C.H. Cooley, A. Schutz and others. .AND. Salamatin, is based on an integrated approach to countering the involvement of adolescents and young men in the activities of criminal communities. Socio-pedagogical support includes: 1) community mobilization through involvement in opposition and prevention of delinquency local residents, including former members of youth groups, community groups and local agencies (social services, educational institutions, police, etc.), as well as the coordination of various programs and professional functions between and within agencies; 2) provision of opportunities: creation of a set of educational, training and training programs, including professionally oriented ones; 3) social intervention: involvement of youth agencies, schools, public associations and groups of local residents, religious organizations, police and other organizations related to juvenile justice, in the work of establishing contact with members of juvenile criminal groups and developing their links with the conventional society and the necessary social institutions; 4) suppression: formal and informal procedures of social control, including constant supervision and surveillance of gang members through the capabilities of criminal and / or juvenile justice authorities, as well as other local agencies, schools and groups of local residents; 5) organizational changes: development and implementation of local policies and procedures that allow full use of the available and potential resources of organizations involved in work with minors.

The culturological approach to the implementation of pedagogical support for children with social disorders actualizes the importance of culture as a mechanism for the accumulation and transfer of socio-historical experience and, considering the philosophical and cultural prerequisites for the formation of personality - V.S. Bibler, L.P. Bueva, B.T. Likhachev, M.K. Mamardashvili, V.A. Slastenin, T.I. Shamova and others, - contributes to the conscious reorientation of the individual to the socially approved norms of society - V.G. Bocharova, L.V. Mardakhaev, A.V. Mudrik and others.

All of the above are a kind of auxiliary, additional, but at the same time very important aspects of the pedagogical support of the individual in the educational process.

Turning to the system of higher education, D.A. Toropov analyzed the features of the constructivist approach in vocational education currently being implemented in Germany. Its essence lies in the fact that by creating unique learning fields, the student has the opportunity to create, design his own understanding of the environment, his own learning environment. In it, the teacher is not a lecturer, but a consultant who effectively organizes the educational environment, widely using multimedia technologies. Revealing the specifics of subject-subject relations in the “teacher-student” system in the constructivist approach, we unequivocally fix their formal nature, where pedagogical support acquires the tendencies of “technological service”: the role of personal dialogue, reflection is devalued; the significance of the affective side of education, the issues of life-creation, is leveled. Similar characteristics of pedagogical support are also manifested in the competence-based approach cultivated in modern Russian system higher education - I.A. Zimnyaya, A.V. Khutorskoy and others.

The actual pedagogical perspective, which determines the pedagogical support of students, is revealed in the system "pedagogical paradigm - pedagogical (educational) system". In the humanistic (rational-ethical-existential) pedagogical paradigm of the end XX-early XXI in. the tendencies of integrativity, systemicity, openness, axiological character, and the personality-developing principle persistently declare themselves. In domestic pedagogy, they are broadcast through such pedagogical systems as adaptive (E.A. Yamburg, T.I. Shamova, etc.), self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko), self-determination (A.N. Tubelsky), etc. Some pedagogical systems, having their own laws and principles, acquire the status of a private pedagogical direction. Among them are pedagogy of non-violence (V.G. Maralov, V.A. Sitarov and others), pedagogy of understanding (Yu.V. Senko, M.N. Frolovskaya), existential pedagogy (M.I. Rozhkov), pedagogy of meaningful life orientations (I.V. Ulyanova) and others. Thus, the conceptual basis of existential pedagogy is the position that education and training should be personified, while the search for pedagogical means should more and more move away from unification to variability, providing an opportunity to make each person their choice, stimulating the self-development of the child on the basis of a reflexive assessment of ongoing life events, which is one of the provisions of adaptive pedagogy, integrated, in turn, into personality-developing education, etc. All of the above expands the tasks of pedagogical support. In the pedagogy of meaningful life orientations, sublimating the ontological, health-saving, gender-psychological, ethical-aesthetic, career-guidance, preventive directions, pedagogical support is understood as assistance to the individual through education, training, socialization in the educational process and beyond by competent adults (teachers, teachers , teacher-psychologist, social educator, parents, trainers, etc.) in the formation of humanistic meaningful life orientations, the choice of a positive life path and successful advancement along it on the basis of self-education, self-education, self-development.

In general, within the framework of the humanistic (rational-ethical-existential) pedagogical paradigm, pedagogical support of the individual is not only the provision of expedient and targeted assistance by teachers, but also the stimulation of personal activity, self-organization, humane life-creation based on free development.

Speaking about the educational, educational, socializing aspects of pedagogical support, domestic experts interpret it at the level of: pedagogical system, pedagogical concept, pedagogical activity, pedagogical work, pedagogical process, pedagogical technology. Interpretations of each of the levels in recent years have become more and more (articles, dissertations), their characteristics are becoming more in-depth, which awaits in the future not only analysis, but also systematization, classification, and so on.

In particular, T.N. Sapozhnikova points out: pedagogical support is a special pedagogical system that has a target, content, operational-activity, analytical-productive components (system approach). For example, speaking about the general principles of pedagogical support for the life self-determination of high school students, T.N. Sapozhnikova proposes the following principles: conventionality, empathic interaction, optimistic upbringing strategy, social hardening, actualization of the situation, creation of conditions for moral self-regulation. Special principles include the principles of individualization of pedagogical support for the life self-determination of high school students, developing social interaction, stimulating the student's self-development, a "social mirror", dilemmas, the formation of anticipation, the formation of a motivational perspective.

