Elder stick with your own hands. Dumbledore's Magic Wand

Everyone who carefully read the original saga knows about the Deathly Hallows. According to The Tale of the Three Brothers, these are three magical items that Death gave the wizard brothers Antiochus, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell as a reward for passing the test. These are the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Eternal Invisibility Cloak. Let's dwell on the Elder Wand, because sometimes Potter fans do not understand what it is and how it works. Meanwhile, this is the most interesting Gift in terms of properties, but at the same time the most dangerous and unpredictable, if you do not understand the principles of the wand. At the same time, the Elder Wand is widely known, even those who do not know about the other Gifts want to possess it, and for good reason. It has more advanced properties than other wands and is dark, rich and bloody story, on the theme of which you can fantasize endlessly. But now it's not about that, but about what this wand, in fact, is, being made of elderberry with a core of thestral hair and having a length of 15 inches.

As any wizard has known since the early days of witchcraft, the wand is the conduit magical power sorcerer and, according to the theory of Garrick Ollivander, reflects inner essence its owner, being an individual instrument. Master Ollivander believed that a wand chooses its owner, and any other wand in the hands of the same wizard will work noticeably worse or not work at all. This fact is proved by the fact that the same Neville Longbottom, for example, was not good at spells until he received his own wand to replace the one he inherited from his father. On the other hand, Master Ollivander, serving the English wizards as a monopolist, made almost all of his wands exclusively for personal use, and it was this circumstance that played a role in the manifestation of Neville's abilities. For other masters, the situation could be different. But the Elder Wand from Ollivander's point of view was completely unique - it could serve any owner equally well, that is, it was, in his opinion, "universal". But the main thing is not even in this, but in the fact that this wand, with its versatility, is an ideal conductor of magical power. Any other wand, even if it was the most accurately selected or made to order by the best craftsman, somewhat limited the conductivity of the sorcerer's power. She demanded maximum concentration, but at the same time she did not work in full force, interfering, tripping, triggering with some delay, requiring a break between spells, and successfully working with some types of enchantment at the expense of others. And Elderberry is completely devoid of any distortion of conductivity, theoretically allowing you to conjure quickly and without stopping, if only the owner was skilled enough.

Another important property of the Elder Wand is its ability to recognize one or another owner, and it is this that most often remains misunderstood. Any other wand, according to the same theory of Ollivander, recognizes the owner once and for all, maintaining "fidelity" even when the owner loses it through his own stupidity or in battle. It is not in vain that it is by the wand that the identity of the wizard who cast this or that spell is most often established, and it is almost impossible to prove the opposite if there are no witnesses for "illegal" witchcraft. In addition, it is not in vain that the destruction of a wand is considered the most terrible punishment for a wizard, since without it he becomes practically powerless and helpless if he has not developed the ability to wandless witchcraft, that is, almost a squib. But the Elder Wand is different, it is fickle and can change its owner. Let's figure out how and why this happens.

There are eight actual or alleged owners of the Elder Wand mentioned in the Potterian. These are Antioch Peverell, Mike Gregorovich, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort), Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape and Harry Potter. Everyone gets and loses it differently. Antiochus received it as a gift from Death itself and lost it by being killed in his sleep. The way in which Gregorovich received it is unknown, but he lost it very stupidly: he rattled about it to clients and strangers and became a victim of theft. Grindelwald stole it from Gregorovich and lost it in a duel with Dumbledore. Dumbledore lost his wand, being disarmed by Draco Malfoy, but he did not even touch it, instead Voldemort took it into his hands, plundering Dumbledore's crypt. After that, the Dark Lord considered Snape the next owner of the wand and killed him, while in fact the wand belonged to Draco Malfoy. Malfoy lost it when Harry Potter disarmed him, and he, in turn, returned the wand back to Dumbledore's crypt, thus voluntarily relinquishing possession of it.

