The most terrible spiders - the whole truth about arachnids. Photos and descriptions of the largest and most terrible spiders in the world

For most people, spiders evoke only unpleasant associations. Spiders are not insects at all, as many people believe. They belong to a species of animal, a phylum of arthropods, and a class of arachnids. Usually people get scared when they appear, run away, and try to stay away. Some people are simply indifferent to them. But among the general mass there will be those who like to talk about all the delights of these creatures and praise their abilities. The bravest of them breed spiders at home.

But there are some scary spiders, and truly dangerous individuals, whose bites are fraught with serious consequences for any person. There is enough in nature large number poisonous spiders, most of them are fairly well known, but to this day there are unstudied species in nature. Of course, there are antidotes for their bites. Especially in those countries where these arthropods are often found, they are widely used.

Over the last century, thirteen cases of people dying from arachnid bites have been recorded. But all the dead had weak immunity and poor general condition. All thirteen deaths were caused by a female black widow. In terms of danger, it undoubtedly leads the group of “most terrible spiders.”

All spiders have a pair of fangs, with the help of which they inject their poison. The whole process is as follows: the victim is rewarded with a portion of poison, after which, under the influence of the poison, its insides turn into broth, which the spider simply sucks out.

Of the forty thousand of all species, only those few that can pierce the skin are dangerous. It is worth noting that the most terrible spiders do not always pose a serious danger, and on the contrary, nondescript or even “cute” specimens can pose a real threat.


Yellow (Golden) Sak

The main habitat is Europe. Do not grow more than 1 cm in volume. The color is golden, translucent. Yellow Sak maybe quite long time crawl in a residential building, while remaining unnoticed, because its nondescript appearance and small dimensions allow this. IN natural conditions he always builds himself a house that looks like a tube bag. A necrotic wound, causing severe pain, from the bite of this animal is guaranteed. These symptoms are very similar to the effects of violin spider venom. Saki are prone to self-defense; they attack only when they feel in danger.

Wandering Brazilian spider

It was no coincidence that this nickname was given– constantly change their location in search of prey. These spiders live mainly in South America. This species is considered one of the most dangerous. The wanderers already have quite impressive volumes - about 10 cm. The amount of poison contained in one individual is enough to kill 225 mice. An antidote to it already exists. But its bite, one way or another, will lead the human body to a severe allergic reaction.

The Wanderer is difficult to notice in nature due to its discreet sandy coloring. As funny as it may sound, it is usually found in baskets of bananas, which is why it got the nickname “banana”. The wanderer chooses prey that is an order of magnitude larger than its own size - these can be birds, lizards, or even other arachnids.

Brown recluse (violin)

This type poses a very great danger to humans, since after a bite the poison disperses throughout the body in just one day. If the victim is not hospitalized in time, the outcome will be very disastrous. This spider, like the Yellow Sac, will not attack first unless it feels a threat to itself, but in any case, contact with it should be avoided.

Hermits grow to a maximum of 2 cm, and usually hide in dry and dark places. They can be found in California and other US states. This species can be distinguished by its characteristic shaggy “antennae”; they also have only 3 pairs of eyes, unlike most spiders, which have 4 pairs, i.e. 8 eyes.

Black Widow

As mentioned earlier, the most dangerous spider on earth is female black widow. Its poison is deadly. In size, like the hermit, it can reach a maximum of 2 cm. It is easy to recognize: black, with small spots on the back. And a widow, because after mating she takes the life of her partner. For comparison, rattlesnake venom is 15 times less more dangerous than poison this terrible arthropod. The female's bite is so dangerous that if the victim is not injected within half a minute, death may well occur. Black widows are not limited to one country; they can be found in deserts all over the globe.

Tarantula (Tarantula)

Found in desert and steppe areas where they dig deep holes for themselves. Nature has endowed this species with a unique beauty. His body is colored gray, brown, orange colors. Sometimes striped individuals are found. Unlike hermits, tarantulas are completely furry. They usually grow up to 3-4 cm. It has a second name - tarantula, as it feeds on small birds. They hunt at night thanks to their excellent night vision.

Water spiders

Their usual home is ponds in Northern Asia and Europe. They do not grow more than 1.7 cm. They swim very well, which is why they have this name. They live underwater, where they weave their nets in the algae. They eat a variety of small aquatic life. Its poison is absolutely not dangerous for humans, but it looks scary.

