Route game for moms. Synopsis. "Organization of outdoor games for preschoolers, in different types of activities." Methods for organizing and conducting outdoor games in kindergarten

Scenario of the game by stations for all groups of kindergarten

Game on stations "Search for hidden treasure"

Target: to promote the creative manifestations of children, the formation of cultural recreation skills.
Tasks:1.Provide children with pleasure, give a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood for the whole day. 2. To instill in children a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team. Children of all groups are met on the playground of the kindergarten by Pippi-Longstocking.
Peppy: Hello guys! We are here today to play. Do you love games? Have you ever looked for treasure? Guys, I actually came to you for help. Help me find the treasure that the pirates buried somewhere around here.
But it's not that simple. These pirates have torn card for 20 pieces, and in order to collect these pieces, you need to go 5 trials. If we find all the pieces of the map, we can assemble it and find out exact location where our treasures are buried!
Pippi distributes to each group a route sheet, on which the stations and the order in which they are passed are written. You have 10 minutes to complete one test. If the children coped with the tasks, then the group receives one piece of the card.
Junior group:
1. Mysterious island
2.Music Island
3.Fabulous island
4. Sports island
5. Island of the Great Masters
Middle group:
1.Fabulous island
2. Mysterious island
3. Sports Island
4. Island of the Great Masters
5.Music Island
Senior group:
1. Sports island
2. Island of the Great Masters
3. Music Island
4. Mysterious island
5.Fabulous island
Preparatory group:
1. Music Island
2. Sports Island
3. Island of great masters
4.Fabulous island
5. Mysterious island

Children are given to listen to musical fragments, and they must guess the name of the song (or some words from this song) and from which cartoon.
Children should dance to the proposed music.

Younger group: application “Let's dress a girl and a boy for a walk.
Middle group: application "Beauty Butterfly"
Senior group: origami "Birds - small" (crane)
Preparatory group: modular origami "Tulip"

Children are given riddles.

Junior group:
1. Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,
Flapping its wings loudly, loudly,
Hen is a faithful shepherd,
What is his name? (rooster).

2. He sits very obedient
He doesn't want to bark at all.
He is overgrown with wool,
Well, of course it is - (dog).

3. Under the rain she walks,
Loves to nibble grass
Quack is screaming
It's all a joke
Well, of course it is - (duck).

4. I have a question for you -
Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and fat swimming,
Tell me friends
What is her name - (pig).

5. Every evening, so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow).

6. At night he does not sleep at all,
The house guards from mice,
Drinking milk from a bowl
Well, of course it is - (cat).

7. All the time he prowls through the forest,
He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He clicked his teeth from the bushes,
Who say it - (wolf).

8. Likes red carrots,
Gnawing cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there,
Through the forests and through the fields,
Grey, white and oblique
Who say he is - (hare).

9. Along the path in the forest,
I carry a big apple
I look like needles
Call me of course - (hedgehog).

Middle group:
1. I have a question for you - Who got your mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day? Grunting and fat swimming,
Tell me friends - What is her name - (pig).

2. At night he does not sleep at all, the house guards from mice,
He drinks milk from a bowl, Well, of course it is - (cat).

3.He repeats one thing - ha-ha, Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone, Well, of course it is - (goose).

4. He sleeps in a lair in winter, Snoring quietly,
And he wakes up, well, roar, What is his name - (bear).

5. Above the flower she buzzes, To the hive so quickly flies,
I gave my honey to the honeycombs, What is her name - (bee).

6. The rope is crawling on the ground, Here is the tongue, open mouth,
I'm ready to bite everyone, because I am (snake).

7. All the time he prowls through the forest, He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He clicked from the bushes with his teeth, Who say this - (wolf).

8. Loves red carrots, gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He jumps here and there, Through the forests and through the fields,
Gray, white and oblique, Who tell me he is - (hare).

9. It is gray, large, On four pillars,
You look at him, And you only say, ah!
The trunk lifts up, Waters everyone from the fountain,
Tell me who is he? Well, of course it is - (elephant).

10. The king of animals growls loudly, In a hurry to collect all the animals,
Gracefully sitting on a stone, Tell me who it is - (lion).

