Dogs have the strongest jaws. Top breeds. Shark bite force: consequences The strongest grip

The jaw is probably the most common weapon in the animal kingdom. However, it is worth noting right away that the list is inaccurate due to the fact that there is no data on the bite of some animals.

For example, there is only theoretical data about the bite of a great white shark, but the most powerful bite in relation to its own size is Tasmanian devil, in its habits and power vaguely reminiscent of a wolverine.

In this list you can get acquainted with the rating of the most powerful bites in the animal world.

10. Leo

Jaw strength – 41 atmospheres.

It may seem strange that this powerful predator and also the King of Beasts occupies only tenth position. Leo is the world's only social cat. Lions prefer to hunt collectively and it is perhaps for this reason that their jaws have not evolved as much as the jaws of some other cats. In addition, lions, when attacking their victims, as a rule, strangle them by simply cutting off their trachea, for which there is no particular need for a strong bite.

Lions hunt both at night and during the day, although they hunt large prey mainly at night. They prefer to stay close to water, although they can live without it for up to five days.

9. Tiger

Jaw strength – 71 atmospheres.

Tigers are the largest representatives of the cat family and, moreover, solitary hunters. They can reach 3.5 meters in length and weigh up to 320 kilograms. The tiger goes hunting at night. Like lions, tigers prefer to strangle their victims by the throat, reducing the flow of blood and air to the animal's brain. A tiger's bite is much more powerful than a lion's, which may be due to the fact that they lead a solitary lifestyle. IN wildlife There are almost no tigers, the reason for which is excessive hunting. Tigers usually avoid people, but attacks on humans have been recorded all over the world.

8. Spotted hyena

Jaw strength – 75 atmospheres.

Most sources say that the spotted hyena's bite force is seventy-five atmospheres, but others indicate a much higher figure, which unfortunately cannot be verified. But one thing is for sure: the hyena has one of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, and its jaws are so strong that they can even crush the bones of a giraffe. The likely reason that the hyena has developed such powerful jaws is that the hyena needs to somehow cope with the remains of lions' meals and what is left after other large predators.

Although hyenas look like dogs, they are actually much closer to cats. In any case, hyenas are included in the suborder Felidae, like the cat family. Hyenas have been found to be able to kill a dog with a single bite to the neck. It is a common misconception that hyenas steal prey from lions, but in fact hyenas are much more successful hunters than lions and it is the lions that steal their prey for an hour. Just like lions, hyenas are very social animals and are excellent at cooperating with each other.

7. Grizzly bear

Jaw strength – 81 atmospheres.

The grizzly bear is a North American subspecies brown bear and different large sizes and aggressiveness. True, biologists claim that this is just a fiction and that the grizzly bear is practically no different from those living in Eastern Siberia brown bears. Despite its significant weight, a grizzly bear can reach speeds of up to fifty-six kilometers per hour. For the most part, they feed on nuts, berries and other vegetation, but they can also hunt. IN national park Yellowstone grizzlies were captured on video while hunting.

Compared to other bears, grizzlies are considered more aggressive. It has been suggested that due to its enormous size, the grizzly bear cannot climb trees. For this reason (also presumably) they have developed a powerful mechanism of aggression, which allows them not only to obtain food for themselves, but also to effectively resist any competitor. Presumably, it was this evolutionary path that led to the fact that the grizzly bear developed such powerful jaws, with the help of which he can cope with wolves and other intruders living in his domain. Average weight The largest grizzly bear living in Alaska weighs about 450 kilograms. Contrary to the common myth about super-dangerous killer bears, the grizzly bear does not consider humans as prey and can attack only in case of old age, illness, or being provoked to do so.

6. Gorilla

Jaw strength – 88 atmospheres.

Many will find it strange that this herbivore included in the list of owners of the most powerful jaws. However, the gorilla is one of the rather formidable inhabitants of the jungle. With a height of about 170 cm, the weight of an adult male can reach 235 kilograms, despite the fact that these animals do not tend to accumulate excess fat deposits and most their weight rests on powerful muscles. IN scientific literature It was noted that individual male gorillas can reach a height of two meters and twenty centimeters!

