What is a serious relationship in a couple. Serious relationship - how is it? What does a serious relationship mean for men and women?

What's happened serious relationship? Dates, gifts, sex, trips? What can speak of a mature, partnership relationship? Psychologists have identified a number of signs by which one can judge emotional maturity and the intention to build a serious love relationship.

Ready for a serious relationship

A mature relationship is a willingness to accept a person with all the shortcomings, building common plans for the future, an inner determination to be only with this partner. The desire to enter into a long-term relationship with a single partner depends on the spiritual qualities of the couple. Is there a commonality of views, a desire to support a person in difficulties?

Confusion typical of adolescence, may be limited to the search for our sexual identity, which is necessary for the psychological, but can also cause irreparable damage if we do not live in a healthy and tolerant environment. Humans are not specialists in life, but we will transform what was a possible planet for the rest of the species to maintain balance on the battlefield, suffering from diseases and hardships that should not have existed.

The problems experienced by the bad in the realm of sentimental relationships range from setbacks that are overcome over time to unwanted pregnancies that end up ruining the lives of mothers and children. IN ideal world each person would be free to start a relationship whenever they want, with someone who will truly complement and respect.

For each person, the concept of "serious relationship" is different. Someone is looking for security, but for someone it is important to trust and sincerity between a man and a woman. Psychologists recommend asking yourself from time to time the question: “What do I expect from a relationship?”, “What should a person be like so that they can build a joint future with him?”.

If the couple has common jokes, interests, history, then the prognosis is favorable. If two people are interested in each other, then this strengthens the partnership. The desire to present one's half to parents, relatives, friends speaks of seriousness. The partner knows about the work of the other, his hobbies and difficult moments in life. When there is no desire to share personal things with a person, there is no trust and interest.

A healthy couple relationship can be very beneficial for the individual as it opens the door to a series of experiences that are impossible to live. While it is wrong to generalize, and it is true, that some people do not share their lives, others believe that from two to everything, everything is simpler, everything is more like it; Because last, therefore, your average orange is an invaluable gift.

They are in no way synonymous. These are the three types of relationships that establish different levels affection, intimacy and commitment. Although the couple's relationship, in its endless and explosive inequality, can never be pattern-corrected, there are some principles that young men and women know that must be taken into account so that no one walks away with a broken heart.

One of the main conditions for serious love affair- with a loved one comfortably, safely and calmly.

How to determine that we are in a serious relationship?

We are in a serious relationship if:

  1. There is affection and a desire to show, show, give emotional support to a loved one.
  2. Care. Partners worry about each other, take actions to ensure well-being. “You took an umbrella today, it’s raining outside”, “I bought you medicine, your problem worries me.”
  3. The ability to share experiences, thoughts, doubts with a loved one with the confidence that they will be accepted and heard.
  4. When thoughts about a partner arise, the phrase “we” comes to mind. The pronoun speaks of the desire to develop feelings, the recognition that "we" are already a couple.
  5. There is no desire to meet other people for the sake of relationships, sex and dates.
  6. The couple has respect and love.
  7. joint plans. Vacation, travel, weekend plans. The seriousness is indicated by joint planning, for example, marriage, children, meeting parents.

Serious relationship test

How to understand that the future awaits us with this partner? Try to answer a few questions.

We did a tour of several universities and shopping malls in the city and we spoke to 50 kids under 25 to tell us about how to take a couple relationship these days. Everyone agrees to point out that there are three types: wobble, connection, and relationship in earnest. The first two do not have the same emotional load or the same level of commitment as the third. This is the main difference that, according to the boys, should be considered before entering the adventure of flirting, those relationships that do not involve commitment.

Andrés, an economics student at the Catholic University of Guayaquil - who consulted like others preferred to keep his name in reserve - points out there's no need for hallway chivalry or romantic details in a flurry. Even previous friendships or that someone represents them. "It's just a physical affection between two people who love each other," says Gustavo, 22, who works in a photography lab. Gizella, Alicia and Ingrid are partners in the fourth year of commercial engineering at the University of Guayaquil.

  1. If a partner starts having financial difficulties, problems with work, will I be able to support him? Am I disappointed in him?
  2. My partner is ill and asks to come in after work. Will you be able to abandon your plans, make time for caring for the sick?
  3. Do I know the parents, friends, relatives of a loved one? Was it interesting for me to meet them?
  4. Do I know his favorite films, books, childhood stories, hobbies? I would like to know?
  5. I am interested with a partner, we have common goals and plans for life.
  6. I want a serious relationship?
  7. I feel comfortable with my partner, I feel safe with him.

If you managed to answer “yes” to all questions, then you can predict a serious relationship. Negative answers to some questions make you think. It is quite possible that there is no mutual understanding in the couple and it is too early to think about seriousness.

