Seagull: why dream. White seagull in hands

When composing interpretations for dreams, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of the plot in order to be able to get the most accurate prediction. So, for example, a seagull, although it is a symbol of bad news, in combination with other details of dreams, can promise quite favorable events or be a warning. What does the dream book say about this, in which a seagull can arise under a variety of circumstances?

General Versions

Clarifying what the seagull is dreaming of, it is important to remember exactly how it interacted with the sleeping person:

  • A bird that flew up to a person and sat down at his feet in a dream is a symbol of good news that he will soon be lucky enough to hear.
  • A bird perched on the dreamer's shoulders or head represents good deeds and good intentions of the dreamer.
  • Seeing such a bird in your hands for a sleeping person is literally “holding luck by the tail”, because in the near future a person will have a successful completion of affairs (even those that threatened to fail).

For the rich real world a person's dream, in which the seagull was the main detail of the plot, portends an impending period of calm. For the poor, the same dream will carry a more joyful meaning, because he will soon get better. financial position.

What is the dream of the seagull into which the dreamer has turned? Seeing yourself as a bird soaring freely in the sky in a dream - to freedom in reality. Soon a person will be able to get rid of the shackles of certain circumstances and breathe a sigh of relief. And such a plot may also mean the potential of the sleeper, which he has not yet realized. It is enough to show a little determination and courage to know yourself and discover a new talent.

Well, if the dreaming birds circled over heaps of garbage, the dreamer in reality needs to be very reasonable. It is likely that a person decided to implement several projects at once, but he only has enough time and energy for a couple of things. Therefore, he should carefully consider the course of further actions and correctly prioritize.

Seeing in a dream a seagull that feeds its own will be lucky for those who soon expect parental responsibilities. Even if you do not plan to replenish the family, such obligations may mean guardianship of other children.

To pick up and stroke a wounded bird in a dream - to the desire of dishonest people to take advantage of your slack. Try to gather your strength and show determination in any situation that arises in order to ward off ill-wishers from yourself.

What do famous interpreters think about the appearance of birds

Interested in what seagulls dream of, you can familiarize yourself with the versions famous dream books. Quite a variety of explanations of why such birds may appear in the plot of a dream are contained in Miller's dream book. According to this interpreter, seagulls in a dream are considered a warning about the appearance of mercenary people surrounded by sleeping people. Seeing such a plot, a person should be careful in communicating with people.

This dream book also believes that in dreams about the inhabitants of the sea coasts there is a hint of a financial aspect. For example, fishing White bird- a symbol of profit. A person who sees a similar plot can expect the receipt of funds from the outside. At the same time, a seagull swinging on the waves is a sign that in the near future the sleeper should rely only on own forces in matters relating to material well-being.

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, the filmed plot with seagulls is the personification of feelings between partners. Therefore, the behavior of seagulls in a dream can be used to judge the nature of the relationship. So, for example, many birds soaring above the dreamer's head are a passion and a storm of emotions that lovers experience for each other. At the same time, birds calmly wandering along the coast symbolize the harmony and regularity of relations. But if you see seagulls falling like a stone, such a dream can mean a decrease in love attraction to a partner.

The interpreter of Vanga offers completely different versions about the dream he saw with seagulls. So, if a person dreamed of a seagull, then the dream book connects the plot with a phenomenon from underworld. That is, in the guise of a sleeping bird, the soul of a deceased person visits, acting as a guardian angel. And the birds attacking the sleeper in a dream are a warning of impending danger. At the sight of such a plot, the dreamer should limit his movements, temporarily abandoning long trips.

Also in Vanga's dream book there is an explanation for dreams in which a seagull pecks a girl or a guy. IN this case the phenomenon is interpreted as a signal of a possible deterioration in health. At the sight of such a plot, dreamers should think about taking care of their health in advance and undergoing an examination.

If seagulls with prey in their beaks flew to your house, it means that prosperity and well-being await you in the near future. You can forget about problems for a while, because even hopeless things will end in your favor. A dream about things stained with seagulls is considered very favorable. If you happened to hold in your hands ironed linen with droppings of these birds in your dreams, fabulous wealth awaits you very soon.

As you can see, in many respects the meaning of a dream about original birds depends on the details of the plot. Therefore, if you dreamed of seagulls, try to remember even minor moments dreams in order to get an accurate interpretation of it. Author: Elena Suvorova

Almost any dream has a certain meaning, for example, to see a small child in a dream means future troubles, many mice - to wealth, and any dream from Thursday to Friday is considered prophetic.

So, if a seagull is dreaming in a dream, how will famous dream books interpret such a dream?

