On the anniversary of Joseph Prigozhin: the three main women in his life. The daughter of Joseph Prigozhin said that her father calls her “a fat cow.” Prigozhin and his daughter

But his greatest pride is Valeria, with whom he has been happily married for almost 15 years. On the eve of the anniversary, which Prigozhin will celebrate in a Moscow restaurant, his relatives revealed unknown facts about him.

Valeria's wife: “My monster”

“Yosya won me over in the very first month, when the contracts had not yet been signed, we just started working, communicating... We got to know each other better and better, and after a few weeks it seemed that I had known him all my life. He introduced me to friends and relatives. I realized that I had met a very sincere person, without a double bottom. I’m used to encountering the opposite - hypocritical, deceitful. And here, as if in full view, even a scarecrow, I was looking for what the catch was. It seems like he’s a real “show business shark”; his friends said about him: “He’s a monster.” But in fact big baby, spontaneous, touching...

“I remember Joseph was covered with a wave of fear, he could not sleep when I was not around,” said Valeria.

I admit that at home my husband is far from white and fluffy: if something is wrong, he is capable of raising his voice. But these are just emotions, no one seriously reacts to them anymore. When there are no external irritants, work difficulties, no quarrels at all... But a desire appears to be alone with oneself, we go into different halves, the apartment is huge. It’s unrealistic happiness if we go somewhere and the phone doesn’t pick up. We recently flew to the Maldives, and there was poor communication there. We enjoyed the silence and communication for several days.

“Joseph will kill anyone for his family, like a bull terrier. Same for friends. He is our protector, our wall,” the singer says about her husband.

We work on equal terms - as partners. I know that if I suddenly don’t want to perform anymore, I can step aside and everything will remain the same for me. My husband will continue to work hard as before. For him, the main thing is to provide for his loved ones, so that everyone feels comfortable. Friends and casual acquaintances go to Yosa for help... His underground nickname is the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He rushes to solve any problems, even the most hopeless ones. Sometimes I ask: “Maybe that’s enough, react calmer.” He waves it off. But sometimes he gets tired, starts muttering, grumbling - they say, he’s tired as much as possible. And the very next day he gives advice and instructions on what to do.

I look after my husband’s health, as well as my own. We undergo regular examinations. Fortunately, he leads a healthy lifestyle, and his genetics are excellent. Of course, there were nervous moments, probably triggered by a midlife crisis. I was overcome by a wave of fear; I could simply not sleep for several nights in a row, especially when I went on tour. Then I tried to load myself with work until five in the morning, so that then I would automatically fall asleep. And two hours later he got up and ran somewhere again. I had already exhausted myself to an incredible state and, in the end, gave up: they say, I’d rather go to concerts with you. He began to sleep like a marmot, right next to me.”

Daughter Elizabeth: “There were no grudges against my father”

“Joseph is a good dad. In principle, I tried never to create unnecessary problems for my parents. I’m not a club person, I’m not a party girl, I didn’t provoke anyone to be strict. Most of all I am grateful that I did not limit my choice of profession, did not say: “Go there, you will continue family business" And the rest is also complete freedom.

“I never had any resentment towards my father for his decision to separate from my mother. I’m even glad about their divorce, because people shouldn’t be together just because they have a common child. If someone else makes a person happy, that’s wonderful...” shares Lisa.

I was very young then and I don’t remember the period when we lived together. And by the way, I had an amazing relationship with Valeria.

The older I get, the closer I get to my dad. He pays for my studies, we were very united by the trip to Switzerland, where I entered the university. Now I’m finishing it, and it took 2.5 years instead of 4 years. Afterwards I'm going to New York. There I plan to continue to engage in film directing, creating TV series, and writing scripts. Perhaps I can partially pay myself. I think it's time. Recently, my friend and I launched our own clothing brand, so far we only sew T-shirts, but we hope to expand the range. I see my father very often - as a rule, I fly to Moscow at least once a month. Now he and Valeria had a small tour of Europe, I came to Paris and Milan. We walked a lot and talked.