11. Oranges and bananas are very fond of ... (monkeys).

FROM senior group and preparatory:
Tricky riddles:
1. Dad tells us in bass:
“I like sweets with ... (not with meat, but with nuts or jam)

2. Mom asked Yulia
Pour tea into her ... (not a pan, but into a cup)

3. Frost crackles in the yard -
You put on a hat on ... (not on the nose, but on the head)

4. Birthday on the nose - we baked ... (not sausage, but cake)

6. To my little sisters
Bought for the summer ... (not boots, but sandals)

7. Old women go to the market
Buy yourself ... (not toys, but products)

8. You will sleep in the lessons - you will get an answer for the answer ... (not five, but two)

9. The whole street heard how lowing ... (not a chicken, but a cow)

Junior group:
Pass the obstacle course: go over the bridge and not fall, then jump over the bumps on two legs (hoops), then climb through the hollow (arc).

Middle group:
Pass the obstacle course: go over the bridge and not fall, then jump over the bumps on two legs (hoops), then climb through the hollow (horizontal bar).

Senior group:

Preparatory group:
Pass the obstacle course: go over the bridge and not fall, then jump over the bumps on one leg (hoops), then climb through the hollow (horizontal bar).

Junior group:
1) The game "Magic Wand". (We will pass each other magic wand and name your favorite fairy tale).
2) Guess the fairy-tale riddle, I will start, and you help:
Once upon a time in a dense forest
A house has grown under ... (bush).
Happy scratching mouse
And green ... (frog).
Glad and runaway -
Long-eared ... (bunny).
Nothing that is small
Fur house -
And the boar got there,
And the fox, and .... (bear).
Everyone had enough space in it -
What a wonderful ... (house)
What is it called? (his grandfather lost) (Mitten)
3) The game "Transformers": the transformation of children of frightened mice into funny frogs, we frown like bears, we shake like bunnies under a bush, we turn into a rogue fox: she looks around, looks around so that no one sees her.

Middle group:
The game "Recognize the tale from the passage."

1. The red girl is sad -
Spring is coming.
She has a hard time in the sun.
Tears are pouring, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

2. And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy.
Mishka would sit on a stump,
Eat a delicious pie. ("Masha and the Bear")

3. There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

4. My father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long ...
Who is this? .. (Pinocchio)

5. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies higher than everyone. (Carlson)

6. Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three bears)

7. Heals young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
kind doctor... (Aibolit).

8. Mixed on sour cream,
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled ... (Kolobok).

9. She is beautiful and sweet,
And her name is from the word "ash." (Cinderella)

10. The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three little pigs)

Senior and preparatory group:
1.Competition: "Confused names of fairy tales - shifters"
"House-house" - Terem-teremok
"Lovely Chicken" - Ugly Duckling
"Homebody Frog" - Traveler Frog
"Mouse in Shoes" - Puss in Boots
"The Prince on the Pumpkin" - The Princess and the Pea
"Ducks-drakes" - Geese-swans

2. Guys, and now, let's guess who sent me telegrams, from which fairy tale the characters are:
Save! ate us grey Wolf... "(Kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")
“Very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle ... "(mouse from the fairy tale" Hen-Pockmarked)
"Dear guests! Help! Kill the villain's spider ... "(Fly-Tsokotuha)
“I can’t come to your island, my trousers ran away from me ...” (dirty from Moidodyr)
“I was very tired because I was visiting the bears ... ..” (Masha from the fairy tale “Three Bears”)
“I go to my sick grandmother through the forest and bring pies and a pot of butter ... (Little Red Riding Hood)
“Help, bandits are chasing me and want to take 5 gold coins ... (Pinocchio, fairy tale “Golden Key”)
“Hey you animals, come out, defeat the Crocodile, So that the greedy crocodile turns the Sun into the sky ...” (2 rams from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Stolen Sun”)
“We won’t be able to come to your island, as the three of us are sitting in a stone house and hiding from the wolf ...” (Three Little Pigs)
“I won’t be able to get to your island, since I no longer have a single magic petal left, the last one I spent on the boy Vanya ... (girl Zhenya from the fairy tale “Flower-seven-flower”)

After the children pass all the tests and gather on the sports ground, Peppy offers to collect from the pieces the “Map where the place of the hidden treasures is marked”. Together, the children collect a map and find the indicated place where they need to dig up the treasure. One representative (the most active) comes out of each group and four of the children pull out a chest with sweets hidden in it.
Pippi thanks the children for their help and leaves.

Summer Camp Event

Game-journey through the Pathfinders stations

author: Petrova Tatyana Alexandrovna.
Material Description: the script is designed to organize summer holidays children in the school day camp. Age category - students primary school. The development can be useful for both primary school teachers and educators. additional education, counselors, educators.
Target: organization of holidays for children by means of gaming activities.
broaden the horizons of students;
develop, ingenuity, observation, speed of reaction, eye, courage;
to cultivate comradely mutual assistance, tolerance, collectivism.
Preparatory stage.
Each detachment prepares a name, a motto.
Route sheets are prepared in advance for each detachment, in which the travel plan for the stations is indicated. According to the route sheet, the children go to their stations. Arriving at the station, the units perform tasks that are evaluated in points. Points are put down in a route sheet. At the stations there are children of senior classes, who will also be awarded for their help in organizing the event. Also at the stations there are signs with the name of the station for easy orientation of the guys.
Rewarding on the line of winners and participants.