Crab spider

There are over 3 thousand species in the world. They are large in size and have a wide variety of colors, which, oddly enough, are similar to their habitat. They are like chameleons and can blend into almost any surface, be it greenery or sandy terrain. Rooted in three places:

  • Southern Europe
  • North America

Crab spiders do not pose a strong threat to people, but they are often mistaken for poisonous hermits, so they are feared no less than other truly dangerous species. They were named after crabs, as they are similar in appearance and very mobile, like these decapod crustaceans. Like Brazilian spiders, they do not weave webs, but prefer to hunt. I can only move backwards and to the sides.

Wall tegenaria

Quite a rare species today, however, the most close-up view in Europe. Its dimensions range from 12.5 to 16 cm in straightened limbs. The abode of this spider is as follows:

You can accidentally stumble upon tegenaria in caves or old buildings. In England, this spider was called “cardinal”: according to legend, the once-living Cardinal Wolsey, seeing this spider, experienced a very strong fright. Tegenaria move very quickly. The structure of their web is very thick, so the caught insects have practically no chance of escape.

Cerbal Arabian

It was first found at the end of 2010 in Israel. It can be found in sand dunes. It has a large, silver-gray body with distinctive stripes on its legs. The coloring is quite scary. To date, little is known about their lifestyle. According to scientists, they are especially active during the hottest time of the year.

Giant baboon spider

Has a second name – Red Cameroon. The length of the body is 10 cm, and the legs are approximately 20 cm, which in general gives the spider a size of as much as 30 cm. The baboon spider belongs to the tarantula family and loves subtropical forests. Quite a few colors predominate in color:

  • orange
  • grey
  • brown
  • black

Its legs, unlike its body, are covered with small hairs. The diet is quite large, it can feed on insects, but will not refuse mice and other similar living creatures. It injects a killing poison into its prey.

Of all the above, the title of the most deadly spider on earth was awarded to the “Black Widow”. The title of the most terrible, without a doubt, belongs to the wandering Brazilian spider.

The title of the largest deserves Tarantula tarantula (Goliath), the second name of Theraphosis Blonde. It can only be found in forested areas of Brazil, since tropical climate for him this is the most favorable habitat. The limb span of this spider can reach 29 cm. It can feed on anything: from mice to toads, from birds to snakes.

Slightly smaller than Goliaths, up to 25 cm in span, spiders called Heteropoda maxima. Next comes the already mentioned type of arachnid, up to 10 cm, brazilian spider. The next one is the wolf spider, whose body length is 4 cm, with a spread of almost 10 cm. This is an aggressive hunter that does without webs. Found in the southern regions of Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Like tarantulas, it has a hairy body. The effect of its poison on the human body can provoke the appearance of only a minor tumor. The only thing you need to do after a bite is to prevent the poison from spreading under the skin, simply cauterize the affected area. Its diet consists of small bugs and insects.

Cross. Quite widespread in the CIS and Russia. It does not cause harm to humans in any way. It grows up to 2.5 cm. The spectacular white cross on the belly gave it its name. It eats mosquitoes and flies, which it catches with the help of its circular web. It usually settles in the crowns of trees or in bushes. Every two or three days, at night, it weaves a new web, as the old network quickly breaks. The cross, despite its small size, is still capable of biting through human skin, but the dose of its poison is extremely small and does not pose a threat.

The general behavior of spiders towards humans cannot be called aggressive. They are inclined to defend, but when a threat appears, they can attack first. Therefore, when you spot a spider, you don’t have to immediately run away. The main thing is to maintain a certain distance, determine the type of spider and, based on this, take further actions. According to scientists, some poisonous spiders are still prone to unpredictable attacks.

Spiders. Few people have pleasant associations with this word. Spiders are not insects, but animals (such as arthropods, arachnids). Some people find them unpleasant and do not have much sympathy for spiders. Some people generally cannot stand them, considering them vile and terrible. Someone, on the contrary, admires their outstanding abilities and beauty. There are some hobbyists who even breed different types of spiders at home.

But there are spiders that cause disgust and fear to any person: deadly dangerous spiders, which we will talk about now. There are quite a lot of poisonous spiders in nature, some species have not yet been studied, but most are quite well known. In medicine, there are various antidotes for the bites of this unpleasant arthropod, and they are widely used, especially in those countries where encounters with such a “guest” are a common occurrence.

What are the scariest spiders?

