Chicken liver with semolina. Liver cutlets with semolina are a tender and aromatic dish on your table. chicken liver with semolina

I suggest preparing tender, juicy cutlets made from pork liver with the addition of semolina, they are tasty both hot and cold. They prepare simply and very quickly. Using thin cutlets, you can prepare “liver towers” ​​by smearing each liver cutlet with a light filling of carrots, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. And your dish will already have a festive look.


To prepare pork liver cutlets with semolina you will need:

700 g pork liver;
2 eggs;
2 onions;
5 tbsp. l. semolina;
1 clove of garlic;
0.5 tsp salt;
0.5 tsp. freshly ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers;

vegetable oil.

Cooking steps

To prepare liver cutlets we will need.

Wash the pork liver, dry it and cut it into large pieces. Peel the onions and garlic.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder, onion and garlic. Add eggs, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

In a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, do not use a tablespoon a large number of minced meat, forming cutlets. Fry on both sides over medium heat until color changes (a couple of minutes on each side).

The cutlets cook very quickly.

Pork liver cutlets prepared with semolina are tender, juicy and very tasty.

Delicious and pleasant moments!

Marina Patsulo

Unfortunately, some housewives are very skeptical about offal, believing that it is impossible to make food from liver, lung, heart, etc. tasty dish. This is a very big misconception, since if properly prepared, each product can become truly culinary masterpiece. Don't believe me?

Try making liver cutlets with semolina. You will get not only very tasty, but also healthy dish. It is the recipes for liver cutlets with semolina that we will talk about today.

Recipe for liver cutlets from pork liver with semolina

Since there are a great many ways to prepare this dish, and liver can be used from different animals, let’s start with the most simple recipe, we will cook from pork offal.

So, to prepare cutlets you need:

  • 0.5 kg pork liver;
  • 4 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and spices according to personal preference.

If you are taking on making cutlets for the first time, then step-by-step instruction will come in handy:

You will get a very tasty dish that is recommended to be eaten hot. Pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, etc. are perfect as a side dish.

Recipe for liver cutlets from beef liver with semolina

Not only pig liver is suitable for cooking. Cutlets and beef offal are very tasty.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • beef liver – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat flour and semolina 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water – 200 ml;
  • oil for frying – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • soda – 1/2 tsp;
  • spices and salt at your discretion.

To prepare beef liver cutlets, follow these steps:

The cutlets will be very tasty and aromatic and will go perfectly with any side dish.

Recipe for chicken liver cutlets with semolina

You can also prepare a delicious dish from chicken liver. It is rich in iron and B vitamins and is considered a dietary product. Therefore, having prepared cutlets from chicken liver, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will make tasty and healthy food.

And for everything to work, you need the following ingredients:

  • chicken liver – 1 kg;
  • onion – 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized carrot – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • frying oil;
  • a small pinch of salt and pepper.

If you have all the ingredients in your kitchen, then you can start creating a new culinary masterpiece:

The dish is best served hot with your favorite side dish and fresh vegetables.

Now you know how to cook liver cutlets with semolina yourself. Try making this dish, your family will appreciate it. Good luck and new culinary victories!

If you don’t have lard, you can replace it with a bun, which needs to be soaked in water or milk, and then twisted in a meat grinder along with the liver.

Cooking time – 1 hour.
Servings: 6-8 (about 22 small cutlets).


  • Liver (any) – 400 gr.,
  • Salo– 100-150 gr.,
  • Egg – 1 pc.,
  • Semolina– 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Onion- 1 PC.,
  • Salt, pepper,
  • Sunflower oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Typically, chicken liver does not have a film or veins. So we just wash it under running water. Pork liver covered with a thick film that needs to be removed. The same goes for pork and beef livers have a large number of veins that need to be cut off. There is a high probability that beef liver it will be bitter. Therefore, we cut it into medium pieces and soak it in water or milk for 5-10 minutes.
  2. At this time, peel and cut the onion. Cut off the skin of the lard and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Now grind the liver, onion and lard in a meat grinder 2 times. Add egg, salt, pepper and mix. Sprinkle ground meat semolina and mix well again.
  4. Place the finished minced liver in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that the semolina swells.
  5. Then warm up sunflower oil on frying pan and place the cutlets with a spoon, like pancakes. It is better to make the cutlets not thick so that they are fried inside. Since the liver fries quickly, the heat should be reduced to medium. When the cutlets are browned on one side, turn them over and fry under the lid until cooked.
  6. Liver cutlets with semolina goes well with mashed potatoes, buckwheat and rice porridge. Cutlets are especially delicious in the form of sandwiches. Place the cutlet on a piece of black bread and pour over it

Liver - extraordinary useful product, which is recommended to be consumed even by those who are prohibited most of meat assortment. And the most common liver dish is pancakes or cutlets (also -). Someone will argue that in essence these are the same thing, because both cutlets and cutlets are prepared almost the same way: in fact, from ground liver, eggs, flour, and sometimes milk, buckwheat.

