How to pump up sculpted arms for a girl. Training the shoulders: complex for the deltoid muscles

Do they decorate female figure massive, wide, pumped shoulders? The answer from the fair half will most likely be unequivocal: “No, they don’t decorate!”

Broad shoulders, in the female mind, are a mandatory attribute of a harmonious male figure.

Should a girl train her shoulders? The female half will probably differ in their opinions on this matter.

However, every woman who cares about the beauty of her body and plays sports wants to have a toned, rounded shoulder shape.

There is a point of view that if you do shoulder exercises, for example with a barbell or dumbbells, they will gain mass and grow incredibly quickly.

Dear girls, I want to reassure you, due to evolutionary features, female incredibly hard (without using special means even impossible) to gain enough muscle mass in the upper body.

Therefore, by pumping up our shoulders, we will get a beautiful, sexy relief, and not huge growths of muscle mass. So should you train your shoulders?

To get a beautiful, chiseled, harmonious silhouette, you need to train the whole body almost equally, and the shoulders, dear ladies, are no exception.

You can add relief and tighten your shoulder muscles different ways– using specialized simulators or working out with free weights(dumbbells, weights, barbells).

But, before we start working on the technique of doing the exercises, we, dear girls, need to know the structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, because in our case this is extremely important.

In physiology and everyday life, the concept of “shoulder” is excellent.

What, in the understanding of most people, is called the shoulder, in the language of anatomy is called the upper shoulder girdle, the shoulder is the distance from the bend of the elbow to the shoulder joint. For convenience, we will understand the word “shoulder” as the shoulder girdle of the body.

The shoulder girdle contains the deltoid, periosteal, subosseous, several round and subscapularis muscles. When training the shoulders, we first of all achieve relief and expression of the deltoid muscle bundles, since it is these muscles that form the outer contour of the shoulder.

The delta is a triceps muscle consisting of bundles of the anterior, middle and posterior heads. Male bodybuilders are usually advised to pump all three bundles evenly, to achieve an increase in their muscle mass,

For girls, the recommendations will be somewhat different: due to anatomical features The posterior deltoid muscle is very difficult to train and is very small in size. Therefore, it is worth starting the training with it; the rear delta is also well pumped with some exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Pumping up the middle delta is of key importance for a formed, graceful shoulder line, and these muscle bundles respond most gratefully to the load.

Choosing dumbbells

Since we are talking about training deltas with dumbbells, it is necessary to choose this equipment correctly so that the training is carried out effectively and without unnecessary discomfort associated with inconvenient equipment.

One of the undeniable advantages of dumbbells is their versatility. You can exercise with them everywhere: at home, outdoors, in the park; practically no equipment gives such freedom of action as dumbbells.

  • By their weight. Optimal choice are collapsible dumbbells with heavy weight new amplitude. To train the shoulders, a beginner girl will need dumbbells weighing about 2-3 kg, but over the course of training the weight can increase significantly.

  • The way the dumbbell lies in your hand. You should be comfortable - the results of your classes depend on it!

  • The material from which the dumbbell is made. It is advisable that the bar of the apparatus has a rubber insert - this can prevent the dumbbells from slipping.

  • If you do purchase sliding dumbbells, a pair of fitness gloves will help correct the situation.

Shoulder Exercises

All sports exercises can be divided into basic and isolating exercises. Basic exercises involve maximum amount muscles of the body, and isolating ones work on smaller ones. Shoulder exercises are no exception.

A set of these four exercises is quite enough for the first time, especially as you become more trained, you should increase the weight of the apparatus, as well as vary the number of repetitions and approaches.

Safety precautions when working with free weights.

  • While performing the exercise, be sure to follow the technique - this is the most important rule that will protect you from injury. Do not lift heavy weights unless you have perfect technique!

  • So, we looked at how to pump up your shoulder muscles with dumbbells and exercises that make your shoulders stately and beautiful.

    To summarize, we need to contact you, dear girls! Remember that only regular exercise stress combining strength and cardio training, proper nutrition, as well as refusal bad habits, will bring you the body you long for.

    Dear ladies, don’t forget the most important thing: toned shoulders are an absolute trend for next summer!

    Girls often do not pay attention to the upper part of the muscles, fearing that the shoulders will become huge and the V-shaped silhouette will appear. Actually this is not true. To achieve similar changes, you need to work long and hard with heavy weights.

