Kamil Khazrat Samigullin spoke in Ufa about the experience of the Duma of the Republic of Tatarstan in developing the Muslim education system. Sunnah of Eid Prayer. The procedure for performing holiday prayers

New article: Muslim prayer for Eid al-Fitr on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

On July 5, Russia will celebrate Eid al-Adha. How to spend the holiday correctly and what needs to be done before the holiday prayer - in the material of the Info-Islam news agency.

Actions before Eid prayer

The main Eid al-Fitr celebrations, of course, take place in the morning at the mosque. After morning prayer people gather to listen to the imam's sermon and read a special prayer. But what must you do before coming to the mosque? Based on the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, and from his actions, the following must be done:

  1. Take a swim. Must be done ritual ablution ghusl The basis of ghusl is three main actions: a) rinsing the mouth; b) rinsing the nose; c) washing the whole body with water. The water should touch the entire body. If you want to receive more rewards from the Almighty, then you need to perform ghusl with all the actions that fall into the category of the sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
  2. Use miswak. You can use both the miswak itself and various toothpastes and brushes, the most main goal achieving oral cleanliness and odor removal.
  3. Use incense. Only men can use incense in public, but women can only use incense on their husbands.
  4. Wear your best clothes. According to tradition, it must be new or the cleanest.
  5. Go to prayer early. It is advisable to listen to the reading of the Koran, then listen to the festive vagaz - sermon and perform the festive prayer, after which the khutbah is read in Arabic.
  6. Before going to the mosque, it is advisable to eat something sweet. It will be good to eat an odd number of dates, as the Prophet Muhammad did, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him.
  7. On the way to the mosque, takbirs are usually said, that is, the words “Allahu akbar,” which translated means “Allah is Great.”

Sadaqah al-Fitr - something to remember before Eid prayer!

Before the holiday, Muslims think about sadaqah-fitr, or zakat al-fitr, which every Muslim pays at the command of the Lord.

Abdullah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, said: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, made it obligatory on Muslims to purify zakat al-fitr from the filth of idle talk and obscenity for those who fast, and also as food for the poor. And who paid it before holiday prayer, his zakat is accepted, and whoever did it after the holiday prayer, then it will be ordinary alms, and not zakat al-fitr” - reported by Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah.

Sadaqah of Breaking the Fast is intended for the same categories as regular Zakat, in in this case you should be guided by the 60th verse from the sura “Repentance”. At the same time, first of all, the recipients are still the poor and needy. Since in the hadith transmitted by Abu Dawud and cited first in this article, we understand that sadaqah al-fitr serves for a person, firstly, as cleansing for the fasting person from the defilement of idle talk and obscenity, and secondly, as food for the poor.

Let us note that from the point of view of the Hanafi madhhab, “sadaka al-fitr” is obligatory (wajib) for every Muslim man and woman, and even for those who do not have their own income. This year, the amount of sadaqah fitr - zakat al-fitr this year is set at 100 rubles, and for those who have the opportunity to pay Zakat (rich people) - 600 rubles. The amounts of these alms are established according to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, and based on the cost of wheat flour, dates and raisins.

The most important thing is that alms must be given before the Eid prayer.

How to spend Eid al-Adha at home?

It is also advisable to create a festive atmosphere at home. Therefore, mostly men go to the mosque for holiday prayer. At this time, women prepare food at home. Children should feel that today is a holiday, so according to tradition, tables are richly set, relatives and friends are invited to visit, and children are presented with generous gifts. Eid al-Fitr is the holiday of breaking the fast. Therefore, on this day, colorfully set tables should emphasize the meaning of the holiday.

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The Moscow Cathedral Mosque, the Main Mosque of Russia, will host a festive prayer on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr

Dear brothers and sisters!

Moscow Cathedral Mosque (metro Prospect Mira, Vypolzov Lane, 7). The prayer hall opens at 3:30 am. The holiday prayer starts at 07:00

The Moscow government provides two special sites for performing Eid al-Adha prayers.

1. Tent next to the Izumrudny sports and recreation center, Buninskaya Alleya metro station, Yuzhnoye Butovo district (Yuzhnobutovskaya st., no. 96). The prayer is organized by MROM “Mercy” starting at 07:00

2. Park “60th Anniversary of October Revolution” central entrance of Kolomenskaya metro station (Andropov Avenue 11k2) The prayer is organized by the MROM “Kyausar”, the prayer begins at 6:30

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Moscow Region, together with the Government of the Moscow Region, is organizing 37 sites for performing the Eid al-Fitr holiday prayer beginning at 07:00 am.

