How to summon a good queen of spades. The terrible Queen of Spades exists. How to summon the Queen of Spades

The legends about the mysterious Queen of Spades instill fear in more than the first generation of children. Even among friends, not everyone dares to call on this dark lady. The challenge of the Queen of Spades is a kind of strength test. If you do not follow the ritual exactly, the alien can do harm. And it is the stories about the possible consequences of the challenge that are so frightening and so attractive. Let's unmistakably repeat the rite of summoning so that the Queen of Spades does not leave the mark of her black magic on anyone.

Remember that it is your panic fear that can confuse the order of actions in your head. The call algorithm is extremely important here: after all, no one wants to fall into the power of a lady from another world, right? If you get very frightened, you can forget all the steps to protect yourself from the Queen of Spades. At the mention of this name, everyone draws some kind of image within himself. For some, the Queen of Spades is a person from a playing card. For others, a princess in mourning clothes. And someone sees creepy creature only remotely resembling a woman. Imagine what you are saying the last word call, but is not at all the Queen of Spades that you are waiting for. Fear, which entails weakness in the defense against the otherworldly creature, is inevitable. Therefore, be prepared to see anything, while clearly observing all security actions. Use only those items that will be named in the list below. Speak words clearly and distinctly. But the most important thing in any summoning ritual is the concentration on every detail of the process. Call silently to the Queen of Spades. Let all your thoughts strive towards one thing: to see the one who terrifies with her name alone. Faith in the outcome of the rite is important. If you call the Lady of Pampering, she will never come.

As a "shield" from the influence of dark forces, use images of runes on clothes, paper, wooden planks. You can also put salt nearby, and at the moment the Queen of Spades appears, read prayers to protect your consciousness.

Best time for a call - night from 11 pm to 3 am. The room in which you plan to perform the ritual should be darkened.

In addition to protective items, you will need equipment for the ceremony. This is a mirror, a candle, black or red lipstick, a rag to wipe the lipstick off the mirror. At the appointed time in a dark room, sit in front of a mirror. Place guards around you. Light a candle and place it so that the light highlights the surface of the mirror well. With lipstick on a mirror surface, draw a door and a staircase going from it. The way for the Queen of Spades is open. It remains only to call her with all the force that you are capable of.

Close your eyes and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades, come!”. Your voice should not tremble, speak loudly and clearly. Without opening your eyes, picture in your mind a clear picture of your guest opening the door and descending the stairs. Once you have a clear image in your head, open your eyes. You will see the Queen of Spades. Now, if the ritual was performed correctly and you were not overwhelmed by panic at the sight of the Queen of Spades, you can ask her for the fulfillment of a wish. Formulate in advance the most direct and short request. As soon as you say it, immediately erase all images from the mirror, including the Queen of Spades.

The fulfillment of all points guarantees you not only a meeting with a famous intimidator, but also the fulfillment of your most cherished desire.

Probably there is no such person who would not have heard of the Queen of Spades - a woman from underworld which appears to us from the mirror. Many legends are associated with its existence, some of them even say that a demonic creature not only prophesies trouble, but can also drag it away to the other world. However, even this fact does not deter the inquisitive. There are many daredevils who are eager to call a mysterious stranger so that she answers their questions or fulfills their cherished desires. So is the game worth the candle? Or maybe there is some way by which you can make the witch "dance to her tune" and not bring trouble on herself?

The history of the appearance of the Queen of Spades

There are a lot of assumptions regarding the birth of the Queen of Spades, but most sources claim that her appearance is associated with a deck of divination cards. According to legend, the well-known witch hails from the country of Spades, located in the Card State, which, in addition to her, included three more empires: Chervonnaya, Diamonds and Clubs. Rulers of all four countries were generally friendly towards each other, however, the inhabitants of the Peak and Red countries did not get along and constantly found motives for quarrels. Over time, personal hostility grew into a full-fledged war, to which other countries joined. The warriors fought fiercely, but the winner was never determined, so the rulers decided not to allow unnecessary sacrifices anymore and concluded a peace agreement.

The Queen of Spades is evil spirit that harms couples in love

According to the tradition of the Card State, marriages were concluded only between the inhabitants of their country, but the heart is not subject to orders, and the Queen of Spades fell in love with the Jack of Hearts. He reciprocated, but convinced that for the sake of their happiness, she is obliged to destroy her rival, the Lady of Hearts. Suspecting nothing, the woman in love was forced to agree and at midnight came to the enemy palace, where she learned about the betrayal of her beloved. The Beauty of Spades did not have time to hide - they grabbed her and put her in a dungeon. Further events are shrouded in mystery and no one knows exactly by whom and when the unfortunate woman in love was killed, however, it is reliably known that the Queen of Hearts and Jack were soon found strangled. Since then, it is believed that the Queen of Spades has turned into an evil spirit that hates all lovers and tries to harm them, because she considers men to be traitors, and their companions to be rivals.

