Why is it the rainy season in Thailand? The rainy season begins in Pattaya, is it worth going? When does the rainy season end in Phuket?

It is very important to choose the right holiday season in Thailand, consider when it is better to go to this country, depending on your goals.

Thailand is attractive for all categories of tourists, for everyone this country has prepared its own surprises and pleasant moments. But still there are those who could not get the maximum pleasure from visiting this wonderful country. First of all, this happened for a very simple reason - the holiday season was chosen incorrectly. And there is no mistake of the tour operator, there is no universal season for everyone. Thailand is multifaceted, and everyone wants to get something of their own, unique and unforgettable from it. In order to provide yourself with the most favorable conditions during your vacation, you should know exactly what you want to get.

Beach holiday season in Thailand

For many tourists, Thailand is associated with the endless sea, clean beaches and the amazing sound of the surf. In order to get real pleasure from such a holiday, it is worth going to Thailand in winter. From mid-October to March, the weather in this country is simply amazing. The sun is in the sky almost every day, the weather is without winds, it can be quite hot. These are just perfect conditions for a seaside holiday. Such weather during this period is observed throughout the country. Accordingly, the number of people wishing to visit Thailand during this period increases many times, a lot of tourists come from cold regions, and not everyone likes such a number of vacationers. Another unfavorable point may be the prices for all services. With an increase in the number of people wishing to relax, the cost of tours, hotel rooms, souvenirs and other categories of goods also increase. But there is always the opportunity to purchase a "hot tour" and get maximum comfort at an affordable price.

We can safely say that the period October-March is the main tourist season. At this time, many tourism sectors are activated as much as possible, it is proposed a large number of various tourist routes, all conditions are created so that a tourist on vacation can get everything he wants.

Attractions can be viewed all year round

Probably everyone knows how beautiful and interesting Thailand is. In this country there is, and there is something to be surprised at. Magnificent palaces and temples, nature, modern buildings and scientific centers, shops, squares are able to surprise everyone who dares to get to know the history of this people more closely. sightseeing tourist can go to Thailand at any time of the year, there are no obstacles for him, except, perhaps, a tropical downpour. Although it can be a trifle if you can refuse to walk along the river and prefer to see the sights from the inside rather than the outside.

But still, for sightseeing, it is better to choose the time from March to May-June. This period is completely unsuitable for the beach season, respectively, total number tourists in the country is significantly reduced. Tourist routes are deserted, which is a real pleasure for those who really want to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Of course, hot weather makes some adjustments to the schedule. But all excursion routes are developed taking into account climatic features. More low prices and lack of tourist congestion will ensure good rest and the most favorable conditions for sightseeing in Thailand.

Shopping season in Thailand in summer

Among all the attractions of Thailand, a special place is occupied by markets and shops where you can buy a variety of goods. It sells both high-quality items from famous manufacturers, as well as fairly inexpensive copies of popular brands. Thailand offers numerous handicrafts

  • silk fabrics
  • wood crafts
  • china

Many tourists are attracted by this assortment, and shopping becomes an integral part of a holiday in Thailand.

The best season for shopping is May-July.

This is the time it ends hot season, the number of tourists decreases significantly. This season will be followed by a period of rains, when tourists will be absent almost completely. Accordingly, from May to June, there are big sales in stores, you can get a significant discount on almost everything. Going to Thailand at this time, you can perfectly combine holidays at sea, sightseeing and shopping. The main thing is to correctly guess the time and not go on vacation when the period of tropical downpours has already begun.

A time of calm and comfort

Exist separate category tourists who do not like to appear with a large crowd of people, they do not go to the beach and do not attend excursions, they are also not interested in shopping. If you are in this category, the ideal option for you would be a holiday from July to October. At this time, there are practically no tourists, the prices are minimal for everything. You can easily check into any hotel by choosing a room with ideal conditions. Despite popular belief, tropical rains do not fall all the time. The rain can be heavy or light, it can last for several hours or end in an hour. At the same time, the temperature remains the same favorable and provides very comfortable conditions for walking around the city or for relaxing in nature.

Thai nightlife season

Thailand offers entertainment for every taste, and imposing gentlemen and strict ladies and, of course, unbridled youth are welcome here. For the latter, numerous clubs are intended, in which the fun does not end until the morning.

