How to ask rich people for help. How much does the altruism of the rich cost?

Surely many of you have found yourself in difficult situation that can't be dealt with on our own. You urgently need money for surgery, treatment, business - the problems may be different, but the solution does not always seem obvious.

And when you can’t borrow from relatives and friends, banks refuse to issue a loan, you can try asking rich people for free financial assistance.

How can you get it? Are there really people in Russia and other countries who simply give away their money to those in need?

Everything is not so simple, however, there is still a chance to receive the amount you need, and today we will tell you how you can find a sponsor.

What options are there for receiving money?

In case you have any problems financial problems, there are several options for solving them:

  • The first thing that comes to mind is to find an additional source of income. But family circumstances, health status, education, and city of residence do not always allow this.
  • Next, try to borrow from friends or relatives. At the same time, not everyone has such close people who own a large free amount for borrowing. Besides, sooner or later it will have to be given back.
  • Then - contact them, but they will require you to provide collateral, guarantors, and a bunch of certificates from work. The overpayment here will be significant, especially if the money is needed urgently (up to 35-40% per annum). Besides this, your credit history must be clean, but if not, you will be refused.
  • If your credit history is damaged and you have no official employment, citizenship, or registration, you can visit. Here, according to your passport, they will give you a loan of up to 50 thousand, however, the interest for this will be rather large - up to 2% per day.
  • If you have property, you can try to sell it to a pawnshop or pledge it; the interest rates will be more favorable than in an MFO.

If all these options are not suitable, people begin to look for other ways to get money. They ask friends, search on social networks, and now, on the Internet, they may come across advertisements asking to help people in need. How does this happen?

Rich people helping with money in difficult situations

Today there are many of our fellow citizens who need financial assistance at the most various reasons. And if they have no one to turn to, they place their ad on special websites, in the hope that millionaires will pay attention to them, for whom the requested amounts will be a trifle, but for others - a real salvation.

Indeed, for some, the amount of 100,000 rubles seems small, many receive much more per month, and can afford to spend it on charity. But for some, such an amount seems overwhelming, because it takes several months to collect it, and the goals can be urgent - paying for treatment, buying food, paying for services, etc.

How to find sponsors? To do this, you need to post your call for help on all available Internet resources; the more there are, the higher your chances that someone will respond to your request.

What are these sites? These are special Internet platforms where anyone can post their request for help completely free of charge. Among the most popular are:


What is the essence of their work?

Anyone who needs sponsorship can register and leave their application here. In it he is the most in detail describes what happened in his life, why he himself cannot cope with this situation, what amount he needs to resolve difficulties.

The advertisement must include:

  • a brief description of your problem,
  • contact and personal details of the requester so that he can be easily contacted and make sure that his situation is real.
  • in addition, the details by which the transfer can be made must be written down - cards, bank accounts,
  • if there is such an opportunity on the website, you can attach photographs from hospital reports, extracts, etc. to the recording.

After publishing his call for help, the author can only wait for the rich man to pay attention to his letter. And this is very difficult, because there are dozens and hundreds of such letters, and each contains a real problem.

Please note that you should only use sites where registration and publication of advertisements is free. If you are asked for money, even a symbolic 50-100 rubles for access to a supposedly secret database of rich millionaires, immediately pass by, because these are scammers who are trying to profit from someone else’s misfortune.

Do they really help?

It’s hard to believe that someone can disinterestedly give away their money to anyone, because millions don’t just appear, they are earned through serious knowledge and a lot of work. Therefore, simply hoping that a millionaire will go to one of these sites and send you money is quite naive.

It’s a completely different matter - through which rich people engage in charity. They transfer donations in the form of considerable sums to their accounts, and representatives of the foundations decide who and what to use this money for.

How to get there? It's simple - you need to find a fund in your city/region/country that deals specifically with your problem.

Most of these organizations have a clear direction of work - with children, the homeless, cancer patients, young families, single mothers, etc. Once you have found their contact information, try calling them by phone, emailing them, or visiting their office in person to see how they can help you.

If your problem is worthwhile, then they will definitely pay attention to it, and either help themselves or introduce you to rich people who can give you money for free.

