If a person has fate or everything is random. Does a person have a destiny or is everything random? Does fate exist? Does a person have a destiny, or is everything just random?

Every day there are ups and downs. You can’t help but think: “Is this my destiny?” Especially if something unpleasant happens, you immediately think: “So this is my fate.” Is there destiny? Or is this our fantasy?

IN Once again I decided that it wasn’t fate, and I stopped making my own efforts. What did I do to make it different?

If you think about it, it turns out that I didn't make much effort to change the situation. From the outside, I look like a sad person who floats with the flow of life, without making any effort for my own happiness.

Does a person have a destiny? Everyone must answer this question for themselves.

Is there destiny? What is it, how does it affect our lives and can it be corrected?

Let's forget about failure for a moment and remember good moments life, when everything turned out the way we would like. Now think about it, at that moment were you proud of yourself for your achievements or were you grateful to fate for such a successful coincidence of circumstances?

I’m proud of myself, how smart I am. And fate has nothing to do with it, there is no fate at all.

And when something goes wrong, it becomes clear that it is fate, the villain, who is to blame!

The question arises again: does a person have a destiny?

There are two explanations for everything that happens:

1. There is destiny! Everything that happens to us, good or bad, is our destiny and we must accept it as such. We cannot influence fate or change it. And this begs the question: what’s the point in doing something if fate has decided everything for us?!

2. We decide our own lives. In fact, it doesn't matter whether there is destiny or not. The important thing is that we ourselves are the rulers of our lives, and everything around us can be the way we want it.

With the first, everything seems to be clear, but with the second it’s more complicated. It turns out that our whole life depends only on us... And who then is to blame for all the troubles? Well, not your beloved self! How can I blame myself?!

Is fate destined?

Fate may exist, but only in theory. And we can continue to blame her unfortunate woman for all our troubles. But in practice, we build our own lives, and no one will do this for us.

The topic of our departure from life is one of the most mysterious and sacred. For many centuries, humanity has tried to comprehend this secret. Does fate exist? How free are we to create our own life scenario? Can a person involuntarily or consciously draw out (“craw out”) his departure or, conversely, by an effort of will push back the fateful date?

Death is just a transition

Two dates

Psychics and magicians talk about the multivariate nature of the future and promise any development of events in their sessions. Psychologists assure us that with the help of special psychotechniques it is even possible to guess the “rainy day” and move it as far as possible.
Undoubtedly, every person has a choice of directions in which life path may change in one direction or the other. But... as numerous facts and ancient treatises testify, these changes concern only the basis of life and can occur within two initially programmed dates - the day of arrival into this world and the day of departure. We can influence the quality of our lives, but we can change the most important dates We can't do it.
Researchers from Stanford (California, USA) recently completed an experiment called “Life Span”, which began... 90 years ago, in 1921. More than one and a half thousand children participated in the experiment and were monitored throughout their lives. The analysis of the results surprised the scientists. It turned out that people with a good sense of humor who had a happy childhood behind them lived, on average, shorter than others. It also turned out that love for pets, contrary to popular belief, does not prolong life. But marriage, like divorce, does not affect health in any way. Those who are loved and cared for feel happier throughout life, but this also does not affect its duration.

Blind clairvoyant Vanga I believed that no one would escape what was prescribed by fate.

Own way
Let's turn to the great clairvoyant and soothsayer Vanga. The niece and personal biographer of the Bulgarian fortuneteller Krasimir Stoyanov in her book “Vanga: Confession of a Blind Clairvoyant” gives the following dialogue:

If it so happens that you see, with the inner vision given to you from above, an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do something so that you can avoid misfortune?

No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

And if troubles, even catastrophic ones, threaten not just one person, but a group of people, an entire city, or a state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

It's useless.

Does a person’s fate depend on his inner, moral strength, and physical abilities? Is it possible to influence fate?

It is forbidden. Everyone will go their own way, and only their own.”

Sathya Sai Baba made a mistake in predicting the date of his own death.

Gloomy visions

Some people secretly feel the approach of their death. This manifests itself differently for everyone. Someone is trying to put all their affairs in order. Someone begins to become interested in the structure of the universe, to think about the meaning of life, God, and the soul. And someone becomes despondent, loses interest in life, as if physically and psychologically preparing themselves for the transition to another form of existence.
The ability to predict one’s death is most clearly demonstrated in the works of poets and writers. Moreover, often the authors in their works not only foresaw the approach of their end, but also described in detail the circumstances of their death.

Nikolai Rubtsov predicted that he would die in winter.

Nikolai Rubtsov prophetically wrote in one of his poems:

“I will die in the Epiphany frosts,
I will die when the birches crack.”

Although nothing foreshadowed the tragedy then, he died on January 19, Epiphany.
Fyodor Sologub, in a poem in 1913, 14 years before his death, predicted to himself:

“Darkness will destroy me in December.
I will stop living in December.”

“In the midday heat in the valley of Dagestan
I lay motionless with lead in my chest.”

It happened as the poet foresaw. He died in a duel after being shot by Martynov.
And here it remains controversial issue: either the writers really “saw” something from the future thanks to intuition, or, again, thanks to the gift of imagination and the ability to create their own worlds, they formed their own model of care.
In all likelihood, poets somehow gain knowledge about the future from their subconscious, listening to the inner self, which is closely connected with the Higher Mind - the repository where there are answers to all existing questions.
This fact is also surprising: many people who do not have the gift of foresight and do not know when their earthly journey will end can easily answer how this will happen.