Is the game worth the candle

Before calling the Queen of Spades, a person must ask himself: is it worth it once again to tempt fate and attract the attention of evil spirits? However, if you think sensibly, then there is not a single piece of evidence that would point to real existence spirit and the threat emanating from it for the fortuneteller. Therefore, we can say for sure that the outcome of the ritual directly depends on the thoughts of the fortuneteller. If he is afraid or will be negatively disposed towards the mystical character, then in retaliation he can harm him. positive attitude, in turn, attracts bright thoughts and will not allow the evil witch to do a dirty deed.

Calling the Queen of Spades is a dangerous business. However, if you perform the ceremony according to the instructions and quickly respond to the witch's aggression, you can save yourself from trouble and find out everything about your future.

What may be needed to call the Queen of Spades

You can even perform the ritual at home, but for this you need to prepare all the necessary items in advance:

  • a new deck of tarot cards;
  • mirror;
  • a black or red candle;
  • lipstick;
  • piece of fabric.

Photo gallery: items needed for the ritual

The quality of the fabric does not matter Choose a lipstick in dark shades It is better to take a black or red candle
The size of the mirror does not matter The deck must be brand new

Best place to call: at home, on the street, at school

It is better to call a mystical creature in a calm home environment, since the Queen of Spades can regard any noise as a personal insult and harm the fortuneteller for this.

When is it better to perform the ceremony: day or night

It is generally accepted that midnight is best period to carry out various mystical activities. If the ritual will be carried out during the day, then the windows in the room should be closed with thick curtains that will create twilight and will not let you into the room. Sun rays. True, in this case, the percentage of successful results will be much lower, that is, there is a possibility that the Queen of Spades will not come.

Protect yourself from negative impact you can use amulets and other protective paraphernalia.

How to call the Queen of Spades - the secrets of the ritual at home

To summon a witch, you can use different methods.

With map and mirror

  • They take a new, unopened deck of cards and select queen of spades. The ceremony is performed from midnight to 3 am. In complete darkness, they stand in front of the mirror, holding the card in front of them, and begin to tear it into small pieces. At the same time, one should say three times: “Queen of Spades, show your appearance!”. After that, you need to carefully peer into the reflection. If the ritual works, it will be possible to see a witch in black robes, who will ominously stretch her hands to the fortuneteller. At this point, you need to distract her by asking your question. After the Queen of Spades gives an answer, the mirror is quickly covered with a cloth and the light is turned on.
  • In the next option, you do not have to spoil the map. You can perform the ritual at any time, the main thing is that the sun's rays do not penetrate the room. So, first they light a candle and put it on the table. AT left hand take a mirror, in the right - a card. Hold in such a way that the light from the candle well illuminates the reflection in the mirror. They begin to drive the card along the mirror from the edge to the middle. In this case, you need to call the witch, promising her various gifts. When she appears, in no case should you praise her. On the contrary, it is necessary to say that she is ugly, to scold her and meanwhile ask her questions. Having learned about everything, the mirror is hung with a cloth.

Calling the Queen of Spades is best at midnight

With black thread and a chair

This method does not make it possible to find out from the witch the information you are interested in, however, with its help you can verify its existence.

  1. A chair is placed in the middle of the room.
  2. The legs are tied in several layers with black thread.
  3. The Queen of Spades is placed face down on a chair.
  4. They put out the light and say the cherished words three times: “Queen of Spades, appear!”.
  5. They leave the room, closing the door behind them.
  6. A few minutes later they enter the room again. If the objects for the ritual are scattered on the floor, then the witch appeared, but did not find her victim.

The hat method

This method is not without originality, but it should be taken seriously.

  1. The mirror in the bathroom is rubbed with soap.
  2. After midnight, they enter the room and close the door behind them.
  3. Light a candle, put it in front of a mirror.
  4. A card is placed next to the candle so that its face is reflected in the mirror.
  5. A hat is put on the head, trying to hide the hair under it. Remember that if at least one strand is outside, the witch can grab it and drag the fortuneteller into the other world.
  6. As soon as the clock counts 12 strokes, the magic phrase is pronounced clearly and loudly: “Queen of Spades, I'm waiting for you! Reveal your face!
  7. After some time, the image of a woman will appear in the mirror. The fortuneteller should pay attention to her hair. If a blonde appeared, then the demonic creature is positive and will answer all your questions. Dark strands are a sign of trouble, it is better to stop fortune-telling, cover the mirror with a cloth and leave the room.