Add your review or comment below:

  1. How do loans and the banking system affect people's souls? When can you take out a loan? And when you can’t take it!

Anna says:

My debts, my swamp (When telling the truth is neither easy nor pleasant)
Every morning I wake up regretting that I woke up and had to live another joyless day. With regret for the mistakes I made and how ridiculously I lived this life. On rare weekends, I try to sleep as long as possible, until the evening, so that I can spend less time in reality and not be tormented by sad thoughts.
I know that I am depressed due to constant stress. I take antidepressants as prescribed by my doctor. Sometimes they help and despair and fear recede, sometimes they don’t. Perhaps the drug should be changed, perhaps the dosage. But I know very well that no pills will change objective reality, which I created for myself.
What do I want to achieve by posting this confession on the Internet...
Financial assistance in solving my problems??
A pleasant illusion about the existence of a wizard on a blue helicopter and a free movie...
They are probably helping someone... Someone who really needs it, who cannot cope on their own, who is not to blame for the current situation, who is ready to publish their personal data: illness, accident, urgent surgery.
This is not my case. I’m healthy, I created the problems myself, and I don’t even tell my psychotherapist my name.
— Psychological support??
I doubt that anyone will be imbued with sympathy for an adult, educated, to a reasonable person, who has created an organized branch of hell out of his life.
— Opportunities to speak out??
Yes, perhaps... There is not a single living soul in the world to whom I would tell about the current state of affairs. Even at appointments with a psychotherapist, I did not voice these problems.
Maybe after I throw out my experiences and fears and describe them, I will feel better.
— Opportunities to earn money??
It wouldn’t be bad... It seems to me that you can earn something from an article on the Internet for its publication. I'll find out after I finish it.
I apologize for the long introduction.
I am having this conversation not only with the reader, but also with myself, because even to myself I for a long time didn't admit to existing problem.
I am 39 years old. I have higher education, obtained in one of best universities our city, successful career, leadership position and good salary. I spend all my time at work, my schedule is irregular, weekends are rare. These are the realities of the modern economy, when you achieve your position through knowledge, effort, and the willingness to devote yourself completely to work.
I no longer have a husband and no children yet. And apparently there will be neither one nor the other.
Because at this moment my loan debts are about 3 million. With stability in the financial component of my life, I will give them away in five to six years. By this time it will be too late to think about children. Although it is possible that now is too late to have healthy children...
My salary allows me to pay off the loan, but the remaining money is only enough to live paycheck to paycheck. This is not scary, most of the people in Russia live like this. I'm scared that I might lose my job because I work urgently. employment contract, which may not be extended without specifying reasons. It’s scary that I may not find a job with the same salary, since for our city (province) it is high and rare. It’s scary that I’m already past not only childbearing age, but also the age preferred by employers.
How did I accumulate such debts? Not immediately, gradually and imperceptibly. Here is a mortgage for a one-room Khrushchev house, and repairs, and a change in motivation (read - a decrease in wages) due to the economic situation in our country. I expected to pay off all my debts 2 years ago, but it was the change in wages that led to the fact that they were not only not paid, but also increased as a result of refinancing, refinancing and new loans for “life”, sometimes there are situations when money you need a little more than just food.
And now I live with the constant fear of losing my job, with the sad realization that I won’t start a family (because who needs me with financial problems and at my age, when in my youth I didn’t really need anyone without problems) and I won’t give birth to a child.
I have no one to ask for help. There is only my retired mother, who, of course, knows neither about my problems nor about my loans. Because he still can’t help. And there is absolutely no point in upsetting her with my revelations.
I pretend to others and acquaintances that I have excellent interesting life. I invent for them non-existent hobbies and entertainment in my life, but in fact I spend my free time (fortunately, not much of it) at home, in front of the TV, completely alone. I tell everyone that I am “child free” and that this is my conscious choice of a happy and carefree life.
Do I want a child? Yes. But... I understand that it is already too late for this. And it’s not worth giving birth to a defective child with a high probability, and then standing with an outstretched hand “help for treatment.” I also understand that you need to raise a child for the child, and not for yourself. Therefore, you should not give birth for yourself, in a defective family. In general, I have excellent psychological protection, so as not to suffer too much from the impossible...
And I'm completely alone and unhappy...
I don't understand why I live. Probably the only thing holding me back is the need to pay off loans. Since in the event of my death, my debts will be transferred to my mother, and she will not be able to pay them, even by selling her apartment and remaining homeless, which I cannot allow.
From good news the fact that during the last refinancing I was given insurance that even covers suicide. True, not earlier than in 2 years. But this is a way out...
I'm very tired...
Do I need help? -Yes, assistance of 1 ruble from 3 million people.
Will they help me if I want to remain anonymous, because the fear of publicity is greater than the fear of not paying off my debts? It’s unlikely... There are too many people asking, and there are too many scammers, and my problem is not as acute as others’.
Alfabank card number: 5521 7526 1091 9271
How can I prove that I am not a fraud and that debts exist without disclosing my full personal information? I don’t know, probably not at all... Maybe someone will be satisfied with a photo or video of the loan agreement, but with the full name hidden... It’s unlikely. I created an email if the site allows it to be published: [email protected]
During a face-to-face meeting, I can show all the documents from the banks and my own, and personally visit the banks with you. But showing such documents on the Internet is dangerous.
I will also be glad for moral support. And negative comments are accepted (especially after 2 years), anything is better than this emptiness...
Maybe you should start earning extra money by writing articles? Do you think I did well? And it will take time, and maybe I’ll earn something. But will I write something worthwhile on an abstract topic, and not on something that endlessly worries me? Don't know. We have to try. Although, after re-reading what was written, the result did not impress me. And there was not enough frankness (apparently, the habit of keeping everything to myself is taking its toll) and there is no writing talent. Maybe no worse than the sea of ​​garbage on the Internet, when everyone can declare themselves a writer, but certainly not better.
But here, now, there is not a word of lie. Although I do not agree with the classic that telling the truth is easy and pleasant...
P.S. I hope that my article will warn those who are planning to take out a loan or mortgage. Always remember that your financial situation may change without better side. That life may not turn out exactly the way you dreamed in your youth. And you shouldn’t live under the illusion that at 40 life is just beginning: there will be no rise in career and material well-being after this age. Quite the contrary... By this age, you need to prepare for a worsening situation and make savings, not debts.
I don’t want to be a beggar, much less be branded a fraud.
Maybe you can earn money with your own work? This article was not easy and did not take minutes...
If she entertained you, I would be grateful if you would transfer 1 ruble to my Alpha Bank card and forward the link to your friends. I also have a Sberbank card, but I’m afraid to show it, as my financial institution and phone number will be visible. And this is no longer necessary publicity.
If not, then I just appreciate you taking the time to read. All the best to you)
Thanks everyone for your attention.