V.P. Bondarev talks about a student-centered technology of pedagogical support for students, which involves the development of the content, means, methods of the educational process aimed at identifying and using the subjective experience of the student, revealing the ways of his thinking, building an individual development trajectory through the implementation of the educational program, taking into account the personal needs of the student.

G.E. Kotkova defined the structural and functional components of a complex system as components of pedagogical support, including elements of information that ensure the content-technological unity of activity, subordinated to the goals of education and polyvariant personal development of the child.

The concept of pedagogical support for a child’s polyvariant personal development is based on a set of methodological approaches and includes an analysis and description of the process of organizing his pedagogical support, a description of models of interaction between the components of the sociocultural space, in particular the village, based on the identified groups of factors; conceptual apparatus; mechanisms of interaction between subjects and performance criteria. The researcher says that “the theoretical basis of the system of pedagogical support is the provision on “accompaniment” as the need, realized by the teacher/specialist, to follow next to the child during his personal development, providing a guarantee of safe resolution of difficult life situations. This emphasizes the dual correlation of pedagogical support: it functions both as a process and as a special technology. The system of pedagogical support of the child's personal development is characterized by complexity, multidisciplinary nature, continuity, and has a long-term focus on the formation of effective intersubject interaction.

In this study, "accompaniment" as a pedagogical process in the historical context of development is based on "helping education", psychological and pedagogical assistance and support, and methods of social pedagogy. Pedagogical support is determined by a complex system in which the child's personal development occurs due to the teacher's awareness of the possibility of various specialists to follow along with the subjects of the educational process, using the tactics of "accompaniment".

E.A. Chekunova, reporting on the formation, in particular, of a health-saving school environment, points to the need for comprehensive organizational and pedagogical support for this process, and characterizes the support itself as “a set of organizational actions aimed at managing and coordinating activities, distributing powers and responsibilities of all teachers and medical workers schools (organizational component), as well as the definition of content, forms and methods, directions, software, methodological and information support, adequate to the goals, principles and patterns of organization of the projected comprehensive support (pedagogical component)”. Stages of such support: analytical and diagnostic, search, consultative and design, organizational and activity, reflective and evaluative, corrective and prognostic.

Summing up, we can conclude that a teleological view of the essence of pedagogical support in modern educational conditions reveals its complex nature, a set of content, structural, procedural, activity characteristics, a variety of forms (institutional, temporal, spatial). In the context of the humanistic paradigm (rational-ethical-existential direction), pedagogical support acquires the status of a central process in the relationship between the teacher and students, which focuses on the positive aspects of the individual, strengthening her faith in her own strength, the ability to overcome difficult situations, and life prospects. It is clear that the pedagogical support of students at school and in an educational organization of higher education has specific features, but the characteristics that unite them, as shown by a comparative analysis, are much greater. During the period of cultivation of the idea of ​​continuous education, this provision acquires special significance.


Baikova L.A., Ph.D., director of the Institute of Psychology, Ryazan;

Martishina N.V., Ph.D., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Management in Education of the Ryazan state university them. Yesenin, Ryazan.

Bibliographic link

Ulyanova I.V., Svinareva O.V. FEATURES OF PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIFFERENT PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 4.;
URL: (accessed 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The concepts of "support", "accompaniment" entered pedagogy relatively recently. They were formed on the basis of the concept of humanistic pedagogy, in which a special place is given to pedagogical support. The main provisions of the theory of pedagogical support were developed by scientists O.S. Gazman and N.B. Krylova. But before proceeding to the analysis of these terms, let us consider the prerequisites for their formation and development.

Modern concepts of pedagogical support and pedagogical support are based on the assistance provided to children in their upbringing and education.

Providing assistance to the poor, especially orphaned children, is one of the needs of mankind, based on the inherent feelings of compassion and love for one's neighbor.

Let us highlight the main features of helping children, characteristic of some historical periods in the development of society. During the period of “pre-baptismal” Russia, they provided assistance, support, along with their own children, to orphans. Participated in the upbringing of orphans, as a rule, their relatives who lived in communities. A foreign family could also accept (“accept”) an orphan if she was no longer young, and the family needed a worker on the farm, in this case the orphan was obliged to bury his foster parents. AT ancient Russia there was also a form of education, as a transition from house to house "for feeding". The features of such support can be considered assistance to the survival of the child, in the child they saw, first of all, labor force which will always come in handy for the family.

Churches and monasteries provided assistance to children not only in education, but also in survival. Parishioners gave a tithe of their income to the church, some residents made more expensive donations, and hospitals, schools, shelters, widows' homes were created with these funds.

Grand Duke Vladimir laid the foundation and carried out a number of measures to familiarize Russians with education and culture. He established schools for the education of children of the noble, middle class and poor, seeing in the education of children one of the main conditions for the development of the state and the spiritual formation of society.

Since X VII century, under the leadership of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, the first social institutions where children were taught literacy and crafts. For the first time under Peter I, childhood and orphanhood become an object state support. In 1706, asylums for illegitimate babies are opened.

The nobles of tsarist Russia took an active part in the life of society: they organized their own charitable foundations or participated in existing ones. A lot of funds from these funds were spent on the education of children and adults, the creation of schools, colleges, and the provision of targeted assistance in teaching a particular child.

