The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on her mother's door. The abandoned adopted son of Evdokia Germanova is in dire need of money The adopted son of Germanova is now

Three years ago, the adopted son of Evdokia Germanova first shared his memories of how the actress adopted him, and seven years later returned to Orphanage. The artist refused him, accusing the boy of schizophrenia. She sent her son to school when he was five years old and was dissatisfied with his academic performance. The child spent a year in a psychiatric hospital.

Now Nikolai Erokhin is 18 years old. Now studying in college and is going to become a chef-technologist. A young man came to the studio of the program “Let them talk” to talk about his life. As it turned out, throughout the entire treatment, only his uncle, the celebrity brother Alexei Germanov, visited him. The man took custody of the child to take him on weekends or holidays.

“He stayed mainly with a nanny, then in a manger, a fashionable garden, where he was kept and raised. He had good manners. Suddenly, at some point, he ended up in child psychiatry, I rush there, because if a person finds himself in such a situation, you need to help him. The psychiatrist said that the boy was diagnosed with behavioral features - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I went all the time, then they forbade me to visit him, but they allowed me to bring packages so that he would know - in open world he is remembered and his fate is not indifferent. The head physician said that Evdokia was from Kolya, now I can visit him, ”the man said.

Nikolai also reported an important detail - after his adoption, the actress received housing. The state allocated a two-room apartment to the artist and her child. However, after Evdokia returned the boy, representatives orphanage abandoned the property on behalf of Kolya.

“We received this two-room apartment, as heterosexual, because I am a boy, and she is a woman,” Erokhin said.

The lawyer, who was in the studio, said that according to the law, after graduating from the orphanage, Nikolai is obliged to receive his own housing. Moreover, the servant of Themis was surprised why he did not receive alimony from the former adoptive parent.

Nicholas' beloved Victoria appeared in the studio. As it turned out, the girl will soon become a mother. Nikolai's chosen one hopes to marry him.

“We have been together for about two years, met in an orphanage. Now we live together, there will be a child, a wedding at the end of the year, I hope, ”said Victoria.

The former appeared in the studio civil husband Evdokia Sergey. He was surprised by the pregnancy of Nikolai's chosen one. He thought Victoria had an abortion. Erokhin admitted that the man urged him to get rid of the unborn child.

“They just left the orphanage, it doesn’t add up with work, he is now unemployed. I have a small salary, I help as much as I can, I give some money all the time. I can't take over. Why am I against the birth of a child - they themselves did not get on their feet, ”admitted the former chosen one of Evdokia.

Nikolai did not hide the fact that he had to borrow money. According to him, he does not receive a scholarship, as he has not yet been expelled from the orphanage. Now he lives in the apartment of his chosen one. The former common-law spouse of Evdokia said that he decided to help the boy when the actress left him.

Evdokia herself in early interviews said that she gave the child a lot of love. She does not justify herself and is not ashamed of her act.

“I am responsible for what I have done. My conscience allows me to be happy and inspire others to exploits, so that people do not fear anything in this life, ”said Evdokia. - This is the part of life for which I am not ashamed. Kolka knows how much love was, knows and will not forget.

Erokhin does not deny that his adoptive mother loved him, though only in his preschool years. After he went to first grade at the age of five, she did not like his behavior.

Evdokia's friend Nikolai Sakharov appeared in the studio. He could not understand why the young man came to the program and brought the girl. He said that the boy was stealing things and money from the theater, although the guy denies this. Dmitry Borisov admitted that he did not expect such accusations from a teenager from an adult man.

Nikolai decided to meet with his former foster mother ten years later. He came to the apartment where he once lived.

- Do you recognize him?

- No. Who are you? Oh, you're on the show. You guys are completely crazy. I'm sorry, I don't know, - the actress answered and closed the door.

However, the young man did not stop there and called Evdokia to awaken at least some feelings in her.

“You understand, you are not doing the right thing. You muddied it and poking around in it, which I don’t want to have anything to do with, ”this is how Germanova ended the conversation.

However, experts in the studio accused Nikolai of not thanking fate for the help of wonderful people - brother Evdokia and his ex civil spouse. Nevertheless, Nikolai wants to get answers to questions from his mother.

“At least just explain why she did this to me. I don't require anything. Neither the apartment nor the money is of interest, ”concluded Erokhin.

// Photo: Sergey Ivanov /

On October 29 last year, the adopted son of Evdokia Germanova, Nikolai Erokhin, became a father for the first time. When he was little famous actress mocked the child - locked him in the toilet, beat him and stabbed him, and then completely returned him to the orphanage.

Despite all the difficulties that fell to his lot, he strives to happy life- now he lives with Victoria, who gave him a daughter.

“When I got the baby in my arms, I cried for joy,” admitted Erokhin. “Let’s give her the life we ​​didn’t have.”

With my future wife Nikolai met in an orphanage. Victoria also dreamed of a family - after all, her parents died when she was only three years old. Now a couple with a little daughter lives in an apartment that Erokhin received from the state. Foster-son Germanova showed the crew of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live" your housing.

“This is a pantry, but I decided to make a nursery for a little one,” Erokhin said.

