“Children would be from such beauty”: Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov stopped hiding joint photos. Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva: Secret wedding of Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva

for all friends and stellar colleagues they arranged just now. In the hall, decorated with huge bouquets of white orchids, gathered , among which were Nikolay Baskov, Olga Kabo, Olesya Sudzilovskaya and many others.

The Hollywood theme of the 30s and 40s was chosen for the celebration. All guests plunged into the atmosphere of the golden age of cinema thanks to the decorator Yulia Shakirova. Already at the entrance to the restaurant, guests were greeted by girls dressed as Marilyn Monroe and young people dressed as Elvis Presley. They escorted the guests to the photo area, where the director, a retro camera, a cracker and other movie paraphernalia were waiting for them.

After all the guests sat down at the tables, the lights went out in the hall and friends of the groom and bridesmaids lined up near the stage. One of the groom's friends Konstantin Kryukov, the bridesmaids also had a star cast - a tennis player Anastasia Myskina and girls from the Factory group. After them, to the famous melody from the movie " Godfather»producer Igor Matvienko took the stage. He got the honorary role of Don, who asked the newlyweds to renew their vows.

“Five years ago they did not arrange magnificent wedding And this can be understood: there was not much money then. That is why now, in a crisis, Sasha and Kirill decided to take this step, ”Matvienko joked.

The bride picked up the producer's ironic tone and vowed never to switch the shower to the one that was comfortable for her, but to leave it on the one that was convenient for her husband. “And cook the chicken that you liked so much until you get bored, and then cook something even tastier,” Savelyeva said, to the great delight of the groom.

Safonov, in turn, was serious and touched all the guests with his oath. "Like Vysotsky:" You can be infinitely right, but what's the point if your woman is crying. So I will try to make sure that you never cry. I love you, ”the actor turned to his wife. Despite this promise, after such words, Cyril nevertheless made Sasha burst into tears, but these tears were from happiness.

When the applause of those present subsided after a long kiss of the "newlyweds", Sasha presented her gift to her husband. The singer said that she decided to shoot a video for the song "Resurrect Me", which Kirill really likes. It was not possible to hide the surprise from Safonov.

“I guessed what Sasha was going to do, and guessed it in time, because she just needed my help, so it turned out we made a gift to each other,” Safonov shared.

After watching the touching video, the couple's friends began to take the stage to present their musical gifts. Irina Toneva and Alexandra Popova sang a comic song in which they told about the most main secret Sasha and Kirill, namely that they both "do not wear corduroy."

Anna Semenovich, who also sang several songs that evening, wished the young two children - a boy and a girl. “Just promise me that you will give the girl to figure skating, at least for a couple of years. Do you promise? Excellent, begged!" Semenovich laughed from the stage.

Anita Tsoi performed a completely new song for Savelyeva and Safonov, which she wrote for the 25th anniversary family life with her husband Sergei. And to the song of Denis Klyaver " White dress» Sasha and Kirill performed their “first” dance.

Those stars who could not attend the holiday recorded small videos with congratulations. For example, Philip Kirkorov turned to star couple straight from his concert in Vladimir. According to him, it was the Vladimir fans who did not “release” the artist for the anniversary. Fans of Nikolai Baskov were not so tenacious and allowed the singer to come. Nicholas handed to the bride huge bouquet white roses and temporarily took over the duties of toastmaster.

I recorded another video message for Sasha and Kirill Alexey Vorobyov. By the way, he also had a hand in their acquaintance. Directly from Los Angeles, the singer sent the couple a song that he composed and performed himself. A gift, a toy car on the control panel, Vorobyov gave through his wards - the Frends group.

Baskov gathered all the star guests of the evening for a big joint photo, and while the stars were gathering, he made various, sometimes sharp, jokes about them. For example, at the request of Mitya Fomin to sing along with him, the artist replied: “For Baskov to sing along, you need a lot of money. Save, Mitya!

The wedding turned out to be so exciting that some completely forgot about their plans. So the designer Igor Gulyaev missed the train, but was not upset and continued to have fun with the guests.

