Household poisons - reference book. Types of poisons: inorganic, systemic and natural

Omega is a highly toxic substance that is part of hemlock. Just 100 milligrams of it (8 leaves) will be enough to kill a person. How it works: all body systems gradually fail, except the brain. As a result, you, being in your right mind, begin to die slowly and painfully until you suffocate.

The most popular hemlock was among the Greeks. Interesting fact: This plant caused the death of Socrates in 399 BC. The Greeks executed him in this way for disrespect for the gods.


No. 9 - Aconite

This poison is obtained from the fighter plant. It causes arrhythmia, which ends in suffocation. They say that even touching this plant without gloves can result in death. It is almost impossible to detect traces of poison in the body. Most famous case Applications - Emperor Claudius poisoned his wife Agrippina by adding aconite to her mushroom dish.


#8 - Belladonna

In the Middle Ages, belladonna was used as a women's cosmetic (rouge for cheeks). Special drops were even obtained from the plant to dilate the pupils (at that time this was considered fashionable). You could also swallow belladonna leaves - one is just enough for a person to die. Berries are also not a miss: you only need to eat 10 of them to die. In those days, a special poisonous solution was made from the latter, which was used to lubricate arrowheads.


#7 - Dimethylmercury

This is the slowest and most insidious killer. This is because even 0.1 milliliter that accidentally gets on your skin will be enough to be fatal. The most notorious case: in 1996, a chemistry teacher at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire dropped a drop of poison onto her hand. Dimethylmercury burned through a latex glove; symptoms of poisoning appeared after 4 months. And 10 months later the scientist died.


#6 - Tetrodotoxin

This poison is found in blue-ringed octopuses and puffer fish(fugu). With the former, things are very bad: octopuses deliberately attack their prey with tetrodotoxin, imperceptibly pricking it with special needles. Death occurs within a few minutes, but symptoms do not appear immediately - after paralysis sets in. The venom of one blue-ringed octopus is enough to kill 26 healthy men.

It’s easier with fugu: their poison is only dangerous when you’re about to eat the fish. It all depends on the correct preparation: if the cook is not mistaken, the tetrodoxin will all evaporate. And you will eat the dish without any consequences, except for incredible adrenaline rushes...


#5 - Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive poison for which there is no antidote. The substance is so dangerous that just 1 gram of it can kill 1.5 million people in a few months. The most sensational case of the use of polonium was the death of Alexander Litvinenko, an employee of the KGB-FSB. He died in 3 weeks, the reason was that 200 grams of poison were found in his body.


#4 - Mercury

  1. elemental mercury - found in thermometers. Instant death occurs if it is inhaled;
  2. inorganic mercury - used in the manufacture of batteries. Lethal if swallowed;
  3. organic mercury. Sources are tuna and swordfish. It is recommended to eat no more than 170 grams per month. Otherwise, organic mercury will begin to accumulate in the body.

The most famous case of use is the poisoning of Amadeus Mozart. He was given mercury tablets to treat syphilis.

There are two types of rat baits: food (non-toxic) - for luring rats into a trap, and poisonous - for killing rodents. Food baits can be used for all types of rat traps, and poisons are most often used in conjunction with special stations for safety reasons. In this review, we will tell you about the 5 best poisons for rats and mice from 11 to 65 dollars.

After ingesting poison, rodents die within a few hours to several weeks. Mice are smaller than rats and can die within a day, but rats die more slowly (a week or two). Poison baits are toxic and can kill any animal, including pets (cats and dogs), squirrels, raccoons and other wild animals. Be careful when using them around your pets and small children. Otherwise, instead of using poisons, you are better off purchasing an ultrasonic pest repeller to safely eliminate the animals that are bothering you.

Poison Ingredients: How Do Rodenticides Really Work?

Rodenticides are toxic to rodents, but, unfortunately, to humans too. All these baits bring death. Therefore, rat poisons are best used in conjunction with stations (like the Protecta LP Rat Bait Station for ~$18.49).

Active ingredients of rodenticides that belong to the group anticoagulants(eg, warfarin, diphasinone, and bromadiolone) interfere with blood clotting, causing severe internal bleeding and ultimately death.

All poisons also belong to two different generations.

First generation poisons kill rodents slowly because they have a cumulative effect. For rodents to die, they need to eat the poison for several days, rather than just taste it once. Most rat and mouse baits these days fall into this group.

Second generation poisons(for example, containing bromadiolone, brodifacoum) allow you to kill pests after a single dose of the poison.

Poisons are released both in blocks, pellets and bar form (individually wrapped to help keep the bait fresh and smelly) etc.

  • Using poison bait is usually less expensive than trapping because it is less labor intensive and you don't have to check the rats every day. Thus, in large rooms it is more profitable to use poisons.
  • You should know that mice and rats can learn to identify baits and avoid them. To prevent this, scientists advise first laying out food bait to lull the vigilance of rodents, and then replacing it with a poisoned one.
  • Liquid rat poison works great in dry areas. For example, you can buy Tomcat Mouse and Rat Liquid Concentrated Poison Bait(~$19.87) along with Helland Rodent Liquid Poison Auto Dispenser (~$9.99).