    But in order for the deltas to become rounded and the muscles to acquire relief, it is necessary special exercises on the shoulders using small dumbbells, which are perfect for women and girls. If you dream of beautiful shoulders, efforts should be directed primarily at loading the deltoid muscles. These muscles are worked during various options dumbbell presses at different angles.

    A little anatomy

    When we work with dumbbells on the shoulder muscles, the following muscle groups are included: deltoid, upper pectoralis major, trapezius, biceps, triceps, levator scapulae.

    When performing various strength loads, the listed muscles are used to a greater or lesser extent. You can choose loads that are aimed specifically at certain target muscles. If you pump up your chest, biceps or triceps, your shoulders are also involved in the process. Keep this in mind when creating your training program.

    A set of 5 exercises

    Strength training is one of them. Carrying out basic exercises constantly, you can not only model the ideal shoulder line, but also make the silhouette fit and slender. This happens because when performing this complex, additionally various muscle groups are involved.

    In addition, strength training is great for burning calories, which is a big plus for those who suffer from extra pounds. Accordingly, these exercises with dumbbells are also suitable for. This system is designed in such a way as to work all the muscles responsible for the shape of the deltas.

    1. Standing Dumbbell Press

    The basic exercise primarily works the deltoid and trapezius muscles, as well as the triceps.

    1. We stand straight, shoulders turned, feet slightly wider than shoulders, hold dumbbells in lowered hands.
    2. Bend your elbows until you form right angle. Dumbbells are placed in the ear area.
    3. Straightening your arm, press the dumbbell up. Hold at the maximum point for several seconds, make sure that your hands are parallel to each other.
    4. We lower our hands and perform eight repetitions with minimal weights.

    Carefully! If you feel discomfort or pain in your shoulders while performing the exercise, you should stop exercising. This may happen because you have been “over-exercising.” But worst option- These are possible shoulder injuries that are difficult to treat.

    2. Swing in front of you

    We work on the front bundle of deltas. The entire load goes to the front deltoids, which form the shoulder line. Great . Swings can be performed with both hands simultaneously, as well as alternately. This is a more gentle option for girls, as one hand relaxes while the other swings alternately.

    1. We stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders.
    2. We bend our arms slightly at the elbows and squeeze the dumbbells to shoulder level or one to two centimeters. We perform swings without jerking.

    We do ten to fifteen repetitions. We start with the minimum weight. If we want, then we simply increase the number of approaches, leaving the weight unchanged.

    3. Standing flyes

    1. We take dumbbells with our palms facing inward.
    2. We tilt the body. You can bend your knees slightly. The spine retains its natural curves. We don't round our back!
    3. We stretch our arms with dumbbells freely towards our feet.
    4. We spread our arms to the sides. The shoulder joints work, while the whole body is a motionless structure.
    5. Hands move vertically, without sudden movements, slowly and smoothly.

    We perform eight repetitions with minimal weights. With each workout we increase the number of repetitions.

    5. Lifting dumbbells to the chin

    The deltoids, trapezius and biceps are included in the work. We form an ideal line of deltas and.

    1. We take dumbbells, shoulders turned, chin slightly raised. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
    2. We lower our arms and bend them slightly at the elbow, palms facing the body. Raise the dumbbells to the chin, lingering at the maximum point for several counts.
    3. To begin, perform eight repetitions with minimal weight.

    With each workout we increase the number of repetitions.

    Watch the video for more details:

    • Study time should be increased gradually. Girls have little muscle mass compared to men, so this rule must be followed very strictly to avoid injury.
    • The risk of sprain is always present. Follow the recommended technique, even if you are in good physical shape.
    • Load calculation. Don’t chase the number of repetitions, increase the load gradually.
    • Selection of scales. Weight Limit for women with good physical training- up to five kilograms. If a girl wants to pump up her shoulders, make them wider and more massive, then you can take larger dumbbells. If the problem is , then you need to use the minimum weight and a large number of approaches.
    • If you are new to exercise, do not do strength exercises for a while - choose easier activities without weights.
    • Learning to perform strength exercises correctly. Practice the technique repeatedly without weight, then with minimal weight.
    • Weight gain. Gradually we begin to increase weight, focusing on our condition. Adjust your weight downwards if you feel it is too high for you. at this stage is too big.
    • Warm up. Before training, do a good warm-up to warm up your shoulder joints. Even experienced athletes get sprains without doing a good warm-up.
    • Lesson program. Create a training program in such a way that strength exercises for the deltoids are included two to three times a week. Muscles must be able to recover and rest.
    • After the first strength training it happens. It can be relieved by taking a warm salt bath with a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil. Then you need to rub the muscles vigorously with a hard towel.