After the solemn cutting of the cake, Sati Kazanova took the stage. She told a fascinating story about how Savelyeva and Safonov succeeded five years ago, and then she sang a Caucasian folk song that did not leave anyone present in their places. After the performance, the heroes of the occasion thanked all the friends for helping them play this noisy and cheerful wedding and relive the bright and such important moments once again.

In 1973, in a small village called Ermakovskoye, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. When the boy was twelve, his parents separated. The mother raised three children alone. Cyril has two older sisters. School years Safonov were held in Lvov. In the early nineties, the family moved to Krasnoyarsk.

Actor's path

Kirill Safonov stepped on creative way in 1993. He became a student. After the first year, he transferred to the capital's GITIS.

The future husband, according to the testimonies of classmates, has always been distinguished by obstinacy. Ripped off dress rehearsal graduation performance, Cyril left the stage and left. It was because of his willfulness that he was expelled from the institute in 1997.

difficult period

Now Kirill Safonov is the husband of Sasha Savelyeva, a successful and sought-after actor. However, despite the fact that Cyril did not become a certified actor, he got a job in The actor was involved in such performances as The Taming of the Shrew and Twelfth Night.

At that time, Cyril already had a family. He had to work hard to feed his first wife Elena and their daughter Nastya. The actor fell asleep during rehearsals and, worst of all, once fell asleep while driving. Fortunately, there was no tragedy. It was the incident on the road, according to Cyril, that made him reconsider his attitude to life. On top of that, the constant need has caused disagreements in the family.

In 1999, Kirill received an offer to play in the Israeli theater "Gesher". The actor happily agreed, because he believed that the improvement financial situation help with his wife. Safonov worked in Jaffa until 2001. At this time, he and his wife were already on the verge of a divorce.

Life is getting better

In 2006 year future husband Sasha Savelieva came to the Moscow Film Festival. He presented the Israeli painting "Half-Russian History". The performance of the actor was well received by critics. This was a triumph for Cyril. He was ready to stay in the capital if he was offered a job. This time, luck did not turn away from Safonov. He got the lead role in the TV series Tatyana's Day.

Thanks to this work, the future husband of Sasha Savelyeva gained unprecedented popularity in Russia. Now he was characterized as an actor with capital letter. Offers to take part in various projects literally rained down on Cyril. So, over the next three years, he starred in such films as Two in the Rain, My Last Blues, Chasing the Shadow, Zhurov and Crisis of Faith.

long awaited love

Cyril could not recover from a divorce from Elena for a long time. Until 2009, he was alone. And finally, Safonov met his fate. It happened in a nightclub. It is noteworthy that both Sasha and Kirill are not regulars at such establishments. They both ended up in the club thanks to the persuasion of friends. The first acquaintance did not leave bright impressions. The young people exchanged a few words and seemed to forget about each other's existence. However, the next day, Kirill caught himself thinking that he was constantly thinking about Sasha. Through mutual acquaintances, he managed to get the girl's phone number. Soon they began an affair.

Kirill is currently happy husband Savelyeva Sasha. Photos of lovers adorn many glossy magazines. However, at first, the couple hid their relationship from outsiders. Most of all, Safonov feared that his daughter would take her stepmother with hostility. Fortunately, quarrels on this basis were avoided. Anastasia and Alexandra became friends.

Since April 17, 2010, the legal husband of Sasha Savelyeva is Kirill Safonov. The solemn event was held under the strictest secrecy. As the lovers later explained, they did not want to share this holiday with anyone.

For many years now, rumors about the breakup of the couple have not been confirmed. Kirill and Sasha are happy together.

Actor Kirill Safonov has dozens of roles in cinema and on the theater stage, work in the Israeli theater "Gesher", but general public he became famous after leading role in the long-running television series Tatyana's Day.

The first wife of Kirill Safonov

Until 2010, very little is known about Safonov's personal life. He was married to a girl who had nothing to do with show business and the media space in general. From this marriage, Kirill has a daughter, Anastasia, now a model working in Europe and the USA under the pseudonym Anastasia Saf.