In fact, there are differences from pancakes and secrets in preparing liver cutlets. Well-cooked cutlets are fluffier, more tender, softer, and more flavorful. And their taste is closer to real cutlet - the one that is familiar to us from beef, pork or chicken cutlets.

Secrets of making liver cutlets

The minced meat for cooking should be more reminiscent of minced meat for regular meat cutlets: thicker, not runny. This is the first secret of their splendor and juiciness, because the thicker the layer of prepared meat, the less the risk of drying out the liver.

To make the minced meat thicker, add bread crumbs soaked in milk, after squeezing them out. The pores of the bread will take away the excess moisture that forms after grinding. And having straightened out, these same pores will make the minced meat itself plumper.

Another trick that will help you get a thicker mince is adding fine oatmeal. They will swell a little in the meat, and during cooking they will have time to cook, resulting in the consistency of the cutlets becoming even more tender. And, take my word for it, no one will even guess that the cutlets contain oatmeal, which is so unloved by many!

Finally, there is one more trick that housewives use to prepare ordinary cutlets: after frying, a little water is poured into the bottom of the frying pan, in which the finished cutlets are stewed. In just 3-4 minutes, this water evaporates and creates steam, making the meat unusually tender.

Try cooking with these tips in mind, and you will never cook cutlets from this offal any other way again.

Liver cutlets with oatmeal - basic option

Cooking time: about 1 hour


  • 350-400 grams of liver (chicken or beef)
  • 250 grams of stale bread
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of small oat flakes
  • salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook fluffy liver cutlets

    Cut off the crusts from stale bread.

    Then cut the bread into large squares, place it in a deep bowl and pour milk to swell.

    Leave the bread for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, grind the liver in a blender or meat grinder until it becomes a homogeneous paste.

    Then add the onion, peeled and cut into 2-4 pieces, to the liver, beat in the egg, salt and pepper.

    Grind everything together.
    Gently squeeze the soggy bread so that it does not get into the minced meat. excess liquid. Add bread to minced meat.

    At the very end, add to the minced meat for cutlets. cereals and mix everything.

    Cover the finished minced meat with film or a plate and leave at room temperature for 15 minutes so that the flakes swell a little.

    You can also add regular flakes, but then it will take more time to swell, or even better, leave the mixture in the refrigerator overnight. With small flakes it takes much less time.

    After 15 minutes you will see how the minced meat has thickened. Now you can fry the liver cutlets.
    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and place minced meat on it with a tablespoon.

    Fry the cutlets over medium heat until they are crispy. After this, turn over and fry on the other side in the same way. When the cutlets are ready, pour a little water into the pan - it should reach the level of the middle of the cutlets.

    Simmer for another 3-4 minutes until the water evaporates.
    Be sure to serve the finished liver cutlets with soft sour cream.

This recipe for liver cutlets can be used as a basis for cooking various options. By itself it is quite neutral. You can also take note of other recipes, each of which has its own twist.

Liver cutlets with potatoes

As in the previous recipe, potatoes here play the role of a “seal” for the minced meat. In addition, the starch found in potatoes will make the minced meat more tender. And the starch will help keep the cutlets intact.

Ingredients and preparation

  • 300 grams of liver
  • 1 large or 2 medium potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

Wash the liver and dry with a paper towel. Together with the peeled onion, pass the liver through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
Then peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Do this quickly so that the potato pieces do not begin to oxidize and darken.
Combine potatoes and chopped liver, salt and pepper the minced meat.
Fry the cutlets in well-heated vegetable oil for 5-6 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Liver cutlets with semolina

It is no secret to experienced housewives that this cereal is useful not only for preparing porridge, semolina or casserole. Semolina is very often used for dusting molds and for breading. Semolina also has excellent moisture-absorbing properties. However, it does not have a strong taste that would be able to “overpower” the taste of the main ingredient in the recipe. And therefore, this cereal comes in handy when preparing tender liver cutlets.

Recipe ingredients and preparation

  • 200-250 grams of liver (any to your taste)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina
  • 1 egg
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

The technology for preparing such cutlets is quite simple. The liver must be minced in a meat grinder or blender, add a lightly beaten egg, salt and pepper. Then add semolina to the minced meat, mix it well and let the minced meat stand for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the semolina will be saturated with the liquid contained in the minced meat, and the minced meat will become thick.

Fry the cutlets in the usual way- in a frying pan in oil. You can also prepare a soufflé based on this recipe. To do this, simply transfer the minced meat into a small muffin tin, greased with butter, and place in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 170 degrees.

Liver cutlets with carrots and mushrooms

A very interesting option for preparing liver cutlets. Such cutlets turn out tasty and beautiful, with bright pieces of carrots inside, and the mushroom aroma complements the delicate aroma of the offal. Very tasty served with cream sauce.