    By performing the complex constantly, you will achieve the first desired results within a short period of time. But in order for the muscles to take shape, these exercises must be practiced constantly. Strength exercises give your muscles definition, a slim figure, and also actively burn calories. While doing the exercises, all recommendations must be strictly followed so that your classes will benefit you and bring you joy.

    The criteria for the beauty of the male body have their own standards. Prominent and broad shoulders have been and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man. The width of the shoulders determines the proportions of the athlete's upper body. The larger it is, the narrower the waist looks. Consequently, the figure looks much more attractive. This is the reason for the high interest of those involved in building a beautiful and sculpted body in the most effective exercises for working the shoulder muscles.

    The equipment used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training. In the gym it is best to exercise with a barbell, but at home it is much easier to use dumbbells. The latter have less weight than barbells, but with them you can also perform good and useful exercises.

    The formation of the shoulder occurs with the participation of the deltoid muscle. It consists of an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle. To achieve proper development of the shoulder region, the load on all three beams must be absolutely uniform. This anatomical structure makes it quite difficult to train the shoulders. However, with some effort, the athlete can not only achieve the desired result, but also make the figure truly attractive.

    The training is best composed of basic exercises aimed at engaging and working the entire delta. A separate bundle should be inflated only when the load placed on it was not enough and it began to lag behind the rest in development. In other cases, isolation exercises are not necessary.

    You can train both in the gym and at home. The main thing is that the athlete has equipment such as dumbbells and a barbell at his disposal. The weight is selected so that at least eight or ten lifts can be done in one approach. Using too much weight to give your shoulders definition and width is not recommended. Loads should be increased, that is, work with heavier projectiles, when main goal is to increase muscle strength. In this case, you need to lift the shells from five to eight times, perform four to five sets.

    Beginner athletes are recommended to master and perfect the execution of one or two basic presses to the point of automaticity. They perfectly work the deltoid muscle and provide an even load on the entire shoulder girdle. When it is sufficiently trained, it becomes noticeable which of the beams requires more work. At this stage, you can add isolation exercises to the training, which are chosen depending on which muscle group needs additional work.

    List of effective shoulder exercises

    The main exercise for working the shoulder muscles. The main emphasis in it is on the middle delta bundle. However, pumping of this area occurs with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior bundles.

    Initial position:

    • stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart;
    • Take the projectile with a direct grip and lift it to chest level;


    • lift the projectile, exhaling in end point;
    • take a break;
    • slowly, inhaling, lower the barbell to its original position, that is, to chest level.
    1. no need to take maximum weight;
    2. your back should be slightly arched;
    3. You can use dumbbells as an apparatus.

    A basic exercise that is entirely aimed at pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Unlike the previous one, it is performed from a sitting position.

    Initial position:

    • sit on a sports bench;
    • arch your back a little;
    • take the projectile with a wide grip.


    • simultaneously with exhalation, lift the barbell, while fully straightening your arms;
    • while inhaling, lower the projectile behind your head.
    1. The bench press must be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking;
    2. The exercise can be diversified by alternating lowering the projectile behind the head and towards the chest.

    Ideal training for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home. It is not only effective, but also accessible, since it is performed not with a barbell, which not every athlete has at home, but with dumbbells. Exercises using this sports equipment are great for those who, for some reason, are unable to exercise gym, but wants to pump up his shoulders.

    The training really works and allows you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to be ready to give your best, be patient, and show diligence. Perseverance should be demonstrated not by the number of approaches, but regular exercise. Otherwise, no significant effect will be achieved.

    Initial position:

    • sitting on a bench with a back, keep your back straight and straight;
    • the chin should be parallel to the floor, the gaze should be straight;
    • keep the projectiles at eye level;
    • Extend your elbows, but make sure they are under your hands.


    • exhaling, squeeze the shells up;
    • Without turning your hands, bring the dumbbells together at the top point;
    • hold for a few seconds;
    • inhaling, smoothly return to the original position.
    1. hands must be moved in the same plane;
    2. to avoid adverse effects on the elbow joints, sharp straightening of the arms at the extreme point should not be allowed;
    3. It is strongly recommended not to bend back or bend your back.

    This exercise has already become a classic in bodybuilding. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt. As is already clear from the name, this training was part of the mandatory training of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose success in building sculpted and beautiful body Absolutely anyone knows, even those far from the world of sports.