Stage 1. Greetings.

Good afternoon dear guys. We welcome you to our entertaining game"Pathfinders". You have to travel through the stations, strictly following the route sheet. By completing the tasks, you will be given points, according to which we will determine the winner! Our assistants are waiting for you at the stations (list the stations). They will also see which detachment works together and in an organized manner, for bad behavior points will be deducted. After completing the task at the station, in addition to points, you will receive traces of some animal and a picture with the image of an animal. After going through all the steps, you will need to match each picture of the animal with its tracks. You will also get points for this task!
So, welcome to the first squad ... (each squad reports the name and motto)

Stage 2. Station travel

1 station "Kozyavochka".(Plant in front of the school near the flower beds) Students receive glass jar with lid. Within 2 minutes, the team needs to collect as many insects as possible. How many insects are collected, so many points the team receives. Then the insects are sure to be released.
2 station "Useful alphabet". (office.1)
Children are invited to name a fruit, vegetable or berry for each letter of the alphabet. (The alphabet should preferably be in front of the children's eyes). How many words are called, so many points are received.
3 station "Humorous fairy tale quiz". (office.2)
How many correct answers, how many points the team gets.
1) Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was bakery product? (Kolobok)
2) What kind of fish is the most valuable? ( gold fish)
3) What is the name of the heroine of the Russian folk tale, who was an agricultural product? (Turnip)
4) In what Russian folk tale did the brother not listen to his sister, violated the sanitary and hygienic rules and paid dearly for it? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
5) What is the name of the heroine of the French fairy tale, who got her name thanks to the headdress? (Red Riding Hood)
6) The heroine of which French fairy tale did she clean the stoves and clean the house? (Cinderella)
7) What fairy tale hero sowed money, hoping that a money tree will grow out of it? (Pinocchio)
8) What Domestic bird, the heroine of a Russian folk tale, carried items made of precious metals to the owners? (Hen Ryaba)
9) Which hero of the French fairy tale was very fond of shoes, and how was he called for this? (Puss in Boots)
10) What is the name of the fabulous female pilot (Baba Yaga)

4 station "Mysterious". (room 3)
For the whole space
One bonfire
Burning above us
For a long time.
It burns hot
And light
And gives us
Your warmth.
(The sun)
Tell me guys
Sometimes the soul leaves...
(In heels)
From what
It happens to us
Is always
Not funny?
(From the moth)
What kind of grass is there
In full swing
In marshy
That's not a geyser
Not a spring
On a steep mountain
Stones with ashes
in half
There take off
To the clouds.
He won't say a few words

And everyone is always ready to teach.
Along the metal track
Centipedes run and hurry.
On earth he
Not otherwise,
Like a frog
Jumping fast
How about in a river?
will fall -
Will float
Like a steamship.
The leaf hangs in front of me
And on it - the whole globe of the earth.
(Geographic map)
He lives in the forest all his life,
Likes berries and honey.
As soon as he sees the fish - on the move
Fishing climbs into the water.
A dark bowl without a bottom
Fireflies are full.
(Night sky)
beautiful wings
Have sisters
Flying all the time
At least not birds.
A pair of horns in the sky
He would defeat his enemies.
There are horns, but no enemy.
So why does he need horns?
Perched on the page
Thirty-three sisters.
But these sisters are still
They are not similar to each other.
What can be taken in the palm of your hand
Why don't you pick up the tail?
And roars
And oak trees
with roots
On the lawn, by the yard,
Very wicked grass
Sprouted under a maple
Green rug.
Though sometimes there is dew on it
fun sparkle,
This bitch is like a wasp
Pity the craftswoman.
They happen
On the pine
And on the tree
And also on the forehead
At the badass
What's on a thread, like a bird,
Aiming for the blue sky?
Hanging on a tree palace
A singer lives in the palace.
He settled in it in the spring.
Tell me who is he?
He loves to fly
Likes to chat with you
And besides, he himself
Calls a fool.
Just outside the window
Let the frost
Icicles flowed
Beads of tears.
Well, and you, my friend,
Answer now -
under my window
Who is calling?

