So that the predictions are accurate. When can you guess? Choosing a favorable day for predictions

It has long been customary to tell fortunes during Christmastide, which lasts two weeks, starting with Christmas, which falls on January 6, and ending with Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 19. Fortune telling in January is the most truthful. At this time, predictions are only good meaning, everything bad has no meaning for the fortuneteller. If you believe knowledgeable people, everything that will happen to you this year is predicted at this time.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in predictions or not, but there is no person who would not be interested in his future, and everyone knows about the peculiarities. In the old days, when paganism dominated in Rus', the ancestors of our people told fortunes about health, harvest, the absence of drought in whole year forward.

A holiday like Kolyada also takes its roots from pagan times, since its symbol is the newly born sun. And only quite recently, after Orthodoxy came to Rus', Kolyada changed its name to Christmas. It was then that fortune telling began to be considered something negative and sinful.

Nevertheless, people both wondered and continue to guess - and these two weeks are used to immerse themselves in the world of ancient magical rituals and customs. So here are some of them.

Fortune telling using felt boots

The date of this fortune telling is 13 Old. This is one of the most famous at Christmas time. Girlfriends getting together small company at someone’s house, they take a felt boot and throw it from the porch onto the road. In this case, the direction of the sock will be the same indication of the side in which your future husband lives. Of course, these days it’s problematic to throw felt boots, so they can be replaced with boots.

Fortune telling for a rich groom

These fortune tellings are carried out on January 7th. To do this, you will need a bowl in which some items are placed. So, for example, ash means a bad life; sweet life those who chose sugar will live; the one who chose the ring will definitely get married this year; whoever liked the onion for a long time spend in tears; glass means have a fun life; and a gold ring - rich. After such fortune-telling in January, you can no longer doubt that yours will go exactly as you chose.

Fortune telling with a dog

For this fortune telling you need a dog, or rather its barking. It is by this that the age of the future groom is determined. The husband will be young and handsome if the dog’s barking is loud and provocative, but if, on the contrary, it is hoarse, then the groom will be of advanced age and prosperous. With the help of such fortune telling in January, girls also found out whether they would get married this year or not. If the dog is never found, then they will have to wear girls for another year.

Fortune telling with the help of passersby

The most popular method of fortune telling in January is for young and unmarried girls. At midnight on Epiphany, they go out into the street and ask the first person they meet for any name. That's what the betrothed will be called. It is also necessary to pay attention to the clothing of the person to whom the name question is asked. Good clothes indicate that life with the man whose name the girl has learned will be full of prosperity, but if on the contrary, then you can only rely on the proverb that says that with a sweetheart there is heaven in the hut.

Fortune telling for the church

It is believed that if you walk around 12 times at midnight the nearest church, single girls will be lucky in love, and those who are simply unlucky in it will feel calmer in their souls after a new admirer appears. You can find out whether this is true or not only by trying this method.

If you are an ardent fan of fortune telling at Christmas time, then, first of all, you need to remember one thing Golden Rule. If you have a good fortune told, it will definitely come true, not now, but a little later; if it’s bad, then you shouldn’t believe in it, otherwise you’ll attract trouble to yourself. Believing in your happiness is the main condition for participating in fortune telling.

Fortune telling on cards has practically no restrictions on the time of day. The cards will tell you the truth both day and night. But there are a number of rules, following which you can most accurately see the answers to your questions. Therefore, listen to the advice of astrologers and soothsayers, which sounds something like this:

  1. Monday, like Friday, is most conducive to laying out all kinds of combinations. These days, cards can't lie.
  2. Saturday and Sunday days- this is the time when the cards will not tell you the truth, so you shouldn’t even waste time on this.
  3. Since love is a subtle matter under the auspices of Venus, it is best to conduct fortune telling on this issue on Friday evening. You can also use the lunar calendar and choose the day when the moon will be in the area of ​​influence of Taurus and Libra.
  4. Under no circumstances should a woman begin fortune-telling during her period, since during these days a woman is extremely vulnerable to any influences. magical properties. This can lead to unpredictable problems, ranging from outside influence to the introduction of a negatively minded entity.
  5. Fortune telling after drinking an alcoholic drink or narcotic substance Absolutely forbidden. People of both sexes become just as unprotected as stated above.
  6. You can receive the most accurate prophecies on Holy Days. This period is extremely favorable due to the thinning of the border between worlds. It is then that you will be able to almost directly contact higher beings who will treat you favorably and give you the most accurate information.
  7. Just before the full moon or immediately after it, you can get very clear answers to your questions. Just be careful, because these days otherworldly entities come into force in our world and can provide information so deep that human consciousness cannot cope with it.
  8. It is best to ask financial questions on days when the moon shines exactly at half light.
  9. The distant future is the topic for fortune telling on Thursday.
  10. Friday will help in fortune-telling on the topic of health, but in matters of finance this day can also bring a loss.
  11. December 13th is the ideal moment to conduct fortune telling for your betrothed. People noticed this a long time ago, which is why most folk fortune telling for love is held on this day.
  12. If you want to tell fortunes for those who are very distant from you, then the most favorable days for this there will be the first days of autumn.
  13. Fortune telling for children is most accurate in spring period. But remember, fortune telling for children or elderly people can change their future, so entrust this matter to a professional.
  14. Except for Holy Week, on days church holidays You can't guess. Be careful, buy church calendar and do not take cards on days marked in red.
  15. Pregnant women are prohibited from guessing. This is argued by the fact that the greatest danger of magical influence falls on the baby.