    Initial position:

    • sit on the bench, press your back to the back;
    • bend your knees so that they form a right angle;
    • spread your legs wide, place your feet as far as possible on the floor;
    • lift the dumbbells to neck level;
    • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, turn your palms towards you.


    • exhaling, squeeze the shells vertically upward, turning your hands outward with your palms;
    • make sure that your palms are facing forward at the extreme point;
    • stay late;
    • take a breath, return the projectiles smoothly to the starting position.
    1. It is better to perform training with lighter dumbbells than for other exercises;
    2. The elbows at the extreme point should be left slightly bent, and not straightened to the end;
    3. The press must be performed straight, preferably without stopping in the lower position;
    4. In order not to have an additional impact on the spine, acceleration and jerking should be avoided.

    Another exercise that is great to do at home. The training is isolating. It is aimed at working out and pumping up the side of the delta.

    Initial position:

    • stand up, lean forward slightly;
    • lower your arms with the dumbbells down.


    • take a deep breath, spread your arms shoulder-width apart;
    • the back of the dumbbells at the most extreme point is slightly raised;
    • exhaling, gently lower your arms to their original position.
    • Cheating is unacceptable;
    • the entire load should be concentrated on the shoulders.

    If there is cheating during the training, a completely different muscle group is involved. This reduces the result.

    Aimed at working out the back of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

    Initial position:

    • standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, lean your body forward at an acute angle;
    • lower your hands down.


    • taking a deep breath, spread the projectiles to the sides, raising them to the maximum possible height;
    • As you exhale, return your hands to their original position.
    • at the extreme point of lifting, the front part of the projectile should be slightly tilted forward;
    • You need to keep your back straight, but bend a little at the lower back;
    • You cannot round your back, as this can lead to injury.

    Basic training, which to a greater extent is aimed at working the middle delta bundle, but also pumps the trapezius muscles.

    Initial position:

    • standing straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, holding it down;
    • The distance between the palms should be about two fists.


    • exhaling, lift the projectile to your chin;
    • hold the barbell in the most extreme position;
    • take a breath, return to the starting position.
    1. elbows should be constantly apart and rise strictly vertically;
    2. You cannot bend your neck and back, your chin should be horizontal;
    3. when lifting the barbell to the chin, the bar must be raised above shoulder level;
    4. the weight of the projectile should not become an obstacle correct execution exercises.

    The best exercises for training shoulders - Video

    Let's sum it up

    To achieve the desired result, you need to include the proposed exercises in your regular workout and practice on a regular basis. Don't focus solely on exercise. You also need to remember about proper nutrition.

    If space for home workouts is limited, dumbbells are the safest equipment. It is better to perform bench presses at the beginning of training, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue. By following the recommendations given, combining both basic and isolating exercises for the shoulder girdle, each athlete will be able to give their shoulders ideal proportions and make their waist visually narrower.

    It has long been the custom that broad shoulders determine the beauty of a male figure. And this is quite natural, because the wider the shoulders, the narrower the waist, therefore, the athlete’s figure looks as attractive as possible. Shoulder exercises in the gym can be performed using a barbell, and at home, dumbbells are a good choice, with which there are also no less useful exercises than with heavier equipment.

    Training shoulders is quite difficult. This is due to their structure. Thus, the deltoid muscle is involved in the formation of the shoulder, which, in turn, consists of three bundles - anterior, middle and posterior. Only with the uniform development of all three components of the deltoid muscle does the shoulder form uniformly. And this has a beneficial effect on the athlete’s figure.

    It is preferable to perform basic shoulder exercises that work the entire delta at the same time. If any of the beams lags behind, you need to work on it by doing isolating exercises.

    You can train your shoulders both at home and in the gym. But for this you need to have a barbell and dumbbells. The weights must be selected in such a way that in each set it is possible to lift the apparatus 8-10 times. This is how you can increase volume and mass. If the goal is to increase muscle strength, you should train with heavier equipment. In this case, the number of repetitions will be 5-8. Number of sets 4-5.

    Beginners are advised to select and perform one or two basic push-ups. Such exercises for the shoulder girdle will allow you to work well and form the deltoid muscle. As you train, you should add several isolating ones, depending on which muscles need additional pumping.

    This press is the main training for the shoulders. Although it affects mainly the middle beam, the other two also actively work.

