Famous sayings of Donald Trump. Donald Trump quotes and sayings

Donald Trump, a tough and charismatic billionaire, became a celebrity thanks to his extravagant lifestyle and outspoken communication style. Selection best sayings and quotes from the current US President.

Quotes and phrases from Donald Trump:

I AM SURE THAT YOU NEED TO SPEND AS MUCH as you think is necessary. But I am also sure that you should not spend more than you can.

IT SEEMES TO ME THE MAIN PROBLEM OF THE USA is the desire to be politically correct.

I DON'T LIKE losers.




ANYONE WHO THINKS that my time has passed is tragically mistaken.

THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ME AND OTHER candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.


FOR EIGHT YEARS RUSSIA “PRESSED” PRESIDENT OBAMA, became stronger and stronger, and then “squeezed out” Crimea and increased the number of missiles. Weakling!



MONEY HAS NEVER ATTRACTED ME BY ITSELF. For me it's just a way to measure success.

BLACKS ARE COUNTING MY MONEY! I hate this. I want only short people in yarmulkes to count my money.

I DO BUSINESS AS AN ART. Some people paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.


MANY SAY THAT I BEHIND MYSELF LIKE A GAMBLER, but I have never gambled in my life gambling. A gambler is someone who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines.

YES, I INTEND TO BUILD A HUGE WALL ON THE MEXICO BORDER. And since no one knows how to build walls better and more efficiently than me, I will build it cheaply. And I will make sure that Mexico pays for this wall itself. Mark my words.

JUST LOOK AT OUR BORDERS, they look like Swiss cheese! Anyone can get inside the country.

HOW IS IT - I DON ' T LOVE CHINA?.. I once sold a house to a Chinese for 15 million. How can I hate his country after this?

LOOK HOW WE DO IN IRAQ. We build schools and we build roads, and then someone blows up a school, and we build a new one, and then someone blows up a road, and we rebuild it. But with all this, we can't build a fucking school in Brooklyn.

IT seems to me that when we began to build the new building of the International shopping center, we should have built the same building, only one floor higher, and not come up with stupid projects.

ALWAYS REMEMBER ONE SIMPLE RULE: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

I WAS IN MOSCOW two years ago, and this is what I will say: you can get along with these people, and very well. You can make transactions with them. Obama can't.

WHEN PURCHASING ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE, DO NOT HESITATE TO BARGAIN, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.


THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO MAKE A CAREER, but the surest one is to be born into the right family.

WE LIVE IN A WORLD where people believe that a good person has no business being in politics.

ANY “GOOD TIMES” ARE ALWAYS THE RESULT OF YOUR HARD WORK and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.

I ALWAYS SHAKE HANDS AND WITH PLEASURE. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like shaking hands.

SOMEONE THINK MY FINGERS ARE SHORT. But my fingers are long and beautiful - just like other parts of my body. And this is carefully documented.

I LOVE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN and beautiful women love me. The good thing is that it works both ways.

DO NOT PUSH YOUR CHILDREN WITH THE HEAVY BURDEN OF UNDESERVED WEALTH: This can “paralyze” them and discourage them from working hard and achieving their own success in life.


IN BUSINESS IT'S BETTER TO BE BANDY, even impudent, than tough and intractable.

TO SUCCEED, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population.

THERE IS NOTHING MORE CRIMINAL THAN INCOMING good idea and not implement it.

AMERICA MUST UNDERSTAND who we are fighting, who we are fighting for and what we are doing.

NEVER TAKE A VACATION. If your work doesn't give you pleasure, then you're not working in the right place.

MY MOTTO: Hire the best and don't trust them with anything.

IF YOUR BOSS IS A SADIST, fire your boss and find yourself a new job.

FOR BILLIONAIRES, WORK AND PLEASURE are one and the same thing.


Only losers enjoy VICTORY.


BAD TIMES often bring great opportunities.


LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME A VERY IMPORTANT LESSON: the one who once betrayed you will betray you again in difficult times.

Donald Trump is known for various loud and boastful statements, while he allows himself various politically incorrect statements that frankly shock the Western public.

Here's how Donald Trump talks about himself:

“My beauty lies in the fact that I am very rich.”

“All the women on The Apprentice either knowingly or unknowingly flirted with me. This is expected."

“It wasn’t easy for me. I started in Brooklyn. My father lent me some money—about a million dollars.”