The season for recreational recreation does not matter at all.

Thailand will provide the most Better conditions for everyone who has chosen this country for their holidays. These can be small bars, chic restaurants, trendy clubs and private establishments. They work constantly, regardless of the weather and season.

Thailand is a wonderful place where summer all year round. However, there is a rainy season here, which can ruin your vacation, especially if you are flying for only two weeks. Therefore, before the trip, I recommend that you find out in advance when the rainy season is in Thailand, what the weather is like there and which region is best to go to. The thing is that the territory of Thailand is quite large and the rainy season in different regions and cities may differ.

In general, it is generally accepted that torrential tropical downpours in Thailand begin from May to October, it is at this time that there are fewer tourists and the lowest prices. Most precipitation occurs in October. The rains, as a rule, are short-term and the sun begins to shine again, but it also happens that the showers do not end for several days in a row.

Rainy season by region and city

I have compiled for you a table of the rainy season for the most popular places in Thailand.

yellow is the most best period for relax

green - a satisfactory period for rest

blue - rainy season

It is also important to note that the amount of rains and their duration largely depends on the cyclone. For example, in 2014 on Koh Samui in December there was dry sunny weather, and in 2015 at the same time it was pouring heavy rains and it was quite cool.

Is it worth going to Thailand during the rainy season?

I think that during the rainy season it is also worth going to Thailand. The only thing is to choose the region where the amount of precipitation during this period is the least.

Chumphon, Khanom, Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phangan are great places to stay from March to October.

On the island of Phuket, Phi Phi, Samet, Koh Chang, Krabi, Ranong, Lanta, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, it is best to fly from November to April.

And places like Bangkok, Hua Hin and Pattaya can be visited throughout the year.

Benefits of the rainy season

During the rainy season, far fewer tourists visit Thailand, so flight prices are lower, hotel stays and house rentals become cheaper, prices for excursions, cafes and restaurants also fall. Therefore, during this period of the year, you can save quite a lot on your trip.

Another advantage of the rainy season is that the number of tourists is sharply reduced and there are no crowds on excursions, the beaches are half-empty, it is freer to become in cafes, restaurants and shopping centers.

If you arrived in Thailand during the rainy season, then try to follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly, drink clean bottled water (although this is important at any time of the year). The rainy season has the most mosquitoes, so stock up by special means from them so as not to catch any disease.

In the evenings it can be quite cool, do not forget to wear a long-sleeved sweater, especially if you decide to ride a motorcycle or scooter. It is not recommended to drive a motorcycle or scooter during heavy rain, even if you are wearing a raincoat, as it is not safe at all, strong wind and rain impair visibility on the road, and traffic in Thailand can be unpredictable.


And finally, I want to say that if your vacation falls during the rainy season in Thailand, then Hua Hin or Pattaya will be the best place to relax during this period.

Also, if your main goal is not the beach and the sea, then you can go to Bangkok and visit a large number of attractions. In the capital at this time, the heat subsides and the air becomes fresher.

The northern capital of Thailand Chiang Mai in September and October will meet you sunny and warm weather where you can plunge into the traditions and culture of the Kingdom of Thailand. And the sea will be replaced by beautiful mountain lakes and hot springs.

Hi friends! The closer the rainy season in Pattaya, the more often we are asked what the weather is like in Pattaya, whether it really pours like a bucket every day and whether it is worth going at all. “Maybe we hurried to buy tickets?” Tourists are skeptical. Let me tell you what the rainy season in Pattaya is and what it is eaten with. And you decide for yourself whether it is worth visiting Pattaya at this time.

When does the rainy season start and end in Pattaya?

According to statistics, most of the rain in Pattaya falls on September and October. There is still a lot of rain in May, but in our experience, May showers in Pattaya cannot be compared with September ones at all. It's like comparing a cat to a tiger. Just kidding, not everything is so bad in Pattaya in September.

We are not afraid of the rainy season in Pattaya: we come from the snowy season! In the photo - the Czech village of Spindleruv Mlyn, where there are only mountains above the pines, and in winter it is more beautiful than in summer.