Thus, the main types of assistance provided to children in the pre-Soviet period were material assistance, as well as state and private support for disadvantaged, poor children, students at the level of their survival. At the same time, the advanced public understood the need to develop and support talented children and youth (philanthropy, scholarships). In the aspect of our study, it is important that the civil level of development of society at that time, its moral, spiritual, religious foundations contributed to the identification of those in need of help and support.

Currently, such assistance is provided to teacher-researchers within the framework of the presidential program, competitions different levels, however, it is allocated mainly on the basis of the indicators already achieved. The same trend continues at the level of educational institutions.

During Soviet power in pedagogy, the concepts of patronage and mentoring were formed. We believe that these concepts, having been modified in the modern humanistic paradigm of education, led to the emergence of the concept of "pedagogical support", since they also implied the provision of assistance to children, novice specialists, labor collectives. This concept was established afterV Congress of the RKSM in 1922 and widely used in 20-60s. XX century.

The meaning of patronage is that one organization (team, brigade) provided specific assistance to another organization. Thus, two sides necessarily participated in this movement: the one that took patronage and the sponsored side.

It should be noted that patronage is a disinterested and free movement, but it cannot be called completely gratuitous. It was of great moral and moral significance: the people who provided patronage assistance, provided their knowledge, experience, mental strength to their patrons, who, in turn, responded with great gratitude, admiration, and respect.

Schools were under the patronage of enterprises that helped in the acquisition or manufacture of school furniture, in organizing the work of the school, conducted classes in workshops, and taught children the basics of professions. Having interested the students, the patronage organizations were sure that many of them would come to work with them after school.

At present, patronage has not lost its relevance in relation to orphans. Patronage is organized by volunteer, charitable organizations, orphanages themselves, specific people so that children who have a low chance of adoption have the experience of long-term, regular relationships with an adult loved one. the main objective such patronage is to broaden the horizons of children and help them in socialization.

The patronage methods in this case are meetings and conversations with the child, games, attendance at various events (for example, performances or concerts), correspondence, telephone conversations. There are certain requirements for "bosses", some rules of patronage (for example, communication with a child should be at least once a week).

Thus, patronage assumed mainly the provision of assistance by organizations to educational institutions, did not have an individual coloring, was not personalized. For our study, it is important to highlight the fact that in modern conditions this form of patronage has practically exhausted itself, the relationship between, for example, universities, research centers and schools in terms of assisting teachers in pedagogical research takes place mainly on a contractual basis and involves funding. At the same time, it should be noted that there is no special article in the budgets of schools for financing scientific research.

For our study, another form of modern pedagogical support, mentoring, is more interesting. Since the mid-60s of the twentieth century, the concepts of "mentor" and "mentoring" have become firmly established in everyday life. The mentor was considered as a leader, teacher, which could be an experienced, respected person in the team, contributing to the acquisition of professional knowledge of a young specialist, his political and moral education.

Mentoring, unlike patronage, becomes a pedagogical problem, which has not only a practical, but also a theoretical focus.

According to the definition of E. Abramova, mentoring is one of the most effective forms of professional adaptation, contributing to the increase of professional competence and the retention of teaching staff.

In the Soviet Union, conferences, regional, district meetings of mentors were regularly held, at which not only specific examples of mentoring were discussed and the signs “Mentor of the youth” were awarded, but the tasks of mentoring were determined, proposals were made to improve this system of educating youth. Courses, schools and a university of mentors (1975) were created, in which, in addition to political economy and Marxism-Leninism, they studied: labor law, psychology and pedagogy.

We believe that the concept of mentoring is closest to pedagogical support than the concept of patronage based on the following positions:

- mentoring is individual, it is addressed to a specific person, while patronage was established mainly over a team or organization;

- mentoring has a scientific and pedagogical basis, while patronage is mainly a practical component;

- mentoring is intended for training and education, patronage - often for material assistance;

- mentoring manifested itself in professional activities, that is, more experienced colleagues taught young people the basics of the profession, patronage often turned out to be regardless of professional orientation.

Mentoring is widely used in pedagogy, it is help to a young teacher from a more experienced colleague, a methodologist, the task of a mentor is to help a young teacher realize himself, develop personal qualities, communication and management skills.

Analyzing the websites of many schools in the country, we can conclude that mentoring is currently relevant. The return to mentoring in the modern educational process as a form of work with young teachers indicates the insufficiency of other managerial and educational technologies training of specialists and the opportunity to apply this type of relationship as a reserve for successful management of the professional development of the individual.

Mentor seminars, competitions for mentors and young professionals at the level of educational institutions are also currently being held. For example, in the South-Eastern District, a system of methodological support for young professionals has been created, which includes various forms work: pedagogical monitoring to determine the level of their professional training, organization individual consultations, mentoring, master classes, annual competitions for the achievements of young teachers, the inclusion of young teachers in the work of district seminars.

It can be said that in modern concept mentorship of young teachers and their pedagogical support, support are of similar importance.

The concept of pedagogical support and pedagogical support is based on the principles of pedagogy of cooperation, individualization of education. Moreover, the concept of pedagogical support was primary in relation to pedagogical support. According to the definition of O.S. Gazman, pedagogical support is a special type of pedagogical activity, the main purpose of which is to help in self-development, in solving personal and professional problems, in solving internal and external conflicts, establishing relationships, self-determination.

