Ivan Shapovalov: illness and prognosis of the producer’s doctors. The terrible sinner Shapovalov discovered real life for himself! Ivan Shapovalov, what’s wrong with him now?

The whole country has been monitoring the health of ex-producer of the Tatu group Ivan Shapovalov for almost a year now. Last summer he was given terrible diagnosis brain cancer. But in Lately Things were looking up for the legendary producer.

At first, only his family and friends knew that Ivan Shapovalov had been diagnosed with a terrible disease. For about a year, Ivan was between life and death: he had difficulty moving and speaking. Few people know that when the disease first made itself known, he flatly refused to see a doctor. He relied on the help of alternative medicine and even went to China for treatment.

“Even though Vanya is a doctor by profession, he had no intention of going to the hospital,” says Ivan Irbis, a friend of the producer. “He is a young man in the prime of his life. At that age they don’t worry about their health.

Irbis met Shapovalov when he was still in the Tatu group. At the age of fifteen, he first met him in the legendary “Celestial Empire” - the group’s office in the capital’s Beijing Hotel. Ivan still remembers this time with a shudder.

“What was happening there can be called in one word – hell,” explains Ivan. “But I, a child, liked it.” Although his appearance in my life, this whole story with the “Celestial Empire” shifted my life priorities and values ​​in the wrong direction. But I don't regret anything. I now have good income, I have a favorite job. But the ten years it took me to get there were hell. When we began to communicate closely with Shapovalov, he already had health problems - due to nervousness. For example, psoriasis. But Vanya was in no hurry to see doctors.

Many are sure: terrible disease was sent to Ivan as a test. After all, at one time he made many mistakes. Ivan Irbis does not hide: this man is simply made of sins.

“I saw how Shapovalov communicates with people,” says Ivan. “I remember one day, when I came to his hotel, his pregnant mistress began banging on the door. She came in winter wearing torn jeans and a thin jacket in the cold. But Vanya didn’t want to see her. He then told me: “Kick her out.” I had to call security to get her out. And there were a lot of such cases.

What causes brain tumors official medicine I can’t say for sure. Lifestyle plays a significant role. At one time, Shapovalov’s life had everything: alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex. According to Irbis, battles for a place in the producer’s bed took place every minute.

“I knew many girls who wanted to give Vanya at least a blowjob in the car,” continues Irbis. “And of course, from his behavior we can say that he was never against this. Everyone was in his bed: both boys and girls. What can I say! Remember his interview when he admitted that he created Tatu when he learned that the most requested thing on the Internet was sex with minors.

When the situation became hopeless, Shapovalov still went to the hospital. The diagnosis that doctors gave him sounds like a death sentence for many. But Shapovalov did not give up and began to fight. Ivan underwent several courses of chemotherapy, after which there was improvement. The disease stopped progressing. Between courses of treatment, Ivan was in country house in the Moscow region: there is nature, which, as is known, has a positive effect on health.

“Lately, Vanya, as far as I know, has taken up horses,” continues Irbis. “There were close people next to him. Friends came. Although, knowing Vanya, I can say that many more people consider him a close person than he himself.

The only problem Ivan faced was money. There are no funds left from Tatu for a long time. And a huge amount of money was required for treatment. Close people created a fund where they received cash from all over the world. Many Tatu fans tried to help him spiritually: they went to church and lit candles for good health. Even Shapovalov’s official wife recently admitted in an interview that she always believed in the power of prayers and asked God every day for Ivan to get better.

“A mutual friend of ours recently saw him and asked: “Vanya, how are you?” How do you live?" – says Irbis. “He answered: “Thy prayers.” The disease is severe and complex. It takes about five years before we can talk about a complete recovery. But now, of course, he is doing much better. And we are all happy for him. Despite the fact that we have not communicated for a long time, I have always been and will be grateful to this man for being in my life.

Despite the fact that Tina Kandelaki now holds a high position on television, she fondly remembers the program “Details,” which she once hosted at the dawn of her dizzying career. “The “Details” program made me the host. Without it, no Tina Kandelaki would have existed. The moment of the steepest professional growth. The interview genre endlessly develops a person...” noted Kandelaki.


