Happiness to you and good mood to the bears. He's a demon to her

No money, but you hold on— Dmitry Medvedev’s phrase, which he said at a meeting with Crimean pensioners. The meme illustrates life in Russia and is used to make jokes about power.


On May 23, 2016, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attended a meeting with pensioners in Crimea. Residents began to complain to him about small pensions, to which Medvedev replied:

The phrase was quickly circulated on the Internet and became a meme. In December 2016, she entered the TOP 10 fastest growing Google queries in the “Memes of the Year” category.

Medvedev’s quote went to the people, it was used in advertising, and comedian Semyon Slepakov even wrote the song “Appeal to the People” based on it.

In the Russian dubbing of the cartoon “Zveropoy” there is a phrase “There is no money, but you hold on,” about which Vedomosti wrote that “adults in the audience laugh, and children will understand what it’s about when they grow up.”

Medvedev’s words were used by Tele2 to advertise its services in the slogan “Competitors, but you hang in there!” Have a good mood and good health." In early June, the slogan was removed without explanation.

In May 2018, journalists from Novaya Gazeta, whose question was provoked by another meme from Dmitry Medvedev. Anna Buyanova lives in a village near Feodosia and sells fruits, vegetables and chickens at the market. The woman grows all this on a plot near her house. Anna said that she is 30 years old length of service, but the pension is minimal - just over 8 thousand rubles.


The expression “There is no money, but you hold on” can be used as a universal illustration of life in Russia. There is no money for healthcare, roads, pensions, and so on. The fact that the Prime Minister said this for many is a demonstration of the cynicism of the authorities and their indifference to the problems of people.


UPD: 13:30 Moscow time
The Crimean authorities called the problem with pensions in the region “far-fetched.” According to the deputy chairman of the local government, Dmitry Polonsky, money is paid on the peninsula in the same way as in other parts of Russia - there is no special Crimean problem. Meanwhile, at the request of a resident of the region, an inspection will be carried out.

During the visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Crimea, residents of the region complained to the head of government about the size of their pensions. The Prime Minister admitted that there were problems with pensions throughout the country, but his answer was laconic: “there is no money.” Short video Medvedev's meeting with citizens posted on YouTube.

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During the prime minister’s meeting with residents of Crimea, one of the women complained to Medvedev that the size of the pension in Crimea is so low that it is “impossible to live on it.”

“Pension is impossible to live on. The prices are outrageous, we have no strength, and they calculate the indexation for us incorrectly. They offend us, they don’t even give us 4%! What is 8 thousand - this is a meager amount! They wipe their feet on us,” one of the women was indignant.

The Prime Minister admitted that there are problems in all regions, but the authorities cannot raise pensions in just one region of the country.

“There is no money now, we will find money and do indexation. You hang in here, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health! - the prime minister answered the residents of Crimea.

The public liked the Prime Minister’s honest answer, for which they said “thank you.”

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Labor is ready to replace the increase retirement age freezing pension savings.

IN Lately Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev did not please the public with bright public speaking. The protracted pause in this matter, the head Russian government completed brilliantly, at one point becoming the most discussed figure in that part of the Internet that covers the post-Soviet space.

“There’s just no money. All the best to you, good mood and health!”

Having visited Crimea, Medvedev talked with people who complained to him about rising prices, which leads to sharp decline purchasing power of citizens.

A Crimean pensioner complained to the prime minister: “It’s impossible to live on a pension, the prices are crazy. They are indexing us incorrectly.” Medvedev responded: “There is no indexation anywhere at all: there is simply no money.” Then, apparently wanting to cheer up the Crimean woman, the prime minister said: “You stay here, all the best to you, good mood and health.”

The phrase “No money, good mood”, which literally blew up the Internet space and caused particular joy among the Ukrainian media, will undoubtedly be included in the top three best sayings Dmitry Medvedev throughout his political career.

The Russian prime minister and ex-president at one time repeatedly made loud and controversial statements that made the public think - what exactly did the politician mean and what was the secret meaning of his words?

“What I say is cast in granite”

Perhaps the most famous saying Dmitry Medvedev’s words were spoken at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization in December 2009.

After the performance Head of Russian Technologies Sergei Chemezov, who spoke, in particular, about the implementation energy saving lamps, Medvedev noted: “But this is not innovation, colleagues. This is simply the production of modern types of products that we need.”

