Nikolai Uskov with his wife. Star "Beauty and the Beast" (photo). Personal life of editors-in-chief

Nikolai Feliksovich Uskov. Born August 25, 1970. Russian medievalist historian, journalist. In 2003-2012 editor-in-chief Russian version GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly). Heads the Russian version of Forbes magazine.

Father - a psychiatrist, an employee of the Institute of Biomedical Problems, since 1989 lives in the United States with his second wife, artist Tatyana Loskutova.

Mother is a rheumatologist at the Moscow City Clinical Hospital.

In high school, he became interested in painting and studied at the Moscow Children's art school No. 2. However, he admits, he had no special inclinations for painting.

"Under the influence of my stepmother, I became interested in painting in high school and entered the children's art school No. 2. I drew without much talent, and therefore I prudently decided to choose another childhood hobby - history" as a profession., Uskov recalled.

In 1987 he entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1992.

Since 1989, he became interested in medieval studies and began to specialize in the Department of the History of the Middle Ages on such little-studied topics as church history Western Europe.

He did well at the university and, according to him, "belonged to a small group of nerds, preferring libraries to everything else, i.e. sex, drugs and discos".

After university in 1992, he was offered to become a junior research fellow at the department at the same time as entering graduate school - at 22, he was even younger than some of his students.

In 1999, as a senior lecturer at the Department of the History of the Middle Ages at Moscow State University, he defended his dissertation at the Faculty of History for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on the topic "Monasticism and monastic reforms in early medieval Germany." Received the post of assistant professor.

In 2001, he published a monograph in the St. Petersburg publishing house "Aleteyya" "Christianity and Monasticism in Western Europe early medieval» based on his thesis.

In 2000, Nikolai Uskov left the university for the publishing house Independent Media.

I got into journalism by accident.

“One of my friends, a journalist, and now the editor-in-chief of Maxim, Sasha Malenkov, called me in 2000 asking if I would recommend one of my students to a new Internet project. I offered myself. A year later, from the amorphous Internet -publications invited me to Men "s Health magazine for the position of editor", he said. And then the career went on the rise.

He edited the portal of the publishing house, since 2001 - the Men's Health magazine of the same publishing house (in 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of this magazine).

In 2003, he left for the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the American magazine GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) at the Conde Nast publishing house.

On November 6, 2008, the Eksmo publishing house in the series Fashion Books of GQ Editor-in-Chief Nikolai Uskov published Uskov's first detective - Winter collection of death. Fashion detective».

He became a writer, as well as a journalist, by accident, from nothing to do.

"I had no writing ambitions, I just wanted to come up with a detective story. This is a low genre, designed for easy reading, so I do not claim a place in Russian classical literature. For me, writing is more of a hobby and entertainment. I was sitting in a cafe with my employee Ksenia Sokolova, and we thought of something else to do. And right during lunch, I jokingly came up with a killer character. Then he began to write some pieces "- said Uskov.

In February 2011, the same publishing house published a new detective by Nikolai Uskov called "Seven Angels", continuing to tell the story of the adventure of a hero familiar to readers from the first book - Innokenty Alekhin, editor-in-chief men's magazine"Gentleman".

Nikolai Uskov - Pozner

In 2012, he left GQ to head Mikhail Prokhorov's media group Live!, which included printed editions"Snob", F5, "Russian Pioneer", cable TV channel "Live!", Websites, In early 2013, the group broke up, and Uskov became the head of Snob.

Since January 2016, he has been the head of the Russian edition of the magazine Forbes.

Uskov is credited with neologism "Putin glamour".

Nikolai Uskov: “Politics is like football. Women and money - the basic value of a man "

Personal life of Nikolai Uskov:

Married since 1992. The wife's name is Natalia. She is much older than Nicholas.

The couple have a son, Robert.

Nikolai Uskov with his wife Natalia

Nikolai Uskov about his taste preferences says the following:

“I have a lot of cars, but only Audi was bought of them - for some reason I fell for it. Cigarettes - Davidoff. Phone - iPhone.

I am quite unpretentious in life, but I prefer champagne, which costs no less than $100.

I like Moet Chandon to drink at a party, but if you choose champagne as an expensive wine, this is, of course, Dom Perignon. Here behind every bottle is a whole dramaturgy of life. Such champagne is not worth drinking at a reception, not because it is expensive, but because it is disrespectful to the product, because Dom Perignon is a work of culture, it should be consumed with respect and only in certain situations.