Tina completed her work on the program because she “talked to everyone.” However, there were also frankly disastrous conversations in her life. This happened with the producer of the Tatu group, Ivan Shapovalov. What added piquancy to the conversation was the fact that the man was not entirely sober.

According to Kandelaki, she realized from the very beginning that the conversation would not work. “Unlike my mother, I am not a drug addiction specialist. But it would be clear to anyone there. When talking to a person, you will immediately feel whether he drank a glass or five? At the same time, Ivan had a well-thought-out image - such an infant terrible from the East. Hefty layer of Russian pop culture did not have the slightest chance of export. Suddenly, absolutely world-class content appears! I remember a funny fragment - the girls are driving in the car. It seems that Van Damme wants to meet them. Damm... What about Van Damme? What should we do with him?” “What, what... Meet him!” They themselves did not expect this phenomenal fame,” Tina noted.

Kandelaki didn’t even try to save the interview. She explained why: “Yes, watching his agony on air is much more interesting! You watch and understand that such a condition kills.”

According to Tina, there are six ways to cast your interlocutor in an unpleasant light, but this is not for her. "Vanya is like that... How can I tell you... He was way ahead of his time. There were no hashtags yet, but Vanya was already thinking in trends, memes. This is just an American script about a person who achieved quick success! With morality - if God gave talent, then he can take it away. Because in the future Shapovalov had nothing. The breakthrough with “Tatu” was phenomenal. Never before has anyone been interested in Russian pop music in the West. After that, too,” Sport quotes Kandelaki. -Express".

Ivan Nikolaevich Shapovalov

Ivan Shapovalov

Russian music producer

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:

Kotovo, Volgograd region


Russian Federation

Ivan Nikolaevich Shapovalov– Russian music producer, best known for his musical project “t.A.T.u.”


Ivan was born on May 28, 1966 in the Volgograd region (the city of Kotovo). His mother, Nadezhda Richardovna, worked as a physics teacher. Dad, Nikolai Alexandrovich was an artist. Rather, thanks to the influence of his mother, Ivan studied at a school with a physics and mathematics focus. After school I chose medical direction, studied at the Saratov Medical Institute, specializing in psychiatry. After university, he worked in a children's psychiatric hospital, and at the same time conducted a private practice in the field of psychocorrection of children. Early he married his classmate Valeria and gave birth to a son, Vladimir. Until a certain period, Ivan was a model citizen, like many, a cog in a large social system. Then began the gradual transformation of an ordinary provincial doctor into something else, sometimes not always understandable to the average person.

Changing the course of life

In 1992, Ivan decides to change his life radically. He leaves medicine and founds the PR organization “Formation Service public opinion"Context". During the gubernatorial elections, there was quite an increased demand for the company's services.

For the next two years, Shapovalov works at the Slavia insurance company and pension fund"Russian capital". In both companies, Ivan is involved in marketing and advertising campaigns. A little later he is transferred to work in Moscow branches of companies. At that time he met the composer Voitinsky.

Since 1994, Ivan has been trying himself as a screenwriter for commercials. The topic of advertising and television was then just gaining momentum.

In 1996, he made a landmark commercial for the R&K computer company. One of the founders of the company later acted as a sponsor and co-producer of Tatu. Another commercial gave me the opportunity to meet the girl Lena Katina, who voiced the video. A little later, on the set, Ivan collaborates with NTV journalist Elena Kiper, who became a full co-producer of the project. The pieces of the mosaic fit together into a whole.

Project "t.A.T.u."

The first casting for the role of soloist was won by Lena Katina. The year was 1999. Voitinsky records two songs with Lena: “I am your enemy” and “Yugoslavia”. The composer and producer had the feeling that one singer would not be enough and a second girl was added to the group - Yulia Volkova.

In 2001, joint hard work finally produced tangible results - the album “200 in the opposite direction” was released. In May of the same year, Shapovalov signed a contract with the famous label “Universal Music”. The contract was not as simple as it might seem: it obligated Ivan to release three albums and forbade him to change the composition of the group.