“Some people think that I have short fingers. But my fingers are long and beautiful, like other parts of my body. And this is documented"

“I'm not some nonentity. Even if the whole world goes down, I won’t lose a penny.”

“You know, in fact, it doesn’t matter what they write about you as long as you have a young and beautiful mistress.”

“I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.”

“My IQ is one of the highest - and you know it! Please don't feel stupid or insecure, it's not your fault."

Trump on his plans for the presidency of the United States:

“I will be the greatest president God has ever created.”

“I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone. And I won’t lose voters.”

“I will build a great wall - and no one builds walls better than me, believe me - and I will spend very little money on the construction. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for it. Mark my words."

“When Mexico sends its people, they are not the best people. They send people who have a lot of problems, and they bring these problems with them. They bring drugs and crime. They are rapists, and I admit that among them there are good people, but I talk to the border guards and they tell us what we have.”

"Our country serious problems. We have no more victories. We used to have victories, but now we don’t. When someone in last time Did you see how we pushed, for example, China, in a trade deal? I push China all the time. All the time."

“America must understand who we are fighting with, who we are fighting for, and what we are doing. In Syria, we're spending billions and billions of dollars supporting people we have no idea who they are."

Trump on Russia and Putin:

“I bet I would have a great relationship with Putin.”

“I was in Moscow two years ago, and this is what I will say: you can get along with these people, and very well. You can make transactions with them. But Obama can’t.”

“Putin doesn’t respect our president, no matter what. But he has enormous popularity in Russia, they love him there for what he does, they love him for what he is.”

“When it comes to leadership, Putin deserves an A.”

“Attempts by the United States to take Crimea from the Russian Federation by force and return the peninsula to Ukraine could provoke the Third World War... You want to start a Third world war, just to return Crimea back?

“No one will deal with ISIS as harshly as Donald Trump. Nobody. I will find a new General Patton and General MacArthur in our army. I'll find the right person. I will find a man who will take over the army and make it effective. No one, no one will push us around.”

Donald John Trump - born June 14, 1946, New York, USA. 45th President of the United States of America since January 20, 2017. Before his election to the presidency of the United States, he was known as an entrepreneur, mainly in real estate, and a television presenter.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Donald Trump