What is the dream of a seagull according to Miller's dream book

A seagull dreaming in a dream means that greedy and dishonest people will become business partners in a person in the near future. Dead seagulls are a sign of the impending separation from close friends. If in a dream you dreamed of a seagull that sways on the waves, this is a sign that a person will not be able to receive any cash from the side. A seagull fishing - to a good profit, if in a dream you feed a seagull from your hands - to bad news and a protracted deep depression.

Seagull - Vanga's dream book

According to the dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, seeing a seagull means that a person is visited in a dream by the soul of the deceased, acting as a guardian angel. If in a dream a seagull flies or attacks, this is a warning about an impending disaster - the crash of a car, plane or ship. To be pecked by a seagull in a dream - a protracted illness and long treatment awaits a person ahead.

What does it mean to dream of a seagull according to Freud

Dreaming seagulls that fly overhead mean serious passions in sexual relations with a partner. In the near future, an explosion of emotions and feelings should be expected. If in a dream a seagull falls - to a decrease in love attraction to a lover, coldness and indifference.

What is the dream of a seagull according to Miss Hasse's dream book

A dream in which a seagull had a dream means that a person will live to old age.

Seagull according to the dream book of Simon Canonite

A snow-white seagull seen in a dream, floating freely over the boundless expanse of the sea, symbolizes openness, creativity, self-development and the embodiment of one's potential.

What is the dream of a seagull according to Melnikov's dream book

If a woman dreams of a seagull flying over the sea, this dream marks a bright feeling that her chosen one has for her. If in a dream seagulls fly, peck, beat their wings - you should avoid stressful situations and worry less, because such a dream portends a nervous breakdown. A dream with piercingly screaming seagulls symbolizes separation from close friends, family and home. Dead seagull - sadness, longing, the collapse of hopes.

What does it mean to see a seagull in a dream according to an esoteric dream book

A high-flying seagull means that a person thinks about the high, spiritual and beautiful. Wounded, unkempt and scary birds are a symbol of pessimism, you should reconsider your attitude to life and people around you. love couple birds means that thoughts about love have completely replaced other thoughts, you should think not only about love affairs.

Why dream of a seagull in a dream book for a bitch

The dreaming seagull is a symbol of success in business area. A screaming seagull means that to get out of difficult situation you should carefully consider your moves, step by step. If a seagull is caught in a dream, it is a good sign.

Islamic dream book

Eastern sages said that to see a seagull in a dream - to wealth, power, beauty. A seagull sitting in front of a person is good news. A seagull sitting on the head or shoulders symbolizes the good or evil deeds of a person. If the bird is white, the person's deeds are good and good, the black gull indicates bad deeds and evil thoughts. Flying sitting on a seagull is a sign that a journey awaits a person. A seagull rising into the sky and hiding from the eyes is a symbol of collapse, death, misfortune.

Why dream of a seagull in an English dream book

Seeing a seagull in a dream is an unfortunate omen for a rich person. Most likely, things will go badly in the near future. On the contrary, to see a seagull in a dream to a person who is not used to swimming in money means an improvement in the financial situation. If in a dream a seagull screams - to a long journey, success in business, prosperity. A dead bird symbolizes a certain stagnation in life, which, in the end, will end happily.

What else can a seagull dream of

  • Seagull in the house.

If you see in a dream a seagull that flew into the house - to unpleasant news.

  • Seagull in the sky.

A seagull soaring in a dream - to success in business. A high-flying bird is bad news, but not directly related to the person who had such a dream.

  • The seagull is pecking.

If in a dream a seagull pecks - to illness, unpleasant news, problems. If one of the relatives or friends feeds the seagull, big troubles await him.

  • White seagull.

Sign of freedom, creative self-expression.

  • Seagull above the water.

To money. At the same time, in many dream books one should be careful - a person who dreamed of a seagull flying over the sea could be in danger.

  • The seagull feeds on fish.

To success, wealth, profit. However, if a person dreams that he himself feeds a seagull from his hands - to trouble.

IN various dream books dreams with a seagull are interpreted in different ways, but one thing unites them - in general, a dreaming seagull is a symbol of failures, illnesses, troubles. Therefore, if a seagull was dreamed of in a dream, you should take a closer look at your life and your surroundings more seriously and carefully, so that in the future you only dream good dreams and seagulls flew around them.

The bird is graceful, beautiful, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that should happen in general, a seagull: a messenger of trouble.

So, if a seagull appears in your dreams quite often, then higher power warn you of impending misfortunes.

Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that maximum stamina and courage will be required from you in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate.

If you show all your best qualities, then you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony.

But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin.

To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone: ​​misfortune will happen to you personally.

You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future.

Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near bodies of water, try not to use the services water transport and in general, be extremely careful in a dream in which you are making efforts to catch a seagull: it says that your life may be in serious danger in the near future, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses.

This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past.

If you managed not only to catch, but also to kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but there's nothing to be done: dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you can easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but in addition to this, you will be provided with significant assistance.