    Initial position:


    • Raise the projectile upward, exhaling at the end of the lift.
    • Pause and slowly inhale, lower the barbell to chest level.
    • Do not work with extreme weight.
    • It is recommended to bend your back slightly.
    • Alternatively, you can perform this exercise with dumbbells.

    This is also basic training for developing the shoulder girdle. Performed in a sitting position.

    Initial position:

    • Sit on a sports bench.
    • Bend your back slightly.
    • The grip is wide enough.


    • As you exhale, press the projectile upward. Your arms should be completely straight.
    • As you inhale, lower the barbell behind your head.
    • The press should be performed without jerking. Slow and smooth.
    • Alternatively, you can perform the exercise by lowering the barbell alternately to your chest and behind your head.

    Many people are interested in how to pump up their shoulders at home. Here is another basic exercise for developing the shoulder girdle. Even if it is not possible to train at home with a barbell, every bodybuilder has dumbbells. So shoulder exercises with dumbbells can be done at home if for some reason you can’t go to the gym.

    You can pump up your shoulders at home by doing just this bench press. You just need to put more diligence into it. This does not mean that you need to increase the weight or the number of sets. No, you just need to train regularly.

    Initial position:


    • As you exhale, powerfully squeeze the dumbbells upward, bringing them together at the top point, without turning your hands.
    • At the top point, take a short break.
    • As you inhale, smoothly return your arms to their original position.
    • Hands move in the same plane.
    • You should not straighten your arms with a jerk at the top point - this has a detrimental effect on the elbow joints!
    • It is not recommended to lean back and arch your back.

    This exercise is a variation of the overhead press with dumbbells, but with the starting position of the hands in front of you. The effectiveness of this press is evidenced by the fact that it was a favorite exercise of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who, as you know, reached great heights in bodybuilding. Today, the Arnold Press exercise is a bodybuilding classic.

    Initial position:

    • Sitting on a bench with a strictly vertical back, pressing your back tightly against it.
    • Bend your knees at a right angle, spread them wide and place your feet firmly on the floor.
    • Raise the dumbbells to neck level. Bend your elbows at a right angle.
    • Turn your hands with your palms facing you.


    • As you exhale, press the dumbbells vertically upward, while turning your hands with your palms facing outward.
    • At the top point, your palms should be facing forward. Take a short break.
    • As you inhale, smoothly return the dumbbells to their original position, turning your palms in the reverse order.
    • It is recommended to take lighter dumbbells than usual.
    • At the top point, the elbows should not be straightened completely: leave them slightly bent.
    • The press is performed smoothly, preferably without a pause at the bottom point. Jerks and accelerations will cause the load to be transferred to the spine.

    Lateral dumbbell raises

    This workout can also be done at home. It is no longer basic, but is aimed at working the lateral surface of the deltoid muscle.

    Initial position:

    • Stand up straight and lean forward slightly.
    • Take dumbbells and lower your arms down.


    It is necessary to try to eliminate cheating. When thinking about how to properly pump your shoulders, direct the load only to them. Cheating involves other muscles in the work and the results noticeably decrease.

    This is an isolation exercise that works the back of the deltoids.

    Initial position:


    • Take a deep breath. Raise the dumbbells to the sides, trying to lift them as high as possible.
    • Smoothly return your hands to the starting position while exhaling.
    • At the end point of the exercise, the front of the dumbbells should be slightly tilted forward.
    • Keep your back straight, slightly arched at the lower back. Rounding your back can cause injury.

    Basic exercise for working the deltoid muscles, mainly the middle fascicle. The trapezius muscles are also involved.

    Initial position:

    Stand up straight. The shell is below. The grip is straight. The distance between the hands is approximately two fists.


    • Elbows should always be spread out to the sides and raised vertically.
    • Keep your back and neck straight, chin horizontal.
    • The bar of the bar should rise exactly to the chin, that is, above the shoulders.
    • The weight of the barbell should not be an obstacle to proper exercise technique.


    Here are the best shoulder exercises. It is enough to include them in your training and the results will come very soon. Muscle volume will increase noticeably. When training, your attention should be directed to the muscles being worked. We should not forget about proper nutrition.

    Shoulder exercises at home are best done with dumbbells if there is no special place where you can sit with a barbell.
    Barbell presses are best done at the beginning of training, before you feel tired.

    Now you know how to pump up your deltoid muscles in the gym or at home. This set of shoulder exercises includes both basic exercises and those that will allow you to work out the necessary parts of the delta, giving your shoulders a proportional shape.