The group is gaining popularity. In 2002/2003, a lot of concerts were planned, an English version of the first album was released, and a world tour was launched.

In 2004, as part of the same advertising campaign, the show “Tattoo in the Celestial Empire” was launched on the STS TV channel. An office was rented, all the demo versions of the songs for the new album were accepted, but the show was never launched. Ivan Shapovalov resigned as producer and actually gave the brand to Tatu. In October 2004, Ivan Shapovalov received a medal for the composition “All the things she said,” of which he was a co-author. The song was played on air more than 2 million times.

New projects

After the success of Tatu, Ivan wanted to do something equally explosive and grandiose. He takes on several projects, but these projects are various reasons could not be implemented. These are singer Nato in 2004, rock group “7B”, singer Helya and Nano-project.

There was even an idea to film a reality show on an icebreaker during a trip to the North Pole.


Completely unexpected for Ivan in 2012 was the realization that he had been diagnosed with brain cancer. At first, he categorically refused to believe that something could be wrong with him, and tried to be treated by shamans and psychics. Help was provided by his former ward, Yulia Volkova. She convinced Ivan to undergo diagnostics at a modern medical center and even brought him herself. A course of chemotherapy was prescribed and a survival period of two months was indicated. Friends, doctors, and especially the media unanimously buried Ivan. Only the closest friends and family remained. They announced a fundraiser for treatment and, in fact, snatched Shapovalov from the hands of death.

On this moment Ivan lives and works in China. He returned to show business, though not as a producer, but as a singer. Recording his new album.

A year ago, Ivan Shapovalov announced his terrible diagnosis - the Tatu producer was diagnosed with brain cancer. Even many of his relatives did not believe in his recovery.

Only one out of ten people who learn about their terrible illness can not fall into despair, but pull themselves together and eventually rise to their feet. This one turned out to be Ivan Shapovalov, known to us mainly as the producer of the scandalous Tatu group. Shapovalov was able to cope with the illness and return to show business. Only now as a performer.

Few people believed that Vanya would be able to overcome his illness. Shapovalov felt the first symptoms several years ago, but categorically did not want to be treated. And only after the intervention of Yulia Volkova, who personally took her former mentor to the cancer center, did he take up his health. The doctors who examined the producer simply shrugged their shoulders. And his wife Valeria trusted in God: she regularly prayed in church. After a course of chemotherapy, Shapovalov himself could only walk on crutches. Later there was long-term treatment in China. There the disease began to recede.

“Every disease is given to us as a test that we need to pass,” the producer is sure. - Now I’ve started new life from scratch.

Child psychiatrist by specialty, former owner of one of the Russian printed publications, head public organization, marketer and advertiser for leading insurance companies in Moscow, and in addition, screenwriter and producer Ivan Shapovalov, back in 2012, learned that he had a malignant tumor in his head, and if treatment was not started urgently, he would not have long to live. Many of his acquaintances even prematurely “sent him to the next world” in their interviews, but not Ivan himself. He for a long time did not contact the press, and did not allow his friends and family to do so. But, apparently, the famous producer had enough “well-wishers” who were just waiting for the right moment to leak all the truth and lies to the broad masses.

For example, Ivan Irbis, one of Enrique Iglesias’s managers, who at one time had quite friendly relations with Shapovalov, although he sympathizes with his former friend, he sincerely believes that this is the very same retribution for the sins of his youth. What sins? Well, if you believe the rumors, then Ivan has quite a few of them.

Just a few years ago, everyone was talking about the star’s sexual promiscuity and bisexual inclinations. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the path along which the obvious favorite of her mentor, Yulia Volkova, got into the Tatu project, and it lies, apparently, through the bed. Moreover, if you compare all the dates, it turns out that producer Ivan Shapovalov seduced her at a very young age. “And what’s there to hide,” Ivan himself apparently thought, and boldly declared to one of the British publishing houses that he was most attracted to underage girls.

Photo by Ivan Shapovalov

Many are sure: the terrible illness was sent to Ivan as a test. After all, at one time he made many mistakes. Ivan Irbis does not hide: this man is simply made of sins.