Poisons and animals (cats, dogs)

Attention: There are no rat poisons that are safe for your pets! All poisonous baits are created to kill animals and can also harm cats and dogs. Be very careful: if the poison is swallowed, severe poisoning can occur. If you are concerned about pets, try an alternative method - electronic repellers. To get rid of rats, use only powerful repellers with a large area coverage, for example, Pack of 4 Plug-In Electronic Ultrasonic Repellents from Pest Venator (~$28.98).

User Cesar Rueda from the site warns: “Please be very careful when using bait if you have a dog. She won't be able to get into the bait station, but many rodents have a tendency to pull out and hide bits of poison all over the backyard...”

To prevent your cats or dogs from accidentally eating poison in the yard, you can, for example, attach poison to a strong wire on the fence or hide pieces of the toxic product in places where your pets do not go - and then wait for the dead rats.

“Just use the poison in garages and attics - ie. in areas where your children and pets would not normally go. It's possible that dying rats or mice will go outside and be eaten by other animals (though if you live in an urban area the chances are low compared to countryside), but usually most die near the place where you used the product. After the death of a rodent, an unpleasant odor will certainly appear, which is why the poison must be used with caution in places where it will then be difficult to find the corpse and remove it.”

Yes, poisons kill rodents. But you don't know where exactly they will die. Dying rodents are looking for a quiet place, and you will be lucky if they manage to get outside. But it is possible that their death will happen right in your house or barn, then an unpleasant surprise awaits you - the smell of dead rats. (If this bothers you, read "How to get rid of the smell of a dead rat").

5 best poisons for rats and mice

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx, 4 lb

Tomcat All Weather Bait is easy to use and works against rats, mice, squirrels, voles, raccoons, chipmunks and other rodents that disrupt your routine - tested by customers.

This product is similar to what professional exterminators use along with Protecta Bait Stations (~$14.30), but some people feel that 4 pounds is too much for home use. The product blocks have holes for mounting them onto steel rods in the stations. You can choose any poison station, but we definitely don't recommend using Tomcat without it.

A bucket of bait is enough for a whole season of rat control. Tomcat bait works quickly: many people say that they started finding dead pests the very next day or within the next week or two of starting to use the poison. The duration depends on the size of the rodent population in the room. According to users, such a Tomcat bucket is enough to keep the situation under control even after it seems that the rats have left the room alone: “Once the problem is resolved, I just leave the blocks in place and check them once a month. If a block is eaten or bitten, I replace it immediately. Great thing!”

Remember that rats can take the bait blocks and return with them to their nest, where they will die. Therefore, you may mistakenly think that a product does not work just because you do not see dead rats in your home.

Active Ingredient: Diphasinone

Price: ~$24.46 Check current price

JT Eaton 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant Bait For Mice and Rats

First of all, rats love JT Eaton Bait - Amazon customers confirm this. People quietly leave their homes, placing stations with this bait, and upon returning they find completely empty devices. This means that “someone” still eats the poison!

Additionally, users use this product to get rid of gophers and squirrels as well. Again, we recommend not placing poison bait without a station. This is especially important because some users complain that after they simply sprinkled the bait on the floor, the mice did not finish it and walked away, leaving bitten blocks of poison. Your pets may find them, so to be safe, we recommend using a bait station like the Protecta LP Rat Bait Station.

Customers have also noted that JT starts working very quickly - one girl said that the rats in her house began eating the poisonous blocks the first day after laying them out in the basement, and then began to gradually disappear. If you want to break the JT into pieces, for example for storing in hard-to-reach places, this is easy to do, although there is no hole in the center of the block like other brands.

One guy gives valuable advice to other users about using JT: “Be aware that adult rats often test anything unfamiliar (including poison) on young rats. So they check their reaction and decide whether it is possible to eat it.". Find more helpful tips and facts on

JT Eaton Bait Block Rodenticide is a first generation anticoagulant bait.

Active Ingredient: Diphasinone 0.005%

Price: ~$24.49(144 1 oz. Blocks, Peanut Butter Flavor) Check Current Price

Price: ~$27.95(144 1 oz. Blocks, Apple Flavor) Check Current Price

D-Con Ready Mix Baitbits Mice Rats Brodifacoum 3oz (1 Tray)

This is an old and proven rat killer. This package contains 1 bait tray. All you need to do is remove the film covering the tray and place it where the rodents have been spotted.

As Amazon customers note, D-Con Rat & Mouse Bait works on mice and rats (especially the dreaded “Norwegian rats”), squirrels and chipmunks. If you want to wipe out the entire population, you need to keep giving them more bait until they all die.