    Some girls refuse to work on the deltoid muscle, believing that this will make their shoulders too wide. But this is not so, you can pump up huge shoulders only if you use special hormonal drugs. Performing shoulder exercises for girls in the gym will strengthen the shoulder joints and also make the figure proportional.

    Many basic exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, etc., already provide a certain load on the shoulder girdle. Therefore, it is enough to perform isolation exercises once a week.

    With this load regime it is impossible to pump up the shoulders. And only those who purposefully work to increase muscle mass by lifting heavy weights, use drugs to increase testosterone, or follow a diet with a lot of calories can achieve such a result.

    What number of repetitions and approaches

    Shoulder exercises performed in the gym for girls who want to get rid of excess weight, should be performed in 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions each. For those who are just starting to exercise, it is enough to do up to 12 repetitions. This will allow you to master the technique.

    To begin with, use minimal weight dumbbells. When working with them, you need to strive to increase the number of repetitions each time. Once you reach 15 repetitions, you should use heavier weight dumbbells.

    If the main goal of the exercise is to build muscle mass, then the exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.

    Exercise technique

    Dumbbell lateral raises on an incline bench

    The advantages of this type of exercise can be considered:

    • targeted training of all muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest;
    • the ability to increase muscle mass in the upper chest area;
    • the ability to achieve an expressive neckline and make the breasts visually more voluminous;
    • elimination of chest muscle asymmetry;
    • stretching of the pectoral muscles.

    This exercise can be classified as intermediate in difficulty. The technique for doing it is as follows:

    1. Lie on an incline (30-45 degree angle) bench, holding dumbbells with a neutral grip (with your wrists facing each other). Straight arms with dumbbells rise up and bend your elbows slightly. The spine should be slightly bent and the shoulder blades should be brought together. This position is the starting position.
    2. Inhaling, the arms smoothly lower to the sides. It is important to ensure that the elbow joint remains in a flexed position. You need to spread your arms until your palms point toward the ceiling. Having reached the lowest point, you need to linger there for a few seconds, which will further stretch the chest muscles. As you exhale, raise your arms up to the starting point.

    In order for the exercise to bring maximum results, it is important to follow certain rules:

    • follow the trajectory of hand movement (along an arc);
    • perform dilutions at a slow pace and reductions at a fast pace;
    • the legs should be well fixed on the floor, and the back should be firmly pressed against the bench;
    • lingering at the top point for a few seconds, you should further compress pectoral muscles;
    • after lifting the dumbbells up, there should be a small gap between them;
    • it is necessary to spread the dumbbells as far as stretching allows without pain in the anterior deltoid;
    • you cannot help yourself perform the exercise with your body, only your arms work;
    • if you have any problems with the shoulder joint, you should not use heavy weight;
    • During the exercise, the elbows must be fixed;
    • The angle of the bench should not exceed 45 degrees.

    Alternating Dumbbell Raises

    Alternating lifting of dumbbells allows you to make the shoulder girdle expressive and attractive.

    But for the exercise to bring maximum results, it must be performed according to all the rules:

    1. Hold the dumbbells in your hands using an overhand grip, with your elbows slightly bent.
    2. You need to stand straight, with your legs slightly apart. Your arms should be down and near your hips.
    3. While performing the complex, the abdominal and lower back muscles should be tense.
    4. The head should be directed straight.
    5. After inhaling, the breath is held, and one hand smoothly rises up to eye level. At the highest point, you need to pause until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles being worked.
    6. As you exhale, the hand smoothly lowers down, not reaching 10 cm to the level of the thigh. Thus, the muscles being worked on will be under tension all the time.
    7. This exercise is repeated the required number of times for both hands.

    This shoulder exercise for girls, performed in the gym, requires that the elbows be slightly bent at all times. It is important that your hands work in the same plane. The body remains motionless.

    Chin pull

    The chin pull can be done with a narrow or wide grip. The difference between a narrow grip is that in this way the trapezius muscle and biceps are worked out. Wide grip used for delta training.

    You can perform this exercise not only with a barbell, but also with dumbbells. To perform deadlifts with a barbell, the first trial time must be done with an empty bar. If there is no bar lighter than 20 kg in the gym, and for a girl this is a lot, then you can use two dumbbells of 5 kg each.