You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish: you will witness quite unpleasant events in the near future, but no matter how much they bother you, they in no way will touch you.

You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others.

This wording may seem too confusing to you.

To dispel such an impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the disclosure of such a fact does not threaten you .

To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak: in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, and to put it simply.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull in a dream means business relationship with stingy and not very noble partners.

dead seagull portends long separation with friends.

If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you.

If a woman dreamed that she was pouring from a teapot cold water, - someone will soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually portends the beginning of difficult work.

Boiling water dreams of decisive changes in life. A boiling kettle promises you a happy family life.

A kettle from which water has boiled away - to discord in the family.

A broken teapot means that you may fail on the path to success.

A broken teapot dreams of problems in relationships with both home and colleagues.

A girl who dreams that she is pouring tea from a dark teapot will be disappointed in love.

A bright teapot promises a woman a marriage with a wealthy man.

Interpretation of dreams from

The bird is graceful, beautiful, but in dreams it is a symbol of sadness, even a tragedy that should happen in general, a seagull: a messenger of trouble.

So, if a seagull often appears in your dreams, then higher powers warn you of impending misfortunes.

Serious difficulties await you, and you will have to prepare for the fact that maximum stamina and courage will be required from you in order to adequately accept everything sent to you by fate.

If you show all your best qualities, you will be able to maintain human dignity and respect for yourself, as well as peace of mind and harmony.

But it is worth indulging in despair and rigidity, as at the same hour your rapid fall will begin.

To see yourself sailing on a ship, and at the same time a seagull is circling above you, maybe not alone: ​​misfortune will happen to you personally.

You may get sick or have an accident, but water is a particular threat to you in the near future.

Try to avoid, as far as possible, situations in which you will have to be near water bodies, try not to resort to the services of water transport, and in general behave very carefully. time may be in serious danger, but you will be able to get out of the situation with minimal losses.

This whole story could have ended much worse, and for you personally it could have been the end, so discard sad thoughts and learn to enjoy life again and not look back at the past.

If you managed to not only catch, but also kill a seagull (cruel, of course, but nothing can be done: dreams are beyond our control), then in real life you can easily avoid danger thanks to your dexterity, composure and other equally valuable qualities, but besides this, you will provide significant assistance.

You are standing on the seashore and you see how a flock of seagulls is circling over the waves and trying to look out for prey, and some birds have already managed to catch fish: you will witness quite unpleasant events in the near future, but no matter how much they bother you, they in no way will touch you.

You will only have to state the facts and regret that life is so unfair to others.

This wording may seem too confusing to you.

To dispel such an impression, let's turn to the specifics: most likely you will find out that there are serious violations in your organization, apparently financial ones, but since you yourself did not take part in these acts, the disclosure of such a fact does not threaten you .

To see how a seagull carries prey in its beak: in real life, one of your friends will receive a fairly large profit, but this will not please you, since the money will be earned as a result of a very dubious operation, and to put it simply.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

Dream Interpretation - Seagull

A seagull in a dream means business relations with stingy and not very noble partners.

A dead seagull portends a long separation from friends.

If you dreamed of a teapot, then unpleasant news awaits you.

If a woman dreamed that she was pouring cold water from a kettle, someone would soon pay attention to her. In general, a dream about a teapot usually portends the beginning of difficult work.

Boiling water dreams of decisive changes in life. A boiling kettle promises you a happy family life.

A kettle from which water has boiled away - to discord in the family.

A broken teapot means that you may fail on the path to success.

A broken teapot dreams of problems in relationships with both home and colleagues.

A girl who dreams that she is pouring tea from a dark teapot will be disappointed in love.

A bright teapot promises a woman a marriage with a wealthy man.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do seagulls dream? By logical reasoning, it is not so easy to arrive at the correct answer. It remains only to guess what these fussy, noisy, but very cute birds portend. To know for sure, take a look at your favorite dream book. The interpreter will lift the veil of the future.

Modern dream book

That's what seagulls dream of in accordance with modern dream book:

  • If the birds were fishing, it means that you will soon make a significant profit. Moreover, the income will not be related to your professional activity.
  • A light and tender feeling - that's what seagulls dream of over the sea. Your lover treats you sincerely.
  • If a seagull has landed and sat right in front of you, it means that you will receive some news soon. Its content depends on appearance birds. A beautiful clean seagull is good news, but a dirty and sickly one is bad news.
  • If in a dream you watch a seagull fly by with prey in its beak, this means that one of your loved ones will receive significant profits dishonestly.
  • A dream about seagulls circling over mountains of garbage should be an occasion for soul-searching. You pay too much attention to minor things, forgetting about the main thing.