How users respond to the poison: “My husband has been using this brand for several years to kill the rats that tend to live in our attic. You will see that this helps after the first use, but remember that then you need to regularly check the attic and, possibly, remove dead rats from there.”

By the way, users give many other useful tips:

  1. Usually the activity of mice and rats increases from the beginning of November - be prepared!
  2. You can mix D-Con with peanut butter to further attract rodents.
  3. Do not use counteracting rat control methods (such as repellers) while using D-Con Ready Mix Killer. All other means and methods can negatively affect the effectiveness of the bait.

Active Ingredient: Brodifacoum

Price: ~$31.99 Check current price

Farnam Home & Garden Just One Bite II Bar

This rat poison appears as a solid 1 pound block, but is lined so that it can be easily broken into 8 2 ounce pieces. According to users, rats really love to eat Just One Bite bait. It's not just rats - this product also works on mice, chipmunks and squirrels! Buyers noted that the results were immediate: one of them found a dead rat within 12 hours after he laid out the bait.

Users are advised not to lose heart if it seems that it is not working. You may need to use more poison for particularly stubborn mice and rats, or combine Farnam products with classic spring traps or modern electronic traps. At least, users who have already used such an integrated approach were not left disappointed.

One customer said he bought this rat poison for $9.02 and left it in a bag in his room. Later he heard rustling and other strange sounds. It turns out that the rodents found the bag with the bait by smell and began gnawing on the contents! “I know that I should have placed the poison in the right places myself, but these creatures beat me to it - it’s fantastic!”, he said.

You will likely have to dispose of dead rats from your basement and other areas after their death meal. In this case, we also recommend purchasing one of those gadgets that people use to pick up trash, such as the Unger 36-Inch Pick-Up Tool. This thing is extremely useful for removing dead animals from your home.

Active Ingredient: Bromadiolone

Price: ~$9.02 Check current price

Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait

Havoc has a fairly hefty price tag of ~$73.59 for 40 double packs of poison (2 x 50g). This may be expensive for some, but... As shoppers on have noted, there are clear differences between expensive poisons like Havoc and budget ones: “Rodents eat these pellets like crazy and die quickly. It's great that you only need one “rat meal”.

They note that Havoc Bait works great on rats and mice—any time of year, even winter, because of its all-weather formula. This bait also works on moles, someone wrote: “I use this to control moles in the yard and it works great if you know the secrets to using it properly.”

Active Ingredient: Brodifacoum is a second generation anticoagulant rodenticide.

Price: ~$73.59 Check current price

Comparative table of poisons from rats and mice

Product Type of poison Active Ingredient Speed ​​of action on rodents Price

Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx, 4 Lb

Small blocks Diphasinone ~$24.46

JT Eaton 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Bait

Small blocks Diphasinone Kills slowly, requires several meals from ~$24.49

D-Con Ready Mix Baitbits Mice Rats

Granules Brodifacoum ~$31.99

Farnam Home & Garden Just One Bite Bar

Single block(with the ability to divide into small ones) Bromadiolone A single dose is enough ~$9.02

Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait

Granules Brodifacoum A single dose is enough ~$73.59

Protecta LP Rat Bait Station

Bait station - - ~$14.30

Tomcat Mouse and Rat Poison Bait

Liquid poison Diphasinone sodium salt Kills slowly, requires several meals ~$19.62

The most frequently asked questions about Havoc Rat & Mice bait

Can I use Havoc inside my home? What's the best way to do this?

Yes, Havoc Rat & Mice Bait can be used indoors. You can either scatter the pellets around or simply open the bag and place it where the rats are active.

There are mice in my attic. Can I put bait there? It's quite difficult for me to get into the attic, so I'm afraid that the smell of dead mice will bother my family later.

Unfortunately, the smell will be there in any case, because... not a single bait dehydrates the rodent from the inside (only in this case the smell could be less strong). In a situation like yours, the two most acceptable options are to make the attic entrance more accessible and place poison there, or to use an electronic rat repeller.

What is the shelf life of the product?

You don't have to worry about this: Havoc bait can be stored for up to 4 or 5 years, and such a long storage period will not affect its effectiveness since the bags are securely sealed.

Is it true that Havoc is equally effective on rats and mice?

Yes, in practice, bait attracts and kills both mice and rats equally well.

Attention! You should know that rats and mice are very cunning creatures, so if they see that someone has died from bait, they may refuse such a treat. Therefore, if you see that animals do not eat it, buy another product.

What is the best bait to use for traps?

There are many options to choose from - you simply must know the best way to replace your rodent trap. We remind you that for this you need not poisoned, but food or natural bait! You must choose the most best way lure unwanted neighbors inside the trap This is a necessary step because if the bait doesn't attract rats, they will never fall into the trap - and your rat problem will never be solved.

Have you heard of the “great rat eradication”? This is an example of a large campaign aimed at getting rid of rats en masse. We hope that those reading this article have only encountered a small population of rats in the home - and using natural baits in traps will help solve the problem of catching and killing rats.