5 station Pathfinder.(school stadium)
On the site of the school stadium, red cubes are hidden in advance. Task: find the figures in 5 minutes. How many cubes are found, so many points the team receives.

6 station "Poprygayka".(site near the school)
Each member of the team jumps on a rope. Counts total amount jumps.
7 station "Guess the tale."(office 5)
Students must guess the story from the subject. (objects can be shown in the pictures) How many fairy tales are called, so many points are received by the squad.
An Apple
8 station "Drawing".(room 4)
Participants are shown plot picture within 1 minute (an illustration for a fairy tale is possible), then they need to reproduce it on paper. How many items match, so many points the team receives.
9 station "Guess-ka".(foyer)
The children take turns receiving a piece of paper with a task. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, they need to depict what is written, and the team must guess. How many situations are guessed, so many points the team receives.
Man eats ice cream.
Man eats long pasta.
Knead the dough and make pies.
Thread the needle and sew.
Fry fried eggs.
A man eats undercooked shish kebab.
Take money out of your wallet and count it.
Pack things in a suitcase.
Kindle Fire.
Man eats watermelon.

10. The guys correlate the pictures with the image of the animal and traces. How many traces are guessed, so many points are received.

Publication date: 07/27/17

Route game for children senior group Day of the Preschool Worker.

"Our favorite kindergarten"

Purpose: to form the ideas of older children about the kindergarten and its employees, about the importance of each profession in the work of the preschool educational institution.

1. To develop curiosity, imagination, cognitive and creative activity of preschoolers;

2. Develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon;

3. To consolidate communication skills in the course of communication of children with adults and peers;

4. Fix ideas about kindergarten employees and their professions;

5. Form an independent creative activity children.

Preliminary work:

Excursions around the kindergarten, reading and memorizing poems about professions, developing a route map, making postcards for preschool workers, didactic games, assignments for children.


There is one country in the world, you can not find another like this:

Not marked on the map, and the size is something small.

Take a look at that country, walk around it,

And you will see: everywhere nearby, wherever you go, there will be a friend.

Cleanliness, comfort, order, there are toys for children.

You probably guessed?


This is our own kindergarten! (children's song "Kindergarten" is included)


Kindergarten is a special institution,

Each employee is not just in the service.

He sows important, pure, good things.

Not in the fields, but in children's souls.

Educator: Guys, today the country celebrates the Day of all kindergarten workers. I propose to go on a trip to our kindergarten and congratulate the staff on the holiday. Do you agree?

But our employees have prepared tasks for you, if you do everything right, you will receive flags and attach them to the map.

Educator: Guys, name those who work in kindergarten. (children's answers)

Well done! I have prepared a map of our journey, let's look at it. Where is the first arrow leading us?

Remind everyone the rules of behavior in the institution: walk calmly, do not shout out, let a friend speak.

(leave the group, go to the manager's office)


Kindergarten is fun!

Well, who's in charge here?


Lidia Vladimirovna - Deputy Head!

You are sitting in the office

You are in charge of all

Compile the spreadsheet

Send on vacation.

Congratulations on the holiday,

We wish you all the best! (gives a postcard)

Deputy manager: Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! But before you go on a trip, answer my question. Who can not do without in kindergarten and why? "Who is the most important in kindergarten"

Deputy manager: Well done, you said everything correctly, every employee in the kindergarten is very important and needed. I hand you the first flag. Have a good trip!

(attach a flag to the map and find out the direction)


Marina Yanovna - senior teacher!

Educators will teach

How to work better with children

Which direction

Advance in learning.

Happy Holidays

And we wish you joy!

Senior teacher: Thank you for your congratulations, here's my task for you. They brought books to the kindergarten, I can’t move them alone, can you help?

Collective game "Chain"(along the chain, transfer the books to the office and put them on the shelf)

You helped me a lot, now you can take these books to the group and read. What books did you read at home with your parents? (answers) I am very glad that you love books! Get your flag.

Educator: What does our map show us? What does this sign mean? (treble clef)


Ludmila Valerievna,

you are the most musical

Our leader!

Taught us to sing

Dance and listen.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,

All you kids love! (gives a postcard)

Muses. supervisor: How nice your congratulations, thank you! And I also prepared something for you. You can only go further if you name correctly. musical instruments and clap the desired beat.

Did. game "Call it right", exercise "Repeat after me".

Everything is correct! Get a flag.

Educator: Guys, have we lost our way? What's the next stop? (sign - red cross) What does this mean?


Larisa Leonidovna is our nurse!

You have been at work since morning.

You check the children, make the menu.

