Brick factories and manufacturers of building bricks. Ivanovo silicate plant Basic technological processes

One of the oldest and most reliable partners of the Vector Group of Companies is the Ivanovo Silicate Plant, or as it is officially called, Ivsilikat LLC.

This enterprise is characterized serious attitude to fulfilling its obligations, a professional approach to cooperation and, most importantly, the impeccable quality of its products.

We offer our customers the best and most popular samples of products such as sand-lime bricks and gas silicate blocks

Ivsilikat LLC: a reliable industry veteran

The Ivanovo silicate plant is one of the country's oldest enterprises producing building materials. It was built in the early 30s of the 20th century, and to this day remains the only plant in the Ivanovo region for the production of gas silicate products and sand-lime bricks.

Currently production capacity The enterprise allows him to provide building materials not only to the entire region, but also to many neighboring regions.

Thus, the impeccable quality indicators of the plant’s silicate and gas silicate products are explained by the use of efficient equipment and high quality raw material base. As for the affordable cost, this parameter is associated with maximum optimization production process and close proximity to sources of raw materials. All this is complemented by qualified personnel and a developed dealer network, of which our company has become one of the representatives.

Products of the company "Ivsilikat" LLC

The main areas of production of the Ivanovo enterprise are gas silicate blocks of various strengths and sizes, as well as solid and hollow sand-lime brick single and one-and-a-half formats.

In this situation, the priority for our clients is the gas silicate blocks Ivsilicate.

The popularity of this product is explained by such important properties as:

  • High dimensional accuracy, achieved through production automation. This parameter, along with the light weight of the material, significantly simplifies the construction process and reduces the time spent on it.
  • Strength and Durability,
  • Frost resistance, minimal water absorption, high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. The combination of these indicators guarantees the creation of the most comfortable and favorable environment in the premises, and also allows you to significantly reduce the cost of air conditioning and heating.
  • Zero fire rate, providing the opportunity to purchase Ivsilicate aerated concrete blocks in bulk for the construction of facilities with a high degree of fire hazard.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

The product can be purchased at retail. We will be glad to see you at our trading platform at:
Chemburka village, Shosseynaya street 21 a, tel: 8-989-26-00-626

Another reason to buy from us- in addition to the factory price, favorable delivery and related products the same car -
discount card for further purchases: floor slabs, roofing, facing bricks and other materials. Will be delivered along with the order.

Silicate- this is an artificial stone correct form. An environmentally friendly building material formed from mineral raw materials (sand and lime), acquiring properties similar to stone under the influence of saturated water vapor and high pressure.

Brick made of silicate material is made by pressing a moistened mixture of siliceous materials (sand) and lime with and without pigments, followed by hardening under the influence of saturated steam in autoclaves.

Currently, such bricks in Russia are equal in importance to ceramic ones.

Sand-lime brick used along with ceramic for laying stone and reinforced stone external and internal structures in the above-ground part of buildings with normal and wet operating conditions in accordance with building codes and regulations.

The undoubted advantage of sand-lime brick are its correct geometric dimensions, as well as increased sound insulation characteristics, which is of no small importance in the construction of inter-apartment and interior wall enclosures.

Not allowed it should only be used for laying foundations and plinths of buildings below the waterproofing layer, exposed to soil and waste water. It should be noted that these restrictions also apply to semi-dry pressed ceramic bricks and hollow ceramic bricks. Also, such bricks are not used for laying stoves and pipes, because it cannot withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

Allowed to use for the walls of buildings with wet operating conditions (baths, laundries, steaming departments) using special measures to protect the walls from moisture. In these structures it is necessary to use bricks with increased frost resistance F50.

Brand of solid brick produced by Silikat OJSC, 150-200. Not all ceramic brick factories can boast of products with such high performance.

Sand-lime brick color:

Characteristics of sand-lime brick:

Sand-lime brick
Photo Type/Size Brand Quantity per pallet
Single hollow 250x120x65 M-125 / 150 420
Single solid 250x120x65 M-125 / 150 / 175 / 200 416 / 420
Thickened hollow 250x120x88 M-125 / 150 336
Thickened solid 250x120x88 M-125 / 150 / 175 / 200 320 / 336
Double hollow 250x120x138 M-100 / 125 / 150 196
Euro brick 250x88x65 M-125 / 150 / 175 / 200 600
Sand-lime brick (decorative)
Photo Type/Size Brand Quantity per pallet
Rusticated single 250x105x65 M-150 / 175 / 200 288
Rusticated thickened 250x105x88 M-150 / 175 / 200 216
Split single 250x60x65 M-150 / 175 / 200 576
Chipped thickened 250x60x88 M-150 / 175 / 200 480
Silicate stone for interior and apartment partitions
Photo Type/Size Brand Quantity per pallet
Hollow stone 500x88x250 M-100/125 72
Hollow stone 250x120x138 M-125 / 150 196
Hollow stone 250x175x250 M-100 / 150 80

Sand-lime brick belongs to the category of artificial building materials, that is, made from synthetic components. Silicate is the name given to the mixture from which this type of brick is made. It consists of lime and sand. Sand-lime brick is highly environmentally friendly, durable, excellent sound insulation, frost resistance, resistance to influence external environment. A wide range allows the use of sand-lime bricks for different types works and select it according to color scheme.