You can choose any of the following options:

  • Peanut butter: it's actually more effective than the cheese we often see in rodent cartoons. Rats are very attracted to peanut butter.
  • Chocolate: The sweet smell of chocolate makes mice and rats come out of their shelters to quickly enjoy this treat.
  • Bread: plain bread or bread with a little butter on it is very effective as bait.
  • Ropes, cotton wool: excellent materials for bait. Rodents use them to strengthen and insulate their nests.

In nature, there are a huge number of substances that, on the one hand, are dangerous to health, and on the other hand, help to cure various diseases. It all depends on their quantity and concentration. When exposed to poisons in sufficiently small quantities, some of them help to recover from the most dangerous diseases, without any pathologies or consequences.

The most powerful poison

There are quite a variety of poisons: some instantly kill a person, while the effects of others are very slow, gradually leading to death for the body. Some even cause severe pain and terrible suffering. There are a huge variety of them; the article lists the most dangerous ones. So dangerous that it is difficult to even determine which poison is the strongest.


Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives are a very dangerous substance for the human body. A very small amount of it can instantly kill a living organism. However, sugar can resist it; it is an antidote.

Anthrax poison

The bacteria that cause this life-threatening disease belong to the Bacillus anthracis family. They attack healthy cells, leading to their death. If a person has a skin form of the disease, then in 20% it leads to death. When affected by the intestinal form anthrax 50% of victims die. The pulmonary form leaves virtually no chance for the patient to survive; doctors manage to save only 5%.


This substance was obtained as a result of attempts to synthesize pesticides. It is very dangerous; when it enters the body, a person experiences severe suffering, which ultimately leads to death. This poison was used as a chemical weapon for a long time, until its production was stopped in the 90s. But at present it is still used by terrorists and the military.


These substances are contained in fly agaric mushrooms. A person can only feel symptoms after poison enters the body only after 10 hours or even the next day. Amatoxins have a detrimental effect on all organs, so in most cases poisoning is fatal. If a person managed to survive, then for the rest of his life he will be tormented by pain that arises due to internal organs damaged by these substances.


This poison penetrates everything internal organs person. tends to accumulate, so with a small amount of it it very slowly poisons the body. When a person is poisoned by this substance, normal activities are disrupted. nervous system, a severe mental disorder ensues.


It was discovered by chemists back in the 19th century. This toxic substance is obtained from chilibuha nuts. A large amount of it leads to severe poisoning. Subsequently, a slow death occurs, while the person suffers greatly and begins to have convulsions. If used in small quantities, strychnine is an excellent remedy for treating paralysis. Another useful property is that this substance speeds up metabolism.


This poison is contained in Japanese fish, which is called fugu. Its content has also been noted in the caviar and skin of animals that live in water in tropical zone, and its presence has also been recorded in the eggs of the Californian newt. Doctors are not always able to cure a person after ingesting this poison, and the mortality rate is high. However, most people still prefer to try this delicacy - fugu dishes. But even the most experienced chef is not immune to the fact that the fish he cooks will poison his visitors.


This poison is used by the military as a chemical weapon. It paralyzes the human body and also causes nervous breakdown. If a person inhales its vapors, or the substance gets on the skin, then painful death occurs in less than an hour.


Obtained from plants. Its grains are very dangerous; if they enter the respiratory tract, they endanger human life. He dies if this substance enters the blood. Very powerful, stronger than even cyanide, and only due to technical problems it was not possible to use it as a chemical weapon mass destruction. But still, this poison is used by the military and terrorists.

Botulism toxin

It is produced by bacterial cells Clostridium botulinum, which are very dangerous to human health and life. When exposed to them, the body develops botulism. This poison is widely used in medicine: it is added in small quantities to medications, and it is also widely used in operations in which Botox is used. Perhaps botulinum toxin is the most powerful poison for humans.

The poisons described in the article have a detrimental effect on the body, causing death in most cases. And if the victim is able to be saved from intoxication with these substances, then for the rest of his life he will experience various consequences and health problems.

Toxic substances lie in wait for us everywhere. Some of them have an almost immediate effect, while others can act slowly. The degree of intoxication in each specific case is different. It depends on the characteristics of the body and the amount of poison that has entered the body. Therefore, determining the most powerful poison in the world is problematic. Nevertheless, we can highlight a list of toxic substances that pose the greatest danger.