1. Yellow (Golden) spider Sak

Small spiders (up to 10 mm) have a translucent golden color. They live mainly in Europe. Due to its size and discreet appearance such a spider can be quite for a long time in the house and be unnoticed. In nature, such spiders build their own house in the form of a pipe bag. Their bites are very dangerous and cause necrotic wounds. They cause a lot of pain. Often a golden spider bite is confused with a brown recluse bite. These spiders are not inclined to attack a person or animal first, but in self-defense they can bite, and then it will not seem like much.

This species does not spin webs or trap its victims in a net. He is not inclined to stop in any one specific place, which is why he is called a wanderer. Spiders live mainly in South America. Wanderers are considered the most dangerous looking spiders in the world. Their size is on average 10 cm, it is capable of killing 225 mice with its poison. The bite of a wanderer no longer leads to the death of a person, because there is an antidote. But still, the bite is quite dangerous and causes a severe allergic reaction. The spider has a rather inconspicuous appearance and a sandy coloration, which allows it to hide in nature. He loves to crawl in baskets with bananas, which is why in Brazil he was nicknamed the “banana spider.” It feeds on insects and other spiders, as well as lizards and birds, which are many times larger than it.

3. Brown recluse (fiddle spider)

This type of spider is also especially dangerous to human life and health. Although he is not aggressive and attacks quite rarely, you should still avoid being in the vicinity of such a “guest”. If a bite occurs, the person should be hospitalized immediately, because the poison spreads throughout the body within 24 hours. Small spiders (0.6-2 cm) love dry, dark places: attics, closets, etc. They live mainly in California and other US states. Distinctive feature The brown recluse has furry "antennae" and three pairs of eyes, while most spiders have 8, this one has only 6.

Black widow, the most dangerous spider, or rather a spider, because... females of this species are the most poisonous; it was named so for two reasons: 1. Black color, with small bright spots on the back; 2. After mating, the female kills her partner. Spiders are extremely poisonous. Black widow venom is 15 times more lethal than rattlesnake venom. If a person is bitten by a female, it is necessary to urgently (within 30 seconds) administer an antidote. Black widows have spread throughout the world in desert areas and prairies. Females reach 2 cm.

The largest and beautiful view spiders - tarantulas, are usually not so dangerous to humans. The color of a tarantula can be quite diverse. From gray-brown to bright orange. Sometimes tarantulas have striped colors. You can recognize it by its abundant hairiness. Spiders have an average size of 3-4 cm and feed on small birds. Tarantulas live in steppes and deserts, creating quite deep, moist burrows for themselves. Tarantulas are nocturnal hunters and can easily see their prey in the dark. Some people specifically breed these spiders as “pets”. And what? They keep it at home poisonous snakes, why not practice with spiders?

6. Water spiders

They got their name because of their underwater lifestyle. They live in ponds in Europe and Northern Asia. Spiders of this species are small (up to 1.7 cm), but they swim well. A spider weaves a web underwater, among algae. It preys on various aquatic larvae and crustaceans, but this species is not dangerous to humans. The venom of the water spider is quite weak and does not harm humans.

7. Spider crab

In nature there are more than 3 thousand various types spider crab. They are quite beautiful and large, their colors are varied. Usually the color of the habitat. Such a spider can completely merge with the crown of a tree or sandy area. Only the large black beads of eight eyes will give it away. Spiders live mostly in North America, as well as in southern Europe and Asia. The spider crab is not particularly dangerous to people, but since it is confused with the hermit, it is feared more than other species. In addition, his appearance is quite intimidating. Like crabs, these spiders are quite dynamic. They move sideways and backwards. This type of spider does not weave a web, but hunts its victims.

The most terrible spider in the world is not even a giant tarantula, but a Brazilian wandering spider, which takes first place according to the Guinness Book of Records. And the most dangerous is the Black Widow. The poison of these animals is very harmful to humans and can cause death.

The biggest spiders

A huge spider Theraphosa Blonde (Tarantula tarantula Goliath) is considered. The span of its limbs reaches 28 cm. It feeds on mice, toads, small birds and even snakes. Fortunately, it lives in the forests of Brazil and is unlikely to reach Russia. Although some people specifically bring and breed this species at home. Still, he loves the humid tropical climate and is uncomfortable here.

In second place in size is Heteropoda maxima. These spiders reach 25 cm in span. Next banana spider– 12 cm. We have already talked a little about it. Next South Russian tarantula, living in Central Asia, as well as in the south of Russia and Ukraine. The wolf spider lives in 30-40 cm holes and hunts its victims without a web. Its body length is 3-4 cm, and its limb span is up to 10 cm. The spider is quite “shaggy”, which is typical for the tarantula family. Its poison is practically not dangerous to humans, but causes a slight swelling at the site of the bite and pain. It is recommended to burn the bite site with a match flame to prevent the poison from spreading under the skin. This tarantula feeds mainly on beetles and insects.