Charity, sponsorship or fundraising are particularly relevant concepts in lately. In 2015 alone, more than $500 million was donated from the United States. Today, most people feel embarrassed when it comes to asking for money. strangers. Modern conditions, the development of technology has contributed to the emergence of new ways to borrow money or receive finance without repayment. Internet, mobile communications, television all this will allow you to appeal to wide audience to receive free financial assistance. Funds can be received by electronic transfer to a card, to a WebMoney wallet or to a Yandex wallet.

How to via the Internet ask rich people for money? In order to urgently receive financial resources for any purpose: for treatment, for a yacht or for your dream. Before organizing the receipt of help without registration, it is necessary to determine a list of Internet sites or forums, potential sponsors from whom it is better to ask for money free of charge. In the list, it is necessary to identify the most popular sites or financially stable sponsors. To attract possible sponsors, especially foreigners, it is necessary to describe the exact purpose as accurately as possible cash and the problem they solve. It must be remembered that popular sites where you can ask for money often require registration or sending a confirmation SMS to a real phone number.

Today, in order to increase the chances of receiving finance without return, it is necessary to describe as fully and in detail as possible the reason for receiving free financial assistance, and what you have done to resolve the current situation. Try to engage as much as possible the feelings of those reading your ad or story. Provide details for receiving it (webmoney or Yandex wallet, data bank card), in addition, it is advisable to place your contact information. Perhaps a potential patron of the arts will want to contact you and communicate personally. The text asking for help should be placed on popular sites where you can ask for money.
Many people believe that it is almost impossible to receive money without a refund on the Internet, but this is not true. There are many reviews of people grateful for the urgent help. It is logical to assume that if someone thinks about who they can ask for money for free, then probably someone has the opportunity to lend money or without repayment.

To receive a certain amount irrevocably or as a loan, it is not enough to simply place the text “Help for a dream”, you need to carry out an analysis sites where you can ask money, write a reasonable and motivating request, and if potential patrons contact you, make them believe in the need to donate funds.

Comments to the article - (254)

Hello. I am very ashamed to ask for money, but I no longer have a choice. I have two children and would like to buy my own home. But the bank won’t give me a mortgage, they say I need a down payment of 400,000 thousand, help me at least a little bit, please. Living with two children without housing is difficult. Help please. I wish everyone health and prosperity. Thank you in advance Sberbank card 4276 8080 1817 8587.