The most powerful poisonous chemicals

Potent poisons have been synthesized by scientists for military purposes. But sometimes toxic substances can be found in everyday conditions. Among the most dangerous of them are:

  1. Mercury. It is contained in ordinary thermometers. If the integrity of the flask is not compromised, then mercury does not pose any health hazard. Mercury vapor from a broken thermometer can cause irreparable harm. The evaporation process begins even at room temperature. It is prohibited to collect spilled mercury yourself. You must immediately seek help from a specialized service.
  2. Methanol. This substance is often confused with food grade ethyl alcohol, which leads to serious poisoning. Methanol is colorless and odorless, so it is impossible to identify it without laboratory testing. Consumption of even a small amount of this substance can be fatal. a person loses his sight.
  3. Potassium cyanide. This is the most powerful poison for humans. It is widely used in plastic products, photography, gold mining and some other fields. Poisoning occurs even from inhaling cyanide vapor. In the shortest possible time, respiratory failure develops and convulsions appear. In case of severe intoxication, death occurs.
  4. Sarin. This is a substance that was synthesized by German scientists. They pursued the goal of creating the world's strongest pesticide. The resulting gas has gained fame as a poison that causes a long and painful death. Today, the deadly poison sarin is officially banned, but terrorists are trying to use it as a chemical weapon.
  5. Arsenic. This element of the periodic table has long been used as a poison. They poisoned quite a few politicians. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to cholera. First of all, cramps and severe pain appear in the abdominal area. After large amounts of arsenic enter the body, heart disease, diabetes or cancer develop.

These substances are extremely dangerous for humans. Therefore, their features must be remembered.

The most dangerous poisons for humans are also found in plants. Such poisonings often await inexperienced mushroom pickers and other flora lovers. The following substances deserve special attention:

  1. Amatoxin is the most powerful protein poison. It is found in some mushrooms, including toadstool. Once in the human body, the toxin immediately begins to destroy internal organs. The first signs of intoxication may appear only after a few days. In this case, valuable time to save a person is lost, and doctors cannot guarantee a favorable prognosis. Even if the patient’s life can be saved, his health will be severely compromised. Most likely, a person will suffer from kidney or liver failure and problems with the respiratory system all his life. People often wonder what is more toxic pale grebe or potassium cyanide. In fact, these poisons can be placed on the same level in terms of toxicity.
  2. Strychnine. This poison is found in the nuts of the chilibuha tree. In microscopic dosages it is used for medical purposes. If the permissible amount is exceeded, death occurs, but before this the person experiences severe suffering.
  3. Ricin. Contained in castor beans. Inhalation of small grains of this substance is dangerous. Its poisoning ability is several times higher than that of potassium cyanide. Human death occurs if ricin is injected directly into the blood.
  4. Curare. It is a poison that is produced from a mixture of plants in South America. Its main component is an alkaloid, which, when ingested, leads to paralysis and cardiac arrest. Death from curare is painful.

To avoid poisoning from such poisons, never eat unknown plants. Teach children about safety precautions when traveling outdoors.

If you notice the first symptoms of poisoning, consult a doctor immediately. Chances of salvation remain only if the problem is identified in a timely manner.

Animal poisons

Poison can kill a person instantly. Such toxic substances are often carried by animals. Among them are:

  1. Toads chirp. The skin of these amphibians secretes chiriquitotoxin. This neurotoxin has a toxic effect on the human nervous system. After intoxication, a person experiences severe convulsions, coordination of movements is impaired, and complete paralysis of the limbs may develop. The poison has a strong effect when administered intramuscularly.
  2. Puffer fish. The milk, caviar and liver of this fish contain tetrodotoxin. This substance causes severe poisoning, which is accompanied by severe itching, drooling, convulsions, and difficulty swallowing. The poison is fast, so as soon as possible paralysis develops respiratory system and the death of a person occurs.
  3. Australian Taipan. The venom of this snake contains thaipotoxin. Its entry into the human blood leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and impaired blood clotting. This kind of snake venom is the most poisonous. In terms of poisoning ability, it is several times greater than cobra venom.
  4. Karakurt. During the bite, the spider injects alpha-latrotoxin into the victim's blood. It leads to severe pain that spreads throughout the body in a matter of minutes. At the same time, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, increased heart rate, and bouts of vomiting occur.
  5. Central Asian cobra. This snake's saliva contains a powerful neurotoxin. Its entry into the human blood provokes convulsions, breathing problems, and paralysis. If left untreated, death occurs. Such poisonings are rare, since the cobra attacks a person only in exceptional cases.

Poison can be contained in the biological material of any animal. Therefore, it is best to minimize contact with him, especially when it comes to wild representatives fauna.

If you were bitten poisonous snake or a spider, try to immediately suck the poison out of the wound. Remember that this can only be done if there is no damage to the oral cavity. Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Bacteriological poisoning

Not only animals and plants, but also bacteria can pose a danger to humans. Their vital activity in the human body leads to the formation of strong toxins. Among them, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  1. Botulinum toxin. It is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its vital activity leads to the development of botulism in humans. This is a disease that can only be treated in the earliest stages. In other cases, the probability of death is extremely high. The bacterium multiplies quickly in the absence of oxygen, so poor quality canned food often becomes a source of poisoning.
  2. Anthrax bacillus. Its entry into the body leads to the development of anthrax. This disease develops rapidly. There are cutaneous and intestinal forms. In the first case, death occurs in 20% of cases. With the intestinal form of the disease, no more than 5% of victims can be saved.
  3. Tetanus toxin. This substance is produced by rods of the genus Clostridium. Infection most often occurs through open wounds on the body. Infection manifests itself in the form of convulsions, impaired swallowing reflex, damage to the respiratory center and cardiovascular system. The likelihood of death is extremely high.