Complement and clarify the concept of pedagogical support for the work of scientists: N.B. Krylova, who considers pedagogical support in a broad sociocultural aspect as a manifestation of a positive attitude towards human activity and willingness to contribute to his undertakings and self-development; BUT.Rusakov, who considers the main functions of pedagogical support to be protection, assistance, assistance and mutual understanding, and other researchers.

The concept of pedagogical support is closely related to the concept of pedagogical support. So V.A. Slastenin and I.A. Kolesnikov in his work consider pedagogical support development, a certain stage of pedagogical support. In terms of the direction of rendering, pedagogical support is intended for the child, and pedagogical support for high school students, students, i.e. enough adults.

We agree with the opinion of E.A. Alexandrova, who believes that pedagogical support differs from support not so much by a decrease in the degree of adult intervention in the education process, but by the ability of the pupil himself to solve his educational and personal problems. Note that often this skill does not depend on the age of the student.

The main difference between pedagogical support and support, in our opinion, is the dynamics, activity, process that underlie the first concept and some statisticalness of the second.

Most definitions of pedagogical support basically contain the actions of the teacher in relation to pupils. For example, N.B. Krylova and E.A. Aleksandrova, pedagogical support is understood as the ability to be near, to follow the student, accompanying him in his individual educational route, individual advancement in learning. However, this definition does not indicate what the ability to be close to the student is based on, whether a complex of pedagogical methods and means is used for this, or only observation.

According to V.A. Airapetova, pedagogical support is a form of partnership, in the process of which the meanings of activity are agreed upon and conditions for individual decision-making are created. We believe that this definition rather broad, it does not reflect the subjects of the described interaction.

In the definition of pedagogical support I.A. Kolesnikova and V.A. Slastenin, on the contrary, the methods of pedagogical activity of the accompanying teacher in relation to the student are listed. Pedagogical support, by their definition, is a process of interested observation, counseling, personal participation, encouraging maximum student independence in a problem situation with minimal teacher participation compared to support.

As basic definition pedagogical support, on the basis of the above works, we will consider the following: pedagogical support is a form of pedagogical activity aimed at creating conditions for personal development and self-realization of pupils, developing their independence and confidence in different situations life choice.

In addition to pedagogical support, other types of support are currently relevant, which, as a subject, can be directed to a specific person, family, team, organization, for example, medical, technical, social, environmental, and others. Thus, the very concept of support is relevant, which is even interpreted as a certain type of service provided in various fields of activity.

After analyzing the literature on the types of support in pedagogy, we can conclude that the concepts of socio-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and valeological-pedagogical support are currently being actively developed.

Issues of socio-pedagogical support are considered in many works. So, T.N. Gushchina defines it as a purposeful interaction of the escort and the escorted, which contributes to the solution of problems by the students themselves.

Psychological and pedagogical support of M.R. Bityanova defines it as a system of professional activity of a psychologist, aimed at successful learning and psychological development of a child in situations of interaction.

Much less attention has been paid to issues of valeological and pedagogical support, for example, L.G. Tatarnikovao defines this narrow, in our opinion, direction quite broadly as assistance in the intellectual development of the child.

Information and pedagogical support of the teacher at the moment is devoted to one work. L.M. Kalnins speaks about the creation of a professional-dynamic system of teacher self-education using information technologies. The author defines the organizational and pedagogical support of the teacher as a set of measures aimed at organizing and ensuring the functioning of the named system, thanks to which the experience of colleagues is exchanged. He considers pedagogical consultation and joint search to be the main method for the functioning of this system. However, the author does not give a definition of the information and pedagogical support of the teacher, stated in the title of the article, the prefix "information" apparently implies the use of information technologies for the operation of the described system.

In our opinion, information support is much broader than the use of information technology in the joint activities of the accompanied and the maintainer. In connection with pedagogy, it includes the whole complex of pedagogical methods and means aimed at the most independent work accompanied by information.

In connection with the foregoing, we believe that information and pedagogical support is a form of pedagogical activity in which, through targeted support, in accordance with the difficulties encountered, providing different kind information and software and hardware, conditions are created for independent and successful problem solving by the accompanied person.

The process of information and pedagogical support consists of four stages.

At the diagnostic stage, the degree of possession of the accompanied subject is determined, the difficulties that he experiences are established, according to which the methods of pedagogical support are selected.

At the methodological stage, an individual program is developed for support in accordance with the results of the diagnosis, as well as the necessary educational and methodological support tools.

At the transformative stage, there is a direct correction of the activities of those accompanied, providing them with assistance and support using various methods, forms and means of support.

The reflective (final) stage includes the assessment and self-assessment of the achievement of the goals of the accompanied.

Thus, today we see the relevance of support as such in many areas of activity. Pedagogical support, in contrast to pedagogical support, is aimed at people of sufficient age (high school students, students, teachers). Pedagogical support is characterized as a process that has a certain dynamics: direction and extent. That is, in the end, it helps to achieve the accompanied goals. Pedagogical support is static, but it implies closer cooperation of its subjects than accompaniment.