Don't guess for those who have come to a turning point in their lives. At these moments, higher powers give us a test and it depends only on them whether they will pass their exam. This can lead to frequent repetition of these situations, since a person at such moments must believe his feelings and his logic, and not the layout of the cards. And remember that the best way out, if necessary, to radically change your destiny, will be. After all, any fortune telling is just the most possible options situations in the natural course of events.

Fortune telling is magic ritual, designed to provide answers to questions about what awaits us in the future. For the results to be reliable, a number of rules and conditions must be met. For example, you can resort to fortune-telling practices only at certain times.

Let's try to figure out when it is possible to guess, and at what time it is better not to ask questions of the Universe.

Basic Rules

It is believed that Monday is not the most suitable day for fortune telling. The deceptive Moon makes him this way. This luminary patronizes poets and lovers, but is not favored by fortune tellers and magicians.

And relationships are best in women's days- Wednesday and Friday. Questions about financial card affairs are most readily answered on Tuesday or Thursday. Saturday is suitable for general predictions.

You cannot tell fortunes on Sunday, however, just like on all other church holidays.

Cloudy days, when the skies are overcast, are not suitable for card fortune-telling.

Respectively lunar calendar, it is easiest for a person to interact with subtle worlds on the 12th, 14th and 19th day. It is at this time that our intuition and ability to perceive and process information become more acute.

When starting fortune telling, do not forget that the more clearly your question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be. The time period covered by card predictions is short.

Traditionally, solstices, as well as the entire Christmastide period, are considered favorable days for any fortune-telling.

What does the coming day have in store for us?

As you already understood, in order to spread the cards, you still need to choose the right moment. But there are also rituals for daily use: simple bones, coins. You can resort to their help at any time in order to find out how the coming day will turn out.

If you are just learning the basics of fortune telling, this will suit you simplest ritual. All you need is a needle and a piece of paper. You can prepare your predictions in advance so that you can use the same template over and over again.

We cut out a square from whatman paper and write predictions on it in two columns:
they will scold you
will be praised
squabble, dispute
profitable offer
financial damage
management's attention
friendly support
empty chores
old friend will meet

There are only 14 phrases, but you can add to the list at your discretion. Now close your eyes and randomly poke your needle at the list. Whatever prediction comes up, you can expect it for the coming day.

Please note that the more often you resort to such fortune-telling, the more accurate the predictions will be. When can you guess using this method? Every day, any time. However, be sure to have some privacy and focus on the question.

Fortune telling with an appeal to spirits presupposes a specific answer to the question posed. Take an opaque vessel and 12 pieces of paper. Write “yes” on six of them and “no” on six more. Then roll each one up and lower it in turn into the vessel, pronouncing the name of the spirits: Anael, Mikael, Gabriel, Sabul, Cheret, Khat, Avanabil, Fataha, Tabasis, Bergen, Lukabis, Saidis. Shake the vessel, cover it with your left hand and say the spell: “Twelve spirits - demons (list the whole list again), answer me three questions, don’t laugh, but reveal the truth.”
Don't ask confusing questions or repeat yourself, even if you don't like the answer. When can you guess? Any time it occurs serious problem. There is no point in disturbing the spirits over every little thing.

Fortune telling "one hundred" does not pretend to be accurate or informative, but it is good way kill time if Write on a piece of paper the name and surname of the person whose relationship you are going to find out about. At the bottom, put the numbers from one to one hundred and the date. We arrange all this in the form of a kind of matrix. There is no need to write zeros.
We cross out same numbers and those that add up to a sum equal to 10.
By the number of remaining numbers you will know the attitude towards you of the person you are guessing about.