Determining the fastest-acting poison is quite difficult. Everything will depend on a combination of many factors. Try to avoid contact with hazardous substances as little as possible. If infection does occur, do not try to cure it yourself. Only timely seeking medical help will save your life.

October 7th, 2009

If you want to be healthy, douse yourself, don’t touch this rubbish, or better yet, avoid it altogether...
The deadliest things on our planet.

Pale grebe- Destroying Angel. First physical signs poisoning usually involves nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After a feeling of slight discomfort, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen, severe vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis of the extremities, as well as yellowness of the eyes and skin as liver damage. The patient remains conscious almost until the end, with brief intervals of loss of consciousness, then coma and death.

Dog fish(Pufferfish). The poison tetraodontoxin is found in the ovaries of this fish and is not destroyed by heat treatment. In case of poisoning, speech is difficult, and paralysis of the respiratory system quickly develops, accompanied by paralysis of the central nervous system. The cause of death is most often convulsions or respiratory arrest, which occur within one to two hours after the poison enters the body.

Castor bean-Castor Beans. Signs of poisoning are bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, drowsiness, cyanosis, stupor, impaired microcirculation, blood in the urine, ultimately coma, and death; the toxic agent, even in low concentrations, causes the dissolution of red blood cells; in serious cases, hemorrhages develop throughout the body. Castor beans can also lead to premature birth in pregnant women. Autopsies of patients who have died from castor bean poisoning show that the vomit and stool contain blood.

Belladonna. All parts of the plant are deadly poisonous, especially its roots, leaves, and berries. The poison paralyzes the parasympathetic nervous system by blocking nerve endings.

Viper Venom. Snake venom affects the blood and nervous system, it is less poisonous when it enters the mouth than into the blood... The victim of a viper bite bleeds from the wound, has a fever and chills. Poisoning is accompanied by swelling or hemorrhages above the elbows or knees. These signs usually appear within two hours after the bite. Then fainting, bleeding from the nose and mouth, loss of vision, followed by loss of consciousness. Death caused by cardiorespiratory disorders is inevitable if an antidote is not administered in time.

Barbados nut or Physical nut. The threat lies in the deceptively pleasant taste of the seeds. However, make no mistake - each seed contains at least 55 percent of the active substance "Hell oil", which blocks protein synthesis in the intestinal wall and can lead to death.

Hemlock. Signs of poisoning are a gradual loss of coordination, accompanied by a fast and weakened pulse, pain in the muscles as they atrophy and eventually die. Although the mind remains clear, vision often deteriorates until the victim succumbs to pulmonary paralysis. It is believed that Socrates was poisoned with the juice of this plant, and not hemlock, as previously thought.

Cobra Venom has mainly neurotoxic effects. Its strength is enough to cause the death of a person after the first full bite. In such cases, the mortality rate may exceed 75 percent. However, taking into account all the behavioral features king cobra Overall, only 10 percent of bites are fatal to humans.

Datura. All parts of the plant contain poisonous alkaloids. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it affects the nervous system, causing cardiac dysfunction and paralysis.

Lily of the valley. Contains a cardiac glycoside in a fairly high concentration, in small doses it stimulates the work of a weakened heart muscle, but in case of an overdose it leads to arrhythmias and blockade of the electrical conductivity of the heart, necessary for its normal contractions. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Poisoning manifests itself as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache pain and pain in the epigastric region. In severe cases, the rhythm and frequency of heart contractions are disturbed, and the pulse, as a rule, becomes rare. Sometimes the nervous system is also affected. This is evidenced by agitation, visual disturbances, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.

Aconite has neurotoxic and cardiotoxic effects. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, numbness of the tongue, lips, cheeks, tips of fingers and toes, a crawling sensation, sensations of heat and cold in the extremities. Intoxication with aconite is characterized by a transient visual disturbance - the patient sees objects in green. There is also drooling, followed by dry mouth, thirst, headache, anxiety, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs, and loss of consciousness. Breathing is rapid, shallow, and may suddenly stop.

Rhododendron. Contains glucoside substances - andromedotoxin, ericolin. Andromedotoxin has a local irritant and general narcotic effect, first stimulating and then depressing the central nervous system; greatly upsets the activity of the heart, in a peculiar way, like veratrine, it affects the muscle. Poisoning develops very quickly. Often, within a few hours of eating rhododendron leaves and branches, death occurs.

Tubocurarine chloride. White crystalline powder, in traumatology d-tubocurarine is sometimes used to relax muscles when repositioning fragments, reducing complex dislocations... Side effects from the use of tubocurarine are observed only in case of an overdose; in this case, the patient may develop respiratory failure due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and, as a consequence, death.