Chemezov asked to speak to respond to the “president’s remark.” The official’s words caused noticeable irritation in Medvedev, and he uttered a phrase that became legendary: “My is not a remark, but a sentence. You have the replicas. But what I say is cast in granite.”

“The WTO is not a carrot”

In September 2008, at a meeting with representatives Russian business Medvedev spoke about negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO that have dragged on for two decades. In order to characterize the current situation, the politician found a rather unusual figurative comparison: “The WTO is not a carrot, it is a set of rather complex responsibilities that are assigned to us, and if we accept them, let them do it humanely, but They don’t scare us with the idea that we ourselves will take on something additional.” Over the past eight years, no one has been able to challenge the thesis that the WTO is not a carrot.

“We need to stop creating a nightmare for business”

Dmitry Medvedev's 2008 turned out to be especially rich in outstanding performances. In August, at a meeting on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Gagarin, he shared his vision of the situation: “The problems remain the same, I mean the problems that our entrepreneurs face. We were tormented by checks and all sorts of raids based on commercial tips. It is necessary for the authorities and law enforcement agencies to stop creating a nightmare for business.”

The phrase “Stop making business a nightmare!” over time it almost became a motto Russian entrepreneurs. But even eight years later, judging by their complaints, business is getting worse and worse.

“Federations are big and fat, like cats”

IN recent months Russian sport is shaking from doping scandals, which have jeopardized the performance at the 2016 Olympics not only of Russian athletes, but also of the Russian team as a whole. Meanwhile, Dmitry Medvedev made a striking statement on this topic, however, back in 2010. Then the Russian team failed miserably at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

Speaking at a meeting with the leadership of the United Russia party, Medvedev said that the situation needs to be changed, and even indicated who should start with: “The figure of the athlete himself should be put at the forefront - not the federations, which in our country are sometimes big and fat, like cats, not, especially, the heads of federations and not even coaches, with all the colossal respect for them: athletes achieve success.”

It is worth noting that the head of Russian sports in 2010 Vitaly Mutko still holds his post, and the latest doping scandals have not changed this situation.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, known for his memorable quotes, has finally broken the long pause. Today, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, whose statements “go to the people,” denied information about his illness, saying that he “wasn’t sick” at all. Although on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Dmitry Anatolyevich “was not saved” from the flu epidemic. " Real time"recalls the most striking statements of the prime minister.

“Yes, I wasn’t sick”

The protracted silence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was broken today when, at a meeting with representatives of SMEs, he said that “he was not sick.”

“I wasn’t sick,” Medvedev said when one of those present congratulated him on his recovery.

Let us recall that on March 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Dmitry Medvedev fell ill with the flu. The head of state, discussing the epidemiological situation in Russia, said that the situation with influenza in the country “remains serious”, “and Dmitry Anatolyevich was not saved.”

Crimeans, and later the entire population of the country, heard almost the most striking quote from Medvedev on May 23, 2016. Photo youtube.com

“There is no money, but you hold on”

However, the residents of Crimea, and later the entire population of the country, heard almost the most striking quote from Medvedev on May 23, 2016. The head of government said it when one of the local residents complained that pensions were not indexed, and “eight thousand rubles are not enough to live on.” Medvedev responded to this by saying: “There is simply no money now. If we find the money, we'll do the indexing. You hang in here, all the best, good mood and health to you.”

“Anything can be aroused”

This is exactly what Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the bill, according to which law enforcement agencies The opportunity to initiate tax criminal cases without materials from tax authorities returns. It is interesting that the bill was introduced into the Duma by Vladimir Putin. Then many people started talking about difficult relationship in political tandem. And the full phrase sounded even harsher:

“You can excite anything, especially by order and for money, which often happens when one structure fights with another!”

"About the cat"

The story of the cat Dorofey, Medvedev’s favorite, became one of the most discussed topics in Runet in 2012. The commotion was caused by information that the pet allegedly escaped from the residence in Gorki.

Dmitry Anatolyevich commented on the situation with a post on Twitter. “About the cat. From sources close to Dorotheus, it became known that he did not disappear anywhere. Thank you all for your concern!”