Excursions in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque

Banquet hall and restaurant “Hayat”

Official website of the Council of Muftis of Russia

The site operates under financial assistance Non-profit charitable foundation “Foundation for Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education”

Muslim prayer for Eid al-Adha

Spiritual Council of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Mukhtasibats of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Belarus

Muslim education in the Republic of Belarus

Muslim holidays


Our Motherland Bashkortostan

Muslim holidays / Eid al-Adha

Eid al-fitr and zakat al-fitr

For every believer, a holiday is participation in the common joy of fellow believers and a good opportunity to replenish spiritual experience.

  • Day of Salvation of Muslims from Hell
  • Reward Day
  • Day of Muslims shaking hands with angels (Malaikas).

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When the holiday prayer was completed, one of the angels said: “Let everyone know that the Lord has forgiven you. So return to your homes with joy. Today is reward day. And this too is proclaimed in heaven."

  • Day of reconciliation of people who are offended by each other.
  • Visiting Elders Day, a day on which the faces of orphans, disadvantaged, lonely people, widows and children are given and made happy and bright.
  • Day of Muslims treating each other.

On this day, 1.5 billion Muslims, regardless of their language, skin color and place of residence, rejoice with the angels.

  • get out of bed early
  • perform complete body ablution (ghusl)
  • cut your nails
  • wear the best and most beautiful clothes
  • brush your teeth with miswak
  • scent yourself with incense
  • put a silver ring on your finger
  • have breakfast before Eid prayer, eating something sweet
  • greet Muslims
  • show joy and cheerfulness
  • go to visit
  • congratulate believers on the holiday, wishing them that Allah will accept their fast
  • visit the cemetery, graves of loved ones
  • give alms
  • invite relatives, friends and acquaintances to your home.

Eid al-Fitr occurs on the first day of the month of Shawwal, however, the second and third days of this month are also holidays.

The head of the family pays this alms (if he is the owner of the property) for all family members under his care, including children born before dawn on the first day of Eid al-Fitr. The traveler (musafir) is also obliged to pay sadaqat ul-fitr. Fitr is paid from the property of orphans and incapacitated children by their trustees. If the trustees do not do this, then the wards - the first after reaching the age of majority, and the second after recovery - will themselves have to deduct fitr for all the past years.

Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Holiday prayer in Islam: how is it read?

Theologians express different points of view regarding the status of holiday prayers on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Thus, within the framework of the Hanafi madhhab, the performance of holiday prayer by adult and capable men is regarded as mandatory action(wajib). This obligation does not apply to other categories of believers (women, minors, physically or mentally ill people, travelers).

Shafi'ites and Malikis consider the holiday prayer (salatu-id) to be the sunnah of muakkadah (strengthened sunnah), that is, the action that the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.w.) never missed.

Hanbali theologians define this prayer as a social obligation. Their interpretation is very close to the Hanafi madhhab. However, it would be wrong to build largely artificial differences between madhhabs on the issue of the importance of this prayer. Content-wise, they all occupy a very close position.

The time for prayers associated with the holidays of breaking the fast and sacrifice occurs after the sun rises at the level of one spear (30 minutes after sunrise). These prayers can be read before the sun reaches its zenith. People who are late for the collective performance of Eid prayer are not obliged to make up for it. This situation is typical for the Hanafi madhhab, while representatives of the other three theological and legal schools make up for the omission of this prayer.

Sunnah of Eid Prayer

It is also necessary to highlight those actions that the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) regularly performed before the holiday prayer. Before going to the mosque, he always performed a complete ablution (ghusl), brushed his teeth, used fragrances and put on his most beautiful outfit. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), when the Day of Breaking the Fast was celebrated, ate something at home before going on the road. However, he did not practice this action before the Feast of Sacrifice, because it was expected that the Prophet (s.a.w.), like all other Muslims, would taste the meat of the sacrificial animal immediately after the prayer.

During the month of Ramadan, the payment of sadaqah fitr is also practiced, through which the believer rids his fast of possible minor sins. Muhammad (s.g.v.) sought to donate fitr before the start of the holiday prayer on Eid al-Fitr, to which he also called his fellow believers. In addition, in the collection of his sayings collected by Imam al-Bukhari, one can find a story about how he went to Eid prayer one way, but preferred to return from the mosque by a different route. There is a rationale behind this action: by going different routes, he could see and greet more Muslims. Also, during the trip to the mosque, the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.) made short pauses to pronounce takbir and words of praise to the Lord of the worlds. If before the holiday of Eid al-Adha he said these words loudly, then before the festive prayer on Eid al-Fitr he preferred to do it not out loud.