Rhubarb. Rhubarb can only be eaten in early spring, until the air temperature rises above 15-17° C. Early spring in rhubarb, malic acid predominates, then its content increases, and with increasing temperature in hot weather, oxalic acid accumulates in the petioles, which is harmful to the body: it forms poorly excreted salts and removes calcium contained in the blood. Consumption of oxalic acid in an amount of 3-4 g at once is dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. In case of poisoning, vomiting, convulsions, and kidney failure may occur. In the first two days, death can occur from asphyxia, shock, or cardiovascular failure. In the next 2 weeks after poisoning, severe complications such as acute renal failure, repeated collapses, profuse bleeding, hemorrhagic pneumonia, and gastric perforation may occur, which can lead to death.

Gila monster - large reptile, with a very beautiful black and orange pattern all over the body. The Latin name for this beautiful lizard is Heloderma suspectum or poison tooth. There are grooves on the upper and lower jaws, into which the channels of highly developed poisonous glands approach. When biting, the teeth go deep into the victim's body. Venom tooth bites are very painful and act almost the same as snake bites. The venom is neurotoxic, meaning that when it bites, it paralyzes its victim. For small animals, the lizard's venom is fatal; in humans it usually causes very severe swelling, but can sometimes lead to death.

Croton oil- liquid obtained from the seeds of the Croton tiglium plant. It has a strong laxative effect and irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Even in small quantities (over 20 drops) it is life-threatening. Crotonal is toxic and mutagenic. When a person inhales its vapors, irritation of the mucous membrane, pharyngitis, cough, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and the onset of shock or unconsciousness occurs. Contact directly with the liquid results in severe skin redness, irritation, pain and burns. When poison gets inside, the whole body is poisoned, the central nervous system is damaged, and tumors form. In case of tactile contact, skin scarring occurs.

Digitalis. Nowadays, digitalis purpurea is used to produce medicines that stimulate the cardiovascular system. Active biological substances from digitalis tend to accumulate in the body and can be harmful or even fatal to a person with a healthy heart. The grass and rhizomes of foxglove are saturated with the toxin digitalin. Poisoning is accompanied by irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, the pulse becomes rapid and arrhythmic, and general weakness and shortness of breath are observed. Convulsions may develop before death.

Codeine is an almost clear, odorless substance with a rather bitter taste, which is available in either powder or liquid form. When used in high doses, like other opiates, it can cause euphoria. Serious poisoning is often possible when taking a large number of tablets of some codeine-containing medications. Due to the fact that with regular use of codeine, an addictive phenomenon is observed (similar to addiction to heroin and other drugs of the opiate group), it is released with the same restrictions as other narcotic analgesics. In case of severe codeine poisoning, breathing disorders are possible, up to paralysis with preserved consciousness, as well as a significant drop in blood pressure.

Poisonous octopus(blue ringed octopus). Its venom, which belongs to the group of neurotoxins, is so powerful that it can kill an adult, especially if the octopus bites in the neck or in the area close to the spine. There is simply no vaccine for its poison

Dimethyl sulfate. Used in the manufacture of paints, drugs, perfumes and pesticides, most poisonings from dimethyl sulfate occur due to leakage of liquid or vapor. Signs of poisoning will be more pronounced if alcohol is present. Nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, and headache occur. Possible increase in temperature, excitability, pain in the limbs, visual and hearing impairment, mental disorders. In severe cases, tremor, ataxia, loss of consciousness, paroxysmal clonic-tonic convulsions resembling epileptic seizures, and coma develop. A pathological examination reveals pronounced vascular disorders and degenerative changes in the parenchymal organs, brain and adrenal glands.

Nicotine. It is estimated that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. about 50 - 70 mg for a teenager. Consequently, death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at the same time, because a whole pack contains exactly one lethal dose of nicotine.

Wart. A fish with a row of spines on its back that release a poisonous toxin. This is the most dangerous venomous fish known and its venom causes extreme pain with possible shock, paralysis and tissue death depending on the depth of penetration. At the slightest irritation, the wart raises the spines of the dorsal fin; sharp and durable, they easily pierce the shoes of a person who accidentally steps on a fish, and penetrate deep into the foot. If the injection penetrates deeply, it can be fatal to a person if he does not receive medical attention within a few hours. If the thorn gets into a large blood vessel, death can occur within 2-3 hours. Survivors sometimes remain ill for months. The venom consists of a mixture of proteins, including hemolytic stonustoxin, neurotoxin and cardioactive cardioleptin. Typically, surviving victims suffer localized nerve damage, sometimes leading to atrophy of the attached muscle tissue. The pain can be so severe that injection victims want to cut off the injured limb.