Let's consider this process in more detail, it contains interesting details that explain the principles for recognizing the next owner as the Elder Wand. Antiochus Peverell must have been the true owner, as he received it as a reward from the maker, Death. It is not known whether the wand recognized the next owner, who treacherously killed Antiochus in a dream, but the fact that the wand has been wielded for centuries different people, serves as proof that the original owners did exist, otherwise the wand would have been completely lost or returned to Death. It can be concluded that the "good faith" possession and disposal of the wand overrides the previous "bad faith". But just with this further it is very interesting. Gregorovich could get a wand in any way (steal, take away in battle, redeem, etc.), but he clearly treated her with disdain, conducting experiments with her, forcing her to gather dust in the shop window and chatting about her with strangers. The result is natural - it is lost. It turns out that how the owner treats the wand is also important. It turns out that she does not tolerate "disrespectful" attitude towards herself. Grindelwald stole the wand, took possession of it in an obviously dubious way, but if we take into account the fact that he owned it before the duel with Dumbledore (this is a long time, about twenty seconds extra years), it is safe to say that the Elder Wand recognized Gellert and faithfully served him until his defeat in the battle with Albus. It turns out that minus by minus gave a plus, but here, most likely, a more attentive attitude to the wand on the part of Grindelwald himself, who perfectly understood what kind of treasure fell into his hands, played a role. It is possible that the wand “felt” the next worthy owner in advance and “left” Gregorovich to him.

And what about Dumbledore? With him, everything is much more complicated, but let's try to figure it out here. Somehow he got the better of Grindelwald and became the owner of the Elder Wand. It is not known for certain what exactly happened between the two former friends, here one can only guess or fantasize. Was there a grand duel, as Elfias Doge claimed? Or was it a farce, as Rita Skeeter believed? Or did Dumbledore force Grindelwald to surrender, using cunning, and maybe even deceit or a dishonorable method of struggle? All three points of view have the right to life. The following facts speak in favor of the first: both were strong magicians, and only Dumbledore himself dared to speak openly against Grindelwald, challenging him to a duel, while the other wizards of Europe did not even seriously try to prevent him from achieving their goals. The second version can be supported by the assumption that Gellert remembered friendship and succumbed to the pressure of Dumbledore, who brilliantly owns oratory. After all, Nurmengard's jailers testified that Grindelwald repented of his crimes, and this could have started even then, when he met Dumbledore. Finally, the third point of view is substantiated by the fact that Dumbledore himself was afraid of either Grindelwald himself, or that in a collision with him the secret of Ariana's death, in which both magicians were involved, could be revealed, therefore he postponed the meeting until the last . Moreover, in this case, Dumbledore would not be able to adequately prepare for the collision itself, and the victory could only be won by cunning or meanness, while being much weaker than the opponent. As a result, there are as many as three options for taking possession of the Elder Wand, and only the first one is certainly honest. The second can be considered as such only on the condition that Gellert actually voluntarily surrendered and handed over the wand. Well, cunning or meanness, as can be seen from the example of the murderer of Antiochus, is by definition not a legitimate method of taking possession.

But regardless of the method of taking possession of the Elder Wand, Albus retained the ability to dispose of it until death, the wand itself did not "gone" to anyone, as could happen in the case of Gregorovich. But there is also a double bottom. On the one hand, Dumbledore did not allow the wand to stay in one place and used it, albeit not too actively, all the while holding the post of director of Hogwarts, which does not require regular use. strong magic. And on the other hand, Dumbledore surrounded himself with people much lower and weaker than himself, so that the Elder Wand had "nowhere to go." This assumption is supported by the fact that during the training of Harry Potter there, Dumbledore deliberately conducted a frankly disastrous personnel policy, inviting to the posts of teachers people who do not know how to interest students (Trelawney), mocking them (Snegg) or even outright crooks (Lokons). As a result, the quality of education is steadily declining, Dumbledore remains the only strong wizard and retains the Elder Wand, while using it far less actively than Grindelwald. From this we can draw the following conclusion: the Elder Wand is looking for the most powerful owner, and if it is not there, then it can remain in the same hands until it appears. Judging by Dumbledore's behavior, he knew this for sure, having drawn advising examples in the history of the wand, and deliberately belittled the wizards around him, while elevating himself.

As for Voldemort, then there is elementary ignorance and narrow-mindedness, because of which the Dark Lord could not subdue the Elder Wand. Dumbledore guessed that Tom Riddle would begin to think in terms of brute force and consider that the next owner must certainly kill the previous one. Therefore, he agreed with Snape about his death, and it turned out that Snape did not defeat Dumbledore in any way, Albus himself wanted to die with the help of Severus. But at the same time, Dumbledore guessed that by the will of Voldemort, Draco Malfoy was originally appointed as the killer, and Snape "insurance" him. As a result, the agreement was fulfilled, the director of Hogwarts fell at the hands of his double agent. And Malfoy only disarmed Albus, but did not pick up the Elder Wand, leaving his own. The wand considered this to be "disrespectful" to herself, which was an additional reason for her to go over to Harry Potter when he in turn bested Draco in combat. And Voldemort stole the wand from Dumbledore's tomb and killed Snape, but did not actually take possession of the relic. Unfortunately, he did not understand this, and the wand repaid his stupidity by refusing to hit the real owner and reflecting the killing spell of Voldemort into himself.