For his anniversary, my mother and I are preparing a joint gift for him. It’s hard to come up with ideas when a person seems to have everything, so we chose from what was necessary.”

Mom Dinara Yakubovna: “In touch 10 times a day”

“I’ve been living in Israel for many years, there are many relatives here, for example, my sister Galya, with whom Joseph is also very close. Of course I miss you. No matter how many times I call to Moscow, I refuse. Where should I go to the capital, I’m used to the warmth and the sea. And I can’t see well: moving around is difficult, I almost never leave the house.

“As a child, it was not easy with Joseph - always with his own opinion, stubborn, independent. I don’t even know where this energy came from - to break out of the environment in which I grew up. And now it’s even difficult to imagine a more attentive and caring son. Any little thing... If the TV is broken, Joseph will immediately organize it and a new one will be delivered home on the same day. It also helps financially, it’s not even discussed,” says Dinara Yakubovna.

We call each other often - ten times a day. Sometimes I don’t understand how he tolerates this. Apparently, he understands that it is important for me to know how he is doing, how his health is. And sometimes you just want to hear a voice - at least for a minute. Sometimes he laughs it off: you won’t believe it, nothing has changed in the last two hours. I remember I even told an anecdote: “My son works as the head of a large enterprise, he has a meeting, about 50 people are sitting there... Mom calls: “Son? Can you talk? No? Then listen." Even on my own birthday, I dial his number first, because I wake up early - at eight o’clock. And Joseph is indignant that I do not allow him to take a step. This year he and Valeria vacationed abroad, and due to the time difference, he managed to get ahead of me. Laughed that he was terribly proud!

I accepted Valeria right away. If Joseph feels good, then so do I. I see that she does everything to make her son happy.”

18-year-old Danaya Prigozhina spoke about the details of the family drama on social networks

The scandal between Joseph Prigogine and his ex-wife did not leave their children indifferent, whom, according to the producer himself, their mother wants to leave without living space. After making the family conflict public, 18-year-old Danaya Prigozhina opened up on social networks and shared the details of the family drama. According to the girl, her father never paid enough attention to them and was ashamed of the offspring from his first marriage.” He was ashamed of us all his life, is this normal? - Danaya Prigogine complains. - For me, parents should love, and not abandon in difficult times. In public, “my children,” but without the public, “you are not a daughter, a creature, a bitch” - the words of dad! All this is a lie! I am 18, my brother is 26, and we have the right to decide for ourselves. My mother doesn’t drink, as he says, she’s adequate.”

His lawyer Sergei Zhorin immediately stood up for the 46-year-old producer.

“You shouldn’t be doing that. He loves you and cares,” writes Sergei. - Joseph is worried that you and Dima will remain on the street. I know what I'm talking about."

"Super.ru", 04/28/15, “Joseph Prigogine’s daughter Lisa: Danaya, stop humiliating your father”

After the post in social networkproducer's daughter, 18-year-old Danae, with the phenomenon that a father was ashamed of his children all his life, there was a response from youngest daughter Prigozhin. The girl did not support her sister’s opinion and accused her of lying.

“Please tell me, do you consider your behavior normal? Do you think it's okay to lie in public? We are together on all holidays, at Lera’s concerts together, we also went on vacation to Switzerland and Dubai together. And you lie, humiliating the person who gave you life and who has invested so much in you that no one will ever invest. You blindly believe in something unknown and refuse to see how much dad loves you. But you betray him and continue to lie. Please stop disgracing our surname, I also wear it, only with pride,” writes Joseph Prigozhin’s daughter Lisa. His wife Valeria and designer Igor Gulyaev have already expressed support for Joseph in the comments.

The girl deleted the touching message that Danaya addressed to her father on his birthday from her page on the social network. In addition, Prigozhin’s middle daughter is going to get rid of the surname of her once close person in the near future.

Bloggers also rushed to join in the family scandal. Internet users urge the daughter of a famous producer to think sensibly and accuse her of hypocrisy.