How is the rainy season in Pattaya

Once, during the rain, we stood for forty minutes in a parking lot not far from where we rented an apartment for the first month after moving to Pattaya. The rain was falling in such a wall that we could not even run 30 meters to the house.

Negative aspects of the rainy season in Pattaya:

  1. The situation on the roads is getting worse. Transport travels very slowly when it rains, plus whole lakes form on some streets. All this leads to long traffic jams.
  2. Taxis are jacking up prices. If you need to go somewhere and get far, be prepared for the fact that all taxi drivers will complain to you about a broken meter and overcharge.
  3. Always carry an umbrella(s) and raincoat(s) with you. Raincoats are sold in 7 Eleven stores, which are found literally at every turn in Pattaya, and are inexpensive.
  4. Rain makes adjustments to your plans. Usually it's raining 1 to 2 hours.

The rainy season in Pattaya is just flowers. It's a different matter - that's where the real downpours are!

Is it possible to swim in the sea during the rainy season in Pattaya?

When we made up, some beaches still had to take prizes. But most people go to swim on the beaches of Koh Lan, and we recommend doing this too.

By months, we will tell you about the seasons for holidays in Thailand. When to fly to Thailand so as not to fall into the rainy season? How not to spend your entire vacation in a hotel?

The holiday season in Thailand lasts almost all year round, with the possible exception of rainy August, when the whole country is flooded with tropical showers. In the remaining months, you can safely go to this South-Eastern state - there will definitely be a resort where you can sunbathe and swim in plenty in a warm, like fresh milk sea ​​water.

Since Thailand is stretched from north to south, and washed by the seas from two sides, suitable conditions for relaxing in different parts countries differ significantly. While it's sunny in Phuket, Koh Samui can suffer from torrential rains and floods, and when it's hot in Krabi, you have to put on a blouse in Chiang. Therefore, in different months you need to carefully choose a resort so as not to encounter unwanted surprises.

Comfortable season in Thailand


A massive influx of tourists from all over the world falls on the last month of autumn. This is due not even so much weather conditions and the end of the rainy season, how much increasing tourist demand for winter beach destinations and the launch of charter flights to Thailand.


The weather is becoming more and more pleasant: the air temperature in the area and on southern resorts+30, water +28 degrees, the heat no longer seems so unbearable, the humidity is decreasing.

The Andaman Sea pleases with transparency and perfect tranquility. In the Gulf of Thailand, the situation is still not the most favorable for recreation. strong winds cause storms, the sea is raging, the waves are high, the water is muddy. Only towards the end the winds subside, and the sky over Koh Samui is gradually cleared of clouds.

  • Travelata , Level.Travel , OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - see the order of prices in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance so you don't worry on the way.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.



The largest amount of precipitation in Thailand falls in August. It is especially rainy in the northern regions and in Bangkok, where the water in the streets often rises to the knees. However, you can also relax at this time if you really want to, but you need to take care of reliable protection for video and photo equipment, durable rubber slippers and a raincoat.

On the other hand, there is no such unbearable heat as in spring in August: the rains bring some coolness, which was so lacking, because the air temperature throughout the country remains at + 31 + 32, and the water in the sea is warmed up to +30 degrees.

It is most comfortable to be in Pattaya and Koh Samui in August, since it does not rain so often in the Gulf of Thailand. But even here the sea is still restless, and there are gusty winds.


Afraid of being left without communication on the road?

Reading time: 6 minutes

We focus on the months most favorable for a trip to Thailand. Everything is on point: weather, prices for tours in 2019, features of resorts.

The tourist season in Thailand lasts all year round. Nevertheless, the question of where and when it is better to go on vacation is always relevant. Today we will share information based on personal experience 3 trips (were in Phuket, Pattaya, Krabi and Bangkok) and of course the reviews of travelers and bloggers:

  • when beach season Thailand starts and ends
  • where the sea is warmer
  • How do ticket prices differ depending on the seasons?
  • when to fly for cheap fruit
  • and is it possible to low season rest better than high?

