Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in English (grade 11). English exercises




Task 3. Sample Answer

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

∙ where and when the photo was taken

∙ what/who is in the photo

∙ what is happening

why you keep the photo in your album

why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number … “

This is how the task is formulated. Your photo description should include:

  • Introduction.
  • The main part.
  • Conclusion.

The phrase “I’ve chosen photo number…” is not an introduction. It is necessary so that the expert can evaluate your answer. Don’t forget to pronounce it; the expert has no right to speculate. You are describing a photograph for a friend, and you are addressing him.

Introduction. Decide on the theme of the photo.

For example:

You know that I keep photos of my school life in my album. I have lots of them. This one shows how we celebrated the Day of our Motherland Defender.

Main part. It was taken on the eve of the 23 rd of February last year. The students gathered in the assembly hall. You can see that the walls are decorated with posters. We are waiting for the concert to start. You can hardly see any faces because the students are looking at the posters trying to decide which of them is the best one. My friends and I made the poster which is on the left. We are all wearing our school uniforms. The general atmosphere in the picture is positive. The reason I keep this photo is because I like comparing decorations that we make for celebrating different holidays at school.

I decided to show you this photo because you have never been in my school.Why don’t we go to the concert together next time?

Conclusion. Looking through photo albums is a pleasant thing.

This is not to say that such a picture is easy to describe. Most likely, the exam will present photos, to describe which you will need the following prepositions and phrases with them:

  • at the top
  • at the bottom
  • in the background
  • in the foreground
  • in the middle
  • on the left
  • on the right
  • I’d like you to see the photo that was taken last_____ / _________ years ago.
  • I remember that day very well.
  • He (she, they) is (are) in his (her, their) twenties.
  • He (she, it, they) is (are) in (at) (a, the) … (café, city, mountains, garden, park, forest, wood, meadow, bus, lesson, classroom, home, seaside, … ).
  • As you see, he (she) looks ... .
  • She (he, it, they) is (are) wearing …
  • As the people are wearing warm coats and caps, it is probably late autumn (summer winter, spring).
  • The weather is…
  • In this photo you can see a man / some people __________ ing _______________.
  • The man is / The people are ________________. They are wearing _____________.
  • In the foreground there is a __________. He is ________ ing ____________.
  • The people in the background are __________ ing ___________.
  • The weather in the picture is ____________________________________________
  • The general atmosphere in the picture is positive/depressing/tense/crazy_________ .
  • The reason I keep this photo is because I was surprised/amazed/shocked/amused by

________________________ __ .

  • It’s nice to record the impression _____________________________________
  • I keep this photo because I had never seen anything like that before.
  • I decided to show it to you to share my emotions/impressions/experiences.
  • I decided to show you this photo because it was the brightest moment of that trip /event/concert/holiday/day...
  • I decided to show you this photo because the child/children remind(s) me of myself when I was his/her/their age.
  • The picture makes me think about the time when we were___________________________
  • Why don’t we go there together some day?
  • I think we could do something like that here in Moscow.
  • I can't wait to go there again. Would you like to keep my company?
  • I wish you were there with me.

Here are some more tips:

  • Don't describe the photo in too much detail, but be sure to touch on its theme.
  • Build the statement in accordance with the proposed plan in order to ensure the logic of the statement. Remember to use logical communications(and, but, too, then, so, that’s why, nevertheless etc).
  • Consistently reveal the content of each item of the plan.
  • Offer extensive argumentation when necessary.
  • Do not give excessive information, commenting in detail on each point of the plan, as you may not have enough time.
  • Show a variety of vocabulary. Use more adjectives.
  • Don't forget to express your opinion about the photo and its subject at the end of your statement.


To use the preview, create an account ( account) Google and log in:


  • say which school decorations you like better
  • explain why


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which place presented in the picture is better for animals
  • explain why


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which animal presented in the picture you would like to have
  • explain why


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which food presented in the picture you like better
  • explain why


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say in which café presented in the picture you would like to eat
  • explain why


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say in which shop presented in the picture you would like to buy something
  • explain why


To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


Task 4.Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which kind of decoration presented in the picture you like better
  • explain why

So as not to miss new ones useful materials,

Exercises ( exercises) in English– this is the main way to consolidate learned information and repeat previously covered. We definitely practice all the theory in exercises, since it is the repeated use certain rules in practice and gives a positive result, leaving information regarding the English language in our memory.