With lipstick

This method is considered the most popular and true. With scarlet lipstick, a ladder is drawn on the mirror, the light is extinguished and a candle is lit. They say the words: "Queen of Spades, come!". If, after a spell cast three times, some rustles, steps, laughter are heard, then the ladder must be immediately erased, so that the witch could not cross it into real world. Remember that the Queen of Spades moves so fast that if you hesitate a little, she can quickly be next to the fortuneteller and take him with her.

Video: experimental challenge of the Queen of Spades

What to do with the summoned witch

If she appears, then the most important thing is to have time to ask your questions.

Most truthfully, the Queen of Spades answers about the personal life of the fortuneteller, because her own did not work out and now she jealously follows the happiness of others.

How to drive away an evil spirit

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is to have time to cover the mirror with a prepared cloth, which will be an obstacle that does not allow the Queen of Spades to cross the line between the real and the other worlds. Do not also forget that the evil witch is afraid of the light. Therefore, if the lights in the room are quickly turned on, she will lose her power and she will have to leave.

Call Consequences

Despite the fact that rites of this kind are regarded as entertainment, do not underestimate them, because sometimes even they can provoke a situation that will have Negative consequences. We must not forget that a mirror is a kind of portal between two parallel worlds, and if you open it, then there is no certainty that, along with the Queen of Spades, some other spirit will not come to visit you, which you will not be able to expel.

Calling a character should only be for those who believe in him and want to ask really important things. Otherwise, the witch may get angry and deal a serious blow to the fortuneteller.

Every person in childhood must have heard about the Queen of Spades - a mystical woman appearing from a mirror. Many horror stories are associated with it, sometimes ending in the death of the callers. Who is she really - a figment of a sick imagination or a real inhabitant of the other world, and how to call the Queen of Spades?

Traditionally, the Queen of Spades personifies a witch, a woman who brings only misfortune. Someone's imagination combined these ideas with the map included in playing deck. And so a new, mysterious image appeared. It is known in magic that if you believe in something, this something may well materialize. So it's safe to assume that the Queen of Spades is real.

Many call the Queen of Spades to answer questions or grant wishes. Before deciding on this, think about whether the game is worth the candle. Playing with the other world can be very dangerous for your life. Don't do it for fun. If you decide, here are a few ways.

Method 1

This method is used to fulfill wishes. The ritual must begin so that at ten minutes to twelve you have everything ready. Go into the darkest room in your house. Put up a mirror and smear it with soap. Light a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Carefully hide your hair under a scarf or put on a headdress so that not a single strand of hair sticks out, if you don’t, then you risk best case stay hairless. Take the Queen of Spades card in your hands and bring it to the mirror so that its image is reflected. Look in the mirror and wait until the figures appear. If you see white triangles, then the Queen of Spades is in good location spirit, and you can safely make wishes. If you see something else, then this means that the Queen of Spades is in bad mood and misfortune awaits you.

Method 2

This option is good for getting answers to your questions. It is somewhat similar to the first method. The time of the ritual does not play any role, the main thing is that the room is very dark, and the light does not penetrate the room. Light a candle, take a mirror in your left hand, the Queen of Spades in your right card and move the card along the edges of the mirror so that the image of the Lady is reflected in the mirror. At the same time say: “Queen of Spades, appear.”

The Queen of Spades will come out from the edge of the mirror to the middle. The appearance of the Lady is very attractive, in no case do not tell her that she is beautiful, but on the contrary that she is ugly. Periodically mother her and say nasty things, ask questions at the same time, the voice should be calm. When you get answers to all your questions, turn on or let in the daylight, the Lady is afraid of the light and will immediately leave.

Method 3

The ritual is performed in midsummer night. Open the window and sit next to it. Take a deck of cards, draw the Queen of Spades from the deck and place it on the windowsill. With the rest of the deck, lay out the cards for fate, if you don’t know how, just shuffle the cards. At 12 o'clock at night, turn to the Lady: "Queen of Spades, I'm talking to you, answer my questions." After that, the Queen of Spades card should fall from the windowsill to the ground. At the place where the card fell, the shadow of a woman will appear. After that, ask her any questions, she will answer in a human voice. When the questions are over, keep talking, sing songs or read poetry, do not stop for a minute, until dawn. Then the shadow will disappear. Then go and take the card back into the deck, if you don't, it will come to next night and then you're in trouble.