The director of Joseph Prigozhin's production center, Stas Kalinkin, also accuses Danaya of lying. The girl deleted her post congratulating her father from her Instagram page, but a similar message remained on the Vkontakte social network. According to Comrade Joseph, Prigozhin’s daughter would not have congratulated her father so touchingly if her accusations were true.

“I won’t offend my boss. Tell me, please, did you lie on April 2 in order to receive another tranche of money from dad by publishing such a congratulation? (which you deleted from Instagram, but in your stupidity forgot about VKontakte). Or are you lying now because you are in debt and are participating in fraudulent schemes with your mother?” - Stas Kalinkin, director of Joseph Prigozhin’s production center, is indignant. “There simply cannot be any other option. You write that “dad was ashamed of us.” First, speak for yourself. Dima, unlike you, received higher education and he has no complaints against dad, and he would hardly allow himself to make up such nonsense. Or maybe dad was ashamed and that’s why he invited you to his concerts in the Kremlin and posted your photos on social networks? Or is it just jealousy, s jet speed developing into envy and hatred towards Valeria’s children? Stop it immediately. You know that I saved all the payments, orders and receipts from cool iPhones, treadmills and other goods that you and your mother immediately resold. Stop living like this. You are 18, Dima is 26, and you are still on your dad’s neck. For God’s sake, so be it, we have resigned ourselves, but we did not sign up to support your mother’s suitors for many years and sponsor daily banquets and multimillion-dollar loans. And in general, it should be a shame to make any claims against your father, having several apartments a five-minute walk from the Kremlin.”

"Super.ru", 04/28/15, “The ex-wife of Joseph Prigozhin deprived their children of common living space”

Russian producer Joseph Prigozhin has been happily married to singer Valeria for more than ten years and is raising her three children with her. However, providing for the heirs from previous unions is still entirely on his shoulders. So, having separated fourteen years ago from his first wife, housewife Elena Prigozhina, the 46-year-old producer purchased real estate for their common children. It's about about two apartments in Moscow, purchased for son Dmitry and daughter Danae. However, as SUPER managed to find out, 49-year-old Elena unexpectedly decided to sell the living space without the knowledge of her children, and also without informing Prigozhin himself.

As it turned out, all this time the unemployed woman was taking consumer loans in banks. She paid for them with money that Joseph sent to support the children. Several times she turned to her ex-husband with a request to give her a large sum, supposedly to provide for her family and pay off the bank. After the money arrived in the woman’s account, the producer invariably lost contact with his ex-wife.

Moreover, according to relatives, Elena Evgenievna began living with a 28-year-old security guard named Dmitry. A young man originally from Stavropol is now serving time in a local military colony.

Today, the woman owes the bank about three million rubles. Moreover, immediately after receiving a large sum from Prigozhin, Elena, instead of paying off the loan, left for another city and disappeared from contact.

According to Prigozhin’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin, in February of this year Elena sold one of the apartments in the center of Moscow. The one-room apartment on Pokrovka Street was originally intended for Joseph’s eldest son, 26-year-old Dmitry. The producer’s children also own another apartment in the same building, which, according to relatives, is also at the moment put up for sale.

Zhorin confirmed that the living space intended for his client’s children was sold by his ex-wife. In addition, the producer’s eldest son did not even know that he was no longer the owner of the apartment.

Yes, some time ago Joseph Prigozhin actually contacted me, concerned that his children might lose the housing that he left for them when he separated from his wife,” the lawyer told SUPER the details of the family scandal. “I started looking up information and found out that one of the apartments had already been sold. According to information from the real estate register, the apartment intended for Dmitry belongs to the organization, and he himself does not know about it. According to him, Elena explained to the children that she wanted to sell the apartments so that they could leave and live apart. According to preliminary information, the living space was registered in Elena’s name illegally. I plan to wait for Prigozhin to make a decision: to bring her to justice or not, but there is every reason for this.