From others large spiders, widespread in our area (CIS, Russia, especially the Rostov and Smolensk regions, Altai and other places), we can distinguish the cross spider. The spider got its name because of the brightly highlighted white cross on its abdomen. The spider is absolutely not dangerous to humans, although it is of a decent size (2.5 cm). It weaves a circular web and feeds on flies and mosquitoes accidentally caught in its web.

In general, the spider is not inclined to attack first, so you should not be afraid immediately as soon as you see a scary or poisonous “guest” in your home or somewhere nearby. But it must be remembered that if the spider feels threatened, it can defend itself. According to scientists and eyewitnesses, there are also aggressive poisonous spiders that are ready to attack at any moment.

I wonder if a time will come when man and spider will not harm each other?

Most big spider in the world March 15th, 2013

Giant spiders lived back in the era of dinosaurs and then their size was not something incredible. As for our time, you can still meet such spiders, although for many people meeting them will cause either panic or admiration.

Next we will talk about one of these spiders - the Goliath tarantula or Blond's theraphosis. It is he who is one of the largest spiders in the world, since the length of his body in the leg span can reach 28 centimeters!

This formidable predator is quite widespread in tropical forests some countries South America, namely in northern Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. It is most often found in damp, swampy areas.

The body of the spider consists of the cephalothorax and abdominal sections. The eyes and eight legs make up the cephalothorax of the spider. The abdominal organ includes the spinning organ, the heart and the genitals. Excretory system passes through the entire body of the spider. The abdominal part of the female has an egg chamber.

Despite the fact that the spider has poor eyesight, it is able to see in the dark. Like all tarantulas, the goliath is a carnivore. Sitting quietly in ambush, it lies in wait for its prey, then pounces on it using its fangs.

Although the spider is called a tarantula, it does not feed on birds. It’s just that the spider was seen for the first time when it was eating a bird. Vertebrates and invertebrates such as mice, lizards, small snakes, beetles, and butterflies are the main diet of the goliath.

Representatives of the Goliath tarantula who are at least 3 years old are considered adults (mature). Sometimes after mating, the female eats her “favorite”. The goliath has sharp spines on the first pair of limbs, which serve as its protection from the female. The male lives on average about 6 years. The female can be up to 14 years old.

The female lays from 200 to 400 eggs, which she incubates for two months. After the little spiders are born, the mother spider looks after them for several weeks, after which they lead an independent lifestyle.

The Goliath tarantula is distinguished by aggressive character traits. Sensing danger, it emits a peculiar hissing sound due to the friction of the bristles on its legs. Fangs, the length of which is a couple of centimeters, as well as burning villi serve as protection. The fangs are poisonous, but not very toxic compared to other poisonous insects.

The refuge for these spiders are deep burrows, which previously served as a home for small rodents until they met their current owner. The entrance to the burrow is protected by cobwebs, and all the walls from the inside are also shrouded in it. Females spend here most of of their lives, they come out only at night during the hunt and during the mating period. Leaving the house for a long time is not in their rules. Often spiders hunt nearby and drag the prey to their lair.

Besides size, there is another difference between male and female. The males have small hooks on their front legs, with which he holds the female’s huge chelicerae during mating, saving his life in this way. The color of these spiders is most often dark brown, and there are reddish-brown hairs on their legs. Because of these numerous hairs, which also cover the entire body, these spiders are also jokingly called “fluffy”.

But this is not a decoration at all, but one of the means of protection against uninvited guests. The fact is, when these hairs get on the skin, lungs or mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, they cause severe irritation. In order for the “weapon” to reach its target, the spiders brush hairs from their abdomen in the direction of the enemy with sharp movements of their hind legs. In addition, they serve as an organ of touch for the spider. The hairs pick up the slightest vibrations of the earth and air. But they see poorly.

For a long time it was believed that the venom of the goliath tarantula is very dangerous and most often leads to fatal outcome, but it turned out that this is far from the case. The effect of a spider bite can be compared to a bee sting. A small swelling appears at the site, which is accompanied by quite tolerable pain. Although for allergy sufferers its bite can be dangerous.

Spider venom has a paralyzing effect on the nervous system of smaller prey, such as frogs, small snakes, insects, rodents, lizards and other small animals. The victim is unable to move after being bitten.