As for my style of dressing, it is rather conservative - I like to dress calmly.

I have a lot of good clothes, because I'm part of this world and, of course, I can't just go to the market and buy something just to cover my nakedness.

But I am very calm about brands. In my opinion, H&M created a unique fast-fashion concept.

Do you think Karl Lagerfeld, one of the greatest snobs of our time, would agree to collaborate with this brand just for the money?! It's not a question of honorarium, it's a question of respect.

However, quality is quality - if I want to buy a good coat, I will buy it for what it should cost. From my point of view, three brands make such coats - Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana and Armani. It's about about those that suit me, although very many do good things."

Nikolai Uskov about swearing:

"There is both slang and obscenities in the magazine, because I am generally against hypocrisy and hypocrisy. I love it when we speak the language that is ours. Mats are part of our language. Why do we use these words in real life, but we pretend that this is unacceptable in printed text?".

Nikolai Uskov on political correctness:

"The reader is tired of the lies modern life. Why is Doctor House so successful? Because I'm sick of political correctness."

Nikolai Uskov on contemporary writers:

Nikolai Uskov on the right to individuality:

"I believe that a person has the right to the life he lives - of course, as long as his interests do not collide with mine. Do the interests of Sergei Zverev somehow collide with mine? No way. If I don't like him, I I just turn off the TV, and that's it. It's his right to live like this. And if you don't respect this right, then you're a boor and a redneck. It seems to me that our fellow citizens need to learn a calm, tolerant attitude towards everything that they don't like."

Nikolay Uskov about money:

"Money is not needed for its own sake. Money is needed in order to feel freedom. When you start thinking about how you spend, it is a necessity, it is not freedom."

Nikolai Uskov on the right to make a mistake:

"One repentant sinner is worth more than a hundred righteous" is a useful observation for managers. I remember billionaire Friedman telling me that the Bible was enough to teach me how to run a business well. Indeed, a person who has made a mistake, realized it, fearing punishment, works better than, relatively speaking, a righteous person. Yes, and it's cheaper. Translated into the language of HR professionals, the sinner is motivated."

Nikolay Uskov about bisexuality:

"A person is bisexual - this is a biological fact. Naturally, some part of people chooses a different form sexual relations. It is their choice, their right. I don't see anything wrong with that. Everyone has the right to be themselves. And it seems to me that society certainly needs someone to explain this to him."

Nikolai Uskov about the institution of marriage:

“Each person, in the end, has one life. Why breed hypocrisy, lies, bring things to some kind of endless scandals, when both of them torment each other? Although both of them can live another wonderful life. If people change their attitude to marriage as to what is identical to love ... Yes, there is betrayal in love! But marriage is already a union, a partnership, it is already serious relationship, everything is grown-up here. There is no betrayal here. And there is a choice. I choose this or I choose that. If people take an adult responsible attitude to what happens between them, then there will be no situation of fatherlessness."

Nikolai Uskov about "Putin's glamor"

"This phenomenon is the result of the coincidence of several trends. On the one hand, favorable energy prices, economic recovery, political stabilization. People have got decent money, and they have managed to feel its charm. On the other hand, for the first time, the authorities have allowed themselves to abandon textbook modesty. In fact, Putin made an unspoken deal with the people and business: live in joy, but do not poke your head in politics.The president himself and other people from the top leadership of the country set a certain example. expensive views sports: skiing, horseback riding, golf. Finally, the Russian rich man is a very young man. Average age the defendant of the "Golden Hundred" - 42 years old. This one wants to consume and consume, everything is for the first time and there is still a lot to be done. For the first time in decades, Russians got a taste of money and the good life."

Uskov Nikolai Feliksovich Yusupov
Uskov Nikolay Feliksovich

Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surname Uskov.

Nikolai Feliksovich Uskov(born August 25, 1970) - Russian medieval historian and journalist, president of Mikhail Prokhorov's media group "Live!", Candidate of Historical Sciences. 1999-2000 - Associate Professor of the Department of the History of the Middle Ages of the Faculty of History of Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. 2003-2012 - editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the American magazine GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly).

