Black stork in the Afghan war. "Black Stork" squad

At the end of 1987, Soviet troops were already preparing to withdraw from Afghanistan. Active fighting are already over. But no one could have imagined that another battle would be fought, which would go down in the history of the Afghan war as the most cruel and bloody. This was a battle of the 9th Airborne Company at altitude 3234.

In December 1987, part of the government troops of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was blocked in the city of Khost, Paktia province, on the border with Pakistan. Afghan soldiers lost control of Khost and the Khost-Gardez road. The city and the road fell into the hands of the Mujahideen. To provide assistance, the military leadership of the USSR decided to carry out military operation"Highway". The objective of Operation Magistral was to liberate the city of Khost. On December 30, 1987, the first Soviet supply columns appeared on the road to Khost. The peak of this confrontation was the battle in the area of ​​​​height 3234, on January 7 and 8, 1988. Why was the Khost-Gardez road important? The fact is that in this mountainous area this road was the only link between the city and the “mainland”, so the road was heavily guarded. The checkpoints set up were constantly fired upon and attacked by the Mujahideen.

How events unfolded: the first attack

Height 3234 is located in the southwest, a few kilometers from the middle of the Khost-Gardez road. The 9th Airborne Company of the 345th Regiment was sent to hold the defense. The head of the company was Sergei Tkachev, the composition was 39 people. The company carried out extensive preparatory work; in a short period of time they dug trenches, dugouts, and communication passages. They also mined areas where the Mujahideen could approach. Early in the morning of January 7, the Mujahideen launched an attack on height 3234. They tried to knock down the checkpoint and open the way to the road. But the strong structures of the paratroopers did not allow them to immediately take the height. At 15:30 the Mujahideen made a second attempt to take the heights, using artillery fire, grenade launchers and mortars. Under the cover of fire, the Mujahideen were able to get another 200 meters from the company and launch an attack from two sides. And again the Mujahideen were driven back, although not for long: already at 16:30 they went into battle again, and used walkie-talkies for coordination. As a result, the Mujahideen lost about 15 people killed and about 30 people wounded - but were unable to capture the heights. By this time and from Soviet side there were losses. Junior Sergeant Vyacheslav Alexandrov and his heavy machine gun"Cliff". The Mujahideen concentrated their grenade launchers on him to remove the machine gun and junior sergeant. Sergeant Aleksandrov ordered the soldiers to retreat deeper into the defense, while he himself remained to cover the defense area.

Second, third and subsequent attacks

The Mujahideen attacked again at approximately 18:00. The 9th company continued to hold the defense. The Mujahideen attacked the area defended by the platoon of senior lieutenant Sergei Rozhkov. The heavy machine gun was again destroyed and replaced by regimental artillery. Again the Mujahideen were unable to occupy the heights. During the attack, Private Anatoly Kuznetsov died. The resistance of the 9th company infuriated the dushmans. At 19:10 they went on the attack again, using psychological methods- went to full height with machine guns, despite the loss of personnel. But this trick did not cause fear and panic among the soldiers, and again the attempt to take the height was unsuccessful. The next attack began at 23:10, and was the most brutal. The command of the Mujahideen changed, and they carefully prepared for it. They cleared a minefield and approached the height, but this attempt was repulsed, and with still more greater losses Mujahideen. The twelfth attack began on January 8, at 3 am. By this time, the Soviet fighters were tired, they were running out of ammunition, and they were preparing for a deadly end to the defense of height 3234. But at that time, a reconnaissance platoon led by Lieutenant Alexei Smirnov approached and pushed back the Mujahideen. The arriving platoon delivered ammunition in time, and the increased fire decided the outcome of the battle. The Dushmans were driven back. From that moment on, the battle at height 3234 was over.

Help 9th company

According to some reports, the Pakistani Armed Forces provided support to the Mujahideen. This is indicated by the fact that there were several helicopters 40 kilometers from altitude 3234. They delivered reinforcements and ammunition to Afghanistan, and took back the dead and wounded. The helipad was discovered by scouts and destroyed - this was another factor that influenced the outcome of the battle. The paratroopers were assisted by howitzer artillery battery D-3- and three self-propelled machines"Acacia". Boris Gromov, commander of the 40th Army, watched what was happening.

Results of the battle for height 3234

The battle for height 3234 was included in many textbooks as an example of competent tactical actions, preparatory work and courage of the personnel. 39 paratroopers fought against 200 Mujahideen for more than 12 hours, and never surrendered the heights to the enemy. Of the 39 people, 6 were killed, 28 were injured, 9 were seriously injured. All paratroopers received military awards - the Order of the Red Star and the Red Banner of Battle. Commander Alexandrov and Private Melnikov were posthumously awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. Opponents Soviet soldiers there were Mujahideen in black uniforms with a black, red and yellow patch on their arms - the Black Stork detachment. This uniform was worn by Pakistani fighter-saboteurs, whose detachment was created in 1979 to confront Soviet troops in Afghanistan. It is believed that such uniforms are worn by people who have committed serious crimes according to Sharia - murder, theft, and sin can only be atone for with blood.