To feed, tarantulas inject digestive juice into the body of the “dinner,” which breaks down soft tissue and allows the spider to suck out the liquid and eat the soft meat of its prey.

The most interesting thing is that the tarantula does not feed on birds. Well, if only in very rare cases, when a chick that has fallen from the nest gets in his way. The spider got its name thanks to the German entomologist and artist Maria Sibylla Merian, who was the first to make sketches of it. They show a spider eating a small hummingbird. This is where the name “tarantula” stuck to it. The official description of this tarantula spider belongs to the entomologist Latreille (1804).

The following information may seem a little wild to you, but among local residents these spiders are a delicacy and they use not only adult specimens, but also spider eggs. As a result, the population of these animals in natural environment habitat is gradually decreasing.

This individual behaves quite aggressively and does not like to be picked up. And although the goliath’s venom is not very toxic, quite a lot of it is released.
If you have tarantula goliath, then the terrarium in which he lives will look not like a dish with earth, but like a place where a very serious animal lives. The terrarium for the spider should be spacious enough.
The terrarium can be either plastic or glass, horizontal type. The volumes should be on average 25-35 liters with a closing lid. The lid is needed to prevent your pet from suddenly deciding to take a walk outside the terrarium. Spiders should be kept separately due to their inherent cannibalism.
Sphagnum, pine sawdust, and vermiculite are used for bedding. The best solution would be to choose coconut substrate more than 5 cm as bedding. In order for the animal to have the opportunity to make a hole for itself, a coconut shell or a medium-sized piece of bark should be placed in the terrarium.
The temperature regime for normal maintenance should be within 22-26C, but they can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to 15C. The main thing is that the temperature of the engorged spider is not too low. In this case, there is a high probability of the onset of putrefactive processes of food in the spider’s stomach. Humidity should be high - 75-85%. If the humidity is insufficient, problems may arise with the normal molting of the animal. To maintain humidity, install a water bowl and mist the terrarium regularly. Provide good ventilation, this will protect the spider from fungal infections.

The feeding process can take more than a day. The goliath spider feeds on small insects. Adults successfully cope with frogs and mice.
The feeding frequency of young spiders is twice a week, adults feed once a week, one and a half times. There is no need to feed young spiders with insects that are too large, i.e. such that would exceed the size of half the abdomen of a goliath. This can cause stress and, as a result, food refusal.

The maximum time that a goliath spider can go without food is about 6 months. But of course you shouldn’t experiment with your pet.

Most difficult period in the life of a spider, this is molting. At these moments you should not touch or irritate them. During molting, the Goliath tarantula and other spiders move little and do not eat anything. The regularity of shedding depends on the age of the animal. Young individuals shed regularly, but adults molt every two months or a year.

An interesting fact is that the web of tarantulas does not serve as a trap for the prey, like other representatives of this species; tarantulas are real hunters, they track and attack prey. Tarantulas wait for their prey in ambush and jump on it. This feature, as well as their coloring, led to the fact that local residents call tarantulas “earth tigers.”

Spiders- a common sight in every place. Anyway, some people have a fear of these eight-legged creatures, known as Arachnophobia.

There are approximately 40,000 species of spiders in the world. However, only a small part of them are a threat to people. Most spiders are not aggressive and tend to run away at the mere hint of danger. Even poisonous ones attack only in emergency situations.

But there are some spiders whose bites can lead to serious problems in people. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous spiders in the world.

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Wolf spiders are a family of more than one hundred species. These also include tarantulas, which are found on all continents. They live in grass and dim places. Most wolf spiders brown. Only a few varieties of them weave nets. They are extremely fast, but not very aggressive. Their bite is poisonous but rarely lethal. Pain and itching - general signs bites of these insects, but dizziness and severe headaches also occur.

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Red-footed widow

One species of widow, the Red-footed Widow, is found in parts of Florida. Like her "relatives", she is not aggressive at all and only injects poison in small quantities. Signs of a bite are muscle pain, cramps and nausea. Death is very rare, but children are much more vulnerable to bites than adults. Often

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Yellow sac spider

Lives in many parts of the world. Yellow spider nicknamed “criminal” because he attacks and bites suddenly. Its bite is similar to that of the Recluse spider (you can find it on this list), but less dangerous. The venom can cause cell destruction, but this is rarely a threat to humans. The bitten area may be painful and subsequently swollen.