The story of the cat Dorofey, Medvedev’s favorite, became one of the most discussed topics in Runet in 2012. Photo instagram.com/damedvedev

“The government cannot be shaken like a pear”

With this phrase, Medvedev explained in 2011 why during the years of his presidency not a single minister left his post due to unsuitability. “Not all accidents depend on ministers; we really have very difficult situation both in industry and in the economy. (...) The government cannot be shaken like a pear.”

“Barack, rest!”

So in 2010, Medvedev commented on the content of a telephone conversation with American President federal channels. In an interview with the press, Dmitry Anatolyevich then, in particular, said that his American colleague was “on vacation.” Therefore, he wished him to have a good rest.

“Barack, rest! You did your job well!” - Medvedev commented.

“What I say is cast in granite”

An equally popular saying by Dmitry Anatolyevich was his words spoken at the end of 2009 at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization and which, perhaps, were prophetic.

Then, in the status of the President of Russia, he, speaking at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization, interrupted the general director of the state corporation “Russian Technologies” Sergei Chemezov, who tried to give the president an explanation for his “remark.”

“No, you don’t need mine. It’s not my remark anymore, but a verdict. You have replicas, but everything I say is cast in granite.”

The saying was made by him after a fire in the Perm club “Lame Horse”. Photo rg.ru

"Scoundrels without brains and conscience"

Medvedev called unscrupulous entrepreneurs “without brains and without conscience” scoundrels. He made the statement after a fire in the Perm club “Lame Horse”, where more than 150 people died in December 2009.

"Freedom is better than non-freedom"

Russians also remember Medvedev’s statement made in 2008 at the Krasnoyarsk economic forum, where he gave a big campaign speech as a presidential candidate.

“Our policy should be based on a principle that I consider, despite all its obviousness, to be the most important for the activities of any modern state striving to achieve high standards of living. This is the principle “Freedom is better than unfreedom.”

“No need to whine”

The quote also applies to 2008. With this phrase, President Medvedev, while in Magadan, responded to complaints from entrepreneurs.

“I understand that it is not easy for business to operate, that our bureaucratic apparatus is still heavy, but there is no need to whine.”

Damira Khairulina

Medvedev responded normally. Here is an excerpt from V. Sinelnikov’s book on this topic: The presence of money in your life is directly related to how you feel about yourself. How much do you value and respect yourself? I remember one situation that happened to me. I stood in line at the savings bank to pay for electricity. Ahead of me, two women of retirement age were scolding the current government. “You bastards,” said one, “is it really possible to live on such a pension?” “That’s right,” another echoed her, “the rent is more than my pension.” -They brought people to poverty, and made their own salaries ten times more. - And they steal too. Then one of them turns to me and asks: “Tell me, young man, is this fair?” - Should I answer honestly or lie? - I asked. - Of course, honestly! - Well, to be honest, this is very fair. Judging by the pause that occurred after my words, this woman was clearly not ready to hear this. Yane began to wait for a response and asked: - Now answer my question: how much are you worth? - In what sense? - she asked a little dumbfounded. - Well, of course, not in the sense that I want to spend the night with you. “But in vain,” the second woman intervened in our conversation, “we’re still nothing.” We all laughed together. “Look,” I say, showing them the book, “this book costs five hryvnia.” How much are you worth? “Ah-ah,” she said drawlingly, “well, if in that sense, then you won’t give a penny for me.” - That’s why you suffer from lack of money. You need to thank the state. After all, it gives you much more, and you scold it. How do you feel about yourself, dear reader? How developed is your sense of self-esteem? If you periodically scold yourself, feel guilty, or consider yourself worse or better than someone, then you have problems not only with self-esteem and self-love, but also with life. This is easy to see using the diagram: I am worse than someone, I am bad - “I am not worthy of life -” self-destruction program At the same time, your energy is directed to someone who considers himself good and worthy. I am good, I am beautiful - I am worthy of life - "development program Let's derive another formula for money: "The amount of money is directly proportional to the amount of self-respect." And how do we treat ourselves?! And even on a national scale. We have colossal wealth and resources, both natural and human, but we don’t value ourselves. mass media maintain this state. They constantly emphasize that we are a third world country, that Russian Vanya is a fool, an alcoholic and a libertine. Or people haven’t been paid their salaries for months, years, and they continue to go to work. How does is called? This is an elementary lack of self-respect, the height of self-dislike. It is necessary to respect and love yourself. Develop a sense of self-worth and wisdom. No inferiority complexes!?