Hydrogen sulfide- a colorless, poisonous gas heavier than air with an unpleasant odor of rotten eggs. It can be released during the process of decay and accumulates in lowlands. Very toxic. At high concentrations, a single inhalation can cause instant death. At small concentrations, adaptation to the unpleasant smell of “rotten eggs” occurs quite quickly, and it ceases to be felt. A sweetish metallic taste appears in the mouth. The first symptom of acute poisoning is loss of smell. Subsequently, headache, dizziness and nausea appear. Sometimes, after a while, sudden fainting occurs.

Oleander- a large evergreen shrub. All parts of the plant are poisonous, moreover, the smoke from the burning plant and the water in which the flowers stood are poisonous. The plant contains a number of cardiac glycosides (oleandrin, cornerin, etc.). Oleander juice, taken internally, causes severe colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea... It also affects the nervous system (even to the point of coma). Cardiac glycosides cause cardiac arrest.

Phencyclidine(phencyclidine, PCP) - widely used in veterinary medicine for short-term immobilization of large animals. It has been noted to cause dissociated anesthesia. Phencyclidine is easy to synthesize. People who use phencyclidine are primarily young people and polydrug addicts. The true prevalence of phencyclidine drug addiction is unknown, but national data suggests that cases in the United States are lately have become more frequent. PCP is either taken orally, smoked, or administered intravenously. It is also used as an additive to illegally sold delta-tetrahydrocannabinol, LSD and cocaine. The most common homemade drug of PCP is called "angel dust." Low doses of phencyclidine (5 mg) cause restlessness, agitation, incoordination, dysarthria, and anesthesia. Horizontal and vertical nystagmus, hot flashes, profuse sweat, and hyperacusis are also possible. Mental disorders include disruption of body schema, incoherent thinking, derealization, and depersonalization. More high doses(5-10 mg) cause increased salivation, vomiting, myoclonus, hyperthermia, stupor and coma. In doses of 10 mg or more, phencyclidine causes epileptic seizures, opisthotonus and decerebrate rigidity, which can be followed by prolonged coma. Acute psychosis caused by phencyclidine should be considered a psychiatric emergency with a high risk of suicide or violent crime.

Parathion(Parathion) - organophosphorus compound - pesticide; when it is inhaled, enters the gastrointestinal tract, or is absorbed through the skin, poisoning occurs. Like some other organophosphorus compounds, parathion interferes with the enzyme cholinesterase, resulting in excessive stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning include headaches, profuse sweating and salivation, lacrimation, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle spasms.

TEPP cholinesterase inhibitor-used mainly as insecticides and can cause poisoning. Symptoms - headache, loss of depth perception, convulsions, sweating, chest pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, general paralysis, involuntary urination and defecation, drop in blood pressure, death.

Yew tree. All parts of the plant are poisonous, except the red fruits. The wood, bark and leaves of yew contain the alkaloid taxin and are therefore poisonous to humans and many other animals, although, for example, hares and deer eat yew willingly and without harm to themselves. The older the yew needles, the more poisonous they are.

Carbon Tetrachloride(Carbon Tetrachloride) is a caustic volatile liquid used as a dry cleaner. When its vapors are inhaled or swallowed, it causes severe damage to the heart, liver and kidneys (for example, the patient may develop cirrhosis of the liver or kidney nephrosis), affects the optic nerve and some other nerves in the human body.

Strychnine- an alkaloid contained in the seeds of tropical plants of the genus strychnos. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and in toxic doses causes characteristic tetanic convulsions...

Clostridium botulinum(Clostridium botulinum) is a gram-positive bacterium of the genus Clostridium, the causative agent of botulism, a severe food intoxication caused by botulinum toxin and characterized by damage to the nervous system. Botulinum toxin accumulates in food products infected with C. botulunum spores during their germination if anaerobic conditions are created (for example, during canning). For humans, botulinum toxin is the most potent bacterial poison, having a detrimental effect at a dose of 10-8 mg/kg. C. botulinum spores can withstand boiling for 6 hours, sterilization at high blood pressure destroys them after 20 minutes, 10% hydrochloric acid after 1 hour, 50% formaldehyde after 24 hours. Botulinum toxin type A(B) is completely destroyed when boiled for 25 minutes. The incubation period for botulism ranges from several hours to 2-5 days (rarely up to 10 days). On the first day, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are noted. Next, neurosymptoms associated with damage to nerve centers predominate: impaired accommodation, double vision, difficulty swallowing, aphonia. In severe forms of botulism, death occurs from respiratory paralysis, sometimes from sudden cardiac arrest.

Potassium cyanide- potassium salt of hydrocyanic acid, chemical formula KCN. Strong inorganic poison. When ingested through the digestive tract, the lethal dose for humans is 1.7 mg/kg. Sometimes large doses are tolerated; the effect may be slowed down when the stomach is filled with food. Potassium cyanide is a powerful inhibitor. When it enters the body, it blocks the cellular enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, as a result of which cells lose the ability to absorb oxygen from the blood and the body dies from interstitial hypoxia.