What you will need:

  • 400 grams of liver
  • 150 grams of champignons
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina
  • salt, pepper - to taste

It is known that mushrooms “give up water” during cooking. For this reason, the mushrooms must be fried before adding to the minced meat - this will release excess moisture and the taste of the mushrooms will become more intense. So, wash and peel the mushrooms, cut them into small cubes - no more than 5 mm.

In a hot frying pan, fry the mushrooms over high heat. While the mushrooms are cooking, peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots. As soon as the mushrooms begin to brown, add the onions and carrots and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Separately chop the liver. Add the egg, semolina, salt and pepper, and then the champignons with onions and carrots.

Fry the cutlets over high heat with vegetable oil until cooked.

Cutlets with crispy crust

Everyone loves crispy crust. Why not make wonderful liver cutlets with such a delicious, aromatic crust? These cutlets will also contain meat, which will soften the liver taste and make it very delicate.

Ingredients and preparation:

  • 300 grams of chopped liver
  • 200 grams minced pork
  • 1 tbsp. corn flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying.

To begin, mix the liver and minced meat until smooth. Add the egg and 1 tbsp to the minced meat. spoon of corn flour.
Then finely chop the onion and garlic. Add chopped vegetables to the minced meat, salt and pepper it.

Use a tablespoon to scoop out the minced meat and place it in a plate with cornmeal. Gently roll the cutlets in flour and fry them in a hot frying pan until cooked.
Before serving, place the cutlets on a paper towel for a couple of minutes to remove excess oil.

Galina Artemenko prepared beef and chicken liver cutlets, fluffy, with oatmeal, semolina, carrots and others.


  • for minced cutlet:
  • chicken liver - 600 g;
  • semolina - 175 g (7 tablespoons);
  • onion - 70 g (1 medium onion);
  • carrots - 150 g (1 medium carrot);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • salt;

For kefir sauce:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • curry seasoning - 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • ketchup - 2 table. spoons;
  • dill or parsley.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Yield: 25 cutlets.

Nutritionists advise including liver dishes in your diet from time to time, since this offal is very beneficial for health. For example, chicken liver contains a lot of protein (about the same as chicken fillet), B vitamins (especially high in vitamin B9) and daily norm gland. Therefore, we recommend preparing liver cutlets from chicken liver.

The recipe with photos will tell you step by step in detail how to do this. Chicken liver cutlets with semolina are especially tender, so this product is present in the ingredients instead of flour. In order for animal proteins to be better digested, we recommend adding vegetables - onions and carrots - to the minced meat, and to serve the dish, prepare an original and low-calorie kefir sauce.

How to cook chicken liver cutlets with semolina

Select all the products needed to make chicken liver cutlets with semolina. You need to choose the liver especially carefully, because... The taste and benefits of the dish depend on this. Signs of fresh liver are: dark brown color, smooth surface without blood clots or pronounced blood vessels, no unpleasant odor.

In addition to onions and carrots, you can add a clove of garlic to the minced meat. For frying cutlets, it is better to use refined sunflower oil. Kefir of any fat content is suitable for the sauce. If curry seasoning is not available, you can add ground black and red pepper, turmeric, ginger, coriander or other spices to your taste. You can also add garlic. You can use ketchup instead tomato sauce or tomato paste.

Typically, cooking liver dishes begins by soaking this offal in milk, water or kefir. However, to make chicken liver cutlets, a recipe with step-by-step photos of which is offered below, this operation can be omitted, which significantly saves cooking time. It is enough to thoroughly wash the liver under warm running water and remove any films. Immediately you need to prepare the vegetables: peel the onion and cut it into several parts, peel the carrots and grate them on a fine grater.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder. Then do the same with the onion. Add grated carrots, salt and, if desired, a lot of pepper or garlic passed through a press to the minced meat. Mix everything.

Beat the egg into the minced meat and add semolina. Mix everything well and leave the semolina to swell for about 20 minutes. This time can be used to wash the dirty dishes that have accumulated.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it. If you are using a frying pan with a non-stick Teflon coating, then you need to act in exactly this order: first - oil, then - heating. Otherwise from Teflon when severe overheating stand out harmful substances. Mix the minced meat again. As you can see, it has become noticeably thicker. Scoop the minced meat with a tablespoon and place it in a frying pan.

There is a little trick on how to make fluffy chicken liver cutlets. To do this, you first need to lay out an incomplete tablespoon of minced meat. Literally after a few seconds, when the “pancake” has already taken shape and has stopped spreading over the pan, place a little more minced meat on top. Fry the cutlets with the lid open over medium heat for about 2 minutes on each side.

In this way, fry all the chicken liver cutlets with semolina, after which you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, you need to add seasonings, tomato sauce or ketchup, and finely chopped herbs to kefir. Mix everything and taste it. If necessary, add a little salt or sugar.

Especially delicious cutlets from chicken liver with warm semolina. They go well with any side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta, rice and salads. Kefir sauce will make them even more appetizing.

Now you know how to cook liver cutlets from chicken liver.

We wish you bon appetit!