For more interest, we note that for 2019 a tour to Thailand for two can be found from 70,000 rubles for 10 days. Where to look for such profitable options? Let's talk two sections below 🙂

Search for cheap tours on your own. Best Services

You should not wait for a delicious offer from above and rely on third parties, you need to take matters into your own hands and look for tours yourself! It's not difficult and even more interesting 🙂

There are three great sites that we (and tens of thousands of other travelers) have tested:

Cool, because they compare prices for tours from all tour operators at once and give out the most profitable options. To put it simply, it's like Skyscanner, only for packages 🙂 We research the desired destination on each service, study the tour cost schedule by months, adjust the dates and requirements for the hotel and book what we like, where it's cheaper.

As our practice shows, Travelata and LevelTravel help out in case of early booking, and Online Tours is generous with last-minute tours. But it happens the other way around too, so it's worth checking out all three (and checking which promo codes work).

Beginning and end of the holiday season in Thailand

Phuket Island (our trip 2018)

In general, in Thailand, the holiday season is an ambiguous concept. In December, you bask in the sun in Phuket, and on Koh Samui, the less fortunate are counting “dry” days on their fingers. In April, you regret to conclude that you did not have time for the hot season at the Andaman Sea, and in Pattaya - at Gulf of Thailand- at this time they do not get out of the water.

We will analyze the nuances of the climate by resorts a little lower, but for now we summarize:

By the way, do you use Telegram? We share about our trips, money spent and non-banal life hacks on the @howtrip channel. Drop by :)

And although high season in Thailand starts at the end of autumn and ends in spring, you should not be categorical about a trip in the summer.

Please note that all prices indicated in the article are current at the time of its publication and are indicative only.

If you are determined to spend your holiday in tourist season in Thailand then democratic dates fall at the end of November-beginning of December and March-April.

The "package" boom on the beaches subsides only when the rainy season in Thailand is in full swing. However, planes continue to supply vacationers who are either a little more knowledgeable or driven by the low cost of the tour 🙂

During the rainy season in Thailand, vouchers are really more budgetary - the prices for vouchers fall from 45,000 rubles per person in January to 34,000 rubles in May. The same story with independent rest. Considering how much it takes to fly to Thailand, a ticket cannot be super-chip, but still, on off-season dates, prices tend to go down: from 20,000 rubles Moscow-Bangkok-Moscow (we recommend looking at Skyscanner and Aviasales).

Kayaking tour in the mangroves (Krabi) - we loved it

Is it worth it to go during the off-season? Based own experience- we were in Phuket in April and May - the answer is yes, definitely worth it! We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 10 best places in Thailand.

  • We were not flooded with rain (rather, refreshed a couple of times for 20 minutes),
  • did not upset the desire of the locals to cash in on a white man (they are willing to bargain, because what is there to sell and who is not 🙂)
  • we did not suffer from a lack of fruit (the same yellow mango ripens since April) and an overabundance of people (having visited Thailand for the first time in the low season, we were stunned by the number of tourists in the high season!)
  • moreover, last-minute tours were for one or two and for very pleasant amounts (our 2 weeks cost 62,000 rubles for two)

When is the rainy season in Thailand? Peculiarities

The weather at different resorts during the rainy season in Thailand varies in terms of rainfall by months, so even at this time a full-fledged beach holiday is available.

  • Phuket: wet season comes at the end of May, and the rains go until mid-October. On the sea arise big waves, and those few who spend time on the island in the summer are surfers
  • Pattaya: rainy months - September and October
  • Krabi: tourists escape from the showers for the period June-September
  • Koh Samui: the island is watered from October to December

Why does the rainy season vary by region? Everything is tied to monsoon winds who bring change climatic periods. Due to the different location (the first two are near the Andaman Sea, the second - in the Gulf of Thailand), the winds do not arrive on the same schedule.

By the way, are you still afraid of the big name - the rainy season? Then we come to you with this fact: in January we got more water than in May! Approximately 9 days versus 3 (sample of 2 weeks 🙂). In addition, water from the sky usually pours no more than half an hour during the day or within 1-2 hours after sunset. The rest of the time, Thai resorts have a uniquely comfortable temperature, but high humidity.

Season at popular resorts in Thailand

A clear idea (but not guaranteed, because these are unpredictable tropics) about the weather at different resorts and islands in Thailand by months gives a summary table.

Resorts Month
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Koh Phangan
Koh Samui
  • dry season;
  • wet;
  • not recommended.