Measure your weight and height, don't scare us with an injection.

Congratulations on the holiday

And we wish you good health!

Nurse: Thanks guys for the congratulations. I have riddles for you, guess you will get a vitamin.

To not be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

Didn't get sick and was fine

Do it every day ... (Charging.)

bone back,

bristles on the abdomen,

Jumped along the palisade,

Kicked out all the dirt. (Toothbrush.)

Slipping away like a living thing

It's very nimble.

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands.


Nurse: And now continue the proverb:

Sun, air and water…. our best friends!

IN healthy body…. healthy spirit.

Walking…. to live a long time.

Well done! All of you have become healthy and hardened after the summer.

There are fruits and vegetables.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are more ѐ tablets

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold season.

For Sashuli and Polina

What is useful? - ...


(the nurse gives everyone a vitamin and gives a flag)

- There are a lot of products in stock

After all, the kindergarten will need everything.


To cook a delicious dinner,

Both potatoes and cabbage

Someone has to buy

Don't forget about sausages.


Valentina Mikhailovna knows this!

The storekeeper has everything in stock!

Thank you and honor for that! (gives a postcard)

Storekeeper: I am very pleased to receive congratulations from you! But I won't let you go just like that, I need your help. The cereal was mixed with beans, it is urgent to sort it out. Can you help? The game "Go through the cereal."(children sort out)

Thanks, you helped me a lot! Get your flag. (attach a flag to the map and go further along the arrow)

Educator: Who came to kindergarten in the morning?

Children: These are our chefs!


Olga Prokopievna and Elena Yurievna!

They have been working since six in the morning.

We eat porridge for breakfast

Delicious soup for lunch

Nothing tastes better

Your rolls and cutlets!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

We say thank you! (gives a postcard)

Cook: Thanks guys for the congratulations! But in order for you to go further, you need to play game "Name the dishes from our kitchen."(children answer)

And who can guess the product with eyes closed?

Game "Guess the Taste"(pieces of fruits, vegetables, salt, sugar are offered)

Well done! You have completed our tasks and you can continue your journey. Get a flag.

Educator: Where is our path now? What does this icon mean? (wash)


Clean sheets, soft pillows,

Baby cribs - just like toys ...

Irons and washes gently with care.

Laundry home - important work!

Polina Anatolyevna, thank you for your work!

Children take care of towels and sheets. (give a postcard)

Laundry worker: I'm glad you take good care of things. And what are the names of all bedding. (children's answers)

You've named everything correctly, here's a flag for you. Goodbye.

Educator: Guys, we have already congratulated almost everyone, but there are still employees without whom the kindergarten will not work. Where should we go now, look at the map.

Have you thought seriously

How much does the caretaker have

And worries, and different things?


The caretaker has a lot to do,

To our kids

It became more comfortable in the garden,

You have to be here and there.


Handed out supplies to everyone

Pouring paint into buckets

Ordered groceries for us

And so the day has passed.

Educator with children: How to live without caretaker? We hasten to thank you, Olesya Sergeevna! (give a postcard)

Supply manager: How nice to receive congratulations! I have a task for you, are you ready? The game "Necessary-unnecessary"(adult calls words - names items, and the children answer whether and why such an item is needed in kindergarten) For example: a hammer, an iron, a tablecloth, felt boots, flour, a saucepan, meat, paint, a shovel, an ATM, scales, etc.

You completed the task, take the flag.

Educator: Well, here we are at the end of our journey. A very important person for the kindergarten remained, because a lot of people pass here every day, and if you don’t clean up, then everything will be covered with dust and dirt. Who is this person?


Children are taken to kindergarten by parents in the morning.

Sweep after them, you need to wash everything quickly.

You, Svetlana Alexandrovna,

Cleanliness Fairy - Kindergarten Cleaner!

Congratulations! (give a postcard)

Cleaning woman: Thanks guys! And for you, I will have one task: to keep the kindergarten clean and wipe your feet before entering. Will you fulfill it? Very well, you will help me. Get your flag.

Educator: What a long journey we have had. Did you like it? How many adults work in kindergarten and all this for you guys. Therefore, respect and appreciate the work of these people. And now we are going to the group, where we will hang our map and discuss the trip.