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Family
  • 3 Literary and journalistic activities
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Links


Nikolai Uskov was born on August 25, 1970 in Moscow into a family of doctors. Father - a psychiatrist, an employee of the Institute of Biomedical Problems, now lives with his second wife - Tatyana Loskutova - in the USA. Mother is a rheumatologist in a Moscow hospital.

In high school, he became interested in painting and studied at the Moscow Children's Art School No. 2. In 1987 he entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1992.

In 1999, as a senior lecturer at the Department of the History of the Middle Ages at Moscow State University, he defended his dissertation at the Faculty of History for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on the topic "Monasticism and monastic reforms in early medieval Germany." Received the post of assistant professor.

In 2000, Nikolai Uskov left the university for the publishing house Independent Media. He edited the portal of the publishing house, since 2001 - the Men's Health magazine of the same publishing house. In 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of this magazine.

In 2003, he left for the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the American magazine GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) at the Conde Nast publishing house.

In 2012, he left GQ to head Mikhail Prokhorov's media group Live! Media group "Live!" includes printed publications Snob, F5, Russian Pioneer, cable TV channel Zhivi! and sites, At the beginning of 2013, the group broke up, and Uskov became the head of Snob.


In 1992 he married Natalya (who later became Natalya Peskova).

Literary and journalistic activity

In 2001, he published a monograph "Christianity and Monasticism in Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages" based on his dissertation in the St. Petersburg publishing house "Aletheia".

On November 6, 2008, the first detective by Uskov, Winter Collection of Death. Fashion detective.

In February 2011, the same publishing house published a new detective by Nikolai Uskov called "Seven Angels", which continues to tell the story of the adventure of a hero familiar to readers from the first book - Innokenty Alekhin, editor-in-chief of the men's magazine "Gentleman".

Uskov is credited with the neologism "Putin's glamor".

He blogs on LiveJournal. It has account V social network Facebook.


  1. Defense of Ph.D. theses by the employees of Moscow State University in 1999
  2. PhD dissertation imprint
  3. Uskov's biography in his LiveJournal profile
  4. Chief Editor GQ Nikolai Uskov headed Mikhail Prokhorov's media group "Live!", Gazeta.Ru (January 7, 2012). Retrieved 7 January 2012.
  5. Information about the book on the website of the online store
  6. Catalog of books of the publishing house "Eksmo"
  7. Nikolai Uskov about Putin's glamor and Moscow secular life
  8. N. Raw. Nikolai Uskov: "The 90s were cool, but not gangster!" (RU) (March 22, 2010). Retrieved February 9, 2010. Archived from the original on March 4, 2012.


Uskov Nikolai Feliksovich Yusupov

Uskov, Nikolai Feliksovich Information About

Nikolai Feliksovich Uskov(born August 25, 1970) - Russian medieval historian and journalist, president of Mikhail Prokhorov's media group "Live!", Candidate of Historical Sciences. In 1999-2000 - Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Middle Ages, Faculty of History, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. In 2003-2012, he was the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the American magazine GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly).


Nikolai Uskov was born on August 25, 1970 in Moscow into a family of doctors. Father - a psychiatrist, an employee of the Institute of Biomedical Problems, now lives with his second wife - Tatyana Loskutova - in the USA. Mother is a rheumatologist in a Moscow hospital.

In high school, he became interested in painting and studied at the Moscow Children's Art School No. 2. In 1987 he entered the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1992.

In 1999, as a senior lecturer at the Department of the History of the Middle Ages at Moscow State University, he defended his dissertation at the Faculty of History for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on the topic "Monasticism and monastic reforms in early medieval Germany." Received the post of assistant professor.

In 2000, Nikolai Uskov left the university for the publishing house Independent Media. He edited the portal of the publishing house, since 2001 - the Men's Health magazine of the same publishing house. In 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of this magazine.

In 2003, he left for the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the American magazine GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) at the Conde Nast publishing house.

In 2012, he left GQ to head Mikhail Prokhorov's media group Live! Media group "Live!" includes printed publications Snob, F5, Russian Pioneer, cable TV channel Zhivi! and sites, In early 2013, the group broke up, and Uskov became the head of Snob.


In 1992 he married Natalya (who later became Natalya Peskova).

Literary and journalistic activity

In 2001, he published a monograph "Christianity and Monasticism in Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages" based on his dissertation in the St. Petersburg publishing house "Aletheia".