The procedure for performing holiday prayers

This prayer consists of two rak'ahs. At the very beginning, the person praying silently pronounces the intention (niyat) to perform namaz. Then he, following the imam, raises his hands and says takbir tahrim. After reading the prayer of the priest (its text is given Here) , the believer says several takbirs, the number of which depends on the madhhab (which will be discussed below), then reads Surah “Fatiha”, additional Koranic verses, makes a belt and prostration and gets up on the 2nd rakah. Hanafis continue their prayers as usual until the moment when they need to leave. bow from the waist. Before this action, they recite additional takbirs, and then complete the prayer as it usually happens. Malikis, Shafi'is and Hanbalis adhere to a slightly different order in the second rak'ah - they say additional takbirs immediately after leaving the state of prostration within the first rak'ah.

The procedure for performing holiday prayer in all madhhabs is approximately the same, however, the number of takbirs that must be pronounced varies depending on theological and legal schools. Hanafis It is believed that the holiday prayer contains 6 additional takbirs: the first three in the 1st rak'ah after dua-sana and in the 2nd rak'ah - before a person makes a bow.

U Malikis And Hanbalis 11 takbirs must be pronounced. The first six prayers are said after dua-san in the first rak'ah, the next five - after leaving the state of prostration of the first rak'ah, that is, before the imam begins to read suras from the Holy Quran.

Theologians- Shafi'is It is believed that the holiday prayer contains 12 additional rak'ahs: 7 are said in the first rak'ah after duasana, 5 in the second rak'ah before the imam reads the surah in qiyam (standing).

You can read about how Muslims should spend Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram in the article dedicated to these holidays.


Every Muslim family looks forward to one of the the most important holidays Islam. June 25, 2017 will end at sunset sacred post Ramadan and the holiday of breaking the fast will begin, which is called Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr.

Eid al-Fitr in 2017 will last from the evening of Sunday, June 25th to the evening of Monday, June 26th. On this day, devout Muslims around the world joyfully congratulate each other with the words: “Eid Mubarak!” (blessed holiday!). In most Muslim countries, the day of Eid al-Adha is considered a day off and work is prohibited.

Before the onset of the holiday and throughout Uraza Bayram itself, obligatory donations are collected, which subsequently go to the poor. The ritual of giving alms is one of the foundations of the Muslim faith. In addition, every Muslim on this day performs ablution, dresses in festive clothes and visits the mosque for general prayer. Only once a year in all mosques around the world a special prayer is read - Eid prayer.

Eid al-Fitr is a family holiday. On this bright day for Muslims, all relatives try to get together and not go anywhere, since it is believed that the souls of the dead on this day return to their homes. On this day, gifts are given, neighbors treat each other. In the morning, before prayer, Muslims perform purification rituals (taharat). This is not only sanitary and hygienic cleanliness and external neatness, but also purity of thoughts.” It is imperative to remember all deceased relatives, go to their graves, and read prayers. Families who have lost loved ones this year organize a day of remembrance of their souls with the invitation of relatives, loved ones, neighbors and mullahs.

Prayer on the holiday of Uraza Bayram

The special prayer of Id-namaz for Muslims begins at sunrise and lasts until the lunch adhan. In the event that a Muslim believer for some reason was unable to perform Eid prayer on time, it is allowed to slightly delay the time of prayer, but only until the sun rises in height to the size of a standing bayonet. This is what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did. This is the essence of the fact that on a holiday it is advisable to give obligatory alms - zakat-sah (fitr sadaqah). And this must be done before performing the holiday prayer. Thus, this “transfer” increases the time for the distribution of alms - zakat. Usually believers give alms, donations to the poor, needy people, travelers, etc. This ritual is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Uraza Bayram 2017 in Moscow

The celebration of Eid al-Fitr 2017 in Moscow is expected to attract about 300,000 people. The main celebration will traditionally take place on June 26, 2017 at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. On this day, the President will congratulate all Muslims of Russia Russian Federation and will be greeted by the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia.

In addition to the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, prayers on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr will be held at 37 sites in Moscow and the Moscow region. Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated especially widely in Noginsk, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Shchelkovo, Solnechnogorsk, Yakhroma, Mytishchi, Podolsk - where there are large Muslim communities.