Harry, after all the events with the Elder Wand, voluntarily returned it to Dumbledore's crypt, the only action he limited himself to was to repair his own wand. And then a paradox occurred. The wand usually goes to a living owner, but here it went to a dead one. In addition, cases voluntary refusal from the wand to Harry Potter, there was none. And given that Dumbledore himself ceased to be the owner of the wand during his lifetime, then Harry Potter closed the chain of owners of the relic on himself. Whether he did it deliberately or not is unclear. But the fact is obvious: now the Elder Wand will either not be able to find the next owner, or will go to the first one that comes across, since its “program” is violated.

From the foregoing, three simple principles for the behavior of the Elder Wand can be deduced, which was the purpose of this article:
1) The Elder Wand changes its owner from unworthy to worthy;
2) The dignity of the owner of the wand determines his behavior with it (priority to acquisition through open confrontation, active use, respect and retention in battles with other wizards);
3) The Elder Wand does not obey weak wizards.

Fans have already found a few problems in , but the biggest one is related to the Elder Wand.

Unfortunately, the Wizarding World has now grown to such a size that it is difficult to keep track of it. In continuation "Fantastic Beasts" there are a number of retcons (plot changes) that took fans by surprise. But in truth, the biggest gaffe is the Elder Wand ( The Elder wand).

As shown "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", young Dumbledore and Grindelwald were possessed by the wand. Grindelwald successfully obtained the legendary Deathbringer, which is considered the most powerful wand. According to legend, the Elder Wand can teach its owners a dark sorcery that was lost in the mists of time - which may explain the extent of its magic in the finale. "Fantastic Beasts 2".

The elder wand is unique among all wands; it has "loyalty" to its master and can only be transferred to another when the former master is defeated. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" made it clear how it works. In the days of Harry Potter, the wand belonged to Albus Dumbledore, and he sought to take it with him to the grave. He was eventually disarmed by Draco Malfoy, who unknowingly became the master of the Elder Wand. When Harry defeated Malfoy a few months later, he became the new owner. Thus, Harry Potter became a true master of the Elder Wand, much to Voldemort's dismay.

Going back to the 1920s, Grindeldald did not wield the Elder Wand in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. In universe terms, he was posing as Percival Graves and thus would have had to use Graves' wand to save his face; the out-of-universe logic, of course, was that JK Rowling didn't want attentive viewers to reveal Graves' real identity when they saw the Elder Wand in the trailer.

But here's more: as the Draco Malfoy story demonstrates, you don't have to defeat a wizard for a wand to change hands. You just have to be. And, most importantly, in the final of the first "Fantastic Beasts" Grindelwald is defeated. At the end, Tina Goldstein arrests him. Therefore, it was she who was to become the new masters - the one who took the wand from Grindelwald. However, this is forgotten in "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald". The dark wizard quickly obtains the legendary wand.

However, there is one possible fix for this point. It's safe to assume that the Elder Wand was created by a wizard who assumed it could be passed down after his defeat. But how exactly does a wizard gain the wand's allegiance? The rules seem to be pretty flexible. So, Hereward, gained the devotion of the wand by locking his father in the basement and leaving him to starve to death. In general, "victory" here is an ambiguous concept.

Magic wand Albus Dumbledore (Elder).

This magic wand is also known as the Elder Wand. According to legend, it is one of three magical artifacts donated to the Perevell brothers by Death itself. These magical items called the Deathly Hallows.

The owners of the Elder Wand were Antioch Peverell, Gregorovich, Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter.

100% replica!

The design of the wand is exactly the same as the wand in the film. Everything is worked out in the smallest detail.

Impact resistant!

The wand will not break from impact or fall, because. reinforced with a metal rod.

Gift wrap!

The original packaging in the style of the Olivander box will be truly appreciated by all Harry Potter fans.


  • Material: PVC and metal;
  • Length: 38 cm;
  • Packed weight: 300 gr.


13 reviews for Dumbledore's Magic Wand

    slavn54 March 8, 2019 00:33

    I bought this stick on February 27 - reached Rostov on March 7. Packed perfectly: the box and its contents are intact. The wand is fully consistent with the photo from this store. The quality is excellent! Its only minus is the runes: in this place they are slightly dyed black. Otherwise, I'm happy!