  • My motto is: always settle the score.
  • Bad times often bring great opportunities.
  • For billionaires, work and pleasure are one and the same.
  • Sometimes the best investments are the ones you don't make.
  • Creativity is an important element of success, no matter what you do.
  • Treat every decision with care, like a lover.
  • The greatest success comes when you swim against the current.
  • Typically, the simplest approach is the most effective.
  • Remember: people are not as smart as you think - and as they think.
  • Of course there is also good journalists- but there are still plenty of bastards there.
  • The inability to give an adequate tip is a sure sign of a loser.
  • To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98 percent of the world's population.
  • In business, it is better to be bold, even impudent, than tough and intractable.
  • I think, main problem The USA is all about being politically correct.
  • I can stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I won't lose any supporters.
  • We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.
  • I like to have enemies. I fight my enemies. I like to put my enemies on their backs.
  • Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
  • If you are sure that you cannot make a “stupid” mistake, then be sure to make it.
  • For me, wealth is a tool to achieve clearly defined goals.
  • If Hillary Clinton couldn't satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy America?
  • It is tangible, durable, beautiful. From my point of view, she is even artistic. I just love real estate.
  • Life taught me a very important lesson: the one who once betrayed you will betray you again in difficult times.
  • If you want to win, you need to be tough as a rock and ready to work with your elbows and fists.
  • You need to spend as much as you think is necessary. But I am also sure that you should not spend more than you can.
  • A gambler is someone who sits day and night in front of slot machines. I prefer to own them.
  • Become someone who knows how to solve complex problems, and you will become someone to whom people will willingly pay big money.
  • Real billionaires never try to rush time, because life is a very good thing, but, unfortunately, very short.
  • Look in the mirror more often: you should be proud of what is reflected in it. If you look unkempt, so will your business.
  • The worst thing a businessman can do when pursuing a deal is to let his partners feel how much he wants it.
  • Learn the great art of forgetting. Move on and don't think for a second about all the bad things that once happened to you.
  • Financial illiteracy is a huge problem. People get themselves into dangerous situations all the time simply because they are not properly prepared.
  • My motto is: always settle the score. If someone hits you, hit him twice. A boor and someone who likes to “assault” must be hit hard, hit with all his might.
  • I never wanted anyone to work for me who didn't want to work for my company; you should do the same: don't stay where you don't like.
  • The second most important event in every man's life is the day he buys a yacht, and the greatest event in his life is the day he sells it.
  • Always try to understand the reason for your anger: sometimes it is completely justified and even necessary for the cause, but sometimes it only serves as an indicator of your misunderstanding of the situation.
  • Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work isn't fun, then you're not working in the right place. And I, even playing golf, continue to do business.
  • It is believed that I achieved great success only due to the talent of the promoter, although in fact it is the other way around - I achieved success, and that is what brought me some fame.
  • Do not burden your children with the heavy burden of undeserved wealth: this can “paralyze” them, discourage them from working hard and achieving their own success in life.
  • I go to bed at one in the morning, and at five in the morning I already wake up and start reading the latest newspapers. I don't need to rest longer, and this gives me a competitive advantage.
  • The only way to get rich is through realism and extreme honesty. You need to part with the world of illusions, which exists only on the pages of magazines and on TV screens.
  • Be modest, disarming, and downplay your virtues and achievements. Save your cruelty and ability to be formidable for those cases when it is really necessary.
  • When purchasing any product or service, do not hesitate to bargain, seeking more favorable conditions for yourself. I consider pride, which prevents you from saving your own money, to be a huge stupidity.
  • Modesty and hints are good for nuns and psychotherapists, but if you are in business, you must learn to speak your mind loudly and publicly announce your serious achievements.
  • When concluding another deal, I never forget the worst of possible options and whether I can survive it. You should not think about the positive outcome of the transaction - good things can take care of themselves.
  • Finance and business are dangerous waters where voracious sharks circle in search of prey. In this game, knowledge is the key to strength and power. Spend money to know what you are doing. Otherwise, someone will “do” you very quickly.
  • Any " good times” is always the result of your hard work and constant dedication in the past. What you do today is the key to tomorrow's results. If you want to reap the benefits tomorrow, sow the seeds every day! If you weaken your concentration for even a minute, you will inevitably begin to roll back.
  • We only seem to ourselves to be civilized. In fact, the world is cruel and people are ruthless. They may smile at you, but behind the smiles lies a desire to kill you. Predators in the jungle kill for food - and only people kill for fun. Even friends are happy to stab you in the back: they want your job, your house, your money, your wife - and your dog, after all. The enemies are even worse! You must be able to defend yourself. My motto is: “Hire the best - and don’t trust them with anything.”

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American Adrian Ramirez compiled a selection of the 10 most terrible insults of Donald Trump. New President The United States can be unapologetically harsh, but judging by the applause in the hall after his speeches, many support his statements. Everyone got it from Trump: Latinos, Muslims, people with disabilities, women, in particular Rosie O’Donell, and especially journalists.

"Mexicans bring problems to people"

“They bring a lot of problems to people,” Trump said during a news conference in Iowa.

He clarified that where migrants appear, crime and drug addiction flourish.

"Get lost to your Univision"

After one of the Mexican reporters from the Univision television channel was outraged by a statement about Mexicans and asked Trump a question, he asked him to shut up and sit down.

“Please sit down, you were not given words. Get off to your Univision,” Trump said.

After this, security escorted the reporter, who, by the way, was Mexican, from the hall.

"They have no reason to respect human life»

At one of his campaign speeches, Trump explained his proposal to introduce mandatory registration for all Muslims coming to the United States. Total control is necessary, the politician believes.

“We have no choice. These people believe only in Jihad. They have no reason to respect human life,” he said.

"John McCain is not a hero"

Even a veteran became a target of Donald Trump Vietnam War, Senator John McCain. According to the then presidential candidate, McCain is unfairly considered a hero. To earn this title, it is not enough to be captured.

“He is not a hero because he was captured. I love those who were not captured,” Trump said.

The military plane McCain was piloting was shot down over Hanoi in 1967. The pilot was held captive for five years and was released in 1973 under the terms of the Paris Agreement.

“A typical example of the press twisting words”

A reporter from the Spanish-language television channel Telemundo also got into trouble for asking about Trump's opinion of Latinos. The journalist recalled that the politician called Mexicans murderers and rapists, but was interrupted.

“No, we are talking about illegal migrants. A typical example of statements being distorted by the press. They take half a phrase, then add a quarter of another phrase and combine them,” Trump responded.