  • Memorial Mosque "Shuhada" on Poklonnaya Hill: metro station "Victory Park", st. Minskaya, 2B. Eid prayer starts at 6:30
  • Moscow Cathedral Mosque: metro station "Prospekt Mira", Vypolzov lane, 7. Beginning at 07.00
  • Historical mosque: metro station "Novokuznetskaya", st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 28, building 1, 2. Starts at 09.00
  • Muslim community "Mercy": m. “Buninskaya Alleya”, st. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 96, Izumrudny sports and recreation center. Starts at 07.00
  • M Muslim community "Kyausar": metro station "Kolomenskaya", Nagatinskaya floodplain, 60th Anniversary of October Park (central entrance). Starts at 06.30

Uraza Bayram 2017 in Kazan

In the capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, the main celebrations in honor of the holiday of Uraza Bayram will be held in the Galievsky Mosque with the participation of the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin.

  • At 03.30 the mufti will traditionally begin to read the sermon.
  • Gayet prayer will take place at 04.00.
  • At 04.05 – khutbah (Muslim holiday sermon).

In the regions of the Republic of Tatarstan, the holiday prayer will be read 30 minutes after sunrise.

Uraza Bayram 2017 in St. Petersburg

The festive service in St. Petersburg mosques will take place on June 25, Sunday, at 07:00 am.

  • St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque.
  • Memorial mosque named after Mufti Zhafyar-Hazrat Ponchaev.
  • Prayer room “Sennaya”.

Morning prayer: Azan - 02 hours 40 minutes, Namaz - 03 hours 10 minutes.

Festive service: Reading of the Koran - 07 hours 00 minutes, Festive sermon 07 hours 15 minutes, Festive prayer 07 hours 40 minutes.

Audio version of this article:

Zakatul-fitr And sadakatul-fitr- This different names one mandatory type zakat, which is paid in the month of Ramadan immediately after its end.

Zakatul-fitr- a tax on breaking the fast, paid by each family member before the start of the holiday of breaking the fast (‘Idul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha), or more precisely, before the holiday prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and disadvantaged Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities.

This type of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijri.

Ibn ‘Umar reported: “The Messenger of the Almighty made zakatul-fitr obligatory. This alms tax is equal to 1 sa‘ of dates or 1 sa‘ of barley. This is a must for absolutely everyone. For both men and women; for both children and Muslim adults. [On behalf of the children it is paid by their parents.] The Prophet ordered us to pay it before the Eid prayer."

« Sa'", mentioned in the hadith, is a measure of bulk solids equal to 3261.5 g, according to scholars of the Hanafi madhhab, and - 2172 g, according to other Muslim scholars. The discrepancy in this issue arose as a result of the fact that in different areas measuring vessels of different volumes were used when selling bulk materials.

The essence and meaning of zakatul-fitr are set out in the following hadith narrated by Ibn 'Abbas: “The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it obligatory to pay zakatul-fitr to cleanse the fasting person from unnecessary words spoken by him and rudeness, and also to serve as a source of nutrition for the poor [support, help for them]. If a person fulfills this obligation [manages to transfer, pay this alms] before the holiday prayer, then this is zakat accepted from him [one of the types of obligatory alms, which, by the will of the Almighty, will be accepted by Him]. If he fulfills this duty after prayer, then this is alms from among the alms.”

Who pays

Due to the lack of a clear narrative about this in the hadith texts, Islamic theologians have expressed two opinions.

First. Whoever has food and everything vital for himself and his family on the holiday and at the same time still has the opportunity to pay (or transfer food) zakatul-fitr, he is obliged to do this. This is what most scientists thought.

Second. The person must be one of those who pay the annual obligatory zakat, which represents one of the five pillars of religious practice. If a believer is such, then he pays this alms from himself and everyone who is under his material care. This is what Hanafi theologians thought, drawing an analogy between zakatul-fitr and the annual obligatory zakat.

Who gets

Islamic scholars are unanimous that zakatul fitr is paid in the same eight areas in which the annual zakat is paid. Typically, believers donate their Zakatul Fitr to local mosques. It is important to note that this form of alms cannot be given to people who are far from the concepts of faith.