They consider it unfair that some people, especially adults, should censor hesitation, as they show that experience has shown them that true friendship can support with the boys with whom they used to hesitate. Several medical students from the same university claim to be experts on the subject, so they made up four rules for making this relationship work. Giulio, 19 and a member of this university group, argues that "anyone who wants to be at the ball should know these rules."

So what is a serious relationship? They are based on love, trust and respect. Each partner invests in the relationship, the couple looks to the future together.

Most relationships go through a testing phase where both partners are not sure that they have the same feelings for each other and that they evaluate the status of their relationship in the same way. This period is both joyful and emotionally difficult at the same time. You discover another person, you may fall in love with him, but still you are not completely sure whether this is a serious relationship or not.

The first rule, or commandment as they call it, is: "If the day after you hesitate, don't speak to you to even say hello, you shouldn't be offended, it's nothing personal." The second thing to remember - according to the explanation - is that if they hesitated before, they were friends, it is necessary to continue the friendship. "Let's keep it in a double key box and enjoy the moment," they say. The third "commandment" of these children is to get rid of trouble: when they have to imagine emptiness, there is no reason to complicate it, it is better to say that it is a friend.

However, there is a certain moment when you can relax and know that your relationship is real and there are no signs that it will suddenly end. This is the moment when you can feel much calmer. And although many things remain vague and uncertain, you generally understand where you and your partner are. That is, the relationship becomes serious.

The last rule is considered precautionary: "To get a good feeling, all lies are white," they say. On the second level “When two people are connected to each other, it means that they have a feeling that encourages them to be together,” explains Alexandra, a social communication student at the Catholic University of Guayaquil. Adrian, his companion, adds that the feeling that arises in the piers determines average level a commitment in which the details are not fundamental, but they help solidify the relationship. The dock can become a serious relationship over time, he says.

Of course, there are undeniable signs that the relationship is serious: you may be discussing the possibility of living together, and of course, there is no doubt that everything is serious when you are given a ring. But there are other, less obvious, signs that your relationship can be considered serious.

Declaration of love

If a partner confesses his love to you, your relationship becomes serious. If your partner confessed his love to you, and you are not yet ready to answer him in the same way, do not worry. Men tolerate it better than women.

In some cases, the swing may involve two participants and reach highest point in the mooring. The Bell Rings In a serious relationship, if there's no unpleasant event, you can achieve marriage, says Rachel, an economics student at Catholic University. Formal relationships are for those who have had a few flips and berths, says David, 21. Clara, the same age, thinks experience doesn't matter, but the willingness to be happy and make a couple happy. In a serious relationship, details with a couple are valuable, especially traditional ones like handing out flowers, your favorite artist's disc, writing romantic poetry, or simply "I love you" on any surface.

Expression of feelings in public

Body language is very important for understanding a partner's feelings. If your boyfriend kisses you on the forehead or hugs you around the waist, you know that he enjoys touching you, not only in bed. If he keeps his distance, your relationship can hardly be called serious.

Never underestimate the public expression of feelings. Relationships become serious when you and your partner feel free to express your feelings in front of other people. You already freely mention each other on social networks, post photos in which you are together, or mention each other in statuses. For those who don't like social media, there are other ways to let the world know that you are a couple, such as introducing each other as your boyfriend and girlfriend, holding hands and kissing each other in front of others.

Determining the type of relationship you have helps us to clearly understand the "rules" of the game

This enriches the relationship, and if both are valued, the time may come when wedding bells toll. In fact, the culture of relationships is changing. But when should we do it? How long should it take to formalize? Which of the two takes the first step? The answers to these questions will certainly not be the same as they were a few years ago. Circumstances change as needs change.

Research shows that people name things because it gives us a sense of security and belonging. A few years ago, this "dat" culture was completely different. For a boy to go out with the girl he loved, it would be months before he finally dared to get close. And, of course, when he did, his intention was not to "see what happens", but to have a serious relationship with her. Not now! Now we know each other, we go out, we treat ourselves like guys but we're not guys, we think if that's what we really want, maybe we go with someone else and then define a relationship that we have with this person.

Caring for each other

If your boyfriend is devoting his time and effort to making you happy, you may already know that this is leading to something. For example, your boyfriend gave you a piece of jewelry that you were looking for in online stores in his presence. But not only that.

When you take care of each other, you often do nice little things for each other, and it happens as if by itself. For example, by buying two tickets instead of one, or making sure your partner has lunch, you show that you want to be together and support each other. Even by asking your partner how their day went, you are giving them your attention.

Our generation is one that has a lot of respect for commitment, knows the responsibility that comes with a couple's commitment, so chooses not to accept it. But why is it necessary to define the relationships that we have? Since the definition gives us structure, it sets the "rules of the game".

Maybe to him you are "the woman you're dating", but to you he is " future father your children." It is not about giving a name that satisfies the society. The problem is that both expectations change if they don't know what others expect from the relationship.