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  • Teacher-methodologist - mentor of the trainee: Book. for the teacher / Ed. S.G. Vershlovsky. Moscow: Education, 1998. 144 p.
  • Abramova E. For every young teacher - a mentor // UG Moscow, No. 14 April 3, 2012
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  • Rusakov A. Pedagogy of support and pedagogy of general care. Laboratory of Oleg Gazman // "School for All". URL: (Accessed September 12, 2013)
  • Pedagogical support of the child in education: textbook. allowance for students. higher uch. manager / Ed. V.A. Slastenina, I.A. Kolesnikova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. 288 p.
  • Aleksandrova E.A. Types of pedagogical support and support of individual education in a multicultural society // Personality in the sociocultural dimension: history and modernity. M.: "Indrik", 2007. 416 p.
  • Krylova N.B. Essays on understanding pedagogy. M.: National Education, 2003. 441 p.
  • Airapetov V.A. Pedagogical support of the spiritual formation of high school students in the process of their familiarization with Russian artistic culture: diss. Candidate Ped. Sciences. St. Petersburg, 2005. 184 p.
  • Gushchina G.N. Pedagogical support for the development of the student's subjectivity // Pedagogy: scientific and theoretical journal. M., 2012. No. 2. S. 50-57.
  • Bityanova M.R. Organization of psychological work at school. Moscow: Perfection, 1998. 289 p.
  • Tatarnikova L.G. Valeology in the pedagogical space. St. Petersburg: Krismas+, 2002, pp. 93-94.
  • Kalninsh L.M. Information and pedagogical support of the teacher's personal and professional self-development // Pedagogical education and science No. 5. 2008. S. 99 - 103.
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    Natalia Antonova
    Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. Tasks and principles

    In the beginning, I would like to clarify what the term means escort? According to explanatory dictionary Russian language, this term denotes an action that accompanies a certain phenomenon. Etymologically, it comes from the word « to accompany» , which has several meaningful interpretations. The meaning of the interpretation depends on the scope of the word, but denotes the simultaneity of an ongoing phenomenon or action. Interestingly, when using this verb with a reflexive particle "sya" in the content characteristic, the emphasis is shifted to the supervised. So way, acquires the following meaning - "entail as a direct continuation or consequence", "to be supplied with something". In this sense, the term is more commonly used in psychology.

    A. A. Mayer in his book on the organization of work in preschool educational institution, claims that "the essential characteristic support in psychological plan is to create conditions for the transition of the individual to self-help. According to the author, the teacher only creates conditions for the realization of personal potential. A. A. Mayer believes that, unlike correction, technology accompaniment does not"correction of defects and alteration", but the search for the hidden resources of the individual and his environment, relying on his own possibilities and creating on this basis psychological conditions for the restoration of ties with society. Main Features accompaniment can be called procedural, prolongation, non-directiveness, immersion in a person's real life, special relationships between participants process.

    Methodological analysis of term definitions « escort» , carried out by Mayer, allows us to assert that escort is a special form of prolonged, medical-valeological, social, psychological, pedagogical assistance. The result of such assistance to the individual in process socialization and individualization is a new quality - adaptability, i.e. the ability to independently achieve a relative balance between oneself and others in favorable and extreme situations. Consequently, the work of the educator will consist in the development of this quality - adaptability, by all means available to him.

    Problem support in education is considered as a strategy for the development of the personality, and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential.

    The tasks of psychological and pedagogical support are:

    Creating an emotional favorable microclimate for the child in the group, when communicating with children and teaching staff.

    The study of the individual characteristics of the development of children in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and behavioral spheres of their manifestation.

    Assistance to children in need of special educational programs, special forms of organization of their activities.

    Timely early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders.

    Raise psychological competence of educators, parents on the upbringing and development of the child.

    What is the main the principle of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process? It is based on the Montessori methodology. The teacher gives the child complete freedom. But freedom does not mean abandonment. Free development is possible only in the absence of obstacles. And the teacher must clear the space of everything that hinders the flourishing of the individual. If we grow a flower, we do not expect from it those properties that are not in its nature. We strive to provide the sprout with the most favorable conditions, soil rich in nutrients, all the necessary elements. So the teacher prepares the space where a person will grow up. In this his task.

    The meaning of the system of free development is to encourage the child to realize his individuality, to find his own unique path. The system consists of three parts: child, environment, teacher. At the center of the whole system is the child. A special environment is created around him, in which he lives and learns independently. In this environment, the child improves his physical condition, forms age-appropriate motor and sensory skills, gains life experience, learns to organize and compare different objects and phenomena, acquires knowledge from his own experience. The teacher observes the child and helps him when necessary.

    The most important element in the development of children is the developing environment. A prepared environment gives the child the opportunity to develop step by step without adult supervision and become independent.

    Children have a huge inner need to explore and learn about the world around them. Every child has a natural desire to feel, smell, taste everything, since the path to the child's intellect leads not through abstraction, but through his senses. Feeling and knowing become one.

    In this regard, the environment must meet the needs of the child. Shouldn't be rushed child development process, but it is also important not to miss the right moment so that the child does not lose interest in "lost" occupation.

    The environment has precise building logic. It should be noted that in a specially prepared environment, absolutely everything is a learning tool.