The gorilla not only has a very strong jaw, but also powerful limbs. They almost never fight each other and limit themselves to demonstrating their power. They never attack other animals, but can defend themselves if necessary. Strong jaws evolved as an adaptation to eating hard plant foods such as bamboo. The length of the fangs is 5 centimeters and, despite the overall colossal power, special mention should be made of the muscles of the jaw and neck, which provide gorillas with such a powerful bite.

In the past, gorillas were portrayed as huge monsters, but in lately their image became softer thanks to scientific research. After the chimpanzee, the gorilla is our closest relative. Unfortunately, these animals are on the verge complete extermination, and there are only about seven hundred of them in the wild. They climb trees well, but prefer to live on the ground; they gather in groups of up to thirty individuals with a dominant male at the head. Completely safe for humans.

5. Hippopotamus

Jaw strength – 124 atmospheres.

The hippopotamus is one of the most powerful herbivores. Although public attention has been drawn mainly to large predators like lions and leopards, as well as elephants and rhinoceroses, perhaps the hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa, surpassed only by the black mamba or mosquitoes.

Hippos tend to protect their territory, and during mating season male hippopotamuses become extremely aggressive. It happens that an enraged hippopotamus will even attack small boats along with their passengers. Unfortunately, scientists were unable to measure the bite force of the male due to their excessive aggressiveness. As for the females, their bite strength is given above. It is worth considering that females are not only less aggressive, but are also inferior to males both in body weight (by about ten percent) and in the size and sharpness of their fangs.

The word “hippopotamus” itself comes from the Greek phrase “water horse”, which was caused by incredible love this animal to the water. In the past, it was believed that the hippopotamus's closest relatives were pigs, but later studies showed that they were whales.

In addition, the hippopotamus is part of the artiodactyl order, so its relatives are also goats and camels.

4. Jaguar

Jaw strength – 136 atmospheres.

The jaguar's jaws are the most powerful among all members of the cat family. Moreover, we can safely say that its bite is stronger than the bite of any other mammal.

From Argentina to Mexico, the jaguar is the true king of the jungle. The jaguar kills its prey by biting its head. Like most cats, the jaguar is a solitary hunter. The jaguar even attacks anacondas and caiman. The strength of his jaws is so great that he can even bite through a turtle shell. Although the jaguar is smaller in size than its cousins ​​living in Asia and Africa, in America they are the largest cats. The most numerous populations of jaguars, according to recent data, live in Belize.

3. American alligator

Jaw strength – 145 atmospheres

American alligators belong to one of two surviving species of alligators (the other being the Chinese alligator). The American alligator population numbers approximately five million, with over 1.2 million living in Florida. Another part of the population lives in Alabama, Georgia, South and North Carolina, Louisiana and Texas.

American alligators share this territory with crocodiles. Their diet consists mostly of small mammals, turtles and fish. Recent studies, during which the bite force of this animal was measured, showed that this reptile occupies an honorable third place, and its bite force is 145 atmospheres. However, it is worth considering the fact that these data were obtained from a study of rather small alligators, so in the case of more powerful individuals, the bite force may be noticeably higher.

2. Saltwater crocodile

Jaw strength – 251 atmospheres.

The saltwater crocodile in the studies mentioned above was ranked first in the strength of its bite, but again the bite force of small individuals was measured. According to experts, if the strength of these small crocodiles is translated into the strength of a mighty six-meter giant, the force of its bite can reach 480 atmospheres. These monsters live in Northern Australia, Southeast Asia and East India.

Almost anything that it encounters will suit the saltwater crocodile as food. Residents of Australia affectionately call these reptiles “pickles”, but if they meet them, they, of course, would prefer not to meet such a pickle. Saltwater crocodiles are responsible for most of the recorded cases of attacks on humans, in any case, they are much more dangerous than lions. True, it is worth noting that, like other animals, they do not consider humans as prey and will not hunt him. And since the habitats of these reptiles are designated as dangerous or completely prohibited for walking and swimming, a cautious and law-abiding person is not in danger of meeting this giant.