“Verily, charity (zakat) belongs [to]:

The poor [who do not have nisab, that is, who are not among those who are obliged to pay zakat];

To the poor [poor and disadvantaged];

Those who collect and distribute zakat;

For those who are close to faith or are still weak in their religiosity;

To ransom and free slaves;

To pay the debts of those who are unable to pay them;

On the path of the Lord (fi sabil-lyah);

To travelers [who find themselves in a difficult situation].

This is obligatory for you, the Lord is All-Knowing and Infinitely Wise” ().

Payment terms

It is possible to pay zakatul fitr from the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This was the opinion of a significant part of Islamic theologians, including scholars of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs.

It would be more appropriate to pay (or transfer food) a day or two before the holiday of the end of fasting (‘Idul-fitr).

The most correct thing would be to pay zakatul-fitr between sunset on the last day of fasting and until the morning, before the start of the holiday prayer.

If the believer did not have time to do this before the holiday prayer, then the obligation still remains. It is highly desirable that this obligation be fulfilled on the first holiday. According to all scholars, leaving this until a later time is sinful.

Cash equivalent of one sa' zakatul-fitr

In 2019, the size of fitr sadaq is:

150 rub.- for the poor;

350 rub.- for families with average income;

500 rub.- for families with high incomes.

Here it will be useful to quote the words of the modern theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi: “ This form Zakat (Zakatul-Fitr) has a certain amount established by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - one sa‘. And it seems to me that the wisdom of this is this.

(1) In those days, money was rare [commodity exchange was common. - Sh. A.], especially among those who lived in the desert, far from cities. And the most common form of payment was what was grown, such as dates, barley, etc.

(2) The cost and value of certain monetary units and currencies often change, and sometimes they go out of use altogether. Therefore, when in the month of Ramadan they announce the amount of zakatul-fitr this year in monetary units of a particular Arab state, it is not surprising that this figure may differ from last year.

It is precisely through the measure of bulk solids - sa‘ - (translating it into known units of weight) that one can obtain the quantity of products or cash, which will be quite enough to feed one family.

Islamic scholars have said that the form of payment of zakatul-fitr is not limited to the products mentioned in the hadith (dates, barley, wheat or raisins), but is determined by those products that are most common in the area. Scholars of the Hanafi madhhab also spoke about the possibility of paying zakatul-fitr in monetary terms.

If the person paying this form of obligatory charity is wealthy enough, then it is better to give more than one sa'."

In many countries, including Arab countries, where religious practice is dominated by the madhhab of Imam al-Shafi'i, the amount of zakatul-fitr in monetary units is determined at the state or local level, the equivalent of which is announced to people in advance in mosques and through the media. Believers subsequently take the zakatul-fitr to the mosque or independently donate it to those in need. There is also a practice when the monetary equivalent is transferred to special ministries and departments that implement these funds for the needs and aspirations of the poor and orphans in the form that is most useful and necessary for them.

“The tax of breaking the fast is the final condition for the Almighty to accept the observed fast. It is paid for the benefit of poor and underprivileged Muslims.” I live in a small provincial Russian town where there are not many Muslims. Will it be right if I help poor people of a different religion? Narmin.

When you intend to pay this obligatory charity, find the poor, the poor among the Muslims. Since they exist and there are many of them, such implementation of this alms remains a priority.

See: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 14 vols. T. 3. P. 430–441; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 2035–2050, etc.

See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 233.

The most important thing is that the head of the family pays for his wife and small children. If the wife wants to pay zakatul-fitr independently from her savings, then this is possible. As for other relatives, everything is determined according to the situation and agreement. For more details, see: Majduddin A. Al-ikhtiyar li ta'lil al-mukhtar. In 1 volume, 5 hours. Istanbul: Chagre, 1980. Part 1. P. 123; al-Shirazi I. Al-muhazzab. In 3 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1995. Vol. 1. P. 302.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, etc. See: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 14 vol. T. 3. P. 430, hadith No. 1503, and also see hadiths No. 1508, 1510.

See: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 3 vols. T. 1. P. 336, 337. Also see: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 2044, 2045.

Zakat of breaking the fast is a feature of the community of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This type of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijra, two days before the Feast of Breaking the Fast, in the same year in which Allah Almighty prescribed the fasting of the month of Ramadan. A day or two before breaking the fast, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered a sermon in which he said: “Pay saa(a measure of bulk solids equal to 2 kg 400 g) wheat or saa dates, or barley for each free or slave, both small and adult.”