Miller's dream book

If you are wondering what seagulls dream of, take a look at Miller's dream book. In it you will find the following explanations:

  • These screaming birds may be a symbol that the dreamer will have new business partners. But they will be dishonest.
  • If seagulls in a dream rush at you, beat their wings and try to peck, this means that a lot of negativity has piled on you. Try to relax, because you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
  • A seagull sitting on your shoulder is a reflection of your actions. White beautiful bird reflects the purity of your intentions. A black or dirty seagull is a symbol of your mean deeds.
  • If a bird sways peacefully on smooth water, it means that your life will be cloudless. You will not be overtaken by strong shocks, but you will not reach dizzying heights either.
  • If you see a seagull rushing about and cannot find a place to land, it means that your soul is rushing about in the same way. Most likely, you are doing the wrong thing and spending time with the wrong people. It is possible that the time has come for a change.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The seer Vanga had her own opinion about what seagulls dream of. Here are the main interpretations:

  • If you saw how you feed birds from your hands, this means that in real life you allow others to use the results of your work. Learn to protect yourself, otherwise you will not be able to reach the top.
  • Perhaps the seagull is the soul of your deceased relative. The dream tells you that you have a Guardian Angel who will protect you from danger.
  • If birds attack you in a dream, it means that you are in real danger. In the next few days, be as careful as possible in handling fire, cutting objects and vehicles.
  • If a seagull pecked you painfully, this portends health problems.
  • If you see a seagull hatching its eggs, this means that you should expect replenishment in the family. In addition, a dream may portend an unexpected arrival of guests.

Psychological dream book

That's what seagulls dream about psychological dream book:

  • If in your vision a seagull flew very high, and then fell sharply into the sea, this symbolizes your relationship with a loved one. A storm of feelings will be followed by a sharp emotional decline.
  • If you hear the piercing cry of a seagull, this means that in reality you really lack communication with loved ones. Do not suppress this feeling in yourself, but take the initiative.
  • If in a dream you are flying on a seagull, then you have a long-awaited journey to exotic country.
  • If a seagull attacks you in a dream and tries to peck, this indicates an emotional overload. Try to calmly perceive everything that happens, without driving yourself into depression.
  • If you see a seagull greedily pecking at bread, then in reality you have to do business with a very stingy person.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

By dream book XXI century, a vision in which seagulls were present can be deciphered in the following way:

  • If you often see seagulls in a dream, this means that you will live to a ripe old age without having serious problems with health.
  • If the bird in your dream flies very high, this indicates your spirituality and high moral standards.
  • Watching a seagull fly up and out of sight means that your love will remain unrequited. And all because you are afraid to take the initiative.
  • If annoying seagulls walk around you on the ground, this means that there are a lot of flatterers around you who pursue selfish goals. Don't believe everything you are told.
  • If you picked up and left a wounded bird, it means that in real life one of your loved ones needs help. Pay more attention to relatives and friends.
  • If you dreamed about yourself in the form of a seagull, it means that you have become cramped within the framework that you have set for yourself. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to change your life. better side, make it brighter.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Here is what information about seagulls can be gleaned from Longo's dream book:

  • A snow-white bird, easily soaring over the sea, is the personification of your creative nature, which needs freedom of thought and action.
  • A wounded or dirty bird is the personification of your pessimistic outlook on life. Try to notice more good things in the world around you.
  • If you saw a bird that eats garbage, it means that soon your financial situation may get a little worse.
  • A noisy flock of seagulls hovering over the sea is a symbol of resonant events that will make a lot of noise in your surroundings.
  • If a seagull sits on the window and looks at you through the glass, this means that in reality you do not let anyone near you. But you should stop being afraid of communication, because sometimes it is vital to talk heart to heart with someone.

Universal dream book

  • Why do seagulls dream? They fly overhead and scream - to vivid emotions associated with a new romantic acquaintance.
  • Two seagulls cooing with each other symbolize that all your thoughts are occupied with romance. But do not forget that you have many other tasks and responsibilities.
  • Significant profit - that's what dreams of a lot of seagulls soaring over water. How more birds was in your vision, the greater the benefit will be.
  • If the seagulls in your dream are busy hunting for fish, this means that competitors or envious people may interfere with your work.
  • If you often dream about how a seagull soars freely in the sky, this means that in real life you do not have enough freedom of action. Try to get out of your routine and take some time for yourself.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hasse's dream book contains the following information about night visions with seagulls:

  • Separation from relatives and close friends is what a wounded seagull dreams of. This will be due to forced departure for work or personal reasons.
  • If you caught a seagull in a dream, it means that in reality you will achieve success in your work or personal life.
  • If you saw a seagull catch big fish, this means that your business will soon go uphill.
  • Watching seagulls fly high into the sky is an unfavorable sign. Most likely, your desires and plans are not destined to come true in the near future.
  • A seagull pecking at garbage symbolizes the fact that you communicate a lot with people who, in fact, do not deserve your attention.