    Dumbledore's Magic Wand

    Catclubadvance January 14, 2019 12:31 pm

    Great service! Before the New Year, we were simply surprised by the fast delivery for those who order gifts a week before the holiday. The package arrived earlier than promised. Everything is very carefully and carefully packed. The box is great. The wand itself is well made. The child is happy!

    Excellent product

    Smirnov Danila Romanovich December 5, 2018 15:01

    Everything came in at its best! The wand is in excellent condition! Box too! I would recommend this store to anyone who has been wanting to buy for a long time.

    elder wand

    Kremlin_1990 3 December 2018 17:46

    Hello everyone, Bought Dumbledore's wand this Saturday. Brought today, somewhere around 14:00. I liked everything, well packed, BUT the box is somehow not neatly folded (the material on which the wand lies), the owner's sticker does not match the pictures and is still crookedly pasted! On a stick, where all these white hieroglyphs are drawn, not much is not neatly done, but it is not noticeable. In general, I liked everything, but the karobachka upset me a little ...
    This is my first online shopping experience! So I liked everything and will continue to buy on this site! I hope my review was useful to the buyer, and the sellers will take into account the above minuses!)

  • Stick

    tvink.3099 May 7, 2018 08:18 PM

    A little crooked wand came, does everyone have it like that? And so it's cool)

    The stick exactly matches the one in the photo.

    Marakvelidze Oleg Malkhazovich May 13, 2017 04:16 PM

    The order came on time, everything is exactly as stated, there are no complaints about the delivery. The wand corresponds to the description and is really stronger than the rest. Happy with everything

    The stick exactly matches the one in the photo.

    Marakvelidze Oleg Malkhazovich May 13, 2017 04:15 PM

    The wand corresponds to the description and is really stronger than the rest. Happy with everything

    Elderberry wand!

    Yuri. April 26, 2017 11:33 am

    I ordered a wand. They called the next day. Since I live in St. Petersburg, the delivery was arranged the next day.
    They brought a wand. The box was slightly wrinkled.
    When I took out the wand, I was surprised! She is huge! This is an exact replica! Thanks to the metal rod, it is durable and moderately weighty.

    I plan to order another Snape's wand ...)


    Julia March 31, 2017 09:23

    And how does it work, I want to order it and I doubt that it will work like in the movie

The story of Harry Potter - the boy who survived - is probably known to every child and many adults now. The adventures of a little wizard raised in a Muggle family ( ordinary people), are so captivating that each episode of the film is reviewed by the audience more than once. The spells, magical items, and legends of this story are no less important. Let's take a look at one of those things. What is the Elder Wand, where did it come from and who is its owner? First things first...

Where did the wand come from?

The elder wand was created many centuries ago. According to legend, Death herself made it when she broke off a branch from an elderberry bush. This is why the wand is sometimes referred to as the Wand of Death. It was one of the three Deathly Hallows known in the world of magic to the legendary Perevell brothers, the ancestors of Harry Potter, the Gaunts and other families.

It was the eldest of the brothers, who was a very warlike man, who asked Death for such unusual gift. He wished to own the most powerful magic wand, which would give its owner the opportunity to always win in fights. And so it happened.

After his wanderings, the elder Perewell - Antiochus - ended up in a village where he met with a wizard with whom he had once quarreled. Immediately challenged him to a duel. Of course he won. True, very soon his own life was cut short: in one tavern he boasted of a gift and how strong he was. And later, when, having drunk, he fell asleep, one of the visitors of the tavern cut his throat in order to get a magic wand for his personal use.

Since then, the question of who owned the Elder Wand has been constantly asked by people interested in this.

Deathly Gift and a regular wand

What the story says magical world? There are many legends and tales. The photo of the Elder Wand displays a completely ordinary-looking magic wand, similar to those used by all wizards. But she has many virtues hidden from prying eyes.

She is the most ruthless and fearless of all existing wands, giving her loyalty only to those who have the power. Each wizard has the right to count on the great devotion of his own wand. Even if the mage was disarmed or lost the battle, she would retain a close bond with the owner. But if it becomes a trophy that was won in a real duel, the wand will lose allegiance to the previous owner.

What is known about her?