Season in Phuket

The most popular tourist destination is the pearl of Thailand - Phuket. The holiday season in a truly beach corner of the country lasts a long time and is interrupted only by a few especially wet months.

the beginning holiday season November is considered, and the end falls on March. The hottest period falls in April and May, but it is still permissible to spend a vacation during these months. At the end of spring, the rainy season begins, and like most holiday destinations in Thailand, Phuket becomes less crowded. High waves and dirty water in June will not please beachgoers, but the season for surfers in Thailand in Phuket is just flaring up. From the second half of October, the island regains the status of the most visited resort.

  • On average, prices for tours to Phuket in 2019 per season start at 73,000 rubles
    10 days for two

Season in Pattaya

Koh Lan Island (near Pattaya)

The resort town is located in a bay on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, is less prone to monsoons, and therefore the tourist season does not stop here. AT Thailand Pattaya- center of entertainment and sightseeing routes. Go-go bars, night discos, massage parlors and shows for adults are the first thing that attracts tourists here, but the beach season here is the longest. Because of geographical location the most in the city dry summer, and short showers do not cause discomfort.

The season in Thailand in Pattaya lasts from November to mid-August. In summer it is relatively dry and still warm, and therefore the resort is suitable for traveling to Thailand from June to August.

Are you several people? Take a profitable transfer to Pattaya from Bangkok Airport

Interestingly, there are periods in Pattaya when it's cold for everyone - really cold! A couple of years ago, the temperature in January (seemingly, the very sun) dropped to +15°C! By the way, about the unpredictability of the weather 🙂

  • 10-day tours to Pattaya for two people cost from 70,000 rubles

Season on Koh Samui

On the islands of the Gulf of Thailand, which include Koh Samui (Thailand), the best season for recreation begins in January and lasts until the end of September. Starting October bathing season can be considered closed due to heavy rains and storms. The amount of precipitation will noticeably begin to decrease in January, and in February Koh Samui will turn into a paradise in bloom. Spring on Koh Samui is not only low prices, but also an abundance of exotic fruits. April is the mango season, and in May you can already try durian, mangosteen, rambutan and other exotics that are not available in our latitudes.

Having understood the seasons, hot and humid, let's look at the weather in Thailand by months. And although within the same season the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bmay fluctuate slightly, there is still a difference in sensations.

Thailand in December, January and February

Thailand in winter is the rave reviews of tourists who have been in paradise. The coldest months in Russia are the height of the swimming season in Tai, the weather stabilizes, there is practically no precipitation. The sea is calm and clear, the water warms up to +26°C…+27°C.

Average air temperature in daytime during the winter months:

  • in December - +29°C
  • in January – +30°C
  • in February - +32°C

Thailand in March, April and May

Thailand in the spring attracts vacationers more profitable tours and an abundance of fruits. At this time, the weather favors both beach holiday and excursion programs.

The water temperature on the coast is +29°C…+30°C.

Daytime air t:

  • in March - +33°C
  • in April – +35°C
  • in May – +35°C

In March, the swimming season is in full swing, but in April it gets hotter in Thailand and the humidity rises.

Thailand in summer (June, July, August)

If your plans include surfing, it is better to go to Thailand in the summer.
Low price for trips to summer months attracts athletes from all over the world, although a number of resorts have enough sunny days and for beachgoers.


water – +28°C…+29°C

  • in June – +33°C
  • in July – +33°C
  • in August - +32°C

The sea at this time is often restless, the weather is changeable, but tropical showers are short-lived, and the bright sun shines after them.

Thailand in September, October and November

Thailand in autumn, especially in September, can not boast of great weather, but remains just as attractive for tourists.

Water temperature in autumn months+27°C…+28°C.

Average air temperature in autumn during the daytime:

  • in September - +31°C
  • in October - +32°C
  • in November - +31°C

Already at the end of autumn comes the Velvet season, and a ticket to Thailand will cost an order of magnitude more expensive. If you want to save money, the second half of October-early November is quite suitable for this.

Mango season costs 40-50 baht 🙂

  • Mango: March to September
  • Rambutan: May to August
  • Mangosteen: March to November
  • Longan: June to September
  • Papaya: all year round
  • Durian: May-October
  • Dragonfruit: all year round
  • Passion fruit: January-April

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