It was the wife who initiated the divorce, and the actor experienced a breakup for a long time and painfully. It happened in a difficult period for Kirill Safonov in the distant land of Israel.

In the photo on the right, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Nastya.

Safonov came to Israel at the invitation of the Gesher Theater. At that time, everything was collapsing at home, the salary of an actor in the theater was about $30.

In order to feed his family, Safonov had to earn money by driving in the evenings.

The Promised Land at that moment seemed like a real salvation for the artist. However, not everything went smoothly in the new place, and, apparently tired of the hard life and trials, the wife offered to disperse. Relations remained intelligent, because the former spouses had a daughter growing up.

In 2006, Safonov returned to Russia and did not lose. The role of the handsome Sergei in the serial love story"Tatyana's Day" aroused interest in the charismatic actor of millions of Russian fans.

However, personal life remained calm. According to the actor himself, the scars and burns on his heart made him cautious.

unknown celebrities

The story of Kirill's acquaintance with his second wife, Alexandra Savelyeva, is anecdotal. Once, on the night of February 22-23, 2009, Kirill noticed a spectacular blonde in one of the clubs. She turned out to be Sasha Savelyeva, the permanent soloist of the Fabrika group. Cyril did not recognize her then, but remembered. Alexandra also drew attention to the stately handsome man, but also did not understand who it was.

The next day, Kirill realized that the stranger was in his head. He turned to Katherine von Gechmen-Waldeck for help, who knows everyone and everything in show business. During the conversation, it turned out that the fair-haired beauty, most likely, Sasha from the "Factory". Cyril begged Alexandra's phone number from Katerina and sent SMS to the fair-haired beauty.

Alexandra, in turn, could not understand who wrote it. "Who is this?" She replied to SMS. Kirill Safonov. "Which Kirill Safonov?"

Interesting Notes:

famous artist I couldn't believe that the singer didn't recognize him. " I think she turned me down.", he later told Katerina Gechmen-Waidek. "Can't be! There's some confusion here!" Only after a clarification from Katerina, Alexandra realized that an attractive young man in the club is famous actor Kirill Safonov. Known to everyone, but not to her.

“But I didn’t recognize Sasha either. I look - a familiar face, but who it is, kill me, I can’t remember. ”

Underground wedding

The romance of lovers developed rapidly. Already on March 8, Kirill gave Sasha a ring. Soon the young people met the parents of Sasha and Cyril, as well as his daughter Nastya.

The actor made an offer to Alexandra during a walk with her parents. He invited everyone to come into the church, and then got down on one knee and asked for a hand. The wedding of lovers took place quietly, in the Tsaritsyno estate on April 17, 2010. The young people managed to keep the fact of marriage a secret. The dress for Alexandra was sewn by the dresser of the Fabrika group under the pretext that it was necessary for the performance.

In family life, spouses rarely manage to spend a lot of time with each other, but this only fuels their interest in each other. Alexandra attracted her husband to skiing , but there were problems with the skates.

After participating in the show ice Age”, where she was lucky enough to skate with Yagudin themselves, Alexandra often goes to the rink.

Cyril once went out with her on the ice, stood for a few minutes and left to drink coffee. "It's different when you're flying down a mountain and the wind is whistling."

Kirill fully supports his wife's musical ambitions, he equipped a studio specially for her at home, where Alexandra has already recorded her first song. Kirill is a diligent host, as he has five diplomas in working specialties, and does everything around the house himself.

In addition, the actor is engaged in painting, and although, as he says, he has repeatedly exhibited at vernissages, there is little time left for a hobby. The actor compensates for this with a photograph, and his main model and muse is his wife.

Alexandra developed friendly relations with her adult daughter, because the age difference between her beloved women is only ten years.

Like any couple, there are disagreements between Alexandra and Kirill, and the press now and then announces the next upcoming or completed divorce. However, the couple, apparently, is not going to get divorced. To overcome the crisis that had arisen, they once dropped everything and left for Dead Sea where they literally fell in love all over again.