1*10*19 - loves,
2*11*20 - suspects of treason,
3*12*21 - indifferent,
4*13*22 - sympathizes,
5*14*23 - shows attention,
6*15*24 - he (she) is not interested in you,
7*16*25 - you will be together soon,
8*17*26 - he (she) is drawn to you,
9*18*27 - your couple has a future.

Of course, it is stupid to take such fortune-telling seriously; they serve more for fun and a pleasant pastime. When can you tell fortunes on paper? Any time you get bored.

Fortune telling is a magical ritual with which you can get answers to exciting questions and learn some facts about the future. In order for the information received to be as accurate as possible, you need to know when to use different prediction methods.

When is the best time to guess?

This question probably arises for every beginner, since there are both favorable and unsuitable days for using any type of magic. If you do not take this into account, then rituals will not only not provide truthful information, but can also cause harm. For those who are interested in when you can tell fortunes and perform rituals, it is important to know that to choose the right time you should take into account the day of the week, lunar phase and day. The most successful periods for predicting your future are church and pagan holidays: Ivan Kupala, Christmas, New Year, Baptism and so on.

When can you guess in January?

The second month of winter is the richest in days when you can perform various rituals, while receiving the most accurate information. There are several days when fortune telling in January is allowed for any purpose: new year holidays, Christmas, Epiphany and Holy Days. During this time period, everyone has a chance to learn about long-term prospects.

Special energy January holidays– the opportunity to turn to Higher powers or spirits. In ancient times, people believed that on these days the souls of dead people descend from heaven to communicate with their living relatives and friends. When figuring out when you can tell fortunes in January, it is important to note that the energy of magic gains its maximum at night between midnight and sunrise. It is believed that during the January holidays one can see prophetic dreams.

Another important point, which interests many - until what date can one guess in January, and so it is believed that the doors to the other world close in Epiphany holiday, that is, January 19. It is important to note that this does not mean that after this there comes a time when it is not worth making predictions, since this is not the case and the rituals will provide information, but it will not be as accurate as during the New Year holidays.

When can you tell fortunes for Christmas?

According to Russian traditions, you can perform various rituals in order to look into the future on Christmas Eve before Christmas, that is, on the night of the 6th to the 7th. When they begin to guess during this time period, you can count on receiving accurate information, since this is one of the most powerful nights of the year, when spirits easily make contact and answer all questions. On Christmas itself, you should turn to the Higher Powers after the first star lights up in the sky.

When should you tell fortunes for the old New Year?

Another favorable period when predictions of the future are true. The ancestors believed that the magical evening was the eighth day of Christmas, and this is January 13th. All wishes and rituals performed this evening will give the desired results, which will be true. Fortune telling is popular before bedtime, which gives a chance to receive necessary information concerning the future. To carry out the rituals without errors, remove the cross and things that cover the energy, such as belts and bracelets, from your body.

When can you tell fortunes at Epiphany?

This Christian holiday is considered the ideal time to find out the events of your future. On this day, the boundaries between worlds are erased, so get in touch with By higher powers easier. It is believed that the information received on this day through rituals is 100% true. For those who are interested in when they are telling fortunes about Epiphany, you should know that the appropriate time for this is the late evening or night of January 18th. Some rituals have specific instructions regarding the time frame.

Days favorable for fortune telling

The reliability of the predictions has a connection with when the magic was used. The most unfavorable days The week for this action is considered to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The exception is the Christmastide period, when predictions will be true on any day. If you are interested in what days you can guess, it is worth replacing what rituals performed on Thursday promise good events, and on Monday they are more pessimistic. True information can be obtained by predicting the future on the 13th, and especially if the date falls on a Friday.

When figuring out when you can guess, it’s worth mentioning the following: important dates, as the first day of the year, for long-lasting predictions, and birthday. Also, people who work with energies recommend taking into account lunar day. Better days for fortune telling and getting in touch with other world– 12, 14 and 18 days. There are certain dates intended for a specific type of prediction:

  • 2 – day when any type of fortune telling can be carried out;
  • 6 – ideal date for predicting the future;
  • 10 – you can get reliable information about past events;
  • 20 – it is better to carry out rituals for love;
  • 22 – use a book for prediction;
  • 27 – you can learn about both the future and the past;
  • 28 – trust your intuition and predict your destiny.

Is it possible to tell fortunes with cards on Sunday?

Such questions can be attributed to superstitions that appeared in ancient times and have survived to this day. Sunday was considered a time when it was necessary to rest, just like God did after the creation of the world, devoting time to prayer and going to church. People who do not belong to the Christian faith may not adhere to this prohibition. Psychics consider such taboos to be fiction and do not observe them. Another version regarding whether it is possible to guess on Sunday indicates that the time is unfavorable and the cards will lie.