Victoria admitted that she dreamed of naming the girl Emma, ​​but Nikolai insisted on the name Diana. Erokhin adores the child and is afraid to give her to someone even for a while. Even earlier on a talk show, he admitted that he did not understand how his own mother could refuse him.

At the beginning of the year, he saw Natalya Erokhina and learned about her difficult fate. In addition to Nikolai, she had three more children, and therefore she did not want to doom the newborn to a life of poverty and hoped that he would be much better in the orphanage. However, after meeting with the biological mother, nothing has changed in their relationship.

Now 19-year-old Nikolai is preparing for the wedding with his chosen one. He already gave Victoria a ring, and she agreed to connect her life with him. True, while they do not have enough money to celebrate the solemn event. Earlier, Erokhin said that he did not work anywhere, although he was studying to be a chef-technologist. Financially he was helped by the former common-law husband of Germanova Sergei.

The former adopted son of actress Evdokia Germanova, Nikolai Erokhin, first gave candid interview. 15-year-old Nikolai in Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk” talked about how he lived all these years, betrayed by his foster mother, and why he ended up in an orphanage. The actress assured that the boy is schizophrenic. Kolya himself refutes his diagnosis and says that it was more convenient for the actress to refuse it.

This story began in 2001. At 41, the actress took a 1.5-year-old boy Kolya from the orphanage. However, after 8 years, the child was again in the orphanage. He still lives in an orphanage on the outskirts of Moscow. But he got here after spending a year in a children's psychiatric hospital, where Evdokia sent him.

The family idyll lasted about 7 years. When the boy went to school, the actress began to complain that she could not cope with Kolya, referring to the fact that he had become aggressive, uncontrollable and was repeatedly caught stealing. In addition, according to the actress, he began to behave inappropriately at school - he hit his head against the walls if the teachers scolded him. Germanova said that then she found out that he was her adopted son was born from drug-addicted parents. According to her, Kolya was not taken horse doses of psychotropic drugs. And then the actress announced the boy's diagnosis: schizophrenia with a manic attraction to theft and edged weapons.

A representative of Evdokia Germanova, who was present at the studio, said that the actress sent the boy to psychiatrists for a reason. The fact is that then Nikolai inflicted serious bodily injury on a classmate, practically gouging out the eyes of a child with scissors. And then the question arose about sending him to serve either in a children's colony, or for treatment in a psychiatric hospital. “And Evdokia turned to me with a request to help so that Nikolai would not be sent to a children's colony,” her representative said. Moreover, he spoke about something that had not been mentioned before - he emphasized that Evdokia herself was attacked by Nikolai with a knife. The actress hushed up this incident, because she believed that there was a part of her guilt in this, that she was raising her wrong.

15-year-old Nikolai, in turn, notes that he does not remember attacks on a classmate and foster mother, and in general stories with stabbing objects.

“I believe that I was not difficult. Well, the child had a fight at school, well, he got a deuce. Well, what's wrong with that? No, well, it's clear that it's bad, but not that bad. I don't think she's a good mother. I never even remember when I hugged my mother, that is, Evdokia. Yes, we had good flat, but ... there were a lot of toys, everything, but ... as they say, he received little affection. Well, you came home, you're alone, you did your homework, you have nothing to do, went to bed and that's it. She left at three, came at 12 o'clock in the morning. Even when I came to the theater with her, she went about her business, I went for a walk, ”said Nikolai.

Alexey Alekseevich, the brother of Evdokia Germanova, turned out to be one of those who supported the boy at that difficult moment for him when the actress refused him. Alexey came to Kolya, visited him in the hospital, talked with him. When Germanova refused him, Alexey issued partial guardianship over Kolya. The boy spent a whole summer with him, so Alexei had the opportunity to assess whether he had schizophrenia or not. “Now he is a normal calm guy, you saw. Of course, at first after the hospital, he was very anxious and nimble. There is such a diagnosis, but it is not psychiatric, but behavioral - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ”said Alexei.

Nikolai said that he had recently removed his disability, annually going to the hospital for a month. “For these 8 years I could not understand why they refused me. As a person cuts off, well, she cut me off from herself, I cut her off from myself. And I made this decision consciously. I was offended, ”the teenager shared.

Kolya said that now his plans are to learn to be a cook and start a family by the age of 30. To the question of Andrei Malakhov, what he would do if Evdokia, having seen the program, wanted to ask for his forgiveness, he answered this way: “I will forgive. But I should not forgive, God will forgive ... Well, what can I say to her? 9 years have passed. I can't tell her anything."

The young man said that he was more ready to find his own eight brothers and sisters than to communicate with Germanova again. “I’m better off without her than with her,” Nikolai snapped.

year 2001. Evdokia Germanova and Kolya in the program "So far, everyone is at home" // Photo: Channel One

Nikolai Erokhin turned 16 in January. He still lives in orphanage No. 2 in Novo-Peredelkino. “At first, of course, I didn’t understand why Evdokia refused me,” says Nikolai. - It was embarrassing. But where I live now, it’s good, I’m used to it and I don’t dream of a new one anymore. ”

A year ago, when this story was told publicly, it shocked many: after eight years of upbringing, actress Evdokia Germanova handed her adopted son Nikolai Erokhin back to the orphanage. Before that, at the initiative of the actress, the guy underwent a course of treatment in a psychiatric clinic: the adoptive mother complained about attacks of his unmotivated aggression.