One of the wisdom hidden in the payment of zakatul-fitr is that thanks to this, Allah Almighty forgives shortcomings in observing fasting. The hadith says:

شهر رمضان معلق بين السماء والأرض ولا يرفع إلى الله إلا بزكاة الفطر

“The fast of Ramadan will be between the earth and the heavens, and only after paying zakat-ul-fitr will the fast be ascended to heaven” (“Jamiulahadīs” No. 13439), i.e., zakat-ul-fitr contributes to the acceptance of our fast.

Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:

عن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال: "فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة الفطر صاعاً من تمر أو صاعاً من شعير على العبد والحر والذكر والأنثى والصغير والكبير من المسلمين وأمر بها أن تؤدى قبل خروج الناس إلى الصلاة".

“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered to pay alms for breaking the fast after the fast of Ramadan in the form of saa dates or saa barley for slave and free, for man and woman, for adult and child from Muslims” (“Sahih al-Bukhari” No. 1503 “Sahikhal” -Muslim" No. 984).

A non-believer is also obliged to pay zakatul-fitr, but not for himself, but for his Muslim relatives who are dependent on him.

Anyone who does not have the means to feed himself and his dependents for more than the Eid night and Eid day is considered poor and is not obliged to pay zakatul-fitr, unlike the one who has a surplus after the Eid night and Eid day. holiday. Any property that can be sold to pay zakatul fitr is considered surplus, with the exception of a house – you are not obligated to sell it. Having debt is not an obstacle to paying Zakatul Fitr. Anyone who is obligated to give zakatul fitr for himself is obligated to give it for those who are dependent on him. However, a Muslim cannot give zakat for his slave, close relative, wife, if they are not Muslims, although they are his dependent. A son is not required to pay zakatul fitr for his stepmother.

If the head of the family does not have sufficient funds to pay zakatul fitr for all family members, then first of all he will pay for himself, then for his wife, then for his minor child, then for the father, then for the mother, then for his adult child .

Zakatul-fitr is paid from those agricultural crops on which zakat is levied: wheat, rice, corn, dates, grapes, etc. You can also give cheese and milk as zakatul-fitr, but only those who have this as their main food product can give zakat from them. A Muslim is obliged to give zakatul fitr from the food that the majority of the inhabitants of his locality eat. If in locality There are several basic food products - you can donate from any of them.

According to the madhhab of Imam Shafii (may Allah be pleased with him) Zakatul-fitr must be paid in grain. The grain must be whole and of good quality.

A father is allowed to give zakatul fitr for his imperfect child, even without his consent.

When paying zakat, it is necessary to make a corresponding intention, for example: “I intend to pay the obligatory zakat-ul-fitr for myself.” The guardian also needs to make an intention when paying zakat on the property of a minor child and a mentally ill person. The wakil, i.e., the authorized person, does not have to make an intention during the distribution of zakat if the authorizing person, i.e., the owner, made the intention when giving him his zakat.

It is obligatory to make an intention with the heart, and pronouncing the intention out loud is desirable.

To whom is the payment of Zakatul-Fitr obligated?

The payment of zakatul-fitrah is obligatory on a free Muslim who has food for the day and night of the Feast of Breaking the Fast for himself and those whom he is obliged to support. Also, the payment of Zakatul Fitra is obligatory for an infidel if those whom he is obliged to support are Muslims.

If the husband is poor and the wife is wealthy, then she is not obliged to pay zakat either for him or for herself, but, nevertheless, it is desirable for her to pay it, and this will be considered her desired alms. If the husband is far away and the wife is left without food, then she can borrow something in her husband’s name for food, but first she should contact the imam so that he notifies her husband about her situation and the need to support her family . If a divorced (three-times) wife is pregnant, ex-husband obligated to pay zakat for her.

The same eight categories of people who receive Zakat from property receive Zakatul Fitr.

The scholars of the madhhab of Imam Shafii (may Allah be pleased with him) Ibnu Munzir, Raviani, Sheikh Abu Ishak Shirazi say that it can be distributed to three poor people and not necessarily to all categories.

Rafii said that it can be given to one person.

Alms size for breaking the fast

Zakatul-fitr is paid by the type of grain that is consumed most in a given area, in the amount of one sakh per person. This could be wheat, barley, corn, rice, peas, millet, lentils, dates, raisins, etc. If barley is consumed somewhere, it would be better if they paid in wheat.

Zakatul-fitr for the deceased

If someone dies after sunset on the last day of Ramadan, zakatul-fitr is paid, but if he dies before sunset, it is not paid. A child born on the last day of Ramadan is also paid if he remains alive before sunset.