06 May 2016, at 09:37 Andrey writes:

There is no more strength to strangle loans. I work 2 jobs. Sold the car, half the furniture and household appliances. There is no way to get out of this hole. Please help anyone, payeer account P25678850, yndex 410011837556634. Thanks in advance.

May 07, 2016, at 18:06 Sabina writes:

Good afternoon. I am a widow and I have three sons between me, I receive a pension and work part-time as a waiter. My mother lives with me; she is sick and receives a pension of 7,000, which almost all goes towards medicine. There is a catastrophic lack of money. I have a small house that just needs a lot of repairs. There is no water in the house, it needs to be installed and this requires 30,000 rubles. Gas 50,000. In general, we really need help. If it's not difficult, please help. No matter how much it’s a pity. This is the Sbercard number 639002309014178964. Thank you very much in advance.

May 07, 2016, at 21:45 Lyuba writes:

Hi all! I really need help! I'm 21 years old, I'm a single mother and an orphan with three years, I got an apartment but have nothing to pay with, and I also need to raise my child for something! Help for God's sake, even with a ruble to the Sberbank card 5469 1800 1277 9040

May 08, 2016, at 14:44 Timofey writes:

Hello, I am asking for financial assistance in the amount of 12,000 rubles to purchase a stroller and crib. Otherwise the baby sleeps with his mother and I’m on the floor. I will return it within 5 months. card details 4276 2600 2605 8767. Thanks in advance.

21st century technology, no one else has anything like this anywhere else!
We are engaged in the production of "EXCLUSIVE BATHTUBES" for your bathrooms, you have never seen anything like this. We will make baths for those who love something unusual and something that others do not have. Absolutely different shapes, figures, any design, at your discretion and to your taste order. The photo shows examples of such shapes: in the form of a shell, just imagine, it’s a masterpiece when you have a bathtub of this design! Any other shapes are also available: a flower, a leaf and all the possible options that you yourself find and want.
This kind of thing is also possible...

Help, don't turn away!!! Please get into the situation.

Hello kind and sympathetic people. I don’t know how to start writing, I ask you for help, since I have no one else to turn to and I don’t know what to do anymore. I no longer have any hope left. I ask you, if anyone has the opportunity, please help me, don’t turn away, everyone has already turned away from me and it seems the whole world is against me. I don't want anyone to be in this situation. I'm tired of this nightmare where there is no edge or end. Help as much as you can and as much as you don’t mind, and forgive me for asking you. I am very ashamed, but there is no way out. I ask you for the sake of the family and all I want is to be with them. I really...

assistance to disabled people Request

good afternoon. I decided to write. I hope that this is not a hoax, my husband and I were deceived. Now we have to pay. He’s retired. I’m unemployed. My husband has breast cancer. My husband has prostate cancer. There’s no way we can get out of debt. I really hope it will happen that person. who can help us. maybe a miracle will happen. there will be no deception.... we hope for help. thanks in advance.

Money is needed to build a shelter for homeless animals

WORLD OF GOOD PEOPLE: hello, we are raising funds for the construction of a shelter for stray animals in the Moscow region in the Odintsovo district in Galitsyno, we will help all of Russia, we will be kind to animals, every penny is important to us. Here is the card number where you can transfer funds 4817 7601 3764 8964 or MTS phone number 89780814934, thank you all in advance.

Patriot Despair

Hello dear wealthy people, my name is Valentina. I have two degrees, one of them is medical, I’ve been working in medicine since 2003, I’ve never worked one job, I’ve always worked two or three jobs. I have three children, in maternity leave I've never been! The children are all healthy, thank God! You could say I live at work and see very few children; usually their dad or my parents sit with them, otherwise I can’t live. One salary goes to pay for rented housing, the other goes to clothes for the children, my husband and I don’t buy anything for ourselves, we dress “whoever will give what,” and the third salary goes to...

Help for food!!! I beg for help

I pray, help, please! I ASK YOU, GOOD PEOPLE, HELP US WITH THE CHILD! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We need food. FOOD!!! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT FOR A CHILD!!! HELP, PLEASE. Sberbank of Russia card 4817760027422686

Help make your dream come true Call for help


My name is Yulia. I have a huge dream to have another child, but I’m faced with a BUT...

I'm 30 years old, I work (I'm not lazy). My husband and I more than a year ago we bought an apartment in pre-finishing condition (with a 15-year mortgage - 1,600,000). We do the repairs ourselves. We both work tirelessly, we pay for everything (in a word, we manage). I would really like to have another child, but I understand that if we decide to do this, my husband will have to work twice as hard (he is a truck driver) since I will go on maternity leave. And thus we will stop seeing each other altogether (he won’t...