Zhirkova Larisa Platonovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Chuoraanchyk"
Locality: from. Kyusyur. Bulunsky district. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Material name: Methodical development
Topic: Route game
Publication date: 16.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Route game

Motor activity has special meaning among many factors affecting the health and performance of a growing organism. Satisfaction of motor activity as a natural need for movement is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of the child.
Purpose of the game:
 Increasing physical activity, maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils.  Creation of conditions for comprehensive development of children (taking into account all areas of development: physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic).
 Increasing the motor activity of pupils;  Creating a positive emotional mood in them;  Development of social and communicative qualities through the collective solution of common tasks;  Expanding horizons. Preliminary work:  Tell the children about the pioneers who every year our students walk along different routes of the Bulunsky ulus and the Republic.  View photographs depicting the area of ​​fishermen, mountains and tundra, route maps.  By visual activity draw on the topic: "Trip to the tundra." Pay special attention to the selection of musical accompaniment, which will help stimulate the movements of preschoolers, increasing their emotionality and determining their rhythm and tempo. In this game, use a variety of game tasks for the development of dexterity and speed, coordination, accuracy of their movements, attention. Thus, overcoming the obstacles encountered on the way, the pupils satisfy the natural need for physical activity and experience joy.
route game scenario

"Journey to the Tundra".

for preschool group.

: Children's slide, boards, two racks, two ropes, two hoops, fabric, compass, bowler hat, paper berries, geometric figures floor, (by the number of children), "bonfire" (paper layout) media presentation. Musical accompaniment: audio application on CD to the medical manual "Sound of Nature". Characters: Leading - educator
Game progress:
Children in tracksuits, with small satchels on their backs, enter the hall.)
We have a lot of guests today!
(Chorus) Hello!
What do you think my mood is today?
Joyful and fun!
Right! Let's join hands and I will convey my good mood to you. All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend, and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other! Guys, this year is the anniversary of the Kyusyur-Bulun-Kyusyur hike, which our moms, dads, grandparents went to play the hike. Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. We're going camping! There are things on the table that you need to take with you? You need to choose 6 items (there are a compass, a basket, a backpack, a watch, a thermos, a mug, a computer, a phone).
How many items were taken the most necessary for the trip!
6 items.
Well done! And so to the right behind me step march! Music sounds (Sound of nature). Children repeat the leader's movement. The host pronounces the movements, the children perform them (the movements are imitative): A heavy backpack! We hold the straps of the backpack.
(I.p .: slightly tilt the body forward, bend your arms at the elbows.) Tired ... (Hold right hand on the forehead from left to right (in 4 counts). And left hand from right to left (for 4 counts). Repeat all movements again.)
1st obstacle - "Mountain"
To complete this task, a children's slide is used. To begin with, we simulate climbing a hill. (I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart. Stretch both arms up, clench your fists and lower your arms tensely down to shoulder level, without unbending your elbows (pulled up) for 8 counts. Perform the movement 4 times.)
Here we come to the pass of the highest mountain. Children take turns climbing the hill and sliding down it. The host insures them, monitor compliance with safety rules.
Here we climbed the most high peak the mountains. Breathe deeply! Mountain air is good for health.
Breathing exercises "Mountain air"
The host conducts breathing exercises, controls the correctness of its implementation by children, prompting them with the appropriate poetic text.
We saw mountains, Beautiful, high! We inhale the mountain air, We breathe through the nose, not through the mouth. We do not raise the shoulders, we help with the stomach.
Guys, let's see what's next. (Draws the attention of the children to the presentation, slide 2.) And then we have the following obstacles - a narrow gorge, and behind it a dark tunnel. We will overcome the gorge on the bridge. Be careful, keep your distance!
2nd obstacle - "Gorge"
To pass this obstacle, planks are laid out on the floor, a rope is fixed between the two racks. Under musical accompaniment. Children one after another walk along the bridge through the "gorge": they move with a side step, holding the rope with both hands. The task is not to stumble, not to step on the floor.
we passed the gorge. Ahead is a dark tunnel, which we will overcome on all fours. The main thing here is to keep your distance and not rush.

3rd obstacle - "Tunnel"
To pass this obstacle, a tunnel is built in advance - two hoops, between which the fabric is stretched. To the musical accompaniment, the children one after another go through the tunnel on all fours. The task is to quickly pass the tunnel without bumping into each other.
It was so dark in the tunnel that now our eyes need to rest. I suggest doing eye exercises. Visual gymnastics "Ray of the sun" The leader pronounces the text, the children perform eye movements in the appropriate directions.
Ray, mischievous ray, Play a dubious one. Come on, ray, turn around, show yourself to my eyes. I will look to the left, I will find a ray of the sun. Now I'll look to the right, Again I'll find a ray.
We will determine the further path by the compass.
(look at the compass): You have to go straight!
We continue our journey. (Draws the attention of the children to the presentation slide 3) The next obstacle that we need to pass is a mountain river. It's called Bulunkan. Our path lies along a winding path. And here is the river! (sound audio recording “Sounds of a mountain river”)
We need to get over with you to the other side through the dangerous mountain river. To overcome this obstacle, we need a special device. These are geometric shapes.
4th obstacle - "Mountain River"
To pass this obstacle, non-traditional equipment is used - “Geometric floor figures”. To musical accompaniment, children take turns one after another through a mountain river (a narrow blue canvas) between the banks (hoops). The task is to maintain balance and pass the mountain river from shore to shore.