You are his priority

We all wish there were more hours in the day. If your boyfriend works hard and makes an effort to see you more often, that's a sign that you're his priority. If he's planning a special date or unexpectedly calls you and says he wants to see you, then he's letting you know that you're important to him.

In your intimacy, you can be "clear" about your relationships, and of course you care what others think of you. However, as their relationship grows, it will take shape and both will create different needs and expectations. Don't be afraid to talk about it.

Determining what they both represent for the other helps them to love without masks and, finally, to love with reason. Define your relationship, but don't push each other. We don't all work at once or in exactly the same way. Forced relationships never work.

Finding the perfect support partner long term relationship is a challenge, be it a man or a woman. If you are a woman, you have often wondered what people are looking for when it comes to establishing a serious relationship. It's about not about finding what we are looking for, but about offering and showing what the other person is really interested in. And at this point, misunderstandings arise, because this is not only something that can be offered, but also something that the other person is looking for and appreciates.


One of the most important signs of a strong couple's relationship is trust. No relationship is without its ups and downs, but when your partner confesses his love to you and says that he doesn’t need anyone else, you should not be tormented by doubts deep down. You also don't have to worry all the time about whether your partner is looking through the eyes of someone else or texting his ex-girlfriend.

Contrary to popular belief, most men are not looking for a "supermodel" or "trophy girl" to establish a strong relationship. They are looking for other things, at least when it comes to establishing this kind of relationship. Another thing is that they are looking for other types of relationships or for other reasons.

If you are a woman and want to win a man's heart, you will be interested to know what they are looking for when it comes to finding a woman with whom you can form a lasting relationship. This usually happens when a man decides he wants to bow his head, or when he discovers a woman worth doing it with. But this usually requires several things besides the maturity of the person in question.

On the contrary, you should feel confident that there are no messages from unknown “friends” on his phone, and if you spend Saturday evening on your own, you should not worry. You don't have to play the role of a private detective, instead you need to be confident in your relationship. In the same way, you, in turn, should not delete other people's messages, lie to a partner, or lead a double life. A serious relationship is an open and honest relationship, both in times of ups and downs.

What a man looks for in a woman to establish a long-term relationship

We see nothing around the stereotypes that we often find around us.

#1 - Men love women who know how to have fun

Although there are times to be serious and talk, many men are looking for a woman with whom they can have fun, in all sorts of ways and with whom to share their passions.

#2 - Men love independent women

Sometimes women forget that they can also be playful, leaving men stereotyped as little kids. But it's good to play, relax and let go from time to time and enjoy life. Being independent does not mean self-sufficiency. An independent woman has her own life, and her partner also has hers. Both share a part of their lives, but they can also move on.

Getting to know his family and friends

If a partner wants to introduce you to his family, this indicates that you are very important to him. This does not mean that you are about to get married, but that your partner is ready to give you a more important place in his life. This is definitely one of the signs that your relationship is serious.

#3 - Men like mature women

But men also need to know that their partner, despite their life, is there for them when they should be, that their relationship is not an afterthought. A woman who is mature and able to deal with stressful situations, is a type of person highly valued by male sex. Someone who is confident in himself to be able to withstand setbacks is a person who can be trusted in a relationship.

#4 - Men love women who are attracted to them

Maturity is one of the biggest attraction factors that men value most in a potential partner. Physical attraction is an important ingredient, no one doubts. But men should know, know and feel the attraction that their girlfriend experiences. And let there be naturalness in the relationship, as well as a sense of humor.

If your partner's friends invite you to participate in their events and parties, this is a sign that you are moving towards a serious relationship. If you have been dating for some time, but he does not want to take you into his company, think about it. He probably doesn't take you seriously. If you want to show your partner that you want a more serious relationship, invite him to various events with you.

part of your world

It is important that you and your partner have your own world that belongs only to you. This is your personal space, these are jokes and statements that only the two of you understand. However, it is also important that each of you spend some time apart from the other. Remember that you are not only a part of your relationship, but also a person with your own interests, and this will strengthen and enrich your relationship.

In addition to the time you spend alone with your partner, there is the time you spend with him in your world. Introducing your boyfriend to your family and friends, inviting him to a family picnic or some event at work, sharing your interests and hobbies with him, you take your relationship to a new level.

Each of you has different areas of life. Part of life is devoted to your relationships, and other parts are devoted to your personal goals and interests, as well as other people. By involving your partner in all of these areas, you make the relationship fulfilling without getting stuck at any one stage.

Being with him is like being at home

People will forget what you said and what you did, but they will never forget how they felt in your presence. This also applies to the relationship of the couple, since emotions and feelings are the most important part of them. If your relationship is serious, you should feel like you are at home with him: safe, comfortable and calm. This means that you are more likely to want to spend time with him than with someone else, and when you are together, everything is a hundred times better. If your partner is your world and your home, you are sure that this is serious.