Sach is 2 kg. 400 grams, and for accuracy it is better to pay 2.5 kilograms. According to the madhhab of Imam Shafii (may Allah be pleased with him), it is impossible to pay in cash. When it is difficult to pay in grain, following Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him), the Shafi'i is allowed to pay in money in the amount of 1 sakh, but it should be taken into account that according to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him) it is enough to give half of the sakh if paid in wheat or raisins i.e. approximately 1700-2000 grams.

Time to pay zakatul fitr

Muslim jurists agree that the time for paying zakatul-fitr is the end of the month of Ramadan, and they only disagree on whether it should be sunset on the evening of breaking the fast or sunrise on the day of the holiday. But there is no doubt that best time this is before going out to pray.

Ibn Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

عن ابن عمر أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أمر بإخراج زكاة الفطر قبل خروج الناس إلى الصلاة

“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded us to pay the zakat of breaking the fast before people go out for prayer” (“Sahih al-Bukhari” No. 1407).

Zakatul-fitr is allowed to be paid at the beginning of Ramadan, without waiting until the end of the month. But you cannot pay it before the onset of Ramadan.

Postponing the payment of zakat after performing the Eid prayer is undesirable (makruh).

It is a sin (haram) to delay the payment of zakatul fitr until sunset on the day of breaking the fast without a reason. A Muslim has the right to delay paying zakatul fitr if his property is far away, or if the people who should receive zakat are far away.

Zakat must be distributed to those people who are in the paying area. If there are no people of those categories who can receive zakat, only then it is transferred to another place.

If zakat has not been paid at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, then it must be paid and distributed in the locality in which he is located at sunset on the last day of the month.

Zakat- this is the share of Allah Almighty in the property of a Muslim, the obligatory payment of part of the property to certain categories of people at certain times in accordance with established rules. Paying zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Allah Almighty said: « But they were ordered only to worship Allah, serving him sincerely, like the Hanifs, to perform prayer and pay zakat. This is the right faith."(Quran, al-Bayna, 5).

“Every day when the servants of Allah wake up, two angels descend from heaven. One of them says: “Lord, repay the one who sacrificed.” Another says: “Lord, destroy the one who is stingy” (Abu Hurayra).

Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq said: “I swear by Allah, I will definitely fight those who separate zakat from prayer!” One who recognizes the need for zakat, but does not pay it in full or in part, is a sinner, disobedient and deserves severe punishment.

Annual zakat - 2.5% of wealth exceeding nisab

Every Muslim whose property has reached a certain amount is required to pay zakat ( nisab of zakat). In 2016, the nisab was equal to 195,885 rubles (84.8 g of gold).

Payment amount sadaqah during the month of Ramadan in 2017:

- Fidya(atonement for each missed day of fasting) - 200 rubles.
- Nisab for payment of zakat – 198,000 rubles.
- Fitr- 100 rubles.

Traditionally, zakat was paid on four types of property: 1) gold, silver and paper money; 2) grains and fruits; 3) goods intended for trade; 4) livestock(camels and camels, bulls and cows, rams and sheep, goats and goats).

Nowadays, zakat is calculated on gold, silver, cash, investments, business and rental income, as well as goods intended for sale, shares, securities and bonds. Zakat is 2.5 percent of wealth exceeding the amount of nisab. Nisab, equal to the cost of 85 grams of gold (84.8 g) is minimum size state from which zakat must be paid.

Nisab of gold - 20 mithqals (i.e. 2.8125 troy ounces or 87.48 g); silver - 200 dirhams (i.e. 19.6875 troy ounces or 612.36 g). Nisab on goods, cash, etc. - the equivalent of something that is less in value (usually a nisab of silver). Zakat is 1/40 of the property, i.e. 2.5% (2.5 kopecks per ruble) annually (at the Central Bank rate)

When calculating zakat, assets and liabilities are taken into account: cash, money in a bank account, salvage value shares, goods and income from their sale in rubles, gold and silver at current prices, property used as an investment asset and other income. For convenience, we recommend using the zakat calculator - http://www.oramadane.ru/index/kalkuljator_zakjata/0-4

Zakat-ul-fitr - tax of breaking the fast

Zakat-ul-fitr(zakat al-fitr, sunset sa, sunset sahra, sadaqa-fitr, sadaqatul-fitr, zakatul-fitr, sadaqa al-fitr, sadakat al-fitr, fitra) are different names for one obligatory type of zakat that is paid in Ramadan . Fitr means breaking the fast or abstaining from fasting. This type of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijri.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “The fast is delayed between heaven and earth until fitrah is given.”

Wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr:

  • an important condition for the Almighty to accept fasting;
  • gratitude to Allah for giving me the strength to fast during Ramadan;
  • receiving all the benefits from fasting and rewards in the Hereafter;
  • cleansing the soul from attachment to worldly goods, stinginess, and many other vices;
  • education of the soul through generosity, compassion for those in need and care for them;
  • increasing one's wealth as Allah blesses it;
  • demonstrating the greatness of Eid al-Fitr;
  • the joy of the holiday for all Muslims, the unity of the faithful.

Zakat ul-Fitr - wajib for all Muslims (men, women, children) who on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr have nisab of zakat; for all those who fasted, as well as for those who, for one reason or another, did not fast.

Zakat-ul-fitr is paid in the same areas in which it is paid annual zakat. Typically, believers donate their Zakat-ul-Fitr to local mosques. Zakat-ul-fitr is not divided: each fitra is given to one person. You can give more than one alms to one poor person. This may be a certain amount of one of the following products: wheat - 1460 g; oats – 2920 g; raisins – 2920 g; dates - 2920. This type of alms can be paid in money, for example, in 2013: 100 rubles. for the poor; 200 rub. for people with average income; from 300 rub. for the wealthy. Islamic charitable foundations work with zakat: “Yardem” (Kazan), “Solidarity” (Moscow).

Rules of Zakat-ul-Fitr

  1. It is allowed to distribute fitrah in the month of Ramadan and even before Ramadan, but always before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. It is sinful to delay payment any longer.
  2. Fitra becomes wajib at the dawn of Eid al-Fitr. Fitrah will not be paid from the inheritance of one who dies before the dawn of the day of Eid.
  3. For children born on the day of Eid, fitrah is paid only if the child is born before dawn.
  4. The father must pay fitrah for all his minor children.
  5. Fitrah for a minor can be paid from his property, equal to nisab.
  6. Fitra for a wife is not wajib for a husband if the wife has nisab.
  7. Fitrah can only be given to those who can accept zakat.
  8. The distribution of fitrah must be controlled. If the fitrah collectors misuse your fitrah, the obligation of fitrah will not be removed from you.

Distribution Rules zakat

“Take donations from their property to purify and elevate them” (at-Tawbah, 103). It can only be distributed to those whom Allah willed.

Main recipients:

  1. poor people ( fakir), who do not have nisab, even if they are able to earn it themselves;
  2. have-nots ( miskin) – those who have nothing;
  3. those who are engaged in collecting and distributing zakat;
  4. newly converted to Islam - to increase their love for the religion of Allah;
  5. debtors whose debts exceed the value of their property;
  6. those who are on the path of Allah ( fi sabil-lyah): poor people wishing to perform the obligatory Hajj, and those who are on the path of acquiring knowledge;
  7. travelers who are left without funds, even if at home they have property greater than nisab (zakat for the journey home).

Order of distribution of zakat:

  1. siblings, then their children;
  2. uncle, aunt (paternal), uncle, aunt (maternal);
  3. other relatives;
  4. neighbours;
  5. the poor in their area;
  6. the poor people of their city.

Zakat is not paid:

  1. father and mother, grandfather and grandmother;
  2. son, daughter and all their descendants;
  3. having nisab;
  4. non-Muslims;
  5. to husband or wife;
  6. To the family and clan of the Prophet, peace and prosperity be upon him;
  7. children under seven years old;
  8. mentally ill.

Fidya - expiatory alms

“And those who are able to fast [but miss it due to incurable illness or old age] should feed the poor as atonement. And if anyone voluntarily does more, then so much the better for him" (Quran, 2: 184)

Fidya - This atonement for failure to fulfill a religious duty that a person cannot fulfill due to certain circumstances. Fidya-sadaka is a ransom, payment of an amount of funds determined by Sharia in exchange for the performance of compulsory religious service.

Muslims who, for objective reasons, could not temporarily observe the Ramadan fast must make up for the missed days of fasting or make a donation in favor of poor Muslims. If a Muslim, due to illness or old age, is unable to fast in the month of Ramadan, he is obliged to pay in return for each day of fasting fidyu, equal in size zakat al-fitr. The alms of atonement for each missed day of obligatory fasting is calculated taking into account the average daily cost of food for one needy Muslim.

On the rules for collecting zakat on property -