The river is behind, but each of us should know that danger lurks at every turn in the tundra, so we need to be ready to save a comrade in difficult times. I suggest you divide into two groups: “rescuers are boys” and “victims are girls”. Attraction "Rescuers" Pupils are divided into two groups: "rescuers" and "victims". To the musical accompaniment, children from the “injured” group lie on the floor, and the “rescuers” throw a rope to each of them in turn and pull. The task is to save your comrades as soon as possible.
Guys, I think you're hungry. Let me light a fire. And the boys for firewood, it's time for you. Here is the tablecloth girls set the table. Open your backpacks, take out a mug and a plate, we will eat a spoon.
The tea has boiled, the tea is the oldest one for us.
This is Yura the oldest.
Hot tea 3 times (breathing exercise) . We ate, it was very tasty. Thanks to our girls. We clean up after ourselves. So that our tundra does not become clogged. Attraction "Gathering berries" Children line up in two columns. To the musical accompaniment, the pupils take turns running to the hoop (there are scattered berries inside the hoop), picking berries (only the trunks of the berries are visible). Pupils should know by the trunk and by the leaves which berry lies under the snow. They pick berries and come back. (Girls pick cloudberries and boys pick blueberries).
Well done! In the tundra you can see many unique plant species. In the tundra, the air is clean and fresh! And in order to always be so, what to do?
We must clean up after ourselves, leave our tundra clean.
And in order to go hiking, you need to be very strong and hardy! The guys and I already understood this when we overcame all the obstacles. I congratulate all of you. (Children say goodbye and leave the hall) List of literature used:
1. preschool education 10/2012 Physical Culture S. Shmakova 2. Formation of elementary mathematical representations preparatory group for school. Corresponds to FGOST. Moscow 2014 3. Program " northern lights» Lebedeva N.N. 2014

Material from summer camp


Games by stations (stations) are organized in the following way. They set up several points (stations) around the camp. At each stage there is a person who will give tasks and mark the results in waybill. Several teams are formed. Each team has its own route, its own sequence of following (this is so that the queue does not accumulate), for example, at 1 station - circus performers - you need to go like a log. Condition - all team members must pass. At 2 stations - Guessing - together they must solve a dozen riddles. At 3 stations - Risovalka - Some kind of collective drawing. And so on... Each team's waybill marks the results. Summing up - at the end. Usually on last step all teams gather at one point. In one place.


  1. For this event, it is necessary to come up with competitions-stages that can be held on the street, attracting, if possible, as much as possible more people(squad.
  2. The number of contests must be equal to the number of squads plus one (at least). All stages are scattered around the camp, and some beyond it (within reach). At each stage there is one counselor, clearly knowing the rules this competition.
  3. A route sheet (beautifully designed) is being prepared for all units.
  4. It shows the stages of the path, the start and the sequence of passage. For each squad, the start is shifted by one stage in order to avoid the accumulation of several squads in one place, if possible.

Playing the game:

  1. All units are assembled at the appointed time. The children are told a story.
  2. After handing over the cards to the commanders of the detachments and after the announcement of the start, everyone sets off. Children run not one by one, but by the whole detachment plus one counselor (this is mandatory, because some points are located outside the camp). At each stage, the leader-counselor waits for the children, who conducts the competition, monitors the correctness of the assignment and evaluates the result. The score (on a 5-point scale) is placed directly on the route sheet. Or for each contest won, you can give out something real, for example, an integral part of a potion or a card, or a key.
  3. The meaning of the competition is simple - which squad will complete the route faster and score more points, that one will win.
  4. To "warm up the atmosphere" during the game, it would be good to comment on what is happening on the speakerphone.
  5. After the game, the results are summed up, and at the next camp-wide event (if possible on the same day), the winning squad is announced and awarded.
  6. This event is held according to an elementary and universal scheme: who will pass all the stage competitions faster and better. Depending on the place, season, weather, any holidays, this game can be played in a completely different options, changing the name and background. For example:
  7. The search for Santa Claus (Christmas trees, gifts, snowmen, etc.) (in winter), a journey through Pushkin's fairy tales, etc. The game can be used as component theme day(Day of Neptune, Indians, fairy tales, the same Pushkin, etc.) And to come up with contests - this opens up full scope for imagination. The main thing is that the tasks are doable for children.