    The procedure for performing a chin-up with a barbell is as follows:

    1. The barbell is removed from the rack and brought to the body. In the correct position it will be near the feet. Your arms should be slightly bent at the elbow joint.
    2. The strength of the shoulders lifts the barbell upward. In this case, the elbows are slightly spread to the sides, and the wrists are bent. The palms should be directed towards the body.
    3. This way the bar slides down to chin level along the body.
    4. When performing the exercise, the legs are at shoulder level, the chest is protruded forward, the pelvis is pushed back, and the shoulders are straightened as much as possible. It is important to ensure that the bar is lifted by using the shoulders.
    5. To load the trapezius muscles, after raising the bar, it smoothly lowers down. If you need to work your shoulders, then after raising the bar to the maximum point, you should also pull your elbows up.

    The warm-up exercise is performed 15 repetitions. If this weight is not enough, then plates are added to the bar and the chin row continues for another 3 approaches, each with 10 repetitions. Or 3 approaches are performed with an empty bar.

    A similar exercise is performed using dumbbells, the grip varies. The best option is a distance between them of 10-15 cm.

    Dumbbell flyes from a lying position

    Among the advantages of dumbbell flyes while lying on a bench are:

    • the ability to work out almost all muscle groups of the upper body;
    • greater efficiency compared to push-ups;
    • formation of good stretching and posture;
    • simplicity and accessibility of implementation;
    • quickly achieving maximum results.

    Step-by-step technique:

    1. First you need to choose the optimal dumbbell weight. Lying on a horizontal bench, take dumbbells with a neutral grip (with your palms facing each other), with your arms slightly bent. The lower back arches slightly and the legs rest on the floor.
    2. Inhaling, the dumbbells are smoothly spread to the sides, describing a semicircle. Having reached chest level, the pectoral muscles are compressed, and the arms return back along the laid path. After this, exhale.
    3. At the highest point, you need to hold for a few seconds, making sure that the dumbbells do not touch each other.

    Shoulder exercises in the gym for girls in the form of dumbbell raises while lying on a bench have their own rules of execution:

    • all movements are performed as smoothly as possible without sudden movements, focusing on muscle work;
    • no need to take a long break at the top point;
    • dumbbells should not touch each other;
    • The dumbbells should be raised and lowered to a comfortable position.

    Push ups

    During push-ups, most of the muscles of the body are involved. This exercise helps to actively burn calories, improves metabolism and increases endurance. You can perform push-ups in several ways: from a wall, a bench or from the floor. Each option has its own implementation features.

    Wall push-ups are considered the easiest.

    To do this you need:

    1. Stand near the wall at a short distance. Place your hands against the wall so that your palms are at shoulder level.
    2. Bend your elbows as much as possible and try to touch the wall with your forehead.
    3. You need to bend and straighten your elbows as smoothly as possible. In this case, the back and knees should be straight.
    4. To increase the load, you can move further away from the wall.

    To begin with, 10 repetitions will be enough. Over time, their number needs to be increased.

    To perform an exercise from a bench, you need:

    1. Place your hands on the bench, keeping your legs together. In this case, your hands should be shoulder-width apart.
    2. Similar to the previous option, the arms are bent as much as possible at the elbow joint.

    You can start performing this exercise from a high support, gradually reducing its height. If it is still difficult to do push-ups from the floor in the classical way, you can start doing it from your knees.

    For this:

    1. Your hands should rest on the floor and your legs should be bent at the knees.
    2. Similar to the previous exercises, the elbows are bent as much as possible.
    3. It is important that your lower back remains level during this time.

    For classic push-ups you need:

    1. Place your hands and feet (toes) on the floor at the same time. In this case, the body should be perpendicular to the floor.
    2. Bend your elbows and try to touch your chest to the floor.
    3. Exhaling, slowly return the body to the starting position.

    Girls are recommended to perform this shoulder exercise in the gym with a minimum amplitude at an average pace. Gradually the number of executions is increased to increase endurance. It is important to ensure that the body is a straight line.

    High traction

    The high row is also known as the “chin row.” This exercise maximally loads not only the lateral, but also the posterior and anterior sections. To perform it, you need to stand straight with your elbows slightly bent.

    The dumbbells are lifted up using the shoulder muscles so that they reach a line parallel to the floor. It is important to ensure that other muscles are not involved in the work.

    Arnie's bench press

    Such shoulder exercises for girls, performed in the gym, were developed famous actor and athlete Arnold Schwarzenegger. He noticed their effect quite by accident, when during training he accidentally turned his palms at the moment when they were at the lowest point.