Is it possible to tell fortunes during menstruation?

There are several explanations regarding this topic, and according to the most common version, a woman during the period critical days becomes open to evil spirits, so resorting to magic is dangerous. The thing is that many entities that can come into contact during fortune telling love to feed on human energy. There is a version that during critical days, all predictions will not be true, and therefore they should not be carried out. In addition, many girls spend this period with, and this negatively affects the veracity of magic.

Serious consequences can await those who want to tell fortunes to other people during menstruation, since this can drag other people’s problems onto themselves, or turn to fortune tellers who can easily transfer negative energy to an unprotected woman. You can tell fortunes during menstruation only using rituals designed specifically for this time. There are signs that give you a chance to find out some information about the future based on when your menstruation began.

Is it possible to tell fortunes about the waning moon?

People who work with energies argue that to choose the right time, you need to focus on the phases of the moon. The best time to make fortunes is the full moon, since magical objects are saturated with the energy of the Earth's satellite and give true results. As for, this is not a good time to predict the future, since there is a high risk that the results will be false. In ancient times, this phase was considered a time when nature rests and gains strength, so it is better not to disturb the spirits so that they do not get angry.

The best time for fortune telling

To get the most accurate prediction, it is recommended to carry out rituals not only on specific days, but also at certain times. Since ancient times, people have believed that night is a good time to find contact with Higher powers, but this does not mean that the day is not suitable for predicting the future. A favorable time for fortune telling can be determined based on your own feelings, and if you want to tell fortunes, it means that the spirits are giving hints so that you can begin the ritual.

Is it possible to guess during the day?

Among people who have nothing to do with magic, there is a widespread belief that rituals can only be performed after sunset, but this is not entirely true. It is believed that in the period from 11 to 4 o'clock in the morning there comes a time when you can establish close contact with otherworldly forces and receive truthful information thanks to different methods predictions, but this does not mean that using magic at other times is prohibited. For example, another period when it is customary to guess, the time from 14 to 16 hours - in daytime It is difficult to concentrate on fortune telling, so it is easy to lose touch with the Higher powers.

The desire to know your future is familiar to many. This is why people often resort to help various fortune telling. Fortune telling that is carried out on certain days of the year is considered more accurate and accurate. What days of January 2018 are best to guess?

Days for fortune telling in January 2018

There are many days in January when you can satisfy your curiosity and reveal the secret of your future. Primarily suitable for fortune telling New year's night. You can tell fortunes on Christmas (night from 01/06 to 07/01), on the Old New Year (night from 13/01 to 14/01), 17/01 (Feklistov day) and on Epiphany.

Most often they try to guess on the listed days. However, in reality, you can guess for two weeks between January 6 and January 19. At this time, Christmastide is coming - the days when in Rus' they not only had fun, but also found out what awaited them ahead.

Fortune telling for the New Year

The night when one year ends and another begins is a very favorable time for predictions. Most often girls do fortune telling at this time, trying to recognize their betrothed.

Eat different variants fortune telling. You can, for example, put card kings under your pillow. Which card you dream about will be your betrothed. If there was no sleep, then the king must be pulled out at random.

Another fortune telling is carried out like this: they place a piece of holiday dish and they invite the betrothed to taste it. In a dream, a girl should see her groom.

Preparing for fortune telling

During the period from January 6 to January 18, many try to find out their fate and begin to guess. It is best to carry out all rituals closer to midnight. Everything must be done in a calm environment, without the TV or radio on, so that nothing distracts from fortune telling. Before you start guessing, they advise you to wash and comb your hair, change into a clean shirt and take off all your jewelry. It is best to tell fortunes with your hair down and barefoot. During fortune telling, you should not cross your arms and legs so as not to interfere with the flow of energy.

Fortune telling by wax

Candles are often used for fortune telling to predict the future using melted wax. The advantage of this fortune telling is that you can do it not alone, but in a company. However, we must remember that the process must be taken seriously, and not joke or laugh. The girl whose turn it is to tell fortunes must fill a bowl with water, take a candle and light it. When the wax melts a little, pour it into a bowl of water. After this, carefully consider what kind of figure you get. If you see a wreath or ring - this is for future marriage, an apple - for prosperity and success. With this fortune telling, a certain amount of imagination is required to see a figure in the wax. If you get a lot of small wax figures, this will be a sign of a successful financial year.

Fortune telling about the gender of the child

On Christmas Day, you can find out the gender of your future children and how many there will be. To do this, place a glass of water in the cold at night, and in the morning examine how the water in it froze. The tubercles that form on the surface of the ice will indicate the birth of a boy, and the pits will form for a girl.