"Black Storks" - a sabotage and fighter elite detachment of the Afghan Mujahideen, the leader of which was, according to different sources, Amir Khattab, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Osama bin Laden. According to other sources, Pakistani special forces. According to the third version, “Black Storks” are those people who committed a crime before Allah: they killed, stole, etc. They had to atone for their guilt before Allah only with the blood of infidels.
There was information that among the “storks” there were people of European appearance with punk hairstyles who traveled in Isuzu jeeps. Each “stork” simultaneously performed the duties of a radio operator, sniper, miner, etc. In addition, the fighters of this special unit, created to carry out sabotage operations, owned almost all types of small arms.

"Black Storks" - unit special purpose, was created during the Afghan war of 1979-1989. by a number of intelligence services of Pakistan and other interested countries from among the Afghan Mujahideen and foreign mercenaries. Members of the "Black Storks" were well-trained military specialists, professionally fluent various types weapons, communications, knowledge topographic maps. They knew the terrain well and were unpretentious in everyday life.
They were based mainly in the hard-to-reach provinces of the Afghan highlands bordering Pakistan and Iran, at the bases and fortified areas of the Afghan Mujahideen. Took an active part in organizing ambushes on units Soviet troops. A number of such clashes became a difficult page in the history of the Afghan War:

2. The death of the Maravar company in the province of Kunar of the 1st company of the 334th special forces detachment of the 15th ObrSpN GRU General Staff - April 21, 1985.

3. Battle of the 4th company of the 149th motorized rifle regiment near the village of Konyak in Kunar province - May 25, 1985.

5. Battle at height 3234 near the village of Alikheil in Paktia province in January 1988.

The “Black Storks” squad was equipped with a special black uniform, with stripes of this special. divisions. - With rare exceptions (in the person of instructors), all members of the “Black Storks” were adherents of fundamental Islam. Mostly natives Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.
Very often, during an intense battle, flaunting their own fearlessness, the “Black Storks” stood up to their full height in order to fire a shell from a grenade launcher, or fire a long burst. By this action, as well as by reading the suras from the horn loudspeaker during the battle Holy Quran The “storks” hoped to demoralize and break the morale of Soviet soldiers. Special bases The professional training of the “Black Storks” was mainly in Pakistan and Iran.

Throughout the entire period of stay of the limited contingent in Democratic Republic Afghanistan has not recorded a single documented case of the destruction of “Black Storks”...

Since I'm talking about Indian units, busy with war with a variety of partisans, it's worth giving brief information and on the eternal Indian enemy - Pakistan, with which the above-mentioned Indian formations have repeatedly fought openly and secretly.
I'll start with general comment– as much as the Indians are in complete chaos with the absence of a unified command, multiple duplications and protracted bureaucratic wars of various departments on the most insignificant issues, the Pakistanis have everything thought out and intelligently.

Pakistanis, like Indians, have been fighting various guerrillas throughout their history. Tribes in the North-West, separatists in Balochistan, urban Islamists, cross-border operations in Afghanistan and Kashmir. At the same time, their resources are much more limited than those of the Indians.

Apparently, this is largely why Pakistanis preferred not to engage in “scientific poking”, but to learn from more qualified colleagues. Cooperation with the United States in the field of special operations and counter-guerrilla warfare has continued almost continuously since the birth of similar Pakistani units in the 60s of the last century, their structure and methods ultimately copy the Americans.

In recent decades, cooperation along this line with China has also been actively developing.

Following the example of the USA and Britain, a unified command has been created in Pakistan special operations, subordinate to the Committee of Chiefs of Staff.

The Special Operations Group (SOG) is a Pakistani army special forces unit that dates back to the mid-50s. Legends about “black storks” are usually associated with him (although these could also be Pakistani border guards).
The first thing the JIT did in the 50s was to train Naga guerrillas against India. Although the first combat use special forces in the war of 1965 turned into an unprecedented epic fail :)
The SSG participated in all wars with India, carried out cross-border operations both in India and Afghanistan, trained Mujahideen against Soviet troops, fought terrorists and partisans, and were also used in special operations far abroad, such as the liberation of a mosque in Mecca in 1979 or security for members of the Saudi Arabian royal family. Sometimes they even had to work hand in hand with Indians - as in the 80s in Sri Lanka.

The SSG headquarters is located in Cherat, the main base is in Attock, and the group also owns the Pakistan Army Parachute School in Peshawar.
Currently it consists of 3 battalions of 700 troops each, as well as 4 separate companies performing special tasks. The SSG companies bear the names of famous Pakistani politicians and military officers, as well as great Muslim figures from the past of Hindustan. The 3rd company of the 2nd battalion (Qaid company) bears the name of Jinnah. Pakistani commandos wear burgundy berets.