With English exercises you can check how well you remember; how easily a person navigates; how quickly he is able to think logically and compose certain phrases and expressions, etc. There are many areas of application for English exercises. Accordingly, exercises can be completely different, depending on what function they perform and what result they are aimed at. Even if you decide to teach or sign up for courses, the teacher will definitely give you exercises to reinforce the material or test your level of knowledge.

Just ten to fifteen years ago, we studied English using textbooks of “our own” production, that is, those published in our country by our authors and publishers. In other words, people who have learned English have studied pedagogy and teaching methods. The material in the textbooks was presented at state language, be it Russian or Ukrainian.

Currently, almost all English language teaching, with the exception of some schools, is conducted on the basis of English-language training courses developed and published by foreign publishers, for example, such world-famous ones as Oxford And Cambridge. All information in such textbooks is presented in English, not only exercises, but also tasks ( instructions) to these exercises. And this fact confuses those who simply do not have the vocabulary base to understand what exactly needs to be done in this English exercise. I hasten to please you: English exercises are of the same type, therefore, having studied certain vocabulary and memorized certain types of tasks, you can easily perform any English exercise from any source, if, of course, your level of language proficiency allows you to do so.

English exercises: examples of tasks

What kind of tasks can you find in English exercises? And what words do you need to remember in order to understand what is required of you in a given case? As an example, let's take the textbook of the now popular English language course New English File, let's open it and look at the English exercises on several pages. Here are the tasks you can encounter:

  1. Listen and read. Number of pictures.– Listen and read. Number it. (This may be in audio recordings, after listening to which you must determine which picture illustrates each dialogue)
  2. Write the words in the chart.– Write the words in the table. (The words are usually listed below, and there are several columns in the table.)
  3. Copy the rhythm.– Repeat the rhythm.
  4. Complete the sentences with…- Complete the sentences by inserting the given words.
  5. these words / sentences.– Underline ... in these words and sentences.
  6. Repeat the dialogues.– Repeat the dialogues.
  7. Roleplay the dialogues.- Act out the dialogues.
  8. Explain the highlighted word.– Explain the meaning of the highlighted word.
  9. Look at the photos. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.– Look at the photographs. Practice the questions in pairs. (First one asks, the other answers, and vice versa).
  10. Match the words and pictures.– Choose a suitable picture for the word (match them).
  11. Circle the correct answer.– Circle the correct answer. (These can be audio recordings, after listening to which you choose the appropriate option. Or just a question and several answer options, one of which is correct).
  12. Answer the questions.– Answer the questions.
  13. the correct order.– the right order (sequence). (This is either a set of words from which you need to make a sentence, or a list of events that need to be numbered, depending on what happened and when).
  14. Correct the following words / sentences. Find mistakes in these words / sentences.– Correct the following words, offers. (Find errors).
  15. Fill in the gaps in these sentences (with suitable…)– Fill in the gaps in these sentences (using suitable...)
  16. Find a word in the diagram above that fits each definition.– For each definition, find the appropriate word in the diagram above.
  17. Choose a word from the box below to match each definition.– For each definition, choose the appropriate word from the box below.
  18. Write a sentence using each of these words.– Write sentences using these words.
  19. Describe…- Describe...
  20. Work with a dictionary.– Work with.
  21. Translate these words / sentences.– Translate these words and sentences.
  22. Tick– Check the box.
  23. Cross out- Cross it out.
  24. Cross– Mark with a cross.
  25. Cover the text– Close the text. (And reproduce everything that is written there. Memory training).

Here are the main typical tasks for English exercises that you can find in any educational course. Now you will not feel at a loss, but will complete the exercise without any problems.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Since 2003, a single state exam was conducted as an experiment, and since 2009 it has become a unified form of state certification of applicants. Nowadays, in order to enter a university, you increasingly need to take Unified State Exam in English.

As for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, you should know that you need to prepare for it in advance, and the sooner the better. And even if you have a good level of English, you still need good preparation, and this takes time, at least a year.

To pass the Unified State Exam well you need:

  • become familiar with the exam format;
  • have a good level of English;
  • master reading and listening strategies. An excellent understanding of the main content is assumed.
  • familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria for assignments.

If you want to prepare well for the Unified State Exam, you need to study with a professional teacher. He must know the format of this exam. Also choose a teacher who has already worked with children in this area. Do not think that you have enough lessons at school to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. Remember that the most important thing is quality, not quantity, so you need to prepare directly for the Unified State Exam, and don't study everything.

