The ex-husband took their common daughter from Anna Sedokova: the singer was accused of PR. Russian media found out why Anna Sedokova is forbidden to see her daughter without a guard How old is Anna Sedokova's eldest daughter

Singer Anna Sedokova is catastrophically unlucky in her personal life. Although, it would seem, what problems can the soloist of the "golden" composition of the group "VIA-Gra" have. By the age of 35, the woman was officially married twice, in addition, she had two more serious novels. However, the artist could not find the chosen one of her whole life.

From her first marriage, Anna has a daughter, Alina, from the second - with businessman Maxim Chernyavsky - a daughter, Monica, and a little more than a year ago Sedokova gave birth to a son. True, she soon broke up with the father of the child. Anna would have been happy to work and happily raise three children, but that was not the case.

Monica's father is a US citizen, the girl was born in America, which means she also became a citizen of this country. When the parents divorced, Maxim took the girl away from Anna. Another conflict over the daughter of the ex-spouses happened when Monica's dad's relatives did not let her mother to shoot in Los Angeles. And Sedokova herself was allowed to see the girl only in the presence of a representative of the guardianship authorities.

Publication from ANNA SEDOKOVA(@annasedokova) May 13, 2018 at 12:22pm PDT

In August last year, an outstanding football player, midfielder of FC Dynamo Kyiv and former spouse Anna Sedokova, 41-year-old Valentin Belkevich. The athlete died due to a detached blood clot.

Anna and Valentin were married for only two years. After the divorce, the singer began to raise their daughter Alina alone. Despite the fact that the couple did not part very well, Sedokova was shocked by the death of her ex-husband. most challenging task for Anna it began to tell Alina about the tragedy.


The singer has been preparing for a long time how to present the bad news to her daughter. Anna was waiting for the right moment, because the news could affect the girl's psyche. “I have been preparing for a long time. Since childhood, I have been Alina for mom and dad, and although I supported the bright image of my father in her mind, he was not the person who put her on her neck once a week and went for a walk in the park or talked with her all night long about the secret. But the daughter has a transitional age, and the news that dad is no more could have a completely unpredictable effect on her behavior, ”Sedokova said in an interview with Telenedelya.

The singer even hid the newspapers so that Alina would not find out about her father's death ahead of time, but everything turned out to be in vain. “Once she came to visit her friend, and the mother of that girl, seeing Alina, asked directly on her forehead how, they say, she feels after the death of her father. Can you imagine the shock the poor child had? An adult, it would seem, a reasonable person simply lacked tact and education, ”said the artist.

After that, Anna had to make a lot of efforts to calm her daughter. Sedokova told Alina that she also grew up without a father, although he was still alive in her childhood. According to Anna, children are the most important thing in her life for her, and she is ready for anything to make them happy.

Recall that Sedokova also brings up her four-year-old daughter Monica from her second marriage to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Despite the fact that the couple divorced, for the sake of the child they support

Anna Sedokova

(36) became a guest of the program "Live" by Andrei Malakhov (46), in which she spoke about the struggle for her daughter, who was taken to the USA by the second husband of the singer, Maxim Chernyavsky (32). Recall that in early May, the artist finally decided what was happening in her life: they took her child away from her and wanted to deprive her of parental rights. They also said that Maxim wants to make sure that his ex pays alimony.

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But in July it became known that Sedokova and Chernyavsky came to the world. This was announced on her Instagram by the businessman's mother Marina. “There is happiness and I am also very happy, settlement agreement SIGNED! Monica is already on the plane, flying to Cyprus, to me, and on July 19 there will be a big holiday, Monet is 7 years old and her mother is preparing to celebrate. I'm sure it will be something great for Manyuni, her mother knows how to do it. I think you will see all this on her page. Thanks to everyone who helped me, supported me, however, it was very hard for me, thank you very much, good to you, ”wrote Chernyavskaya (The spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Note ed.). After Anna went to rest with all her children on the island of Mykonos.

Visiting Malakhov, Sedokova told the story from the very beginning. “At some point, I was waiting for my daughter, that she would come to me and we would be together. My relatives were supposed to bring her, but I could not get through to them, and it turned out that my daughter is now in Los Angeles. I was uttered the phrase: "From now on, I'm suing you." Then my life was divided into "before" and "after". Hector was 4 or 5 months old. I just ended up in hell, ”Anna shared.

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

During the singer's story, photographs from her personal archive appeared on the screens. True, Monica (7) was not there. The artist explained that she simply cannot show pictures of her daughter and post them on the Web. “As soon as I show Monica somewhere, there is a chance that I will be deprived of maternal rights,” Anna admitted.