Help Financial assistance

Good evening! Happy belated holidays. I didn't think there were such people. Because I myself don’t like to ask. But now it turns out that I myself found myself in such a situation. My name is Gulnara. I separated from my husband 4 years ago. She left with a small child. Somehow I paid off the loans I took out for equipment. Once I got back on my feet, I even decided to open a salon with a friend. Opening it after what time she decided to leave. And I had to close the salon after six months. It was painful. After all, so much effort, soul and finances were invested. I got into debt again, my parents took out two loans to help me, although they themselves have a small...

Please help

Good afternoon. I ask for help because there is nowhere else to look for it. We are a young family, and it so happened that we came from our native dialect to work in St. Petersburg. For a year now, my husband and I have been working 12 hours a day, with 1 day off, but this has not brought the desired results. All the money is spent on renting housing, on kindergarten and on groceries. I can't bear it anymore. I just want to return home and work there in peace and raise my child. Unfortunately there is no place to return. How long have you not had your own home? I am appealing to caring people who have the opportunity to help us, to raise money at least for the mortgage payment. Just...

Please help me start living, not surviving.

Good afternoon. I ask for help because there is nowhere else to look for it. We are a young family, and it so happened that we came from our native dialect to work in St. Petersburg.
For almost a year now, my husband and I have been working 12 hours a day, with 1 day off, but this has not brought the desired results. All the money is spent on renting housing, on kindergarten and on groceries.
I can't bear it anymore. I just want to return home and work there in peace and raise my child. Unfortunately there is no place to return. How long have you not had your own home? I am appealing to caring people who have the opportunity to help us, to raise money for at least a contribution...

Please help financially to buy a home! Huge request for help.

Hello, my name is Oksana. I want to ask you for help!!! Help us financially in purchasing a home! We are a family with two children at the moment I’m on maternity leave. We live in a rented apartment. We don’t have enough money for food, we can barely make ends meet. My husband and I were raised only by our mothers (one of our fathers drank, the other beat us, our families fell apart), so there is no one to help. We live like this all our lives. in rented apartments. This is very difficult, especially when there are children in the family. Having given most of money for housing, there are pennies left on which the family cannot live. My childhood was spent in a small room in...

We believe in miracles! Help us, don’t leave us alone with your problem. Pros

Hello good people! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday, we wish you happiness, goodness and warmth in your home! With every gesture of kindness, the world becomes brighter, and the happy faces of people, and most importantly children, illuminate it with their lightness and warmth. Writes to you large family, it so happened that on the eve of the new year I had to ask for help. To be honest, we ourselves are the adult parents who are to blame for this. We ask you kind people to help us financially. It so happened that just before New Year My family and I are left with numerous debts for the garden, school and housing (rented, we don’t have our own), we ask you for...

please help me it's a big request

Hello everyone. My name is Ivan and my dream is about to collapse. I want to do something nice for my mother, buy her a wheelchair and give her a gift for the New Year, and financial situation very difficult. Every ruble is important to me. I will be very grateful, and by writing to this number I can tell you more about the problem 89878592056, there is a Yandex wallet 410016849988606, thank you very much in advance..

Hello, you have come to a page where you can ask people for money for free. This section was created separately from the others. Here anyone can ask for any amount of money for their needs.

Please note that your request will be published in a public section and anyone can read it.

You can not only ask money from the rich, but also from another category of people. All you need to do is fill out a short form where you need to indicate:

  • What are you asking for money for?
  • How much money are you asking for?
  • In what ways can I transfer money and details to you?

Write your request

The more you write about your needs, the more likely you are to be helped.

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You can ask for money for anything. Someone wants to ask for money new car, someone to buy cell phone, and some even for some small things. Many people ask where to write an SMS to help with money. Write here. We send your applications to those who really help for free.
It’s very easy to ask people for money via the Internet; all you have to do is post a request for help and maybe someone will respond.

Usually, sites where you can ask for money require a long registration, long verification and other nonsense. With us, you just need to ask for money online in this section and your message will be seen by many people.

Many people ask how to ask for money on the Internet? There are many special services called crowdfunding, but they are designed mainly for creative people. And in this section of our website absolutely anyone can apply for financial assistance.

Of course, you can ask for any amount of money, but it is not a fact that you will collect it. However, if your request is quite interesting, then it will receive more attention and your chances will increase.

Good luck in raising funds for your needs!