But with the gift of Death, everything is different. This wand does not understand the word "loyalty" because it recognizes only strength and nothing more. She has no sentimentality. It is always located where there is great power. And if some wizard wins, then it is he who takes possession of the Elder Wand. But it is not necessary (as most people think) to kill the previous owner. True, it was this seemingly omnipotent wand that was able to attract wizards who were ready to commit murder. It attracts people like Voldemort, who quite often believe that the ability to kill is real strength.

fairy artifacts

Of course, those who have read all parts of the Harry Potter story remember that Professor Dumbledore had all three artifacts - the Cloak of Invisibility, the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand, which, according to legend, were presented by the incarnation of Death to Antiochus, Cadmus and Ignotus Perevell.

Many wizards have sought out these Gifts, confident that whoever wields all three will be able to command Death itself. They did not even guess that only the one who realizes its inevitability, who will not be afraid of death, but will accept it as part of his life, will become her master.

Dumbledore and one of the Gifts

Since we are interested in the most important, according to wizards, artifact, then we will talk about it. So, the Elder Wand changed its owners more than once. Once it belonged to Gellert Grindelwald, then to Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy and, of course, Harry Potter.

So where did Dumbledore get the elder wand from? Everything is very simple. History knows no duel of wizards that could even remotely compare with the one that took place in 1945 between Grindelwald and Professor Dumbledore. All who were present at this truly historical event, then they told about the awe and horror that seized them while they watched this duel.

The professor himself, who, as you know, never lied, but only kept silent, said that he was only suitable to own this wand, and not to brag and not take life using it. After all, Albus took her not in order to receive benefits, but to save others from her.

Confusion with owners

If we turn to the legend again, then the artifact wand obeys only the one who was able to defeat its previous owner. Its first owner (as mentioned earlier) was Antiochus Perewell. From him the wand passed to Emeric the Notorious. She changed hands a few more times until she ended up in the hands of Albus Dumbledore. He was already a very wise owner. And he never used it for selfish, especially evil purposes.

Often readers ask the question of why the elder wand belongs to Harry, why did she obey him? It turns out that everything is quite simple. Let's return to the legend, according to which the strongest wand was obedient to the one who defeats its previous owner.

The Dark Lord always remembered that she could pass to a new master by killing the previous one. That is why he took the life of Severus Snape - the one who was responsible for the death of Professor Dumbledore. However, the One whose name cannot be spoken aloud was fatally mistaken. After all, Dumbledore received the Elder Wand in a duel with Grindelwald, and the latter remained alive. That is, the artifact was an honestly won trophy.

Yes, it was Professor Snape who killed Dumbledore. But here we must also take into account the fact that this was not exactly a murder: Albus knew that the curse that he accidentally took upon himself would sooner or later end his days, and did not want a painful departure. Therefore, he insisted that it was Snape, whom he trusted, who brought down the Avada Kedavra on him. Therefore, Severus only performed in this case your promise. And here comes another "but".

The new owner is Harry?

Not Snape, but Draco Malfoy defeated the Headmaster that last night. It was he who managed to disarm the old experienced wizard with a spell. All in all, Albus didn't particularly resist. He didn't want the teenager to become a murderer.

That is why a mistake occurred that cost the life of the Dark Lord: he believed that new owner Snape, but no. It was the younger Malfoy who became them.

A little later, an event occurred, as a result of which the friends of the Boy Who Lived began to say that the Elder Wand of Harry Potter. The photos that were taken on the set of the last parts of the film served as an unwitting confirmation of this.

By sending Nagini Snape, the evil wizard (he was afraid to use Avada Kedavra on Severus) did not become the true owner of the artifact. His wand would not obey, no matter what he did. The real owner was Harry, who disarmed Draco in a duel. In addition, it was Potter who became the owner of another Malfoy wand. Harry took Draco's wand because his (with the phoenix feather) was broken. And Elderberry, recognizing strength, recognized her master in Harry, despite the fact that she herself was at that moment in the hands of Voldemort. This was one of the reasons for Potter's victory over the powerful Dark Lord. Which, of course, does not exclude the strength of the boy and the sincere desire to sacrifice his life for the sake of others.

Another chapter of wand history

One point that remained unclear until the end: who stole the Elder Wand? Indeed, in the world of magic, they know the case when theft occurred. From the very beginning, the history of this Wand of Destiny, as it is sometimes called, was not an easy one. After all, its first owner, Antiochus, was killed. Then traces of it are lost for a while. It is known that it belonged to Emeric the Notorious, Godelot, Loxius ... The following rumors about her flared up completely unexpectedly. One of the wand makers boasted that in his work he used the knowledge gained from this wand. Most likely, he simply drew attention to his products by advertising them in this way. It was Mike Grigorovich. His words attracted not only new buyers, but also the thief, who turned out to be Gellert Grindelwald. True, he was not an ordinary thief in the conventional sense. He, in tandem with Dumbledore, tried to collect all three artifacts together.