He also stated that he would sue another TV channel, already mentioned Univisual. He also announced the amount of the claim - $500 million.

Conflict with Fox News TV presenter

Fox News host Megan Kelly also clashed with Trump. It all started with a question about his statements about women.

“You've called women fat pigs, dogs, and disgusting animals,” Kelly began, referencing the presidential candidate's Twitter posts.

Trump interrupted her, clarifying that when he used such insults, he meant only Rosie O’Donell (a well-known TV presenter, actress and activist in the United States).

“Kelly asked me the wrong question. I think she should have apologized,” Trump said later.

The conflict between the presidential candidate and the Fox News TV presenter continued for several months. As a result, the politician refused to participate in the televised debate moderated by Kelly.

Five thousand dollar debate

Trump also attacked CNN. He offered the TV channel to pay him five million dollars for his participation in the televised debates. This money would go to the Wounded Warrior Foundation, which provides assistance to military personnel. Whether he was joking or not, no one understood then. CNN declined to comment.

Short, tall, fat, ugly

Presidential Candidate Debates Republican Party still took place. In the second round, Trump attacked Senator Rand Paul.

“I think Rand Paul shouldn’t be here at all, he only got 1% of the vote,” Trump said.

“Because they are short, tall, fat or ugly,” Paul said.

“I have never criticized Paul for his appearance, but believe me, there is something to complain about,” the future president responded to the claim.

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Much of what Trump said has already been pulled apart into quotes, some of which are presented here.

We have selected the brightest of public speaking, which characterize the unique personality of the new US President.

It seems to me that the main problem in the United States is the desire to be politically correct.

If I'm elected president, I'll give up my salary, okay?

I will be the greatest president God has ever created.

If I become president, you'll see Merry Christmas in stores again.

I don't like losers.

Anyone who thinks that my time has passed is tragically mistaken.

The only difference between me and other candidates is that I am more honest and my women are more beautiful.

If Hillary Clinton couldn't satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy America?

Part of my appeal is that I'm rich.

I always dreamed of being underestimated.

Money has never attracted me on its own. For me it's just a way to measure success.

I practice business as art. Some people paint on canvas or write poetry. And I make deals - usually big ones.

Sometimes the best investments are the ones you don't make.

Many people say that I behave like a gambler, but I have never gambled in my life. A gambler is someone who revolves around slot machines in a casino. I prefer to own these machines.

Yes, I intend to build a huge wall on the border with Mexico. And since no one knows how to build walls better and more efficiently than me, I will build it cheaply. And I will make sure that Mexico pays for this wall itself. Mark my words.

How is it that I don’t like China? I once sold a house to a Chinese for 15 million. How can I hate his country after this?

Look at how we behave in Iraq. We build schools and we build roads, and then someone blows up a school and we build a new one, and then someone blows up a road and we rebuild it. But despite all this, we can't build a fucking school in Brooklyn.

It seems to me that when we started building the new International Trade Center building, we should have built the same building, only one floor higher, and not come up with stupid projects.

I am happy to say that I am anti-abortion.

We live in a world where people are sure that a good person has nothing to do in politics.

I always shake hands with pleasure. I don't think you can become a politician if you don't like shaking hands.

Some people think I have short fingers. But my fingers are long and beautiful - just like other parts of my body. And this is carefully documented.

I love beautiful women, and beautiful women love me. The good thing is that it works both ways.

Ivanka has a great figure. I would have started dating her if she weren't my daughter.

You should not put the burden of undeserved wealth on your children. This will ruin their life.

While you can think, think big.

There is nothing more criminal than coming up with a good idea and not implementing it.

Never take a vacation. If your work doesn't give you pleasure, then you're not working in the right place.

My motto is: hire the best and don't trust them with anything.

If your boss is a sadist, fire your boss and find a new job.

Only losers enjoy victory.

I always apologize if I'm wrong.

The greatest success comes when you swim against the current.

Show me a person without an ego and I will show you a loser.

Typically, the simplest approach is the most effective.

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

Bad times often bring great opportunities.

You know, in fact, it doesn’t matter what they write about you as long as you have a young and beautiful mistress.

I'm not some nonentity. Even if the whole world goes down, I won't lose a penny.

There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family.

Life taught me a very important lesson: the one who once betrayed you will betray you again in difficult times.