One battalion performs combat missions(two companies are constantly deployed near Siachen), the second guards strategic objects, incl. And nuclear weapons, the third is in reserve and undergoing training.
The SSG is commanded by a major general (until 2003 - brigadier) of the Pakistani army, among the commanders was former president Musharraf, who headed the JIT in the mid-80s, during the hot stage of the Siachen conflict. The current commander is Major General Farrukh Bashir, his predecessor Harun-ul-Islam was killed in 2007 during the storming of Lal Masjid in Islamabad.
The JIT works closely with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Similar special operations teams exist within the Air Force (formerly the 312th Special Operations Squadron) and the Pakistan Navy, each with about a thousand personnel.

The Special Forces also include Pakistani marines numbering about 2 thousand people.

The other part of Pakistan's counter-guerrilla units are the paramilitary forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, similar to the Indian and. Just like them in wartime These units come under the command of the Chiefs of Staff Committee.
Their officer corps was traditionally formed from military personnel seconded for 2-3 years, but in recent years, due to the growth of ranks (the number of both organizations doubled over last decade), these units are experiencing a “staff shortage”. Therefore, they are gradually switching to training their own officers.

The Pakistan Rangers were created in 1995 by combining a number of armed forces that have existed since the 40s. They number about 100 thousand people, divided into two provincial commands (Punjab and Sindh) and four corps (Chanab, Sutlej, Desert, Cholistan). Headquarters in Sialkot.
Rangers guard the borders with India and maintain law and order in border areas; their units are also deployed in cities to combat riots and terrorism.

Select units of Rangers are involved in cross-border operations in Kashmir.

The Frontier Corps was created by the Viceroy of British India, Lord Curzon, in 1907 to guard the western borders of the British possessions from various militia and scout units recruited from the frontier population.
Nowadays it has about 80 thousand people, and is also divided into two commands (Khyber and Balochistan). Headquarters are in Peshawar and Quetta. Functions similar to rangers, only in the border areas with Afghanistan and Iran. Chitral Scouts participated in the Kargil War.

In recent years, it is the Border Corps that has been main force in military operations against various Islamists in tribal agencies.
Both the Rangers and the Frontier Corps have their own special forces, also under the Pakistan Special Operations Command.

P.S. And the inspector general of the Khyber Frontier Corps, Nasirullah Khan Babar, was the “godfather” of the Afghan Mujahideen back in the mid-70s, after the overthrow of the king.

Every army in the world has special forces units. Let's take a look at best special forces peace.

Every army in the world has special forces units, or special forces for short. This is the elite of the army. Special forces soldiers have the best combat skills and are able to carry out the most dangerous tasks in any conditions. Let's take a look at the best special forces in the world.

Black storks (Pakistan)

The sabotage and reconnaissance unit of the Pakistani army “Black Storks” was once commanded by Osama Bin Laden himself. Until now, no one knows exactly what operations the soldiers of this unit participated in. Some credit them with committing many terrorist acts, while others claim that the Black Storks are exclusively engaged in protecting the security of their country.

Special purpose association (Spain)

Spanish special forces are a formidable force and are among the ten deadliest fighters in the world. This unit is formed exclusively on a voluntary basis, but thanks to constant training and exercises, Spanish special forces are always ready to complete a task of any complexity.

Alpha Squad (USSR-Russia)

The world-famous Alpha Detachment was created back in 1974 under the KGB of the USSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of the KGB into the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alpha retained its best fighters and officers and continues to faithfully serve the interests of Russia. Alpha fighters took part in all special operations against terrorists.

Sayret Matkal (Israel)

Even those who are not interested in the activities of the intelligence services are well aware of the Israeli MOSSAD and some of its high-profile operations and failures. Much less known is the small special forces unit “Sayret Matkal”, consisting of only 262 people, whose personal data is reliably classified. The fighters of this detachment participate in anti-terrorist operations and also carry out missions outside the country.

Special Boat Service (UK)

The British equivalent of the American " Navy SEALs“Only the strongest guys are hired. Candidates must pass a survival test in the jungles of Belize (Central America) and forced interrogation. A few reach the end of the distance, but what awaits them is a training detachment with intensive training and further service in an elite unit.

Delta Force (USA)

The American Delta Force has two functions: fighting terrorists and suppressing popular uprisings. In addition, Delta carries out secret missions outside the country. According to some reports, fighters from this unit have been spotted in Syria.

Intervention SquadGIGN(France)

French special forces are part of the national gendarmerie. Like similar units in other countries, GIGN consists of only the best fighters. In addition to combat skills, they are also required to have negotiator skills. Very often, GIGN teams go on operations to free hostages.

Evgeniy Sizov