    The teacher is assigned a rather modest, but important role- help the child master this or that material, and observe how his development takes place, filling out the so-called individual "achievement map". Intervention in the activities of the child is possible only if he himself asks for it. And this is freedom of choice. baby: He is free to move up the ladder of self-development at his own pace. After all, now a person with many qualities can be truly successful in life, and inner freedom and independence in thinking and actions are not the last place. The preschool teacher must be an astute observer and have a clear idea of ​​​​the individual level of development of each of his pupils. He decides which materials are more suitable for the job at the moment. Individual observations give him the opportunity to help the child in the optimal use of materials; then he leaves the child with the material and returns to observe the work of children living in literally these words are the basis of scientific knowledge, whether it is the development of speech, mathematics or drawing and music. In the educational space specially equipped for the free work of children, one can observe the mystery of the movements of their thoughts, the disclosure of the unique path of development of each child. From attraction to interest and curiosity, from the joy of live action with a specific object to comprehending the world, there is a line of internal motivation of the child, which is the basis of his activity. The child seeks figure out in everything and needs only a little help from a teacher who observes his development and indirectly guides him as necessary.

    The teacher intervenes in the activities of the child only if necessary. He must be able to show flexibility and be able to find adequate ways to help the pupil. Child draws to the teacher as a benevolent assistant, who is always there in case of need, but the main like a person to help him do things on his own. As a result, along with acquiring knowledge, children develop attention, hearing, memory and other important qualities deeply and firmly.

    The absence of competition with each other favorably affects the development of children, their results are never compared, everyone works on their own, and the progress of the child is visible only in relation to himself.

    In groups, children should not be seated in an organized manner at tables, sitting at which they will look at the proudly reciting teacher - it is much more correct to give each child the opportunity to do their work while sitting on a rug or at a small table specially adapted for childish convenience. And no one - neither group mates, nor the teacher himself - has the right to violate the concentration of the baby. If two small contenders need a material, each of which has only one copy in the environment, then naturally there is a need to agree on the order of use or on joint work. And in this case, children receive invaluable communication skills in society, the ability to negotiate and listen to each other.

    At the moment, it often falls on the shoulders of the teacher, since not every preschool institution has a teacher in the staff psychologist. Educators are required to have serious, fundamental knowledge in the field of psychology. So way, psychological and pedagogical support at the present stage represents a system of 3 constituents:

    Teachers (self-improvers, self-educated in the field of psychology and not only) if there is no teacher- psychologist assistance should be provided by the senior educator

    Children who must develop in a specially created environment

    Parents whose teachers are called upon to form competence as parents.

    When working with parents, educators should draw Special attention on their attitude to children's independence and freedom of choice of children's activities. Parents should clearly understand and accept approval that children are curious and able to learn the world and human culture through independent activity, that they strive for independence and responsibility. Often, parents' overprotection of their children is false, the restrictions are harsh and painful for self-esteem. little man. It is much more useful and correct to observe the blooming life and enjoy contact with the soul of your own child, arouse interest, provide assistance, concentrate on developing the good in the child, so that in the end there will be less and less room for the bad, love him to respond to the main request of the child nka: help me do it myself.

    The life of a child takes place in a complex environment, diverse in forms and orientation. By its nature, this environment is social, as it is a system various relationships a child with peers and children of a different age, teachers, parents, other adults.

    According to its content, this environment can be emotional, intellectual, aesthetic, everyday, etc. The child is faced with many different choices regarding all aspects of life: how to learn and how to build their relationships with adults, how to communicate with peers, how to relate to certain requirements, rules, and much more. Adults surrounding the child are offered to help, who, due to their social, professional or personal position, can provide him with various support. First of all, it is a teacher, parent and psychologist.

    The term "accompaniment" first appeared in works on practical psychology in the book by G. Bardier, N. Romazan, T. Cherednikova (1993) in combination with the word "development" - " Psychological support natural development of young children". This term is currently widely known and actively used (E. Alexandrovskaya, M. Bityanova, T. Dvoretskaya, E. Kazakova, E. Kozyreva, A. Kolechenko, V. Semikin, T. Chirkova and others .).

    To accompany does not mean to lead by the hand, to always decide for the child, to protect from all possible dangers. It means to be near, to encourage independence, to rejoice at successes, to help overcome difficulties that arise.

    The most detailed and figurative definition of "accompaniment" was given by domestic psychologist M. R. Bityanova: “... accompany the child along his life path- this is movement along with him, next to him, sometimes - a little ahead, if you need to explain possible ways. An adult carefully looks and listens to his young companion, his desires, needs, fixes achievements and difficulties that arise, helps with advice and his own example to navigate the world around him, to understand and accept himself. But at the same time, he does not try to control, impose his own paths and guidelines. And only when the child is lost or asks for help, helps him to return to his path again. Neither the child himself nor his wise companion can significantly influence what is happening around the road. An adult is also not able to show the child the path that must be followed. The choice of the Road is the right and duty of every person, but if at the crossroads and forks with a child there is someone who is able to facilitate the selection process, to make it more conscious, this is a great success.

    Below are the views of leading researchers in the field of psychological and pedagogical support:

    EM. Alexandrovskaya (2002). special kind helping a child, a technology designed to help children certain stage development in solving emerging problems, or in their prevention in the context of the educational process.

    E.I.Kazakova (1998). Such assistance to the child, his family and teachers, which is based on maintaining the maximum freedom and responsibility of the subject of development for choosing a solution actual problem. Multidisciplinary method, provided by the unity of efforts of teachers, psychologists, social and medical workers; organic unity of diagnosing the problem and the subjective potential of its resolution, information retrieval possible ways decisions, designing an action plan and primary assistance in its implementation; assistance in the formation of an orientation field, where the subject of development bears responsibility for actions.