John Lennon became a hermit shortly before his death.

But it also happens that a person is afraid of something and with his fears attracts tragic events. It was not for nothing that the ancients said: “We ourselves invite guests to the feast of our thoughts.”
The writer Venedikt Erofeev wrapped himself in scarves all his life, buttoning his collar tightly, as if he was protecting himself from a future incurable disease, which later overtook him. The writer died of throat cancer.
The legendary musician John Lennon, shortly before his death, suddenly became a hermit, hiding in his house. As if anticipating an upcoming assassination attempt, he stopped communicating with the world and stopped going out. Moreover, according to the recollections of his loved ones, he began to become interested in the topic of murder, fearfully imagining how a person feels when a bullet enters his body.
It has been noticed that people who are destined by fate short life, they live it very brightly and fruitfully, trying to do everything in time. They say about them: they were in a hurry to live. How many genius poets left our world at a young age, leaving the greatest creative legacy to descendants (M.Yu. Lermontov died at the age of 26, Sergei Yesenin died at 30). While other long-lived talents began to realize their great plans only after 40-50 years. There are many artists who created their works over the age of 70. Titian painted the best paintings for almost 100 years. Verdi, Strauss and many other composers composed music until they were 80 years old.

"The time has come"

There is an assumption that our soul knows about the time allotted to us, and when this time comes, it pushes a person to a critical situation. You can recall the story of the death of the wonderful poet and singer Igor Talkov. The tragedy occurred behind the scenes of the Yubileiny Sports Palace. Singer Aziza asked Talkov, through her friend Igor Malakhov, to perform in front of her, since she did not have time to prepare. But the singer did not agree. A conflict arose, during which Talkov was killed by a pistol shot. The singer's director Valery Shlyafman was accused of unintentional murder, having tried to snatch the pistol from the hands of another person and accidentally pulled the trigger. But, as we know, there are no accidents.
According to the recollections of Talkov’s widow Tatyana, the singer never carried a weapon with him, but for some reason that day he took a gas pistol to the concert. And when a generally harmless argument flared up, he was the first to take out a weapon and start shooting in the air, thereby provoking Malakhov to grab his pistol, loaded with live ammunition. And, who knows, maybe if Talkov had not taken a weapon with him, everything would have worked out. But, most likely, the inner command of the soul worked that day - “the time has come”, and the entire subsequent scenario was built in accordance with this.
Ancient eastern texts contain knowledge that a person comes into this world precisely when there is a need for this for the universal evolutionary development, and leaves him at the hour when the mission is completed. Not earlier and not later. And it is very important to realize that death is not only inevitable and is part of the universal world order, but also that death is not the end, but a transition of consciousness to a higher spiritual level.

“Fate decreed it this way” is a fairly common expression. But when using it, many people do not think too much about the depth of its meaning. Is everything really predetermined from above? Does it exist or can you change your life at will?

Does a person have a destiny?

Many people, especially the older generation, are firmly convinced that what is written in one’s family cannot be avoided. Different people say the same thing religious teachings: God gives each person a certain destiny at birth, within which he measures the number of trials and joys. Therefore, for believers, the question of whether fate exists is not controversial. But atheists adhere to a completely opposite point of view, believing that only a person himself creates his own future through his actions and can change his life at any moment. Serious psychologists take a borderline position on this issue. They confirm that fate exists, but only within the framework of those ideas about it that a particular person has. That is, life in any case depends on it, but they can exist on a subconscious level. And a person attracts all positive and negative phenomena into his life himself, but at the same time there is a special core - events that cannot but happen for objective reasons.

Does fate exist in love?

And one of these immutable givens is meeting a loved one. Majority and ordinary people, and psychologists are sure that to the question whether there is a destiny to be with a certain person, the answer can only be positive. Only scientists are not guided by ephemeral ideas about predestination, but proceed from the premise that we can only love a person who is similar to us, as if resonating with us in the same emotional field, in other words, is on the same wavelength.

“Fate decreed it” is a fairly common expression. But when using it, many people do not think too much about the depth of its meaning. Is everything really predetermined from above? Does fate exist or can you change your life at will?

Many people, especially the older generation, are firmly convinced that what is written in one’s family cannot be avoided. Various religious teachings affirm the same thing: God gives each person a certain destiny at birth, within which he measures the number of trials and joys. Therefore, for believers, the question of whether fate exists is not controversial.

But atheists adhere to a completely opposite point of view, believing that only a person himself creates his own future through his actions and can change his life at any moment. Serious psychologists take a borderline position on this issue. They confirm that fate exists, but only within the framework of those ideas about it that a particular person has. That is, life in any case depends on his desires, but they can exist on a subconscious level.

And a person attracts all positive and negative phenomena into his life himself, but at the same time there is a special core - events that cannot but happen for objective reasons.

Does fate exist in love?

And one of these immutable givens is meeting a loved one. The majority of both ordinary people and psychologists are sure that the answer to the question whether it is destiny to be with a certain person can only be positive.

Only scientists are not guided by ephemeral ideas about predestination, but proceed from the premise that we can only love a person who is similar to us, as if resonating with us in the same emotional field, in other words, is on the same wavelength.

Video: random non-accidents - does fate exist?

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