“I saw how Shapovalov communicates with people,” says Ivan. “I remember one day, when I came to his hotel, his pregnant mistress began banging on the door. She came in winter wearing torn jeans and a thin jacket in the cold. But Vanya didn’t want to see her. He then told me: “Kick her out.” I had to call security to get her out. And there were a lot of such cases.

Official medicine cannot say for sure what causes brain tumors. Lifestyle plays a significant role. At one time, Shapovalov’s life had everything: alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex. According to Irbis, battles for a place in the producer’s bed took place every minute.

“I knew many girls who wanted to give Vanya at least a blowjob in the car,” continues Irbis. “And of course, from his behavior we can say that he was never against this. Everyone was in his bed: both boys and girls. What can I say! Remember his interview when he admitted that he created Tatu when he learned that the most requested thing on the Internet was sex with minors.

In addition to singing, Ivan became interested in horses, and now he can often be seen at the stables. Shapovalov rarely visits Moscow; he spends all his free time in the village of Konakovo, Tver Region. It was here that work began on his new project.

The words of Shapovalov's songs, as in the songs of Tatu, smack of provocation. The video will also be scandalous: in the video Vanya films transvestites and freaks. Among the actors on the set, the media also found Dancing with the Stars participant Danila Polyakov. The guy first walked in women's dress and in heels, then changed clothes, leaving only a wide festive ribbon on himself. Through the translucent fabric, those gathered could see not only his dignity, but also several pimples on his buttocks. But Polyakov did not pay attention to this.

Shapovalov was pleased with the work. And he promised that the video will soon be seen on music channels.

The producer of the once mega-popular Tatu group, Ivan Shapovalov, has been battling a fatal disease - brain cancer - for almost a year now. Now Ivan, having completed chemotherapy courses, walks on crutches and thanks everyone for their help. What it cost Shapovalov’s wife Valeria to go through difficult times with her husband, she told in an interview. Ivan Shapovalov. Photo: ITAR-TASS Let us recall that last summer, Tatu producer Ivan Shapovalov was diagnosed with brain cancer. This was reported by his close friend Leonid Dzyunik. In a recent interview, Dzyunik spoke about his health: “Vanya is now in Moscow, in intensive care. I visited him recently. The situation is serious - a tumor on the head. Yulia Volkova came to see him and helped with transportation to the hospital. Now Vanya is undergoing chemotherapy ", radiation therapy. Lena Kiper (author of the hits "Tatu") recently called me and said that "chemistry" was helping. After all, he had a terrible tumor on his forehead, putting pressure on his eye." Despite the terrible diagnosis, Shapovalov did not fall into despair , and actively engaged in treatment. Now Ivan has already risen to his feet, although he walks on crutches. However, the fight against the disease continues. “I need money for treatment - I don’t refuse. But it’s better to announce a fundraiser for those who now vitally need it. But I went through this, and thanks to everyone who helped me with this,” StarHit quotes Ivan Shapovalov. Valeria’s wife was with her husband every day. Answering the question of what it took for her to hold on and not lose heart, she said: “Do you mean, am I an iron woman? No, I cry, and quite often. It’s just that I don’t have anyone closer to Vanya, and he, I hope, There’s also no one closer to me. I adjusted my work schedule and didn’t take vacations, because I had to live on something.” Valeria Shapovalova told how she and her family supported Ivan: “We always came with him.” youngest son Vanya, he is ten years old. When dad was in intensive care for a month and a half, his son sat next to him and read him fairy tales - Japanese, Indian. Then, in the regular ward, the son told his dad jokes and funny stories. Whenever possible, we tried to pick Ivan up from the hospital. Between courses of chemotherapy, which lasted two to three weeks, he spent five days at home, and then every day was like a holiday for us." Despite the fact that she is a pediatrician by profession, Valeria admitted that she hoped not only for medicine: " Subconsciously, I still rely on the power of prayers, even though I don’t know them. Vanya’s sister Vera went to church and brought the icon to the clinic. I am grateful to everyone who supported us then! Even completely strangers They called me and offered any help."