On November 6, 2008, the first detective by Uskov, Winter Collection of Death. Fashion detective.

In February 2011, the same publishing house published a new detective by Nikolai Uskov called "Seven Angels", which continues to tell the story of the adventure of a hero familiar to readers from the first book - Innokenty Alekhin, editor-in-chief of the men's magazine "Gentleman".

Uskov is credited with the neologism "Putin's glamor".

He blogs on LiveJournal. Has an account on the social network Facebook.

  1. Defense of Ph.D. theses by the employees of Moscow State University in 1999
  2. PhD dissertation imprint
  3. Uskov's biography in his LiveJournal profile
  4. GQ Editor-in-Chief Nikolai Uskov headed Mikhail Prokhorov's media group "Live!", Newspaper.Ru(January 7, 2012). Retrieved 7 January 2012.
  5. Information about the book on the website of the online store
  6. Catalog of books of the publishing house "Eksmo"
  7. Nikolai Uskov on Putin's glamor and Moscow social life
  8. N. Raw. Nikolai Uskov: "The 90s were cool, but not gangster!" (RU) (March 22, 2010). Retrieved February 9, 2010. Archived from the original on March 4, 2012.

Partially used materials from the site

In Reading facebook

Nikolai Uskov, who has headed the magazine since 2003, is moving to the position of head of the ZhV! (Live!). He himself wrote about this on Saturday in his blog, reports. According to Uskov, he previously denied reports of a change in the editor-in-chief of GQ, since he did not consider it correct to talk about new job and had to complete a number of major anniversary projects related to the magazine. Uskov called his new position "ambitious and interesting work"...

Facebook responded very actively to this appointment:

Alexander T.
Who sets up Prokhorov? Or is he such a cartoonish asshole? But why isn't he holding hands? Why is Krasovsky there? Or is this his great PR? However, it is no longer interesting to understand. They will allow Yavlinsky, I will vote for him as the most conscientious. They will not allow Yavlinsky, I will vote for Zhirik as the most unscrupulous. At least some principle, isn't it?

Sarkis G.
Now it's quite clear ;)))
What for a wife if there are boys like Anton Krasovsky and the ever-bristle Kolya Uskov.

Michael D.
I have never been interested in Uskov. An absolute empty space. Now with this appointment, Prokhorov made it clear to me that Uskov is gay, because he does not appoint others. So why do I need this knowledge? Does anyone understand the trick?

Michael P.
It turns out that Courchevel with the girls is just a distraction, but does Misha really have the "correct orientation"? Is this true or are you exaggerating? But if this is true, then I immediately want to understand the connection between Prokhorov and the Kremlin "deeper" ...-:)))

Michael D.
Some kind of nonsense with these appointments ... The failure of the company is already guaranteed before the zero round.

Catherine P.
Prokhorov loves gays.

Arina H.
I'm not at all sure that we have such a melting homophobia in our country. And if you go beyond the limits of a close circle, then the people's love for Boris Moiseev confirms this. But the country is clearly hypocritical, since they don’t seem to interfere with life, but they condemn it out loud, dragging in some kind of propaganda.
And if we forget about the general ridiculousness of Mikhail Prokhorov's pre-election campaign and the failures of his long-suffering LIVE, then suddenly the splash of the word "gay" near his current permutations - it seems to me that it did more than all attempts to arrange a gay parade.
So MD Prokhorov will definitely be remembered by his people practically as a revolutionary in the field of sex tolerance. Respect.

Sergei S.
Moiseev is permission for gays to be unique freaks, distant and isolated. Russians cannot even imagine a gay neighbor who lives with her husband and brings up children, let alone accept.

Sergei S.
Actually, Moiseev's popularity is the result of homophobia. "Gays are such clowns in feathers."

Harry V.
This ancient tradition- fairground freak show, which has absolutely nothing to do with interest in gays. Borya, whom I have known for 30+ years, was a very capable dancer, in the end, having lost the remnants of professionalism and attractiveness, he decided to "sing". The singer from him, like a bullet out of shit. Then he realized that he needed to take his place in the freak show and joined the ranks of gypsies with bears, the struggle of "Nanai boys" at fairs, midgets and sword swallowers. No one is interested in his sexual orientation, he has become a note freak and proudly carries this banner.