SUPER contacted Joseph Prigozhin himself, who said that he was shocked by the actions of his ex-wife.

I wouldn't like to talk about it. God will be her judge,” Joseph shared his point of view regarding the family conflict with SUPER. - It seems to me that I acted like a man - I left in only shorts and left them everything, including the land in the Domodedovo area, which, as it turned out, she had already sold to someone. The children are already of age. I am offended and hurt that I was fooled all this time. I bought the property not for her, but for my children. I'm just shocked! I'm afraid that she simply zombified the children and they were forced to sign a waiver.

The producer also noted that he regularly helped his son and daughter with money. Besides, ex-wife threatens his assistants over the phone.

All these years I did everything to ensure that my children were not disadvantaged in any way. He provided, paid for their education, financed, paid for everything, including rent. But I couldn’t even imagine that this money went past them to support Elena’s new men! - Joseph is indignant. “I don’t know what’s in this man’s head.” She turns my children against me solely with the goal of making them sign documents and quickly escape to Stavropol. This news took me by surprise: I am now in China with Valeria and I learn this from you. In addition, today my assistant Stanislav called me and said that Lena called him. She promised that “her new friends will deal with him if he sticks his nose into someone else’s business.” I didn’t talk to her because they wouldn’t answer the phone on me. I will look into this issue in the legal field and look for a civilized solution. I'm afraid that she herself might become a victim of some criminal fraud!

There is another scandal in the family of Joseph Prigozhin. His daughter from his first marriage, Danaya, said on a TV show that the producer was embarrassed and called her “a fat cow.” According to the girl, Joseph constantly sets Valeria and her children as an example to her.

Danaya Prigozhina wanted to do it some time ago, but the girl has heart problems, and famous father forbade her to go under the surgeon's knife.

“I have never judged people by their figure and appearance. First of all, I am interested in a person's intelligence and his desire to be useful in this life. I love my children not for their appearance, this is stupidity and childishness. Now she will do all these procedures, and then she will lead her old lifestyle, and all this will appear. At her request, I took her to hospitals... The fact is that main principle healthy image life is to close your mouth. You can't eat everything, I'm like that myself. I love to eat! But I control myself. The main thing is willpower. I always give the example of Valeria, who kills herself in the gym every day,” Joseph said on the TV show “Live.”


However, Danaya insists that her father forces her to lose weight and calls her a “fat cow.”

“He tells me: “Your face is beautiful, but you are fat.” I wanted to be a TV presenter, but my dad told me: “What a TV presenter you are, look at yourself.” Anya is thin, Lera is thin. He wanted me to be just like them. I was in the hospital, there was nothing extra there: no cookies or anything else, but the way I was, that’s how I remained,” the girl said.

Danae also complained that she and her brother Dmitry were disabled, but star father doesn't help them. The girl has been hard of hearing since childhood, and she needs hearing aids, which cost about 60 thousand rubles.

From left to right: Danaya Prigozhina, her stepfather, mother Elena, grandmother and brother Dmitry


Danae suggested that her weight problems were related to childhood trauma. The father left the family when the girl was two years old. He later admitted that for a long time lived in two houses. The producer’s second lover was the artist selection manager at the Soyuz company, Leila Fattakhova, who gave birth to his daughter Elizaveta. The girl is almost the same age as Danae. According to Prigozhina, because of her father, she and her brother also suffered greatly in childhood.

“Mask bandits burst into our door and looked for dad, but couldn’t find him. The brother received five stab wounds, one very deep: he needed a hundred stitches. A year after these events, the father left the family,” Danaya said.

Despite the fact that Danaya had previously stated that she had made peace with her father, on the program she admitted that she had not seen him for a year. The scandal in the Prigozhin family occurred after Danae’s mother, Joseph’s first wife Elena, decided to sell a three-room apartment on Prechistenka, which the producer had left to the children. Prigozhin came to the talk show, wanting to protect the interests of Danae and Dmitry, but in response he was hit with a barrage of criticism from his ex-wife and children.