Unified State Exam 2010. Exam structure.

The Unified State Exam includes 4 sections, which consist of 46 tasks.

  • Section 1 - listening. This section consists of 15 tasks. 1 task - to establish correspondence and 14 tasks in which you need to choose the correct answer options. The time given is 30 minutes.
  • Section 2 - reading. It consists of 9 tasks, with 2 tasks on establishing correspondence, and 7 tasks on choosing the correct answer. Time to complete - 30 minutes.
  • Section 3 - vocabulary and grammar. Includes 20 tasks. 13 - with a short answer, 7 tasks - to choose the correct answer. Time - 40 minutes.
  • Section 4 - written part . Includes two tasks. The first is to write an essay with a reasoning and the second is to write a friendly letter. You have 60 minutes to complete.

Total allowance for the exam 160 minutes.

Unified State Exam results for previous years

The most difficult section to complete is “Vocabulary and Grammar”. In general, the work has the lowest percentage of completion in lexical tasks. It is A22-A28. Practice has shown that it is difficult for graduates to use modified verb forms and tense agreement.

And in 2009 they removed it from the Unified State Examination "Burning". Probably, this situation arose as a result of the fact that many who took the Unified State Exam abandoned this section immediately after they began to answer it.

And now some advice regarding all sections of the Unified State Exam.


  • listen carefully! After all, such a trick is often used when they first say one answer and then correct it differently;
  • you need to read the assignment carefully;
  • look at the endings of what you wrote and try to find possible minor errors;
  • if you didn’t hear something, don’t panic, you will have the opportunity to listen again;
  • if you don’t know how to answer a question, answer at least something, but the main thing is to answer;
  • if they speak too quickly, don’t get upset, try to relax and then it will be easier for you to perceive the information.


  • if you are not familiar with the topic discussed in the text, do not worry, because in order to find the answers in the text, you do not need special knowledge;
  • if you are given tasks in which you need to insert words or phrases instead of gaps, read the sentence before and after the gaps, try to guess what exactly is missing;
  • don’t get hung up on one question, you can always return to it, but in the meantime, move on to others;
  • you always need to read the entire text to understand the meaning;
  • if you don't know the answer to a question, try to guess it;
  • When preparing for the Unified State Exam, read as many texts of different styles as possible.

Written assignment

  • it is worth writing about the same thing only in different words;
  • don't go off topic;
  • do not use the same vocabulary as in the task. Choose synonyms for words;
  • keep track of time;
  • do not write more than necessary, because this may indicate that you have written a lot of unnecessary things;
  • Remember that you need to take the time to re-read what you have written and, if necessary, correct any errors you find.

Vocabulary and grammar

  • if you need to insert a word, try to determine in what number and form it should be;
  • if you don’t know the correct answer, don’t leave any blanks anyway, look for the answer by contradiction;
  • check your spelling.


This section was not included in the Unified State Exam 2010, but it is still worth knowing the tips for this part.

  • if you are unclear about a task, ask the examiner about what is unclear;
  • use as many words as possible, show your vocabulary;
  • you must understand that you are required to express your personal opinion and not discuss the topic with professionalism;
  • Perhaps you will forget a word, in this case there is no need to get lost, you can replace it with another word.;
  • You should be aware that this section is not intended for you to demonstrate that you can construct sentences correctly. You need to demonstrate communication skills.

Today, English is considered the most popular language when taking the Unified State Exam. A number of changes have been made to the Unified State Examination 2017. Even if you are confident in your abilities, you need to pass the Unified State Exam in English 2016. Online tests this year have four sections consisting of forty tasks. Unified State Exam test has maximum time change. In 2017 it is 3 hours. To overcome the entry barrier, you must successfully pass 17 tasks. Be prepared for listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and reading questions. Preparation for such a test must be enormous. Every year there is less and less reliance on luck. Without knowledge in a certain area, it is impossible to pass it. This test will help you assess your level for passing the exam.

Unified State Exam test in English

Question 1 of 20

    She thinks she…responsible. She has never got on well with her... friends.

    Rebecca was used to … because she was very shy and used to … very awkward sometimes.

    Mr. Stone, who seemed … about his breakfast, … to Lima in surprise.

    This island is known … by …

    It is a chance… , so they must make a list of things…

    They … very tired if they sat up … late.

    Remember... your tickets and passports before you...

    She can't help... that he helps her so...

    Tom says he would rather…soccer…tennis.