After receiving the wand, Gellert began to gather supporters and like-minded people to take over the Ministry of Magic. But... It was here that the very duel took place, as a result of which the wand passed legally to Albus. And Gellert was placed in a prison that was created especially for him.

Elder wand, dark brown, fifteen inches long. The artifact has an original design: it has thickenings - pineal nodules.

The elderstick was named because it is made from elderberry, a plant widely used in funeral rites. The core of the artifact was filled with hair from the tail of the Thestral, a magical animal that can only be seen by those who themselves observed death.


Creation of the Elder Wand**

According to legend, Death herself created this wand and gave it as a gift to Antiochus, the eldest of the Peverell brothers.

Having set off to travel and met Death on the road, the Peverell brothers believed Death's false admiration (the brothers eluded her by building a bridge over a dangerous river with the help of magic) and, by the decision of Death herself, asked her for three gifts. The elder brother, Antiochus, asked "a magic wand, the most powerful in the world, so that its owner always wins in a duel".

Death broke off a branch from an elder bush, made a wand out of it, and gave it to Antiochus.


The magic of this wand is unusual and terrible.

Firstly, this is the Elder Wand, there are simply no magical tools stronger than it.

Secondly, it is a gift of Death - an incomprehensible SOMETHING that awaits everyone and everything at the end of time. This is probably why the wand is made of rather gloomy materials.

Thirdly, since this is the wand of Death itself, it can only be transmitted through death (murder), deceit or victory in a duel. Here is an example. The elder Peverell defeated his enemy by killing him with his wand. But he himself was killed when a thief crept into his bedroom and took the wand. Many who wanted to wield the Elder Wand were killed.

At the same time, although the Elder Wand was considered invincible, it still suffered defeat several times, and also attracted trouble.

With the help of the Elder Wand, the wizard Godelot made several very dangerous spells, describing the wand in the essay “The most wicked magic of all”: “The companion is insidious and insidious, her body is made of the sambuca tree, but magic is known to her the most vile of all”. It is believed that the Elder Wand, passed from one sorcerer to another, absorbed the most dangerous magic.

Over time, the Elder Wand has acquired many superstitions. Here is one of them: "An elderberry wand will lead to trouble".


For the first time in history, Emeric the Notorious, who later died in battle with the wizard Egbert, mentions the elder wand. Egbert and became the new owner of the Elder Wand. Then the wand disappeared and reappeared many times, as well as numerous false wands, until the wizard Godelot appeared. Then the wand many times ended up with a variety of magicians, for the most part - dark ones.


Fact: Only wizards wielded the Elder Wand. According to J.K. Rowling, "no sorceress has claimed to own the Elder Wand".

Master Gregorovich got the elder wand, dreaming of recreating its properties on other sticks. He did not succeed: Grindelwald stole the wand, and then took it away former friend Grindelwald Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, according to him, could only protect other wizards from the wand. Knowing that the Dark Lord wanted him dead, Dumbledore devised a plan that included his own death at the hands of the Elder Wand itself, causing it to lose its power. However, Dumbledore, exhausted from the cave potion, was disarmed by Draco Malfoy, and it was he who became the new owner of the Elder Wand.

He was looking for the Elder Wand and Voldemort, for the sake of which he killed both the master of wands Gregorovich and the magician Grindelwald. Subsequently, he took the wand out of the grave of Albus Dumbledore, but soon felt that the wand obeyed him reluctantly, since it had a different owner - Draco Malfoy. But Voldemort considered that since Professor Snape killed Dumbledore (according to a plan previously discussed with Dumbledore), then Snape is the new owner of the Elder Wand (Voldemort did not understand that killing and winning are two different things). So he destroyed Snape with Nagini's Horcrux Serpent. And he miscalculated!


Draco Malfoy was defeated by Harry Potter, who transferred the power of the Elder Wand. Understanding everything, he pointed out Voldemort's mistakes. And the Dark Lord, not believing his words, in fear, tried to kill the young man again. But the Elder Wand again refused to kill its owner. And as a result, the Dark Lord destroyed himself. After the victory, Harry restored his broken Elder Wand, and then returned the Elder Wand to the tomb.