Alexandra does not exclude that she will soon cease to exist in the Factory project and will come to grips with the continuation of the Kirillov-Savelyev family. “Now I feel like I’m absolutely ready for it.”

January 19, 2018

Recently, the singer and her husband went to rest in the Czech Republic. Sasha Savelyeva takes tender pictures with Kirill Safonov. Fans admire family idyll young couple.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov / photo: globallook.com

The ex-participant of the "Star Factory" has been married to Kirill Safonov for about eight years. The 34-year-old does not hide that her relationship with her husband. However, fans have a hard time believing it. Recently, the couple took part in where Cyril portrayed a maniac and, in a fit of passion, attacked his attractive victim Sasha. These emotional shots were received with great interest by the fans.

The other day, the lovers arranged a vacation for themselves and went on vacation. However, they preferred not warm regions, but the winter Czech Republic. For several days, Savelyeva and her husband have been sharing beautiful shots from Prague. On one of them, the singer poses with Safonov. They are dressed in down jackets with luxurious fur. In the frame, the artist reaches out to the chosen one and kisses him. romantic photos touched the fans of the couple. “Harmonious union”, “Tenderness”, “Very touching photo!”, “Straight romance,” subscribers commented on the picture.

Kirill also posted some vacation photos. On one of them, Sasha poses alone in the same down jacket. “King’s wife,” the actor succinctly signed the picture. Many agreed with Safonov's statement, while others felt that he should not sign the photo with such loud phrases. Recall that Cyril has a 22-year-old daughter Anastasia from his first wife. girl support a good relationship with Sasha. One summer, they even vacationed together in Israel.

Kirill Leonovich Safonov - Russian actor 1973 year of birth.

Two last days I took up the study of the biography of Kirill Safonov, for a start I read the interviews that he gave, as well as those that he may not have given. You know, everyone public person such incidents happen, they write about him in the yellow press without his knowledge, they attribute to him those "exploits" that he did not perform. But, oddly enough, much of this jaundice ends up being true. I don’t read the yellow press at all, and also regarding Kirill Safonov - there’s not much to invent there, everything is transparent and understandable, no scandals, so I basically gleaned honest truth. I also studied the profile of Kirill Safonov and the profiles of his relatives in in social networks. What did I know about Kirill Safonov before I decided to write this article with a selection of his photographs? The points.

I knew that Kirill Safonov was a very interesting actor, I saw him briefly in some series. Made a good impression. And all why? Because the appearance is interesting, moderately cute, but brutal, disposable, solid, charming, something outwardly reminds me of the Scottish film actor Gerard Butler, especially when he has not shaved for a couple of weeks. . Played by Kirill Safonov - not to complain, this can be done not only in TV shows, he can always play the main character - colorful, textured, attracts attention.

  1. I also knew that Kirill Safonov was married to one of the soloists of the Fabrika group, Sasha Savelyeva, who was ten years younger than him. I also knew that they had been married for at least five years, the marriage was settled, they got used to it, there is love, they don’t like to be promoted, but they give interviews as needed.
  2. I also knew that Kirill Safonov sometimes falls into depression, withdraws into himself and can even be rude to his wife, then he really asks for forgiveness and generally works on himself in every possible way in this regard.

And what did I not know about Kirill Safonov, what was a discovery for me? The points.

    It turns out that Kirill Safonov is married for the second time and he has a charming adult daughter Anastasia. The girl works as a model and not anywhere, but in New York itself. Kirill Safonov is incredibly proud of his daughter and calls her Princess. You can learn more about his daughter here in this article.5 0 the best photos daughters of Kirill Safonov - model Anastasia Safonova

    Kirill Safonov married, while still very young, he was eighteen years old at that time, and his wife Elena turned sixteen. But these two got married not because Lena was pregnant, but out of deep and strong love, their daughter was born 3-4 years later. The relationship did not pass the test of strength, and ten years after registration, the couple broke up, both grew up and turned out to be completely different people, love is gone. Pro ex-spouse Kirill Safonov, I have written more in this article, . Elena Safonova by the way is a real beauty.