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Six-eyed sand spider

The six-eyed spider, an inhabitant of the African desert, is the only spider with which you need to be careful. There have only been two suspected cases of bites in humans, but the exact effect of the bite is unknown. However, the venom is said to cause destruction of tissue and blood vessels.

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This spider of the funnel web family, native eastern Australia, is one of the spiders that should be most feared. Funnel web spiders are especially dangerous, and this species is more nasty due to their aggressive nature.

The spider has large fangs that contain venom, like many others. Contrary to the general case, the males of this species are the more dangerous lot with a much more powerful poison. The bite can cause muscle pain and death within 15 minutes. BUT there have been no deaths from spider bites since 1980, when an antidote to the venom of these spiders was invented.

If the individuals found in our homes can only harm flies, then some types of arachnids are real poison factories. Thanks to nature for not giving spiders colossal size– imagine what the fate of humanity would be like if spiders, not people, became the masters of the Earth!

So, here is a list of the most dangerous spiders in the world. Also on the website you can find a list of the most dangerous insects (as you know, spiders are not insects).

Wolf spiders

Unlike tarantulas, which inspire fear solely because of their size, which makes them the largest spiders on our planet, wolf spiders can cause serious harm to humans. Fortunately, their venom does not have a paralytic or necrotic effect; the bite site simply itches and swells unbearably.

Redback spider

Which is also called the Australian widow - after its original distribution area, it later spread to all continents, with the exception of the poles. The concentration of toxins in its venom is not enough to kill a person, but after a bite you will spend many unpleasant minutes, accompanied by bouts of vomiting, increased sweating, dizziness and general weakness.

Six-eyed sand spider

On at the moment Science does not know the name of the necrotic toxin that accumulates in the mandibles of the Sicarius hahni spider, but its effect is well known: the poison gradually destroys the walls of blood vessels and red blood cells. The six-eyed sand spider is found exclusively in the deserts of South America and Africa, so only 2 cases of fatal encounters with this arthropod have been recorded in medicine - victims of the bite died from internal hemorrhage.

Sydney funnel web spider

This spider (Atrax robustus) has a very aggressive disposition and can attack any person that comes into its field of vision. The poison contained in its mandibles (protein delta-atracotoxin) is deadly for primates and humans - it causes paralysis nervous system and lungs. The spider's habitat is the outskirts of Sydney, a circle with a radius of 100 kilometers.

The Sydney spider loves to enter houses to weave a trap for insects there, in the coolness and silence. Fortunately, the vaccine against its bite is kept in every Australian hospital, so since its invention in 1891, doctors have not recorded a single case of death from an encounter with the dangerous Atrax robustus.

Brown recluse spider

Residents of northern Mexico and southern US states should be very careful when encountering brown recluse(aka violin spider).

Its poison has a necrotic effect and, depending on the dose injected into the human blood, can cause consequences from minor inflammation to deep tissue necrosis or even death.

North American black widow

The name of this snare has long been associated with one of the most dangerous animals in the world. However, over the past 100 years, only 13 people have died from a black widow bite, and before the vaccine was synthesized in 1908, approximately every twentieth person bitten died.

Black widow venom spreads through the lymphatic system, causing activation of blood antibodies and an allergic reaction. You can meet one-on-one with a widow in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Brazilian wandering spider

Among the most poisonous creatures on the planet, these are perhaps the fastest and most jumping. Their venom (neurotoxin PhTx3), coupled with their ability to sneak into bags, pockets, cars and even homes, poses a huge threat to residents of South and Central America.

The venom of representatives of this species in most cases will not lead to fatal outcome(97.7% of those bitten survive), however, muscle paralysis, which can lead to suffocation, is a very bad thing, and men, moreover, risk acquiring sexual dysfunction after meeting a Brazilian wanderer.

Karakurt - steppe black widow

A small (up to 2 centimeters) spider from the genus of black widows produces strong poison - dangerous neurotoxins of a protein nature. You will feel the bite of the karakurt immediately - it is accompanied by a sharp pain, which after half an hour spreads throughout the body. Symptoms of poisoning (weakness, dizziness, vomiting) can appear within several days; in especially severe cases, the victim falls into deep depression, and his consciousness loses clarity. Without timely assistance, the bitten person dies on about the fifth day.

Karakurt migrates to Russia

Eat good news– only female karakurts are dangerous, and they are much larger than microscopic (up to 0.7 centimeters) males. The bad news is that their habitat includes the south of Russia and Ukraine (Azov region, Black Sea region), as well as the steppes of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.