Joseph Prigogine blames Elena's second husband for the scandal. According to him, he is much younger than the woman, but manages her money.

“A trend has emerged - young guys are marrying wealthy adult women. This young guy has neither respect nor interest in me. When older women marry young men, they must make sure that they are at least not gigolos. You don't have to live off my money! I left these funds that I earned to my children. Where is the money from the sold apartment? Why was it sold, but nothing was bought for the children? Should they live on the streets now? They sell an apartment that costs 100 million for 36. Why? Where's the head? Where are the brains? We have to reason logically, she deprived them of their inheritance because, it turns out, she needs to do business in the Stavropol Territory with a young man. Take this young man and go to the Stavropol Territory, what do children have to do with it? What conditions do they live in now? This is some kind of madness!” - Prigozhin complained. He doesn’t talk to me about shame, doesn’t insult me, but simply loves me because I am me! And it doesn’t depend on other people’s opinions. I have a wonderful mother, brother, and boyfriend who love me, just like that. And grandmother, we need to look for more grandmothers like this. And the fact that I am a naive fool and daughter-in-law, I promise myself not to repeat this again, let him live in a lie. After all, he is angry because we don’t love him. I will forget this program like a bad dream, and his words too. I'll survive. And everything will be fine! And let him continue to lie and sit under Lera’s thumb. Who is happy that we are not here, and so is Lisa,”

A resident of Kurilsk, Svetlana Pushkareva, accused Danaya Prigozhina, the daughter of the famous producer Joseph Prigozhin, of deception. Pushkareva claims that she paid a stylist for a dress in an online store, but never received it new clothes. Danaya herself told “360” that in this way people are trying to make PR for themselves in her name.

Svetlana ordered at online store a dress that, including delivery, cost her 9,120 rubles. Danaya promised that the goods would be delivered within three days, but a week later Pushkareva did not receive any parcel.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

Then a resident of Kurilsk began writing and calling Danae. She did not respond to the SMS, and due to a poor connection on the phone, it was also not possible to talk. Later, according to Svetlana, the saleswoman blacklisted her number.

Then her friend came to the victim’s aid, contacted Prigozhina and tried to place an order. At the same time, a friend of Pushkareva mentioned that one of the clients complained about the store. To this, according to Pushkareva’s husband, Danaya replied that such reviews are left by scammers. “Things were sent to this girl. “I can change all the checks upon departure,” Prigozhina said then.

Photo source: TV channel “360”

“Like a media personality, daughter famous person… She advertised her store on TV. “We never thought that this could happen,” complained Svetlana’s husband, Stanislav Pushkarev.

He noted that, most likely, they would file a police report against Danae. However, the family hopes that Prigozhin will give them some clothes or money.

“360” discussed the claims with Danae Prigozhina. She stated that all items had been received, and she had receipts and parcel tracks as proof. The stylist will be able to provide all this in a few days when he returns to Moscow. Danaya called the accusations against her a lie and a desire to get on air.

“Yes, I also have documents that these things were obtained. This is already the third girl who receives things and tries to twist it into the fact that they didn’t receive it. I'm a public figure, I don't need all this. This is a lie, of course. I have so many happy clients and one or two or three girls who come up with ideas in order to go on television. Are you laughing? Why do I need this as a public figure?” - Prigogina said.

The interlocutor added that among her clients there are participants in the television project “Dom-2”. “I have a lot of people who will confirm that I [work] normally. I even have guys from Dom-2 who order,” she concluded.

This is actually a response to the 2nd topic of the girl who lost wedding ring. It’s just that that topic is closed, and I was thoroughly irritated by the attacks on the girl.
You know, I’m tired of reading how married women fight to death with their “cohabitants” for precise definitions marriage! It's disgusting to read! This doesn't just happen on this forum. And don’t attribute envy to those officially registered to me. I'm generally the last in this food chain. I'm not a wife or even a cohabitant. I'm supposed to be extremely jealous of both categories and sob into my pillow.
One thing is not clear to me: until when in our country will a woman be judged by the presence of pants in the house? And everyone rushes to the barricades: I have pants in the house, but no, your pants are irresponsible. My pants took responsibility for me and stamped me. Mine are, like, better quality. No one is loved as much as I am, you, the unstamped one, for sure. And after all, everyone writes “I don’t care what the status is” and then casually emphasizes that she has the coveted stamp. Lack of dignity competition.