  1. Kirill Safonov moved his first family to Israel, where his relatives moved before him: his mother and sister. In Israel, Kirill played in the local theater, did not know Hebrew, but learned it in a couple of months. Kirill Safonov has Jewish roots, his father's name was Leon Kogan, when Kirill Safonov was fourteen years old, his dad died, but before that sad moment, Kirill's parents managed to get a divorce. Leon Kogan had four higher education he was the chief engineer Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, read a lot, knew all of Mayakovsky by heart, but fatherhood was not his main vocation, despite this, Kirill Safonov speaks only positively about his father. Kirill Safonov's mother is a writer, she composes poetry and prose, now she lives in Israel, but she writes not only about this country, but also about the Siberian village, where she was born and lived for a very long time.
  2. Kirill Safonov met Sasha Savelieva in karaoke on February 23, 2009, Sasha and Kirill were in different companies. When meeting, she did not know that she was a popular actor, but this is natural, there were not enough roles at that time in Safonov's filmography. The series “Tatyana’s Day” with his participation has just died down and many housewives and pensioners went crazy for Kirill Safonov, but Sasha Savelyeva probably didn’t watch TV - the tour was in full swing. But he didn’t recognize her, since most likely he wasn’t very fond of pop music either, he didn’t watch Star Factory, he knew that the girl was most likely a singer, but he had no idea exactly what kind of girl she was. But he liked Sasha Saveliev immediately, Kirill began to look for her contacts through mutual friends, the next day the guy in love was already scribbling text messages to Sasha. Kirill Safonov rather quickly proposed to his beloved, he literally immediately realized that this was his man, the one with whom he had been waiting for so many years. According to Kirill Safonov, Sasha Savelyeva is not capable of meanness, like himself, in general, they coincide with him in many points, these two have similar moral principles and priorities are placed in life equally.
  3. Kirill Safonov is a master of all trades, he has been working since the age of 14, he has the professions of a bricklayer, concrete worker, carpenter, taxi driver, railway repair master, bartender. In addition, for fifteen years, Kirill Safonov painted paintings that he sold through galleries, they sold well, there was enough money to rent an apartment and to buy bread and butter. Kirill Safonov mastered another profession while waiting star roles, he became a web designer, and this already suggests that the family will not disappear with this guy, he will always find how to earn a living and even if it will not be some fabulous sums, after all, Kirill Safonov is not a businessman yet, but his loved ones will not die of hunger. This man does not shun any work, he is not a fan of lying on the couch.
  4. Fame came to Kirill Safonov only at the age of 34. By this time, he practically despaired of finding an outlet for his creative energy, but still fortune smiled at him, now his name is known to many, even to those who do not watch TV shows. Yes, and Russian actors do not have to choose too much. There are few good films released in our country, but they can’t sit without work. TV shows are like TV shows, there's nothing wrong with that.

My attitude towards Kirill Safonov is purely positive. This guy is pretty educated. Well-read, has his own personal opinion, multifaceted, like not a womanizer. If only he and his wife Sasha would stop mentioning God in their interviews. It is high time for them to understand that it is not God who gives children and other blessings of life. Well, I don’t understand how adults think that God cares about them. Well, drunks will have children and a lot, God gives them to them? It is time for many to understand that this is nature, health, compatibility, and other factors. Some get it, some don't. And it was not God who brought this couple together, they were brought together by chance. So I noticed that almost all actors like to drag God around wherever they go. When the Nazis burned whole families in the houses of living people, the god closed his eyes, and when Sasha Savelyeva was looking for a husband, the god opened them and pointed to the pleasant man Kirill Safonov in all respects. Well, in general, very pleasant, harmonious couple Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva and everything will be fine with them. The main thing is that they are happy with each other. The reader will also forgive me Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva for a portion of tar in a barrel of honey.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia and wife Alexandra.

In this photo, the daughter of Kirill Safonov and his first wife Elena.

In this photo, Kirill Safonov with his daughter Anastasia.

And in this photo, Kirill Safonov's mother, this woman's name is Galina Semyonovna Safonova.