Saltwater crocodile- the owner of the strongest bite in the animal world, which even sharks compromise.

1. Nile crocodile

Jaw strength – 340 atmospheres.

In the same experiment that measured the bite force of a saltwater crocodile and an American alligator, the Nile crocodile was ranked second to the saltwater crocodile. However, most sources claim that the force of its bite is three hundred and forty atmospheres! In size, the Nile crocodile is practically no different from the saltwater crocodile.

Accordingly, it can be assumed that the force of its bite is approximately within the same limits as that of its marine counterpart. It should be noted that Nile and saltwater crocodiles are interchangeable with champions in terms of bite force, and their performance will vary quite noticeably depending on how exactly the measurements were taken in the case of a particular crocodile. Nile crocodiles feed mostly on fish, but like their brothers, they tend to attack all animals that are careless enough to cross their path. These are mainly zebras, and even birds and small hippos.

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The bite force is very important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only seeks food, but also defends itself from enemies. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

Who do you think will be in first place?

1. 25th place - Killer whale, PSI: 19000 - unknown
Scientists have still not been able to find out the exact force of a killer whale’s bite. There are only assumptions that the bite force of a killer whale can exceed 19,000 PSI.

2. 24th place – Piranha, PSI: unknown

The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of its bite is also still unknown.

3. 23rd place – Leopard, PSI: 300-310
One of the five big cats The panther species is known for its athleticism and speed. You should avoid meeting a leopard, as it is almost impossible to escape from it.

4. 22nd place – Tiger shark, PSI: 325
This sea ​​creature considered one of the most dangerous predators ocean. In fact, the bite force tiger shark is only 325.

5. 21st place – Wild Dog, PSI: 340
Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite it is not much inferior to pumas.

6. 20th place – Puma, PSI: 350
The puma is not only one of the fastest animals, but also has a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars can easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

7. 19th place – Wolf, PSI: 406
Wolves are excellent hunters, and their bite force is 406 PSI.

8. 18th place – Mastiff, PSI: 556
It is mastiffs, not pit bulls or Rottweilers, that have the strongest bite of any domesticated dog.

9. 17th place – White shark,PSI: 669
The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they inflict the main damage with their teeth.

10. 16th place – Leo, PSI: 691
The lion's bite is not the strongest and therefore it is only in 16th place on our list.

11. 15th place – Jaguar, PSI: 700

Jaguars have the strongest bite relative to body weight of any cat family.

12. 14th place – Brown bear, PSI: 850
The brown bear has a bite force reaching 850 PSI.

13. 13th place – Kodiak, PSI: 930
Kodiak is the largest subspecies of brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the bear genus.

14. 12th place – Amur tiger.PSI: 950
Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

15. 11th place – Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000
The bite force of a snapping turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

16. 10th place – Bengal tiger,PSI: 1050
The most major representatives The cat family is famous for its strength and power.

17. 9th place – Hyena, PSI: 1100
This unattractive animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

18. 8th place – Polar bear,PSI: 1235
These are one of the strongest and toughest mammals on the planet and have a very powerful bite.

19. 7th place – Grizzly Bear, PSI: 1250
These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

20. 6th place – Snout shark,PSI: 1250

This type of fish has the strongest bite among all fish.

21. 5th place – Gorilla, PSI: 1300
Gorillas' powerful bites come not from their teeth, but from their strong neck and jaw muscles.

    Do you know what it could be maximum strength human bite? That's over 160 pounds per inch (PSI). In this case, you may feel slight pain. The question is, what does it feel like to be bitten by an animal that has a bite 10 or 20 times more powerful than a human? Yes, such animals only bite due to their instinct of self-preservation. Here is a list of the 10 most severe animal bites.

    10. Lion - Bite Force: 650 PSI

    As you know, Leo is considered the king of the jungle. The bite force value is weaker compared to the bite force of other large cats, for example, such as a jaguar or a tiger.

    9. Tiger - Bite Force: 1050 PSI

    Weighing up to 933 kg (Amur Tiger), the tiger is the largest of all cats in the world. He is stronger and faster than a lion. At 1050 psi. inch, a tiger's bite force is almost twice that of a lion. Unlike lions, the tiger is a solitary animal. It lives and hunts alone, except during mating season.