    E.A. Kozyreva (2000). The system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, aimed at creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in an educational situation, the psychological and mental development of the child with a focus on the zone of his proximal development.

    T.I. Chirkova (1999). The position of the psychologist in relation to the subjects of interaction and the basic principles of his work: careful, reasonable, thoughtful, clearly calculated, predictable by results, measurable intervention in the mental development of the child and the pedagogical process of adults; intervention, which involves the gradual transfer of control functions to self-regulation, self-control of the subjects of interaction with the psychologist themselves.

    Thus, in order to reveal the concept of psychological and pedagogical support, such concepts as interaction, cooperation, creation of conditions, assistance, activity orientation, work with the object are used as the main semantic units.

    Analysis of literary sources showed that psychological and pedagogical support can be considered in several aspects:

    As a professional activity of a teacher-psychologist who is able to provide assistance and support in the individual education of a child;

    As a process containing a set of purposeful consistent pedagogical actions that help the child make a moral independent choice in solving educational problems;

    As the interaction of maintainer and followed;

    As a technology that includes a number of successive stages in the activities of a teacher, psychologist and other specialists in ensuring educational achievements by students;

    As a system that characterizes the relationship and interdependence of elements: target, content, procedural and resultative.

    The intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support in recent years is associated with the expansion of ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, education, ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children.

    Support was based on the following principles:

    1. Humanization - implying faith in the capabilities of the child.

    2. System approach - based on understanding of a person as an integral system.

    3. An integrated approach to supporting the development of the child.

    4. Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child, involving the content, forms, methods of support, corresponding to the individual capabilities of the child, the pace of his development.

    5. Continuity of accompanying the child in the educational process, namely, continuity and consistency of support. (fifteen)

    The purpose of the psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the educational process is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at the appropriate age).

    Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

    Prevention of child development problems (early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders);

    Help (assistance) to the child in solving urgent problems of development, education, socialization: ensuring readiness for school, learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

    Psychological support of educational and educational programs;

    Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers.

    The main areas of work on psychological and pedagogical support:

    Prevention is one of the main activities that allows you to prevent the occurrence of certain problems. The peculiarity of prevention in preschool age is the indirect impact on the child through parents and caregivers.

    Diagnosis (individual, group (screening). Taking into account the age characteristics, as well as the goals and objectives of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, it is possible to identify the main areas that need to be accompanied, and therefore diagnose them: by tracking the child's developmental rate, and knowing crisis periods and neoplasms of different age stages, problem areas can be identified.

    Counseling (individual, group) is carried out, as a rule, on the stated problems, both with teachers and with parents.

    Developmental work (individual, group). In developmental work, the specialist focuses on the average developmental norms to create conditions in which the child can rise to the optimal level of development for him. At the same time, developmental work is not just a training of a certain ability, but is focused on working with other factors that determine progress in educational work.

    Correctional work (individual, group). The support system specialist has a certain standard of mental development, to which he seeks to bring the child closer. The meaning of “correcting” deviations is assigned to corrective work, and the meaning of revealing the potential of the child is assigned to developing work.

    Psychological enlightenment and education: formation psychological culture, development of psychological and pedagogical competence of the administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

    Expertise (educational and curricula, projects, manuals, educational environment, professional activities of specialists of educational institutions).

    The sequence of work to accompany the child is the following algorithm:

    1. Statement of problems. It begins with a request, understanding the essence of the problem, developing a plan for collecting information about the child and conducting a diagnostic study.

    2. Analysis of the received information. Evaluation and discussion with all stakeholders of possible ways and means of solving the problem, discussion of positive and negative aspects different solutions.

    3. Development of a comprehensive care plan. Determining the sequence of actions, the distribution of functions and responsibilities of the parties, the timing of implementation: joint production recommendations for the child, teacher, parents, specialists. Counseling all support participants on ways and means of solving the child's problems.

    4. Implementation of a plan to solve the problem. Implementation of recommendations by each escort participant.

    5. Understanding and evaluating the results of maintenance activities. Assumes answers to the questions: What was successful? What failed? Why? Solving a particular problem or conducting further analysis of the development of the child. The answer to the question: What to do next?

    Based on the foregoing, the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is understood as a holistic and continuous process of studying the personality of the child, the patterns of its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society at all age stages of training and education, carried out by all subjects of educational -educational process in situations of interaction.

    Conclusions on the first chapter

    The emotional distress of a child of senior preschool age is largely the result of the absence or insufficiency of means of orientation in situations of uncertainty, unpredictability and surprise. The harmonious emotional development of children, their ability to navigate their emotions in unfamiliar situations - these are the conditions, the observance of which will allow the child to control himself even when he is not

    can present the results of their activities and their evaluation to adults.

    Many studies of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers show that their lives are full of negative emotional experiences (fear of being reprimanded by an adult, communication difficulties, failures in class), which have a destructive effect on the child's personality. The situation is aggravated by the fact that he does not own the means of reflection and is not able to productively use this life experience.