    Jerry is not... man to give... secret.

    I see that... is wrong with you. But you should pull…together.

    They found … in the street full of …

    She talked to him… and looked very…

    Snow is very … in this place, but once … it won't stop for weeks.

    No sooner… on the light, than he saw that the window…

    The deepest of all… lakes in the world is Baikal.

    … to the law, smoking is forbidden in public places.

    …for a short period of time, the family was rather poor.

    Italian cuisine… greatly from French cuisine.

    This reward is…to obtain.


To continue the test, select one of the answer options.

You answered correctly
18 questions out of 20

Your result:

Oops!... Two points(((Hurry up and start learning English with the online tutorial Lim English. With it you are guaranteed to get results.

“Satisfactory.” Start learning English with the online tutorial Lim English using the unique method of Oleg Limansky. The result will not be long in coming!

“Okay” Congratulations! You have a good command of English within the chosen level. Start learning English with the online tutorial Lim-English using the unique method of Oleg Limansky. With it you are guaranteed to improve your knowledge.

Congratulations! This is an excellent result. You have excellent command of English within the chosen level. You have a great opportunity to raise your level with the Lim-English online tutorial. You will get daily practice.

Excellent result! You have excellent command of English within the chosen level. There is no limit to perfection, use the Lim-English online tutorial - this is a great way to always be in shape. Test your strengths in our advanced courses.

Incorrect answers:

Question No. (1)
Your answer: (2)
Correct answer: (3)

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Average general education

Line UMK M.V. Verbitskaya. English language "Forward" (10-11) (basic)

Line of teaching materials of O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, K. M. Baranova. "Rainbow English" (10-11) (basic)

We analyze the Unified State Examination in English: oral part

We analyze the oral part of the exam with experienced teachers, build a reasoning, and select the optimal answer options.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Examination in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of English Language Teachers “Profi-Kray” 2015. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2014, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. GIA OGE expert in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2008. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Examination in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2015, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.
Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Examination in English. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 3. Description of the photo

Task 3. These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Work program for the Enjoy English educational complex (basic level) for grades 10-11. Available for viewing and free download.

Methodical hint

Read the assignment carefully and familiarize yourself with the presented plan. You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task. It takes 2 minutes to complete it (that is, describe the photo). Select one of the photographs offered for description. When choosing, be guided not by what kind of photo you like, but by how familiar you are with the topic and vocabulary on it, and how much you can describe in it. The choice should not take more than three seconds.

Important! The proposed plan does not indicate an introduction and conclusion, but they must be present, since you are asked to make a coherent, complete description of the photograph, which in itself presupposes the presence of an introductory and final part.

For the introduction and conclusion, as well as for answers to the first, fourth and fifth questions, you can prepare several templates in advance that can be easily and quickly modified depending on the photo. Thus, you can spend the bulk of the time (about a minute out of one and a half) allotted for preparation on describing the photo itself, that is, who and what is in the photo (second point of the plan) and what is happening in it (third point of the plan) . Some tips:
1. It’s always easier to talk about people you know, so imagine that the photos are of your friends or relatives, determine what kind of family connections you have, and give the people names.
2. When describing the photograph itself, it would be advisable to divide it into parts and describe first what is in the background (in the background), then on the sides (on the left / right side), gradually moving towards the center or foreground (in the center of/in the foreground). Don't forget that if the photo was taken outside, you can always say a few words about the weather.
3. When describing the people in the photograph, you can say about their age and appearance, what they are wearing, what emotions they experience.
4. Next we describe what is happening in the photograph. For this we use present time Continuous. Sometimes, for some reason, there is practically no action in the photo. It is necessary to mention this, explaining the reason. It is enough to name three actions.

The description of the photograph as such (that is, the answer to the second and third points of the plan) should take up approximately half of the total time, the second half should include the introduction and conclusion and the answer to points 1, 4, and 5 of the plan.

Important! Remember that this is not a story about what was happening in your life or in the lives of your relatives/friends at the time the photo was taken, but a description of what is happening in the photo.