Method 4

At midnight, you must retire to a room alone. Take a mirror and draw a ladder on it with red lipstick. At the top, the stairs should end with a door. Say the words of such a conspiracy three times: "Queen of Spades, come." The arrival of the otherworldly guest is usually accompanied by the sound of heels, laughter, and steps. Also in the mirror you can see a moving image. Urgently erase the ladder after this!

Method 5

Well perfumed with perfume (toilet water), go outside. Get in front of apartment building, and look into the dark windows of the third floor. Say these words: "Queen of Spades, appear ...".

Call mystical creatures from the other world - a terrible force. Everyone pursues their goals and tries to find an assistant from outside. Such mystical things include calling the Queen of Spades at home. Before starting, you should carefully study all the details and possible consequences meeting with a witch.

Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she do?

This is of course playing card which gained notoriety more than other cards. Someone considers her a performer of "black desires", while someone simply calls her to touch dark power or experience new sensations.

The Queen of Spades is identified with a demon or witch of great power. When fortune telling on cards, it is she who means worst enemies or dangerous people. It is this card that is used to impose damage or other villainous things, that is, it is the same demon that realizes all evil intentions.

Does it really exist? Someone believes in it, and someone does not, but it does not matter. For her, such questions do not matter, and everyone decides for himself to believe or not.

History of appearance: truth or fiction?

It is not known for certain whether the Queen of Spades was originally evil or good.. According to legend, she comes from the country of Spades, which was in the Card Empire, where, in addition to Spades, there were three more countries according to suits.

For a long time all countries peacefully coexisted. However, the citizens of the Red and Spade countries had a personal dislike for each other and constantly created conflicts, which eventually turned into a full-fledged war, although their sovereigns were very friendly with each other.

As a result, all 4 countries intervened in the war, but no one could win and peace was concluded. However, this did not save peak and red people from mutual hatred. According to tradition, the Queen of Spades was obliged to marry the Jack of Spades, but she fell in love with Chervonny, and he. He, in turn, was obliged to marry the Lady of his suit and decided to persuade her to kill her rival.

The Queen of Spades was forced to agree and had already come to the enemy palace at night, but suddenly found out that she had been tricked around her finger, and a wedding was planned between the Jack of Hearts and the Lady. She was caught and locked up in a dungeon.

Since then, it is believed that the Queen of Spades has become evil, who hates lovers. She wanders everywhere and brings evil. She sees a traitor in a man, and a rival in a woman and will gladly help punish any couple in love.

If you call her, what will happen?

There are several ways to summon this evil spirit:

  1. You need to take a new deck of cards and get the Queen of Spades. After midnight, you need to stand in front of a mirror with a map and turn off the light. The card is torn into small pieces and the spell is pronounced three times: "Queen of Spades, show yourself." After a while, a silhouette can be seen in the mirror - he will pull his arms forward in an attempt to strangle the caller. After what you see, you need to turn on the light and throw a sheet over the mirror.
  2. After midnight, you need to lock yourself in the bathroom and rub the mirror with soap. Then turn off the light and put a candle in front of the mirror, and next to it is the Queen of Spades card so that it is reflected with the front side. Any headdress should be worn on the head to completely hide the hair.

    If at least one strand is outside, then the evil spirit will grab it and drag it into another world. Then, as soon as the time passes after midnight, you need to cast the spell three times: “Queen of Spades, show yourself”. Soon images will appear in the mirror. If they are light, the witch is in a good mood and she will help you, but if they are black, you need to quickly turn on the light and leave the bathroom.

    For the ritual, you will need a black thread and a chair. The thread is wrapped around the legs of the chair and tied into a knot. A card is placed face down on a chair. After midnight, you need to turn off the light and say three times the cherished words: "Queen of Spades, show yourself." After that, you need to quickly leave and close the door.

    After half an hour, you can return and turn on the light. If she came, then things will be scattered, and small black footprints will probably be visible on the floor - the evil spirit was looking for the caller.


Summoning this demon from the other world is actually dangerous, although if the ritual is performed correctly and quickly respond to the aggressive reaction of the Queen of Spades, then harm can be avoided. Strange sensations may appear as if the caller is being strangled or even beaten - in this case you need to quickly turn on the light and cover the mirror.

In addition, it serves as a kind of portal between the worlds, through which other, unknown spirits and demons penetrate, whose action is completely unpredictable. However, they leave with the Queen of Spades if nothing stops them.

The ritual should only be performed if the caller believes in the Queen of Spades and is not afraid to do so, otherwise she will get angry and may cause harm. Anyone who still decides must strictly observe all the rules without violating a single point. The Queen of Spades can be asked to do something, and if she is in good mood or the caller she likes, the request will be fulfilled. But it is better to weigh all the possible risks before doing this.