    By the time they go to school, children are already well assimilating the norms and rules adopted in society. Among them is the position that being afraid and making mistakes is bad. Following this "rule", the child in many cases stops doing something at all, motivating this by the fact that "it won't work anyway, and they will scold me." This way of behavior blocks the development of the child's personality, deforms it first in childhood and then in adulthood. Such children do not go forward by trial and error, but passively wait for the right answers and unmistakable ways to solve problems.

    Blocking the opportunity to "do wrong" does not give the child a chance to learn ways to reduce the severity of fear, to find examples of "fearless" behavior. You need to work with such children and these children need psychological and pedagogical support.

    Psychological and pedagogical support educational activities always personified and directed at a specific pupil, even if the teacher works with a group. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual educational activities of the child are: medical workers and other specialists; educator; psychologist; social teacher; parents and relatives of the student. The subject of psychological and pedagogical support is the child himself, who has his own experience of learning, interaction with adults, peers, his own special character of personal and individual development. The characteristics of a particular child affect the content and forms of psychological and pedagogical support of his individual educational activities.

    The essence of the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is A complex approach to solving development problems. Understanding the psychological and pedagogical support of the process of personal self-development as an activity of subject-subject orientation allows intensifying the processes of self-knowledge, creative self-realization and acquires special significance in the educational process.

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    The concept of "socio-pedagogical support " often used in modern science and is relevant. The concept of support is interpreted ambiguously. The etymology of the concept is associated with certain action; according to the dictionary of V. Dahl, “ to accompany means to accompany, to go together, to be near and to help.

    In the works of M.R. Bityanova's accompaniment is regarded as system prof. activities of a teacher, psychologist, aimed at "creating conditions for the positive development of relations between children and adults in the educational situation".

    Social and pedagogical support interpreted as the process of providing timely social and pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents in need of it and a system of corrective actions based on tracking changes in the development of the child's personality ( L.V. Bayborodov).

    V.A. Lazarev (monograph "Pedagogical accompaniment of the gifted") essence escorts defines as strengthening of positive factors of development and existing abilities and neutralization of negative factors.

    Tasks socio-pedagogical support children (V.A. Lazarev)

    Development of individual educational routes;

    Formation of adequate self-esteem;

    Protection and strengthening of physical and psychological health;

    Prevention of neuroses;

    Prevention of isolation of children in the peer group;

    Development of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers and parents of children.

    The structure of socio-pedagogical support, elements ( A.L. Umansky. Abstract dis.):

      supporting the relationship of children through group forms of work;

      individual support for the development of children's relationships;

      support of class teachers in the aspect of educational and developmental attitude towards the child;

      support of parental relationships (to children, to educational institution, to training, education);

      support in making managerial decisions;

      support of the educational process;

      maintenance of relations in the teaching staff;

      support of relationships in the dyads "teacher-child", "teacher-parent"

    P. S. As follows from this structure, priority belongs to group, i.e. collective forms of work, which actualizes the value of social-ped. support in the formation of a children's team.

    Components of social ped. accompaniments are (L.V. Baiborodova): diagnostic, consulting, prognostic and practical

    In the abstract dis N.G. Chanilova: maintenance content represents a system of teacher actions related to the neutralization of predictable difficulties at the stage of developing a project task, prompt assistance during the implementation of the project and proactive adjustments to the subsequent stages of the educational work of adolescents.

    The subject of pedagogical support is the process of joint elimination of obstacles that prevent the student from achieving the planned result independently. Despite the fact that the existing subjective experience of the teacher and the student differs qualitatively and quantitatively from each other, the joint solution of the problem puts them in a situation of joint search, cooperative choice and partner decision-making..

    An important aspect in the content of social-ped. accompaniment is involvement of the student in events and situations stimulating his personal development. In the psycho-ped. aspect, accompaniment is considered as a method that ensures the creation of conditions for the subject to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice.

    Accompaniment is the interaction of the maintainer and the followed, therefore socio-pedagogical support is a special type of interaction, the purpose of which is to teach the subject of development to prevent and solve problems.  Social and pedagogical support involves the interaction of a teacher and a child, ensuring the success of his socialization and education (M.I. Rozhkov "Social and pedagogical support: a conceptual understanding of the process").

    In ped. accompaniment in accordance with the dominant tasks that teachers implement, we can distinguish didactic support , the purpose of which is to support independent learning activities; corrective support children with special needs and etc.

    The specifics of socio-pedagogical support(M.I. Rozhkov) lies in the focus on supporting the individual, in building his social relations, on teaching new models of interaction with the outside world, on overcoming difficulties in the process of socialization.  Socio-pedagogical support cannot be neutral, passive, following the development of a person.

    Sots-ped. support is a purposeful active process that has its own goals, subject, functions, criteria, means, results.

    aim social ped. accompaniment is an adequate and most successful socialization and individual development of the individual, the process of achieving which can be ensured by the establishment of harmonious relations between members of a particular social group.

    Sots-ped. accompaniment has a high educational potential. If the social ped. accompaniment acts as a factor in education, then education is the target function of social ped. escorts. This is due to the fact that the social-ped. accompaniment involves "not solving the child's problem for the child, but stimulating his independence in solving his problem" (M.I. Rozhkov).

    Subject social support (O.S. Gazman) is “the process of jointly with the child determining his own interests, goals, opportunities and ways to overcome obstacles (problems) that prevent him from maintaining his human dignity and independently achieving the desired results in learning, self-education, communication , way of life” [From authoritarian education to the pedagogy of freedom].