Approximate completion of task 1

I"ve chosen photo number 1. (Introduction) You know, taking photos is my hobby, and I always take a lot of photos wherever I go. I keep the best photos in my family album. (Question 1 of the plan) I took this photo last summer in the forest near our country house when we had a family reunion. (Question 2 of the plan). general information according to the picture). The day is nice, it is sunny and not windy. In the background you can see a forest with tall trees and bushes and in the foreground there is green grass. There are some children in the center of the picture - they are all my relatives. They are all quite young. The oldest girl is 6. She is my sister Olga. She is at the front of the group. And the youngest one is my nephew Nikolay who is just behind Olga. They are all wearing light clothes-T-shirts and shorts as it is very warm. They all look very happy and excited as they are playing together. They are running after a ball trying to kick it. And you can see that Nikolay is very concentrated as he is moving very fast to be the first to catch the ball. (Please note that the entire description is in the present tenses - Present Simple (to describe statics) and Present Continuous (to describe movement)! (Answer to question 4) I keep this photo in my family album as it is very dear to me. It was actually a very memorable day when our big family got together and I could meet all my cousins ​​and nephews and nieces and enjoy time together (Answer to question 5 of the plan) I decided to show it to you as I"m. proud of my family and happy that we get together from time to time and I wanted to share my emotions with you. Maybe next year you'll be happy to spend time together with us (Conclusion) This is all I wanted to tell you. about this photo. I hope you liked it.


Task 4. Comparing two photographs, identifying commonalities and differences.

Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the professions presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

When performing this task, remember the following:

You have 1 minute 30 seconds to prepare for this task and 2 minutes to complete it.

Just like in the third task (description of a photograph), when completing task 4, you need to make an introduction and conclusion before you proceed directly to the answer according to the plan. The introduction consists of one or two sentences on the general topic revealed in the photographs (the fourth paragraph of the plan can suggest the topic) and one sentence telling what you will do now. If the topic is not formulated in any way, one last sentence is enough. In conclusion, to summarize what has been said, we need to return to the topic again (one or two sentences).

In response to the first point of the plan, a very brief description of each photograph is sufficient. It is necessary to say for each picture what is happening and where. And you can add one general sentence about what is in the first and second photographs.

When we reveal the second and third points of the plan, we need to find two common features and two differences. Both common features and differences should be of a general nature. Point number 4 of the plan can help not only with the introduction, but also with significant common features and differences, because they are also related to the main theme of the photographs.

When answering the fourth point of the plan, it is enough to rearrange the word order of the phrase I"d prefer the ...... (Profession) presented in the picture number indicated in the plan....... You cannot say I"d prefer the picture number. ... because it does not correspond to the task. You cannot say “I"d prefer to be in the picture number...., since this is incorrect in meaning - we cannot be in the picture. In the fifth point of the plan, you need to justify your choice made before this with 2-3 detailed sentences (point 4).

Don’t forget that task 4 is structurally close to the essay format, so it is necessary to use linkers (conjunctive words) when listing common features and differences. For example, Firstly, /Secondly,..... Or To begin with, -Furthermore, (Moreover,....What is more....). In conclusion/To conclude....-in conclusion.

Before listing the general features, it is necessary to say that you will now talk about general features. For example, Both pictures have some features in common. Before moving on to the differences, this also needs to be mentioned. For example, however, there are some differences.

When comparing, phrases or verbs expressing assumptions will sound good. For example, they could be designers. They must be in the office. They seem to be teenagers. They look like young employees. ......

Differences should not repeat common features. With an approximate time schedule, the introduction and response to the first and second points of the plan should not take more than one minute.

Example of task 4

(In modern society there is a great variety of different professions. People try to choose one according to their taste and abilities. And these two pictures show this. - this part of the introduction need not be said) Now I"d like to compare and contrast these two photographs. In the first picture there is a young teacher explaining something to the pupils in front of her. In the second photo there are two people who look like designers studying what might be a project in their office. Both pictures have some similarities. Firstly, the most striking common feature is that both pictures show people engaged in doing jobs. Secondly, people are interested in what they are doing. differences. To begin with, in the first picture we can see the profession which presupposes working with people - the teacher is teaching pupils on her own, other people are not included in the process Whereas in the second picture there is a profession which involves. doing the job with co-workers. Moreover, in the first picture the classroom is practically empty except for a blackboard and some desks while the second picture depicts an office with a lot of furniture, models and whiteboards. I would prefer the profession presented in picture number one as I think it is a very challenging but rewarding job. Besides I love working with people, especially children and I have always been good at teaching my friends and my younger sister"s friends some things. (In conclusion, choosing the right profession which will suit you in all aspects is a very hard task and we must think a lot and ask for advice before we make the correct choice. – in case of lack of time, this sentence can be omitted) That is all I wanted to tell you.