Kristina Prilepo

The topic is just to whine and read your opinion. Does anyone help you with the child? There is no one to help us, my husband’s parents are far away, mine are divorced and also separated different cities 3 thousand km from us. My husband and I are alone, our daughter is growing up, this month I was urgently called to work because... two more employees went on maternity leave, and we have to look for new ones, train them again, etc. our leadership does not want to. In principle, they took us into the garden and I agreed to go out and work. But the point is that small child- this is a small child, either a fever or an upset stomach and needs to be urgently picked up from the kindergarten, and my headache begins, searching for someone who could help me out, it turned out to be so difficult. The husband works on a shift basis, i.e. He’s not home for months and I have to cope on my own. I have a grandmother, she’s 70, I wanted to ask her to help me out sometimes (for example, get into a taxi I paid for and pick up my child from kindergarten and spend half an hour with him until I get home from work), but my grandmother said don’t count on me. I’m so offended (I understand that she doesn’t owe me, but she could help out from time to time, but she doesn’t care, although she knows very well that I’m alone. She herself is cheerful, although she’s old, but she refused, I was really upset today, or her the words that they gave birth to for themselves offended me so much (it’s like that for you too and this is normal, but I just feel sorry for myself? Or are my relatives like that (Mom is also not particularly interested in her only granddaughter, doesn’t call, writes on the Internet once every couple of months, sometimes I I feel very, very lonely. I don’t know why I wrote, I’m just not whining to my friends, but I want to talk.


Tatyana Konyukhova

The male leader in the family. What is he like? How often do women, believing that a man should be a leader and elevating this quality to a virtue, at the same time want to accept many things themselves? global solutions, and not global ones either, manage finances, put forward demands, passing them off as wishes, tell a man what to do with children and when, and so on, so on, so on. Owners of a soft, kind, compliant husband complain that in some important issues he withdrew himself, went with the flow, or shifted the decision to his wife. There are exceptions, but very rarely. Either he is a leader, and this implies that he takes decisions upon himself (agreed with his wife, but still), or he is a compliant, good-natured person, but then you should not expect great achievements from him. Do you agree?)



I was walking home from work, I met my husband at the entrance, from the first words he asked me if I had seen myself from the outside, he compared me to a collective farmer, as if I just didn’t have enough shovels in my hands. And I’m just in a loose skirt just below the knee, a black T-shirt and sandals. Her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail and she wears minimal make-up. It’s hot, and the hot water has also been turned off, my child and I have caught a cold, there is no desire to make a fuss... what [deleted by moderator] does a man who stands with his shirt unbuttoned to his navel want from me with his hairy belly out (I was upset about something specifically



Yesterday a cat jumped from the 7th floor. So the son, shouting: “I’ve come here to kill a cat!”, rushed downstairs. Thank God, I only hurt my knees. And I was saddened to tears... I raised my sons alone. Sold old apartment, I bought a new one, I’m paying extra for the mortgage. I’m retired myself, I go to Moscow and work to pay it off. And he lives in such a mansion with his daughter-in-law, they don’t help with money. And they constantly offend me. The cat tore up the apartment, the smell from her toilet is.... So I put her toilet on the balcony and opened the door a little so that it could be ventilated. And this wild miracle managed to jump there. That’s how it happened!.. I walked around the city all evening in tears and resentment. We should have bought them a one-room apartment right away! And then as they want! And not a two-room apartment, where I have one room, and in the apartment I don’t feel like a mistress. Although she privatized it for herself. 3 years retired. I can’t buy it for myself anymore. But I didn’t want to kill the cat.