    8. Spotted Hyena - Bite Force: 1100 PSI

    An African animal that feeds on carrion. You may underestimate the hyena as an animal that only feeds on the remains of other animals. They have exceptionally powerful jaws. Their bite force is measured at 1100 PSI, which is more powerful than that of a lion and a tiger. The spotted hyena is an animal that lives in large groups called clans. In a large group, spotted hyenas tend to large prey, for example, like a buffalo, antelope or rhinoceros. Their bite is strong enough to destroy the bones of prey. Spotted hyenas capable of eating their prey, in general, they did not even leave bones.

    7. Grizzly Bear – Bite Force: 1200 PSI

    Grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear that lives in North America. They have a keen sense of smell, long claws and powerful jaws. With a 1,200 PSI bite force, a grizzly bear can easily bite through a cast iron skillet, thick wood, and bones. Without a doubt, the bear is a symbol of strength. But they are very aggressive.

    6. Gorillas - Bite Force: 1300 PSI

    Standing 1.73 meters tall and weighing up to 352 kg. The gorilla is the largest of all primates. Despite large size Gorillas are generally gentle and shy. But in addition to their enormous size, gorillas also have strong jaws and long, sharp fangs. Their bite force is measured at 1300 PSI. You may ask why a gentle gorilla needs such a sharp fang? Firstly, gorillas eat plant foods. Grind hard food like bark or roots. Gorillas need strong teeth. Gorillas also use their fangs to ward off external threats.

    5. Jaguar: 2000 PSI

    Jaguar has the most strong bite than any other big cats. Its bite force is rated at 2000 PSI. It is almost twice as powerful as a tiger. Jaguars have very strong jaw muscles. The jaguar is a solitary animal, lives and hunts alone. They are skilled hunters and their food list includes many animals. A jaguar's bite is strong enough to pierce the skull of its victim.

    4. Hippopotamus - Bite Force: 1825 PSI

    The hippopotamus has the strongest bite of any other mammal. The large mouth of hippopotamuses contains large number incisors and canines. Hippos use their large teeth to fight off external threats. Weighing up to 3,968 pounds, hippos have a stocky appearance. Their legs are short. Despite these physical characteristics, hippos can run at a speed of 30 km/h. They are very aggressive and unpredictable. Hippos can attack even without any reason. This is why hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

    3. American Alligator – Bite Force: 2125 PSI

    At 11.2 feet in length and weighing up to 1,000 kg, the American alligator is the largest reptile in North America. It is not the size, but the force of the bite that makes the American alligator so special. With exceptionally powerful jaws, American alligators can tear their prey to pieces. An adult American alligator has 75-84 teeth. If one tooth wears out, it is replaced with a new one. Over the course of his life, he can change from 2000 to 3000 teeth. Although American alligators have powerful jaws, the muscles to open the jaw are very weak.

    2. Saltwater Crocodile – Bite Force: 3690 PSI

    The saltwater crocodile has the most powerful bite of all those tested. He is the most large reptile in the world. The crocodile is over 20 feet long and weighs up to 2,200 pounds. Their diet includes fish, poultry, crabs, turtles, monkeys and buffalo.

    1. Nile crocodile– bite force: 5000 PSI

    The Nile crocodile has the most powerful bite of any other living creature in the world. Long, powerful jaws are well suited for capturing prey. The Nile crocodile is the second largest reptile in the world. They live in the rivers, swamps and swamps of sub-Saharan Africa. An adult Nile crocodile is 20 feet long and weighs up to 1,650 pounds. They mainly feed on fish, zebra, antelope and carrion.

They are able to chew through steel and have a bite huge crocodile or bite through the thick skin of a hippopotamus... Let's look into the mouths of those who are capable of this thanks to their powerful jaws.

Photos and text by Alexey Osokin

1. Let's start, of course, with lions. These are incredibly beautiful and graceful cats- real killing machines. No one can feel calm when they are around them. Lions even attack adult hippos. Nothing is impossible for them. At the same time, the bite force of a lion by African standards is very small - only about 40-50 atmospheres.