    At the same time, he noted that the load on the delta was greater than when performing conventional bench presses. This press engages the sides and front of the shoulder more, reducing the load on the back head of the shoulder.

    To perform the Arnie press, you need to use a chair with a backrest or a bench.

    The order of execution is as follows:

    1. Sitting on a bench, you need to bend your arms at the elbow and turn them to the floor. You need to hold the dumbbells towards your face at neck level. The shoulders are pressed tightly to the body.
    2. While inhaling, the dumbbell is lifted, and as it approaches the level of the chin, the wrists turn in the opposite direction from the face. At the top point you need to make a short delay, after which the arms slowly lower down and the wrists turn in the opposite direction. Thus, at the lowest point, they will again look at the face.

    It is important that the chin is parallel to the floor while doing this press and that the head does not drop.

    Seated dumbbell press

    The benefits of the seated dumbbell press are:

    • the possibility of increasing the volume of deltas;
    • achieving greater results in comparison with other bench press techniques;
    • strengthening the shoulder bones;
    • dumbbell control;
    • the ability to perform exercises with greater amplitude;
    • improving balance;
    • eliminating imbalances in shoulder development.

    The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

    1. Sitting on a bench, you need to pick up dumbbells and place them on your hips. Then they are raised to shoulder level on both sides. The wrist should be rotated so that the palm faces forward. Your feet should rest securely on the floor.
    2. As you exhale, the dumbbells rise up. Having made a delay in highest point, hands slowly lower.

    When performing such a press, you need to adhere to some recommendations from experts:

    • on the bench you need to sit as deeply as possible, pressing your back well against the bench;
    • legs need to be spread in opposite directions;
    • dumbbells should be slightly in front of your shoulders;
    • Do not touch dumbbells to each other;
    • act with maximum amplitude;
    • do not lift dumbbells using inertia.

    Bench press

    This exercise is dangerous, so when performing it, you must strictly adhere to the rules:

    Barbell chest press

    The exercise helps to load the small muscles and deltas.

    It is being carried out in the following way:

    1. You need to stand straight, with your legs not spread wide.
    2. Then you should bend forward, take the barbell lying in front of you and, without bending your lower back, rise up, placing the barbell on your chest.
    3. With a sharp movement, the bar rises up and smoothly falls back to the chest.

    While performing the bench press, you need to monitor the condition of your back. She should not bend in the lower back.

    Shoulder exercises for girls - training options

    Girls do not necessarily have to devote their entire workout to deltoids.

    Strength exercises in the gym to develop shoulders should be alternated with the development of other muscle groups. The image shows one of the full body workout options for girls

    It is better to combine any exercises for this muscle group with working out other parts of the body. Fitness trainers offer these training options.

    Workout 1: Shoulders and Arms

    The following complex is suitable for working out the arms and shoulder girdle:

    • Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides, while sitting on a bench.
    • Pull to the chin.
    • Raising arms with dumbbells while lying down.
    • Alternating dumbbell lifts.
    • Arnie's bench press.

    Workout 2: Legs and Buttocks

    The following exercises will help you work your lower body:

    • Squats with a barbell.
    • Lunges with dumbbells.
    • Taking the straight leg back.
    • Gluteal bridge.
    • Deadlift.

    All exercises are performed in 3 sets, 15 repetitions each.

    Workout 3: Chest and Back

    The following complex is suitable for the back and chest:

    • Pull-ups on the bar.
    • Dumbbell bench press in a lying position.
    • Reverse butterfly.
    • Dumbbell raises at a 45 degree angle.
    • Plaque pull to the chin.

    All exercises are performed in 3 sets, 15 repetitions each.

    How to reduce muscle size by exercising

    Fitness trainers are confident that a properly selected set of exercises will help get rid of large muscles and reduce their volume.

    To do this you need:

    1. Build your workout in such a way that the exercises performed are aimed at reducing fatty tissue in the body. Aerobic exercise is ideal for this.
    2. It is important not to stop strength training. But there shouldn't be a lot of it. Eg:
    • to reduce arm volume, it is enough to perform seated dumbbell presses and rows to the chin for 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
    • You can reduce the volume of your hips by doing lunges with a barbell - 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
    • for the lower leg – jumping rope – 3 sets of 200 repetitions each.

    By combining shoulder exercises for girls who train in the gym, you can achieve good results, making the body as proportional as possible. Any workout should always begin with a warm-up. This will not only protect yourself from injury, but also increase the effectiveness of the exercises. At the end of the session, you need to stretch the worked muscle groups.

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