At the moment, the following games are known by stations, which are fundamentally different from each other:

  1. Around the world. The team goes with a route sheet along a strictly defined route. Station locations are known in advance. The team must pass all the stations in a certain time (equal for all). Varieties: informational, rope.
  2. hype. The team does not know the route in advance. During the game, the team determines the order of visiting the stations on their own. The team can pass a certain number of stations in the allotted time. The team in case of failure to complete the task can pass it again in order of priority. Varieties: deterministic, individual.
  3. Race to the bottom. The team receives a route sheet with a list of stations from the leader. In the allotted time, you need to go through as many stations as possible. If the task at the station is not completed the first time, then the route sheet is torn. The team starts the game from the beginning. Varieties: team, individual.
  4. Be ready. There is a game board with the locations and names of the game stations. Teams pass the stations in the presence of a tear-off coupon from the game board in turn. The game is played either until the first team has completed all the tasks, or the last team.
  5. Strategy. The game board indicates the location, name and time of the game stations. The team develops a route and declares it. If such a route is already declared, then the command determines new route. Some game stations can be held for several teams at once. We offer a description of this form - Teams previously get acquainted with all competitions and their rules that will work during game time. The invariable items are indicated on the game scoreboard-application: the location of the competition, the name, the time of passing, the cost of winning the competition, the number of participating teams in this competition and the number of people representing the team in the competition. Before going to the start, the teams are invited to fill in the column about the passage of the competition at one time or another. The number of time slots is limited and depends on the time of the competition and the number of participating teams. The start time of each competition is scheduled. Teams line up and in turn, conferring, they can only put down their applications for participation in a certain period of time. Further, the team precisely confers and decides which of the team members and at what time the competitions will be held. Each member of the team has the right to take part in several competitions. The team with the most points wins.
  6. Handicap(race for the leader). Teams start on a specific route. Commands start after a certain time. The team with the best wins pure time. In the gaming stations can take part different amount team members.
  7. Extreme. The team is divided into intellectuals and athletes. Intellectuals perform the task and the leader informs the athletes of the name and location of the next playing station. Sports and intellectual stations alternate. If athletes or intellectuals do not cope with the task, then they must complete the penalty task. The team with the lowest net time wins.
  8. labyrinth. The team comes with a route sheet for a specific route. In case of failure to complete the task at the gaming station, the team is invited to complete the penalty task. Varieties: for elimination of players.
  9. Carousel. The participating teams are divided equally. A confrontation is arranged between them (pairs of teams are known in advance). The team that wins the largest number victories. If there is an odd number of teams, then the leader holds a competition with one team.
  10. Festival. Teams during the game find themselves a sparring - a team and together perform a competitive task. As an additional rule of the game, a condition can be set so that when passing the next competitive task, sparring teams form a new pair.
  11. Bureaucrat. The team is divided in half. One half provides the game station, and the other half must pass a certain number of stations. Varieties: travel around the world, registration of any right. Recommendation: Competitive tasks at the stations should be feasible in a finite time.
  12. Relay race The team is invited to go through a certain number of stages along a certain route. The team that completes the tasks the fastest wins.
  13. Olympics There is a draw among the teams. Teams in the same pair compete against each other for a knockout. Team wins with the smallest number defeats.
  14. rotation The team is divided into several parts and performs tasks. The essence of the task of one part of the team is reduced to the preparatory work for the other part. Example. - write a script - make a production - sum up the rating and ...
  15. Express The team is in a fixed location. The slider delivers a specific task that must be completed within a strictly allotted time. The slider then assigns the completed task and receives a new one.
  16. manager The team leader explains the rules for completing the task. He then communicates the rules to all other team members. Team members perform tasks (all tasks in different places). As a result of the task, the leader receives a new piece of information.
  17. Joy School Teams are invited to play several gaming stations, where they are invited to gain certain knowledge or complete certain competitions. Moreover, during the allotted time, participants can visit 2-3 classes of the school.
  18. Quest Some refer them to station games, but, most likely, they have long stood out as an independent group (players have to find some thing that they can get only by bartering with another character. Accordingly, they have to unravel the chain - bring a bone to a bobbie, get it for a bone sausage, take the sausage to the kitten, for this you get a grain and take it to the hen ... well, that's right, exaggerated).

Examples of games by station