2. Cheetahs cannot boast of the strongest bite, but incredibly sharp fangs and incisors leave no chance for the prey...

3. Note: The cheetah's head is designed by nature to take up most of the respiratory system, allowing you to run at great speed. There was no room left for big teeth.

4. Another cat that can kill an animal significantly larger than itself, and then drag the carcass up a tree - a leopard.

5. In terms of bite force, the leopard is the strongest cat in Africa - according to various sources, from 100 to 125 atmospheres.

6. The hippopotamus has the most powerful jaws. And although it feeds mainly on grass, the hippopotamus needs a powerful jaw for battles with other hippos and for protection from predators. They are said to be able to bite a huge crocodile in two. The bite force of these fatties reaches 125 atmospheres.

7. There are legends about the power of the crocodile’s jaws. And for good reason. These cutest creatures have a bite force of 340 atmospheres, which is the highest among all African animals.

9. Hyenas easily chew through strong bones and are even able to chew through the steel bars of cages.

10. The force of a hyena’s bite, according to various sources, ranges from 70 to 90 atmospheres, but incredibly strong and sharp teeth give the power to the bite.

Bite force is an important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only finds food, but also defends itself from enemies. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

25th place - Orca, PSI: unknown
Scientists have still not been able to find out the exact force of a killer whale’s bite. There are only assumptions that the bite force of a killer whale can exceed 19,000 PSI.

24th place – Piranha, PSI: unknown
The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of its bite is also still unknown.

23rd place – Leopard, PSI: 300-310
One of the five "big cats" of the panther genus, it is known for its athleticism and speed. You should avoid meeting a leopard, as it is almost impossible to escape from it.

22nd place – Tiger shark, PSI: 325
This sea creature is considered one of the most dangerous predators in the ocean. In fact, the bite force of a tiger shark is only 325.

21st place – Wild Dog, PSI: 340
Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite it is not much inferior to pumas.

20th place – Puma, PSI: 350
The puma is not only one of the fastest animals, but also has a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars can easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

19th place – Wolf, PSI: 406
Wolves are excellent hunters, and their bite force is 406 PSI.

18th place – Mastiff, PSI: 556
It is mastiffs, not pit bulls or Rottweilers, that have the strongest bite of any domesticated dog.

17th place – White shark, PSI: 669
The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they inflict the main damage with their teeth.

16th place – Leo, PSI: 691
Leo is not the strongest and therefore he is only in 16th place on our list.

15th place – Jaguar, PSI: 700
Jaguars have the strongest bite relative to body weight of any cat family.

14th place – Brown bear, PSI: 850
The brown bear has a bite force reaching 850 PSI.

13th place – Kodiak, PSI: 930
Kodiak is the largest subspecies of brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the bear genus.

12th place – Amur tiger, PSI: 950
Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

11th place – Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000
The bite force of a snapping turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

10th place – Bengal tiger, PSI: 1050
The largest representatives of the cat family are famous for their strength and power.

9th place – Hyena, PSI: 1100
This unattractive animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

8th place – Polar bear, PSI: 1235
These are one of the strongest and toughest mammals on the planet and have a very powerful bite.

7th place – Grizzly Bear, PSI: 1250
These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

6th place – Snout shark, PSI: 1250
This type of fish has the strongest bite among all fish.

5th place – Gorilla, PSI: 1300
Gorillas' powerful bites come not from their teeth, but from their strong neck and jaw muscles.

4th place – Hippopotamus, PSI: 1821
These huge animals have very strong jaw muscles, and their bite is considered the strongest of all mammals.

3rd place – Mississippi alligator, PSI: 2125
This predator is considered one of the most vicious and deadly in the world, and its bite is in third place on our list.

2nd place – Nile crocodile, PSI: 5000
In second place on the list is one of the most evil cannibals in all of Africa.

1st place – Saltwater crocodile, PSI: 7700
The saltwater crocodile is considered the largest reptile living on the planet. at the moment. In addition, he has the strongest bite of any animal in the world.