Well, when the singer's ex-husband called her to court, she did not understand what was happening. “I didn't understand what happened. I know for a fact that he thought it would be better that way. He went to court and said that I was dangerous for my daughter, ”the star shared. She also said that the court to which she was summoned took place the next day, and it was decided there that Sedokova was really dangerous for her own daughter.

Since then, Anna could only see the child in the presence of a warden and communicate with her in English. The singer admitted that Monica during the meetings did not understand why her mother was not talking to her in her native language.

“We struggled with such a situation that a pact of the Hague Convention was not concluded between Russia and America. At some point, I said that I no longer want my child to suffer. I called and said that I want to sign a peace treaty. Therefore, in this moment we signed an agreement under which Monichka studies in America, she can never come here, but this is until America and Russia sign this pact, ”Anna said, adding that she was silent about the scandal for 8 months.

Anna with Alina and Monika

Sedokova also suggested that the problems she faced in her personal life come from childhood. “My parents fought and hated each other all their lives. First they loved, then they fought. And this lump of hatred, he inflicted an incredible wound on me as a woman. Perhaps the mistakes that many accuse me of, I might have avoided them. Adults should be able to negotiate,” shared Anna.

The singer Anna Sedokova can only dream of peace. Most recently, she was suing her second husband Maxim Chernyavsky for custody of their common daughter Monika, and now Anna said that she was fighting for the inheritance of her first husband, Valentin Belkevich, who passed away in 2014.

Anna married football player Valentin Belkevich in 2004, but they lived together for only two years. Belkevich died quite unexpectedly from a thromboembolism. And since the young man was not going to die, he did not leave a will after himself.

“For more than three years, a legal dispute has been going on about the inheritance that was left after the death of Alina's father, Valentin Belkevich. The other side is delaying the process - it buys people, certificates, negotiates with whom it can. But, despite this, tomorrow there will be a hearing in the Court of Appeal. And the essence of this dispute is not at all an argument between me and another woman. I am trying to defend in court the rights of my native and only daughter Valentina - Alina, ”the singer wrote on her Instagram.

The former lover of Belkevich stated at the trial that he was a gigolo and lived at her expense. He himself, according to her, did not have a penny. And interestingly, her words were confirmed by colleagues and close acquaintances of the football player. For Anna, these confessions were an unpleasant surprise.

“This is vile and low and I hope that everyone will know how you are doing now. You could not participate in this farce, not speak out against Valentine's child and parents in court. But you did it, ”summed up Sedokova.

Belkevich's parents, by the way, took the side of Anna and, in their opinion, the inheritance of the deceased son should go to his only daughter.

In May of this year, 35-year-old Anna Sedokova admitted that her ex-husband, 31-year-old Maxim Chernyavsky, went to court to deprive her of parental rights to their common daughter, 6-year-old Monica. The other day it became known why the American authorities do not allow the singer to communicate freely with the heiress.

Not so long ago, singer Anna Sedokova said that for the past few months she has been suing ex-husband, businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, for their common daughter Monica. The artist said that the ex-husband is trying to deprive her of parental rights. Now Anna can communicate with Monica only in Los Angeles and in the presence of the warden. When Sedokova is in Russia, she has to call Chernyavsky's grandmother, as she cannot directly contact the heiress.

Maxim's grandmother stated that no one takes away Anna's daughter. The woman said that last year Sedokova wanted the girl to participate in the program “Around the World During the Decree”. However, Monica's father felt that she needed to study, and not disappear on the set. Moreover, in August 2017, the girl went to first grade. The businessman's grandmother also noted that it is enough for Sedokova to sign a peace agreement in order to again actively participate in raising her daughter.

The other day, the portal found out that Maxim wants to achieve sole custody of Monica. The businessman also demands that the artist pay him child support for his daughter. It turned out that at first the girl was supposed to participate in the filming of the program with the singer, but her relatives did not bring her to her mother. Soon Sedokova received a lawsuit stating that she was a threat to her daughter. As it became known from official documents, Anna can only see Monica in the presence of social worker, because the judge believes that an artist who "has emotional ties with another state" can take a girl - a US citizen - out of the country without permission and hide her from her father.

Since October 2017, Monica has been unable to travel outside of Los Angeles, and her papers are kept in court. According to insiders, Anna is unsuccessfully trying to establish contact with Maxim, who refuses to go to the world. According to anonymous sources close to the singer, Chernyavsky is ready to allow Sedokova to freely communicate with her daughter only after deprivation of parental rights. Anna does not agree to these terms and wants Monica to be raised by both parents.

According to insiders, a lengthy procedure will soon begin, which is called Evaluation in an American court. Anna, Maxim and Monika will have to undergo numerous examinations by psychologists. The artist believes that this greatly injures her daughter.