Recall: the star of the film “Joke” adopted the one and a half year old Kolya in 2001, but eight years later she regretted her act. According to representatives of the actress, the child rushed at her with a knife, stole things, behaved inappropriately - both at school and at home.

Now Nikolai Erokhin is 16 years old, he still lives in orphanage No. 2 in Novo-Peredelkino "Coast of Hope". “Sociable guy, easy to get in touch with. Friendly. He is fond of football, ”is listed in his description on the website of the institution. Not so long ago, Kolya returned from the military children's camp"Eaglet".

“I really wanted to go there,” Erokhin admits to Antenna. – I learned a lot: drill step, military dance. I can assemble and disassemble the machine in 42 seconds! Now, after graduating from school, and I still have a year left, I want to join the army. Most likely, in a motorized rifle division.

When asked if Nikolay misses past life with Evdokia Alekseevna, Erokhin confidently answers: “No!” “At first, of course, I didn’t understand why she refused me,” Kolya continues. - It was embarrassing. She once came to my hospital in the winter, left food and said that she would not return. Only later, probably after a few years, I realized that without her, it’s even better. Now I don’t remember those times, why? I'm not sure they were the best in my life, but I don't regret anything either. Evdokia did not give me the care and affection that, it seems to me, a loving mother gives. She never called, did not ask about my fate, and I do not expect this. Where I live now, I feel good, I got used to this house and I no longer dream of a new one. Behind Last year I have changed a lot - I have become smarter, I have a simpler attitude to many things.

For several years after returning to the orphanage, the fate of Nikolai was followed by the brother of the actress Alexei Germanov. Supported during a difficult period, visited in the hospital. On summer holidays repeatedly invited to visit. “For four months now I have been living abroad - in Israel, so I cannot physically support Kolka and his successes,” Alexei explained to Antenna. - Yes, and the age is not the same, 74 years old, you understand ... Unfortunately, Nikolai recent times stopped contacting me, does not write, does not call. Maybe he was offended by something ... "

The fact is that recently the phone, once presented to a teenager by Andrei Malakhov, broke down. “There is no money to repair, and there is nowhere to get a new one,” the teenager admits sadly. - In the orphanage they give only 400 rubles a month for pocket expenses. I don’t have enough for anything, so now I’m thinking about starting to earn money somewhere, after all, I’m already an adult. For advice or help, a teenager most often turns to the teacher Nadezhda Kurochkina, she is always there.

The official guardian of Nikolai Erokhin is the director of the boarding school, Nadezhda Khrykina. “Recently, Kolya’s academic performance has fallen a little, he is shirking his studies,” admits Nadezhda Mikhailovna. - Especially Russian and algebra are not good for him. And so the guy is great: he goes in for sports - football, basketball, swimming, always helps the younger ones and educators. Mathematics Erokhin is helped to pull up by tutors, especially since he has serious plans. “I will go to law school after I return from the army, I want to become a lawyer in the future, to defend people,” says Kolya.

Recently, the first love appeared in the life of a 16-year-old schoolboy - the 17-year-old pupil of the orphanage Kira Walter, they have been together for a month - showing off cute selfies in in social networks, go to the cinema, walk. “I would like to create a family by the age of 30, this is probably the most important thing in life,” Erokhin is sure. - I would like to have many children. as in mine native family: After all, I have seven more brothers and sisters. A year ago I really wanted to get to know them, even more than with real mom. But now he's changed his mind. Since they don’t get in touch themselves, they probably don’t need me ... "

Nikolai met Victoria in an orphanage. They both wanted to create real family, which will become a fortress for both. The girl's parents died when she was very young. The young family lives in an apartment that Erokhin received from the state. Nikolai in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” showed the conditions in which they live. “This is a pantry, but I decided to make a nursery for a little one,” Erokhin said.

Victoria told reporters that she wanted to name her daughter Emma, ​​but Nikolai persuaded the chosen one. Now the girl is named Diana. Erokhin loves his family, he is always with his daughter, he is not separated even for an hour. He sincerely does not understand why parents abandon their children.

Six months ago, Nikolai met with his biological mother. She had difficult fate, she gave her son to an orphanage because she did not want him to grow up in poverty. The woman thought that her son would be better off away from her. Now 19-year-old Nikolai has directed all his strength to his family. He is preparing for the wedding, has already proposed to Victoria. The girl agreed to become his wife. True, the couple does not have money to get married.

Erokhin said in an interview that he does not work anywhere while studying to be a chef. Helps with finances former lover Germanova Sergey. “Two months ago I made a marriage proposal. She agreed, but finances do not allow us to have a wedding. We just want to sign and go to a restaurant,”- Erokhin shared his plans for the future.

The main thing is that the couple has love that will help them cope with all life's troubles.